HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051117 Ver 2_More Info Received_20090107off- 111-1 V4 LISSARA PARTNERS. LLC 1210 Forest Wood Drive Lewisville, NC 27023 January 5, 2009 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 p Cyndi Karoly, Supervisor SAN 7 2009 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit DENR - WATER QUALITY Subject: Lissara Development WETLANDS ANDSTORMWATERBRMCN Ut to Yadkin River [030702, 12-(86.7), WSIV, C] 401 Water Quality Certification No. 3742 with Additional Conditions Reference: DWQ Project #05-1117, Ver.2, Forsyth County DWQ certified letter dated November 4, 2008 Lissara Partners letter dated November 15, 2008 Dear Ms. Karoly, Thank you for your phone call of December 9 discussing the status of Conditions 12 and 14 of our 401 Water Quality Certification. It appears we now have clear direction on the target 7Q10 stream-flow number and our low-flow release criteria. As discussed, we are designing a full-pool level drain that will ultimately meet your requirements. We understand the 7Q10 number is 0.02 cfs, consistent with the information provided us by USGS and NCDENR-DWR. Our understanding is that we will be required to release an amount equal to the amount of water flowing into the lake from existing streams, springs and rain events when the full- pool elevation of the lake is at 800' msl, or above. We can accept this scenario. We contended that several conditions relative to our site, as it pre-existed and at post-construction, would contribute to an increased and more consistent stream flow than previously experienced. Our lake site has a relatively small drainage basin and the stream reach we are impounding is located near the upper end of the basin. The existing stream within our lake site presently receives irregular flows of water. The lake site was originally covered with 21 acres of mature deciduous forest. During dry periods the water uptake demand of this vegetation completely utilizes all available flow to the point where there are no visible live stream flows. In the lake's completed form we will have eliminated the 21 acres of uptake demand from the forest and replaced it with the surface area of the lake. The residential development surrounding the lake will create an estimated impervious surface area of roads, homes, driveways and sidewalks of approximately eleven (11) percent. The completed development will direct a larger volume and more consistent flow of water into the surrounding tributary areas serving the stream than previously experienced. Therefore a drain set at our normal pool elevation will provide stream flows in excess of pre-development quantities. As requested I am attaching a report which outlines the design criteria and details of the overflow drainage structure we are incorporating into our dam as prepared by Engineering Tectonics, P. A., our dam engineer. As described to you in our phone call this 12" ductile iron pipe will be placed in residual soil on the West end of the dam. The invert pipe elevation will be set at our normal pool elevation of 800' MSL. The pipe will slope downward at a 2% grade for a distance of approximately 70' before turning down the slope of the existing hillside (on the downslope outside of the dam) to the base of the dam. At the base of the dam the pipe will terminate with a 90 degree elbow to reduce water velocity and discharge it into an off-channel rip-rap apron. The water will then re- enter the existing stream channel. I hope you will find that the above information, attached design plan and details will satisfy you of our ability to meet your requirements. Very truly yours, Lan ilcox Lissara Partners, LLC cc: Brant Godfrey, Esquire C.J. Ramey Beau Dancy James W. Armentrout, Esquire Steve Tedder, NCDENR-DWQ - Winston-Salem, NC MINIMUM WATER RELEASE PLAN LISSARA DAM FORSYTH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA PREPARED FOR: Lissara Partners LLC 5121 North Causeway Road Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Contact: Lang Wilcox [336 - 399 0445] BY: ENGINEERING TECTONICS, P.A. ENGINEERS • GEOLOGISTS - HYDROLOGISTS 1720 Vargrave Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 (336) 724-6994 D S?pgTOSiMWPS?iiBf?GN ....... No SE1 0. Minimum Water Release Plan Lissara Page 1 Page Title 1 Content 2 Figures, Exhibits 3 Design Sheet 3 PART A. SITE PARAMETERS 1. INTRODUCTION 4 2. WATERSHED CHARACTERISTICS 4 2.1 DRAINAGE AREA DESCRIPTION 4 2.2 SOIL TYPES AND PERMEABILITY 4 2.3 DETERMINATION OF RUN-OFF CURVE NUMBER 5 2.4 TIME OF CONCENTRATION AND LAG TIME 6 3. HYDROLOGICAL ANALYSIS 6 PART B. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SPILLWAY SYSTEM 1. INTRODUCTION 7 2. DESIGN CRITERIA 7 2.1 INFLOW AND STORAGE CONSIDERATIONS 7 2.2 SPILLWAY SYSTEM 7 2.2.1 System Discussion 7 2.2.2 Outflow Requirement Discussions 8 2.2.3 Spillway Layout 8 2.2.4 Spillway Outflow Computations 9 3. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OF PRINCIPAL / EMERGENCY SPILLWAY SYSTEM 9 3.1 CONSTRUCTION OF THE SPILLWAY SYSTEM 9 3.1.1 Construction of the Control Section 9 3.1.2 Construction of the Discharge Section 10 Minimum Water Release Plan Page 2 Lissara Figures Figure 1 Site Map Figure 2 Drainage Area Figure 3 Soil Map Exhibits Exhibit 1 Parameters and Run-of Curve Number Calculations Exhibit 2 Calculations for Time of Concentration (TJ (TR-55) and Lag Time Exhibit 3 Spillway Outflow Rate Exhibit 4 Bernoulli Equation: Control Section Outflow Calculation Exhibit 5 Bernoulli Equation: Discharge Section Outflow Calculation Exhibit 6 Critical depth of Water in Discharge Pipe Design Sheet Minimum Water Release Plan Lissara Page 3 MINIMUM WATER RELEASE PLAN LISSARA DAM FORSYTH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA PART A - SITE PARAMETERS 1. INTRODUCTION The Minimum Water Release Plan has been compiled to fulfill the requirement as set out in Condition 12 of the 401 Water Qualification Certification. The dam location is designed at the northern end of a north-south valley located some 2 miles west of Lewisville, Forsyth County. This valley comprises a minor south to north flowing first order stream which is an unnamed tributary of the Yadkin River and is shown on the USGS Quad Map (Clemmons) as an intermittent stream (see Figure 1). The location of the dam site is at 36° 06' 43" North and 080° 26' 57" West. 2. WATERSHED CHARACTERISTICS 2.1 DRAINAGE AREA DESCRIPTION The drainage area of the tributary extends to the south of the project site, roughly bordered by both ridges on either side of the valley and Shallowford Road to the south. The watershed comprises some 152 acres or 0.24 sq miles (see Figure 2), which includes the 22 acres covered by the lake area. While the drainage area is presently characterized by densely wooded slopes, it is the developer's intention to maintain the wooded characteristics of the area as much as possible, except for the southern portion of the development that will have a denser housing distribution. The western side slopes of the valley display an angle of about 20° while eastern slopes have an angle of about 15°. While length of the drainage area is about 4,500 ft, due to the length of the lake, some 2,600 ft, there will remain only some 1,900 ft of linear stream above the upper end of the proposed lake, descending in elevation from 900 ft at the upper reaches of the drainage area, to 800 ft which is the intended normal pool elevation of the lake. The topographic slope, channel slope and morphology of the basin determine the rate at which the storm water runoff will travel towards the proposed pond site. The steeper the slope, the faster the water will reach the pond. 2.2 SOIL TYPES AND PERMEABILITY While the topographic slope in the drainage basin contributes to the rate at which run-off reaches the creek, additional controlling factors such as the soil and its infiltration characteristics determine the volume Minimum Water Release Plan Page 4 Lissara of water that will eventually reach the creek and lake as runoff. These factors include soil types and the amount of impervious surface in the drainage basin (see Soil Map in Figure 3). The soil types identified in the drainage area belong to the Wilkes Series (WIC, WID, WIF) which can be found mainly along the lower slopes of the valley and the higher grounds along the west side of the valley, and southeast portion of the drainage area, comprising a total of some 45% of the soils in the watershed area; the Pacolet Series (PaB, PaC, PaD, PaF) which are mainly present on the higher grounds to the east of the valley, and some to the south of the valley, comprising a total of some 33%; Iredell Series (IrB) are mainly represented in the south and comprise some 7.5%; Hiwassee Series (HIB) are also located to the south (some 4%); Wehadkee Series (Wh) are found along the valley bottom (some 3.8%); Chewacla Series (some 2.2%) and Cecil Series (some 1.7%) are both identified on some of the slopes to the south of the valley; Enon Series (Enc, EnD) can be found along some of the higher grounds to the west of the valley and some in the southern portion of the watershed area, only comprising some 2.2% of the soils in the watershed. With regards to Hydrology Groups, some 57% of the soils present in the watershed area belong to Hydrology Group C (Wilkes, Iredell, Enon, and Chewacla), some 39% to Hydrology Group B (Pacolet, Hiwassee, and Cecil), and some 4% to Hydrology Group D (Wehadkee). All these soil types are formed as residuum weathered from schistose rocks which are prevalent in this area. Once the dam has been constructed and the impoundment filled with water, the lake area will cover about 22 acres of the original 152-acre drainage area. Due to the fact that these 22 acres of water cover all 6 acres of Hydrology Group D soils and 16 acres of Group C soils, it results in a shift in the percentages of soils in the drainage basin above the normal pool. Consequently, in the remaining 130 acres of the watershed area not covered by the lake some 45% of the soils belong to Hydrology Group B and some 54% to Group C. The soils belonging to Soils Group C range from well-drained (Wilkes) to poorly drained (Chewacla) soils; while the Wilkes soils are generally shallow, ranging from 13 - 48 inches, the other soil types can be 80 inches deep. The soils belonging to Soils Group B are well-drained soils and generally have soil depths to 50 - 80 inches. The Cecil and Hiwassee soils may have clay from 6 - 50 inches deep; in the fine sandy, loams of the Pacolet, clayey layers may extend to a depth of 40 inches. 2.3 DETERMINATION OF RUN-OFF CURVE NUMBER In addition to the drainage area parameters discussed above, land use and the amount of impervious area are critical factors in storm water management in the drainage basin. Presently, large areas of the drainage area are undeveloped wooded areas. Some older and small developments have occurred along Plemmons Road in the southeastern corner and along Pilot Ridge Road, in the south-western corner of the watershed. Notwithstanding the fact that it is the developers' Minimum Water Release Plan Page 5 Lissa ra intention to preserve as much wooded area as possible, the presence of additional streets and houses will have an impact on the percentage of impervious area. However, in this semi-rural setting, substantial amounts of storm water are able to infiltrate into the soils to a certain degree. The future development lay- out and land-use have been taken into account with the determination of the composite Run-off Curve Number (CN). By using the above parameters, the CN was calculated as 71 (see Exhibit 1). 2.4 TIME OF CONCENTRATION AND LAG TIME The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) publication Technical Release (TR-55) was used to calculate the Time of Concentration (T,), the total travel time of water from the most distant point to the dam area. Three types of flow occur along the longest water path in the watershed area of Lissara Lake, which due to the 22-acres size of the lake is effectively reduced from 152 to 130 acres. The upper 100 ft starts as sheet flow, which then becomes shallow flow for about 850 ft before becoming an intermittent blue line on the USGS Quad map for about 900 ft before it enters the proposed lake at an elevation of 800 ft. The 2-yr/24-hr rainfall in this portion of Forsyth County is 3.42 inches. The individual Travel Times are shown in Table 2 which results in a Time of Concentration (Tc) of 0.455 hours = 27.3 minutes. Consequently, the Lag Time (TO which is a function of the Time of Concentration (TL = 0.6 Tj was calculated as 0.273 hours = 16.4 minutes (see Exhibit 2). In addition, the Time to Peak equals 18.3 minutes (0.67 x Tc) and is the time of the highest run-off quantity after the storm commences. These numerical basin characteristics have been used in the hydrologic calculations in HEC-1. 3. HYDROLOGICAL ANALYSIS In this part of Forsyth County, a 1/ PMP / 6-hr design storm produces some 9.67 inches of rain. HEC-1 computations have been applied to calculate the peak discharge and consequently a stage storage curve for the planned impoundment by using the parameters discussed above. The HEC-1 computation resulted in a peak discharge of 659 cubic feet per second (cfs). In the case of a Class A Low Hazard Dam, NC DENR's rules limit activation of the emergency spillway to a 25-yr storm with a 6-hr duration or greater unless the spillway is protected by a liner that prevents erosion. HEC-1 computation of the 25-yr / 6-hr storm in this watershed resulted in a peak discharge of 225 cfs. Minimum Water Release Plan Page 6 Lissara PART B - DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SPILLWAY SYSTEM 1. INTRODUCTION The elevation of the crest of the dam has been designed at 806 ft with a normal pool elevation of 800 ft. As discussed in Part A, the dam location was selected at the northern end of a north-south trending valley to create a 2600 ft long 22-acre lake featuring a restricted use ski club, as the focal point of a new housing development some 2 miles west of Lewisville, NC. 2. DESIGN CRITERIA ETPA has performed HEC-1 computations to establish the discharge during the design storm and to determine the dimensions of the spillway systems in order to pass the outflow without overtopping the dam. 2.1 INFLOW AND STORAGE CONSIDERATIONS While this dam is classified as a Low Hazard dam, due to its height, it is considered a Large Class A dam; therefore, the design storm to be used for the hydraulic analysis is a'/ PMP / 6-hr storm, while activation of the emergency spillway is limited to a 25-yr / 6-hr storm or greater. Consequently, the HEC-1 computations as discussed in Section A-3 imply that the discharge during the'/ PMP storm is 659 cfs, while the discharge during the 25-yr storm is computed as 225 cfs. The storage capacity between the normal pool elevation of 800 ft and a crest elevation of 806 ft is 150 Ac- ft. With this large storage capacity and an inflow of 659 cfs, associated HEC-1 computations indicate that no outflow occurs during the design storm; in fact, the entire storm can be stored in the lake such that the water level would only rise to an elevation of 802.96 ft, some 3.0 ft below the dam's crest elevation. 2.2 SPILLWAY SYSTEM 2.2.1 System Discussion Due to the 70-ft height of the dam, using a riser barrel as the primary spillway system would be very costly due to the required height of the riser pipe. Instead, due to the minute outflow during the design storm, we propose using a culvert pipe as a primary spillway as well as an emergency spillway. A spillway system located in the residual soil to the side of the dam could consist of a grassed control section and an approximately 310-ft long discharge channel with either a 20-ft wide bottom and lined with a 54-in thick layer of D50 24-in riprap or constructed as a concrete chute. As the material cost of the required tonnage of riprap or the costs for constructing such a long concrete chute would by far Minimum Water Release Plan Page 7 Lissara exceed the material costs of a discharge pipe, we recommend using a ductile iron pipe for the combined spillway system, in addition to a low water release pipe. 2.2.2 Outflow Requirement Discussions In order to evaluate the size of spillway pipe, several aspects were reviewed. Regulations require that a dam shall have a spillway that has the capacity to pass the flow from a design storm without overtopping the dam. In addition, the spillway system has to be capable of removing within 15 days at least 80% of the water volume that is temporarily stored above the normal pool elevation. The inflow computations for the 1/3 PMP / 6-hr storm discussed above in Section 2.1 indicate that even without any outflow system in place, the water level in the lake only rises from 800 ft to 802.9 ft, i.e. to 3 ft below the crest elevation during the design storm. Therefore, a relatively small diameter outflow pipe could suffice for the primary spillway. Outflow computations for a 6-in diameter, 8-in diameter and 12-in diameter pipe resulted in minimum variations of the resulting water levels during the design storm as 802.95 ft, 802.93 ft and 802.90 ft respectively. Taking into account the spillway requirements cited above, calculations indicated that following the inflow of the design storm, a 12-in diameter pipe with an invert elevation of 800 ft would be able to remove all of the water volume above the normal pool elevation. Exhibit 6 shows that it will take approximately 13.4 days to lower the lake level from 803 ft to 800 ft, the normal pool elevation. As this complies with the spillway requirements, one 12-in diameter pipe is able to function as the principal as well as the emergency spillway system of this dam. 2.2.3 Spillway Layout To avoid constructing the spillway pipe through the fill body of the dam, we recommend the pipe intake to be situated in the residual soil at the far left (western) side of the dam and the inclined discharge pipe section also located within the residual soil outside the footprint of the dam. To ease the construction of the pipe, we recommend using ductile iron pipes as this would reduce the need for concrete cradles and large concrete collars. The invert of the spillway pipe will be set at 800 ft and the end of the 70-ft long control section of this pipe will be set at an elevation of 798.6 ft, at which point the pipe connects to the discharge pipe section through a 45-degree elbow. At the base of the hill (at 736 ft), the approximately 337-ft long discharge pipe will connect to a 60-ft long horizontal pipe, incorporating a 90-degree turn up at the end to dissipate the water energy and which will be surrounded by a riprap apron. Minimum Water Release Plan Page 8 Lissara 2.2.4 Spillway Outflow Computations The outflow calculations used in the HEC-1 design storm computations for the spillway pipe configuration discussed above show that a maximum water elevation of 2.90 ft above the invert of the spillway pipe will be reached. At this elevation, the maximum outflow through the pipe will be 6 cfs. The Bernoulli equation supports the capacity requirement showing that the capacity of a 12-in pipe under these conditions is about 7 cfs (see Exhibit 7). With regards to the inclined discharge pipe section, the Bernoulli equation indicates that the 12-in pipe is able to pass 15.2 cfs during the design storm (see Exhibit 8), which is more than the minimum requirement. Calculations were further performed to determine whether the discharge pipe would actually be flowing full or partly full. To achieve this, hydraulic calculations as discussed in "Design of Small Dams" (pp. 576 - 579) were used to establish the critical depth of the water through the pipe. Using Table B-3, calculations imply that during a design storm with 6.5 cfs flowing through the pipe, the critical depth of the water through the 12-in discharge pipe is 0.41 ft, demonstrating that the pipe is not flowing full (see Exhibit 9). 3. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OF PRINCIPAL / EMERGENCY SPILLWAY SYSTEM 3.1 CONSTRUCTION OF THE SPILLWAY SYSTEM As discussed above (Section B-2.1), even without any outflow system, the lake level would only rise to 802.96 ft during the 1/3 PMP design storm. While the most economical design for the spillway system consists of a 6-in diameter ductile iron pipe, spillway outflow requirements indicated the need for a 12- in diameter DIP as primary and emergency spillway system (see Section B-2.2.2) (in addition to the 24-in diameter DIP low water release pipe). In order to facilitate the construction and produce an esthetically pleasing configuration, it is recommended to place the spillway pipe through the residual soil underneath the far western end of the crest which would then allow the downstream pipe also to be buried within residual soils along the western abutment, rather than having the pipe exposed along the surface of the downstream slope of the dam. Once the construction of the dam has reached an elevation of 800 ft, the spillway system will be installed. 3.1.1 Construction of the Control Section The horizontal section of the pipe will be located in the residual soil underneath the far left (western) abutment of the dam prior to completing the fill at the abutment. In order to provide an inlet for the pipe, a section of the original side slope at the lakeside of the dam will be excavated which allows for the installation of a straight pipe from the lake to the downstream side of the dam, thus avoiding the need for incorporating an elbow or the construction of a manhole. The inlet of the pipe will incorporate a concrete headwall as shown on the attached Design Sheet allowing an invert elevation of 800 ft. The downstream Minimum Water Release Plan Page 9 Lissara end of the 70-ft long control section of the pipe will be at an elevation of 798.6 ft, at which point an elbow with thrust block will be installed to connect the pipe to the discharge pipe. In order to provide a solid base for the pipe, a concrete cradle will be constructed underneath this section of the pipe. The cradle will consist of non-reinforced concrete with a 2,000 PSI or better. The minimum thickness of the cradle measured perpendicular to the pipe will be 3 inches (= 1/4 ID diameter of the pipe), while the cradle will extend upwards to the spring line of the pipe equal to about 5 inches (=1/4 OD diameter of the pipe) providing a total thickness of about 8 inches. Laterally, the cradle will extend to about 8 inches outside the external width of the pipe (see attached Design Sheet). 3.1.2 Construction of the Discharge Section The control section of the primary / emergency spillway pipe will be connected to the discharge pipe with an elbow. The 12-in diameter DIP discharge pipe will be buried in the existing soil down the slope outside the footprint of the dam as shown on the Design Sheet. The estimated length of the pipe is 337 ft along a slope with a grade of 0.19 ft/ft. The invert of the discharge pipe at the elbow will be at 798.6 ft and the invert elevation at the bottom of the hill will be at approximately 733 ft where another elbow will be installed in the pipe from where the pipe continues horizontally for another 70 ft. In order to dissipate the energy of the discharging water, an upturned 90° - elbow will be added to the end of the horizontal section at which point the water will discharge vertically. The area around this elbow outlet (outlet elevation 737 ft) will be protected by a riprap apron of which the top elevation will be 736 ft (see Design Sheet). Thrust blocks will be placed at the upper elbow, halfway down the slope, the bottom elbow, and at the discharge elbow at the end. Minimum Water Release Plan Page 10 Lissara PROPOSED NORMAL LAKE LEVEL 800' .t of ".,p. tlD ry %600 0 300 600 J I Inch - 8°8 R LISSARA DAM SITE MAP ENGINEERING TECTONICS, PA PLANIMETRIC AND FORSYTH COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA ea 720varg TOPOGRAPHIC DATA PROVIDED BY FORSYTH COUNTYGIS , ETPA PROJECT #20-08-110 Owned By: LISSARA PARTNERS SCALE 1"=600' IGURE 1 ala, N TaNC 2710] Te, 336.724.6994 Fax. 336,7247095 wwwEngineering Teaonics - Arbw m m! 4W 2 re?? i { -fik \ I' lY I IIII ! I t 7. 1 \? V J { ' ?` 0 ? ??\ I I'. ; ??r 77, \ 1 ? I \? II III I \ \\ 70, J ? \ f l \\\ III, / \ ??,? '??. . 11 \l? ?\\I S •I ? \ \ II \?? 1„? ,. 'l smi \ _ III ?y ., I ?? ?? j, \ ??\ ?., ?? 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U 1 71F M 4 Ik?i Wr R..3 i ?4'j d+.. ; rt c dt pt k.'}.,?., I •k. r 1 tkd P;1,,. .` n .k 4 1 s F .? 5 fk° 3 1? 3 g?t1 B6.N ?%'Yl?+?W l? ) ,?? *?i yq k?p? ?/ry. )o h i?yJ {? ; Jf } F7 .;` 1 /t iF`•w tff'f? !! ??ixpx?` 3 Rip tBaF*yM?t';d y l ? t IVr 'Y F t S.' s:,d r ? r? ', #, '`,,. ..Nl . k,•?t ILA ?! .. 4 ? ? _ } 14 ? kA .k i K. _s ?r't> :i: t .s t e. 'G- y'. y?l'? .s 1?. •16.e r I P< ) 's k A ^a ty F 4. c •4lkt. pw' N Meters A 0 100 200 400 600 Feet 0 450 900 1,800 2,700 IQL ?: `tr4 r3.?` k r , P ?. ? 4r + 1 ' r? ?, 4 44f ) F ? rk ¢ 7,1 P, kIlk t r'qure ,3 EXHIBIT 1 PARAMETERS AND RUN-OFF CURVE NUMBER CALCULATIONS Project: Lissara Dam No. Forsyth Dam Location: 36° 06'42.6" N 080° 26'57.5" W Watershed Parameters Drainage Area (as measured) = 6,604,000 ft2 = 151.6 ac = 0.24 sq mi Hydraulic Length (as measured to top of lake) = 1,900 ft Avg. Hydraulic Slope (as measured) = 4% 80 ft drop Dam and Lake Parameters Length of Dam 560 ft Height of Dam 70 ft Nomal pool elevation 800 ft Crest Elevation 806 ft Storage Volume Normal pool area 962,015 ft2 22.08 Ac 455.00 Ac-ft Pool area at crest elevation 1,211,813 ft2 27.82 Ac 605.00 Ac-ft Calculate Runoff Curve Number (CN) Hydrology Soil Group before lake: 39% Group B; 57% Group C; 4% Grou p D. Lake underlain by Group C and Group D soils. outsid e lake area:45% Group B; 54% Group C Land Use Soil Area % CN" Wooded ood : B 2,135,000 ft2 = 49.01 ac = 32.3 x 55 = 1778.09 Wooded (good): C 2,400,000 ft = 55.10 ac = 36.3 x 70 = 2543.91 grasslands B 280,000 ft= 6.43 ac = 4.2 x 69 = 292.55 grasslands C 480,000 ft2 = 11.02 ac = 7.3 x 79 = 574.20 Impervious areas (roofs, roads, driveways) B&C 340,000 ft2 = 7.81 ac = 5.1 x 98 = 504.54 Water Areas 960,000 ft2 = 22.04 ac = 14.5 x 98 = 1424.59 ,Average Runoff Curve Number (CN) 151.40 ac 99.9 7117.88 71 " Table 8.03b - Runoff Curve Numbers (CN) updated 061708 EXHIBIT 1 EXHIBIT 2 CALCULATIONS FOR TIME OF CONCENTRATION Tc (TR-55) AND LAG TIME TL FORSYTH COUNTY Initial Flow in upper reach of watershed: Sheet Flow (max 100 ft) use: _ 0.007 (nL)o.a Tt1 (P,)o.s S 0.4 Flow Length (L) 100 ft Manning's n 0.41 grass P2 (2-yr/24-hr storm) 3.42 in Height 3 ft S (slope) 0.03 ft/ft Ttt = 0.300 hr Shallow Flow next stages of watershed use _ L Tt2 3600 V Flow Length (L) 850 ft Height (H) 45 ft Slope (S) 0.05 ft/ft Velocity (V) 3.6 fps (use Fig. 3-1, TR-55) Tt2 = 0.066 hr Channel Flow Section use V = 1.49 r 21SI-I n Length 900 ft Height elev 35 ft Slope s 0.039 ft/ft width of channel 40 ft flow depth 1 , ft hydraulic radius 0.93 Manning n 0.1 V = 2.80 fps use in: L Tta _ 3600 V F Tt3 = 0.089 hr Time TL Tc= Tt1+ Tt2.... + Tts Tc= 0.455 hr 27.3 min. TL= 0.6 Tc TL= 0.273 hr 16.4 min. 060408 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 3 LISSARA RATE OF OUTFLOW THROUGH 12-IN DIAMETER SPILLWAY PIPE FOLLOWING 113 PMP DISCHARGE INFLOW HEC-1 calculations indicate a maximum lake level of 802.9 ft following the 113 PMP Design Storm The following calculations indicate the number of days it would take the 12-in diameter pipe to lower the lake level back to the normal pool elevation of 800 ft. (Spillway Design requires 80% of volume above normal pool to be removed within 15 days following the passage of the design storm) Lake Level (ft) estimated lake volume cu ft volume decrease cu ft height wate above 800 (ft) flow water through 12" pipe (cfs) outflow per hour 3600 sec hours to next level 803 23,000,000 3 6.5 23,400 21 802.5 22,500,000 500,000 2.5 5.8 20,880 24 802 22,000,000 500,000 2 5 18,000 28 801.5 21,500,000 500,000 1.5 4.1 14,760 34 801 21,000,000 500,000 1 2.9 10,440 57 800.5 20,400,000, 600,000 0.5 1 3,600, 158 800 19,830,000 570,000 0 0 0 3,170,000 (pipe invert @ 800 ft) Total 323 hrs 13.4 days EXHIBIT 3 EXHIBIT 4 LISSARA DAM FLOW CALCULATIONS 12-IN DIP control pipe section Parameters Pipe diam.D 12 in 1 ft Pipe area 0.785 sq ft Length of pipe 80 ft including 10-ft elbow loss equivalent Invert pipe 800 ft Crest at 806 ft Outlet elev. 798.6 ft at elbow with Discharge section Height H 4.4 ft max water height during storm Inflow 6.5 cfs required capacity Manning's 0.011 for DIP Using Bernoulli's Equation H = v2 + Ho + H, + Hb 2g whereby Ho = entrance loss = 0.78 uz (inlet inward projected) 2g H, = friction loss = KP L v2 2g KP = 5087 n2 D 413 thus KP = 0.0226 Hb = bend losses 45° elbow = 20 x D = 20 ft equivalent applying data: H = 1 + 0.78 + Kp L 9 H = v2 + 0.78 x v2 + 2g 2g H = v2 x 3.587 2g 4.4 = v2 x 3.587 64.4 v2 = 79 v = Q = A v = 6.9804 cfs 0.0226 x 80 x V 2g 8.89 fps EXHIBIT 4 EXHIBIT 5 LISSARA DAM FLOW CALCULATIONS 12-IN DIP discharge pipe section Parameters Pipe diam.D 12 in 1 ft Pipe area 0.785 sq ft Length of pipe 432 ft including additional feet for elbow loss e quivalent Invert pipe 798.6 ft at elbow with "control" pipe Outlet elev. 736 ft at upturned elbow Height H 67 ft max water level at 803' with 1/3 PMP Inflow 6.5 cfs required capacity Manning's 0.011 for DIP Using Bernoulli's Equation H = v2 + H. + H, 2g whereby Ho = entrance loss = 0.78 x v2 2g H, = friction loss = KP L v2 2g KP = 5087 n2 D 4/3 thus KP = 0.0226 Hb = bend losses 90° elbow = 30 x D = 30 ft equivalent bend losses 45° elbow = 20 x D = 20 ft equivalent number of 45° elbows 1 25 ft equivalent number of 90° elbows 1 applying data: H = v2 + 0.78 x V + 0.0226 x 432 x v2 2g 2g 2g H = v2 x 11.539 2g 67 = v2 x 11.539 64.4 v2 = 374 v = 19.34 fps Q = A v = 15.187 cfs EXHIBIT 5 EXHIBIT 6 LISSARA DAM DETERMINATION CRITICAL DEPTH FOR PARTLY FLOWING FULL DISCHARGE PIPE Using Table B-3 in Design of Small Dams (page 579) (Attached) Value calculations for pipe diameter and slope relationship (column 4) then apply d/D value in column 1 to calculate critical depth (d) in pipe pipe calcs 12-in DIP required flow (per pipe) critical depth d D = 1 ft Q 6.5 cfs d = 0.41 d= 0.41 ft Qxn D8/3 x S1/2 = 0.1659 D 0.011ft D length 337 ft s 0.19 ft/ft invert 798.6 ft outlet 736 ft EXHIBIT 6 O", Ig" 0II\61mo o1uWkwop om" Ott 9o OZ\OZ ILO9\IWx\g211o1A OC IAOO M 0000 00. o0\•Vdod 9002\I:MON 013 M KV 9OOZ/91/Zln+luua 4 LO VWI'10?lVJ H1I?ON'Y113'IVS?NOIBNIAA WO VlIV9SIl r a- o a U! F A l l W P a . V o CO) w I 2 1 I j I I L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° m o m m n m n n n n a ') w ? n n n n F- U y? O W awa a n U) Q H I? ip N M N aQ n n n M O LLJ Q CO z C7 ?3 ??? rn Q I ? :.• M • C F . n n ? J m r.¢ iN •• W •- F M~ MI p N O .• .. W J < O'er z O 2:3w " ,1 .'. •. w • a3VI W 7O d ? W ?<v " it - O NI.. ~ m9 ° o N a p Y " lp m m m w N ? N Q U a £ O J m M < n Y U w r 0. OJ H O o $a <w Z- m W w c fn S Z D x ?,wt Y W U O m ^ Q VI .• p x x W \• / ` < CO \ \: \ LLJ \ \ 56 (A W O Z N Q a m to pp u Z f ,Z'£L Q P p1 N W O „ZL W N ?+ J ?j 3 „9f < 0 U z 0 O m W O w •. ? W ? 3 LLI co Z M i F- } l ~ t' 7 w } N 40 a 3 o F ?< 11 a LLJ o ° V) a w vOi U J } J a Q N W Q Q N O N o Q N F U w U M \f) O} a 4 Q n \ I „ 3 w w \ \ O N 4 \ ? F n \ ? F- ?{ Z - O N J as a H w ? ' U Q a Z 00 Q w N Z'fl Z ° 0 l Q a p m m ? a n Zt m vl Of ad 1 ,0.0 O ? a z z „9£ la- ' 0 I L) '0 .Zl O w a a 5 m Io m a w Z J W Q w n J 3 N 00 .9£ d x ~ ° Ip/1 m ? 01 N N 0, (~/1 Y m w I "v U - J J Z O wF 20_'O U m d O J W O O IA p N W Q Q lr " L.I y U 8 03 a0 W K ? D: H U _l < h < m U N M m w0 N p . F- F H W ?G IWy JJ V 7 N W I Z- J• N W N c - p .• U z w O °O LLJ m 111 0: N w U .N.. 0 Ow O w UOv 3 .£l Z-EL .9 z U x . ° w F" B O ° d p> v1 J ?? w H Zt W „ O .OL z m II v 3 3 0 °" Q m W• mO N L J N O? Q N Q Q ` 2 J 'w IQ- w Oa Z ? U a ry o 1h• am = In Z W ( O N n w O ° a Y ~ ?l N p N p S rt N }TLp ? N p Z Q ~ N p ,f N LLI ill M p p M. ?•, o Z f Q g O J w a w U ?, U Z O ?0: n O N U m O m m n m n I n b n ZZ to Q Op Z U u .9