HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140053 Ver 1_401_Certificate of Completion_154_20171017Paf McCrory Governor e�� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Donald van der Va2rf Secretary NCDWR P�roject No.: L� Sb_5_3 Caunt}': �}�t�,�.� ��__ Applicanl: �I G I�O�T D I V�7 –�i iZ-. I�I I K E. �11 LL�— -------- Projecf Name: P�fL� IJZI bA��.12�?a.((S__C�.��L�..�l1� W� t� 17 g IP. 7. IZ _ Lv� D�tc of issuancc nPd01 Wnfcr Qu�lity Cerlif'ication: ��_I_�_�I ZC6/� Certil'icate o1'Completion Upon completion of all work npproved �vithin the 401 Wa�er Qualily Certif�ication or applicable I3uffer Rules, nnd any subsequent modifications, Ihe npplicnnt is required lo rewrn �his cenifcate io ihe 401 Transportuion Permitting Unit, North C�rolina Division of Water Resow�ces, ICSO Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27(i99-I(50. ihis lorm may be reiurned io NCDWR by Uie npplic�nt, the applicant's authorized ngenl, or the projcet enginecr. It is nnt necessary to send certiflcates fYom all of ihese. il pplicani's CerliJlcnlrou I, �' ��/ '���f ��S , hereby sLelc fhaf, ro lhe besl of my Tl�ilities, due care �nd diligcncc was used in the observation of the construGion such �hal tiie consiruction �vas obscived �o be built �vithin substantial complinnce and inren[ of tlie 401 W�ter Quality Certiticalion and Buffer Rides, the lpproved plans and specifications, aud other supporting materials. Signature: /�� � ���� ' /�l/���+,✓ Dalc: �O /,� ��� % flgeui's Cei7rfrenlinn I, , hereby st�te �hal, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligencc was used in the observatiuu of the couslructiun simh lh,ii lhe consu�uc�ion w�is observed io be built �vi�hin subst�niial compliance and intenl ofthe 401 W�ter Qu�lily Cerlificalion and f3uffer Rules, Ihe approved pinns �nd specitications, and other supporting materi�ls. Signatw�e: Dalc: Ei�giueer'�• CerliTcr�liart Partial Pinnl I, , as ti duly registered Professionnl I�ngineer in the State oFNonh Carolin�, hnving been nutliorized tn observe (pa�iodically, weekly, full time) tlie consh�uction of �he project for [he Permittee hereby state ihat, ro ihe best of my abi litics, duc cnre and diligence was used in the observntion of tlie consU'uction such Ihat ihe construction wns observeel to be built wi[hin subslanti.il compliance and inteni of Ihe 401 Water Quality Certitication and HuFfer Rules, the �ipproved plans and specifcations, nnd otlier supporling tunterials. Signalurc Dnte Regisirn�ion No. 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, Nodh Carolina 27699-1617 Phone:919-�07-630011nlemel: www.ncdenegov M Equal Opporlunity 1 Aflrmative Ac6on Employei