HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140055 Ver 1_401_Certificate of Completion_144_20171017Pat McCrory Governor ���r�°�� _..�._ i�CDENIt North Carolina Deparlment of Environment and Natural Resources Donald van der Vaarl Secretary NCDWK Projecl No.: Z(�I��!2S Counf)': gLAM�C,� npp�icanr. NcDor 7� � v 7— /�1 tZ NI I Kk. (--1.1_l L-5 _ ProjeciNamr. P,�12,. I� I'-�� vA) ...�2 Z3�1 ��I.(55�/��H�!'z�n( 2�) V✓g S ii i' 3P. 7. 2. (c L ' / Datc of Isswincc of 401 VValcr Qnalily Ccrlificntion: CDL �� / Z01 /� __.____ � r Certific�le of Complelion Upon coinple�iun of all �vork approved within the 401 Warer Quali�y CertificE�tion or applicable 13ufler Rules, nnd �ny subsequent moditications, the applic�nt is required to renn�n (his ceriificate io the d01 'll�nnsportalion Penuitting Unil, North Carolina Division of Water Resources, 1G50 M�il Scrvice Center, R�leigh, NC, 27699-IC,�O. l'his form may be rciurned to NCDWR by the npplic.uu, tlie applicanl's authorized agen�, m• the project enginecr. It is nnl necessary to send certiticales from all of ihese. iI ppllcnnPs Cerlif7crilion I, `/. j�'� � �� /�`� /S , hereby slaic �hai, �o thc 6csl ol'my a6ilities, due c�re and diligencc �vas used in the observa[ion of the coustruction such �ha� tl�e consfruction �vas ohserved to be 6uilt within substantini coiupliance �md intent ofthe 401 Water Quality Certific�timi aud Buffer Rules, lhe t�pproved plans and specifications, and other supporting m�terials. Signalwc��r7��" j {' / ��C/(�-- ��c.l Da�a _%O �/3 — i� / % ilgenY.e . t liou � � I, , hereby stn�c Ihal, to the besl otlny abilities, duc care and diligencc was used in the observaliun of lhe conslruction such thal lhe consu'uctiou was observed lo be buill wilhin subslnntial compliance and intenl of d�e 401 Water Qu11iry� Certitic�tion and I3ufter Kules, Ihe npproved plons and specitications, �nd other supporting inaterials. Signature: Engh�eer's Cerlifrcnlion Partial Fiit11 I, , as a duly registcred Professional I>ngineer in the S�ntc oFNorlh Carolin�, h�jving bcen authnrized [o o6serve (periodically, weekly, full time) the construction of ihe pro,jec� fm� ihe Permi�tee hereby sttite thnt, ro �he best ��f my Tbilities, due eere �nd diligence was usecl in �he observntion of Ihe eonstruetion such that the eonstruc�ion �v�s observed to be built ivithin subslau�ial compliance and in[ent of d�e d01 Water Quality Certilication and Buftcr Rides, the approved plrns and specifications, and other supporling malerials. Signalurc Date _ Rcgislr�tion No. 1617 Mail Service Center, Ralelgh, Nodh Carolina 27699-1617 Phone:919-607�630011nlemet: �w✓w.ncdenr.gov An Fqual Oppotlunily 1 Alfinnalive Aclion Employer