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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150043 Ver 1_401_Certificate of Completion_125_20171017��F��J ��_ NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor NCDWR Project No.: _ yr/il 5��I.3 Connty: /kLA�(�NC� Applicanh nLL o c� DI V'Z � M It . L11 Iy� ��1 I �1�5 Donald van der Vaart Secrelary Project Nemc: �2 ft I LS' ��f SYL Z 3 Z� ���ASS M ouN fAlnl 2L� 1 W3`� � 11 gP.7. YL. (02. Datc of Issuflnce of 401 Watcr Qn�lity Ccrtificatio�c � 2.l1i lS Ccrtificatc of Completion Upon completion of all work approved within ihe 401 Waler Quality Certificntion or applicablc Buffer Rules, and any subsequen[ modificatimis, �he applicant is required lo relurn this certificate �o Ihe 401 Transpoil��ion Permitling Unit, North Carolin� Division of W�ter Resources, IG17 Mail Seivice Ccnter, Ralei�h, NC, 27699-IGI7. This form may be returned �o NCDWR by the applicnnt, ihe �pplicant's authorized agent, m• the project engineer. It is not necessnry to send certificates from all of ihese. Applicnnl's Cenlflcn1lou � ✓. /'rj _ �'vJ�'/ � S' , hereby st�te tliat, to thc best of my abilities, due cTre and diligence was used in the observation of the emistruction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial complinncc �nd intent of Ihe 401 Water Quality Cerlifica[ion nnd Buffer Rules, the �pproved Nl�ns and specifications, and other supporting ma[erials. Signature:,-x� ���}��/�"`'��i,l DTtc: /o /.j —�/ % �genl's erlifienila� 1, , hereby state �hat, to the best of my abilitics, duc care and diligence was used in the observation of Ihe construction such that the cmisvuction was observcd to be built within subs�antial compliauce and intent of lhe 40I Water QuTlity Certification nnd [3uffer Rides, the �pproved plans nnd specifications, and other supporting m�terinis. Signnture: L•ngLreer's CeNifrcnllon Partial Final I, , ns a duly registercd Pirofessionnl Engincer in the State of Norlh Carolina, having becn authorized to obscrve (periodically, weekly, full time) the conslruction of the project for Ihe Pcrmitree hereby stn�e tli�t, ro the 6cst of my nbilities, due c�re and diligence �vns used in thc obscrvation of Ihe consiruction such that the consreuction was observed to be built within substanti�l compli�nce and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification nnd [3uffer Rules, the approved plans �nd specific�tions, and olher stipporting maleri�Is. Signature Date Registrntion No. 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NoAh Carolina 27699�1617 Phone:979-807-630011nternet: An Equal Opporlunity \ AlfrmaGve Aclion Employer