HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170799 Ver 1_Individual Parcel Acquisition_20171012Burdette, Jennifer a From: Todd Preuninger <Todd.Preuninger@timmons.com> Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 12:22 PM To: Burdette, Jennifer a Subject: [External] FW: Mist Lake Variance Attachments: 1600 Mist Lake Drive - Deed of Purchase.pdf, 17_1012 MistLake-ParcelMap (purchase info).pdf, 2016_1019 Mist Lake Properties (PIN).pdf CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify that the attachment and content are safe. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov. Jennifer — See if this will serve your needs for the parcel information. If needed, I may be able to have our GIS group geo reference the stream onto the maps so that you can see where the buffers `fall out'. From: Todd Preuninger Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 1:28 PM To: Anna Reusche <Anna.Reusche d timmons.com>; Brandon McLamb <Brandon.McLambLaAimmons.com> Subject: Mist Lake Variance Anna and Brandon — I just spoke with Jennifer Burdette about our Mist Lake Project. She only has one request — can we provide a synopsis of the evolution of the parcels/parcel boundaries that comprise the project limits. For example — what parcel was the original Mist Lake Property and when was it purchased and which parcels were purchased subsequently in order to accommodate the expansion. I think a few sentences of narrative will suffice as long as we can put the purchase dates on the attached Parcel Map. I sent Jennifer the Parcel map and she just responded `provide a purchase date for each parcel and that should be what I need.' That's it — let me know if you have questions. Jennifer would like this information by Friday. Maybe survey can help with this request? Thanks, Todd Todd Preuninger Senior Environmental Scientist TIMMONS GROUP I www.timmons.com 1001 Boulders Parkway, Suite 300 1 Richmond, VA 23225 Mobile: 828.407.9887 1 Office: 804.200.63991 Fax: 804.560.1648 todd.preuningerQtimmons.com Your Vision Achieved Through Ours NOTICE: This communication and any attachments ("this message") may contain confidential information for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). Any unauthorized use, disclosure, viewing, copying, alteration, dissemination or distribution of, or reliance on this message is strictly prohibited. Ifyou have received this message in error, or you are not an authorized recipient, please notify the sender immediately by replying to this message, delete this message and all copies from your e-mail system and destroy any printed copies. The electronically stored data in the enclosed file(s) are for information purposes only. No warranty either expressed or implied is made regarding the accuracy or reliability of this data. Heery makes every effort to ensure our file(s) are virus free but assumes no responsibility for damages caused by installation of this data. 1 1 1 I 1 I ' 1 1 I 1 0 CV N Cr m 0 00 ry \ \ ` OZZO� \dOp \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ This was a single parcel purchased by the City of Durham from the United States Government on 11/15/2015 - three properties shown here were recombined prior to sale to City of Durham by the previous owner, who purchased the land in 2010. Copy of GIS map dated 10/19/2016 provided for reference. ZOcpo�'0 �o�'R•'`ro �OG� 2 Zq Za� O -o 2 OZZOG O "o 1o> �• rn O �0�000� cr rn<< 2 � � �' � wo c', rn 00 (i3:>6 O o o T ZOG rntp rn000G oo� OP ��,-' IZ 1 1 11 1 1 1 / - z% <ZO0 O� oo OT 0 G �Gcf' `rr oo G ZOOG om Q `rte Purchased by the City of Durham on 10/31/2016 o o O C-'0, G� '0, 90-0 1 I k- r Purchased by the City of Durham on 8/25/2016 it 1 1 I 1 I 1 y6�ocPO O Z AZO w GcS� Oo << L ��<��� / Original parcels purchased by the City of Durham in 1990 - two largest properties (the 8.91 ac parcel spans both sides of Mist Lake Drive) shown here were recombined into a single parcel referred to as "Tract A" on deed and 35 x35 area as Tract B,1 prior to sale to City of Durhc- of deed recorded on 12/6/1 provided for reference. \ 1 z O 11 V z Q X<< Wz J O V7 U LU 1--4 W O p z J � � O vom 2J LL= W U W Q o a V JOB NO. 39772.001 SHEET NO. 1 OF 1 �O oCL� C7 N z a)o 22 0 E o -a �a) m N CL o zN Z o� 2 a �a) �(D 0 0 CL Q� >C U � N O L j C1 C U H iz O 4W U a L U 4W N V) LU z \i o c LU M � 47 o c� o *, o w E w fl. LL' = O < U o G>7 DATE M Q > W }' 08/22/2017 O DRAWN BY L. MAJOR } • DESIGNED BY • BLAKE HALL • CHECKED BY • T. PREUNINGER • • SCALE • 1 „ = 150' • • z O 11 V z Q X<< Wz J O V7 U LU 1--4 W O p z J � � O vom 2J LL= W U W Q o a V JOB NO. 39772.001 SHEET NO. 1 OF 1 �O oCL� C7 N z a)o 22 0 E o -a �a) m N CL o zN Z o� 2 a �a) �(D 0 0 CL Q� >C U � N O L j sood630PAGE 228 Return afterrecording to City of Durham. FILED This deed prepared by ..... Ri.ch.ard .K , Wai.ntrAUb A A U .., toretey t M, NORTH CAROLINA..................................A.IIRHAM...,........COUNTY............. BOOK,, PAGE -0,?- This Deed, blade and entered Into this. the ......................................._. day o!.......,....,...............................................,,s.s l b n - � 7 ACMA.. u..,.s.,.A..,......rr,..................... ........................... .......................,....... ............. ........ ..................... ,................... .......... DEC d��'f'` 39 a corporation duty created and existing under and by virtue of the laws of........Delaw.a,re................................ piRlpritire fiaRt to CITY OF DURHAM, a munIdpat cot�P oration, party C second part, Witnasetht i T 101 �it H'Ji PI��a Dul�'f�im 5 � �RE�G/I"" -{� OF DEEDS f T sat ► an in cons erdtlon o e t!u SF,....oz n...Hundred,...F.ift.. T.housand...and UUf'f �.� O.'rhf-r .$ 7 5 0 r.0 0 O.. is 0.)..........-............................................................................................. y....,..............,....,............. Hc�t.9 XAN C, to it in hand paid. the receipt of which Is hereby fully acknowledged, said party of the first part has given, granted. bargained and sold, and then by these presents give, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto It, sold party of the second pan. and its successors and s+elgns, the rol,ininR t Y act. s.,_.. or panel of land lying and being In .............................. Township, In said County and State, bounded and described a• follows, to -wit: To ]fare and to Held aid ...tracts....... or parcel of land, together with all privileges and appurtenances thereon and thereunto belonging, unto it uld party of the second part and its successors and assigns forever. And said ... L>A fir.Y.....Q.f..,.ti.tbe....fl.r,st....part............................................................................................................ rot stent and in successurs covenants to and with said party of the second part and Its successors and aulgns that It Is seized of said pternl.es in ren and has goat right to convey the same in fee simple; that the same are tree and clear of all encumbrances, and that It will forever wahraot aid derend tit said title to the same against the claims of all persons whomsoever. in Testimony Whereof, The said party of the first part hat caused this deed to be sealed with its common teal, signed In Its name by it. President and attested by Is ................ Secretary, the day and year Ent above written. Attest: .,ACMA-"4—P- ..,S,.. ...,.'. 1 NC.. ......................... .. .... ............ ......... secretary. ;tgy . -' ♦ GAR A. HARCOURT G R E IA Presl{lets New York New YOrx STATEOF................................................................................................... COUNTY OF ............................................ ...., . . This is to certify that on this day personally came before me George M. PaV7a .... with whom 1 am per homily anluatnted, who, being by me duly sworn, says that .................... ..............................................ry......... ...��..........,.... Is ... Presic,ent X and that Ise, said ........ Edgar r'?,,., • Harcourt ............... ............... ....... Is ........ X.... Secrete of—ACMA..,.�1.. 5 . A. , . I NC. . ................. . the Corporation detcrlbcd In and which executed the fnrcgoing Irl. strusnent; that he knows the common seal of said Corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument Is bald common seal, and that the name of the Corporation was subscribed thereto by the sold X..... President, and that said ..,. ,, , ... X President and X Srrrrttry ash scribed their names thereto and said common seat was affixed, all by order'of Its Board of Directors, and that said Instrument Is file act and deed or said Corporation. Let ald Instrument, with this eerdEcate, be registered. R'itppa my hand and notanai seal, this tib.. day o[ Nt��tker 119....c�....... /, tC.:`...................................... ......... pp ..... .... . , bey, falOis;Ionsxp�tes'r'"'r NOTAtUAU6.I���n e + -v York fore otn� 'tI "fie oIn r ^ g art, fit:�te(s} of the following notary/les public, c, •'read in Kir •�_, C90• .o filed In h•: • Y ^ vnt Commissiontxpireshi:> 1d1.�t- are.xe'rtiffed'.to•be correct.This Instrument and this certificate are duly registered at the date and time and in the-fbok and Page shown in the Register of Deeds' stamp on this instrument. RUTH C. GARRETT, REGISTER OF DEEDS FOR DURHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA By 4. 3 3 81p Deputy Register of Deeds p 1LaA;Z (- ...r_r 19,.ZQ V t • t Tract A (25.8303 acres) and Tract $ 135 feet x 35 feet), r o both as described on Exhibit A, attached hereto. p= The survey by George C. Lover Jr. referred to in the pyo = description of Tract A is shown as Job No. 20051. in the C= description of - Tract Bp where 2 -digit numbers are Z separated by hyphenls,. the first 2 -digit number repre- a c Bents degrees; the second 2 -digit number represents minutes= and if there is a third 2 -digit number, it .� represents seconds., The Grantor acquired this arty by deeds in Reel 9 Estate Book 1336-972 and 1336-9 15 This property is subject to a right-of-way and easement M agreement in favor of American Telephone and Telegraph wCompany as evidenced by the deed recorded in Meal Estate m Book 1432-99= for reference with respect to that agree - g ment, see Real Estate Book 1485-42. In X CD All books referred to herein are in the office of Register of Deeds for Durham County. To ]fare and to Held aid ...tracts....... or parcel of land, together with all privileges and appurtenances thereon and thereunto belonging, unto it uld party of the second part and its successors and assigns forever. And said ... L>A fir.Y.....Q.f..,.ti.tbe....fl.r,st....part............................................................................................................ rot stent and in successurs covenants to and with said party of the second part and Its successors and aulgns that It Is seized of said pternl.es in ren and has goat right to convey the same in fee simple; that the same are tree and clear of all encumbrances, and that It will forever wahraot aid derend tit said title to the same against the claims of all persons whomsoever. in Testimony Whereof, The said party of the first part hat caused this deed to be sealed with its common teal, signed In Its name by it. President and attested by Is ................ Secretary, the day and year Ent above written. Attest: .,ACMA-"4—P- ..,S,.. ...,.'. 1 NC.. ......................... .. .... ............ ......... secretary. ;tgy . -' ♦ GAR A. HARCOURT G R E IA Presl{lets New York New YOrx STATEOF................................................................................................... COUNTY OF ............................................ ...., . . This is to certify that on this day personally came before me George M. PaV7a .... with whom 1 am per homily anluatnted, who, being by me duly sworn, says that .................... ..............................................ry......... ...��..........,.... Is ... Presic,ent X and that Ise, said ........ Edgar r'?,,., • Harcourt ............... ............... ....... Is ........ X.... Secrete of—ACMA..,.�1.. 5 . A. , . I NC. . ................. . the Corporation detcrlbcd In and which executed the fnrcgoing Irl. strusnent; that he knows the common seal of said Corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument Is bald common seal, and that the name of the Corporation was subscribed thereto by the sold X..... President, and that said ..,. ,, , ... X President and X Srrrrttry ash scribed their names thereto and said common seat was affixed, all by order'of Its Board of Directors, and that said Instrument Is file act and deed or said Corporation. Let ald Instrument, with this eerdEcate, be registered. R'itppa my hand and notanai seal, this tib.. day o[ Nt��tker 119....c�....... /, tC.:`...................................... ......... pp ..... .... . , bey, falOis;Ionsxp�tes'r'"'r NOTAtUAU6.I���n e + -v York fore otn� 'tI "fie oIn r ^ g art, fit:�te(s} of the following notary/les public, c, •'read in Kir •�_, C90• .o filed In h•: • Y ^ vnt Commissiontxpireshi:> 1d1.�t- are.xe'rtiffed'.to•be correct.This Instrument and this certificate are duly registered at the date and time and in the-fbok and Page shown in the Register of Deeds' stamp on this instrument. RUTH C. GARRETT, REGISTER OF DEEDS FOR DURHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA By 4. 3 3 81p Deputy Register of Deeds p 1LaA;Z (- ...r_r 19,.ZQ V t • t BoaK1630PAGE 2W29 Exhibit A to Deed from ACMA U.S.A., Inc. to City of Durham, Page 1 of 1. TRACT A: BEGItUM at in iron stake in the eastern right-of-way of Mist Lnke Drive, said iron stake being -732.81 feet in a southerly ditection from tho Qouthern right-of-wny of Ca.;den Avenue (30 feet from center) and ruming thenco along and with the anastern property line of Bessie G. Dry S 01' 25' 20" W 145.09 feet to an iron stake: thence 'line o£ Bessie G. Ary, S 621 47' 40" E 188.84 feet to an slang and with the southern iron stake; thence along and with the south ling of George W, Ferrell, S y line ne off E 226.22 feet to an iron stake; thence along and with the western property i West Durhmn lunge07' 32' 00" W 615.59 feet to an iron stake in the northern Coarpany, S . NQ. 85, thence. along and with the northern rip,ht-of-tray right-of-way of Interstate fray► to the right, the radius of which is 5599,.58, of Interstate Ilwy, No. 85 along, a curve and l�•?ving an arc distance of 635.74 feet to a concrete right-of-wa anent; theme ` continuing along and with the northern right-of-way of Interstate l No, 85, S 60 14 08" W 228.27 feet to an iron stakes thence along and with the northern property line of C.E. llararan heirs. N 74' 31' 21' ld 206.93 feet to an iron stake; thence N 74' 47' 25" W 110.25 feet to an iron stake- thence along and with the eastern property line of Beulah P. Wall, N 06' 55' 43" E 1544.1 feet to an iron stake; thencQ Along and with the southern prooerty line of Ceorge ld. Ferrell, S 580 35' 50" E 508.51 feet; thence S 48' 35' 33" E 59. 8 feet to an iron stake in the western right-of-waY line of Hist Lake Drives thence along and with the western line of Mist Take Drive S 27' 05' 00" W 409.64 feet to a ppint; thence along a curve to the right, the radius of-%Mch is 20.00 feet, and having an arc distance of 15,50 feet to a points thence along a curve to the left, the radius of which is 50.00 feet rnd having an arc dittance of 84.15 feet to a point: thence along and with the Wright line, S'31' 151 16" E 70.50 feet to 2 'iron stake,3�heencfeet along and with the western right-of-lmy of Mist lake Drive', to a point; thence contisnsing al a curve to the left, the radius of %Adch is 50.00 feet, and having an arc distance of 84.15 feet to a point; thence along a curve to the to righthe radius of which is 20.00 feet and having an arc disthence along e of 50hreetlines a Vol,int; thence N 27° 05' 00" E 300.04 feet to an iron stake; with the Cir/ of Durhmn (Pulp Station lot) S 62 55 00 E 35.00 feet to an iron stakes thence N 27' 05' 00" E 35.00 feet to an iron stake; thence H 62' 55' 00" W 35.00 feet to an iron stake in .the eastern right-of-wav of Mist Lake Drive; thence N 27' 05' 00" E 74.61 feet to an iron stake; thence along and with a curve to tha left, the radius of 6h-dch is 244.01 feet, and having an arc distance of 1109ro�ate1tt to8iron 303 atre e, being the place and.point of BEGUNING, and containing pg Y 25 according to a survey prepared by Georgge Cis Love, Jr-, R. .S., dated February 4, 1985, and entitled "Property of Esti Carnoratiort• t • TRACT B: BEGINNING at an iron stake in tho aautorn right-of-WaY of Hist Laka Drive, quid iron otake boing locatod the following couraea and distances Qrom the acuthern right-of,-W&Y of Camdon Avenue (30 feet from center)$ (1) 732.81 Beet in a couthorly direction, (2) along and with a curve to the right, the radius of which is 244.01 teat, and having an arc diotanco of 109.28 feats (3)-8. 27-05-00 W, 74.61 feet to the pdint orplace of BEGINNINCI and running thence from said Beginning Point B. 62.55 E. 35.00 feet to an iron pint thence So 27-05 W* 35.00 feet to an iron pint thence H. 62-55 W. 35.00 feet to an iron pin in the aforesaid easterly'margin of the right-of-WaY Of Hist Lake Drives thence with said right-of-WaY N- 17-05-00 8. 35.00 fast to the point ox place of BEGINNING - is MIST LAKE PROPERTIES - Corresponds with Parcel Map Date: October 19, 2016 PARCEL ID PIN OWNER NAME OWNER ADDRESS SITE ADDRESS OWNER CITY OWNER OWNER ZIP STATE 160517 0842-09-17-7843 BIJ PROPERTIES LLC PO BOX 71279 2116 CAMDEN AVE DURHAM NC 27722 160516 0842-09-16-0876 CITY OF DURHAM ATTN GEN PROP AND FACILITY MGMT 1902 CAMDEN AVE DURHAM NC 27701 SERVICES REAL EST DIV 101 CITY HALL PLZ 160519 0842-09-16-8832 CITY OF DURHAM ATTN GEN PROP AND FACILITY MGMT 1600 MIST LAKE DR DURHAM NC 27701 SERVICES REAL EST DIV 101 CITY HALL PLZ 160584 0842-09-16-3052 HAMPTON MARY ANNE HAMPTON CAPPS BILLIE 409 0 US 15 HWY RALEIGH NC 27614 PATSY V & CAPPS B H BRANDYWINE CIR 160585 0842-09-16-5055 CITY OF DURHAM ATTN GEN PROP AND FACILITY MGMT 0 E GEER ST DURHAM NC 27701 SERVICES REAL EST DIV 101 CITY HALL PLZ 160520 0842-01-27-1900 ENERGYUNITED PROPANE LLC 567 MOCKSVILLE HWY 2122 CAMDEN AVE STATESVILLE NC 28687-1831