HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171288 Ver 1_SRTE OFFICE17101121590_20171011TIP 17BP.6.R.107 (Bridge 770422) Robeson County PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION FORM BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (JD): B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTING PRELIMINARY JD: James J. Rerko, PWS NCDOT Box 1105 Fayetteville, NC 28302 C. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER: D. PROJECT LOCATION(S) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Bridge is along Judge Road (SR 2105 ) which is off SR 1002 (Old Allenton Road) 1.13 mile south of the intersection of NC 41 and SR 1002. (USE THE ATTACHED TABLE TO DOCUMENT MULTIPLE WATERBODIES AT DIFFERENT SITES) State:NC County/parish/boroughRobeson City: Lumberton Center coordinates of site (IaUlong in degree decimal format): Lat. 34.6340° Pick List, Long. -79.9146° Pick List. Universal Transverse Mercator: Name of nearest waterbody: Jackson Swamp Identify (estimate) amount of waters in the review area: Non-wetland waters: 63 linearfeet: ft.width (ft) and/or Cowardin Class: Riverine Stream Flow: Perennial Wetlands: 0.02 acres. Cowardin Class: forested Name of any water bodies on the site that have been identified as Section 10 waters: Tidal: Non-Tidal: E. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): ❑ Office (Desk) Determination. Date: ❑ Field Determination. Date(s): 1. The Corps of Engineers believes that there may be jurisdictional waters of the United States on the subject site, and the permit applicant or other affected party who requested this preliminary JD is hereby advised of his or her option to request and obtain an approved jurisdictional determination (JD) for that site. Nevertheless, the permit applicant or other person who requested this preliminary JD has declined to exercise the option to obtain an approved JD in this instance and at this time. 2. In any circumstance where a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verification requiring "pre-construction notification" (PCN), or requests verification for a non-reporting NWP or other general permit, and the permit applicant has not requested an approved JD for the activity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware of the following: (1) the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a preliminary JD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdictional waters; (2) that the applicant has the option to request an approved JD before accepting the terms and conditions of the permit authorization, and that basing a permit authorization on an approved JD could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions; (3) that the applicant has the right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other general permit authorization; (4) that the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of that permit, including whatever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; (5) that undertaking any activity in reliance upon the subject permit authorization without requesting an approved JD constitutes the applicanYs acceptance of the use of the preliminary JD, but that either form of JD will be processed as soon as is practicable; (6) accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered individual permit) or undertaking any activity in reliance on any form of Corps permit authorization based on a preliminary JD constitutes agreement that all wetlands and other water bodies on the site affected in any way by that activity are jurisdictional waters of the United States, and precludes any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative orjudicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administrative appeal or in any Federal court; and (7) whether the applicant elects to use either an approved JD or a preliminary JD, that JD will be processed as soon as is practicable. Further, an approved JD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denial can be administratively appealed pursuant to 33 C.F.R. Part 331, and that in any administrative appeal, jurisdictional issues can be raised (see 33 C.F.R. 331.5(a)(2)). If, during that administrative appeal, it becomes necessary to make an official determination whether CWA jurisdiction exists over a site, or to provide an official delineation of jurisdictional waters on the site, the Corps will provide an approved JD to accomplish that result, as soon as is practicable. This preliminary JD finds that there "may be"waters of the United States on the subject project site, and identifies all aquatic features on the site that could be affected by the proposed activity, based on the following information: � SUPPORTING DATA. Data reviewed for preliminary JD (check all that apply - checked items should be included in case file and, where checked and requested, appropriately reference sources below): � Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the a p p I i ca nt/co n s u It a n t: . � Data sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the applicanUco nsu Itant. ❑ Office concurs with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Office does not concur with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Data sheets prepared by the Corps: ❑ Corps navigable waters' study: . � U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: ❑ USGS NHD data. ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps. � U.S. Geological Survey map(s). Cite scale & quad name: Lillington, NC. ❑ USDA Natural Resources Conseroation Service Soil Survey. Citation: ❑ National wetlands inventory map(s). Cite name: ❑ State/Local wetland inventory map(s): . ❑ FEMA/FIRM maps: . ❑ 100-year Floodplain Elevation is: (National Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1929) ❑ Photographs: 0 Aerial (Name & Date): or ❑ Other (Name & Date): ❑ Previous determination(s). File no. and date of response letter: ❑ Other information (please specify): . later iurisdictional determinations. .lo/i�/j� Signature and date of Sig�iature and date of � " Regulatory Project Manager pe�r°son requ�esting preliminary JD (REQUIRED) (�EQUIRED, unless obtaining th signature is impracticable) 17BP.6.R.107 Brid e 770422 Robeson Count Estimated Site Cowardin amount of Class of number Latitude Longitude Class aquatic aquatic resource in resource review area 1 34.6340 -79.9146 Riverine 0.02 acre Non-section 10 -wetland 1 34.6340 -79.9146 Riverine 63LF Non-section 10 non— wetland 0 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM - AtlaMic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region Vroje[t/Site: 8-770422 CRy/couMy: aobeson sama�i� oace: 04-May-17 Applipnt/Owner: NCDOT State: NC Sampling Point: yyp Up Investigator(s): E. Blatic, J. MaMis Section, Township, Range: S 7 R y LandPorm (hillslopG terrace, etc.): FlOodplain Luw� reliM(conrave, wnv�, mne): rolling Slope: 0.0 %/ 0.0� Subregion (LRR or MLRA): LRR P lat.: 34.633974 Wng.: -79,914566 Datum: NAD83 Soil ntap unit Name: BB' &bb soils NWI classification: PFOl Areclimatic/hydrologicconditiansonthesitetypicalforthistimeofyear7 Yes 0 No � (Ii�ro,explaininRemarks.) Are Vegefafion ❑ . Soil ❑ . w HydrologY ❑ significaMly disturbed7 Are "Normal Circumstances" prwent? Yes � No � Are Vege�ation ❑ , Soil ❑ , or Hydrology ❑ naturally problematic? (If needed, explain any answere in Remarks.) , SUMMARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. HydrophyticVegetationPresent? Yes� No� istheSampleaArea Hydric Soil Present? Yes 0 No �' ye, O No OO within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes � No � Remarks: Sample point not within wetland. tl7UKVLVIfT WetlaM Nydrobgy x�Micators: Secondarv [ndicators (minimum of 2 required) Primarv Indicators (minimum of one required; check all that aoply) ❑ Surface Soil Cradcs (B6) � Surface Water (Al) ❑ Aquadc Fauna (613) ❑ Sparsely Vegetated Conwve Surface (BB) ❑ High Water Table (A2) ❑ Marl DeposNs (BSS) (LRR U) ❑ Drainage Pattems (BSO) � Sxturatlon (A3) ❑ Hydrogen Sulfde Odor (CI) ❑ Moss Trim Lines (B36) ❑ Water Marks (Bl) ❑ OxldlzeA Rhizospheres along Living RooLs (C3) ❑ Dry Season WaterTable (C2) ❑ Sediment Depositr (B2) ❑ Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) ❑ C2yF�sh Burrows (C8) J Drift Deposits (B3) U Recent Imn Reduction in Tilled Soils (C6) ❑ SaWratlon Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) ] Algal Mat or Crust (B4) ❑ Thin Mutic SurFace (0) ❑ Geomorphi[ Positlon (D2) ] Iron Deposits (BS) n Other (6cplain in Remarks) ❑ Shallow AquiWM (D3) ] Inundadon Vsible on Aerial Imagery (87) [� FAC-Neutral Test (DS) ❑ WaterStained Leaves (B9) ❑ Sphagnum moss (DS) (LRR T, U) Field Observations: Surface water Present? Yes � No � Dep[h (Inchesj: Water Table Presmt7 YES � No � DepU (InchesJ: Saturallon Present? wetland Hydrobgy vraseM? YEs � No � indudes ca illa frin e Yes � No � Depth (inches): Describe Remrded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: Hydrology does not meet weHand criteria. US Artny Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region - Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Five/Four Strata) - Use seienti£c names of plants. oominaM SpeciesT Absolute Rel.Strat. IndicaWi TrceStratum (Plotsize: 30'Linear � %Cover Cover Status �. Llquidambar5tyrdclflua 40 �❑ 72J°h FAC Z. Acer rubrum 10 ❑ 18.2% FAC 3. Queras nlgre 5 ❑ 9.1% FAC 4, _ 0 ❑ O.ONo rj, 0 ❑ 0.0% 6, 0 ❑ o.o% 7, __ o ❑ 0.0% _ $, 0 ❑ O.OMo 50%ofTotalCover: 27.5 20%ofTotalCover: 11 55 =TotalCoverT Saplin9 or SaDiiiq/Shrub Stratum (Plot size: _3 'Q Line_�r ,) �, Celtls octldenfalis 5 � 100.OMo FaCU z, _ - ❑ 0.0% '�j. 0 ❑ 0.0% ___ 4, 0 ❑ 0.0% rj. 0 ❑ 0.0% ! 6, , 0 ❑ 0.0% 7, 0 ❑ O.OYo $, 0 CI 0.0% SO�eofTotalCover: 2.5 20%ofTotalCover: 1 5 =7otalCaver � ShrubStratum (PlMsize:,,y���) � �, Sambuasnigra _ 5 z, 0 3. ._. o 4. o 5. o 6. o SO�ofTotalCover: 2.5 20%ofTotalCover: 1 5 Herb Stratum �Plo[ size: 5' � � . Juncus eHusus 7 10. 11. 12. 50% of Total Cover: 1 20% of Total Cover: 0.4 WooOVVineSVatum (P�otsize: ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 50%ofTotalCover: 0 20%ofTo[alCover: 0 Remarks: ([f observed, lis[ morphologiwl adaptadons below). Vegetation meets wetland criteria. ❑O SOO.OMo FACW ❑ D.0% ❑ o.o% � o.o% _ ❑ o.o% ❑ o.o% _ = iotal Cover Sampli� Poi�rt: WA UP Dominance Test worksheet: Number of Dominant Spetles That are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Aaoss All Strata: Percent of dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: __3- (AJ �- (e) 66.7% (q/B) Prevalence index wmksheet: TOWI �o Cover of: Multiolv bv: DBL species Z x 1 m �_ FACw SpeCieS _� X 2 - _�._. FAC species �,5,� x 3 = ,165 FnN species � x 4 = �.Q_ UPL species � x 5 = .�-.- mn 7otals: 67 . <N .�7 (B) Prevalence Index = B/A = M/droPhytic Vegemtion Indicators: 2 940 ❑ 1- Rapitl Test for Hydrophytk Vegetation � 2-Domi�nceTestis>SOWo � 3- Prevalence Index is 53.0 i ❑ ProblematicHydrophyticVegetatbn' (ExpWin) � Indicatora W hydric wll and wetland hydrology must ba Drese�4 unless tlisturbetl or problematic. Definition of Vegetation Strata: Tree - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 20 ft(6 m) or more in height and 3 in. (7.6 cm) or larger in diameter at breast height (DBH). 2 ❑ 100.0% OBL Sapling - Woody plants, excluding Wootly vines, - approximately 20 ft(6 m) or more in height and less 0 ❑ 0.0% than 3 in. (7.6 cm) DBH. 0 ❑ 0.0% ^ o ❑ o.o% � Sapling/Shrub - Woody plants, excluding vines, less o ❑ o.0% - than 3(n. DBH and greaterthan 3.28 ft(1m) tall. 0 ❑ O.OMo Shrub - Woody plants, exciuding woody vines, 0 ❑ o.o% __ approximatey 3 to 20 fl(1 to 6 m) in height. o rl o.o% o ❑ 0.0% � Herb - All herbaceous (non-wootly) plants, including herbaceous vines, regardless of size, and woody . o ❑ o.o% plants, except wootly vines, less lhan approximately 0 ❑ 0.0% 3 ft(1 m) in height. o ❑ a.o^ro 2 = rotal Cover Waody vine - All woody vines, regardless of heigM. 0 ❑ 0.0% o Cl o.o% o ❑ o.o^� o ❑ o.o% 0 ❑ 0.0% Hydrophylic ��`�� Yes O No O � = Total Cover Present7 'Intlka[or suffk = Nstionai staWs or proMssional tletisan assignetl because Reglonal status ro[ EeFlnetl by FYJS. 5 Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region - Vereion 2.0 $01� Sampling Point: WQ UP Profile Description: (Describe W the depth needetl to docume�rt the indicaMr w coMirm the abaence of indiotors.) Depth Matrix Re�oXFeaturea (iMh2S1 [olor(moist) � [olwlmoistl ,�.,.�j{gg_1 �? Terture ReOtarks 0-12 SOYR 2/2 100 WamySand 1Type: C=Concentration. D=Depletlon. RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Gralns 'Loatlon: PL=Pore Lining. M=Matrix Hydric Soil Indicators: IMicators Por problematic Hydric Soils3: ❑ His[osol (Al) ❑ Poiyvalue Below Sufiace (SB) (LRR S, T, U) ❑ 1 on Muck (A9) (LRR 0) n Histic Epipedon (A2) ❑ Thin Dark Surtace (59) (LRR S, T, U) ❑ Z an Muck (A10) (LRR 5) ❑ Black Histic (A3) ❑ Loamy Mucky Mineral (Fl) (LRR O) ❑ Reduced Vertic (F38) (oulside MLRA SSOA,B) ❑ Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) ❑ Loamy Gleyed Matri�c (F2) ❑ piedmont Ploodplain Soils (F39) (LRR P, S,'n ❑ Stratlfied layers (AS) ❑ Depleted Matrix (F3J ❑ Anomalous &ight Loamy Soils (F20) (MIRA 153B) U Organic Bodies (A6) (LRR P, T, U) ❑ Redox Dark Surface (F6) ❑ Red Parent Material (TF2) ❑ 5 cm Mucky Mineral (A7) (lRR P, T, U) ❑ Depleted Dark Surface (F7) ❑ Very Shallow Dark Surtace (1F12) ❑ Muck Presence (A8) (LRR U) n Redox Depressions (FB) n ONer (Explain in Remarks) ❑ 1 cm Muck (A9) (LRR P, lj ❑ Marl (FIO) (LRR U) ❑ Dep�eted Below Dark Surface (Ali) ❑ Depleted Ochric (Fll) (MIRA 151) ❑ Thidc Dark Surface (A32) ❑ Imn-Manganese Masses (F12) (LRR O, P, n ❑ Coast P2irie Redox (A36) (MLRA i50A) U Umbric SurFace (F33) (LRR P, T, U) ❑ Sandy Muck Mineral (51) (LRR 0, S) ❑ Delta Ochric (F17) (MLRA 151) 3Indio[ors of hydrophytic vegeWtion and ❑ Sandy Gleyed Mafix (S4) ❑ ReduCed Verlic (FIS) (MLRA 150A, 150B) wetlan0 hydrology must be presen[, ❑ Sandy Redox (SS) ❑ Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (MLRA 149A) unless disNrbed or problematlC. ❑ StnDPed Matrix (S6) ❑ Momalous &igM Loamy $oils (F20) (MLRA 149A, 153C, 153D) ❑ Dark Surtace (57) (IRR P, S, T, U) Restrictire Wyer (if observetl): Type: Depth (inches): Hydric Soil Present? Yp,s � No � Remarks: Soil dces not meet hydric criteria. US Army Corps of Engineers Attantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region - Version 2.0 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM - Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region ProJ�/Site: B-7J0422 City/County: Robeson Sampling Date: p4-Ma -17 ' --- y — — ApplicaM/Owner: NCDOT State: NC Sampling PoiM: WA WE7 Investigator(s): E. Black, 7. Mathis Section, Township, Range: S 7 R Landform (hillslopG terrace, etc.): Floodplain Local relief (concave, conve�y none): con[BVE Slope: 0.0 %/ 0.0� Subregion(LRRorMLRA): LRRP � Lat.: 34.633997 1.oig•: -79.914563 DaWm: NAD83 Soil Map Unic Name BB - Bibb soils NWI dassification: PFOl � Are climatic/hydrobgic conditions on the site typicai tor this time of yeaY.> Yes � No � (If no, explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation ❑ , Soil ❑ , or Hydrology ❑ signifiwntly tlisturbed? Are "Normal Circumatances" present? Yes � NO � Are Vegetation ❑ , Sail ❑ , or Hydrology ❑ naturally problematic? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing sampling poiM locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes � No � Is the Sampled Ama Hydric Soil Present? Yes � No � Ye, OO No O within a WMland? Wetland Hydrology Present7 Yes � No � Remarks: Sample point within weUand. HYDROLOGY Wetland Fiydrology Indi�aMrs: Secondary Indicators (minimum of 2 requimd) Primary Indicators (minimum of one required; check all that applvl ❑ Surtace soil aadcs (e6) �] SurFace Watrr (Al) ❑ Aquatic Fauna (B13) ❑ Sparsely Vegeta[ed Concave Surface (BB) ] High Water Table (A2) ❑ Marl Deposits (BIS) (LRR U) ❑� Drainage Pattems (B30) ] SaWratlon (A3) ❑ Hydrogen SulFlde Odor (Cl) ❑ MossTrim Llnes (B16) ] Water Marks (Bl) ❑ Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roo� (C3) ❑ Dry Seawn Water Table (C2) � Sediment Depositr (B2) ❑ Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) ❑ Crayfish Burrows (C8J ;J Drift Deposits (B3) � Recent Iron Reducdon in Tdled Soils (C6) ❑ SaWradon Visible on Aetlal Imagery (C9) � Algal Mator Cmst (B4) ❑ Thin Muck Sur(ace (C7) ❑ Geomorphic Position (D2) � Iron Deposits (BS) ❑ Other (Explain in Remarks) ❑ Shallow Aqultard (D3) � InUndatlon Visible On Aerial Imagery (87) U FAGNeutral Test (DS) � WaterS[ained Leaves (89) ❑ Sphagnum moss (DB) (LRR T, U) Ficld Observations: Surface Wa[er Present7 Yes � No � Depth (Inches): Wa[erTable Present? Yes Q No � Depth (inches): -2 SaNradon Present7 Wetland Hydrobgy PreseM? Y¢5 � NO � includesca illa frin e Yes � No � Depth (inches): 0 Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial phoMs, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: Hydrology meets wetland crReria. US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region - Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Five/Four Strata) - Use scienti£c names of plants. Dominan[ Species? Absolute RN.Strat. IndicaW�� Tree Stratum (Plot 5ize: 30' Lineaf ) % Cover Cover Status � Fra�tlnuspennsylvanica 20 � 40.U% FACW 2, Liquidambarstyraciflua 10 � 20.D% FAC 3, ncer rubmm _ 10 � 20.0% FAC 4, Sal�xn�pra � i0 � zo.o� oe� 5. o ❑ o.o% 6. __ � o ❑ o.o% _ 7, o ❑ o.o% $, ,� 0 ❑ 0.0% 50%ofTotalCover: 25 20%ofTotalCover. 10 50 =TotalCover �lin plinn/ShrubSVaWm (PIo[51ze: }5_ � �, Alnussertulata s � 100.0°h FACw 2, 0 ❑ 0.0% 3, __� 0 ❑ 0.0% t}. _ , 0 ❑ 0.0% i rj, _ 0 ❑ 0.0% 6, 0 ❑ 0.0% ], 0 ❑ 0.0°/ � $, 0 LI 0.0% Sampling PoiM: WA WET Dominance 7est worksheet Number of Dominant Spedes That are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Tolal Number of Dominant Spedes Across All Strata: 8 (A) __� iB) Percent of dominant Speaes That Are 08L, FACVJ, or FAC: 100.0% (NB) Prevale�rce index worksheet: ToWI % CoVef of: MulBolv bv: DBL SpeCies , 20 x 1= �Q_ Fncw species , 40 , x 2- 80 FAC species 22 x 3= __EO FAN 5pe[ies � X 4= __Q_ uP� species � x 5 = _� mn rotals: _�Q__ (� I60 �B� PrevalenceIndex = B/A = Hydrophytic Vegetation InAicators: ��� ❑ 1- Rapid 7est for Hydrophytic Vegetation 50% of Total Cover: 2.5 20%of Total Cover: 1 5 = 7otal Wver Q Z- Dominance Test is > 50% Shrub Stratum ,(Plot size: � � � 3- prevalence Indeu is 53.0 i �.. _ 0 ❑ 0.0°/a ❑ Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetatbn i(ExPlain) 'z, -_ 0 ❑ 0.0% 3, 0 ❑ 0.0°/a � Indiwtors of hydHc wil and watland hydrology must 0 ❑ 0.0% � P�^4 unless tlisturNed or problematic. 4. --- - - 5. o ❑ o.o°io Definition of Vegetation Streta: 6. ^ 0 ❑ 0.0% Tree - Woody planls, excluding woody vines, so%of rotal cover: 0 zo%of rotal Cover: o o = Total Cover approximately 20 ft(6 m) or more in height and 3 in. - -- (7.6 cm) or larger in diameter at breast height (DBH). HerbStratum (Plotsize: S,linear ___,) Sapling - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, �, Impatlens capensis 10 J❑ 40.0% FACW approximately 20 fl(8 m) or more in height and less 2, Juncus eftusus i� J❑ 40.0 � Os� than 3 in. (7.8 cm) DBH. 3, soehmeria cy�indhca 5 �❑ 20.0% FACW 4, D ❑ o.o% Sapling/Shrub - Wootly plants, exclutling vines, less 5, D ❑ 0.0% - than 3 in. DBH and grealer lhan 3.28 ft(1m) tall. 6.' D ❑ o.o% __ Shrub - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, 7� _ , 0 ❑ 0.0% _ approximately 3l0 20 R(1 l0 6 m) in height. $, 0 ❑ 0.0% J 0 ❑ 0.0% Herb - All herbaceous (non-woody) plants, including 10. 0 ❑ D.o% - herbaceous vines, regardless of size, antl woody planGs, except woody vines, less than approximately 1 1, o ❑ o.o% 3 fl(1 m) in height. 12. o O o.o�, so%of7otalCover: 12.5 20%ofiotalCover: 5 25 =TotalCover �`lootlyvine-AllwoOdyvines,2gardlessofheight. Woodv Vine Stratum lPlot size: 1. 2. .--- - 3. 4. 5. 50%ofTotalCover: 0 20%ofTotalCover: 0 Remarks: (If observed, list morphological adaptatlons below). Vegetation meets wetland criteria. 0 ❑ O.OMo o ❑ o.ov o ❑ o.ovo o ❑ o.ov, o ❑ o.o% o = rora� cover Hydrophytic Vegetation Presentt Yes � No � I zlntlimtor su(Fu = Natlonal status w professimal dedslon asslg�re0 because Reglonal smtuc rot tlefinetl by FWS. US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region - Version 2.0 SOIL Sampling voint: .,y�(A_y(� Profile Deuriptiorc. (Desaibe ta Me depth needed to tlocume�rt the indicator or co�Atrm the absence � indi<aMrs.) Depkh MatfiY RedoX Features (i�hes) , Color (moistl �_ coior tmo�stl �� Tvce 1�? Te,Ru 0-12 lOYR 52 7Z lOYR 5/6 2 C M Sand ase co ors; stnppe sand IOYR 2/1 32 lOYR 5/6 2 C M Sand �ase co ors; strtppe san 10YR 4/2 32 lO1R 5/8 2 C M Sand base colors; stripped sand 1Type: C=Concentration. D=Depletion. RM=Reduced Matriz, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Groins 'Locadon; PL=Pore Lining. M=Matriz Hydric Soil IndicaMre: I�Miotore for Problematic HydriC Soi153: ❑ Histowl (AS) ❑ Polyvalue Below Surface (58) (LRR S, T, U) ❑ 1 cm Muck (A9) (LRR 0) n Histic Epipedon (A2) ❑ Thin Dark Surtace (59) (LRR S, T, U) ❑ Z�m Muck (A10) (LRR S) ❑ Bladc Histic (A3) ❑ Loamy Mudry Mineral (F3) (LRR O) ❑ Reduced Vertic (FSB) (outside MIRA SSOA,B) ❑ Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) ❑ Luamy Gleyed Matr6c (F2) ❑ Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (LRR P, 5, n ❑ Stratified layers (AS) ❑ Depleted Matrix (F3) n Momabus Bright Loamy Soils (F20) (MLRA 153B) U Organic Bodles (A6) (LRR P, T, U) ❑ Redox Dark Surtace ( W) ❑ Red Parent Material (TF2) ❑ 5 cm Mucky Mineral (A7) (LRR P, T, U) ❑ pepleted Dark Surtace (F� ❑ Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12) ❑ Muck Presence (A8) (LRR U) � Redox Depressions (F8) n Other (�plain in Remarks) ❑ 1 cm Mu�c (A9) (LRR P,'� ❑ Marl (F10) (IRR U) ❑ Deple[ed Below Dark Surtace (All) ❑ Depletetl Ochric (FIl) (MLRA 151) ❑ Thidc Dark Surface (A32) ❑ Iron-Manganese Masses (F12) (LRR 0, P, n ❑ Coast Prairie Redoz (A36) (MLRA 150A) [� Umbric Surface (F33) (LRR P, T, UJ ❑ Sandy Muck Mineral (SS) (LRR O, S) ❑ pelta Ochric (F37) (MLRA 151) ❑ Sandy Gleyed MaMx (54) 3lndiw[ors of hydrophyqc vegetation and ❑ Reduced Vertic (F18) (MLftA 150A, 150B) Weryynd hydrology must be presen[, ❑ Sandy RedoX (SS) ❑ Pledmont Floodplain SoilS (F19) (MLRA 149A) unless di5turbed Or OroblematlC. � Stripped Matrix (S6) ❑ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils (F20) (MLRA 149A, 153C, 153D) ❑ Dark Surtace (Sn (LRR P, S, T, U) Restrictive Layer (if observetl): Type: Depth (inches): Mydric Sal PreseM? yps � No � Remarks: Soil meets hydric criteria. Soils represent 96°/a soil base color with 4% mottles. US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region - Version 2.0