HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081773 Ver 1_More Info Received_20081212% ? %@%' 14, vo D?? arc Barrett Realty, Inc. FAX C0V%,JIElR! Date: l ? -?? - C)? To, _ L< zS Pc? . f FROM: ?-C' VIN L..J i Fax: NO.- Subject:?r r-r t ?d{d 142 Bickett Blvd P. 0- Box 747 Louisburg, NC 27549 Dfr. 919-497 Fax: 919-497-0055 No. of Pages: MESSAGE You_ d not receive the complete trap rr#.ssion, please call the number ajboyl. Qnfidentialand_pylvileLre.d The information Contained in this facsimile is privileged infOMUtipn intended for the sole use of the addressee- it the reader of this facsimile is not the Intended recipient or the emplpM or associate responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any &Zernination, diiArlbution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. if you have received this FAX in error, please Immediately notify the person listed above, and destroy this message. .F • r ^tJ' PROGRAM RECEIPT January 26, 2005 DWQ#: 05-0053 COE#: 200420151 Jay Patel VMP, Inc. 217 Roebling Lane Cary, NC 27513 Project: Airport Boulevard Subdivision County. Wake The North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NC M) has received a check in the amount of $6,138.00, check number 1090, as payment for the compensatory mitigation requirements of the 401 Water Quality Certification/Section 404 permit issued for the above referenced project. This receipt serves as notification that the compensatory mitigation requirements for this project have been satisfied, please note that you must also comply with all other conditions of this certification and any other state, federal or local government permits or authorization associated with this activity- The. NC EEP, by acceptance of this payment, acknowledges that the. NC REP is responsible for the compensatory mitigation requirements associated with the project permit and agrees to provide the compensatory mitigation as specked in the permit. The NC EEP will restore 0.25 acres of riparian wetlands in Cataloging Unix 03020201 of the Neuse River Basin_ Payments to the Ecosystem Enhancement Program are M&A reimbursable unless a request for reimbursement is received within 12 months of the date of this receipt. A letter must accompany requests for reimbursement from the permitting agency stating that the permit and/or authorization has been rescinded. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Carol Shaw at 919,733-5205. Sincerely, ramD, GUmore, PE Director CC: C'.yodi Karoly, Wetlands/401 Unit Todd Tugwell, USACOE-Raleigh Eric Kulz, DWQ Regional Office-Raleigh File ?2esty trt ... Exha"... Pro" Oar State RUM North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC27699-iOS2/919-715-0476/www.nceep.net JAM-19-05 WED 03:29 PM J.B_PATEL {?194698111 P.0I P}Z ORAM ?artrtary 1$. 2QOS. - .. . DW+QN: 05-0063 COE#: 200420151 Jay Fates VMP, inc, 217 Roebling U- ne Cary, INC 21513 Projec7t: Airport Boulevard Subdivi6cm County; Wake You have chosen to satisfy the compeimf6ty mitigation te4uit!ernents of the Sectim 4011404;pem- 1t issued for DWQ 1'froject Nacre: Aitport b-oiltivard Subdivisiw, MQ9 05-W63 thruugii gayukat ioi'' a fee to the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhxu=rrr m Program. In ascot iwce with 15A NCAC MOM, your fee has been calculated as follows { l c 11016! pay"[ of v,etlan& is cakWated in iticretdciits of 0,25 wiej)' Riparian.% lulls 0.25 acres x $24,552.00 = Mil n Totai amount payment $6,138.00 Please mail a eltekk in 14e ambynt of $6'139,4* imaadc'pavablc •to: North Carolina f casystein ]3ilihacic toccnt h?rv t the address WOW, If you have any questions concerning tilis pte went, please c dbuta Carol Shaw at 91.9-715-0416. NC 1aENR Ecosystemf Enbartcein%t Program _.. 1??52'h+iall?et'uicc Ca?er?:. .. - . RWelgh, NC 27699.1651. i . 3 Paym nts to the Ecosystem Enhaacemmt WoMin ure reb able unless a request fair i+imlittr" is received within 12 months of the date of thn !eCmpt. letror Errrast accdkapw request, for i uri?*j s the permitting agencies stating that the per t *A&or a oworinatlon !taw t?in rescinded. j f` i ii I 'I ' e P,eAt6ri4tg.,, Edur.. Pro " oar Sly !North Carokna Ecosystem Enhmeernerd Pragrmn, iB6 MeN rvfee Cer:ter, l?al? tr: MC 27699y1852 / gt9-7 t 07ti 1 aNirw.anCeaa:geet ARMY CORPS OF ENGh -9ERS Wt_LMWGTON DISTRICT Action ID: 200420151 County: Waite GENERAL PERMI'T' (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERVICATION Property Owner: VMP, Inc. Attn. Jay Patel Mailing Address: 217 Reebling Lame Cary, North Carolina. 27513 Telephone No- (919) 469-8111 Azrthonzed Agent: Barrett Realty . Attn: Tommy Twitty Mailing Address: Post Office Box 408 RoWvi0le, Nort1k Carolina -27571 Telephone'lo.: (919) 556»7444 Locatiou of Property (road nanadbumbe3r, town, etc.): The project (Airport Boulevard Development) is located immediately east of the intersection of Airport Boulevard and S wrell Grove Church Road, In Morrisville, Wake County, North CarolfniL Site Coordinates, 35SSM'N ' 78.8234 °'W USGS Quad: Morrisville Waterway: [Trimmed Tributary to Stirrup Iron Creek . River P.asin: Neuse HOC: 03020201 Description of project a= and activity (see page 2 for a summary of authorized impacts): Activities associated with the proposed project include meehxtized land clearing, excavatma, the ins?on of pikes, and the placement of rA material and riprap stab ization, aee awry for the construction of a commnre isd lot on the property- Applicable Law: Section 444 (Clean Watch Act, 33 USC 1344) Wtipn 10 (Rivets and Haxbm Act, 33 USC 403) Authorization: Nationwide or RgliaaW Cie aml Permit Number(s): 39 Your work is audoxixtd. by the above referenced permitprovided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached conditions and your submitted platy. Any violation of the attached conditions or deviation frortr your submitted plats rimy subject thr perms toe to a stop work order, a raftratioa order and/or appropriate kgat aoti m This verification will remain valid u Wd the expiration date identified below unless the nationwide Mien is oDdifiet suspended or revoked. 1f, prior to hie expiration date ide;Wficd below, the nationwide permit autboAmrtion is rearmed 21WC modzt-aed, this vgtfcafm,will remain valid unit the expiration date identifiod below, provided it oa'mph" with all Tee mom < the modified matumwide permm if dire nabonwiule pest authauzation expires or is suspended, revoked, or is moditxed, such that A activity would no longer corrrply with the terms and conditions of the nabanwidc permit, activities wbach have eon (x-e-, al under constructi* or are under coutract to commence. m reliance upon the nationwide pez=4 will remain ai ftriwd provided th activity ss complettd wiWA twelve moutbo of the-date of the oafiioowide permit's expiration, wodif=tion or revocation, unlm dlscreftouary authority has been exercised cm a case-by-case basis to modify, suspend or revoke the authorizataow Activities subject to Section 404 (as indicated above) may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality Certificatim?. Yot should contact the NC Division of Wefts Quality (tolophow (919) 733-1786) to deterudne Scotian 401 sequirewwm For activities occurring within the omity coastal counties subject to regulation tender the Coastal Area MaoMpment Act (CAMA) prior to begizroasag wn* you neat contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Managemat . This Department of the Army verification does not relieve tie pcmrittcc o1`the responsU ty to obtain any other reTxixm Federa 5tatc .or local amrovawperuxits. If there are any questions regaxdwg this verification, any of the cmditions of the Perurit, or the Corps,pf &tgirsecrs regulatory program, please contact Todd ugWYell at telep?ot]e (919) 876-8441, ext 26. Corps Regulatory Official -?-- ? Date: 01/061'2605 Verification 13?cpiT on Date: 01/0612007 7 Copy Pwilisbed: NC Eemystem Enhancement Program,1619 Mail Service Center, Rtlit , NC 27699-1619 Page I oti 2 Determination of jurisdiction: Based on grelimmarY information, there appear to be waters of the US including wetlands within the above described project area. This preliminary deternlin tiou is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Prggram Administrative Appeal Process (R,eferevice 33 CFR Part 331). There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described project area subject to the permit vquirewcuts of Station 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water ,Act. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this deters abortion may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this uotification. There are waters of the US and/or wetlands within the above described project area subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean. Water Act (CWA)(33 USG § 1344)_ Unless the is a ebange in the law or our published regulations, this dot emination rosy be relied upon for a prrW not to exceed five years from the date of this notiftrataon. The jurisdictional areas within the above described project area have been identified under a previous action. Please reference the jurisdictional dcimni.Iiation issuod on (,Action ID: ). Basis of Jurisdictional Determination- The project site contains an ummamed tributary to Stirrup xren Creek, and adjacent wetlands, which flow into Crabtree Creek, a tributary to the Neu m River, a navigable waterway, Corps Regulatory Official Date: 01/0612005 De_mmnataon Expiration Date: 01/0612009 $ G 1 Authorized im acts and aired Mitt tio>a Action W I3WQ 1 GP Water ac Wetland ac u ' rta>Yt Swam t Stream # # t emaorarv 1?erttent TazY Permanent i emQorary Permanent Temporary P Total Loss of Waters of tkte U.S. ac 0.24 Total Loss of Waters of the U aired Wetland Mitigation (ac) o.25 1n: L1en/EEP Required Stream Mitigation (lfl_ Additiond Remarks and/or Special Perrmt Con(htions: L The permittee shall make payment to the North Carolina Ecosystem Euhancemtent Program QN MFP) in the amount determined by the NCEEP, =01dent to perform the restoration of 0.25 acres of riparian wetlands is the Upper Neuse River ftsin, Cataloging Unit 03020201. Construction within jurisdtdlonai areas on the property shall begin only after the permittee bas made full payment to the NCEEP and provided a copy of the payment documentation to the Corps, and the NCEEP has provided written confirmation to the Corps that it agrees to accept responsibility for the, mitigation work regnit'ed, in eompthmee wi* the MUU between the North Carolina Department of Environment and Nattrrd Resonrces and the United States Army Corps of Eogiueers, Wilmington. District, dated November 4.,1998. Page 2 of 2 Office use Only. F*fM VerMO12 Ntay 2002 US,A-09 ,A?,eiion fA No. DWQ NO. (Kauy pm-ficalar xbe m is nut applicable to 03h project' p1 eater "Not Apphcgble" or MIA! L Px+aeessing 1. Ch k all of the approval(s) requested for this project: Section 404 Permit ? Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules section 10 Pomait ? Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ 401 Water Quality CertificAon 2. Nationwide,-Rcgionul or C-meral Permit Number(s) R.equested:- .- 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Cerdficatiom Js not required, check here: ? 4. If payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is proposed £ar mitigEdOU of impacts (veci-fy availability with NCWRP prior to submittal of PCI), complete section VIII and check here: 9 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is with a North Carolina Division of Coastal Mamagemeat Area of EnvirDnMCMW Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check here: ? 11 AppUcant Information I. Owner/.AvoliCant Inf"TnMf'iAn Telephone Number: !I 151 - 1462 - J? HI Fax Number: R 19 - 14 G E-mail Address: ciC!n 0" 2. Agmt/ConmAtant Infonnadota (A signed and, dated copy of the Agent Authorization lexier must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant) Company Mailing A Telephone Number: "t 6 , qg r f y Fax Number; 9t q S5& -5S d 1 Email Address:- _TSe,, ?'fT• . a AOL. C-001 Page 5 of 12 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to lclcal landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing Property bouadanes and development plans in r"on to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity reap and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the aWvopriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the proputy bouudaaies outlined. Plan drawings, or o0w uraps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the prope t y is clearly defined_ For admiuistra6ve and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheep no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers fuit-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans, if M-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name ofproject: A.1 r mac, rt lu ei op,&tt in o rr is / 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Nnwber (NCDOT Only): 3. Property identification Number [Tax Pil): f ts. 3I +i_4 on @i+ _da c 4. Location Subdivision name (include phas of nu mbe Di"Ons to site lude road numbers, la !fit u-.A ft t g i.. _ r C_ _ VJ _. A. do.): 7-- 5. Site coor bates, if available (UTM or LaVL=g): -r1- $235'1AJ (Note - If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately fists the coordina#es for each crossing of a distinct waterbody,) 6. Property size (act+es): ____? ?, -dc. 7. Nearest body Of water (streamlriver/sound/ocean8ake): - rev rexvl n y s 8. River Basin: t e, (Note - this must be rune of North Carolina's seventeen desivwed major ri+vtr basins, The River liasin mep is available at httu //h2o_enr.s'ta .nc usfadmin/maps/ ) 9. I)escx7ibe the existing. conditions on the site and at the time of this aanlicafinn- C„.- .V . t Nearest Town: MQ rr m vi ( f e land use in the vicinity of the project J P&gG 6 of 12 10. Describe the IV. V. detail, including the type of equipment to be used: 11. Explain the prurpo?ee clfthe proposed work Prior ject History if jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obttined for this project (incbxft all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Jnclude the USAGE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permi% certlficadous or other useful information. Descube previously approved wetland, aft= and buffer impacts, along with associated ligation. (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe pem uts issued for Peron segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with. construction. schedules. T Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated.for this project? if se, descniibe the as itcipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or ag=Ws) wsponsibihty to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stra= cbatanels associated with the, project. The applicmt mast also provide justification for these mapacts in Secxim VII below. All proposed impacts, pect»mma and may, mast be listed hmim, and must be clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All, wetlands and waters, and all streams (imtermittent and perennial) must be dimm on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these syst m. Wetland and stream evaluation and delfim ion forms should be ftFIuded as appropriate. PhotogWbs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream, mitigation, list and describe the brVact in Section VM below- If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. page 7 of 12 i . FmAde a written descnphoA of the proposed iumpactt;:? i s ortn Qr 2. Individually list wetland impacts below: Wetland tm ?t Area Ot ILocated. within Distance to Site Numbor . Type of Tmpactt* impact IMvear Flao4kMS* Nearest Stream 'indicate oo mangy acres no feet U - i ,v Sop Type Of Wet=d*** ffil , * ; i$t escb iunpact separately =d identiry wvV*rary impsctL xmpacftiinelude, but =wt burled W trxxbattiaod clewing, gtadul$, excavation, flooding, ditcbingfdraWage, etc For dams, aepately list mwcts due to both sulwv a and hooding. ..* 100-Year tlooapieins are gwii8ai *Omgh *e )Federal Etoergency MMWtnett Age O s W MA) Flood InSwc== Rate Maps (IFutM or IF} AA-ptvved total floodplain maps. Maps are available duWgh the FEMA Map Service tenter at I-900-359-%If6, or online st ttn ff"w.fema.t tt- «** List a wetland type that hest descry-bes weUW to he impacted (e.g., flxshwaterhsaltwaW marsh, formed wetland, beaver Pond, Carolina Bay, bog, eta) Indicate if wetland is isolated (determination of isolation to be made by USACE only)- List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property-_„ . ?? A Gro Total wea of weflmd impact proposed: 7-A __ds „r, -- 3. ludividually list all intmmitUmt and pereti7liltl. stream impacts below: Stream Iapact Sift Nrtmber inudiste on Type of ce Length of bwact linear feet Stream Nat6** Average Width of Stream Before km-t mdl or - LAMMittew lease MCCiffl * List each m4ntct sepemtcly and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but axe not Itm red w culverts and associated rip-tap, dams (separately list impacts due to bash sht>cture and flooding), relocation (mclu& linear feet before and aft, end met lo=Wm), stabilization activities (cerrtertt wall, ri)-mp, crib wall, pablons, eta), excavation, ditc2ringrstr?glntestingr atc- If sbyaw relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the Honest R 4Rprmt ft both the original and relocated shmms nruet be incluilai ** 5trearn treater can be found on USGS topogreplric traps. If a stream has no wnte, list as tTI' (unnamed tdbutaty) to the nearest downstream named stream into whwh it flows. USGS mVe are available ftumgh the USGS at 7 X358-9616, or online at YMY-035-gov- SeveM is Woet sites also allow direct dowalmW and prptting of USGS maps (e-g_, ww1r=7ofle oom www.mapRUest m etc). Cumulative impacts (linear distance in feet) to allstreams on site:Zem -- Page 8 of 12 I1I. Project Information #9 Existing Conditions The site was the residence of Maria Watkins for 50 years. Commercial development was surrounding Mr. Watkins so he sold his land to Jay Patel approximately eight years ago. Jn the early 80's, Perimeter Park was developed to the south of the property. The developer was allowed to tripe his stormwater on to this property. ,A catch basin was constructed and the stormwater drained across the property. Years ago Mr. Watlciw dammed up a portion of the property to create a small farm pond to water his livestock. There was no drain pipes installed. About S to 4 years ago the pond damm was breached to drain the pond. This created a low area where stormwater could stand and a small area of wetlands was formed. There is no source of a stream on this property. All water is stormwater. #10 Overall Project Detail After I sold the property to Mr. Patel, we continued a business relationship and I approached him about allowing me to develop the property for him. When I started the project there were no maps indicating the existence of wetlands on this property. Also when this project was being approved, no pernotits were required for the amount of wetlands that were ultimately identified. Between planning and acbnd implementation, wetlands rules were made more limiting and created this problem. The property was approved for four lots by the Town of Morrisville. The Town required a road be built through the area that was ultimately designated as wetlands. Without the road, lots 3 & 4 have no access to Claren Circle. #I 1 Purpose of proposed work The purpose of the work is to pipe the stormwater from Perimeter Park through the property and allow for the construction of the road. This will allow development of the property in the way it was planned before the wetland rules changed dwmg the approval process. 4. Individually list all open water impacts (inchldins lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, ,AdaUtic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.) below: open Watcr Impact SiW Number indicate on UMP) Type of Impacts' Area of InIact acres Name p Wateplicable) {if sp Type of Watabody - (fie, pond, wh=y, sound, bay, W&W? etc * List cach impact sep" y and identify temporary "utr, impacts Maude, but are not limited to_ ;alt, excavation, dwfthig, fig, drainage, bniicbeads, etc. 5. Pond Creation If consUmcdon of a pond is proposed, associated wetL d and stream impacts should be included above m the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond abould be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be c mated in. (check all that apply)- ? uplands Osten Q wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, butallation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): Proposed use or propose of pond (e,.g_, livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stor water requircment etc.):. Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: VH- Iml?act dnsti0catiaR (Avoidance and Mfnft t3on) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide info7mation, .related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, acres ' " 'ty, and financial viability of the project The applicant-may attach drawings of alt give, lovwe r-iinpact site layouts, and explain why tie desW options were not feeble. Also discuss how impacts were Inkmnized once the, desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction toobluques to be followed du nng constructiou to reduce impacts. VIII. Mitigation DWQ - lu accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mifigedon may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for prrjeats involving greater tt= or equal to one acre of impacts to ft=.water wetl mds or greater than, or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to pemmal streams. Pope 9 nf I?. Vll. Impact Justification. When originally plaxmed and approved a permit was not required to fill the amount of wetlands that were later identified on the property. Extreme effort was exerted to try to avoid and not impact the vm(laads. In addition to the road, some of the area is needed for parking. Stormwater regulations for each developed lot limit the rats of flow that can be released into the streams. Each lot is developed according to development standards imposed by Wake County and the Division of Water (duality. USA.CF - la accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Natioiawide Permits, published in the FedeW Register on, March 9, 2440, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are gal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and pTwficable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and praclaicahle include, but are not, limited to. reducing the size. of the project; establidlti g and mai?ing wcdalxd and/or upland vegemed buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replwwg losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar f;nictions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is reglmed for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USA.CE or l3WQ to cousaider tho application complete fDr processing. Any appliaation lacking a required mitigation plan or NCWRP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration m DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at httn:/lh29.enr.sta1e.nc.uS/ACWetbnds/st=eide htmk. ? 1_ Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much. Wfonnation as possible, including, but not limited to= site location (attach directions and/or map, xf offsite), affected stream and river basim, type and amount (acreage/linm feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhauceznent, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, couservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of cozustx wdou. Plowe attach a. separate sheet if more space is needed. 7- Mitigation may also be made by payment into ft North Carolina Te nds Restozaion PrngrM (NCWRP). please note it is the applicant's responmibility to Contact the NCWRP at (919) 733-5208 to dune avazlability and to request writtn approval of mitigation; prior to s0mittal of a PCN. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at ://h2o.rnr.sfde Ucm/wrp/' d -htm If use of the NCWRP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following .information; Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet.): Arxzount ofbuff gation requested (square feet): -,Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount ofNon-riparian wetland midga ion requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (aic'res)_? Pave 70 of 19 Ix X, Environmental Documentation ( NWxed by DWQ) Does the project involve an eVenditare of public ()edera.Ustate) flmds or the use of public (federal/state land? Yes 0 No If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the rortifi n=ts of the National or North Carolina EwArownental Policy Act (NEPAISEPA)? Nom- If you are not sure whether a NEPAISEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review cmmt thresholds fOr environmental documentation. Yes ? No 0 if yes, has the document review bra finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SUA final approval letter. Yes ? No ? Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Suffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant`s (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated vnth the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these: impacts in Section VIt above. All proposed impacts must be listed hemin, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not. impacts are proposed to the buffets. CorzWondence from the DW Q Regional Office may be included as appropriaie. Fhotographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will the project impact protected npmau buffers identified within 15A NC.AC 2B .0233 (Meuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 ff ar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 2B .025o (Randleman Mules and mater Supply Buffer Requuume_ nts), or other (please identify Yes [] No ? If you answered "yes provide the following information: Identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers_ L buffer miti ption is oquired calculate the. required amount of wirtigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zpoe' bwm;t (SquM feet) MWttplier Regaaed 1 3 2 1.5 TOM1 ' Zone I extends out 30 feet perpen dicubw from new hank of d muei; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge ofZow 1. Page 11 of 12 If buffer is tigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (Le_, Donation. of Property, Conservation Easem=t, Riparian Buffer Restorations / Enhancemmtt, Preservation OT Payment mto the Riparian; Buffer Restoration Fhnd). Please attach all appropriate Mfarrnatien as identified within 15A NCAC 2B.0242 or .0264. Stan water (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (both existing and proposed) versus total acreage. on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream frmxk the property. TPAwMrfIfa%,t Q •.v, ?] )r? i t I?f At V I?:..a ?.rs?aM?' G r?.G i r?g# r1 Mr / S dll" Sr ?????i At?T . XE. Sewage Dsposai (required by DWQ) Clearly detail tie ultimate treatment methods and disposition (nondischarge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project? or available capacity of the subject facility. XM Violations (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Weiland Rules (15.A. NCAC 2H ,0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes RI No ? Is this an alter vm-fact permit application? Yes IZ NO ? W. Other 0 rcumstances (Optional): It is the applimles responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list Constraints asw)tQated with construction or sequencing that may impose IfiMts on work schedules (e.g-, draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and 119Wened Species, accessibility problems, or other xssi= outside of the applicant's control). 0- v1f A PPtt*att/Ag(0t's SigaataYe- DAte (A&MWs signature is valid only if an authpumtiou letter from the, applicant is providod.) Page 12 of 12 BARRETT REALTY ' 101 RmFo n D - Post' Oma Box 40$ Rommu.E, FORTH CAROLINA 27571 OmcE 919-556-7444 December 8, 2004 Raleigh Regulatory Field Office US Army Corps of Engineers 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27615 To Whom It May Concern: FAX 919-556-5507 Tommy Twitty of Barrett Realty has authority to represent VMP, Inc. in matters related to obtaining permits to deal with wetlands on our property located at 804 Airport Blvd. in MozrisviHe, NC. This authority is granted only for the purpose of dealing with the Corps of En&eers, the Division of Water Quality and the NC DENR Ecosystem. Enhancement Program. Tlam b you very much, vw, Inc. Jay Patel. MM 02M- Individual Member LN Brokerage - Lw dopment - Management u me• 000 I-\ I I a i I E . Ad - 'IV-November 17, 2004 Tommy Twitty CCIM P.O. Box 408 Rolesville, NC 27571 Subject project: Airport Boulevard Subdivision County: Walm The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is willing to accept payment for riparian wetland impacts associated with the above referenced project. please note that the decision by the NCEe to accept the mitigation requirements of this project does not assure that this payment will be approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the N.C. Division of Water Quality Wetlands/401 Unit. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact these agencies to determine if payment to the NCEEP for impacts associated with this project is appropriate. This acceptance is valid for six months from the date of this letter. If vre have not arecaved a copy of the iii 404 Perudto/401 Certification wititin this the fimioe, tlbs acceptance wM a ire_ It is the applic=V s responsibility to forward copies of ft 404 Permit/401 Cer0cation to Ecosystem Enhancement Program in order for an invoice to be gmerate& Based on the information supplied by you in a letter dated November 17, 2004, the wetlands restoration that is necessary to satisfy the contpeasmtory mitigation requirements for this project is summarized in the following table. The roaxiinum atatottnt of mid 'on that the NCB' will for this m'ect is also indicted in this table. Stream Riparian Wetlands Riparian Buffer feet acres 0 a ass Miti on Maximmn 0.50 The riparian wetlands mitigation will be provided as specified in the 401 Water Quality Certification and/or Section 404 Permit for impacts associated with the subject project in Cataloging Unit 03020201 of the Nm= Fear River Basin. The mitigation will be pcxfomicd in accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement between ft N.C. Departrneut of Environment and Natural Resources, the U.S_ Army Corps of Eagixzt = and the N.C. Department of Transportation signed July 22, 2003. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Carol Sbaw at (919) 733-5208. J . S?t11 ff// Strategic Planning Supervisor cc: Cyradi Kamly, Wetlands/401 Unit Jennifer Burdette, USACOE R81eigh Steve Ktchell, DWQ Regional Office-Raleigh File Pro" our ftat& North CaroHna Ccosystem Enhancement Program, 1619 Mail Sanke Center, Raleigh, NG 27899-1619 / 919-733.5208 / wwm_nceep-net t ?i t{ 1 SS; l Q j! 's l! f f'J A, J e ?r c -o. C-t t? cis 9 wf2 s? 1 , 1 1 i 1 1 1 U) 5 z T a r? r lid* lit t i? ,rJ i 4 Ti ?i ? ? tun w ? f t ? v\ r U- In ,? a w ON z f IL 0 co w N N , ? IhhFF??? a J??r f ? f M O. ,Abm -io 1.t-tgia w9nd .99 MONIO N3Nnm Y-tc-I.q. page 1 of 1 iterFlood - Floodlblap Location L Get IriterFloo M nte-rFlOod ....,r.._, by `-.... r 804 Airport Blvd Morrisville, NC 2TS60.9191 2 (Manual PlacemOrnt) ? ?MVr ,? r 7 the address above has been geocoded 11 ) and placed on the EX act atc ovation reap to the right. Inte.rFlood Vill use this property location to find a lood map. In some cases, geocoding -nay not be 100% accurate for a )roperty (19 mA W. - please verity is location. To adjust the property ovation hover your mouse over the correct position on the location map, -lick, and then wait for the new reap ,o be displayed. When ready, click 'List Mood Mapsa, a ' N81T1?C?T?? zo tl L19-1 1.? u 161 [jai W LU t ?1 al 5jQr1eS I C I §Rt Maas I My _ Account f Questions I I mod e I Re o e Copyright Q 2003 a la mode, inc, • 1-800-ALAMODE cOl?cl ¦ 1-${x-252-$633 www»In?rEtt?s?d• ZONC A_j a5t Page I of 1 Prepared fOr: Morgan & Company 804 Airport Idbvd Morriolle, MC 27560-9991 ZONE X. Z f+. 'a x EX zom AE AUi, A. 51-d;4 13 ELOODSCAPE Town Of c u e- 37M map number 37MC02M w [late mwch 3,9392 ZONE x n - 1 IS S ya?ii?".? ft IiFF'4 / ftn t ! ' j1 jib i ISIF li f f? - „ ! R a s It 1 JAI pet l?,a ? f t e i p w r D t S j i y t r ,f t a^ t 1 1rr f l I •. ~*4t s ! ? ? t3? -? i ! . rJ 1 t 11 ? I-mar'Ilk -. It 1 { t ?"? ? i t f r t T t ;; J` 1 J CJ / f J r it ! ' f? F i / f • ! f 2 1i 7 1ss ! j ? i S???j? ? i f? t• p , r ? '<. ?Y Il S• ?t S 1 i IL F r 1? -?" 1 • it I r r 4? ? I d" f L ' , f a ? _- r • / r %ti f i •S -` r IRKS L /`i L ?r r • I ff?r ~• - .?. ?Lr Jrr r.aa.rH • ' TOW OF MORRISVILLE 919.463.6= P .O. EkM 166 Mardsvine, NC Z15W May 2$, David Mewim -nCVCicaPMeM hm. 244 W. rati lkRoad ?wkiSX rC 2709 ?) Appr6VA #3ear hft. Bievins: . Ataa onga 27,2M, *c Tom of C InirAclaen ? ?> mb*vxim fu *0 = wide a ImWc*l dM of April 17.2003 soiccttutiacaw?8 clans: . TM axms am= as m Lot 4 m sem Lot 3 "be requircd as iwt of ft sift On ap i ft Lot 4. 2. Rzkm appxovat cf myr hmavI&A. site p]a s on bu&idnati lob wiftu the SuAject nolt- mad=" saMmm a TMEW Loo and ABO?yw ?) be c mq$ded =4 skaftdi1D the? asant ofMMTbVwC for > 3. 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