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Roxboro Background Soil Tech Memo_20161215
TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Date: December 15, 2016 File: 1026.107.20B To: Kimberlee Witt (Duke Energy) Cc: Kathy Webb (SynTerra) From: Craig Eady Subject: Quantification of Valid Background Soil Samples for Statistics Calculations Roxboro Steam Electric Plant Proposed Preliminary Background Threshold Values (PPBTVs) for site soils will be calculated for CAMA assessment constituents. Soil samples were collected from soil borings during the Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) field activities at the Roxboro Steam Electric Plant (Site) in 2015. Table 1 provides a summary of the samples (sample locations and depth elevations) which are considered for use in statistical calculations to determine concentrations of naturally occurring (background) inorganic constituents in Site soil. Figure 1 indicates the location of soil samples to be used for statistical calculations. Soil samples that meet the following criteria are considered valid for use in the statistic calculations for background concentrations: ,01 Soil sample is collected from a location that is not impacted by coal combustion residuals or coal associated materials; 0 Soil sample is collected from a location that is not impacted by other potential anthropogenic sources of constituents; and Ei Soil sample is collected from the unsaturated zone, > 1 ft. above the seasonal high water table elevation. Based on the minimum eight sample dataset requirement provided in the Pro UCL guidance document, no additional background soil samples are projected for the Site. The analytical results presented in Table 1 for antimony (16 results), arsenic (8 results), cobalt (3 results), selenium (11 results), thallium (15 results), and vanadium (1 result) present laboratory reporting limits that are greater than the PSRG for Protection of Groundwater (POG) as revised in October 2016. Revised laboratory reports that will provide the non -detect values and method detection limits are in the process of being obtained from the lab. The statistical calculation process will include a review of data to determine if outliers exist. Professional judgment can be used to retain data that does not satisfy one or more of the valid soil sample criteria. Likewise, professional judgement can be used to reject soil sample data that does satisfy all valid soil sample criteria. However, the decision to retain data that does not satisfy valid soil sample criteria, and the decision to reject data that satisfy valid soil sample P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 107. Roxboro Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan \ 19.EG_CSASUP \ DEQ Request 12_2016\BG Soil Tech Memo.docx Quantification of Valid Background Soil Samples for Statistics Calculations December 15, 2016 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant Page 2 of 2 criteria, must be documented. A revised Background Soil Data Summary table will be provided following review of updated analytical reports. ATTACHMENTS: Table 1: Background Soil Data Summary Figure 1: Background Soil Locations for Statisitical Analysis P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 107. Roxboro Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan \ 19.EG_CSASUP \ DEQ Request 12_2016\BG Soil Tech Memo.docx TABLE 1 BACKGROUND SOIL DATA SUMMARY ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, SEMORA, NC Analytical Parameter PH Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Boron Cadmium Calcium Chloride Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Nitrate (as N) Potassium Selenium Sodium Strontium Sulfate Thallium Vanadium Zinc Reporting Units S.U. mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg PSRG Protection of Groundwater NE 0.9 5.8 580 63 45 3 NE NE 360000 0.9 700 150 270 NE 65 1 NE 130 NE NE 2.1 NE NE NE 0.28 6 1200 Sample ID Sample Collection Date Sample Depth Elevation (ft.) Water Table 1 Elevation (ft.) Analytical Results MW-07(0-2) 04/15/2015 473 464.85 6.2 32800 <7.8 <7.8 87.5 0.76 <19.5 <0.94 2100 <371 24.1 21.4 77.3 49400 4.1j 3610 358 0.038 <3.9 5.9 <37.1 <390 <7.8 <390 20.2 <371 <7.8 177 24.4 MW-08 (0-2) 04/27/2015 478 443.23 5.7 5680 <6.9 <6.9 52.7 0.28 j <17.2 <0.83 846 <336 1.5 j 3.5 j 20.2 11200 <6.9 2920 87.4 <0.011 <3.4 2.9 <33.6 206 j <6.9 235 j 14.6 <336 <6.9 21.8 34 MW-08(14-16) 04/27/2015 464 443.23 7.6 4110 <5.2 <5.2 49.3 0.23j <13.1 <0.63 1830 <263 0.82j 4.6j 2.4 10200 <5.2 2910 222 <0.0086 <2.6 1.4 <26.3 836 <5.2 221j 13.7 <263 <5.2 21.6 41.4 MW-08(21-23) 04/27/2015 457 443.23 7.3 14800 <5.7 <5.7 128 1.1 <14.2 <0.68 11200 <283 17.4 15.3 0.78j 20500 6 14300 496 <0.0092 <2.8 34.7 <28.3 5680 <5.7 211j 97.2 <283 <5.7 43.1 78.6 MW-10BR (0-2) 04/07/2015 531 514.13 5.6 18200 <7.2 <7.2 42.3 0.45 <18 <0.86 723 <359 10.7 5.6 j 10.9 31400 6.7 j 1530 57.8 0.018 <3.6 1.8j <35.9 <359 <7.2 <359 8.3 <359 <7.2 94.7 20.1 MW-13BR (0-2) 03/04/2015 548 513.47 4.8 12100 <1.3 <1.3 28.7 0.092 8.9 <0.16 153 <322 4.2 1.9 6.8 13200 3.1 2970 51.5 <0.011 <0.65 1.4 <32.2 384 <1.3 84.5 4.4 <322 <1.3 30.4 20.2 MW-13BR (22-24) 03/04/2015 526 513.47 8.0 6730 <1.2 <1.2 102 0.14 9.2 <0.14 3890 <299 8.7 8.1 41 13100 <1.2 4020 132 <0.01 <0.6 4.4 <29.9 2320 <1.2 389 13.2 <299 <1.2 59.3 25.1 MW-14BR (1-1.25) 02/25/2015 509 463.36 4.8 11000 <1.2 <1.2 71.3 0.14j <3.1 <0.15 593 <300 4.1 5.3 11.1 16100 4.8 4960 79.4 0.011 <0.62 3.4 <30 1110 <1.2 183 20.4 <300 <1.2 45.2 26.6 MW-14BR(31-31.5) 02/25/2015 479 463.36 8.8 8590 <1 <1 170 0.11j <2.6 <0.12 2810 <254 9 8.6 23.1 12600 <1 6490 238 <0.0084 <0.51 6.5 <25.4 4830 <1 383 22.4 <254 <1 31 37.9 MW-14BR (37.5-38) 02/25/2015 473 463.36 8.0 12300 <1.1 <1.1 198 0.25 <2.8 <0.13 6340 <286 54 15.8 17.7 15200 <1.1 13100 290 <0.0089 <0.55 53.7 <28.6 3860 <1.1 174 57.5 <286 <1.1 33.3 49.6 MW-15 (0-2) 04/17/2015 503 500.40 5.5 26000 <6.6 <6.6 81.4 0.48 30.9 <0.79 2160 <335 120 26.3 49.7 50500 8.5 3340 230 0.027 <3.3 58.7 <33.5 244j <6.6 <331 18.2 <335 <6.6 201 20.3 MW-16(0-2) 04/06/2015 516 491.18 7.7 13500 <6 <6 210 0.43 <14.9 <0.72 1530 <290 10.6 20.7 84.1 23700 <6 6440 168 <0.0092 <3 9.1 <29 1970 <6 250j 23.2 <290 <6 43.6 41.3 MW-17 (29-31) 04/21/2015 501 497.00 8.4 8530 <5.1 <5.1 84.3 0.32 17.9 <0.61 5300 <250 4.8 5.7 5.7 19800 <5.1 5920 315 <0.0081 <2.5 7.9 <25 857 <5.1 183 j 18.8 1250 <5.1 23 56.4 MW-18 (0-2) 05/16/2015 527 485.38 5.7 6890 <6.9 <6.9 28.8 0.17 j <17.1 <0.82 354 <331 2.8 <6.9 2.1 7680 <6.9 580 39.1 <0.011 <3.4 <1.7 <33.1 281 j <6.9 <343 6.1 <331 <6.9 9.9 15.2 MW-18(31-33) 05/16/2015 496 485.38 7.3 3420 <6 <6 31.3 0.22j <15 <0.72 581 <292 1.9 <6 4.8 7000 <6 686 353 <0.0092 <3 <1.5 <29.2 731 <6 222j 8 <292 <6 3.1j 18.7 MW-18 (37-38) 05/16/2015 491 485.38 7.3 3600 <6.1 <6.1 18.4 0.18 j <15.3 <0.73 670 <296 1.3 j <6.1 22.4 3410 <6.1 708 175 <0.0098 <3.1 <1.5 <29.6 486 <6.1 <306 6.7 <296 <6.1 <6.1 16.2 Total Count of Valid Samples , 16 16 0* 8 16 16 16 16 1 16 16 16 13 1 16 1 16 1 16 16 16 16 16* 16 16* 16 5* 16 16 16* 1* 15 16 Prepared by: ARL Checked by: CDE Notes: 0 Concentration or detection limit greater than PSRG Protection of Groundwater Standard mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram NE = Not established S.U. = Standard Units j = Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. < = concentration not detected at or above the adjusted reporting limit. * = No detectable concentrations within data set PSRG Protection of Groundwater = NCDEQ IHSB Preliminary Soil Remediation Soil Remediation Goals Table - October 2016 '-Water table elevations collected during site -wide well gauging event on June 23-24, 2016. 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