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Roxboro - GW BTV Tech Memo_20170804
TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Date: August 4, 2017 File: 1026.107 To: Kimberlee Witt (Duke Energy) Cc: Kathy Webb (SynTerra) From: Craig Eady (SynTerrd Subject: Background Threshold Values for Groundwater Roxboro Steam Electric Plant - Semora, NC An updated background groundwater dataset was provided to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) for Roxboro Steam Electric Plant (Roxboro) on May 26, 2017. Additionally, the revised Statistical Methods for Developing Reference Background Concentrations for Groundwater and Soil at Coal Ash Facilities (statistical methods document) (HDR Engineering, Inc. and SynTerra Corporation, May 2017) was provided to NCDEQ. On July 7, 2017, NCDEQ provided a response letter (Zimmerman to Draovitch, July 7, 2017) for each Duke Energy coal ash facility that identified soil and groundwater data appropriate for inclusion in the statistical analysis to determine background threshold values (BTVs) for both media. As outlined in the NCDEQ July 7, 2017 letter, Duke Energy is required to provide BTVs for both media within 30 days from receipt of the NCDEQ letter for facilities submitting Comprehensive Site Assessments (CSAs) by October 31, 2017, and 60 days from receipt of the NCDEQ letter for all other facilities. The background threshold values for soil are provided under separate cover. The updated background groundwater dataset provided to NCDEQ on May 26, 2017 addressed comments provided in a letter by NCDEQ (Zimmerman to Draovitch, April 28, 2017). NCDEQ requested Duke Energy collect at least 10, rather than the previously planned eight, valid samples from background monitoring wells prior to determination of BTVs for constituents within each flow system. For groundwater datasets with less than 10 valid samples available for determination of BTVs, no formal upper tolerance limit (UTL) statistics will be run and the provisional BTV (PBTV) for a constituent and groundwater flow system will be computed to be either: h The highest value, or 167 If the highest value is above an order of magnitude greater than the geometric mean of all values, then the highest value should be considered an outlier and removed from further use and the PBTV is computed to be the second highest value. P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ Statistics_CAMA \ Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 7 2017 \ BTV TECH MEMO\ Roxboro\ Groundwater\ Roxboro - GW BTV TM_FINAL.docx Background Threshold Values for Groundwater August 4, 2017 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant Page 2 of 3 NCDEQ requested that the updated background groundwater dataset exclude data from the background data set due to one or more of the following conditions: 0 Sample pH is greater than or equal to 8.5 standard units (S.U.) unless the regional DEQ office has determined an alternate background threshold pH for the site; 47 Sample turbidity is greater than or equal to 10 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs); 47 Result is a statistical outlier identified for background sample data presented to NCDEQ on May 26, 2017; ,67 Sample collection occurred less than a minimum 60 days between sampling events; and, 47 Non -detected results are greater than 2L/IMAC. Additional site -specific requirements related to background groundwater dataset for Roxboro as outlined in the July 7, 2017 NCDEQ letter have been incorporated. This technical memorandum summarizes the revised background groundwater datasets and statistically determined BTVs. Statistical determinations of BTVs were performed in accordance with the revised Statistical Methods for Developing Reference Background Concentrations for Groundwater and Soil at Coal Ash Facilities (statistical methods document) (HDR Engineering, Inc. and SynTerra Corporation, May 2017). GROUNDWATER BACKGROUND DATA Groundwater across the Site is unconfined and found within the ash basins and three flow systems - residuum/saprolite, transition zone, and fractured bedrock. However, saturated conditions are not evident within the residuum/saprolite units in background locations due to the nature of the former natural drainage features in which the ash basins were created. The current background monitoring well network consists of wells installed within the transition zone and fractured bedrock. Well locations are presented on Figure 1. Provided in Table 1 is the revised background datasets for each flow system, based on input from July 7, 2017 NCDEQ letter, utilized to statistical determine naturally occurring concentrations of inorganic constituents in groundwater. The following sections summarize the refined background datasets along with the results of the statistical evaluations for determining BTVs. TRANSITION ZONE Three background wells - BG-01, MW-151), and MW-18D - monitor background groundwater quality within the transition zone. In the July 7, 2017 letter, NCDEQ identified two samples collected from BG-01 (BG-01: 9/8/16 and 11/16/16) that were collected less than 60 days between P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ Statistics_CAMA \ Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 7 2017 \ BTV TECH MEMO \ Roxboro \ Groundwater \ Roxboro - GW BTV TM_FINAL.docx Background Threshold Values for Groundwater August 4, 2017 Roxboro Steam Electric Plant Page 3 of 3 sampling events and are not appropriate for use in statistical determinations. The revised transition zone background dataset is presented in Table 1. The revised transition background dataset satisfies the minimum requirement of 10 samples to use formal UTL statistics to derive BTVs for each constituent monitored within the transition zone. BTVs for transition zone are presented in Table 2. BEDROCK Six background wells - BG-1BR, MW-10BR, MW-14BR, MW-15BR, MW-18BR, and MW-19BRL - monitor background groundwater quality within fractured bedrock. In the July 7, 2017 letter, NCDEQ recommended that the three wells (MW-13BR, MW-16BR, and MW-17BR) previously identified in the background dataset be removed. Additionally, NCDEQ identified one sample each from BG-01BR (7/9/15) and MW-17BR (11/10/16) that were collected less than 60 days between sampling events are not appropriate for use in statistical determinations. Prior to statistical determinations, the background bedrock dataset was re -screened for outliers to adjust for the removal of monitoring wells MW-13BR, MW-16BR, and MW-17BR from the dataset. A revised background dataset including updated outliers is presented in Table 2. The background bedrock dataset meets the minimum requirement of 10 samples to use formal UTL statistics to derive BTVs for each constituent monitored within the bedrock flow system. BTVs for bedrock are presented in Table 2. LIST OF FIGURES: Figure 1- Well Location Map LIST OF TABLES: Table 1- Background Groundwater Results Through January 2017 Table 2 - Background Threshold Values for Groundwater P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ Statistics_CAMA \ Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 7 2017 \ BTV TECH MEMO \ Roxboro \ Groundwater \ Roxboro - GW BTV TM_FINAL.docx TABLE 1 BACKGROUND GROUNDWATER RESULTS THROUGH JANUARY 2017 ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, SEMORA, NC Analytical Parameter pH Turbidity Alkalinity Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Bi- carbonate Alkalinity Boron Cadmium Calcium Carbonate Alkalinity Chloride Chromium (VI) Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Reporting Units S.U. NTUs mg/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L mg/L ug/L ug/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L mg/L ug/L ug/L 15A NCAC 02L Standard 6.5-8.5 NE NE NE 1* 10 700 4* NE 700 2 NE NE 250 10 10 1* 1000 300 i5 NE 50 1- Sample ID Sample Collection Date Field Parameters Analytical Results Transition Zone BG-01 11/30/2010 6.8 8.56 - 713 <0.5 <5 69.7 - - <50 <0.08 - - 14.2 - 11.1 - 11.2 881 E5 - 27.2 <0.2 BG-01 04/20/2011 6.4 9.92 - 330 <0.5 e5 73.1 - - <50 <0.08 - - 13.4 - 15 - 11.4 499 E-5 - 18.5 <0.2 BG-01 07/13/2011 6.4 9.58 - <100 <0.5 <5 84 B - - <50 <0.08 12.7 B - 4.2.7 - <5 752 <5 - 25.8 B <0.2 BG-01 11/02/2011 6.6 9.42 - 201 <0.5 <-5 75.6 - - <50 <0.08 - - 13.4 - 16.8 - <5 307 <5 - 7.8 <0.2 BG-01 04/02/2012 6.4 9.8 - 301 <0.5 <5 72.3 - - <50 <0.08 - - 15.5 - 8.8 - <5 286 <5 - 6.5 <0.2 BG-01 07/11/2012 6.3 8.57 - 734 <0.5 <5 81 - - <50 <0.08 - 14.5 - <5 - 6.4 866 <5 - 18.7 <0.2 BG-01 11/06/2012 6.4 7.91 - 438 <0.5 <5 84.2 - - <50 <0.08 - - 15 - 16.1 - <5 532 E-5 - 11.1 <0.2 BG-01 04/08/2013 6.3 5.24 - 110 <1 <1 79 - - <50 <1 - - 14 - <5 - <5 113 <1 - 5 <0.05 BG-01 07/08/2013 6.3 6.79 - 300 <1 <1 83 - - <50 <1 - - 15 - 10 - <5 368 <1 - 9 <0.05 BG-01 11/11/2013 6.4 9.8 - 438 <1 <1 83 - - <50 <1 - - 14 - 7 - <5 507 <1 - 11 <0.05 BG-01 04/03/2014 6.4 6.6 - 311 <1 <1 86 - -- <50 <1 - -- 17 - 6 - <5 370 <1 - 8 <0.05 BG-01 07/15/2014 6.3 4.4 - 205 <1 <1 81 - - <50 <1 - - 16 - <5 -- <5 218 <1 - 6 <0.05 BG-01 11/12/2014 6.5 7.45 - 373 <1 <1 87 - - <50 <1 - -- 16 - 6 - <5 437 <1 - 9 <0.05 BG-01 04/16/2015 6.6 7.86 209 278 <1 <1 95 <1 209 <50 <1 46.7 <5 16 - 13 2.54 <5 283 <1 25.9 54 <0.05 BG-01 "7" 6:6 1-1 2-1-2 4-7-6 <'. <1 90 <i 212 <50 <1 44-.7 <6 17 6 i28 <5 548 <-1 25-9 36 Q.05 BG-01 09/16/2015 6.5 9.81 220 801 <1 <1 91 <1 220 <50 <1 40.4 <18 16 - 6.77 <1 3.19 811 <1 24.5 M4 21 <0.05 BG 01 --, _-, __-- 6:5 -1-3 231 5&7 <1 92 <i 231 <S0 <f 43.3 32 <5 +7 -- 8 < <5 594 <1 26..2 21 <0 6S BG 01 -_, _-, __-- 6� 9,5 228 31$ <-0.5 e . 86 <8 2 2-2-8 <59 <E88 44:2 <-5 i6..4 6-.-2 5-6 G.62 2 360 re.1 2r.1 46 <-0.2 BG-01 01/05/2016 6.4 8.46 231 434 <1 <1 91 <1 231 <50 <1 43.4 <5 18 4.5 9.02 <1 2.49 484 <1 20.6 17 <0.05 BG-01 04/07/2016 6.5 8.12 233 1559 <1 <1 97 <1 233 <50 <1 44.6 <5 21 10.2 18 i.85 10 3760 <1 26.1 34 <0.05 BG-01 07/12/2016 6.3 9.78 243 323 <1 <1 90 <1 243 <50 <1 43.8 Bl <5 20 6.1 M6 6 <1 <5 322 <1 27.2 9 <0.05 BG-01 09/08/2016 6.5 8.68 229 830 <1 <1 91 <1 229 <50 <1 41.7 <5 18 7.6 8.46 <1 3.94 766 <1 24.9 14 <0.05 BG 01 - -, _ -, _ _ - _ 6.8 S 6.11 2-3-7 4-58 <1 89 <1 237 < ro <1 4 S A <5 2-0 8 <1 <-5 5 33 El 2rr.3 12 �E E)05 BG-01 11/10/2016 6.6 S 9.85 235 346 <1 <1 87 <1 235 <50 <1 42.5 <5 18 4.4 7.24 <1 2.87 356 <1 23.4 13 <0.05 BG-01 11/16/2016 6.4 8.73 - - _- -_ - - - - - - -_ - -_ -_ -_ - - - - - - BG-01 01/26/2017 6.6 4.49 244 224 <1 <1 91 <1 244 <50 <1 43.1 <5 19 13.1 8.74 <1 1.8 227 <1 25.1 M4 5 <0.05 BG 91B 66 25b 2- 0 38Sfl <-1 i71 <-i <59 �1 4-1-.2-M4 3:92 37 8 3340 3:12 � 82 Q.05 BG 0113 '-'-; T 6.8S 18 233 1126 < `, H 99 <' <50 <1 40-9 <'S 1..77 83ss 1390 <1 245 48 <8:05 BG-01D 01/27/2017 6.8 9.24 218 208 <1 <1 90 <1 218 <50 <1 50.1 M4 <5 21 0.82 <1 <1 10.2 190 <1 25 M4 21 <0.05 Pqw iqD _ , __-= 7.S 2-2-7 265 3040 <1 1$2 H 205 <58 <1 43.7 Pq4 <-5 0.3 4.72 1-94 87-3-7 3538 i,-1 20-6 Piq 182 <B:B5 Pqw iqD - -, - -, _ _ - _ 675 27.8 4-92 3830 < i i66 <1 442 <-S9 <1 38.6 Bl,pqq <5 E0.5 D3 4. 56 272 6,67 4730 ill �r 1-4-0 <4)65 Pqw i4D al"27"2E)17^" 6,9 12.7 3�9 693 < <i i-44 <4- 179 <50 <1 37.2 <_5 2' 077 1-04 <1 4 68 730 <_4 26-6 66 <065 MW-15D 05/30/2015 6.4 2.57 230 121 <1 <1 10 <1 230 <50 <1 67.8 <10 43 -- 1.26 4-01 <1 163 <1 26.6 316 <0.05 MW-15D 09/12/2015 7.1 6.59 240 588 <1 <1 9 <1 240 <50 <1 66.6 F10 43 - 2.4 1.11 1.42 671 <1 27.7 80 <0.05 P4W-1SB 12 es '^, s 6,7 0.74 K <100 <A9_5 5 <0 2 <5 <5B <E)-08 66 <-5 41.;_ 2_4 47 <8 5 <1 58 <8 1 26.6 45 <�2 MW-15D 01/05/2016 6.4 3.29 233 201 <1 <1 8 <1 233 <50 <1 60.4 <5 40 1.5 M6 1.77 <1 <1 240 <1 24.3 48 <0.05 MW-15D 06/23/2016 6.6 3.04 237 45 <1 <1 7 <1 237 <50 <1 65.5 <5 44 2.7 2.56 <1 <1 48 <1 28 23 <0.05 Pqwn�07,112,12816 676 i .25 254 36 < f <1 7 H 2-54 <58 <1 68� <5 46 2� 2.8 <1 <1 43 E 1 28.7 2-2 <� 05 MW-15D 09/08/2016 6.9 3.46 240 125 <1 <1 6 <1 240 <50 <1 63.7 <5 44 2.7 2.81 <1 <1 146 <1 26.7 18 <0.05 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\Statistics_CAMA\Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 7 2017\BTV TECH MEMO\Roxboro\Groundwater\Tables\TABLE 1-Roxboro_BG GW Analytical Results January 2017 Page 1 of 8 TABLE 1 BACKGROUND GROUNDWATER RESULTS THROUGH JANUARY 2017 ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, SEMORA, NC Analytical Parameter Methane Molybdenum Nickel Nitrate + Nitrite Potassium Selenium Sodium Strontium Sulfate Sulfide Thallium Total Dissolved Solids Total Organic Carbon Vanadium Zinc Radium-226 Radium-228 Uranium-233 Uranium-234 Uranium-236 Uranium-238 Reporting Units ug/L ug/L ug/L mg-N/L mg/L ug/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L ug/L ug/L pCi/L pCi/L ug/mL ug/mL ug/mL ug/mL 15A NCAC 02L Standard NE NE 100 NE NE 20 NE NE 250 NE 0.2* 500 NE 0.3* 1000 NE NE NE NE NE NE Sample ID Sample Collection Date Analytical Results Transition Zone BG-01 11/30/2010 - - <5 - - E1$ - - 12.5 - <0.1 299 - - 12.3 - BG-01 04/20/2011 - - 17.4 E1$ - - 11.7 - <0.1 282 - - 18 9 - BG-01 07/13/2011 - - 45.5 B E1$ - - 11.6 B - <0.1 248 B - - <10 - BG-01 11/02/2011 - - 12 - - E18 - - 12.4 - <0.1 263 B - - <10 BG-01 04/02/2012 - - <5 - - E+0 - - 11.7 - <0.1 298 - - <10 BG-01 07/11/2012 - - <5 - - E19 - - 14.2 - <0.1 312 - - <10 BG-01 11/06/2012 - - 6.2 - - E+A - - 14.3 - <0.1 300 - - <10 BG-01 04/08/2013 - - <5 - - <1 - - 11 - <0.2 310 - - <5 BG-01 07/08/2013 - - 6 - - <1 - - 12 - <0.2 330 - - <5 BG-01 11/11/2013 - - <5 <1 - - 12 - <0.2 320 - 12 - BG-01 04/03/2014 - -- <5 - - <1 -- - 13 -- <0.2 320 - - <5 - - - - - BG-01 07/15/2014 - -- <5 -- - <1 - -- 14 - <0.2 330 -- - <5 -- - --- -_ - -_ BG-01 11/12/2014 - -- 7 - - <1 - 13 - <0.2 310 --- - 11 - - - -- - -- BG-01 04/16/2015 - 3.04 <5 - 3.44 3.57 35.4 -- 40 - <0.2 370 - - 7 -- -- - - -- - BG-0-1- ^" 2-36 3 29 32-.3 2-4 - E-0-Z 4619 13-4- H E9.80905 E 0 $9993 E 0 $8993 o:oe05e4 BG-01 09/16/2015 <10 <1 1.96 1.9 1.52 1.44 30.5 414 27 <0.1 0.231 320 0.672 22.7 14 -- - - - - - BG 01 il/ - 1-07 E-5 -- 2-07 i.39 3-2:9 449 2-5 - F6 2 368 - +41 E5 - --- - BG 01 '-2�0+3 E1-9 0-65 -1-5 2:5 E-5 4-2 32-.-4 449 29.6 Q.1 E0.1 43+ E+ +4 5 E1-0 __- ___ - - - BG-01 01/05/2016 <10 <1 2.96 2.6 1.87 1.01 31.6 445 23 <0.1 <0.2 350 0.579 17.5 <5 - - - - - - BG-01 04/07/2016 <10 <1 5 2.7 1.65 1.78 31.5 436 24 <0.1 <0.2 330 0.704 24.4 <5 3.78 +.67 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000511 BG-01 07/12/2016 <10 P2,CL <1 <5 2.6 1.94 <1 31.8 442 21 <0.1 <0.2 330 0.682 18.3 <5 1.23 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000524 BG-01 09/08/2016 <10 <1 1.91 2.6 1.79 <1 30.4 443 19 <0.1 <0.2 330 0.73 19.8 6 1.14 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000487 BG 0+ 11,1 _ 1,12 _ 1-6 - E+ E-5 +-86 F1 32 A 442 2-9 _ E 9.2 349 - 18.8 E S - -- - - - - BG-01 11/10/2016 <10 N2 <1 2.59 2.3 1.92 <1 30.3 457 19 <0.1 <0.2 340 0.764 15.8 <5 -- - - - - - BG-01 11/16/2016 - --- -- - - -_ -_ - - - -_ - - - - <1 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000474 BG-01 01/26/2017 <10 N2 <1 1.61 2.4 1.81 <1 30.8 456 18 <0.1 <0.2 320 0.735 18.7 <5 <1 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.0002 BG E49 09,121201-6 H-0 1707 3-77 2-6 2-46 34-1 <-04 E0-2 330 0$2 2{9,7 44 <1 E(). E)B903 EE$BB83 E&BBB03 ^S ST BG 8+B _ = E10-N-2 E+ 2-44 2-6 4-79 38-6 E0.1 340 -1-41S.6 7 E+ E0.0000S E098893 E689893 9.88856 BG-01D 01/27/2017 <10 N2,L3 1 1.39 2.6 2.11 <1 37.8 M4 438 14 <0.1 <0.2 310 1.5 14.4 B2 <5 <1 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000604 _ , --__ E+� 2 42 3.43 030+ 4 88 <1 23-2 9.9 "0.1 EBB 380 3 8 ii.2 34 9 514 E0-8888S E .0000S EB-:88885 0.0002SI ""rrw 14E) , , ,gin _ 10 Nil 2 i' 3-4f 07 3 4-.9 2 H 24-3-B2 9-.4 E&1 E 9.2 270 -1 i3.3 40 0.S16 EB: B8883 E9.08 9 9 S Q. 0888 Sa�08631 ,�E) _, _ , - _ 1-7 2.22 -17 <19-01 4 66 Ei 2i 5 978 E 2 2S8 2-8 5.61 Bz 12 < 1 E0..08803 E8:88805 <0 88886 07000323 MW-15D 05/30/2015 <10 1.11 20.8 2.9 1.09 <1 28.4 243 29 <0.1 <0.2 410 1.1 4.96 <5 -- -_ - - - -_ MW-15D 09/12/2015 <10 <1 16.7 3.4 1.11 <1 29.2 241 28 <0.1 <0.2 400 0.925 7.66 <5 - -- - - - - MW-1SB '^/� 1- <-10 E0 5 i3.3 33 <5 -E)5 29.2 24-9 243 E01 E0-1 4-24 1- f S - - - - MW-15D 01/05/2016 <10 <1 15.2 3 <1 <1 26.3 231 24 <0.1 M1 <0.2 430 0.935 8.03 <5 - -- - - - - MW-15D 06/23/2016 <10 <1 11.5 3.6 1.05 <1 28.9 239 29 <0.1 <0.2 430 1.1 9.15 <5 <1 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000673 p q W r'E) - , - _ 1-6 E -9 E f 1+.9 375 3. 08 <-1 38.4 2 -B 3+ Q .1 E B 2 420 1-1- 9.56 E 5 <4 8.664 E0-08885 E9-08883 E0. 08883 0.89895 MW-15D 09/08/2016 <10 <1 10.9 3 1.04 <1 28.1 241 29 <0.1 <0.2 410 1 9.36 <5 2.94 0.822 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000681 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\Statistics_CAMA\Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 7 2017\BTV TECH MEMO\Roxboro\Groundwater\Tables\TABLE 1-Roxboro_BG GW Analytical Results January 2017 Page 2 of 8 TABLE 1 BACKGROUND GROUNDWATER RESULTS THROUGH JANUARY 2017 ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, SEMORA, NC Analytical Parameter pH Turbidity Alkalinity Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Bi- carbonate Alkalinity Boron Cadmium Calcium Carbonate Alkalinity Chloride Chromium (VI) Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Reporting Units S.U. NTUs mg/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L mg/L ug/L ug/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L mg/L ug/L ug/L 15A NCAC 02L Standard 6.5-8.5 NE NE NE 1* 10 700 4* NE 700 2 NE NE 250 10 10 1* 1000 300 i5 NE 50 1- Sample ID Sample Collection Date Field Parameters Analytical Results Transition Zone MW-15D 11/09/2016 6.6 8.87 240 331 <1 <1 7 <1 240 <50 <1 63.1 <5 46 9.4 4.53 <1 1.66 371 <1 25.6 18 <0.05 MW-15D 01/25/2017 6.6 1.27 233 55 <1 <1 6 <1 233 <50 <1 65.8 <5 45 2.8 2.66 <1 <1 72 <1 27.7 8 <0.05 MW-18D 06/09/2015 ii.5 3A3 1+0 1.72 <-1 68 F1 13 <58 <1 1-08 69 120 - 7-3 F1 1.67 148 F1 2.68 F5 F0.05 MW-18B 06/129,12015 1-1-.8 5.81 - - - - - - - NIW 18D 89J14{2015 &-.6 13..1 130 67 2.53 <_1 39 <_1 13-0 <-50 <1 819.3 Fib 148 - 16..9 <_1 <_1 5-1 <-I 35 182 <005 M W-186 12,186f 2015 7-.+ 7.16 238 0.64 F0.5 36 <0.2 2-13 F 50 <-0.98 i 08 M6 F 5 181 M6 5:1 6-:6 0.56 13 140 9:11 �T 82-0 F 0. 2 MW-18D 01/05/2016 7.2 1.25 237 31 <1 <1 19 <1 237 <50 <1 85.3 <5 170 0.78 2 <1 <1 334 <1 42.3 978 <0.05 MW-186 06,123,12016 7:1 6.43 21-9 71 <_1 FT 37 <1 210 <59 <-I 92 <5 450 11.2 39.5 H H 456 <-I 41.9 1040 F8:05 MW-18D 07/14/2016 7.4 9.71 275 21 <1 <1 33 <1 275 <50 <1 106 <5 150 0.26 5.42 <1 1.57 298 <1 44.5 632 <0.05 MW-18D 09/13/2016 7.6 2.44 226 38 <1 <1 45 <1 226 <50 <1 104 <5 150 2.1 7.73 <1 <1 186 <1 40.4 405 <0.05 . i w i 89 11,109,12016 9:6 9.26 228 20 <1 23 <3 228 <-% i93 <3 179 5-9 8:35 <4 <4 228 <1 i().5 52-5 <0 05 MW-18D 01/25/2017 6.9 0.63 198 60 <1 <1 29 <1 198 <50 <1 108 M4 <5 190 12.2 14.8 <1 1.13 193 <1 39.7 M4 305 <0.05 Bedrock BG-01BR 06/10/2015 6.8 8.4 240 174 <1 <1 21 <1 240 <50 <1 65.5 <10 15 - <1 1.44 <1 225 <1 16.8 690 <0.05 BG-01BR 07/09/2015 6.9 5.6 -- -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - BG-01BR 09/12/2015 7.0 2.3 230 19 <1 <1 27 <1 230 <50 <1 58.1 <10 13 - <1 <1 <1 374 <1 14.4 614 <0.05 �n -_, --, _--- 6.S 5.83 234 <i99 <$3 30 -0. 234 <59 <{}Q8 543 <5 3i.7 <0.93 9.71 <9 5 <f 380 <-0.1 11.6 429 <-0.2 BG-01BR 01/05/2016 6.8 7.91 227 118 <1 <1 33 <1 227 <50 <1 58.2 <5 12 <0.03 1.96 <1 <1 375 <1 13.5 445 <0.05 BG-01BR 04/07/2016 6.9 9.86 259 19 <1 <1 29 <1 259 <50 <1 60.3 <5 13 0.035 <1 <1 <1 139 <1 14.3 398 <0.05 BG-01BR 07/14/2016 6.9 9.78 236 181 <1 <1 37 <1 236 <50 <1 61.3 <5 14 <0.03 2.15 <1 1.27 460 <1 13.8 473 <0.05 BG Bro -, --, _--- 6.9 8.68 235 71 H 33 H 235 <50 59.7 Pii <5 12 0.964 3.84 <4 <4 483 <4 ii.3 43i <9.05 BG-01BR 11/09/2016 6.8 9.51 235 19 <1 <1 31 <1 235 <50 <1 58.9 <5 13 3 2 <1 <1 <1 52 <1 14.5 341 <0.05 BG-01BR 01/25/2017 6.9 4.77 250 12 <1 <1 33 <1 250 <50 <1 60.9 <5 13 0.086 <1 <1 <1 43 <1 15.3 369 <0.05 BG GIBR ^ter ii.8 2 3 239 32599 3-94 282 3.43 132 62 El 1-37-M4 107 <983 3 r.4 3-.67 28 19109 22.6 +i i--M4 621 9.06 BG G I BR --, i9 0 5 43 442 279 1,12 41 <_4 11-2 <50 <_1 84-3 <o-Tm 3.56 H <1 469 <1 6..04 6-3 FB 05 MW-10BR 05/27/2015 7.1 2.5 240 24 <1 <1 93 <1 240 <50 <1 60 <10 17 - <1 8.2 4-67 33 <1 20.6 478 <0.05 MW-10BR 09/12/2015 7.0 1.18 260 25 <1 <1 107 <1 260 <50 <1 58.6 <10 16 -- <1 5.97 <1 46 <1 20.8 840 <0.05 M W 19132 + 2� rr 774 9.5 251 ? <4 i47 H 251 <59 <4 5 z1 <-5 <(} 93 <1 S A 5 <4 65 E1 i9 &14 FB :05 MW-10BR 01/06/2016 6.8 0.61 250 8 <1 <1 120 <1 250 <50 <1 57.7 <5 18 <0.03 <1 6.38 <1 87 <1 19.8 752 <0.05 MW-10BR 04/07/2016 7.0 0.39 268 6 <1 <1 112 <1 268 <50 <1 52.4 <5 18 <0.03 <1 6.45 <1 91 <1 18.1 481 <0.05 MW-10BR 07/14/2016 7.1 0.61 264 <5 <1 <1 131 <1 264 <50 <1 57.4 <5 19 <0.03 <1 6.4 <1 50 <1 19.7 518 <0.05 MW-10BR 09/14/2016 7.4 S 1.99 240 6 <1 <1 135 <1 240 <50 <1 52.6 <5 18 0.096 M1 <1 15.8 <1 54 <1 18.3 446 <0.05 �R 11_ - -, _ - - = 7 2 5.73 236 <4 -1-2-9 H 236 <-59 <1 19.6 <5 i9 i A <1 1-2-1 <4 31 <-1 37.7 36-2 �E E)05 MW-10BR 01/26/2017 7.0 0.43 249 7 <1 <1 145 <1 249 <50 <1 51 <5 18 0.15 <1 17.3 <1 17 <1 18.1 333 <0.05 MW-13BR 05/30/2015 6.2 3.5 140 11 <1 <1 323 <1 140 <50 <1 47.8 <10 84 - <1 3.97 <1 4000 <1 20 1140 <0.05 MW-13BR 09/13/2015 7.1 6.07 160 39 <1 1.06 309 <1 160 <50 <1 45.8 <10 76 - <1 3.71 <1 4130 <1 20.4 1080 <0.05 .-.W 1313 --, - , ---- 6� 333 i34 <i-00 <8.s 1-3 3-39 <8 2 i54 <758 <� 08 46..7 <-5 77.5 Q.93 <8 5 4-2 <1 5900 <8 1 29.7 1399 Q.2 MW-13BR 01/06/2016 6.2 2.15 140 41 <1 1.06 349 <1 140 <50 <1 54.4 <5 93 <0.03 <1 5.31 <1 6080 <1 23.3 1200 <0.05 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\Statistics_CAMA\Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 7 2017\BTV TECH MEMO\Roxboro\Groundwater\Tables\TABLE 1-Roxboro_BG GW Analytical Results January 2017 Page 3 of 8 TABLE 1 BACKGROUND GROUNDWATER RESULTS THROUGH JANUARY 2017 ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, SEMORA, NC Analytical Parameter Methane Molybdenum Nickel Nitrate + Nitrite Potassium Selenium Sodium Strontium Sulfate Sulfide Thallium Total Dissolved Solids Total Organic Carbon Vanadium Zinc Radium-226 Radium-228 Uranium-233 Uranium-234 Uranium-236 Uranium-238 Reporting Units ug/L ug/L ug/L mg-N/L mg/L ug/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L ug/L ug/L pCi/L pCi/L ug/mL ug/mL ug/mL ug/mL 15A NCAC 02L Standard NE NE 100 NE NE 20 NE NE 250 NE 0.2* Soo NE 0.3* 1000 NE NE NE NE NE NE Sample ID Sample Collection Date Analytical Results Transition Zone MW-15D 11/09/2016 <10 N2 1.56 11.1 3.2 1.02 <1 27.1 242 30 <0.1 <0.2 400 H1 1 9.73 <5 0.773 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000765 MW-15D 01/25/2017 <10 N2 1.78 9.12 3.4 1.11 <1 28.4 246 29 <0.1 <0.2 420 1.1 9.4 B2 <5 0.221 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000748 Mw is[) ^� - <30 364 <4 03i7 i64 i5:9 59.7 " 138 <&f <-0.2 � 3 t 6.83 -- -- "".mow i8) 09/14/201-5 <470 14 0.049 636 2 7s 39.6 764 6-1 <$:1 E0.2 650 2 i r1 14 --• --• --_- F' 8:1 0.27 5.48 P11 23 32.6 670 48.1 <0-1- Q.1 554 2.1 R1 1-.7 <3-0 MW-18D 01/05/2016 <10 6.08 <1 0.198 2.96 1.64 21.9 629 39 <0.1 <0.2 610 2.4 1.1 8 - P4W i8B - • - • ---- <10 7.03 9.207 4.12 1.25 27.5 7- 7 3-7 <0.1 Q.2 640 4 8 4,33 <5 <4:00095 <-8:0000S 05 MW-18D 07/14/2016 <10 1.44 4.13 0.102 4.28 <1 27.9 730 37 <0.1 <0.2 540 1.9 0.551 <5 2.36 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.00501 MW-18D 09/13/2016 <10 4.17 <1 0.125 3.87 <1 25.8 760 31 <0.1 <0.2 540 1.7 1.23 <5 1.52 0.663 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.00381 PAW 181) _ - <10 N2 9492 339 <4 25..3 35 Q.1 0. 132 600 4 6 3.14 <5 0A 1.41 Q.99005 <9.00005 <4).00005 9.0032 MW-18D 01/25/2017 <10 N2 14.9 <1 0.209 4.13 <1 28.3 767 33 <0.1 <0.2 600 1.7 1.35 B2 <5 0.535 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.00387 Bedrock BG-01BR 06/10/2015 <10 16.5 1.86 9.593 5.36 <1 36.4 183 28 <0.2 <0.2 350 1.3 1.94 --- --- - - - - BG-01BR 07/09/2015 - - - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - --- <1 1.41 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.00122 BG-01BR 09/12/2015 <10 5.36 1.3 0.089 5.51 <1 24.6 160 20 <0.1 <0.2 300 1 0.425 23 --- --- --- -- - -- BG 0113R --•_ •--_- <-10 3:2 034 533 E0.5 23 4-6G 15 <0. <G1 297 33.6 -<-47- BG-01BR 01/05/2016 <10 9.26 2.1 0.295 5.09 <1 21.9 163 21 <0.1 <0.2 330 0.693 1.25 51 --- --- --- - - - BG-01BR 04/07/2016 29.6 7.42 1.45 0.192 5.18 <1 23.5 166 20 <0.1 <0.2 300 0.703 1.23 6 2.16 E3 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000932 BG-01BR 07/14/2016 1120 4.18 1.08 0.229 5.54 <1 20.5 162 20 <0.1 <0.2 300 0.795 1.67 7 <1 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000961 BG 01BR 89/0$i203-i 648 7.38 345 439 5.23 <4 474 20 <0.1 <-� 260 0.777 4-4 -<5 <4 <4 <$$0085 <4).80005 <0.00005 9.000923 BG-01BR 11/09/2016 569 N2 5.11 1.34 0.381 5.1 <1 21.8 169 19 <0.1 <0.2 330 0.773 1.79 <5 1.09 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.00084 BG-01BR 01/25/2017 367 N2 7.57 1.1 0.43 5.29 <1 24.2 183 19 <0.1 <0.2 330 0.849 2.34 B2 <5 <1 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.00122 BG 0113Rt • - • ---- 533 i3-1 <$$1 32-5 -4 98-.5 3i76 290 034 0.242 6&9 29 464 63 24 -<4 <$-00885 <$$0005 <()00885 0.00622 BG GIBRt --•- •---- -10 N2 4$2 2$1 <0.01 48.4 <4 60 544 2$9 033 <$2 34 33 3.34 -<5 - MW-10BR 05/27/2015 <10 24.1 2.44 0.225 9.05 <1 36.5 194 40 <0.1 <0.2 350 1.1 2.09 <5 -- --- - - - MW-10BR 09/12/2015 <10 24.3 <1 0.083 9.28 <1 37.6 201 40 <0.1 <0.2 350 1 1.34 <5 --- --- --- -- - -- MW10BR 12/ <� 23r3 0$79 9:29 <+ 37.5 �96 41 < .2 <0.2 330 0342 13 K MW-10BR 01/06/2016 <10 22.7 <1 0.049 9.21 <1 36.7 196 42 <0.1 <0.2 370 0.902 1.28 <5 -- - - - - MW-10BR 04/07/2016 <10 19 <1 0.136 8.41 <1 37.2 181 41 <0.1 <0.2 330 0.952 1.51 51 0.771 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.00309 MW-10BR 07/14/2016 <10 19.2 <1 0.082 10 <1 40 191 41 <0.1 <0.2 340 0.993 1.68 <5 1.49 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.00301 MW-10BR 09/14/2016 <10 18.4 <1 0.152 9.11 <1 36.7 188 41 <0.1 <0.2 829 1.1 2.04 <5 0.621 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.00278 Mw i8B --• • --- -< 0 2 39-.6 9.25i 7-.5-1 <4 35-6 1-&o 4-2 Q.1 Q.2 B2 230 0.992 2-68 <-5 0,7�56 <1 EG.80093 EB:00093 < .00005 0.0029 MW-1013R 01/26/2017 <10 N2 16.3 <1 0.213 8.1 <1 37 176 40 <0.1 <0.2 330 0.966 2.91 <5 <1 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.00309 MW-13BR 05/30/2015 <10 1.33 1.22 0.17 4.82 <1 35.6 409 30 <0.1 <0.2 380 4 0.364 15 - - - - - - MW-13BR 09/13/2015 10 1.35 1.06 0.018 5.33 <1 35.9 411 18 0.29 <0.2 370 4.2 0.819 4-01 - - - - - - PIW 13BR --• - -, -- - - 44.1 0-.8-2 ^ .02 549 <.5 35- 8 440 16: 7 9.383 <0-1 390 4-.4 <4 <40 - - - - - - MW-13BR 01/06/2016 40.6 1.09 1.07 0.017 5.6 <1 39.8 416 29 <0.1 <0.2 420 3.8 0.398 32 - - - - - P:\Duke Energy Progress. 1026\Statistics_CAMA\Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 7 2017\13TV TECH MEMO\Roxboro\Groundwater\Tables\TABLE 1-Roxboro_BG GW Analytical Results January 2017 Page 4 of 8 TABLE 1 BACKGROUND GROUNDWATER RESULTS THROUGH JANUARY 2017 ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, SEMORA, NC Analytical Parameter pH Turbidity Alkalinity Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Bi- carbonate Alkalinity Boron Cadmium Calcium Carbonate Alkalinity Chloride Chromium (VI) Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Reporting Units S.U. NTUs mg/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L mg/L ug/L ug/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L mg/L ug/L ug/L 15A NCAC 02L Standard 6.5-8.5 NE NE NE 1* 10 700 4* NE 700 2 NE NE 250 10 10 1* 1000 300 15 NE 50 1 Sample ID Sample Collection Date Field Parameters Analytical Results Bedrock MW-13BR 04/07/2016 6.1 2.2 143 30 <1 <1 380 <1 143 <50 <1 47.1 <5 100 <0.03 <1 5.8 <1 5030 <1 19.9 803 <0.05 MW-13BR 07/14/2016 6.2 8.5 145 103 <1 <1 409 <1 145 <50 <1 50.9 <5 98 <0.03 2.14 5.21 1.1 3620 <1 21.4 527 <0.05 MW-13BR 09/13/2016 7.0 S 8.68 134 73 <1 <1 388 <1 134 <50 <1 48.1 <5 92 <0.03 1.87 5.3 <1 3100 <1 21.8 532 <0.05 MW 13BR 11--,---- 6.5 S F94 134 1E}8 <4 <4 365 -<4 434 -<-50 <4 4€:3 8:7 -E-1 2.53 E# 9-� <4 494 2-2-2 <0.05 MW-13BR 01/26/2017 6.1 3.68 137 154 <1 <1 402 <1 137 <50 <1 49.2 <5 94 0.28 <1 3.05 <1 695 <1 22 226 <0.05 MW-14BR 06/10/2015 7.0 4 250 12 <1 <1 32 <1 250 <50 <1 71.2 <10 40 - <1 1.1 1.69 898 <1 29.3 328 <0.05 _ , _ _, _ _ _ _ 74 29.1 2-70 224 <} <4 32 <4 27$ <50 <-1 67,7 < -G 40 - 1f 5 i.86 6.52 2990 <-1 2-9 395 E6: B5 P1W 14BR , - /2GI5 74 6-.28 76 <100 <-0 5 Q.5 34 Q.2 21% <-SB <e.08 73.3 <3 41.9 e0:83 2.8 0,94 4 9 2200 Q.1 2-7,8 34G Q.2 MW-14BR 01/06/2016 7.0 6.18 269 57 <1 <1 38 <1 269 <50 <1 67.6 <5 43 <0.03 1.98 1.25 2.16 1780 <1 27.2 291 <0.05 MW-14BR 04/08/2016 7.2 8.75 273 15 <1 <1 32 <1 273 <50 <1 65.3 <5 41 <0.03 M1 2.11 1.86 <1 1160 <1 29.4 286 <0.05 MW-14BR 07/14/2016 7.3 9.5 293 53 <1 <1 37 <1 293 <50 <1 69.2 <5 42 <0.03 3E).9 <1 <1 1150 <1 28.6 281 <0.05 PIW 148 ,--,---_ 7-.2 &.-78 7Z 69 <1 35 <1 272 <50 <1 64.6 <5 E0 83 3.41 3 89 1,69 1968 Fl 27.4 350 <0.05 MW-14BR 11/10/2016 7.4 S 5.88 273 19 <1 <1 34 <1 273 <50 <1 64.4 <5 40 1-.7 4.16 3.13 <1 1340 <1 26 348 <0.05 MW-14BR 01/26/2017 7.2 3.75 282 16 <1 <1 33 <1 282 <50 <1 66.7 <5 41 0.22 <1 2.02 <1 1220 <1 29.7 304 <0.05 Piw i5B /16/2015 7-.6 3$:4 200 378 <4 49 <4 2190 <-59 <4 54.5 <40 - <4 <4 <4 541 is..2 36 F0:05 MW-15BR 09/12/2015 8.3 3 170 377 <1 <1 19 <1 170 <50 <1 48.7 <10 34 - <1 <1 <1 456 <1 10.6 30 <0.05 ".W-15;R „4:2/()5i2a158-.3 2 19 349 200 039 i✓ <$2 349 KB <$08 i.•=i K 33� <$$3 <B S <B S -<4 <-04 8752 -1-9 Q.2 MW-15BR 01/05/2016 7.6 2.26 145 164 <1 <1 16 <1 145 <50 <1 38 <5 34 <0.03 <1 <1 <1 262 <1 7.76 10 <0.05 MW-15BR 04/07/2016 7.7 7.3 178 343 <1 <1 18 <1 178 <50 <1 48.1 <5 37 <0.03 1.01 <1 <1 637 <1 8.44 29 <0.05 MW-15BR 07/12/2016 8.0 2.15 168 131 <1 <1 15 <1 168 <50 <1 46.5 <5 37 0.038 3.62 <1 <1 399 <1 8.71 25 <0.05 P1W 1513R ^^jam`. 713 7.03 489 98 i 46 < 4- 9 <50 <4 543 K 3-7 ^n o33 Mi <+ <i <+ 569 <-1 13$ 35 <8:05 MW-15BR 11/09/2016 7.7 4.66 243 169 <1 <1 19 <1 240 <50 <1 70.8 M4 <5 38 037 1.49 <1 <1 982 <1 16.6 47 <0.05 MW-15BR 01/25/2017 7.6 4.16 217 146 <1 <1 20 <1 217 <50 <1 65.5 <5 39 0.19 1.07 <1 <1 838 <1 15.2 49 <0.05 MW-16BR 05/27/2015 7.0 1 230 10 <1 <1 64 <1 230 <50 <1 57.2 <10 12 - <1 <1 <1 106 <1 24.9 272 <0.05 MW-16BR 09/13/2015 6.9 3.92 240 101 <1 <1 69 <1 240 <50 <1 56.1 <10 13 - <1 <1 1.26 275 <1 25.1 182 <0.05 rw i BIR, __, 015 613 3.F 273 0.5 76 < v.2 2-33 <-So <$$8 54441 K 3-1-.9 0.074 i-4 E0:5 4�0 &A1 2-r8 3-70 Q.2 MW-16BR 01/06/2016 6.7 2.8 238 93 <1 <1 75 <1 238 <50 <1 53.3 <5 13 0.099 <1 <1 1.28 116 <1 23.5 138 <0.05 MW-16BR 11/10/2016 7.2 S 2.36 236 54 <1 <1 65 <1 236 <50 <1 50.2 <5 12 0.2 <1 <1 1.38 46 <1 22.7 69 <0.05 MW-17BR 06/16/2015 7.3 5.21 260 35 <1 <1 107 <1 260 <50 <1 84.2 <10 15 - <1 <1 <1 118 <1 20.5 354 <0.05 MW-17BR 09/15/2015 7.2 6.16 250 368 <1 <1 110 <1 250 <50 <1 78.4 M4 <10 16 - 1.17 <1 <1 486 <1 19 M4 328 <0.05 P1W 17B 12 , -_-_ 7-.3 9$7 293 269 <0 5 < .5 390 <-0.2 293 <-50 <0.$8 86.50001 <-5 15 <9$3 2.' ).5 <3 750 <0.1 29.2 328 Q.2 MW-17BR 01/06/2016 7.2 5.13 277 81 <1 <1 100 <1 277 <50 <1 85.8 <5 15 <0.03 <1 <1 <1 756 <1 20.1 359 <0.05 MW-17BR 04/08/2016 7.3 9.94 294 127 <1 <1 97 <1 294 <50 <1 84.6 <5 14 <0.03 24-6 <1 1.18 694 <1 18.9 341 <0.05 MW-17BR 07/14/2016 7.1 5.6 308 151 <1 <1 96 <1 308 <50 <1 90.3 <5 14 <0.03 2.65 <1 <1 901 <1 20.4 319 <0.05 MW-17BR 09/13/2016 7.6 S 8.71 306 156 <1 1.16 99 <1 306 <50 <1 86.9 <5 13 <0.03 324 <1 <1 1040 <1 19.3 374 <0.05 MW-17BR 11/10/2016 7.5 S 8.16 307 62 <1 <1 97 <1 307 <50 <1 87.7 M4 <5 12 0.029 2.12 <1 <1 395 <1 19.4 302 <0.05 MW-17BR 01/26/2017 7.3 4.34 331 10 <1 <1 100 <1 331 <50 <1 92.5 <5 11 <0.025 <1 <1 <1 453 <1 21 392 <0.05 MW-18BR 06/02/2015 7.5 9.6 180 55 <1 <1 77 <1 180 <50 <1 95.4 <10 120 - <1 204 <1 95 <1 19.7 789 <0.05 MW-18BR 09/14/2015 8.0 6.55 140 44 <1 <1 52 <1 140 <50 <1 82 <10 130 - 2.23 1.03 <1 363 <1 19.5 475 <0.05 P:\Duke Energy Progress. 1026\Statistics_CAMA\Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 7 2017\BTV TECH MEMO\Roxboro\Groundwater\Tables\TABLE 1-Roxboro_BG GW Analytical Results January 2017 Page 5 of 8 TABLE 1 BACKGROUND GROUNDWATER RESULTS THROUGH JANUARY 2017 ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, SEMORA, NC Analytical Parameter Methane Molybdenum Nickel Nitrate + Nitrite Potassium Selenium Sodium Strontium Sulfate Sulfide Thallium Total Dissolved Solids Total Organic Carbon Vanadium Zinc Radium-226 Radium-228 Uranium-233 Uranium-234 Uranium-236 Uranium-238 Reporting Units ug/L ug/L ug/L mg-N/L mg/L ug/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L ug/L ug/L pCi/L pCi/L ug/mL ug/mL ug/mL ug/mL 15A NCAC 02L Standard NE NE 100 NE NE 20 NE NE 250 NE 0.2* Soo NE 0.3* 1000 NE NE NE NE NE NE Sample ID Sample Collection Date Analytical Results Bedrock MW-13BR 04/07/2016 69.2 <1 1.25 0.099 4.9 <1 36.8 427 33 <0.1 <0.2 400 4 0.347 <5 - - - - - - MW-13BR 07/14/2016 61.6 1.04 1.74 0.096 5.02 <1 39.6 444 33 <0.1 <0.2 400 4.2 1.13 12 1.84 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.0002 MW-13BR 09/13/2016 36.6 1.16 2.96 0.197 4.82 <1 35.9 418 33 <0.1 <0.2 380 4.3 1.09 39 <1 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.0002 --• __• _-__ 16 N2 5764 2.7-5 0.226 3.89 -<-1 35.1 41-5 33 <04 F0.J 380 4 3iCr7 5 E8 00005 F0.00005 <9.00005 <9.0002 MW-13BR 01/26/2017 <10 N2 2.84 2.42 0.238 4.35 <1 36.6 423 33 <0.1 <0.2 390 4.2 4.32 8 <1 0.478 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.0000902 j MW-14BR 06/10/2015 <10 1.43 <1 <0.01 5.52 <1 22 165 15 <0.1 <0.2 370 1 0.444 54 - - - - MW 14BR _-• _-• __-- <4 9 4.27 84.7 8447 6.12 <4 22 4 469 13 rG.1 <9:2 3-70 4-.-2 1.84 2-3 - - - - MW 14BR 12, 22-8 1 2 5 <$02 7?93 Q.5 25..4 188 ii.3 <04 Q.1 358 4 4 <4 477 - - - MW-14BR 01/06/2016 25.8 1.44 1.8 0.014 7.19 <1 22.1 175 12 <0.1 <0.2 390 0.943 0.362 45 - - - - - - MW-14BR 04/08/2016 <10 1.39 2.72 <0.01 6.53 <1 22.2 159 13 <0.1 <0.2 380 0.944 <0.3 5 2.45 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000148 j MW-14BR 07/14/2016 <10 4.84 <1 <0.01 8.52 <1 24.7 181 11 <0.1 <0.2 360 1.1 0.745 12 2.01 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000163 j MW 14BR 89f08f2016 466 1,9 2.06 Q.01 4,23 <4 22.7 176 44 Q.1 Q.2 360 i7.4 0.42-3 44 1.41 0,747 <$.G9005 <$.90005 Q.00005 0.000158y MW-14BR 11/10/2016 129 N2 1.44 4.92 <0.01 M2 6.7 <1 21.6 175 12 <0.1 <0.2 360 1 62 <0.3 7 <1 1.18 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.00015 j MW-14BR 01/26/2017 71.3 N2 1.53 1.57 <0.01 6.52 <1 22.2 165 13 <0.1 <0.2 350 1.1 0.43 <5 1.17 0.906 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000182 j P1W noR • _ •-___ E19 6.54 349 <0.91 6ss <} 25A 442 30 Q.1 <8-2 349 3 6 9.503 38 - - - - MW-15BR 09/12/2015 <10 10.8 1.42 0.027 7.88 <1 32.9 110 26 <0.1 <0.2 300 1.6 0.369 <5 --- --- -- - - - MW 15BR _-•- •---- <�0 11 0.6i <-0-02 844 0.5 36 90 1'77 0.428 <04 231 1.2 <4 <-0 - - - - MW-15BR 01/05/2016 <10 13.8 <1 0.01 7.58 <1 35.3 92 22 <0.1 <0.2 280 0.694 <0.3 <5 --- - - - - - MW-15BR 04/07/2016 <10 9.14 1.24 <0.01 6.05 <1 34.1 72 25 <0.1 <0.2 300 0.755 0.441 <5 <1 2.64 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.00047 MW-15BR 07/12/2016 <10 20.9 <1 <0.01 5.51 <1 41.9 64 30 <0.1 <0.2 300 0.77 0.354 <5 <1 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000285 MW 151311 09/08f201-6 <}D 9.47 <� 4).91 5.03 <1 32.6 26 27 036 <-� 31D 9.753 <$3 <5 <} <1 <$$0085 <$80005 <0.00005 9.000593 MW-15BR 11/09/2016 <10 N2 16.8 1.86 <0.01 4.59 <1 24.9 140 28 <0.1 <0.2 360 0.782 0.488 <5 1.16 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000745 MW-15BR 01/25/2017 <10 N2 11.4 1.18 <0.01 5.03 <1 28.2 141 29 <0.1 <0.2 350 0.776 0.456 B2 <5 0.611 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000535 MW-16BR 05/27/2015 <10 2.29 1.13 0.042 4.13 <1 18.8 166 26 <0.1 <0.2 310 0.843 2.1 <5 - - - - - -- MW-16BR 09/13/2015 <10 1.35 1.38 0.024 4.54 <1 19.1 174 28 <0.1 <0.2 320 0.683 1.83 <5 - - -- - `-w i6B _2 •-___ <10 0�44 - 9.062 E5 .0.5 19.2 470 233 1<0:1 293 <1 23 <}D - MW-16BR 01/06/2016 <10 <1 1.22 0.078 3.89 <1 18.5 171 26 <0.1 <0.2 310 0.454 3.08 <5 MW-16BR 11/10/2016 <10 N2 3.13 1.25 0.098 3.65 <1 17.9 172 25 <0.1 <0.2 290 0.562 2.93 <5 <1 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.00122 MW-17BR 06/16/2015 <10 2.09 <1 0.014 4.95 <1 18.4 960 40 <0.1 <0.2 370 1 0.968 18 - - - -- - --- MW-17BR 09/15/2015 <10 3.16 1.13 0.017 5.32 <1 17.9 M4 945 41 <0.1 <0.2 380 0.922 2.03 13 --- --- - - - '1W 17B •--_- <+0 23 <$$2 7.05 <$5 2219 89D 38.8 <0.1 <0-1 379 4,2 <1 16 - - - - MW-17BR 01/06/2016 <10 2.75 <1 0.011 4.6 <1 18.5 917 39 <0.1 <0.2 380 0.783 0.454 15 --- - - - - - MW-17BR 04/08/2016 <10 4.36 <0.01 4.57 <1 18.8 887 39 <0.1 <0.2 390 0.919 0.658 45 1.02 1-.9 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.0003 MW-17BR 07/14/2016 46 2.99 1.91 <0.01 5.21 <1 20.3 893 37 <0.1 <0.2 370 0.849 0.788 <5 2 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000477 MW-17BR 09/13/2016 95.5 2.46 ..- <0.01 4.5 <1 17.9 915 36 <0.1 <0.2 370 0.903 0.623 10 0.787 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000319 MW-17BR 11/10/2016 33.3 N2 18 2.57 <0.01 4.36 <1 17.7 890 36 <0.1 <0.2 400 0.83 0.83 6 <1 1.22 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000349 MW-17BR 01/26/2017 <10 N2 9.28 <1 <0.01 4.29 <1 18.1 896 36 <0.1 <0.2 390 0.728 <0.3 <5 0.983 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000298 MW-18BR 06/02/2015 14 7.62 <1 <0.01 4.59 <1 19 224 16 <0.1 <0.2 530 1.7 0.931- MW-18BR 09/14/2015 21 10.5 <1 <0.01 5.75 <1 20 209 3.7 1$2 <0.2 540 11 <0.3 <5 -- - - - - - P:\Duke Energy Progress. 1026\Statistics_CAMA\Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 7 2017\13TV TECH MEMO\Roxboro\Groundwater\Tables\TABLE 1-Roxboro_BG GW Analytical Results January 2017 Page 6 of 8 TABLE 1 BACKGROUND GROUNDWATER RESULTS THROUGH JANUARY 2017 ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, SEMORA, NC Analytical Parameter pH Turbidity Alkalinity Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Bi- carbonate Alkalinity Boron Cadmium Calcium Carbonate Alkalinity Chloride Chromium (VI) Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Reporting Units S.U. NTUs mg/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L mg/L ug/L ug/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L mg/L ug/L ug/L 15A NCAC 02L Standard 6.5-8.5 NE NE NE 1* 10 700 4* NE 700 2 NE NE 250 10 10 1* 1000 300 15 NE 50 1 Sample ID Sample Collection Date Field Parameters Analytical Results Bedrock MW 18BR --/--/---- 7�9 7.64 3fi8 H90 <0.5 <0.5 49 <0.2 468 <59 <G.98 89.9999i <-5 _1_24 F0:03 0134 3:9 -<-1 ic)00 Q.1 -ZG 660 <0 MW-18BR O1/05/2016 7.6 5.56 195 71 <1 <1 62 <1 195 <50 <1 94.5 <5 120 <0.03 4.24 1.63 <1 1260 <1 21.7 874 <0.05 MW-18BR 04/08/2016 8.3 4.68 191 10 <1 <1 51 <1 191 <50 <1 89.3 <5 120 <0.03 <1 <1 <1 1060 <1 22.7 819 <0.05 MW i8BR , _ , _--- ii.0 9.25 2172 <4 55 <} 21-2 <58 <} 85 <-5 43-0 rG.03 1.14 346 -<-1 924 -<-1 i8..7 795 <0.05 . W i8BR -/--/---- 9-.6 5.88 4:44 <1 H 46 <4 144 ESA <4 54.2 ES 428 <G.93 <4 -<-1 <4 3-73 <4 434 360 <9.95 MW-18BR 11/09/2016 7.7 1.26 211 7 <1 <1 47 <1 211 <50 <1 97.2 <5 120 474 <1 <1 <1 1510 <1 22.1 871 <0.05 MW-18BR O1/25/2017 7.7 0.88 183 9 <1 <1 50 <1 183 <50 <1 89.7 <5 140 <1 <1 <1 1250 <1 22.9 902 <0.05 MW-19BRL 06/16/2016 7.5 6.34 190 M1 120 <1 1.39 79 <1 190 <50 <1 58.1 <5 59 <0.03 <1 2.03 <1 2890 <1 13 1180 <0.05 _ ,_ ,-___ 7.2 9.08 234 463 <4 2_.6 85 <4 234 <-SO <4 <-5 63 E9:03 <4 3.77 3:&1 5938 <4 i4 i280 EO.95 MW-19BRL 09/28/2016 7.2 7.18 244 225 <1 2.39 73 <1 244 <50 <1 73.8 M4 <5 68 ().3 93 <1 1.33 <1 6220 <1 14.3 M4 1050 <0.05 MW 19BR 11/11 ---- 7-2 3.8 2-76 65 <-1 2.57 63 <4 2-76 -*So <4 78.7 B! -<5 78 rG.5 93 3.04 <-1 <} 5720 <4 15 B1 i91B <0.95 MW-19BRL O1/26/2017 7.2 2.64 284 44 <1 2.9 60 <1 284 <50 <1 92.3 <5 74 0756 <1 <1 <1 5570 <1 17 1110 <0.05 Prepared by: JHG Checked by: RHJ Notes: 54 Indicates value omitted from dataset. - Indicates parameter not measured or analyzed. Indicates data removed/identified as an outlier Indicates data removed due to autocorrelation < - concentration not detected at or above the adjusted reporting limit. pCi/L - picocuries per liter mg - N/L - Milligrams nitrogen per liter S.U. - Standard Unit mg/L - Milligrams per liter ug/L - Micrograms per liter NE - Not established ug/mL - micrograms per milliliter NTU - Nephelometric turbidity unit * - Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs) of the 15A NCAC 02L Standard, Appendix 1, April, 1, 2013. B - Target analyte detected in method blank at or above the reporting limit. Target analyte concentration in sample is less than SOX the concentration in the method blank. Analyte concentration in sample could be due to blank contamination. B1 - Target analyte detected in method blank at or above the reporting limit. Target analyte concentration in sample was greater than 1OX the concentration in the method blank. Analyte concentration in sample is not affected by blank contamination. B2 - Target analyte was detected in blank(s) at a concentration greater than 1/2 the reporting limit but less than the reporting limit. Analyte concentration in sample is valid and may be used for compliance purposes. CH - The continuing calibration for this compound is outside of Pace Analytical acceptance limits. The results may be biased high. CL - The continuing calibration for this compound is outside of Pace Analytical acceptance limits. The results may be biased low. D3 - Sample was diluted due to the presence of high levels of non -target analytes or other matrix interference. H1 - Analysis conducted outside the EPA method holding time. j - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. L3 - Analyte recovery in the laboratory control sample (LCS) exceeded quality control (QC) limits. Analyte presence below reporting limits in associated samples. Results unaffected by high bias. M1 - Matrix spike recovery was high: the associated Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) was acceptable. M2 - Matrix spike recovery was Low: the associated Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) was acceptable. M4 - The spike recovery value was unusable since the analyte concentration in the sample was disproportionate to the spike level. The associated Laboratory Control Spike recovery was acceptable. M6 - Matrix spike and Matrix spike duplicate recovery not evaluated against control limits due to sample dilution. N2 - The lab does not hold accreditation for this parameter. P2 - Re -extraction or re -analysis could not be performed due to insufficient sample amount. R1 - Relative Percent Difference (RPD) value was outside control limits. S - Associated calibration check did not meet specified criteria. P:\Duke Energy Progress. 1026\Statistics_CAMA\Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 7 2017\BTV TECH MEMO\Roxboro\Groundwater\Tables\TABLE 1-Roxboro_BG GW Analytical Results January 2017 Page 7 of 8 TABLE 1 BACKGROUND GROUNDWATER RESULTS THROUGH JANUARY 2017 ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, SEMORA, NC Analytical Parameter Methane Molybdenum Nickel Nitrate + Nitrite Potassium Selenium Sodium Strontium Sulfate Sulfide Thallium Total Dissolved Solids Total Organic Carbon Vanadium Zinc Radium-226 Radium-228 Uranium-233 Uranium-234 Uranium-236 Uranium-238 Reporting Units ug/L ug/L ug/L mg-N/L mg/L ug/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L ug/L ug/L pCi/L pCi/L ug/mL ug/mL ug/mL ug/mL 15A NCAC 02L Standard NE NE 100 NE NE 20 NE NE 250 NE 0.2* Soo NE 0.3* 1000 NE NE NE NE NE NE Sample ID Sample Collection Date Analytical Results Bedrock MW i8BR 12--,_-_- 4-23 Er.3 03 <$.02 F5 < S i9 230 4-5 <-0.1 <.1 4-1-3 83 <i <40 - - - - - MW-18BR O1/05/2016 11.7 4.92 2.11 <0.01 4.52 <1 18.8 232 5 <0.1 <0.2 530 3 <0.3 7 - - - - MW-18BR 04/08/2016 <10 2.98 <1 <0.01 10.4 <1 20.3 213 11 <0.1 <0.2 480 3.6 <0.3 <5 3.14 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000424 MW 18BR •- ,2e-- 36.4 3.06 <4 26.7 -<4 31.6 391- -7L. 6 <04 2 430 2� Q.3 E-5 i.76 -<-1 Q.90065 FB:B0065 <O.00G05 0.00843 MW 18BR 09/13/283-6 64: 6.32 <4 <e.01 263 <4 29.5 49-7 3-3 1 F$1 2 39G 7_4 0.411 E5 4.4 _<4 E$$00O5 <$.00005 rO.00005 0.00024 MW-18BR 11/09/2016 17.7 N2 3.23 <1 <0.01 6.1 <1 17.4 249 13 <0.1 <0.2 530 1.8 <0.3 <5 <1 0.703 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000984 MW-18BR O1/25/2017 173 N2 4.67 <1 <0.01 8.74 <1 19.9 252 4.5 <0.1 <0.2 460 3.1 <0.3 B2 <5 0.334 1.01 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.00017 j MW-19BRL 06/16/2016 584 5.08 <1 <0.01 6.49 <1 36.7 189 7.7 <0.1 <0.2 380 29 0.602 <5 1.39 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.000332 MW 198RL 87/27j2016 5.08 <i Q.01 7.3i <i 39 4792 0.83 <8:1 Q.2 380 26 0.7i <5 <i <} rO.GOGGS <$.E)0005 Q.00005 0.900194 j MW-19BRL 09/28/2016 i7299 5.41 <1 <0.01 6.46 <1 34.1 200 0.18 <0.1 <0.2 430 9.6 0.75 <5 0.517 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.0002 MW no"z 11/11 ---- 8.54 <+ <$&2 5-.96 <i B2 21-7 23 <$3 <0.2 429 _1_.5 0.488 K <1 9.68 <$00005 <$80005 <$$0005 0.000357 MW-19BRL O1/26/2017 23v00-N2, 7.39 <1 <0.01 6.28 <1 31.1 230 5 <0.1 <0.2 440 1.9 <0.3 <5 1.84 <1 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.0002 Prepared by: JHG Checked by: RHJ Notes: 54 Indicates value omitted from dataset. - Indicates parameter not measured or analyzed. Indicates data removed/identified as an outlier Indicates data removed due to autocorrelation < - concentration not detected at or above the adjusted reporting limit. pCi/L - picocuries per liter mg - N/L - Milligrams nitrogen per liter S.U. - Standard Unit mg/L - Milligrams per liter ug/L - Micrograms per liter NE - Not established ug/mL - micrograms per milliliter NTU - Nephelometric turbidity unit * - Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs) of the 15A NCAC 02L Standard, Appendix 1, April, 1, 2013. B - Target analyte detected in method blank at or above the reporting limit. Target analyte concentration in sample is less than SOX the concentration in the method blank. Analyte concentration in sample could be due to blank contamination. B1 - Target analyte detected in method blank at or above the reporting limit. Target analyte concentration in sample was greater than 1OX the concentration in the method blank. Analyte concentration in sample is not affected by blank contamination. B2 - Target analyte was detected in blank(s) at a concentration greater than 1/2 the reporting limit but less than the reporting limit. Analyte concentration in sample is valid and may be used for compliance purposes. CH - The continuing calibration for this compound is outside of Pace Analytical acceptance limits. The results may be biased high. CL - The continuing calibration for this compound is outside of Pace Analytical acceptance limits. The results may be biased low. D3 - Sample was diluted due to the presence of high levels of non -target analytes or other matrix interference. H1 - Analysis conducted outside the EPA method holding time. j - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. L3 - Analyte recovery in the laboratory control sample (LCS) exceeded quality control (QC) limits. Analyte presence below reporting limits in associated samples. Results unaffected by high bias. M1 - Matrix spike recovery was high: the associated Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) was acceptable. M2 - Matrix spike recovery was Low: the associated Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) was acceptable. M4 - The spike recovery value was unusable since the analyte concentration in the sample was disproportionate to the spike level. The associated Laboratory Control Spike recovery was acceptable. M6 - Matrix spike and Matrix spike duplicate recovery not evaluated against control limits due to sample dilution. N2 - The lab does not hold accreditation for this parameter. P2 - Re -extraction or re -analysis could not be performed due to insufficient sample amount. R1 - Relative Percent Difference (RPD) value was outside control limits. S - Associated calibration check did not meet specified criteria. P:\Duke Energy Progress. 1026\Statistics_CAMA\Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 7 2017\BTV TECH MEMO\Roxboro\Groundwater\Tables\TABLE 1-Roxboro_BG GW Analytical Results January 2017 Page 8 of 8 TABLE 2 GROUNDWATER BACKGROUND THRESHOLD VALUES ROXBORO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, SEMORA, NC Parameter Reporting Unit NCAC 02L Standard Background Threshold Values Transition Zone Bedrock pH* S.U. 6.5-8.5 6.3 - 7.6 6.8 - 8.3 Alkalinity mg/L NE 243 273 Aluminum pg/L NE 1059 174 Antimony Ng/L 1° ND ND Arsenic pg/L 10 ND ND Barium Ng/L 700 91 182 Beryllium pg/L 46 ND ND Bicarbonate mg/L NE 243 273 Boron pg/L 700 ND ND Cadmium Ng/L 2 ND ND Calcium mg/L NE 127 102 Carbonate mg/L NE ND ND Chloride mg/L 250 150 120 Chromium (VI) Ng/L 10 17 1 Chromium pg/L 10 26 4 Cobalt pg/L 1° 2 11 Copper Ng/L 1000 10 2 Iron pg/L 300 1141 5339 Lead pg/L 15 ND ND Magnesium mg/L NE 42 31 Manganese Ng/L 50 405 1196 Mercury pg/L 1 ND ND Methane pg/L NE ND 367 Molybdenum pg/L NE 6 36 Nickel Ng/L 100 19 2 Nitrate + Nitrite mg-N/L NE 3 0.3 Potassium mg/L NE 5 10 Selenium pg/L 20 10 ND Sodium mg/L NE 36 38 Strontium pg/L NE 767 268 Sulfate m g/ L 250 37 48 Sulfide mg/L NE ND ND TDS mg/L 500 600 530 Thallium pg/L 0.2° ND ND TOC mg/L NE 2 4 Vanadium pg/L 0.3° 29 3 Zinc Ng/L 1000 12 51 Radium (Total) pCi/L NE 5 4 Uranium (Total) Ng/mL NE 0.004 0.004 Prepared by: JHG Checked by: CDE / LWD Notes: Transition Zone background wells: 13G-1, MW-15D, and MW-18D Bedrock background wells: 3G-113R, MW-10BR, MW-14BR, MW-1513R, MW-18BR, and MW-19BRL t - Indicates value is provisional; dataset contains less than 10 valid samples TDS - Total Dissolved Solids Radium (Total) - Radium-226 and Radium-228 combined Uranium (Total) - Uranium-233, Uranium-234, Uranium-236, and Uranium-238 combined S.U. - Standard Unit pg/L - micrograms per liter mg/L - milligrams per liter pCi/L - picocuries per liter pg/mL - micrograms per milliliter * - Upper and lower tolerance limits calculated for parameter A - Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs) of 15A NCAC .021 Standard, Appendix 1, April 1, 2013 ND - Not Detected NE - Not Established P:\Duke Energy Progress. 1026\Statistics_CAMA\Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 7 2017\137V TECH MEMO\Roxboro\Groundwater\TM Tables\TABLE 2 - Roxboro GW BG Threshold Values Page 1 of 1