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Updated Soil BTV Tech Memo Riverbend
Lip synTerra TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Date: September 1, 2017 File: 1026.15 To: Sean DeNeale (Duke Energy) Cc: Kathy Webb (SynTerra) From: Judd Mahan (SynTerra) Subject: Updated Background Threshold Values for Soil Riverbend Steam Station — Mount Holly, NC An updated background soil dataset for the Riverbend Steam Station (Riverbend) and a revised version of the Statistical Methods for Developing Reference Background Concentrations for Groundwater and Soil at Coal Ash Facilities (statistical methods document) (HDR Engineering, Inc. and SynTerra Corporation, May 2017) were provided to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) on May 26, 2017. On July 7, 2017, NCDEQ issued a response letter (Zimmerman to Draovitch, July 7, 2017) identifying soil and groundwater data for each coal ash facility appropriate for use in statistical determination of background threshold values (BTVs) for both media and required that Duke Energy provide these values within 30 days from receipt of the letter for facilities submitting Comprehensive Site Assessments (CSAs) by October 31, 2017, and 60 days from receipt of the letter for remaining facilities. BTVs (reported as provisional) along with the revised background soil dataset for Riverbend were submitted to NCDEQ on August 4, 2017. The revised background soil dataset used for determination of BTUs and submitted to NCDEQ on August 4, 2017 met the minimum requirement of 10 valid samples for all constituents except for antimony, thallium, and selenium because detection limits for these constituents were below the North Carolina Protection of Groundwater Preliminary Soil Remediaion Goals (POG PSRGs). To address these requirements, additional soil samples were collected from background locations on July 27, 2017 (Figure 1). Boring logs associated with additional soil samples were provided in the August 4, 2017 submittal but are also included herein for ease of use (Attachment 1). An up-to-date spreadsheet of background soil data that includes analytical results from the recently collected soil samples is provided as Table 1. The updated background dataset satisfies the minimum requirement of 10 valid samples. In addition, detection limits less than the POG PSRGs for antimony, selenium, and thallium were achieved during laboratory analysis. The updated background dataset was screened for outliers prior to statistical determinations. Updated BTVs were calculated for all constituents using formal UTL statistics and are provided in Table 2. P: \Duke Energy Carolinas\Statistics-LAMA\Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 7 2017\BTV TECH MEMO \ Riverbend \ Soil \ Riverbend - Updated Soil BTV TM_FINAL.docx Updated Background Threshold Values for Soil September 1, 2017 Riverbend Steam Station LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Background Soil Sample Locations - RBSS LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Background Unsaturated Soil Data Summary - RBSS Table 2 Background Threshold Values for Soil - RBSS LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 Soil Boring Logs (Additional Samples) Page 2 of 2 P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\ Statistics _CAMA\Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 72017\BTV TECH MEMO \ Riverbend \ Soil \ Riverbend - Updated Soil BTV TM_FINAL.docx Updated Background Threshold Values for Soil September 1, 2017 Riverbend Steam Station FIGURE P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\ Statistics _CAMA\Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 72017\BTV TECH MEMO \ Riverbend \ Soil \ Riverbend - Updated Soil BTV TM_FINAL.docx NOTES: ♦ ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. SITE AERIAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY OBTAINED FROM USDA FSA • NAIP, DATED 05/27/2016. 1 { DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM FIPS 3200 (NAD83/2011). • i . 1 I • I(-- __ -.� ♦ _ ■_ ■ ,, • " WnTerra Hnvw s n A, O m ,', ,�• �� \ \ DRAWN BY: A. ROBINSON DATE: 08/31/2017 • PROJECT MANAGER: J. MAHAN �� CHECKED BY: B. WYLIE ,�� ��,. ■ \ \ o �n.�., e..,,.,.., o.,,,...,« �noc�nn cie o�ev nnTn�o...,.�., —••M••=11�11=11jul1"Ilan 148 RIVER STREET, SUITE 220 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 PHONE 864-421-9999 ■ I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ♦ ADDITIONAL BACKGROUND SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION EXISTING BACKGROUND SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION -ACCEPTED BY NCDEQ WASTE BOUNDARY COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY DUKE POWER RIVERBEND PLANT BOUNDARY FIGURE 1 BACKGROUND SOIL SAMPLE LOCATIONS RIVERBEND STEAM STATION MOUNT HOLLY, NORTH CAROLINA Updated Background Threshold Values for Soil September 1, 2017 Riverbend Steam Station TABLES P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\ Statistics _CAMA\Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 72017\BTV TECH MEMO\ Riverbend \Soil \Riverbend - Updated Soil BTV TM_FINAL.docx TABLE 1 UNSATURATED BACKGROUND SOIL DATA SUMMARY RIVERBEND STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, MOUNT HOLLY, NC Analytical Parameter yt p H Aluminum Antimony y Arsenic Barium Beryllium ry Boron Cadmium Calcium Chloride Chromium Cobalt Co Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Nitrate (as N) Potassium Selenium Sodium Strontium Sulfate Thallium Vanadium Zinc PSRG Protection of Groundwater NE NE 0.9 5.8 580 63 45 3 NE NE 360000 0.9 700 150 270 NE 65 1 NE 130 NE NE 2.1 NE NE NE 0.28 6 1200 Reporting Units S.U. mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Sample ID Sample Collection Date Analytical Results BG-ID (5-6) 6/3/2015 4.6 j 12100 --- --- 20.4 ._ <0.32 E162 9 --- 11.6 32200 i-3-7 <162 29.1 0.048 <3.2 1.3 j --- <325 --- <325 <3.2 �_.. --- 89.2 <6.5 BG-1D (14-15) 6/3/2015 5.6 j 11600 --- --- 77.3 E297 <0.41 E9.99 F207 E427 5.5 5 j 15.1 26800 4.9 j 2-75@. 226 0.0095 j <4.1 3.4 --- 2580 --- <414 <4.1 _ --- 70.2 12.5 BG-1D (24-25) 6/3/2015 5 j 14100 --- --- 175 E29.5 0.25 j E0.98- E-205 e394 5.4 22.8 25.2 28200 6 j 1140 <0.013 <4.1 6.4 --- 6500 --- <410 <4.1 --- 75.8 34.7 BG-3D (3-5) 6/13/2015 4.8 j 23100 --- --- 28.4 .- 0.33 Q.75 E-157 E313 17.4 --- 11.4 526 114 0.027 j+ <3.1 6.7 E31.3- 586 --- <314 1.7 j _ --- 67.5 24.6 BG-3D (18.5-20) 6/13/2015 6 j 26000 --- --- 240 E}5-.4 0.66 E9.74 i330AN 14.4 14.6 16.4 23800 4.2 j 943 <0.01 <3.1 8.3 E39.9- 6450 --- <307 10.4 --- 62.3 43 BG-3D (23-24) 6/13/2015 5.8 j 26700 --- --- 276 E1sr.(�, 0.84 E9.75i i426 --- 6.1 11 10.4 18100 3.7 j 626 <0.01 <3.1 7.6 - .. 6419 --- <311 16.2 --- --- 45.4 45.8 GWA-5D (58.5-60) 4/10/2015 5.2 j 3340 --- --- 28.7 0.22 j E9.83 Ei72 . 3.2 13.5 7.1 18600 4.5 j <172 477 <0.011 <3.4 <1.7 --- <344 --- <344 <3.4 --- 33.6 6.8 j GWA-6D-1 (43.5-45) 3/4/2015 5.4 j 2380 --- 3.4 75.5 44-:9 0.29 j Q..41 34-1 E353 7.3 j+ 25.4 23.2 19000 4.6 92.1 j+ 1270 <0.01 <0.68 4.2 j+ --- 105 j+ --- <68.1 <0.68 --- 55.8 3.6 j+ GWA-6D-2 (48.5-50) 3/4/2015 5.5 j 13200 --- 4.4 176 9 0.3 j E9.53 4250 «46 j 1.2 j+ 10.5 28.1 18200 2.6 j 523 <0.01 <0.89 2.4 j+ --- --- 156 j+ 23-:8 GWA-21D (3.5-5) 7/15/2015 5 j 37489 --- 37.7 E21.4 0.41 j E4 37-9 E492 624 --- 7.6 64009 29-9 232 153 <4.3 j 3.5 4&2 275 j --- <427 7.1 E492- --- --- 17.3 GWA-21D (8.5-10) 7/16/2015 5 j 5430 j+ --- 3.6 j 2.5 j+ . " <0.3 E$7-1 --- --- 17.7 j+ --- 5.2 j+ 38300 3.2 j --- 92.7 0.0077 j <3 j <1.5 j --- --- --- <3 j --- --- --- <5.9 j GWA-21D (18.5-20) 7/16/2015 5 j 4250 --- --- 3.7 j E1$4 0.44 E9c8$ 16.9 j+ 5.3 j 7.9 j+ 26600 <7.4 j <184 j 68.4 0.0098 j <3.7 j 10.2 <368 j --- <368 j <3.7 j <'"' --- 35.5 j+ GWA-21D (48.5-50) 7/18/2015 5.2 j 2070 --- --- 113 E15.7j 0.24 j E.75 --- --- 3.2 4.5 j 16 14300 <6.3 --- 592 <0.01 j <3.1 j 2.9 39:2-j --- --- --- <3.1 --- --- --- 20.2 MW-78R (43.5-45) 4/24/2015 5.4 j 5650 j --- --- 31.3 323 <0.32 E0.77 3.6 7.3 j 4.5 12300 j 3.7 j+ 620 446 j <0.01 <3.2 j 2.4 --- 216 j+ --- <321 <3.2 ,....-.. 29.2 6.6 OB-2 (38.5-40.0) 4/14/2015 5.5 j 14400 --- --- 157 26.7 1.2 Ei-1 1_5 g E4B6 2.7 36.1 41000 <9.5 <0.015 <4.7 11.4 --- 2440 --- <474 3 j E488 --- BGSB-04 (4-5) 07/27/2017 4.5 22000 <0.51 13 0.34 <-5.9 <0.025 <290 <12 1.1 13 36000 1-5 220j 57 <0.088 1.4j 6.3 <0.24 310 1.2j <290 5.5 <12 110 23 BGSB-04 (9-10) 07/27/2017 4.3 22000 <0.58 3.6 14 0.31 2j <0.029 <230 <12 18 0.95 9.6 16000 8.4 170j 43 <0.083 0.82j 2.9 <0.23 320 0.56j <230 2.4 <12 0.131 51 15 BGSB-04 (14-15) 07/27/2017 4.7 19000 <0.59 1.5 5.8 0.19 2.3j <0.03 <280 <12 12 0.93 4 21000 5 100j 27 <0.09 <2.2 <2.2 0.072j 130j <280 0.6j <12 0.044j 51 5.9 BGSB-05(4-5) 07/27/2017 6.3 23000 <0.49 3.2 50 0.42 <5.2" 0.016j 530 <12 24 8.6 24 27000 9.6 969 390 <0.1 0.68j 7.3 <0.25 600 0.95j <520 11 <12 073 88 24 BGSB-05(9-10) 07/27/2017 6.3 17000 <0.47 3.8 35 0.24 2.4j <0.024 410 1.2j 15 8 13000 9.2 440 110 <0.09 0.68j 3.6 0.075j 480 0.81j <290 9.7 <12 G4 37 14 BGSB-05(14-15) 07/27/2017 5.8 25000 <0.59 3.5 14 0.26 2.3j <0.029 77j <12 18 1.3 7.9 16000 260j 45 <0.086 1j 3 <0.23 360 0.65j <280 5.3 <12 0.14j 39 13 BGSB-06 (4-5) 07/28/2017 4.6 18000 0.15 j,M 1.5 12 0.37 <1.6 0.015j 240 2.8j 13 2.2 18 18000 4.9 490 23 0.032j <1.3 3 200 0.41j <160 4.7 <12 0.058j 51 M 7.8 BGSB-06(9-10) 07/28/2017 4.5 13000 <0.62 0.49j 33 0.46 <2 0.023j <200 1.9j 12 5.8 16 15000 1.6 320 150 0.05j 0.54j 3.1 0.084j 230 0.41j <200 0.4j <13 0.068j 40 5.3 BGSB-06(14-15) 07/28/2017 4.4 17000 <0.56 1.4 240 1.5 ij 0.032 <230 2.5j 7.9 33 20000 2A 320 <0.099 <1.9 7.2 0.085j 290 0.75j <230 0.44j <13 0.058j 110 9 BGSB-07 (4-5) 07/27/2017 4.6 20000 0.13 j,M 3.8 15 0.36 2.3 j <0.03 <240 <12 16 1.4 12 21000 M -187F 240 43 <0.099 M 1.8 j 1.1 j 0.07 j 310 0.95 j <240 2.2 <12 0.2-i 86 8.8 BGSB-07 (9-10) 07/27/2017 4.7 8400 <0.52 1.2 7.9 0.19 1.4 j <0.026 <280 <12 20 0.42 j 7.5 11000 5.5 120 j 14 <0.093 1 j <2.2 00.24 240 j 0.53 j <280 1 j <12 0.089 j 59 3.4 BGSB-07 (14-15) 07/27/2017 4.7 11000 <0.6 0.89 8 0.17 1.5 j <0.03 <270 <13 25 0.4 j 7 9500 3.7 190 j <0.098 0.7 j <2.2 <0.25 240 j 36 j <1.2 <13 0.061 j 53 3 BGSB-08(4-5) 07/27/2017 4.9 9900 <0.49 0.75 22 0.64 0.026 <240 <11 2.9 10 30000 1.6 160j 260 <0.09 <1.9 2j <0.23 210j 0.65j <240 1.4 <11 0.091j 67 18 BGSB-08(9-10) 07/27/2017 4.8 18000 0.27j 0.46j 34 1 2.2j <250 <12 3.4 31 52 21000 3.6 2201 880 <0.098 <2 2.2 <0.24 91j 0.4j <250 3.4 <12 71 15 BGSB-08(14-15) 07/27/2017 4.9 17000 <0.56 0.94 28 0.92 2j 0.017j <240 <12 2.5 30000 7.8 450 1300 <0.089 <1.9 1.7j <0.25 230j 1.2j <240 <1.1 <12 0.11j 100 17 BGSB-09 (4-5) 07/27/2017 6.3 21000 <0.54 0.84 82 0.79 1.3j <0.027 <12 18 23 1.6 9409 310 <0.093 0.44j 0.087j 1300 0.83j 190j ,34 <12 0.048j 53 32 BGSB-09(9-10) 07/27/2017 6.7 59000 <0.56 2 110 0.54 1.8j <0.028 6j 14 6.6 12 23000 ��5.2 2080 120 <0.11 1.1j 6.4 3-4 1200 1.2j E1500 11 48 0.1j 59 30 BGSB-09(14-15) 07/27/2017 6.37 0.28i 0.53j 190 0.54 1.2j <0.027 410 4.5j 4.1 19 6.8 13000 300 <0.094 0.81j 5.7 1 0.36 M 2700 1.3j I 110j 11 <12 0.052j 33 41 Prepared by: JHG Checked by: BDR Notes• --- - Not applicable; non -detect concentration greater than PSRG Protection of Groundwater; value omitted - Indicates data removed/identified as an outlier < - Less than j - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. j- - Estimated concentration, biased low. j+ - Estimated concentration, biased high. M - Matrix spike / matrix spike duplicate failure. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NE - Not established PSRG Protection of Groundwater - NCDEQ IHSB Preliminary Soil Remediation Soil Remediation Goals Table - October 2016 S.U. - Standard Units P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\Statistics_CAMA\Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 7 2017\BTV TECH MEMO\Riverbend\Soil\Tables\TABLE 1 - Riverbend Updated BG Soil Data for TM Page 1 of 1 TABLE 2 BACKGROUND THRESHOLD VALUES FOR SOIL RIVERBEND STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, MOUNT HOLLY, NC Parameter Reporting Unit PSRG Protection of Groundwater BTV PH* S.U. NE 4.3 - 6.7 Aluminum mg/kg NE 31,151 Antimony mg/kg 0.9 0.6 Arsenic mg/kg 5.8 3.8 Barium mg/kg 580 190 Beryllium mg/kg 63 1.66 Boron mg/kg 45 2.3 Cadmium mg/kg 3 0.03 Calcium mg/kg NE 410 Chloride mg/kg NE 12 Chromium mg/kg 360,000 20 Cobalt mg/kg 0.9 58.6 Copper mg/kg 700 33.1 Iron mg/kg 150 40,150 Lead mg/kg 270 11.3 Magnesium mg/kg NE 760 Manganese mg/kg 65 1,867 Mercury mg/kg 1 0.099 Molybdenum mg/kg NE 1.83 Nickel mg/kg 130 10.2 Nitrate (as N) mg/kg NE 0.25 Potassium mg/kg NE 2,440 Selenium mg/kg 2.1 1.58 Sodium mg/kg NE 427 Strontium mg/kg NE 18.3 Sulfate mg/kg NE 12 Thallium mg/kg 0.28 0.166 Vanadium mg/kg 6 113 Zinc mg/kg 1200 60.5 Prepared by: JHG Checked by: MCM Notes• * - Upper and lower threshold values calculated for parameter S.U. - Standard Unit mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NE - Not Established P:\Duke Energy Carol i nas\Statistics_CAMA\Backg round Determinations for NCDEQ July 7 2017\13TV TECH MEMO\Riverbend\Soil\Tables\TABLE 2 - Riverbend Soil BTVs_Updated Page 1 of 1 Updated Background Threshold Values for Soil September 1, 2017 Riverbend Steam Station ATTACHMENT 1 SOIL BORING LOGS (ADDITIONAL SAMPLES P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\ Statistics_CAMA\Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 72017\BTV TECH MEMO \ Riverbend \ Soil \ Riverbend - Updated Soil BTV TM_FINAL.docx PROJECT: DEC Riverbend WELL / BORING NO: BGSB-4 PROJECT NO: 1026.15 STARTED: 7/27/17 COMPLETED: 7/27/17 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 592378.47 EASTING: 1414888.646 DRILLING METHOD: GeoProbe ELEVATION ft M.P. ELEV: ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 3 IN WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0 ft BGS NOTES: Coordinates obtained with hand held GPS unit. LOGGED BY: B. Wylie CHECKED BY: A. Lefitz U O CL O0 OJ Z a w$ Q DESCRIPTION Q CONSTRUCTION p D: 0 �V m0 CL Hard red sandy clay with sub -rounded gravel, dry, medium plasticity, non -cohesive. 5 Hard red sandy clay with sub -rounded gravel and light CL brown sand grains, dry, medium plasticity, non -cohesive. 10 Hard red sandy clay with sub -rounded gravel and light CL brown sand grains, dry, medium plasticity, non -cohesive. CH Red clay with sand, dry, plastic, cohesive. 15 20 25 30 35 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: SynTerra Faxn864 679 371199 PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: DEC Riverbend WELL / BORING NO: BGSB-rJ PROJECT NO: 1026.15 STARTED: 7/27/17 COMPLETED: 7/27/17 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 592761.758 EASTING: 1415348.822 DRILLING METHOD: GeoProbe ELEVATION ft M.P. ELEV: ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 3 IN WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0 ft BGS NOTES: Coordinates obtained with hand held GPS unit. LOGGED BY: B. Wylie CHECKED BY: A. Lefitz U O CL O0 OJ Z a w$ Q DESCRIPTION Q CONSTRUCTION p D: C7 < �V m0 ML Dark brown silt, dry, non -plastic, non -cohesive. 5 CH Dark brown clay with some silt and sand, dry, plastic, cohesive. SM dark brown sand with silt, moist, non -cohesive. 10 CL Brown red clay, dry, plastic, cohesive. CH Stiff red clay with sand, moist to dry, medium plasticity. 15 20 25 30 35 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: SynTerra Faxn864 679 371199 PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: DEC Riverbend WELL / BORING NO: BGSB-6 PROJECT NO: 1026.15 STARTED: 7/27/17 COMPLETED: 7/27/17 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 591563.361 EASTING: 1412422.008 DRILLING METHOD: GeoProbe ELEVATION ft M.P. ELEV: ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 3 IN WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0 ft BGS NOTES: Coordinates obtained with hand held GPS unit. LOGGED BY: B. Wylie CHECKED BY: A. Lefitz U O CL O0 OJ Z a w$ Q DESCRIPTION Q CONSTRUCTION p D 0 �V m0 ML Stiff brown silt with clay, dry, non -plastic. CH Red clay with silt, dry, plastic, cohesive. 5 ML Red silt with clay, dry, non -plastic, non -cohesive. 10 ML Red silt with clay Regolith, dry, non -plastic, non -cohesive, with white mottles and some structure. 15 20 25 30 35 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: SynTerra Faxn864 679 371199 PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: DEC Riverbend WELL / BORING NO: BGSB-7 PROJECT NO: 1026.15 STARTED: 7/27/17 COMPLETED: 7/27/17 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 592761.006 EASTING: 1415830.707 DRILLING METHOD: GeoProbe ELEVATION ft M.P. ELEV: ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 3 IN WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0 ft BGS NOTES: Coordinates obtained with hand held GPS unit. LOGGED BY: B. Wylie CHECKED BY: A. Lefitz U 0-0 CL O0 OJ Z a w$ DESCRIPTION Q CONSTRUCTION p D 0 �V m0 SM Brown sand with silt, organics, and some gravel, dry. 5 MH Red to light brown silty saprolite, regolith, relict structures and mottles. 10 MH Brown silt with minor fine sand and white mottles, not much structure. 15 20 25 30 35 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: SynTerra Faxn864 679 371199 PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: DEC Riverbend WELL / BORING NO: BGSB-8 PROJECT NO: 1026.15 STARTED: 7/27/17 COMPLETED: 7/27/17 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 593115.196 EASTING: 1416274.469 DRILLING METHOD: GeoProbe ELEVATION ft M.P. ELEV: ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 3 IN WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0 ft BGS NOTES: Coordinates obtained with hand held GPS unit. LOGGED BY: B. Wylie CHECKED BY: A. Lefitz w$ p U Q O D: C� DESCRIPTION CL O0 �V OJ Z m0 a Q CONSTRUCTION MH Dark red silt with sand and some gravel, dry, fine-grained. 5 MH Dark red brown silt with clay regotlith and fine sandy zones, dry. Weathered, clay mottles. 10 15 20 25 30 35 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: SynTerra Faxn864 679 371199 PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: DEC Riverbend WELL / BORING NO: BGSB-9 PROJECT NO: 1026.15 STARTED: 7/27/17 COMPLETED: 7/27/17 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 591043.984 EASTING: 1410107.754 DRILLING METHOD: GeoProbe ELEVATION ft M.P. ELEV: ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 3 IN WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0 ft BGS NOTES: Coordinates obtained with hand held GPS unit. LOGGED BY: B. Wylie CHECKED BY: A. Lefitz w$ p U Q O D 0 DESCRIPTION CL O0 �V OJ Z m0 a Q CONSTRUCTION SM Medium gray to brown silty sand, moist to dry, non -plastic, non -cohesive. 5 10 MH Red silty clay, moist to wet, medium plasticity, cohesive. SM Gray fine to medium silty sand, dry, non -plastic. SM Saprolite, silty sand with minor structure, moist to dry, non -plastic, semi -cohesive. 15 20 25 30 35 CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: SynTerra Faxn864 679 371199 PAGE 1 OF 1