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Additional BG Wells Tech Memo_REV1_20170526
F)� Technical Memorandum Date: Friday, May 26, 2017 Project: Dan River Steam Station To: Melonie Martin From: Jacob Ruffing Subject: Additional Background Monitoring Well Determinations — Revision 1 The purpose of this revised technical memorandum (TM) is to address the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality's (NCDEQ's) requirement identified below. In addition, this revised TM includes the justification for additional monitoring wells that should be considered as background wells for the Dan River Steam Station (DRSS) ash basin system as originally presented in the TM dated December 12, 2016. Following submittal of the TM dated December 12, 2016, Duke Energy submitted the Statistical Methods for Developing Reference Background Concentrations for Groundwater and Soil at Coal Ash Facilities (Background Methodology) to NCDEQ on January 20, 2017. NCDEQ subsequently requested additional information regarding the Background Methodology via a letter dated April 28, 2017. As part of the April 28, 2017 letter, NCDEQ requested the following information: Provide up-to-date digital spreadsheets of raw background groundwater data for each facility by May 26, 2017, and include, within the raw background data spreadsheet as "strike-throughs", the individual monitoring data results that Duke Energy believes should be omitted from the background dataset due to (a) high pH, (b) high turbidity, (c) auto -correlation, (d) outlier designation, (e) non -detect values that are above 2L/IMAC, or (f) other reasons. The up-to-date raw background groundwater data for background determinations at DRSS are provided in Table 2 of this revised TM. Note the remainder of the requirements in the April 28, 2017 NCDEQ letter are addressed in a revision to the Background Methodology under separate cover. Monitoring wells BG -1D, GWA-9S, GWA-9D, GWA-12S, GWA-12D, MW -23D, and MW-23BR were previously evaluated and selected to represent background groundwater quality, as documented in Appendix B of the DRSS Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Part 1, dated November 16, 2015. Well locations are shown on Figure 1. The proposed additional background monitoring wells at DRSS include BG -5S, BG -5D, BG - 10S, BG -1 OD, BG-10BR, GWA-18D, MW -20S, and MW -20D. These potential background wells are proposed based on evaluation of the following criteria: groundwater flow direction, groundwater elevation as compared to the nearest ash basin surface water or porewater 1 F)I elevation, historical analytical results, and horizontal distance to the ash source area. Distances and elevations pertinent to the evaluation are provided on Table 1. Additional details are provided for each monitoring well cluster on the following pages of this memorandum. Historical analytical data for previously evaluated background wells (CAP Part 1) and the potential background wells listed above are provided in Table 2. The background wells and analytical data are separated by groundwater flow layer (shallow, deep and bedrock) and a valid sample count is provided for each constituent. Sample data associated with turbidity reported to be greater than 10 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU), samples without a recorded turbidity, samples with a pH greater than 8.5, non -detect samples with a method detection limit greater than the respective 2L Standard or IMAC, or samples with less than a 60 day interval between sample events are denoted with "stri ke-th roughs" and were not included in the valid sample counts as requested by NCDEQ. BG-5S/D Monitoring wells BG-5S/D were installed as upgradient monitoring wells during the CSA. Nine groundwater gauging events, from June 2015 to August 2016, have been considered for determining groundwater elevations and flow direction in this area of the site. • Monitoring wells BG-5S/D are located approximately 2,700 feet northwest of the ash basin waste boundary. The ground surface at the monitoring wells (approximately 512 feet) is 12 feet higher than the edge of the ash basin waste boundary (500 feet). • The lowest elevation of the northern extent of Ash Storage 2 is approximately 590 feet. • BG -5S is screened from approximately 11 feet to 21 feet below ground surface (ft bgs) (approximately 501 to 491 feet elevation) in the shallow flow layer. The average groundwater elevation was 508.21 (approximately 82 feet lower than the base of Ash Storage 2 at the northern edge). • The groundwater surface near Ash Storage 2 is below the bottom of the ash, therefore the ash should not impact BG -5S groundwater quality. • BG -5D is screened from approximately 29 to 34 ft bgs (approximately 483 to 478 feet elevation) in the deep flow layer. The average groundwater elevation was 507.9 feet (approximately 82 feet lower than the bottom of the ash storage). • Boron was not reported in these wells at concentrations which equal or exceed the laboratory method reporting limit. Sulfate was reported at an order of magnitude less than the 2L Standard. Chloride was reported approximately two orders of magnitude less than the 2L Standard. • Based on analytical data, groundwater flow, and groundwater/surface water elevation data, groundwater in monitoring wells BG-5S/D originates northeast of the wells and cross -gradient from the ash storage area and ash basin and is not impacted by ash disposal areas. 2 F)I Based on the justification provided above and analytical data included in Table 2, monitoring wells BG-5S/D represent background water quality relative to the ash disposal areas at the site and have been included in the valid background sample counts. BG-10S/D/BR Monitoring wells BG-10S/D/BR were installed as upgradient monitoring wells during the Post CSA Additional Assessment in June 2016. One groundwater gauging event, in the third quarter of 2016, has been considered for determining groundwater elevations and flow direction. • Monitoring wells BG-110S/D/BR are located approximately 1,540 feet north of the ash storage waste boundary. The ground surface at the monitoring wells (approximately 596 feet) is 6 feet higher than the edge of ash storage waste boundary (590 feet). • The lowest elevation of the northern extent of Ash Storage 1 is approximately 590 feet. • BG -10S is screened from approximately 30 to 40 feet bgs (approximately 566 to 556 feet elevation) in the shallow flow layer. The water level elevation was 570.3 feet during (approximately 20 feet lower than the base of ash in Ash Storage 1). • BG -10D is screened from approximately 43 to 48 feet bgs (approximately 553 to 548 feet elevation) in the deep flow layer. The water level elevation was 550.15 feet during (approximately 40 feet lower than the base of ash in Ash Storage 1). • BG-10BR is screened from approximately 75 to 80 feet bgs (approximately 521 to 516 feet elevation) in the bedrock flow layer. The water level elevation was 569.04 feet (approximately 21 feet lower than the base of ash in Ash Storage 1). • Boron was not reported in these wells at concentrations which equaled or exceeded the laboratory method reporting limit. Chloride and sulfate were reported approximately two orders of magnitude less than the 2L Standards. • Based on analytical data, groundwater flow, and groundwater/surface water elevation data, groundwater in monitoring wells BG-10S/D/BR originates offsite, upgradient, and north of the monitoring well locations and is not impacted by ash disposal areas. Based on the justification provided above and the analytical data included in Table 1, monitoring wells BG-10S/D/BR represent background water quality relative to the ash disposal areas at the site and have been included in the valid background sample counts. GWA-18D Monitoring well GWA-18D was installed during the CSA. One groundwater gauging event, in the third quarter of 2016, has been considered for determining groundwater elevations and flow direction. • Monitoring well MW -18D is located approximately 600 feet north of the ash storage waste boundary. The ground surface at the monitoring well (approximately 595 feet) is 5 feet higher than the elevation near the ash storage waste boundary (590 feet). • The lowest elevation of the northern extent of Ash Storage 1 is approximately 590 feet. F)I • The average groundwater elevation was 551.38 feet (approximately 39 feet lower than the base of ash in Ash Storage 1). • Boron was not reported in this well at concentrations which equaled or exceeded the laboratory method reporting limit. Chloride and sulfate were reported at least two orders of magnitude less than the 2L Standards. • Based on analytical data, groundwater flow, and groundwater/surface water elevation data, groundwater in monitoring well GWA-18D originates offsite, upgradient, and north of the monitoring well locations and is not impacted by ash disposal areas. Based on the justification provided above and analytical data provided in Table 2, monitoring well GWA-18D represents background water quality relative to the ash disposal areas at the site and has been included in the valid background sample count. MW-20S/D Monitoring wells MW-20S/D were installed as NPDES compliance groundwater monitoring wells in 2010. Fifteen groundwater gauging events, from January 2011 to June 2015, have been considered for calculating groundwater elevations and flow direction in this area of the site. • Monitoring wells MW-20S/D are located approximately 600 feet north of the ash storage area waste boundary. The ground surface at the monitoring wells (approximately 560 feet) is 30 feet lower than the ash storage waste boundary (590 feet). • The lowest elevation of the northern extent of the ash storage area is approximately 590 feet. • MW -20S is screened from approximately 7.5 to 22.5 feet bgs (552.5 to 537.5 feet elevation) in the shallow flow layer. The average groundwater elevation was 556.1 feet (approximately 34 feet lower than the base of ash in Ash Storage 1). • MW -20D is screened from approximately 39 to 44 feet bgs (520 to 515 feet elevation) in the deep flow layer. The average groundwater elevation was 557.63 feet (approximately 33 feet lower than the base of ash in Ash Storage 1). • The groundwater surface near Ash Storage 2 is below the bottom of the ash, therefore the ash should not impact MW-20S/D groundwater quality. • Boron was not reported in these wells at concentrations which equaled or exceeded the laboratory method reporting limit. Chloride and sulfate were reported approximately two orders of magnitude less than the 2L Standards. • Based on analytical data, groundwater flow, and groundwater/surface water elevation data, groundwater in monitoring wells MW-20S/D originates offsite and north of the monitoring well locations and is not impacted by ash disposal areas. Based on the justification provided above and analytical data included in Table 2, monitoring wells MW-20S/D represent background water quality relative to the ash disposal areas at the site and have been included in the valid background sample counts. 4 t. rn / ( SB -1 MW-23BRGWA-12D MW -23D O_GWA-12S SB -2 c z z SB -3 0 ,m �LCID Landfill lot (Closed) r BG -5S BG -5D • SW -5 CCSW001 SERVICE WATER SETTLING POND BG -1D BG-1DA • SW -8 NOTES: 1. PARCEL DATA FOR THE SITE WAS OBTAINED FROM DUKE ENERGY REAL ESTATE AND IS APPROXIMATE. 2. WASTE BOUNDARY IS APPROXIMATE. 3. AS -BUILT MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY. 4. COMPLIANCE SHALLOW MONITORING WELLS (S) ARE SCREENED ACROSS THE SURFICIAL WATER TABLE. 5. COMPLIANCE DEEP MONITORING WELLS (D) ARE SCREENED IN THE TRANSITION ZONE BETWEEN COMPETENT BEDROCK AND REGOLITH. 6. TOPOGRAPHY DATA FOR THE SITE WAS OBTAINED FROM NC DOT GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) WEB SITE (DATED 2010) 7. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY WAS OBTAINED FROM WSP DATED APRIL 2014. 8. THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY IS ESTABLISHED ACCORDING TO THE DEFINITION FOUND IN 15A NCAC 02L.0107 (a). 9. HYDROGRAPHY WAS OBTAINED FROM USGS 7.5 -MINUTE SERIES TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS SOUTHEAST EDEN, NC AND NORTHEAST EDEN, NC -VA. BG -10D L 1BG-10S G-10BR 1 1 ....... ... a MW -20S ° MW -20D 0 0 0 w o MW -12 = MW -12D I0I 0 I I TAS -10D* I I GWA-9S GWA-9 DO L GWA-1S GWA-18D GWA-1D* 0- MW-301BR* ASH STORAGE 1 SW -2 • MW -8* SAS -12D GWA-8BR GWA-8S GWA-8D MW-317BRD AS -8D MW -3176R SAS-8BR MW -318D � ASH STORAGE 2 MW-303BR* GWA-2S* GWA-2D* AS -6D* GWA-3S* GWA-3D* MW-306BR* AS -4D* GWA-11S SW __ GWA-17D GWA-11D 4#� MW-315BR,0-GWA-10S 4GWA-10D DAN RIVER COMBINED CYCLE STATION CCSWO02 DRRC001 GWA-7S GWA-7D OLD NPDES006 NPDES004 DAN RIVER STEAM STATION NPDES OUTFALL 1 INFSWO09 MW-310BR 0- M W-314BR 0 AS -2D � MW-308BR AB -5S AB -5D • SW -9 Bl'�Ml AB -10S / 71 AB-10SL AB-10D4'i� AB -15 MW -10 MW -10D ASH BASIN PRIMARY CELL MW-311BR'�' • SW -7 AB -20 AB -25D AB -25S AB-25BR MW -9D MW -90 • SW -MW -22 MW-22BR MW -22S SW009A MW -22D S-4 'GWA-6S GWA-6D SCALE (FEET) 200' 0 200' 400' I" = 400' GWA-20S GWA-20D T ABANDONED WELLS WELL ID NORTHING EASTING AS -41) 999349.09 1789893.62 AS -61) 999920.17 1790294.53 AS -10D 1000088.72 1789105.34 GWA-1D 1000435.36 1789501.26 GWA-2D 1000194.10 1790144.67 \ GWA-2S 1000192.16 1790142.81 \ GWA-3D 999722.04 1790325.37 1 GWA-3S 999728.33 1790326.70 MW -8 999499.29 1788295.09 MW-301BR 1000085.21 1789724.76 1 MW-303BR 999827.79 1789669.99 I MW-306BR 999376.35 1789631.22 * DENOTES THAT WELL HAS BEEN ABANDONED I I I I 0 rm u LEGEND: DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY ASH STORAGE AREA BOUNDARY COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY COINCIDENT WITH DUKE PROPERTY BOUNDARY STREAM LANDFILL - LAND CLEARING & INERT DEBRIS ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL ASH BASIN VOLUNTARY GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL CSA SOIL BORING/GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LOCATION CSA GRAB SAMPLE LOCATION ABANDONED MONITORING WELL POST -CSA ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL SOIL BORING LOCATION SURFACE WATER SAMPLE LOCATION AREA OF WETNESS SAMPLE LOCATION NCDENR SAMPLE LOCATION SAMPLE LOCATION MAP DATE CAMA AND NPDES PROGRAMS MAY 2017 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC DAN RIVER STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA � GWA-4S S-1 GWA-14D GWA-14S GWA-4D �S GWA-5BRD 2 S-3 GWA-5BRD GWA-16S MW-215GWA-5BR GWA-16D MW -21D • GWA-15S ASH BASIN SW -10 SW -3 GWA-15D SECONDARY CELL MW -11 MW -11D • SW -6 AB-30BR NPDES AB-30SIjj� OUTFALL 2 AB -30D Bl'�Ml AB -10S / 71 AB-10SL AB-10D4'i� AB -15 MW -10 MW -10D ASH BASIN PRIMARY CELL MW-311BR'�' • SW -7 AB -20 AB -25D AB -25S AB-25BR MW -9D MW -90 • SW -MW -22 MW-22BR MW -22S SW009A MW -22D S-4 'GWA-6S GWA-6D SCALE (FEET) 200' 0 200' 400' I" = 400' GWA-20S GWA-20D T ABANDONED WELLS WELL ID NORTHING EASTING AS -41) 999349.09 1789893.62 AS -61) 999920.17 1790294.53 AS -10D 1000088.72 1789105.34 GWA-1D 1000435.36 1789501.26 GWA-2D 1000194.10 1790144.67 \ GWA-2S 1000192.16 1790142.81 \ GWA-3D 999722.04 1790325.37 1 GWA-3S 999728.33 1790326.70 MW -8 999499.29 1788295.09 MW-301BR 1000085.21 1789724.76 1 MW-303BR 999827.79 1789669.99 I MW-306BR 999376.35 1789631.22 * DENOTES THAT WELL HAS BEEN ABANDONED I I I I 0 rm u LEGEND: DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY ASH STORAGE AREA BOUNDARY COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY COINCIDENT WITH DUKE PROPERTY BOUNDARY STREAM LANDFILL - LAND CLEARING & INERT DEBRIS ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL ASH BASIN VOLUNTARY GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL CSA SOIL BORING/GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LOCATION CSA GRAB SAMPLE LOCATION ABANDONED MONITORING WELL POST -CSA ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL SOIL BORING LOCATION SURFACE WATER SAMPLE LOCATION AREA OF WETNESS SAMPLE LOCATION NCDENR SAMPLE LOCATION SAMPLE LOCATION MAP DATE CAMA AND NPDES PROGRAMS MAY 2017 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC DAN RIVER STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA � Table 1. Monitoring Well Information Distance and Direction from Source Area Closest Ash Ash Groundwater Ground Elevation of Average Basin Surface Well ID Ash Basin Storage Flow Surface Screened Elevation of Water Elevation Groundwater Elevation Monitoring Events (Primary/ Area Direction Elevation Interval Groundwater to Well Secondary (Ash (ft msl) (ft msl) (ft msl) (feet) Cell) Storage 1 & 2) CAP 1 Evaluated Background Monitoring Wells MW 2,200 540 2015 —June, September, December 23D 3,200 feet NW feet SE 524 504-514 514.93 (Primary Cell) 2016 — March, June, September W 2,200 —527 23BR 3,200 feet NW feet SE 524 463-468 (artesian) (Primary Cell) NA GWA- 895 feet 540 2015 — June, September, November, 9S 2,100 feet NW N SE 608 561-576 583.36 (Primary Cell) December 2016 — March, June, September GWA- 895 feet 540 2015 — June, September, November, 9D 2100 feet NW , N S 608 536-541 . 58214 (Primary Cell) ember 2016 — March, June, September GWA- 1,000 540 2015 — June, September, November, 2,300 feet NW feet S 582 567-577 572.13 (Primary Cell) December W 2016 — March, June, September GWA- 1,000 540 2015 — June, September, November, 2,300 feet NW feet S 582 550-555 564.81 (Primary Cell) December W 2016 — March, June, September 3200 540 2015 — June, September, November, BG -1 D 1,800 feet SW feet SW S 513 499-504 500.45 (Primary Cell) December 2016 — March, September Potential Additional Background Monitoring Wells for Evaluation 2200 2015 — June, September, November, BG -5S 2,700 feet NW feet SW SW 512 491-501 508.21 (Primary Cell) December 2016 — March, June, September 2200 540 2015 — June, September, November, BG -5D 2,700 feet NW feet SW SW 512 478-483 507.90 (Primary Cell) December 2016 — March, June, September BG -10S 3,100 feet NW S. 596 566-556 570.73 2016 - June fee4N Pri aro Cell BG -1 OD 3,100 feet NW S* 596 553-548 550.15 NA fee4N (Primary Cell 3,100 feet NW S* 596 521-516 569.04 40 2016 - June 106- fee4N Prim Cell Table 1. Monitoring Well Information 1. Elevations presented in North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) 88. 2. The groundwater elevations presented are the averaged based on available groundwater elevation measurements from sampling/gauging events at the site. 3. Ash basin surface water elevations surveyed during the June 2016 gauging event. 4. * indicates monitoring well is scheduled for replacement due to potential grout contamination. Distance and Direction from Source Area Closest Ash Ash Groundwater Ground Elevation of Average Basin Surface Well ID Ash Basin Storage Flow Surface Screened Elevation of Water Elevation Groundwater Elevation Monitoring Events (Primary/ Area Direction Elevation Interval Groundwater to Well Secondary (Ash (ft msl) (ft msl) (ft msl) (feet) Cell) Storage 1 & 2) MW 2,100 feet NW 600 feet SSE 560 552.5-537.5 556.10 540 2015 — June, September 20S NW Primary Cell MW 2,100 feet NW 600 feet SSE 559 520-515 557.63 540 2015 — June, September 20D NW Prima Cell GWA- 1,450 feet N 515 feet S 595 Unk 551.38 540 2016 - June 18D N Primary Cell 1. Elevations presented in North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) 88. 2. The groundwater elevations presented are the averaged based on available groundwater elevation measurements from sampling/gauging events at the site. 3. Ash basin surface water elevations surveyed during the June 2016 gauging event. 4. * indicates monitoring well is scheduled for replacement due to potential grout contamination. Table 2. Analytical Results 15A Constituent: NCAC 02L, DHHS, IMAC: Reporting Units: FIELD PARAMETERS WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS SELECTED 40CFR257 APPENDIX III CONSTITUENTS INORGANIC PARAMETERS (TOTALS) RADIONUCLIDES pH 6.5-8.5 SU Eh NS mV Oxidation Reduction Potential NS mV Dissolved Oxygen NS mg/I Specific Conductance NS NS/cm Turbidity NS NTU Temperature NS Deg C Alkalinity NS ug/I Carbonate Alkalinity NS ug/I Bicarbonate Alkalinity NS ug/I Methane NS ug/I Sulfide NS ug/I Total Organic Carbon NS ug/I Total Suspended Solids NS ug/I Boron 700 ug/I Calcium NS ug/I Chloride 250000 ug/I Strontium NS ug/I Sulfate 250000 ug/I Total Dissolved Solids 500000 ug/I Aluminum NS ug/I Antimony 1 ug/I Arsenic 10 ug/I Barium 700 ug/I Beryllium 4 ug/I Cadmium 2 ug/I Chromium 10 ug/I Chromium (W) 0.07 ug/I Cobalt 1 ug/I Copper 1000 ug/I Iron 300 ug/I Lead 15 ug/I Magnesium NS ug/I Manganese 50 ug/I Mercury 1 ug/I Molybdenum NS ug/I Nickel 100 ug/I Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 NS ug/I Potassium NS ug/I Selenium 20 ug/I Sodium NS ug/I Thallium 0.2 ug/I Vanadium 0.3 ug/I Zinc 1000 ug/I Radium- 226 NS pCi/L Radium- 228 NS pCi/L Uranium, Natural NS ug/I Uranium- 233 NS ug/I Uranium- 234 NS ug/I Uranium- 236 NS ug/I Well/Sample ID Sampling Round Collection Date Days Since Previous Viable iSample Shallow Flow Layer GWA-9S Round -1 NA 535 33}:5 33 5 4.47 39.3 2311.9 23.$ 9i8B < 5000 U 9398 2.3-7+ < 199-14 44280 239008 F50 U 4450 4280 21 6503 161999 4380 &�-2-7 B.. 42 . 8:036-3 3:5 93 951-3+ 5480 43 890 2-24 03-3 b:i }F 4S <-5BB0-kf 0:56 6988 8:934-) i:� 2A GWA-9S Round 2 9/9/2015 NA 5.1 487 287 4.52 48.1 7.2 19 5700 < 5000 U 5700 2.73+ < 100 U < 1000 U 30200 < 50 U 584 4000 9.1 2700 50000 630 < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 17 0.23 0.0343 0.977+ -- 4.7 1.4 750 0.38 558 110 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 2.9 36 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 5390 < 0.1 U 0.593 16 -- -- -- -- -- -- GWA-9S Round 3 11/16/2015 68 5.3 441.6 241.6 1.61 45.2 9.24 16.3 49003 < 5000 U 4900 J 1.7 J+ < 100 U < 1000 U 6900 < 50 U 8353+ 4100 9.3 6400 36000 300 < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 14 0.21 0.0533 0.823+ 0.083 6.7 1.5 290 0.39 753 140 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 3.9 31 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 5960 < 0.1 U 0.65 7 113+ -- -- -- -- -- -- GWA-95 Reund-4 12AS{=8n 29 5,3 4ii..3 �3 47:6 549 &2 435 78W E 5000 U 7808 i.9 J+ ,E 100 y H68&U 5988 E 5&U 3438 4288 473 7008 36000 300 F 0.5 y E 0.5 y -14 839 9 0$373 038 3+ 9$273 6& 47:8 370 &25 8% 480 < O.0 , B§U 379 423+ E 5088 U , 0§U 6460 F 8.0 0.743 16 GWA-9S Round 5 3/28/2016 133 5.7 349.8 149.8 3.84 47.2 6.14 16 12300 < 5000 U 12300 1.53+ < 100 U < 1000 U 2800 < 50 U 1050 4300 23.9 4100 70000 96.93 < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 8.7 0.0983 < 0.08 U 0.333+ 0.077 3.3 0.89 111 0.093 537 76.3 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 2.2 50 32503 < 0.5 U 7150 < 0.1 U 0.11 32.2 0.0702 0.273 < 0.5 U GWA-9S Round 6 6/17/2016 81 5.1 494.2 294.2 4.6 38.9 2.5 18 6800 < 5000 U 6800 < 10 U < 100 U 2900 < 50 U 468 3800 10.1 2600 < 25000 U < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 7.8 0.13 < 0.08 U 0.9 0.143 2.4 0.84 34.53 < 0.1 U 458 56.6 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 2 73 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 5950 < 0.1 U 4-0.3 U < 10 U 0.119 1.18 < 0.5 U GWA-9S Round 7 9/28/2016 103 5.3 484.9 284.9 2.6 35.4 8.47 21.1 6800 < 5000 U 6800 < 10 U < 100 U 21100 < 50 U 360 4400 7.3 1200 62000 69.81+ 0.153+ < 0.1 U 8.6 0.163+ < 0.08 U 1.1 J+ 0.17 1.3 0.953+ 66.2 < 0.1 U 445 35.4 0.093+ < 0.5 U 1.7 69 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 5850 < 0.1 U E 0:3 U 5.73+ 0 0.495 < 5 U GWA-9S Round 8 12/15/2016 78 5.2 391.5 191.5 6.4 33 4 11.6 6200 < 5000 U 6200 1.73 < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 342 4200 6.2 1100 39000 < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 9.1 0.0183 < 0.08 U 0.137 0.24 < 0.1 U 0.37 < 50 U < 0.1 U 410 29.2 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U <0.5U 76 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 5560 < 0.1 U F 03U < 10 U 0.146 0.148 < 0.5 U GWA-9S Round 9 2/22/2017 69 5.2 466.1 266.1 5.3 33.8 1.7 13.6 6600 -- 6600 < 10 U < 100 U -- < 2500 U < 50 U 311 4300 6.7 9603 37000 < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 8.5 0.19 < 0.08 U 0.69 0.18 1.1 0.6 < SOU < 0.1 U 400 28.4 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.6 76 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 5420 < 0.1 U E 0:3 U 5.43 0.0637 -0.248 < 0.5 U -- -- -- GWA-12S Round 1 6/4/2015 NA 5.45 521 321 4.85 151.3 2.38 18.3 28000 < 10000 U 28000 < 10 U < 100 U 697 J+ < 5000 U < 50 U 12200 3000 140 41000 110000 190 < 1 U < 1 U 55 < 1 U < 1 U 1.01 -- < 1 U < 1 U 185 < 1 U 5960 150 < 0.05 U < 1 U 3.09 -- 1690 < 1 U 7920 < 0.2 U E 83 U < 5 UJ -- -- -- -- -- -- GWA-12S Round 2 9/11/2015 99 5.2 437.2 237.2 3.96 286.1 4.8 19.4 11900 < 5000 U 11900 1.83+ < 100 U 7103 3000 < 50 U 10100 1700 140 46100 105000 350 < 0.5 U 0.163 54 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 1.4 -- 0.493 1.3 460 0.24 6070 45 F 03U 0.113 3.4 580 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 7010 < 0.1 U 0.933 5.93 -- -- -- -- -- -- Reund-4 98 53 4344 2144 5-.9 3333 22.54 363 6080 E-5880-U 6008 33-3-f X109 y 33W E-5&U 7238 2708 308 32400 87980 560 949-3 OA,8-3 41 0.05473 E-0:08-U 34 0.26 &423 i:4 }E 890 035 4370 37 E-83-U 849 3:7 798 E-S009 U Oi6-3 5638 E 0.1 y 2:43+ 61}3 Reund 5 3)28/2016 104 54 4131 2134 333 403 42,2 19:5 9700 F5000 U 9700 i3 3+ H88 U 4300 < 2580 U < So U 6760 3300 93 24900 109000 812 F 0.5 y 038 359 0:8689 E 0,08 U 2.23+ 0.� OA2 47:6 4449 038 4160 237 E 0:2 U E O.0 2.7 1500 < 5000 U 0,52 5729 E 04U -47 33-3 0.771 0:718 0.0713 GWA-12S Round 6 6/21/2016 284 5.2 464.8 264.8 3.2 123.3 2 20.5 18100 < 5000 U 18100 < 10 U < 100 U < 3000 U < 50 U 8680 3900 104 24000 73000 96.53 < 0.5 U 0.16 36.8 0.03 J < 0.08 U 0.84 0.56 0.16 0.443 90.1 < 0.1 U 4320 25.6 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 2.4 1000 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 6740 < 0.1 U 0.42 7.63 -0.207 0.359 < 0.5 U GWA-12S Round 7 9/29/2016 100 5.1 513.9 313.9 2 109.6 9.31 21.7 10100 < 5000 U 10100 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 9220 1200 108 35600 64000 292 < 0.5 U 0.18 41.2 0.078 1+ < 0.08 U 0.823+ 0.22 3 0.3 1.7 412 0.18 5540 23.4 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 3 380 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 6150 < 0.1 U 0.98 9.93+ 0.193 0.565 < 0.5 U GWA-125 Round 9 2/22/2017 146 5.2 420 220 3.4 124.5 2.2 13.8 11000 -- 11000 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < SO U 7680 3400 98 31700 69000 89.67 < 0.5 U 0.11 34.4 0.057]+ < 0.08 U 6.2 2.7 0.28 1.4 116 < 1 U 4730 19.4 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 7.4 900 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 5730 < 1 U 0.493+ 4.33 0 0.146 < 0.5 U Valid Sample Count 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 12 12 12 5 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 9 12 12 12 12 12 12 it 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 7 12 8 8 8 0 0 0 Dee Flow Layer BG4D Reund3 NA 3�4 232.3 323 3:89 632 G35 iii 156000 83680 74200 223+ ,109-U 1880 69 66800 6400 300 86880 389000 1080 946-3 2A E-5-U E-03-U E 9.08 y 353 24:9 0383 2.6 31-3 E-04U 74�J � 5 y E-03-14 478 9.43 3470 6500 4.2 32480 9.9i}3 4SS H0 U 88-10 Reund -4 12ASP415 NA 38.8 25i.2 51.2 63 4354 456 18.4 117000 85000 <-�500&U 45-3+ «8&U 2800 i0800 58 63600 6680 14-G 92400 338000 760 0-47 23 ,E5-U <-0.2 U <-&08-U 46,4 36.9 033-9 23-3+ <-5&U 237 F5-U <-03U 16:3 49-3+ 30G 6360 013 32900 &Oi79 4-3 10-3+ BG-1D Round 5 3/28/2016 NA 8.5 361 161 5.01 403.2 3.45 16.7 72400 12100 60300 -- < 100 U 1300 < 5300 U 93.1 36100 -- 112 -- 281000 106 1.1 2.1 2.63 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 6.4 -- 0.3 1.2 54.2 < 0.1 U 11200 < 5 U < 0.2 U 17.6 1.1 220 49003 0.51 29300 < 0.1 U 20.1 < 10 U -- -- -- -- -- 86 11) Reund 5 4/4f2016 7 9.4 326.7 126.7 555 352:9 732 123 - - - 49 3+ - - - - - 5980 - 106009 - - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GWA-9D Reund 1 6/45/2815 NA 6.4 2903 903 0. 6 i4i.9 i6.28 264 57000 F10000 y 57909 4-}g U 4-300 U H900 U i6i90 < 50 U 47789 2000 64 4280 113809 1270 E 0.5 y 23 23 0:8859 < &08 N 2:9 3� 243+ 3399 9.673+ 3850 640 0.072-3 032 323+ <-20 U F5000 U E 8:5 U 6440 E 0.1U " 8.9 9 i GWA-9D Round 2 9/9/2015 NA 6.3 261.3 61.3 0.47 156.7 0.9 17.6 47600 < 5000 U 47600 33+ < 100 U 17500 < 5000 U < 50 U 14200 2100 55 4300 91000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.67 21 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 1.21+ -- 0.383 < 1 U 2000 < 0.1 U 2620 720 < 0.2 U 0.12 J 1.2 < 20 U < 5000 U < 0.5 U 5510 < 0.1 U E 1 y < 10 U -- -- -- -- -- GWA-9D Round 3 11/16/2015 68 6.1 201.5 1.5 0.31 89.6 9.97 18.2 32000 < 5000 U 32000 2.63+ < 100 U < 1000 U 5800 383 8270 2900 31 6000 42000 210 < 0.5 U 0.84 15 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 2.53+ < 0.03 U 0.9 0.43 2600 0.32 2260 620 < 0.2 U 0.277 3.7 < 20 U < 5000 U < 0.5 U 5000 < 0.1 U 0.383 123+ -- -- -- -- -- -- GWA-9B Reund 4 29 53 242 42 G. 844 4.9 34.-5 25400 F 5800 U 25408 3:9 3+ �8&U 1009 �0 5900 � 5&U 7158 3100 27 6000 90080 < 10&U E B. 034 33 E 03-U F 9.98 y i:4 9 i F 0:83 U &88 8.47 3 3-309 044 2030 530 E 03-U f 0.5U 25 <-20 U E 5000 U F 0.5U 4858 3 F 0.1U 039 3 476 GWA-9D Round 5 3/28/2016 133 6 237 37 0.4 76.1 4.19 15.2 24700 < 5000 U 24700 1.73+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 6790 3100 28.1 7100 81000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.56 13 0.039 J < 0.08 U 0.273+ < 0.03 U 0.84 < 0.5 U 2120 < 0.1 U 1980 520 < 0.2 U 0.12 7 2 < 20 U < 5000 U < 0.5 U 4890] < 0.1 U 4-9.3-U 5.27 0 0.0736 < 0.5 U GWA-9D Round 6 6/17/2016 81 5.8 274.9 74.9 1.6 73.5 1.9 23.1 28000 < 5000 U 28000 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 6580 2400 26.8 5200 46000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.57 11.6 0.0323 < 0.08 U 0.363 < 0.03U 0.85 0.67 2130 < 0.1 U 1870 522 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 2.2 < 20 U < 5000 U < 0.5 U 46003 < 0.1 U < 03 U 42 -0.189 0.201 <0.5u GWA-9D Reund 7 9{28/2016 403 5.8 236 36 6§3 82.3 136 199 28300 F5000 y 28300 E 1&H H8&U E 2500 N <-50 y 7370 2900 273 5200 72000 1ii3+ 038 3+ 047 42:6 0.0413+ < &08 N 0.4 3+ 034 034 3+ 2;80 039 2130 522 <-0.2U ()Ai 14 129 F5009 U E 0.5U 48483 < 0.1U 0�3 43 9 i F5 U GWA-9D Round 8 12/15/2016 181 6 219.4 19.4 0.5 76.8 0.8 6.8 26800 < 5000 U 26800 2.13 < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 7410 2900 25.4 5600 51000 68.83 < 0.5 U 0.13 12.3 0.031 < 0.08 U 2 0.48 0.2 1.2 1820 < 0.1 U 1900 482 < 0.2 U 1 1.2 < 20 U < 5000 U < 0.5 U 48403 < 0.1 U 6.7 < 10 U -0.126 0.224 < 0.5 U GWA-9D Round 9 2/22/2017 69 6 210.1 10.1 0.2 81 2.4 13.8 27400 < 5000 U -- < 10 U < 100 U -- < 5000 U < 50 U 6850 3000 27.4 5500 64000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.53 12.6 0.0393 < 0.08 U 0.233 ' �5U 0.83 < 0.5 U 2110 < 0.1 U 1960 518 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 2 < 20 U < 5000 U < 0.5 U 46603 < 0.1 U 0.133 < 10 U 0 0.359 < 0.5 U -- -- -- GWA-12D Round 1 6/4/2015 NA 7.47 118.6 -81.4 0.47 396.7 8.35 17.7 190000 < 10000 U 190000 < 10 U < 500 U 2023+ 16000 < 50 U 51700 3900 526 16000 250000 < 5 U < 1 U 3.71 17 < 1 U < 1 U 2.87 -- < 1 U 3.93+ 54 1.74 16400 49 < 0.05 U 1.52 3.37 -- 1000 < 1 U 9470 < 0.2 U 5.65 < 5 UJ -- -- -- -- -- -- GWA-12D Round 2 9/9/2015 98 7.3 175.8 -24.2 0.37 525.9 4.4 21 196000 < 5000 U 196000 1.83+ < 100 U < 1000 U 7200 < 50 U 54700 3300 520 15300 257000 813 0.193 2.7 16 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.433+ -- 0.353 0.523 100 0.0811 18000 403+ < 0.2 U 0.8 3.4 170 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 9730 < 0.1 U 3.7 12 -- -- -- -- -- -- GWA-12D Round 3 11/19/2015 71 7.4 130.3 -69.7 0.5 385.3 7.13 17.8 192000 < 5000 U 192000 1.93+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2600 U < 50 U 52000 3700 580 18700 265000 100 0.183 2.2 22 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.423 -- 0.133 0.423 140 0.13 16700 37 < 0.2 U 0.56 0.77 86 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 9060 < 0.1 U 3.1 < 10 U -- -- -- -- -- -- Reund 4 26 7L6 4-21 -79 42 371.6 23 366 474000 E 5000 U 374GW 449+ 4-180 U H909 y �o < 50 U 48980 3800 560 18509 263000 51-3 E 0:5U 2.2 21 E 03-U E &G8 U 9.213 9.0213 E 0:5U 036 9 4-30 E 04U 36200 36 E 0.2-U 0343 0333 83 E 5009 y E 0.5U 8410 E 04U �23 3�- GWA-12D Round 5 3/28/2016 104 7.4 179.4 -20.6 0.5 360.5 0.82 19.6 201000 < 5000 U 201000 3.13+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 50900 4000 601 19600 260000 < 100 U < 5 U 2.3 24 0.123 < 0.8 U < 5 U < 0.03 U 0.253 < 5 U 82.3 < 1 U 17800 31.1 ,E 0.2 < 5 U < 5 U 100 < 5000 U < 5 U 9690 < 1 U 3.5 < 10 U -0.071 -0.141 0.43 GWA-12D Round 6 6/20/2016 84 7.4 154.6 -45.4 0.2 365.9 0.5 22.3 191000 < 5000 U 191000 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 50200 3400 600 18000 243000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 2 24.7 0.0273 < 0.08 U 0.253 0.0253 0.0793 < 0.5 U 61.5 < 0.1 U 16600 34.3 E 0.2-U 0.47J < 0.5 U 130 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 8860 < 0.1 U 0.82 < 10 U 0 0.274 0.28 ] GWA-12D Round 7 9/29/2016 101 7.5 127.4 -72.6 0.75 381.6 0.36 19.7 198000 < 5000 U 198000 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 60000 3800 565 18600 246000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 1.6 23 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U < 0.5 U < 0.03 U 0.11 0.183+ 82.9 < 0.1 U 19800 30.7 -E 0.2 0.53 < 0.5 U 280 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 9880 < 0.1 U 1.6 < 10 U 0.255 1.09 0.39 ] GWA-12D Round 8 12/15/2016 77 7.7 136.6 -63.4 0.3 397.2 1.2 11.9 204000 < 5000 U 204000 2.83 < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 57800 3900 592 17400 252000 < 100 U 0.59 1.1 24.7 0.021 < 0.08 U 2.3 0.0243 0.0873 1.3 86.3 < 0.1 U 17400 34.8 E 0.2U 2.6 0.52 150 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 9530 < 0.1 U 14.2 < 10 U -0.072 0.614 0.47 ] GWA-12D Round 9 2/22/2017 69 7.5 161.9 -38.1 0.3 399.8 2.4 15.6 206000 < 5000 U < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 52400 3900 487 17500 244000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.97 17.5 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.193 0.123+ 0.2 < 0.5 U 84.9 < 1 U 17800 33.9 E&2U 0.62 0.52 180 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 9210 < 1 U 2.2 < 10 U -0.06 -0.105 0.52 MW-230 - IMP411 NA 613 - - - 3546 438 12A6 - - - - - - - 4-58 U - - - 30000 204000 - 4-1 y E4U 71 - E4U E5 U - - 4-5 U 326 E4U - 403 E0.05U - 4-514 - - 4-1 y - - - E5U - - - - - - MW-24D W - NA 5:92 - - - 454-..2 294 1247 - - - - - - - E 5&U - - - 46000 340808 - 4-1 U 4-1 U 38 - E 4 U < 5 U - - E 5 U 593 4-1 U - 21 E &85U - E 5 U - - 4-1 y - - - E5U - - - - - - MW-4D - 9PP414 NA 644 - - - 439 52 18.§3 - - - - - - - 4-504 - - - 34900 99000 - 4-1 y 4-1 U 34 - 4-1 U 4-511 - - E5U 4850 E4U - 26 E0.05U - E5U - - 4-1 y - - - 9 - - - - - - MW-23B NA 646 589 389 73 335 752 1441 - - - E 5&U 23008 i20009 E4U 4-1 y 35 4-1 U E 5 U e 5 U 34i0 <-4-6_ 45 E 5 U 4-4 U 9 - - - - - MW- 4D - SPRO42 NA 6.7 478 278 6.52 463 6977 157.3 - - - - - - - 4-5014 - - - 34900 202009 - 4-1 U E1 y 93 - 4-1 y E511 - - 4-511 1780 443 - 492 < 0.95 y - 4-541 - - 4-1 y - - - 10 - - - - - - MW3-3B - NA 6-73 465 265 7.27 434 703 206 - - - - - - - E 5&U - - - 33000 250089 - 4-1 y 4-1 U 408 - 4-1 U E 5 U - - e 5 U 547 4-1 U - 468 E &05U - E 5 U - - 4-1 y - - - E5i1 - - - - - - MW- 4D - 177/2813 NA 6.34 324 324 357 284 443 ii:22 119000 - - - - - - ESo U 37200 - - 33000 490009 - 4-4-14 4-1 y 49 - 4-1 U 4-514 - - 4-541 522 E4U 12509 47 E0,.05U - 4-514 - 4790 , }1 N 6820 - - E5U - - - - - - MW-230 -- 5/8/2013 NA 6.65 548 348 3.82 365 8.21 12.38 130000 -- -- -- -- -- < 5000 U < 50 U 42000 -- -- 31000 200000 -- 4-143 < 1 U 68 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 71 < 1 U 9170 61 E 9.95U -- < 5 U -- 1530 < 1 U 5510 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-23D -- 9/4/2013 119 6.78 356 156 -- 496 9.41 17.27 220000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 72100 -- -- 30000 280000 -- E1-U < 1 U 112 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 211 < 1 U 14100 566 E0..95U -- < 5 U -- 1620 < 1 U 7290 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW43B - 431 5-347 594 393 742 428 347 1455 26009 - - - - - - E 5&U i28G9 - - 27080 #08080 - E� U E� U 29 - ESU < 5 U - - 4-3 U 969 ESU 4819 2-3 E 95U - 4-3 U - 4620 4- 1 U 3240 - - 4-3 U - - - - - - MW-23I) - 5{5/2044 243 6�-5 449 249 6.69 430 893 44&6 200000 - - - - - - 4-50 y 65600 - - 31000 280000 - 4-1 U 4-1 U 88 - E1{i -*-5-11 - - 4-511 6% 4-1{1 12609 4747 E8.85U - <-5-U - 4390 E4U 5920 - - 4-5 1 - - - - - - MW43B 369 5.76 489 289 559 457 2+4 37.29 34808 E 5&U i7790 39080 120000 4-1 U E4U 48 4-1 U E 5 li 4-3 U i430 <-4-6 5330 45 E 5 43 2780 *4_14 3440 6 MW-4D - if5F2015 488 646 553 353 636 492 49.6 42.81 48000 - - - - - - 4-5011 21300 - - 32008 300000 - 4-1 y , }1 U 53 - 4-1 y 4-511 - - 4--5{1 862 4-143 6439 27 4-8.05-U - E 5 U - 1650 E1-U 4439 - - 7 - - - - - - MW3-3B - 607 634 43G 23G 8.86 425 227 1299 i3i000 4- 5000 U 131989 - - - E380&U E SO IJ 44280 - - 33000 138000 490 < 1 U < 1 U 74 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U - EA-U 4- 5 U 404 E 1 U 9350 39 E$85U E 1 U < 5 U - 4240 E 1 U 5630 - - 4-3 U - - - - - MW-4D Reund 1 6PAR045 665 639 34&5 i4&5 444 43&2 5469 19.8 285000 E 3900 U 205080 1SA+ 4-1@9 y 5209 E 2500 U 4-58 U 61100 800&3+ 740 29800 252000 480 E0:5U 0.279 80 < 0.2U EB�U 036 3+ 0 089 3 035 9 0.88 3+ 110 13600 280 E 0.2H 0413 BA9 J+ 4-20 U9 4-508&U 4-03 U 7300 E0.1 U 4-1 y 27 MW439 727 783 495 0,63 478 49:8 1649 192800 E 5909 U }92000 20800 E3&U 76400 5800 897 29000 298080 674 1.04 E4U 330 4-1 y 4-3 U E-5-1i < 1 U 4-3 U 648 E1U 45780 493 E� U < 5 U 4350 4-3 U 7720 E�2 U 0�6 8 &472 MW-23D Round 4 12/15/2015 832 5.95 268.8 68.8 1.86 385.3 9.73 14.8 168000 < 5000 U 168000 55.5 < 100 U < 1000 U 3500 < 50 U 59000 5200 110 27700 279000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.333 16 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 1.5 1.1 0.33 0.873 483 0.24 13000 25 < 0.2 U 0.123 1 36 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 6400 < 0.1 U 1.2 2.63 -- -- -- -- -- -- MW3-3B 20 639 283 433 228 274 0332 78599 4-3000 U 78580 39000 E3&U 28700 4800 288 26000 150008 343 3.4 E� U 547 E 1 U E 1 U < 5 U ESU < 5 U 202 < 1 U 7340 247 E$85U E 1 y < 5 U 4260 < 1 y 4720 4-02 U 0342 4- 5 U MW-23B Reund -5 3{29/2816 305 6 362.5 162.5 64 i9&2 2&08 436 23400 4-5000 U 23108 46-9+ 4-100 U 1100 E-2505U 4-58-U 11900 2700 704 20300 82000 579 E-0.5U 9.25-3+ 247 0.474-3+ 0.484-3+ 43-3+ 0,094 038-3+ 0.93-3+ 850 935-3+ 3929 1&2 E-0.2U 034-3+ 0:9 4-20 U E 5008-U 0:383 28809 E0.1 U 3-.47 -E 10 0.04 -&655 4-0.5-U MW-49 139 567 267 636 302 26� 4286 22890 E 580&U 228W 60 i0209 2800 89 22000 8i000 2510 <4-6 4-1 y 34 E4U E4U < 5 U 4-1 y 4-543 1349 4-1 y 3660 478 4-1 y E5U 4840 -<444 3980 4-92 U 3.89 E3-U MW-4D - 4/12{2016 272 783 - 210 4-22 482 157 1781 - - - - - - - 4-5011 71700 - 897 - - 937 4-1 U < 1 y 499 E4U , }1 U E-5-U - 4-1 y 4-511 942 4-1 y 14409 540 E0..05U 406 E-5-U - 4400 E1-U 7649 4-9.2-U 1,39 6 - - - - - - MW-23D Round 7 9/29/2016 289 6.1 395.1 195.1 4.2 226.3 8.5 19.1 76300 < 5000 U 76300 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 29000 5000 186 24700 82000 312 < 0.5 U 0.15 42 0.0273+ < 0.08 U 2.13+ I.I. 0.12 0.643+ 290 0.12 9410 15.2 < 0.2 U 0.143 1.4 50 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 6480 < 0.1 U 0.66 3.29+ 0.0875 1.29 < 0.5 U MW-23D Round 8 12/15/2016 77 6.7 326.2 126.2 3.6 365.6 3.1 6.5 156000 < 5000 U 156000 2.23 < 100 U < 5000 U < 50 U 52000 6000 481 27000 190000 81.8 J 1.5 1.8 80.4 0.0463 < 0.08 U 2.2 0.19 0.24 3.3 46.73 0.13 12500 102 < 0.2 U 13.5 0.97 60 < 5000 U 0.473 7710 < 0.1 U 7.7 < SO U 0.445 0.183 0.0663 MW43B 495 6-03 363 848 309 323 43. 32900 4- 5000 U 32909 29080 E3&U 13089 2590 99 24090 82090 2490 E� U E� ki 36 E4-U E 1 y < S U 4-4 U < 5 U 1909 < 1 U 4329 .79 4-4 U < 5 IJ 4680 4-1 y 3369 4-02 U 306 4-3 U MW-23D Round 9 2/22/2017 146 6.6 292.6 92.6 3.7 333.9 4.9 13.3 136000 < 5000 U < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 40000 5700 364 26700 184000 95.27 < 0.5 U 0.16 50.5 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 41.5 0.83 0.42 1.2 236 < 0.1 U 11800 36 < 0.2 U 0.87 24.1 81 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 6350 < 0.1 U 0.46 < 10 U 0.121 0.472 0.0851 MW 23B 5f3f2G1-7 67 648 395 384 2224 46 13,66 489880 E38G8-U }00909 - - - 39090 E30U 26489 2890 294 28989 348989 2830 4-3 U E �U 59 4-4 U 4-4 U ESU - 13 4- 5{1 2890 ESU 8720 507 4-4 U <-5-1.1 - 4849 E �U 5268 E&2U 335 9 Valid Sample Count 21 21 21 20 21 21 21 21 19 16 18 19 9 20 21 21 18 19 20 21 19 19 21 21 19 21 21 13 19 21 21 21 21 21 14 19 21 18 21 21 21 19 16 21 12 12 12 0 0 0 Bedrock Flow Layer MW-23BR Round 1 6/1/2015 NA 7.45 206 6 3.05 474.3 0.22 21.8 220000 < 10000 U 220000 < 10 UJ < 100 U 148 < 5000 U < 50 U 53700 3300 1940 12000 270000 8 1.21 6.36 136 < 1 U < 1 U < 1 U -- < 1 U 8.46 138 < 1 U 18900 32 < 0.05 U 2.52 < 1 U -- 654 < 1 U 13200 0.55 1.38 7 -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-23BR Round 2 9/10/2015 102 7.5 348.2 148.2 0.07 715 4 21.6 2030003- < 5000 U 203000 55.7 180 < 1000 U < 2500 U 293 48500 3800 1900 8400 266000 < 100 U < 0.50 U 1.1 120 < 0.20 U < 0.080 U < 0.50 U -- < 0.50 U 1.2 1000 < 0.10 U 18900 29 < 0.20 UJ 1.6 < 0.50 U < 20 U < 5000 U < 0.50 U 15200 < 0.10 U 4-40{4 < 10 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-23BR Round 4 12/15/2015 96 7.51 58.5 -141.5 0.38 452.5 1.2 12.4 2330003 < 5000 U 233000 45.5 < 100 U 290003 < 2600 U < SOU 54500 4100 1900 11000 276000 663 < 0.5 U 0.65 120 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U < 0.5 U 0.0143 < 0.5 U 0.273 12003 < 0.1 U 19400 30 < 0.2 U 1.1 0.473 < 20 U < 5000 U < 0.5 U 14000 < 0.1 U 0.313 163+ -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-23BR Round 5 3/29/2016 105 7.4 86.2 -113.8 2.21 442.1 0.01 16 217000 < 5000 U 217000 41.3 < 100 U < 1000 U < 2600 U < 50 U 57100 4200 1710 11300 245000 < 100 U < 5 U 0.473+ 110 < 1 U < 0.8 U < 5 U < 0.03 U < 1 U < 5 U 1130 < 1 U 20100 25 < 0.2 U 1.33 < 5 U < 20 U < 5000 U < 5 U 13900 < 1 U E3i3 < 10 U 0.787 0.442 < 5 U MW-23BR Round 6 6/20/2016 83 7.5 14.9 -185.1 0.1 335.8 0.3 22.8 231000 < 5000 U 231000 105 < 100 U 3500 313 55500 3900 1960 10400 250000 < 100 U < 5 U 0.623 128 < 1 U < 0.8 U < 5 U < 0.03U < 1 U 11.7 1010 1.4 19400 29.8 < 0.2 U 1.23 < 5 U < 20 U < 5000 U < 5 U 15000 < 1 U 1.33 88.9 0.19 0.226 0.367 MW-23BR Round 7 9/28/2016 100 7.6 18.9 -181.1 0.15 449.3 3.2 21.6 236000 32003 233000 118 < 100 U < 2500 U 30.83 59100 4700 1890 10000 284000 < 100 U 0.213+ 0.36 122 0.0253+ < 0.08 U 0.463+ < 0.15 U 0.0173+ 0.423+ 1230 < 0.1 U 20700 31.6 < 0.2 U 1.2 < 0.5 U < 20 U < 5000 U < 0.5 U 16000 < 0.1 U E 03U 9.43+ 0.371 0.881 < 5 U MW-23BR Round 8 12/15/2016 78 8 52.3 -147.7 0.1 430.3 0.3 9.2 233000 < 5000 U 233000 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U 34.31 58900 4600 1990 10400 260000 < 100 U 0.253 0.25 123 0.0393 < 0.08 U 2.1 0.3 0.93 0.58 1400 0.14 19100 30.8 < 0.2 U 0.63 2.5 < 20 U < 5000 U < 0.5 U 15000 < 0.1 U 1.2 2.63 0.135 0.0909 0.373 -- MW-23BR Round 9 2/22/2017 69 7.5 75.7 -124.3 0.1 434.7 1 11.5 226000 226000 188 < 100 U -- < 2500 U 39.91 51200 4900 1960 10400 241000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.34 128 0.0123 < 0.08 U 0.181 < 0.12 U < 0.1 U 0.68 884 < 0.1 U 18600 28.6 < 0.2 U 1.3 <0.5U < 20 U < 5000 U < 0.5 U 14100 < 0.1 U 9323 9.61 -0.063 0.164 0.37 ] -- Valid Sample Count 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 4 8 5 5 5 0 0 0 POTENTIAL BACKGROUND WELLS TO BE INCLUDED - 3USTIFICATION ATTACHED Shallow Flow Layer 8G4GS Reund 6 7/7}2016 NA i4690 E 5000 U 14608 4-10 U E10&U 4-3-590 U 4-50 U 3589 4298 37..3 2800 73809 371 9A6 9 845 43 &11 - .. - - 2� E� 03U &41 <$ 5U 384 &22 3929 473 E$2U 4-0§ U 2 480 E 300&U 039 3 436&3 4-91 U 026 4-10{1 0479 0509 4-9 § U BGA&S NPBES NA 53 445 242 733 533 34.85 22000 4-5989 U 22009 8680 E 5&U 5370 6090 54 2990 72000 4760 E4U E4U 471 E4U E4U 4-1 U 4-5U 1359 E 1 y 2899 41 E4U E 5 li 892 E4U 5889 < 9.2 o 2.167 E3-U BG 10 NPDES SAOG17 NA 5,42 476 157 642 118 1529 17590 E 5000 y 17509 10090 4-5011 4390 4500 45 3290 85000 2490 E1 y E1 y 42 E4U 4-1 y E 5 U 4-1 U 4-511 2470 4-1 y 2360 44 E0.05U 4-1 U E 5 U 783 4-1 U 4589 E0.2 U 3.22 5 BG-5S Round 1 6/24/2015 NA 6.14 458.9 258.9 3.43 251 5.23 20.4 77600 < 5000 U 77600 3.63+ < 100 U 5707 < 50 U 17100 6900 220 41300 175000 590 < 0.5 U 0.283 21 0.0873 < 0.08 U 2.6 2.1 23+ 890 1.7 11500 110 < 0.2 U 0.113 2.41+ 4003+ < 5000 U < 0.5 U 16000 0.0193 2.6 5.13+ 1.22 < 3 U 0.1353 < 0.05 U < 0.05 U < 0.05 U BG-5S Round 2 9/9/2015 77 6.2 402.6 202.6 1.1 272.3 5 16.6 80800 < 5000 U 80800 1.4 J+ < 100 U < 1000 U 62900 < 50 U 21000 6700 240 38700 191000 720 < 0.50 U 0.291 22 < 0.20 U < 0.080 U 0.89 -- 0.91 0.453 1100 0.76 14000 120 < 0.20 U < 0.50 U 1.1 360 < 5000 U < 0.50 U 17900 < 0.10 U 0.823 5.13 -- -- -- -- -- -- BG-5S Round 3 11/16/2015 68 6.2 358.3 158.3 0.88 256.4 3.07 16.1 75100 < 5000 U 75100 2.53+ < 100 U 25800 < 2500 U < 50 U 17600 6800 200 37600 151000 130 < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 12 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 13+ 0.35 < 0.5 U < 1 U 140 0.14 11400 16 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 0.59 440 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 16700 < 0.1 U 0.313 7.23+ -- -- -- -- -- -- BG-55 Reund 4 29 6-06 4029 2029 4-46 264 2-45 455 79600 4-3800 U 70609 23 9 i 4-490 U S593 E3&U }7208 6980 200 36709 387089 ESU E &5U E$rU ii E$2-U 4-$98 U &733 F 0� E$rU < 1 U 273 &053 11300 4- 5 U E$2-U E$5U 034 439 E SOOO U 4-$5 U 46390 4-$i U 033 EA&U BG-5S Round 5 3/28/2016 133 6.4 367.9 167.9 1.36 229.3 2.07 15.3 73600 < 5000 U 73600 1.53+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 16800 6700 206 33600 165000 118 < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 18.7 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.813+ 0.45 0.0373 0.173 83.2 < 0.1 U 11400 < 5 U < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 0.66 460 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 17000 < 0.1 U 0.23 2.53 0.218 0.158 < 0.5 U BG-5S Round 6 6/21/2016 85 5.9 378.1 178.1 1.7 241.9 1.2 16.7 77900 < 5000 U 77900 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 19200 6500 204 33700 160000 69.93 < 0.5 U 0.057 11.8 0.0381 < 0.08 U 0.54 0.48 < 0.1 U 0.133 29.83 < 0.1 U 12200 < 51.1 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 0.56 460 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 16800 < 0.1 U 0.221 2.53 0.235 0.106 < 0.5 U BG-5S Round 7 9/28/2016 99 5.9 342 142 1.4 249.4 4.3 19.3 77000 < 5000 U 77000 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 19500 7300 206 37500 204000 75.13+ 0.23+ < 0.1 U 11.7 0.073+ < 0.08 U 0.773+ 0.383+ 0.0513 0.593+ 79.2 < 0.1 U 12500 4.11 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 0.6 500 <5000 U < 0.5 U 18600 < 0.1 U 0.167 22.3 J+ 0 -0.337 < 5 U BG-5S Round 8 12/15/2016 78 6 290.7 90.7 1.6 252.1 1.3 12.8 77700 < 5000 U 77700 1.43 < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 19400 7200 214 36100 166000 88.51 < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 12.5 0.0243 < 0.08 U < 0.5 U 0.58 < 0.1 U < 0.5 U 61.7 < 0.1 U 11300 6 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 500 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 17300 < 0.1 U 0.141 < 10 U 0.137 -0.0872 < 0.5 U BG-5S Round 9 2/22/2017 69 6 342.1 142.1 1.6 240.6 2 12.5 73100 73100 < 10 U < 100 U < 2600 U < 50 U 17100 7100 207 35300 180000 83.93 < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 12.3 0.0143 < 0.08 U 0.8 0.46 0.053 0.143 110 < 0.1 U 11000 3.43 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 0.68 490 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 15000 < 0.1 U 0.263 < 10 U 0.309 0.0274 < 0.5 U MW-205 -- 1/4/2011 NA 648 - - - 239.9 11 43:65 - - - - - - - 4-5011 - - - 9488 i40909 - 4-4U E1 U -19 - 4-1 U E 5U - - 4-511 2890 E4U - 880 4-085U - E 5 U - - 4-1{1 - - - 4-§U - - - - - - MW-20S -- 5/5/2011 121 6 -- -- -- 234.1 5.21 12.64 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 6100 150000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 16 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 3190 < 1 U -- 914 E005U -- < 5 U -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-28S - 9/7{2411 its 5,92 - - - 228:9 40.9 154 - - - - - - - 4-5011 - - - 5990 i40009 - 4-441 403 16 - 4-1 y E-5-U - - 4-511 3020 E4U - 889 E0..95U - E-S-U - - 4-1 y - - - E-5U - - - - - - MW-20S -- 1/12/2012 252 6.24 415 215 0.08 223.7 2.2 14.15 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 5800 160000 -- < 1 U 1.28 16 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 3100 < 1 U -- 894 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- MW-20S -- 5/7/2012 116 5.91 418 218 0.51 224 6.91 13.81 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 5400 147000 -- 1.04 < 1 U 15 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 2960 < 1 U -- 945 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- MW-20S -- 9/4/2012 120 5.87 359 159 0.47 230 4.38 15.71 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 5400 150000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 16 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 3090 < 1 U -- 923 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- MW-20S -- 1/7/2013 125 5.98 512 312 0.44 219 2.28 14.12 70000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 15100 -- -- 5200 130000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 15 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 2350 < 1 U 10700 864 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 627 < 1 U 10300 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-20S -- 5/7/2013 120 5.82 488 288 0.08 220 7.41 12.99 76000 -- -- -- -- -- < 5000 U < 50 U 15000 -- -- 5200 150000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 15 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 2570 < 1 U 10500 939 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 546 < 1 U 9450 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-20S -- 9/4/2013 120 5.94 456 256 -- 223 7 15.16 75000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < SOU 15700 -- -- 4900 140000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 16 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 2850 < 1 U 10900 908 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 599 < 1 U 9930 -- -- 5 -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-20S -- 1/13/2014 131 5.87 466 266 0.45 223 5.1 14.17 68000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < SOU 15600 -- -- 5600 150000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 16 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 2580 < 1 U 10900 901 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 601 < 1 U 10100 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-20S -- 5/5/2014 112 5.89 427 227 0.44 223 7.3 12.94 78000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < SOU 15600 -- -- 5600 150000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 15 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 2460 < 1 U 10800 888 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 553 < 1 U 9690 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-20S -- 9/8/2014 126 5.87 388 188 0.04 221 5.11 14.72 36000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 15200 -- -- 5300 140000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 16 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 2720 < 1 U 10700 874 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 560 < 1 U 9860 -- -- 7 -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-20S -- 1/5/2015 119 6.13 457 257 0.53 212 7.07 14.06 38000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 14400 -- -- 4800 130000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 15 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 2440 < 1 U 9970 828 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 549 < 1 U 9730 -- -- 8 -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-20S -- 5/4/2015 119 5.94 439 239 0.36 211 4.53 12.59 62800 < 5000 U 62800 -- -- -- 7000 < 50 U 13800 -- -- 5000 130000 557 < 1 U < 1 U 18 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 2.24 < 5 U 2480 < 1 U 9710 789 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 577 < 1 U 10100 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-2G5 Reund -1 6)24/2815 51 5.85 3117 1417 442 177.9 737 155 68300 4-3900 y 68300 793 ,� 100 6909 3890 E 50 U 45300 20809 13G 3890 12i909 E19&U 4-&5U &63 473 E02-U E&98-U 0323 2.1 E 1 y 2800 4-&4U 10509 820 E .2U GA89 957 4--29-U E 5000 U E&5U 9648 E0.4U E4-U 60 MW-20S -- 9/1/2015 120 5.96 433 233 0.1 213 2.82 15.14 74500 Ml < 5000 U 74500 -- -- -- < 5000 U < 50 U 14700 18000 128 4700 140000 79 < 1 U < 1 U 14 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 2.11 < 5 U 2530 < 1 U 10200 840 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 508 < 1 u 9710 < 0.2 U E0o3v < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-20S -- 1/4/2016 125 6.02 426 226 0 222 3.24 14.27 78000 < 5000 U 78000 -- -- -- < 5000 U < 50 U 15700 19000 145 5900 120000 52 < 1 U < 1 U 16 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 1.92 < 5 U 2620 < 1 U 10900 864 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 543 < 1 U 9940 < 0.2 U 4-9.3 U < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-20S -- 5/2/2016 119 5.83 438 238 0 214 2.57 13.31 72400 < 5000 U 72400 -- -- -- < 5000 U 72 15500 20000 146 5800 140000 44 < 1 U < 1 U 16 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 2.56 < 5 U 2400 < 1 U 10600 862 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 523 < 1 U 9730 < 0.2 U 4-8313 < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-205 -- 9/12/2016 133 5.99 401 201 0 212 3.12 15.76 79800 < 5000 U 79800 -- -- -- < 5000 U < 50 U 15400 18000 142 5500 130000 48 < 1 U < 1 U 15 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 2.13 < 5 U 2730 < 1 U 10600 842 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 536 < 1 U 9730 < 0.2 U E03U < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-205 -- 1/12/2017 122 5.99 452 252 0 206.4 5.63 14.89 72100 < 5000 U 72100 -- -- < 5000 U < 50 U 14800 19000 132 5200 120000 76 < 1 U < 1 U 14 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 1.86 < 5 U 2300 < 1 U 10300 783 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 575 < 1 U 10500 < 0.2 U E0o3v < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-20S -- 5/1/2017 109 6.02 -- 255 0 214.5 2.27 13.98 76300 < 5000 U 76300 -- -- -- < 5000 U < 50 U 16500 18000 146 5400 130000 26 < 1 U < 1 U 16 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 1.88 < 5 U 2500 < 1 U 11200 897 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 529 < 1 U 9700 < 0.2 U 4-0.3 y 16 -- -- -- -- -- -- Valid Sample Count (Including BG-5S, BG-IOS and MW-20S) 26 24 25 24 26 26 26 22 14 15 8 8 4 15 26 22 14 14 26 26 1s 26 26 26 15 26 26 6 15 26 26 26 22 26 25 1s 26 8 22 26 22 14 8 26 6 6 6 1 1 1 Deep Flow Layer 6G 10D Reund 6 7{6/2016 NA 5 37}4 479:4 47 695 483 24 8 29209 4-3900 U 29200 4-19 U 4-109 y 4- 2590 U E3o U 5480 3390 398 2590 i01009 193 4-05U 0. 8 2§3 0.9223 E09&U 0.64 0.12 043 E 5U 155 OA 2920 22-5 E�2U 4-06 U 0.6 340 4-3999 U E$5U 3540 E34U 0.66 .� 10 0 OA22 E&5U - - - BG-5D Round 1 6/23/2015 NA 7.06 418.2 218.2 0.27 358 3.81 18.7 133000 < 5000 U 133000 5.43+ < 100 U 6203 2900 < 50 U 32400 5700 300 39400 214000 603 < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 29 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.383+ 1 < 1 U 240 0.0783 17400 910 < 0.2 U 1.2 0.523+ 267+ 31703 < 0.5 U 15700 < 0.1 U 4-141 < 10 U 0.897 1.46 1.13 < 0.05 U < 0.05 U < 0.05 U BG-5D Round 2 9/9/2015 78 7 147.6 -52.4 0.3 342.9 8.1 21.6 126000 < 5000 U 126000 < 10.0 UJ < 100 U < 1000 U 5200 < 50 U 30700 5400 280 34900 212000 220 < 0.50 U < 0.50 U 22 < 0.20 U < 0.080 U 0.473 -- 0.413 0.363 510 0.27 16700 580 < 0.20 U 0.56 0.363 140 < 5000 U < 0.50 U 16400 < 0.10 U 0.463 < 10 U .- -- -- -- -- -- BG-5D Round 3 11/16/2015 68 6.64 254.9 54.9 0.28 315.2 1.05 16 115000 < 5000 U 115000 1.47+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 25600 6000 230 34500 164000 < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 16 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.483+ 0.0243+ < 0.5 U < 1 U 81 0.083 14900 100 < 0.2 U 0.33 0.243 180 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 16500 < 0.1 U 4-433 3.33+ -- -- -- -- -- -- BG-5D Reund 4 29 637 371-4 1741 &2 3273 475 446 125000 4-3900 U 425009 23 3+ EA80 U 23800 E3o U 28309 6090 250 34300 294989 EA90 U E$rU E$5U 476 E$2-U E�08 y 9483+ 0.933 E0.5U < 1 U E 59 y 03553 i59G9 430 E$2-U < 0.5 y E$rU I-M 4- 5009 U 4- .5 U 16790 E3A U 4- 1 U 63 BG-5D Round 5 3/28/2016 104 6.6 394.3 194.3 0.97 287.1 0.35 17.1 116000 < 5000 U 116000 -- < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 25000 -- 248 -- 165000 < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 16.5 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.813+ -- 0.0313 < 0.5 U <50 U < 0.1 U 14700 13.9 < 0.2 U 0.253 < 0.5 U 240 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 17800 < 0.1 U 0.117 < 10 U 0.238 -0.341 0.43 -- -- 86-59 Reund-5 7 83 361.5 i6i5 581 4032 237 36.9 - - - 4531 - - - - - 6298 - 34189 - - - - - - - - 0$72 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BG-5D Round 6 6/21/2016 85 6.5 368 168 0.5 301.1 3.2 16.6 117000 < 5000 U 117000 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 28500 5800 242 33100 180000 77.53 < 0.5 U 0.0523 16.9 0.0283 < 0.08 U 0.223 0.07 0.033 0.89 83 < 0.1 U 16100 111 < 0.2 U 0.153 < 0.5 U 220 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 17000 < 0.1 U 0.23 < 10 U 0.532 0.289 0.53 BG-5D Round 7 9/28/2016 99 6.4 244.6 44.6 0.4 304.5 3.7 19.7 120000 < 5000 U 120000 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 29400 6500 247 36700 232000 < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 17.1 0.013+ < 0.08 U 0.453+ 0.13+ 0.0323 < 0.5 U 71.8 < 0.1 U 15500 91.7 < 0.2 U 0.177 < 0.5 U 410 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 18800 < 0.1 U 0.177 2.9 J+ 0.0697 0.57 0.55 BG-5D Round 8 12/15/2016 78 6.8 269.3 69.3 0.9 319.3 3.3 13.8 128000 < 5000 U 128000 1.37 < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 31400 6300 265 34800 191000 < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 16.6 0.0253 < 0.08 U < 0.5 U 0.061 < 0.1 U < 0.5 U < 50 U < 0.1 U 15500 114 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 150 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 16900 < 0.1 U 0.0943 < 10 U 0.0694 -0.0585 0.82 BG-5D Round 9 2/22/2017 69 6.5 293.2 93.2 1.5 309 1.3 12.8 123000 < 5000 U -- < 10 U < 100 U -- < 2500 U < 50 U 26100 6500 249 35200 190000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.0861 15.5 0.0843 0.0783 0.563+ 0.24 0.0923 0.313 < 50 U 0.0933 14900 95.5 < 0.2 U 0.313 < 0.5 U 200 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 15300 0.0963 0.323+ < 10 U 0.192 0.156 0.72 -- -- -- GWA48D Reund 6 7f5/2016 NA - - - - - - - 42000 4-3000 U 12089 EA&U 4-480U - E3O y 4220 2488 223 30000 964 9 GAS E$4U 473 OA3 E$B&U 15:4 038 3:6 3� 234 E$4U 4609 28 E$2-U &469 44.4 E30U 4-300&74 4- .5{4 30903 E$4U 045 34.3 &035 0343 E .5 U - - - MW-20D -- 1/4/2011 NA 7.27 -- -- -- 325.6 4.16 13.52 -- -- -- -- -- -- _o < 50 U -- -- -- 6500 172000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 62 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 97 < 1 U -- 512 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-20D -- 5/5/2011 121 7.44 -- -- -- 327.7 2.04 13.76 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 6100 210000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 64 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 78 < 1 U -- 510 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-20D -- 9/7/2011 125 7.41 -- -- -- 323.4 8.07 14.58 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 6400 200000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 63 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 55 < 1 U -- 489 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-20D -- 1/12/2012 127 7.67 382 182 0.07 323.7 1.39 13.96 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 6400 210000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 66 -- 1.53 < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 59 12.5 -- 506 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- MW-20D -- 5/7/2012 116 7.35 353 153 0 319 2.15 14.22 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 6400 283000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 64 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 41 < 1 U -- 510 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- MW-20D -- 9/4/2012 120 7.32 305 105 0 325 0.63 14.52 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 6300 210000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 66 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 23 < 1 U -- 519 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- MW-20D -- 1/7/2013 125 7.37 476 276 0.18 323 0.92 14.22 160000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 42800 -- -- 6300 190000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 65 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 44 < 1 U 10800 513 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 548 < 1 U 10100 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-20D -- 5/7/2013 120 7.31 416 216 0.05 324 2.7 14.12 170000 -- -- -- -- -- < 5000 U < 50 U 41600 -- -- 6400 200000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 64 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 61 < 1 U 10400 503 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 513 < 1 U 9740 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-20D -- 9/4/2013 120 7.42 388 188 -- 324 3.06 14.38 160000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < SOU 43700 -- -- 6100 200000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 66 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 40 < 1 U 10900 522 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 546 < 1 U 10300 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-20D -- 1/13/2014 131 7.32 404 204 0.18 325 1.64 14.11 160000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 42800 -- -- 6400 210000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 66 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 63 < 1 U 10600 528 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 539 < 1 U 10200 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-20D -- 5/5/2014 112 7.29 386 186 0.19 325 3.6 14.25 160000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 43700 -- -- 6400 200000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 64 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 34 < 1 U 10400 511 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 533 < 1 U 10000 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-20D -- 9/8/2014 126 7.31 359 159 0.08 323 2.72 14.26 22000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 44200 -- -- 6200 200000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 65 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 43 < 1 U 10800 531 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 529 < 1 U 10200 -- -- < 5 U -- - -- -- -- -- MW-20D -- 1/5/2015 119 7.58 395 195 0.15 324 2.99 14.02 23000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 43300 -- -- 6200 200000 -- < 1 U 1.05 65 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 40 < 1 U 10600 524 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 548 < 1 U 10200 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-20D -- 5/4/2015 119 7.45 370 170 0.13 325 0.35 14.03 161000 < 5000 U 161000 -- -- -- < 5000 U < 50 U 40800 -- -- 6300 200000 9 < 1 U < 1 U 68 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U -- < 1 U < 5 U 32 < 1 U 10400 501 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 517 < 1 U 10000 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW4GD Reund 1 51 744 222 22 0-09 322 9.4x7 468 158090 4-3900 y i58909 428 EA80 U <1000 �0 5SG0 353 43489 4290 520 5790 187909 430 E G.s y 0111 66 E$2-U E$0&U &473 E$5U E 1 U 200 03943 i19G9 500 E .2-U Oi23 9413 3 4-24 4-390&74 4- .5 U 30600 E$4U 04 3 EA0U3 MW-20D -- 9/1/2015 120 7.43 344 144 0.12 326 1.47 14.41 155000 < 5000 U 155000 -- -- -- < 5000 U < 50 U 43800 4400 507 6000 200000 23 1.1 < 1 U 64 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U -- < 1 U < 5 U 59 < 1 U 10900 533 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 512 < 1 U 10200 0.448 E93U < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-20D -- 1 4 2016 125 7.44 371 171 0 325 2.2 13.79 161000 < 5000 U 161000 -- -- -- < 5000 U < 50 U 41300 4900 519 6800 170000 92 1.06 < 1 U 69 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U -- < 1 U < 5 U 126 < 1 U 10900 553 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 543 < 1 U 10600 < 0.2 U E0o3v < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-200 -- 5/2/2016 119 7.23 394 194 0 317 1.35 14.23 156000 < 5000 U 156000 -- -- -- < 5000 U 94 39500 4700 519 7000 190000 28 < 1 U < 1 U 65 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U -- < 1 U < 5 U 46 < 1 U 10200 523 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 527 < 1 u 10300 < 0.2 U 4-03473 < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-20D -- 9 12 2016 133 7.36 399 199 0 325 1.08 14.41 169000 < 5000 U 169000 -- -- -- < 5000 U < 50 U 41500 4600 521 6700 200000 8 < 1 U < 1 U 67 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U -- < 1 U < 5 U 54 < 1 U 10700 543 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U 535 < 1 U 10400 < 0.2 U E0o3v 10 -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-200 -- 1/12/2017 122 7.43 398 198 0 324 1.73 14.23 165000 < 5000 U 165000 -- -- -- < 5000 U < 50 U 45300 4800 533 6600 190000 < 5 U < 1 U < 1 U 67 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U -- < 1 U < 5 U 40 < 1 U 11000 538 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 564 < 1 U 10700 < 0.2 U E03U < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-200 -- 5/1/2017 109 7.44 -- 181 0 320.7 1.03 14.54 159000 < 5000 U 159000 -- -- -- < 5000 U < 50 U 44500 4400 521 6700 200000 < 5 U < 1 U < 1 U 66 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U -- < 1 U < 5 U 40 < 1 U 10800 534 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 537 < 1 U 10400 < 0.2 U E�o3v < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- Valid Sample Count (Including BG-SD, BG-IOD, GWA-18D and MW-20D) 28 24 25 24 28 28 28 22 15 14 7 8 4 16 28 22 13 14 27 28 15 28 28 28 15 28 28 5 15 28 28 28 22 28 28 1s 28 8 22 28 22 14 6 28 6 6 6 1 1 1 Bedrock Flow Layer BG-l0BR I Round 6 1 6/30/2016 1 NA 1 7.7 1 249.2 1 49.2 1 1.41 1 263.2 9.75 1 16.8 1 142000 1 < 5000 U 1 142000 1 < 10 U I < 100 U -- < 5000 U I < 50 U 1 36100 1 2900 1 196 1 2600 1 179000 1 336 1 0.28 J 1 0.57 1 23.8 1 0.03 ] I < 0.08 U I 1.8 1 0.098 1 0.1 1 1.2 1 265 1 0.22 1 7340 1 38.8 1 <0.2U 0.63 1 1.1 1 74 1 < 5000 U I < 0.5 U 1 12100 1 < 0.1 U 1 2 1 6.27 1 0.281 1 0.707 1 2 Valid Sample Count Includin BG-IOBR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Notes: "Strike-throughs" indicates samples that will not be used in the initial background dataset for determining proposed provisional background threshold values (PPBTVs). The criteria for "strike-throughs" (as stipulated by NCDEQ) requires Duke Energy to omit samples due to pH > 8.5, turbidity >10 NTU, non -detect samples with a method detection limit (MDL) > 2L Standard or IMAC, or less than a 60 day interval between sample events. = - Bold highlighted concentration indicates exceedance of the 15A NCAC 02L Standard or IMAC, Appendix 2, April 1, 2013. pm = micron pg/L = micrograms per liter pS/cm = microsiemens per centimeter ft = feet mg/L = milligrams per liter Eh values were calculated by adding 200 mV to the field -measured ORP value. Depending on the field meter used, Eh values calculated using this formula can vary by +/- 5 mV. mV = millivolts NA = not applicable NTU = nephelometric turbidity units pCi/L = picocuries per liter SU = standard unit J = laboratory estimated concentration J- = estimated concentration, biased low 3+ = estimated concentration, biased high U = results not detected at concentrations which equal the laboratory's method reporting limit 02L = North Carolina groundwater standards as specified in T1SA NCAC 02L D = dissolved Deg C = degree Celsius DHHS = North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services DO = dissolved oxygen GW = groundwater GWQS = groundwater quality standard IMAC = Interim Maximum Allow Concentration NS = no standard TDS = total dissolved solids TOC = total organic carbon