HomeMy WebLinkAboutBckgd GW Dataset Evaluation_20161212F)I Technical Memorandum Date: Monday, December 12, 2016 Project: Cliffside Steam Station To: Ryan Czop From: Scott Spinner Subject: Additional Background Monitoring Well Determinations The purpose of this memorandum is to provide justification for additional monitoring wells that should be considered as background wells for the Cliffside Steam Station (CSS) ash basins. Monitoring wells MW -24D, MW-24DR, CCPMW-1 S, CCPMW-1 D, BG -1 S, BG -1 D, BG -1 BR, BG - 2D, MW -30S, MW -30D, MW -32S, MW -32D, and MW-32BR were previously evaluated and selected to represent background groundwater quality, as documented in Appendix B of the CSS Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Part 1, dated November 16, 2015. The proposed additional background monitoring wells at CSS include GWA-30S, GWA-30BRU, GWA-3013R, GWA-24S, GWA-24D, GWA-24BR, MW-22DR, MW -2213R, GWA-25S, and GWA- 25D. These potential background wells are proposed based on evaluation of the following criteria: groundwater flow direction, groundwater elevation as compared to the nearest ash basin surface water or porewater elevation, historical analytical results, and horizontal distance to the ash source area. Distances and elevations pertinent to the evaluation are provided on Table 1. The monitoring well locations are presented on Figure 1. Additional details are provided for each monitoring well cluster on the following pages of this memorandum. Historical analytical data for previously evaluated background wells (CAP Part 1) and the potential background wells listed above are provided in Table 2. The background wells and analytical data are separated by groundwater flow layer (shallow, deep and bedrock) and a valid sample count is provided for each constituent. Samples with field measured turbidity greater than 10 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) and/or pH greater than 8.5 standard units (SU) are denoted with red -colored text and were not included in the valid sample counts. Cr7Ti%�llll:Xr]LTIll-IMCIII]I3IMT rq[rPiTL,5111]-I Monitoring wells GWA-30S, GWA-30BRU, and GWA-30BR were installed as upgradient monitoring wells during the CSA. Well gauging events completed in June 2015, August 2015, April 2016, and June 2016 have been considered for determining groundwater elevations and flow direction in this area of the site. • Monitoring wells GWA-30S/D/BR are located approximately 280 feet southwest of the southwestern extent of the Unit 5 inactive ash basin waste boundary. The ground F)I surface at the monitoring wells (approximately 805 feet) is 33 feet higher than the edge of the Unit 5 inactive ash basin waste boundary (772 feet). • The surface water elevation measured during the June 2016 gauging event in the southern portion of the Unit 5 inactive ash basin was 765.8 feet. • GWA-30S is screened from approximately 17.5 feet to 27.5 feet below ground surface (ft bgs) in the shallow flow layer (approximately 787 to 777 feet). The lowest groundwater elevation calculated from above referenced gauging events was 781.2 feet during the August 2015 event (water elevation in well was 15.4 feet higher than the nearest ash basin surface water elevation). • GWA-30BRU is screened from approximately 38 feet to 43 ft bgs (approximately 767 to 762 feet) in the deep flow The lowest groundwater elevation calculated from gauging events was 778.3 feet during the August 2015 event (water elevation in well was 12.5 feet higher than the nearest ash basin surface water elevation). • GWA-30BR is screened from approximately 65 feet to 70 ft bgs (approximately 740 to 735 feet) in the bedrock flow layer The lowest groundwater elevation calculated from gauging events was 771.0 feet during the August 2015 event (water elevation in well was 5.2 feet higher than the nearest ash basin surface water elevation). • Boron was not reported in these wells at concentrations which equaled or exceeded the laboratory method reporting limit during the monitoring events between June 2015 and June 2016. Sulfate was reported one to two orders of magnitude less than the 2L Standard during the monitoring events. Chloride reported approximately two orders of magnitude less than the 2L Standard during the monitoring events. • Based on analytical data, groundwater flow, and groundwater/surface water elevation data, groundwater in monitoring wells GWA-30S/BRU/BR originates upgradient and south of the Unit 5 inactive ash basin and is not impacted by ash disposal areas. Based on the justification provided above and analytical data included in Table 2, monitoring wells GWA-30S, GWA-30BRU, and GWA-30BR represent background groundwater quality relative to the ash disposal areas at the site and have been included in the valid background sample counts. GWA-24S, GWA-24D, and GWA-24BR Monitoring wells GWA-24S and GWA-24D were installed as upgradient monitoring wells during the CSA. GWA-24BR was installed as an additional assessment well to provide data in the bedrock flow layer between the active ash basin and offsite water supply wells. Well gauging events completed in June 2015, August 2015, April 2016 and June 2016 have been considered for determining groundwater elevations and flow direction in this area of the site; data used for evaluation of well GWA-24BR was limited to April and June 2016 events only. Monitoring wells GWA-24S/D/BR are located approximately 180 feet east of the southern portion of the active ash basin waste boundary. The ground surface at the monitoring wells (approximately 794 feet) is 26 feet higher than the edge of active ash basin waste boundary (768 feet). 2 F)I • The surface water elevation measured during the June 2016 gauging event in the southern portion of the active ash basin was 764.7 feet. • GWA-24S is screened from approximately 14 feet to 24 feet bgs (approximately 778.5 to 768.5 feet elevation) in the shallow flow layer. The lowest water level elevation calculated during the above referenced gauging events was 772.3 feet during the August 2015 event (water elevation in well was 7.6 feet higher than the nearest ash basin surface water elevation). • GWA-24D is screened from approximately 28 feet to 33 feet bgs (approximately 765 to 760 feet) in the deep flow layer. The lowest water level elevation calculated from gauging events was 774.5 feet during the August 2015 event (water elevation in well was 9.8 feet higher than the nearest ash basin surface water elevation). • GWA-24BR is screened from approximately 65 feet to 70 feet bgs (approximately 731 to 726 feet) in the bedrock flow layer. GWA-24BR well screen interval elevation is approximately 726 to 731 feet with the lowest water level measurement of 778.5 feet during the June 2016 event (water level elevation in well 13.8 feet higher than surface water elevation). • Boron was not reported in these wells at concentrations which equaled or exceeded the laboratory method reporting limit in monitoring events conducted between June 2015 and June 2016. Chloride and sulfate were reported approximately two orders of magnitude less than the 2L Standards. • Based on analytical data, groundwater flow, and groundwater/surface water elevation data, groundwater in monitoring wells GWA-24S/D/BR originates offsite, upgradient, and east/southeast of the monitoring well locations and is not impacted by ash disposal areas. Based on the justification provided above and the analytical data included in Table 1, monitoring wells GWA-24S, GWA-241D, and GWA-24BR represent background groundwater quality relative to the ash disposal areas at the site and have been included in the valid background sample counts. MW-22DR and MW-22BR Monitoring well MW-22DR was installed as a compliance monitoring in the NPDES monitoring network. Well MW-22BR was installed as an upgradient monitoring well during the CSA. The compliance monitoring events from April 2011 through June 2016 and CAMA monitoring events from June 2015 through June 2016 have been considered for determining groundwater elevations and flow direction at MW-221DR. The June 2015, August 2015, April 2016, and June 2016 groundwater gauging events have been considered for determining groundwater elevations and flow direction at MW-22BR. • Monitoring wells MW-22DR and MW-22BR are located approximately 190 feet east of the southern portion of the active ash basin waste boundary. The ground surface at the monitoring wells (approximately 819 feet) is 49 feet higher than the edge of the active ash basin waste boundary (770 feet). F)I • The surface water elevation measured during the June 2016 gauging event in the southeastern portion of the active ash basin was 766.1 feet. • MW-22DR is screened from approximately 40 feet to 90 feet bgs (approximately 778.4 to 728.4 feet elevation) in the bedrock flow layer. The lowest groundwater elevation calculated from gauging events was 771.1 feet during the December 2012 event (groundwater elevation in well was 11 feet higher than the nearest ash basin surface water elevation). • MW-22BR is screened from approximately 86 feet to 91 feet bgs (approximately 733 to 728 feet elevation) in the bedrock flow layer. The lowest water level elevation calculated from gauging events was 777.9 feet during the June 2015 event (water elevation in well was 11.8 feet higher than the nearest ash basin surface water elevation). • Boron was not reported in these wells at concentrations which equaled or exceeded the laboratory method reporting limit. Chloride was reported approximately two orders of magnitude less than the 2L Standard; and sulfate was reported approximately one order of magnitude less than the 2L Standard. • Based on analytical data, groundwater flow, and groundwater/surface water elevation data, groundwater in monitoring wells GWA-22DR/BR originates offsite, upgradient, and east/northeast of the monitoring well locations and is not impacted by ash disposal areas. Based on the justification provided above and analytical data provided in Table 2, monitoring wells MW-22DR and MW-22BR represent background groundwater quality relative to the ash disposal areas at the site and have been included in the valid background sample counts. GWA-25S and GWA-25D Monitoring wells GWA-25S and GWA-25D were installed as upgradient wells during the CSA. Well gauging events completed in June 2015, August 2015, April 2016, and June 2016 have been considered for determining groundwater elevations and flow direction in this area of the site. • Monitoring wells GWA-25S/D are located approximately 140 feet south of the southern portion of the active ash basin waste boundary. The ground surface at the monitoring wells (approximately 790 feet) is 20 feet higher than the edge of the active ash basin waste boundary (770 feet). • The surface water elevation measured during the June 2016 gauging event in the southern portion of the active ash basin was 764.7 feet. • GWA-25S is screened from approximately 10 feet to 25 feet bgs (779.6 to 764.6 feet elevation) in the shallow flow layer. The lowest groundwater elevation calculated from gauging events was 768.3 feet during the June 2015 event (water elevation in well was 3.6 feet higher than the nearest ash basin surface water elevation). • GWA-25D is screened from approximately 36.5 feet to 41.5 feet bgs (753.5 to 748.5 feet elevation) in the deep flow layer. The lowest groundwater elevation calculated from 4 F)I gauging events was 768.3 feet during the August 2015 event (water elevation in well was 3.6 feet higher than the nearest ash basin surface water elevation). Boron was not reported in these wells at concentrations which equaled or exceeded the laboratory method reporting limit over the period of monitoring. Chloride was reported approximately two orders of magnitude less than the 2L Standard and sulfate was reported approximately one order of magnitude less than the 2L Standard. • Based on analytical data, groundwater flow, and groundwater/surface water elevation data, groundwater in monitoring wells GWA-25S/D originates southwest of the monitoring wells location and offsite to the southwest and is not impacted by ash disposal areas. Based on the justification provided above and analytical data included in Table 2, monitoring wells GWA-25S and GWA-25D represent background groundwater quality relative to the ash disposal areas at the site and have been included in the valid background sample counts. LEGEND CAMAASSESSMENT GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL NPDES COMPLIANCE GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL NPDES VOLUNTARY GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL CAMAASSESSMENT GROUNDWATER OBSERVATION WELL ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY PROVISIONALASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY COINCIDENT WITH DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY ASH STORAGE BOUNDARY LANDFILL BOUNDARY LANDFILL COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY 4," . GW/ GWA-35S 3+ �, � _ a �.; ►11 u GWA-11S � , IB -3S GWA-35D ,GWA-10S GWA-11BRU !B -3D GWA-10D IB -1S IB-2AL = ' D D IB - 1D IB -2S -SL GWA-2S IB -2I GWA-32BR GWA-2BRU IB-2BRU IB -4S -SL �I J\ i' GWA-2BR IB -4D GWA-32U _ IB-4BR p x e:. MW -38S GWA-373 7"�`'- MW-38BR GWA-37D A• � GWA-14S MW -36S GWA-36S GWA-146 MW-366RW G 36 WA-14BR ,b G w- GWA-36 MW -40S GWA-38S G6 �' WS -3S GWA-4S GWA-136R GWA-34S `""� WS -3S -A GWA-46 rI we• `' -.r I US-4S� U5.56 S-20 �"- +.n se I, � ;�"�'� - _ .• U5.3D US -4D I U5.5BR GWA-33S _ MW -34S I US-4BR GWA-33Q 'e s US -2S -SL U5-66 • MW-34BRU GWd33Bg ,xp p� US -26 .U57S 43 S , l US-2BR -7SL GWA- GWA-316 A �� -76 GWA-43D GWA-316R � I GWA-113RU '�I=. *ii' U5.41 GWA-48S GWA-44S US -16 _ GWA-446 MW-23� .I��• �� - II GWA-SS GWA-44BR 'MW-23DD GWA-6D `MW-23DR fig'' GWA-5S y GWA-SBRU f GWA-e MW 42S A GWA-45S '' I9 1 41e S{ U5 -813R I MW�42D II I GWA-45D „t�{ �,�' a CCPMW-5 � MW 32D' • �' - - '" HYI 616KAFHY-30S,e : GWA-30BRL� L �°' b i` GWA-30 COUNTY LINE- 6CPMVV4 - �.MW-30S 19y - _ i ■ ra t it i` '�f �A • .r Awlw I ' CCP LANDFILL PERMIT #8106 - 41, L BG -1 S-A BG -1D I -'- BG 1BR ERI r GWA-39S GWA-20S ..-- GWA-20D GWA-20BR GWA-42S MW -8S . `GWA-40S AB -2U I . y NOTES: 1. WASTE BOUNDARY AND ASH STORAGE AREA BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE 2. THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY IS ESTABLISHED ACCORDING TO THE DEFINITION FOUND IN 15A NCAC 02L.01 07 (a) 3. THE UNIT 5 INACTIVE ASH BASIN PROVISIONAL COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY IS DEPICTED PER THE SCALE (FEET) DEFINITION FOUND IN 15A NCAC 02L.017 (a) AWAITING PENDING REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY NCDEQ 500 0 500 1,000 4. AERIAL IMAGERY IS A COMBINATION OF A WSP AERIAL SURVEY (2014) AND NC ONEMAP (2010) 5. HYDROGRAPHY WAS DIGITIZED FROM USGS 1:24,000 SCALE TOPOGRAPHICAL MAPS 6. AS -BUILT CAMA ASSESMENT AND NPDES SERIES WELLS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY WSP AND DUKE ENERGY 7. SAMPLE LOCATIONS GWA-39S, -40S, 42S WERE INSTALLED AS OBSERVATION WELLS FOR WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS ONLY; GWA-25D AND -26D HAVE BEEN CONVERTED FROM MONITORING WELLS TO OBSERVATION WELLS F)l AS �fm WELL LOCATION MAP DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION ASH BASIN RUTHERFORD AND CLEVELAND COUNTIES, NORTH CAROLINA DATE DECEMBER 2016 FIGURE 1 Table 1. Monitoring Well Information Distance and Direction Closest from Source Area Ash Ground Ground Elevation of Basin Active Ash water Surface Screened Elevation of Surface Well ID Basin Unit 5 Flow Elevation Interval Groundwater Water Groundwater Elevation Monitoring Events CCP Inactive Direction (feet) (feet) (feet) Elevatio Landfill, Basin n to Phase I Well (feet) CAP Part 1 Appendix B Background Monitoring Wells MW -24D 650 feet S -- N 813 760-780 797 764. 2015 —June, September, December 2016—April, June, September MW-24DR 650 feet S — NW 813 708-753 801 764. 2015 —June, September, December 2016—April, June, September CCPMW- _ 2,700 feet SE 873 833-843 838 811* 2015 — December is SW 2016 — April, June, September CCPMW-2,700 — feet SE 873 819-824 838 811* 2015 — December 1 D SW 2016 — April, June, September BG -1S 1,200 feet _ N 801 766-781 775 764 2015 — June, September, November, December SW 2016—April, June, September BG -1 D 1,200 feet _ NNW 801 729-734 776 764 2015 — June, September, November, December SW 2016—April, June, September BG -1 BR 1,200 feet _ NNW 801 704-709 774.5 764 2015 — June, September, November, December SW 2016—April, June, September BG -2D __ 850 feet NNW 844.5 790.5-795.5 797 734 2015 — June, September, November, December SW 2016—April, June, September MW -30S __ 650 feet NE 831 783.5-798.5 791 738 2015 — June, September, November, December SSW 2016—April, June, September MW -30D _ 650 feet NE 831 740-745 790 738 2015 — June, September, November, December SSW 2016—April, June, September MW -32S -- 800 feet S NE 837 802-817 807.5 734 2015 — June, September, November, December 2016—April, June, September MW -32D -- 800 feet S NE 837 783.5-788.5 809 734 2015 — June, September, November, December 2016—April, June, September MW-32BR -- 800 feet S NE 837 765-770 809 734 2015 — June, September, November, December 2016—April, June, September Additional Potential Background Monitoring Wells GWA-30S __ 280 feet NE 805 787-777 781.2 765.8 2015 —June, September SW 2016—April, June, September GWA- _ 280 feet NE 805 767-762 778.3 765.8 2015 —June, September 30BRU SW 2016—April, June, September GWA- — 280 feet NE 805 740-735 771.0 765.8 2015 —June, September 30BR SW 2016 — April, June, September Table 1. Monitoring Well Information GWA-24S 180 feet E -- NW 794 778.5 — 768.5 772.3 764.7 2015 —June, September 2016—April, June GWA-24D 180 feet E -- NW 794 765-760 774.5 764.7 2015 — June, September 2016—April, June, September GWA- 180 feet E -- NW 794 731-726 778.5 764.7 2016 — June and September 24BR MW-22DR 190 feet E — NW 819 778.4 — 728.4 771.1 766.1 2015 — June and September 2016 — September MW-22BR 190 feet E -- NW 819 733-728 777.9 766.1 2015 — June and September 2016—April, June, and September GWA-25S 140 feet S -- NW 790 779.6 — 764.6 768.3 764.7 2015 — June and September 2016—April, June, and September GWA-25D 140 feet S NW 790 753.5 — 748.5 768.3 764.7 2015 — June and September 2016 —April, June, and September Table 1. Monitoring Well Information Distance and Direction from Closest Source Area Ground Elevation Elevation of Pore Ground- Surface of Ground- Water Well ID Active CCP Unit 5 water Flow Screened Ash Landfill, Inactive Direction Elevation Interval water Elevation (feet) (feet) to Well Basin Phase I Basin (feet) (feet) MW -24D fe t S '- N 813 760-780 797 764 MW-24DR — -- NW 813 708-753 801 764 feet S CCPMW- 170 feet N 2,700 feet SE 873 833-843 838 811* is SW CCPMW- 2,700 feet 1 D 170 feet N SW SE 873 819-824 838 811* 1,200 BG -1S feet -- -- N 801 766-781 775 764 SW 1,200 BG -1 D feet — — NNW 801 729-734 776 764 SW 1,200 BG -1 BR feet -- -- NNW 801 704-709 774.5 764 SW BG -2D _ __ 850 feet NNW 844.5 790.5- 797 734 SW 795.5 650 feet 783.5- MW -30S -- __ SSW NE 831 798.5 791 738 6SSW feet MW -30D -- -- NE 831 740-745 790 738 MW -32S — — 800 feet S NE 837 802-817 807.5 734 MW -32D -- -- 800 feet S NE 837 783'5 809 734 788.5 MW-32BR — — 800 feet S NE 837 765-770 809 734 Table 2. Analytical Results Notes: Red text indicates samples that will not be used in determining proposed provisional background threshold values (PPBTVs) due to pH > 8.5 or turbidity >10 NTU. 0 - Bold highlighted concentration indicates exceedance of the 15A NCAC 02L Standard or IMAC, Appendix 2, April 1, 2013. pm = micron pg/L = micrograms per liter pS/cm = microsiemens per centimeter ft = feet mg/L = milligrams per liter Eh values were calculated by adding 200 mV to the Feld -measured ORP value. Depending on the field meter used, Eh values calculated using this formula can vary by +/- 5 mV. mV = millivolts NTU - nephelometric turbidity units pCi/L = picocuries per liter SU = standard unit J = laboratory estimated concentration J- = estimated concentration, biased low J+ = estimated concentration, biased high U = results not detected at concentrations which equal the laboratory's methc 02L = North Carolina groundwater standards as specified in T15A NCAC 02L D = dissolved Deg C = degree Celsius DHHS = North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services DO = dissolved oxygen GW = groundwater GWQS = groundwater quality standard IMAC = Interim Maximum Allow Concentration N = normal NS = no standard PPBC = Proposed Provisional Background Concentrations T = total TDS = total dissolved solids TOC = total organic carbon *BG-1BR is scheduled for replacement due to potential grout contamination FIELD PARAMETERS WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS SELECTED 40CFR257 APPENDIX III CONSTITUENTS INORGANIC PARAMETERS (TOTALS) RADIONUCLIDES Constituent: 15A NCAC 02L, DHHS, IMAC: Reporting Units: pH 6.5 - 8.5 SU Eh NS mV Oxidation Reduction Potential NS mV Dissolved Oxygen NS mg/I Specific Conductance NS NS/cm Turbidity NS NTU Temperature NS Deg C Alkalinity NS ug/I Carbonate Alkalinity NS ug/I Bicarbonate Alkalinity NS ug/I Methane NS ug/I Sulfide NS ug/I Total Organic Carbon NS ug/I Total Suspended Solids NS ug/I Boron 700 ug/I Calcium NS ug/I Chloride 250000 ug/I Strontium NS ug/I Sulfate 250000 ug/I Total Dissolved Solids 500000 ug/I Aluminum NS ug/I Antimony 1 ug/I Arsenic 10 ug/I Barium 700 ug/I Beryllium 4 ug/I Cadmium 2 ug/I Chromium 10 ug/I Chromium (�) 0.07 ug/I Cobalt 1 ug/I Copper 1000 ug/I Iron 300 ug/I Lead 15 ug/I Magnesium NS ug/I Manganese 50 ug/I Mercury 1 ug/I Molybdenum NS ug/I Nickel 100 ug/I Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 NS ug/I Potassium NS ug/I Selenium 20 ug/I Sodium NS ug/I Thallium 0.2 ug/I Vanadium 0.3 ug/I Zinc 1000 ug/I Radium- 226 NS pCi/L Radium- 228 NS pCi/L Uranium, Natural NS ug/I Uranium- 233 NS ug/I Uranium- 234 NS ug/I Uranium - 236 NS ug/I Well/Sample ID Collection Date Shallow Flow Layer BG -1S 6/29/2015 4.04 445.7 245.7 8.56 61 3.82 17.34 29003 < 5000 U 29003 < 10 U < 100 U 8400 < 2500 U < 50 U 965 8400 24 < 1000 U 48000 < 100 U 0.73 < 0.5 U 74 0.0933 0.0633 0.63 0.0523- 5.4 0.273 58 < 0.1 U 1470 87 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.4 1900 2700 J < 0.5 U 45303 0.0783 < 1 U 12 1.13 1.453+ < 0.2 U < 0.05 U < 0.05 U < 0.05 U BG -1S 9/15/2015 4.97 399.1 199.1 4.34 51.2 4.98 15.6 37003+ < 5000 U 37003+ 1.43+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 5000 U < 50 U 696 6400 16 < 1000 U 43000 < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 61 0.113 0.0283 0.33+ -- 2.2 < IU < 50 U < 0.1 U 1050 34 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 0.75 1600 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 41603 0.0913 < 1 U 4.23 -- -- -- -- -- -- BG-1S 11/9/2015 5.2 466.8 266.8 6 45.7 10 13.1 26003 < 5000 U 26003 1.53 < 100 U < 1000 U 7900 < 50 U 782 -- 16 8403 < 25000 U 170 0.223 < 0.5 U 57 0.0953 0.043 1.3 0.073 2.2 4.3 220 0.25 994 46 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.7 1500 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 38603 0.083 < 1 U 55 BG -1S 12/8/2015 5.3 455.8 255.8 6.6 46.4 4.5 14.3 29003 < 5000 U 29003 1.73+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 791 5400 18 < 1000 U 430003+ 953 0.243 < 0.5 U 57 0.0993 0.0363 1.73+ 0.056 2.3 0.93 91 0.0783 1070 45 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.8 1600 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 37603 0.0813 0.33 50 BG -1S 3/28/2016 4.7 559 359 5.3 75 8.1 16 11003 < 5000 U 11003 < 10 U < 100 U < 1000 U 2800 < 50 U 6453+ 122003+ 17.83+ < 1000 U 54000 196 < 0.5 U 0.0773 128 0.22 0.087 0.73+ 0.0483- 8.8 0.543+ 254 0.13 2260 101 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 2.2 2200 < 5000 U 0.463 6680 0.0743 0.253 113+ -- -- < 0.5 U BG -1S 6/21/2016 4.77 426.8 226.8 7.59 58.3 7.7 17 19003 < 1000 U 19003 < 10 U < 100 U -- 15900 < 50 U 706 8000 19.7 < 1000 U 43000 411 0.133 0.0783 102 0.23+ < 0.08 U 0.73+ 0.0653+ 4.2 0.573+ 425 0.19 1620 53.2 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.3 1900 25103 < 0.5 U 45903 0.0653 0.53+ 73 0.363 0.365 < 0.5 U BG -1S 9/1/2016 5.1 593.4 393.4 7 49.3 3.3 19.7 22003 < 5000 U 22003 < 10 U < 100 U 17700 < 50 U 647 6800 16.4 6603+ < 25000 U < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 69.5 0.13+ < 0.08 U 0.223+ 0.0763+ 1.4 20.2 < 50 U 0.11 1080 20.9 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 0.74 1500 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 40003 0.0543 0.0723+ 10.6 0.174 1.97 < 0.5 U CCPMW-1S 10/15/2012 5.27 -- -- -- 31 24.1 15.23 4840 -- -- -- -- -- < 50 757 3920 -- 1610 35000 -- -- < 1 37.3 -- < 1 1.96 -- -- < 5 833 < 1 1350 346 < 0.05 -- 2.59 -- 2100 < 1 1960 -- -- < 5 -- -- -- CCPMW-1S 10/23/2013 4.97 20 2.6 15.73 2660 6.56 168 3530 397 18000 < 1 27.9 < 1 1.7 1.6 404 0.151 825 30.5 < 0.05 1.41 864 0.377 1330 < 5 CCPMW-1S 4/2/2014 4.53 22 14.4 15.18 < 20000 9.68 159 3970 344 33000 0.163 29.4 < 1 1.23 < 5 657 0.419 871 44.2 0.009 0.822 967 0.096 1350 4.11 CCPMW-1S 10/22/2014 5.11 23 10.2 15.25 < 5000 8.98 153 4290 1150 < 25000 < 1 30.3 < 1 0.756 < 5 261 0.257 713 51.8 < 0.05 0.652 1510 0.226 2290 5.71 CCPMW-1S 4/1/2015 5.2 23 1.38 14.94 < 5000 8.59 157 3800 210 < 25000 < 1 22.6 < 1 1.39 2.19 307 0.201 729 39.3 0.013 0.887 897 < 1 1420 3.17 CCPMW-1S 10/27/2015 5.26 23 19.1 14.96 < 5000 5.67 171 3690 738 29000 0.197 23.2 < 1 1.27 < 5 755 0.516 709 43 0.01 0.772 880 < 1 1290 3.51 CCPMW-1S 12/7/2015 5.1 264.7 64.7 7.2 18.9 6.1 15.3 18001 < 5000 U 18003 2.5 J+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 266 3500 3.73 < 1000 U < 25000 U 470 < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 22 0.076 J < 0.08 U 13+ 0.0793+ 4.5 0.713+ 670 0.45 J+ 644 59 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.33+ 28 < 5000 U < 0.5 U < 5000 U 0.0353 0.353 143+ CCPMW-1S 3/30/2016 5 513 313 7.8 24 4 16 10003+ < 5000 U 10003+ 1.63+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 1663+ 3800 2.93 7403 < 25000 U 77.73+ < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 28.6 J+ 0.0523 < 0.08 U 2.23+ 0.113+ 1.9 0.233+ 61.43+ < 0.1 U 9133+ 19.41+ < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.7 171 < 5000 U 0.423 < 5000 U < 0.1 U 0.0863 43 < 0.5 U CCPMW-1S 4/6/2016 4.77 -- -- -- -- 47.5 -- < 5000 -- -- -- -- -- -- 8.81 147 3790 -- 248 < 25000 -- -- 0.352 40.6 1 -- < 1 3.26 -- - 4.14 2220 1.1 1120 51.2 < 0.05 -- I .88 -- 1160I .115 1380 -- -- 8.9 -- CCPMW-1S 6/23/2016 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 16003 < 1000 U 16003 < 10 U < 100 U < 5000 U < 50 U 137 3300 < 5 U 8803 37000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.0443 26.8 0.0673+ < 0.08 U 0.313 0.19 2.6 1 0.53+ < 50 U 0.11 763 37.2 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 22 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 17403 0.0323 0.233+ 4.23 0 0.514 < 0.5 U CCPMW-1S 9/1/2016 5.3 223.3 23.3 5.8 22 2.2 28.4 1200 J < 5000 U 12003 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 385 3500 6.3 6503+ < 25000 U 70.23 < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 26.6 0.0823+ < 0.08 U 2.13+ 0.27 1.9 6.3 < 50 U 0.12 717 19.7 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1 <20U < 5000 U < 0.5 U 14403 < 0.1 U 0.493+ 4.63+ 1.42 0.903 < 0.5 U MW -30S 6/16/2015 5.44 417.7 217.7 7.29 37 8.27 21.04 -- -- -- -- < 100 U < 1000 U 3700 < 50 U 953 3700 9.2 < 1000 U < 25000 U 78.93+ < 0.5 U 0.523+ 34 0.0953 < 0.08 U 25.6 -- 2 1.1 265 0.0833 1480 34 < 0.2 U 0.59 16.7 690 < 5000 U < 0.5 U < 5000 U 0.0663 0.443 153+ -- -- -- MW-30S 712015 5.17 260.5 60.5 5.71 35 6.31 21.22 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1.45 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - MW -30S 9/15/2015 5.02 386.1 186.1 4.51 42.1 40.2 20.9 88003+ < 5000 U 88003+ 1.53+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 1640 4100 18 < 1000 U < 25000 U 240 0.193 < 0.5 U 36 0.113 < 0.08 U 3.6 -- 1.2 0.933 480 0.29 1540 18 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 2.2 770 < 5000 U < 0.5 U < 5000 U 0.0813 1.4 17 MW -30S 11/11/2015 5.3 477.8 277.8 3.9 34.5 2.3 19.3 37001 < 5000 U 37003 1.3 J+ < 100 U < 1000 U 17900 < 50 U 1000 3900 11 < 1000 U 79000 820 0.183 < 0.5 U 47 0.113 < 0.08 U 1.9 2.1 1.3 0.633 1700 0.44 1440 34 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.2 770 < 5000 U < 0.5 U < 5000 U 0.0663 1.1 26 MW -30S 12/8/2015 5.43 362.4 162.4 4.34 29.4 35.07 16.9 47003 < 5000 U 47003 1.3 J+ < 100 U < 1000 U 177000 < 50 U 751 3900 8.8 < 1000 U < 25000 UJ 1700 0.33 0.43 49 0.28 < 0.08 U 11.1 1.9 4.9 5.9 3800 2.2 1340 72 < 0.2 U 0.121 6.6 570 < 5000 U < 0.5 U < 5000 U 0.16 10.4 35 MW -30S 3/29/2016 5.3 518 318 5.7 32 5 18 38003+ < 5000 U 38003+ 1.63+ < 100 U < 1000 U 3100 < 50 U 9003+ 37003+ 8.13+ < 1000 U < 25000 U 2713+ 0.123+ 0.0893+ 323+ 0.183+ 0.0613 2.83+ 0.41 0.573+ 1.1 J+ 5103+ 0.21 J+ 14803+ 12.3 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.83+ 6303+ < 5000 U < 0.5 U < 5000 U 0.0783 0.743+ 6.83+ -- -- < 0.5 U MW -30S 6/21/2016 4.92 324.3 124.3 5.49 390 17.7 19.5 44003 < 1000 U 44001 < 10 U < 100 U -- 11100 < 50 U 890 3400 9 < 1000 U 35000 162 < 0.5 U 0.1 33.8 0.0843+ < 0.08 U 3.33+ 2 0.46 1.13+ 252 < 0.1 U 1390 10.2 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.7 630 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 14303 0.0413 0.413+ 4.13 0 0.766 < 0.5 U MW -30S 9/2/2016 5.3 536.8 336.8 5.8 35.4 7.3 18.1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 0.441 -- MW-32S 6/16/2015 4.67 305.1 105.1 7.13 60 1.41 18.49 -- -- -- -- < 100 U < 1000 U < 5000 U < 50 U 1880 7100 27 < 1000 U 46000 65.93+ < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 49 0.123 < 0.08 U 2.33+ 1.2 5.9 30.43 0.0463 2080 40 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 3.3 3700 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 41703 0.083 < 1 U 193+ -- -- MW-32S 9/16/2015 4.96 390.2 190.2 4.95 73.6 8.21 20.7 30003+ < 5000 U 30003+ 1.71+ < 100 U 7400 < 2500 U < 50 U 1870 7400 29 < 1000 U 60000 < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 46 0.0983 0.0413 26.2 1.3 3.8 1603+ 0.0553 2110 42 < 0.2 U 0.85 19.4 3700 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 46503 0.0743 < 1 U 143+ MW -32S 11/11/2015 5 579.1 379.1 3.6 76.3 0.6 17.3 < 5000 U < 5000 U < 5000 U 1.93+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 2120 7900 33 7303 98000 763 < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 53 0.0923 0.0313 0.55 0.2 0.95 5.2 < 50 U < 0.1 U 2210 44 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 2.5 4000 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 47403 0.0653 < 1 U 16 MW -32S 12/7/2015 4.8 283.7 83.7 5.2 72.5 2.6 16 < 5000 U < 5000 U < 5000 U 1.93+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 2120 7900 31 8703 43000 823 < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 52 0.113 < 0.08 U 13+ 0.55 1.2 16.6 323 < 0.1 U 2250 47 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 8.9 3900 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 48003 0.0823 < 1 U 7.63+ MW -32S 3/29/2016 4.8 567 367 6.3 68 5 18 < 5000 U < 5000 U < 5000 U 1.5 J+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 19103+ 70001+ 25.93+ 5403+ 410003+ 1173+ < 0.5 U 0.0833+ 49.13+ 0.163+ < 0.08 U 0.543+ 0.163+ 1.2 4.33+ 1883+ < 0.1 U 22001+ 38.2 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 2.43+ 3800 < 5000 U 0.363 40903+ 0.0431 0.183+ 7.13+ -- -- <0.5U MW -32S 6/22/2016 4.85 269.4 69.4 6.29 67.4 7.64 20.5 < 1000 U < 1000 U < 1000 U < 10 U < 100 U < 5000 U < 50 U 1850 6300 26.3 8403 31000 268 0.183 0.22 49.3 0.153+ < 0.08 U 0.473+ 0.16 1.1 3.6 253 0.14 1970 41.1 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 2.43+ 3900 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 43403 0.0293 0.113 12.13+ 0.465 1.25 < 0.5 U MW -325 9/2/2016 4.8 503.2 303.2 5.4 68.9 0.7 20 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 0.349 Valid Sample Count 23 23 23 18 16 16 16 18 14 18 20 20 20 18 20 20 18 18 20 20 18 20 20 15 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 18 20 18 20 20 20 18 18 20 7 7 9 1 1 1 Deep Flow Layer BG -1D 6/25/2015 6 367.9 167.9 3.86 71 5.29 17.66 13100 < 5000 U 13100 1.7 J+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U 150 3710 2600 43 5900 53000J 57J < 0.5 U 0.181 31 < 0.2 U 0.0363 0.55 -- 6.1 3.8 443 < 0.1 U 1290 260 < 0.2 U 2.8 9.1 1400 3450J < 0.5 U 5070 0.037 J 0.351 8.2 J -- -- -- -- -- -- BG-1D 6/29/2015 5.3 357.9 157.9 3.68 81 7.64 18.53 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.143- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1.19 < 3 U < 0.2 U < 0.05 U < 0.05 U < 0.05 U BG -1D 9/15/2015 5.47 343.7 143.7 2.72 58.8 3.97 17.9 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- BG-1D 9/15/2015 5.47 343.7 143.7 2.72 58.8 3.97 17.9 113003+ < 5000 U 113003+ 2.73+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 2740 2500 37 4700 47000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.121 18 < 0.2 U 0.0313 0.343+ -- 5.2 10.7 60 0.0673 1120 170 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 9.3 1500 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 41603 0.0413 0.333 7.97 BG -1D 11/9/2015 5.9 410.6 210.6 5.28 49.6 9.5 19.5 8500 < 5000 U 8500 15.63- < 100 U 7100 61900 < 50 U 2300 -- 30 3100 31000 843 < 0.5 U 0.183 15 < 0.2 U 0.0253 0.85 0.31 2.7 5.8 92 0.17 963 78 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 5.4 1400 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 41703 0.0393 < 1 U 38 BG -1D 12/7/2015 6 430.9 230.9 4.05 50 1.51 14.9 8000 < 5000 U 8000 0.857+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 2280 2500 31 3300 44000 < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 15 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.223+ 0.0337+ 3.3 83+ < 50 U 0.163+ 984 97 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 6.6 1500 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 41103 0.0413 < 1 U 123+ BG -1D 3/28/2016 5.8 479 279 3.3 51 1 17 8000 < 5000 U 8000 2.63+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 24103+ 25003+ 32.6 37003+ 53000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.0723 15.8 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.153+ < 0.03U 2.8 5 33.43 0.22 1030 64.5 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 6.1 1500 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 43803 0.0183 0.0913 9.13+ -- -- < 0.5 U BG -1D 6/21/2016 5.52 368.3 168.3 5.18 50.1 0 16.8 8700 < 1000 U 8700 < 10 U < 100 U -- < 5000 U < 50 U 2140 2000 30.3 2300 38000 < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 15.3 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.117+ 0.0183 < 0.1 U 0.223+ 35.23 < 0.1 U 938 51.1 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 1300 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 43703 < 0.1 U 0.0713+ 5.23 -0.193 0.391 <0.5U BG -1D 9/2/2016 5.7 440.4 240.4 4.9 47.8 3.7 17.8 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 0.463 9G -2D 6/26/2015 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 90900 80900 10000 2.33+ < 100 U 22800 68900 283 35300 8500 100 46400 229000 2100 < 0.5 U 3.4 9.9 0.0683 < 0.08 U 6.2 0.373 2 910 0.52 893 29 < 0.2 U 4.6 0.98 230 28103 0.283 34300 0.0163 17.1 9.33 -- -- BG-2D 9/8/2015 10.95 201.5 1.5 1.39 630 89.7 24.1 149000 130000 19000 2.93+ < 100 U 27100 308000 383 17100 8600 69 54700 188000 550 4.7 5.4 7 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 3.2 < 0.5 U 3.8 120 0.31 473 33 < 0.2 U 4 0.55 110 26303 0.223 31500 < 0.1 U 22.8 < 10 U BG -2D 11/12/2015 -- 251.8 51.8 4.9 187.2 20.3 22.7 902003 21100 69100 2.53+ < 100 U 9200 6080003 263 20300 6600 74 16200 316000 2100 0.78 3.9 8.7 0.153 < 0.08 U 71 1.6 1.3 4.8 1600 1.1 734 34 < 0.2 U 3.7 40.9 350 < 5000 U 0.323 24700 < 0.1 U 13.7 13 BG -2D 12/10/2015 9.8 299 99 4.4 234.5 20 14.5 71300 23900 47300 2.43+ < 100 U 22500 106000 313 16400 6700 57 17900 132000 490 1.5 5.1 4.43 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 2.51+ 1.5 < 0.5 U 2 180 0.3 495 3.8 J < 0.2 U 2 0.693+ 130 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 31000 < 0.1 U 16.6 103+ BG -2D 3/29/2016 9.1 253 53 2.3 219 13 16 52900 J+ < 5000 U 523003+ 2.33+ < 100 U 27003+ 25800 < 50 U 138003+ 80003+ 51.23+ 28600 J+ 131000 J+ 2083+ 1]+ 4 7.11+ < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 2.83+ 0.32 0.13+ 2.33+ 7413+ 0.413+ 6483+ 3.73 < 0.2 U 1.23+ 0.623+ 2203+ 2530 J < 0.5 U 235003+ < 0.1 U 15 6 J+ -- -- 0.71 BG -2D 6/21/2016 6.69 322.9 122.9 3.43 124 2.69 22.7 37100 < 1000 U 37100 < 10 U < 100 UJ -- < 5000 U < 50 U 9290 6900 44.1 13900 95000 318 0.163 1.8 9.9 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 1.23+ 0.34 0.15 ]+ 0.62 J+ 97.6 0.32 1180 6.4 < 0.2 U 0.59 0.54 230 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 14000 < 0.1 U 7.6 3.77 0.522 0.355 0.23 J BG -2D 9/1/2016 9.2 167 -33 1 238.9 4.7 23.4 54800 < 5000 U 54800 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 6590 7000 42.4 13300 67000 < 100 U 0.243 1.3 15.3 0.0433+ < 0.08 U 0.617+ 0.26 0.2 0.793+ < 50 U < 0.1 U 1220 6.2 < 0.2 U 0.451 < 0.5 U 310 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 10700 0.0153 4.4 58.6 0 0.618 0.173 MW -24D 4/5/2011 5.23 650 450 6.99 47 215 14.73 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 1600 52000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 30 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- 5 2170 < 1 U -- 87 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- 9 -- -- -- MW-24D 8/1/2011 5.29 590 390 6.82 45 9.37 17.14 < 50 U 1300 24000 < 1 U < 1 U 22 < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 383 < 1 U 43 < 0.05 U < 5 U < 1 U < 5 U MW -24D 1252011 5.4 584 384 6 44 7.34 14.91 <50U 1100 22000 <1U <1U 19 <1U <5U <5U 382 <1U 30 <0.05U <5U <1U <5U MW -24D 422012 5.4 494 294 7.75 48 5.42 15.36 <50U 760 39000 <1U <1U 20 <1U <5U <5U 515 <1U 31 <0.05U <5U <1U <5U MW -24D 8/14/2012 5.14 582 382 7.55 46 3.88 16.4 < 50 U 690 40000 < 1 U < 1 U 20 < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 193 < 1 U 21 < 0.05 U < 5 U < 1 U < 5 U MW -24D 12/3/2012 5.09 661 461 7.06 47 2.4 14.92 5000 < 50 U 1610 680 36000 < 1 U < 1 U 20 < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 172 < 1 U 998 19 < 0.05 U < 5 U 1930 < 1 U 4030 < 5 U MW -24D 4/1/2013 5.21 617 417 7.24 47 4.73 15.3 4400 < 50 U 1500 650 40000 < 1 U < 1 U 19 < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 146 < 1 U 966 16 < 0.05 U < 5 U 1830 < 1 U 3900 < 5 U MW -24D 8/7/2013 5.24 664 464 7.11 47 4.97 17.73 4100 < 50 U 1610 660 49000 < 1 U < 1 U 20 < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 250 < 1 U 1030 14 < 0.05 U < 5 U 1900 < 1 U 4070 < 5 U MW -24D 12/9/2013 5.19 594 394 7.72 47 5.8 14.17 1800 < 50 U 1690 630 35000 < 1 U < 1 U 20 < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 140 < 1 U 1050 13 < 0.05 U < 5 U 1960 < 1 U 4170 < 5 U MW -24D 4/1/2014 5.22 670 470 7.95 47 2.94 15.12 < 20000 U < 50 U 1610 790 40000 < 1 U < 1 U 20 < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 137 < 1 U 1000 11 < 0.05 U < 5U 1870 < 1 U 3990 < 5 U MW -24D 8/4/2014 5.21 599 399 8.5 47 4.22 16.56 < 5000 U < 50 U 1690 23.3 590 40000 < 1 U < 1 U 20 < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 74 < 1 U 1010 8 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5U 1830 < 1 U 3980 -- < 5 U MW -24D 12/1/2014 5.3 535 335 8.32 50 1.94 14.66 < 5000 U < 50 U 1630 -- 600 49000 < 1 U < 1 U 20 < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 34 < 1 U 975 8 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U 1790 < 1 U 3960 < 5 U MW -24D 4/8/2015 5.19 622 422 8.17 49 1.76 15.29 < 5000 U < 5000 U < 5000 U -- -- < 5000 U < 50 U 1730 -- 580 38000 153 < 1 U < 1 U 21 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U < 1 U < 5 U 134 < IU 1070 8 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U 1900 < 1 U 4150 < 5 U MW -24D 6/30/2015 5.51 441.5 241.5 7.74 54 9.12 16.66 40003 < 5000 U 40003 0.961+ < 100 UJ < 1000 U 21500 < 50 U 2010 3900 27 5203 47000 1800 1.4 1.8 36 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.74 0.0321+ 0.54 0.673 3200 0.34 1270 44 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 0.76 24003 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 42603 0.0513 < 1 U 16 MW -24D 12/7/2015 5.6 459.8 259.8 5.74 49.8 7.4 15.9 42003 < 5000 U 42003 1.43+ < 100 U < 1000 U 145001 < 50 U 1860 4000 23 7503 67000 230 < 0.5 U 0.463 20 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.413+ 0.0367+ 0.223 0.483+ 290 0.123+ 1060 9.1 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 0.573+ 2500 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 41003 0.0363 0.31 8.73+ MW -24D 3/30/2016 5.3 444 244 7.3 53 2 15 33003+ < 5000 U 33003+ 1.81+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 17603+ 3900 22.6 9403 27000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.181+ 19.31+ 0.0673 < 0.08 U 0.453+ 0.0173+ 0.133+ 0.23+ < 50 U < 0.1 U 11001+ 5.13+ < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 0.66 2700 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 44103 < 0.1 U < 0.3 U < 10 U -- -- < 0.5 U MW -24D 6/27/2016 5.27 375 175 5.71 53 5.56 25.1 38007+ < 1000 U 38001+ < 10 U < 100 U -- < 5000 U < 50 U 1920 4200 25.6 8403 35000 295 < 0.5 U 0.84 23.7 0.0417+ < 0.08 U 0.61 0.0243 0.26 3.5 378 0.29 1150 8.6 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 0.98 2600 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 44903 0.0443 0.86 4.43 -0.193 0.285 < 0.5 U MW -24D 9/1/2016 5.5 509.9 309.9 5.6 52.1 3.4 25.3 37003 < 5000 U 37003 < 10 U < 100 U -- < 2500 U < 50 U 1760 4200 25.5 9503+ 30000 983 < 0.5 U 0.28 22.8 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.243+ 0.0367+ 0.183+ 0.233+ 91.7 < 0.1 U 1090 6.1 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 0.57 2700 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 4220 J 0.0213 0.173+ < 10 U 0.0701 0.345 < 0.5 U MW -30D 6/16/2015 11.71 142.7 -57.3 0.93 908 5 21.53 -- -- -- -- < 100 U 7103 9400 < 50 U 87600 7600 180 20500 257000 1500 0.52 2.9 27 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 2.23+ -- 0.161 1.3 367 0.2 880 6.3 < 0.2 U 8.5 1.2 180 7660 0.9 10200 < 0.1 U 12.3 3.63+ -- -- -- MW-30D 712015 11.53 213.5 13.5 0.61 523 6.59 18.37 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.268 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - MW -30D 9/15/2015 6.44 110.1 -89.9 3.23 247.6 31 22.1 85400 66300 < 5000 U 1.63+ < 100 U < 1000 U 174000 < 50 U 31700 7500 86 20500 131000 960 1.8 0.83 14 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 11.5 -- 0.41 2.73+ 810 0.33+ 2280 18 < 0.2 U 3.9 6.7 130 6690 0.56 9640 < 0.1 U 7.9 8.47 MW -30D 11/12/2015 9.7 87.7 -112.3 0.6 166.7 2.6 20.3 50900 12500 38400 1.3 J+ < 100 U < 1000 U 5100 < 50 U 22700 7300 80 15900 151000 330 < 0.5 U 0.471 26 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.54 0.057 < 0.5 U 2.4 160 0.0651 2120 15 < 0.2 U 3.4 0.95 270 5080 0.96 7960 < 0.1 U 17.4 93 MW -30D 12/7/2015 9.6 189.4 -10.6 0.8 139.1 4.1 20.2 34600 < 5000 U 34000 1.33+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 12600 7200 74 15000 104000 180 < 0.5 U 0.463 18 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 1.63+ 0.113 < 0.5 U 12.6 74 0.0893+ 2220 5.6 < 0.2 U 4 0.633+ 260 5330 1.2 7380 < 0.1 U 18 173+ MW -30D 3/29/2016 8.9 364 164 0.9 155 4 17 485003+ 19200 292003+ 1.71+ < 100 U < 1000 U 6500 < 50 U 177003+ 70003+ 70.33+ 137003+ 980003+ 4081+ 0.993+ 0.523+ 26.63+ < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 1.33+ 1.7 0.151+ 1.23+ 1903+ 0.123+ 23403+ 8.6 < 0.2 U 3.6 1.13+ 2403+ 5500 1 80403+ < 0.1 U 21.5 3.23+ -- -- 0.31 J MW -30D 6/24/2016 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 135001+ < 1000 U 135003+ < 10 U < 100 U -- 4000 < 50 U 13500 7100 66.1 14800 50000 147 < 0.5 U 0.89 31.1 0.163+ < 0.08 U 1.33+ 0.055 97.8 0.74 135 0.0913 2340 9.2 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 7.6 180 5670 < 0.5 U 7760 < 0.1 U 1.2 2.83 0 1.08 0.34 J MW -30D 9/2/2016 9 237.4 37.4 0.8 145 17.2 21.5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.36 1.2 -- MW-32D 6 25 2015 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 46800 5700 41100 1.73+ < 100 U 20200 93700 54 30000 5200 88 12800 132000 660 < 0.5 UJ 1.1 13 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 1.9 0,363 1.2 700 0.43 1320 12 < 0.2 U 2.5 2.2 1500 37103 0.223 48903 0.0213 2.1 53 -- -- MW-32D 9/16/2015 7.24 209.4 9.4 1.98 177.6 4.47 21 60100 < 5000 U 60100 2.23+ < 100 U 8903 < 2500 U < 50 U 23300 5000 62 9200 116000 843+ 0.94 0.473 8.3 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.383+ 1.9 0.573 32 J+ 0.083 1950 20 < 0.2 U 0.94 7.6 2300 26303 < 0.5 U 4720 J 0.032] 0.37 J 10 J+ MW -32D 11/10/2015 6.5 338 138 2.5 122.4 1 20.8 29300 < 5000 U 29300 2.33+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 13900 4700 55 9900 79000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.333 8.9 < 0.2 U 0.0373 23+ < 0.03U 3.5 0.613 293+ < 0.1 U 2160 46 < 0.2 U 0.343 13.6 2600 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 41003 0.0213 0.423 173+ MW -32D 12/7/2015 6.35 335.4 135.4 2.83 112.9 2.33 18.7 24400 < 5000 U 24400 1.63+ < 100 U 6901 4200 < 50 U 13000 5000 49 18500 71000 110 0.161 0.76 8.3 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 1.33+ 0.0463+ 3.5 4.13+ 373 0.793+ 1840 38 < 0.2 U 1.9 13 1300 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 41203 0.0293 3 123+ MW -32D 3/29/2016 6.3 471 271 4.2 108 3.8 18 160003+ < 5000 U 160003+ 1.63+ < 100 U < 1000 U 5000 < 50 U 113003+ 50003+ 38.63+ 10600 J+ 62000 J+ 7601+ 0.381+ 0.443+ 7.23+ 0.0333+ 0.0783 1.33+ 1.2 4 3.63+ 30.83+ 0.23+ 16103+ 25 < 0.2 U 0.313+ 12.9 2400 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 40003+ < 0.1 U 0.633+ 5.93+ <0.5U MW -32D 6/21/2016 6.12 237.1 37.1 3.76 107.4 3.02 20.4 16800 < 1000 U 16800 < 10 U < 100 U -- 5500 < 50 U 11000 5000 40 10800 47000 872 0.373 0.57 7.9 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.553+ 0.0163 3.6 4.63+ 44.23 0.2 1400 20.3 < 0.2 U 0.333 11 2200 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 4280 J < 0.1 U 0.933+ 11.8 -0.033 0.316 <0.5U MW -32D 9/1/2016 5.9 346.4 146.4 2.7 93.7 3.4 31.2 11000 < 5000 U 11000 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 8020 5100 40.1 6700 53000 < 100 U 0.123 0.12 8.5 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.393 0.183+ 3.8 7.5 < 50 U 0.11 1600 18.9 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 13.2 2900 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 40303 < 0.1 U 0.223+ 16.4 0.0604 1.45 <0.5U Valid Sample Count 33 33 33 26 19 19 18 18 12 19 30 26 17 19 30 30 19 30 30 30 19 30 30 16 19 30 30 30 26 30 30 20 30 18 26 30 26 18 18 30 S 8 10 1 1 1 Bedrock Flow Layer BG -IBR 6/25/2015 10.34 237.6 37.6 0.73 290 8.76 22.77 91300 71200 20100 2.1 J+ < 100 U 1100 4300 77 31800 1700 190 35000 174000 140 0.291 2.4 39 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 4.8 -- < 0.5 U 5.8 54 0.0723 1420 6.7 < 0.2 U 9.3 0.68 88 17800 0.59 11200 < 0.1 U 8 < 10 U -- -- -- -- -- BG-1BR 6/29/2015 9.03 314 114 1.64 211 8.64 18.06 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.5293- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 7.19 1.71 J+ 0.292 < 0.05 U < 0.05 U < 0.05 U BG-1BR 9/15/2015 9.86 365 165 8.6 239.6 1.08 18.5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - BG-1BR 9/15/2015 9.86 365 165 8.6 239.6 1.08 18.5 84400 62500 21900 2.13+ < 100 U < 1000 U 5400 < 50 U 26600 1600 130 29900 154000 120 1.5 2.3 34 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 1.3 -- < 0.5 U 3.1 51 0.0683 1480 10 < 0.2 U 1.8 0.58 55 9500 0.363 9030 < 0.1 U 4.2 4.73+ BG-1BR 11/12/2015 7.3 123.9 -76.1 0.4 137.1 1 18.5 44000 < 5000 U 44000 2.41+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 4800 U < 50 U 14300 1700 78 14600 132000 < 100 U 0.213 1.2 9.8 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.253 < 0.03 U < 0.5 U 0.863 260 0.0483 2150 38 < 0.2 U 0.5 0.33 913+ 37403 < 0.5 U 8160 < 0.1 U 0.913 16 BG-1BR 12/7/2015 8 303.7 103.7 1 161 1.32 13 59500 < 5000 U 59500 1.73+ < 100 U 8501 < 5300 U < 50 U 19400 1800 85 15600 123000 713 0.71 1.6 16 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.783+ 1.8 J < 0.5 U 1.73+ 170 0.123+ 2100 48 < 0.2 U 0.76 1.1 J+ 110 41303 0.243 8670 < 0.1 U 1.4 293+ -- BG-1BR 3/28/2016 9.3 364 164 2.6 209 2.4 18 77300 35003 73800 1.53+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2600 U < 50 U 23400 18003+ 156 18900 178000 < 100 U 0.53 2 15.9 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.353+ 0.12 0.0663+ 0.633+ 61.2 < 0.1 U 1870 21.7 < 0.2 U 1.8 < 0.5 U 1203+ 19400 < 0.5 U 12100 < 0.1 U 3.3 4.73+ 0.223 BG-1BR 6/21/2016 9.2 149.3 -50.7 1.06 179.5 1.06 17.1 56900 < 1000 U 56900 < 10 U < 100 U -- < 5000 U < 50 U 15200 1200 123 17300 101000 < 100 U 0.72 1.6 10.5 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.913+ 0.038 0.0581+ 0.53+ 186 < 0.1 U 1860 26.7 < 0.2 U 0.98 0.51 26 15300 < 0.5 U 10800 < 0.1 U 1.7 43 0.0772 0.783 0.183 BG-1BR 9/2/2016 9.3 293.8 93.8 1.7 192.7 2.1 21.4 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.252 1.1 -- MW-24DR 4/5/2011 7.11 333 133 1.34 136 4.29 14.96 < 50 U 9800 120000 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 963 < 1 U 61 < 0.05 U < 5 U < 1 U < 5 U -- -- MW-24DR 8/1/2011 7.17 305 105 0.37 80 1.73 16.37 < 50 U 10000 97000 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 1130 < 1 U 61 < 0.05 U < 5 U < 1 U < 5 U MW-24DR 12/5/2011 7.23 349 149 0.68 133 0.92 15.38 < 50 U 9800 110000 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 962 < 1 U 54 < 0.05 U < 5 U < 1 U < 5 U MW-24DR 422012 7.2 332 132 0.34 132 1.12 15.6 <50U 10000 108000 <1U <1U <5U <1U <5U <5U 1170 <1U 54 <0.05U <5U <1U <5U MW-24DR 8142012 6.98 339 139 0.04 131 1.35 16.09 <50U 9600 110000 <1U <1U <5U <1U <5U <5U 1710 <1U 57 <0.05U <5U <1U <5U MW-24DR 12/3/2012 7.12 358 158 0.17 131 0.84 15.48 53000 < 50 U 15000 10000 120000 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 1030 < 1 U 1690 54 < 0.05 U < 5 U 2380 < 1 U 7080 < 5 U MW-24DR 4/1/2013 7.11 343 143 0.85 133 4.18 15.34 52000 < 50 U 14800 9500 120000 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 1290 < 1 U 1680 54 < 0.05 U < 5 U 2300 < 1 U 6870 < 5 U Notes: Red text indicates samples that will not be used in determining proposed provisional background threshold values (PPBTVs) due to pH > 8.5 or turbidity >10 NTU. 0 - Bold highlighted concentration indicates exceedance of the 15A NCAC 02L Standard or IMAC, Appendix 2, April 1, 2013. pm = micron pg/L = micrograms per liter pS/cm = microsiemens per centimeter ft = feet mg/L = milligrams per liter Eh values were calculated by adding 200 mV to the Feld -measured ORP value. Depending on the field meter used, Eh values calculated using this formula can vary by +/- 5 mV. mV = millivolts NTU - nephelometric turbidity units pCi/L = picocuries per liter SU = standard unit J = laboratory estimated concentration J- = estimated concentration, biased low J+ = estimated concentration, biased high U = results not detected at concentrations which equal the laboratory's methc 02L = North Carolina groundwater standards as specified in T15A NCAC 02L D = dissolved Deg C = degree Celsius DHHS = North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services DO = dissolved oxygen GW = groundwater GWQS = groundwater quality standard IMAC = Interim Maximum Allow Concentration N = normal NS = no standard PPBC = Proposed Provisional Background Concentrations T = total TDS = total dissolved solids TOC = total organic carbon *BG-1BR is scheduled for replacement due to potential grout contamination Table 2. Analytical Results Shallow Flow layer 6/25/2015 10.05 209.6 FIELD PARAMETERS 5.07 133 7.01 17.84 WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS < 5000 U 37300 SELECTED 40CFR257 APPENDIX III CONSTITUENTS 1 < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 23000 2400 I POTENTIAL WELLS TO INCLUDE IN BACKGROUND DATASET - JUSTIFICATION ATTACHED 90000 260 INORGANIC PARAMETERS (TOTALS) 0.141 21 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 1.3 1.1 100 < 0.1 U 1170 M RADIONUCLIDES Constituent 15A NCAC 02L, DHHS, IMAC: Reporting Units: 6.5-8.5 7SUMV 6/26/2015 Oxidation Reduction Potential NS mV Dissolved Oxygen NS mg/I Specific Conductance NS NS/cm Turbidity NS NTU Temperature NS Deg C Alkalinity NS ug/I Carbonate Bicarbonate Alkalinity Alkalinity NS NS ug/I ug/I Methane NS ug/I Sulfide NS ug/I Total Organic Carbon NS ug/I Total Suspended Solids NS ug/I Boron 700 ug/I Calcium NS ug/I Chloride 250000 ug/I Strontium NS ug/I Sulfate 250000 ug/I Total Dissolved Solids 500000 ug/I Aluminum NS ug/I Antimony 1 ug/I Arsenic 10 ug/I Barium 700 ug/I Beryllium 4 ug/I Cadmium 2 ug/I Chromium 10 ug/I Chromium (�) 0.07 ug/I Cobalt 1 ug/I Copper 1000 ug/I Iron 300 ug/I Lead 15 ug/I Magnesium Manganese NS 50 ug/I ug/I Mercury 1 ug/I Molybdenum NS ug/I Nickel 100 ug/I Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 NS ug/I Potassium NS ug/I Selenium 20 ug/I Sodium NS ug/I Thallium 0.2 ug/I Vanadium 0.3 ug/I Zinc 1000 ug/I Radium- 226 NS pCi/L Radium- 228 NS pCi/L Uranium, Natural NS ug/I Uranium- Uranium- Uranium- 233 234 236 NS NS NS ug/I ug/I ug/I Well/Sample ID Collection Date 6.08 28.7 -171.3 2.03 63.2 2.47 16.9 16400 < 5000 U 16400 < 10 U < 100 U < 1000 U 176000 < 50 U 2390 3000 21 5500 69000 240 < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 12 < 0.2 U 0.029 J 0.42 J 36000 21.1 0.52 J 540 0.055 J 1520 1000 < 0.2 U 0.33 J 12.5 650 4350 J < 0.5 U 3390 J 0.12 0.323 5.11 GWA-24S 4/15/2016 5.3 323.9 MW-24DR 8/7/2013 7.07 316 116 0.32 132 3.68 16.31 52000 46 < 2500 U < 50 U 707 3600 8.1 < 50 U 15400 53.9 J < 0.5 U 10000 98000 0.05 J < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U 6.1 < 1 U < 5 U < 0.1 U 880 < 5 U 1300 < 1 U 1790 56 < 0.05 U < 0.5 U < 5 U < 0.1 U 2410 < 1 U 7210 6/24/2016 5.41 < 5 U 283.8 1.32 41 1.53 MW-24DR 12/9/2013 7.13 325 125 0.08 133 5.28 15.12 51000 1 13.6 4000 34000 < 100 U < 10 U < 50 U 16500 < 2 U < 1.6 U 10000 110000 5.9 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U 1030 < 1 U < 5 U < 10 U < IOU < 5 U 1360 < 1 U 1830 58 < 0.05 U 3.3 J < 5 U 6/25/2015 2530 < 1 U 7550 5.24 52 < 5 U 16.32 8000 < 5000 U 8000 MW-24DR 4/1/2014 7.12 342 142 0.11 135 1.35 15.19 54000 < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 38 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U < 50 U 16200 16.8 0.54 J 9900 120000 1540 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U 2.8 < 1 U < 5 U < 0.5 U 3310 J < 5 U 952 < 1 U 1820 56 < 0.05 U 150 < 5 U 4.51 2440 < 1 U 7400 8300 < 5000 U < 5 U 2J+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U MW-24DR 8/4/2014 7.17 279 79 0.08 135 4.68 15.99 60000 0.077 J < 0.08 U 0.67 70000 19.3 0.34 J < 50 U 15600 1650 82.2 9700 110000 3.7 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U 3270 J < 1 U < 5 U 4.9 J GWA-25S < 5 U 934 < 1 U 1730 55 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U 5400 2370 < 1 U 7230 < 100 U 167 < 5 U < 50 U 1620 1 3700 20.8 MW-24DR 12/1/2014 7.42 316 116 0.13 132 1.55 15.44 53000 10 < 0.5 U 38.4 J < 0.1 U 1410 312 < 50 U 15700 2 2000 10000 120000 2900 J < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U GWA-25S < 1 U < 5 U 174.6 -25.4 < 5 U 989 < 1 U 1740 56 < 0.05 U 5300 < 5 U < 100 U 2400 < 1 U 7310 1720 3500 < 5 U 1 800 J 29000 J+ 56.9 J < 0.5 U MW-24DR 4/8/2015 7.2 292 92 0.12 135 0.57 15.43 48200 < 5000 U 48200 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.5 < 5000 U < 50 U 15800 3190 J 0.058 J 9900 120000 39 < 1 U < 1 U < 5U < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U 4.47 < 1 U < 5 U 1040 < 1 U 1750 59 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U 3050 2420 < 1 U 7420 < 25000 U 680 < 5 U 0.12J 27 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U MW-24DR 6/30/2015 6.32 173.2 -26.8 0.66 137 6.99 17.29 48200 < 5000 U 48200 23+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 5000 U < 50 U 15300 1300 86 99001+ 115000 < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 3.8 J < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.183 11900 < 0.5 U < 1 U 1100 < 0.1 U 1750 56 < 0.2 U 0.13 J < 0.5 U < 20 UJ < 5000 UJ < 0.5 U 7460 < 0.1 U < 1 U < 10 U 0.46 J+ 330000 0.87 < 1 UJ MW-24DR 12/8/2015 6.85 172.8 -27.2 0.96 115.5 7.28 15.8 50300 < 5000 U 50300 1.2 J+ < 100 U < 1000 U 4900 < 50 U 15600 1700 76 9800 1210001+ 540 0.263 0.163 7.7 0.073 0.036 J 5.3 < 0.03 U 0.45J 2.4 2300 0.85 1900 63 < 0.2 U 0.64 1.9 10 J 26003 < 0.5 U 7210 0.0773 1.2 4.63+ 116 0.098 J 1460 24.9 MW-24DR 3/30/2016 7.1 105 -95 0.2 136 0.6 15 556001+ 1 < 5000 U 556003+ 1.8 l+ < 100 U 9400 < 2500 U < 50 U 16100 1100 74.8 9000 96000 < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 3.63+ < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.17 J+ < 0.03 UJ < 0.1 U < 0.5 U 8823+ < 0.1 U 18501+ 47.7 < 0.2 U 0.141 < 0.5 U <20U 2510 J < 0.5 U 7660 < 0.1 U < 0.3 U < 10 U 0.163 < 0.5 U <0.5U 510 MW-24DR 6/27/2016 6.8 317 117 1.74 138 1.68 29.8 51900 < 1000 U 51900 < 10 U < 100 U MW-22DR < 5000 U < 50 U 17000 1700 81.4 10100 98000 < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 3.4J 0.0191+ < 0.08 U 0.323 < 0.03 U 0.042 J 0.79 395 0.1 1900 18.4 < 0.2 U 0.261 0.64 <20U 2630 J < 0.5 U 7980 < 0.1 U 0.18 J < 10 U 0.766 0.46 < 0.5 U 29 MW-24DR 9/1/2016 7.3 107.8 -92.2 0.3 136.2 2 18.6 50000 < 5000 U 50000 < 10 U < 100 U 234 < 5000 U < 50 U 15400 1500 79.4 9500 102000 93.61 < 0.5 U 0.17 4.3 J < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.423+ < 0.03 U 0.061 J+ 0.183+ 1280 0.0933 1750 57.1 < 0.2 U 0.161 < 0.5 U <20U_ < 5000 U < 0.5 U 7260 < 0.1 U 0.21+ < 10 U 1 2.1 < 0.5 U MW-32BR 6/16/2015 7.5 109.9 -90.1 0.11 118 1.46 18.61 406 206 1.03 100 < 100 U < 1000 U 3900 < 50 U 12700 3000 60 15400 100000 28.21+ < 0.5 U 0.791+ 4.31 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.83+ < 1 U < 0.5 U < 1 U 3700 < 0.1 U 1880 29 < 0.2 U 5.1 < 0.5 UJ < 20 U 3030J < 0.5 U 6070 < 0.1 U < 1 U < 10 U < 1 U MW-32BR 9/16/2015 7.19 90.7 -109.3 0.93 139.6 8.6 21.4 37700 < 5000 U 37700 1.81+ < 100 U < 1000 U 15300 < 50 U 12800 3600 58 16500 103000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.373 3.5 J < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.493 < i U < 0.5 U 0.513 3600 < 0.1 U 2210 30 < 0.2 U 1.3 0.213 < 20 U 2840 J < 0.5 U 6910 < 0.1 U < 1 U < 10 U < 5 U MW-22DR 4/1/2013 MW-32BR 11/11/2015 7.1 82.2 -117.8 0.4 125 5.3 18.1 29500 < 5000 U 29500 1.21+ < 100 U < 1000 U 7800 < 50 U 11200 4000 65 16200 158000 110 0.17 J 0.433 3.11 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.61 < 0.03U < 0.5 U 0.89 J 4700 0.0783 1890 31 < 0.2 U 0.93 0.463 141 2670 J < 0.5 U 6810 < 0.1 U < 1 U 8.3 ) 5.43 508 308 2.69 MW-32BR 12/7/2015 6.56 366 166 0.77 106.8 8.89 15.5 32700 < 5000 U 32700 1.21+ < 100 U < 1000 U 6400 < 50 U 11800 3800 58 16000 93000 773 0.85 0.191 3.31 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.46 J+ < 0.031.1 < 0.5 U 2.7 J+ 1400 0.097 J+ 1910 24 < 0.2 U 1.1 0.653+ <20U 2630 J < 0.5 U 6200 < 0.1 U < 1 U 21 J+ 99 9.51 15.29 22000 MW-32BR 3/29/2016 7 92 -108 0.2 125 1.5 18 286001+ < 5000 U 28600 J+ 1.7 J+ < 100 U < 1000 U 6300 < 50 U 11200 J+ 3500 J+ 54.53+ 15800 J+ 96000 J+ < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.293+ 3.2 J+ 0.0473+ < 0.08 U 8.8 < 0.03 U 0.14 J+ 0.58 J+ 4160 < 0.1 U 1980 J+ 30.4 < 0.2 U 1.6 J+ 5.3 J+ < 20 U 2650 J < 0.5 U 57703+ < 0.1 U 0.17J+ < 10 U < MW-32BR 6/21/2016 6.71 122.4 -77.6 0.25 123.8 1.22 18.3 31200 < 1000 U 31200 < 10 U < 100 U < 5 U 2700 < 50 U 11300 2900 54.5 14100 97000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.193+ 2.9 J 0.0443 < 0.08 U 0.523+ < 0.03 U < 0.1 U 0.223+ 3720 < 0.1 U 1960 25.8 < 0.2 U 1.4 < 0.5 U <20U 2810 J < 0.5 U 5970 < 0.1 U 0.15 J+ < 10 U -0.076 0.406 < 0.5 U 4380 MW-32BR 9/2/2016 6.6 252.3 52.3 0.2 117 1.1 19.5 < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 5190 < 1 U 2130 89 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U 2220 < 1 U 4800 < 5 U MW-22DR 12/1/2014 6.24 412 212 0 98 25.9 15.78 21000 < 50 U 5210 0 0.67 14000 96000 CCPMW-1D 10/15/2012 5.63 28 < 1 U < 5 U 0.5 11000 8240 1.18 2560 84 < 0.05 U < 50 4980 5840 < 1 U 1820 48000 10 < 1 < 5 6.14 < 1 < 1 0.17 100 < 5 < 10 < 1 1780 < 5 < 0.05 0.894 37000 1380 < 1 2790 15000 < 5 484 < 1 U < 1 U 14 CCPMW-1D 4/3/2013 5.53 < 1 U < 5 U 7100 2.05 2410 11400 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U 2440 < 1 U < 50 U 4680 5620 < 5 U 1700 J 62000 6.15 291.8 < 1 U 16 J 87 < 1 U < 1 U 14700 < 5000 U < 5 U < 10 U < 1 U 1710 11.1 J < 0.05 U 6180 1.243 46 1350 < 1 U 2760 0.193 0.251 < 5 U < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 1.1 < 0.05 UJ CCPMW-1D 10/23/2013 5.5 0.37 1740 140 < 0.2 U 2.512 2.5 8560 32303 < 0.5 U 44203 0.035 J 0.45 J 14 4.22 3430 4630 1380 40000 51 < 1 15.1 22 < 1 0.623 22 13 < 5 35.4 < 1 1630 12.1 < 0.05 48 1.43 42 1300 0.233 2410 50 50 < 5 23 50 50 50 CCPMW-lD 4/2/2014 5.57 25 50 22 44 1.08 44 < 20000 22 50 5 5 7 0 0 0 11.2 4150 4820 1470 55000 < 1 15.1 < 1 0.675 < 5 10.6 0.098 1410 12.5 < 0.05 1.27 1280 < 1 2420 < 5 CCPMW-1D 10/22/2014 5.46 1.65 5220 < 50 3930 5280 1410 36000 < 1 18.9 < 1 0.256 < 5 13.6 < 1 1650 15.1 < 0.05 1.4 1350 < 1 2670 4.41 CCPMW-1D 4/1/2015 5.39 0.44 4900 10.6 3010 5780 1510 36000 < 1 17.8 < 1 0.449 2.46 15.9 < 1 1770 13.3 0.012 1.22 1330 < 1 2770 2.78 CCPMW-1D 10/27/2015 5.6 2.13 6060 6.41 3280 5900 1490 36000 0.0784 17.9 < 1 0.47 < 5 36.7 < 1 1670 13.7 0.007 1 1.2 1290 < 1 2730 < 5 CCPMW-1D 12/7/2015 5.12 484.5 284.5 5.21 48.9 7.96 14.9 3800 J < 5000 U 38001 1.2 J+ < 100 U 7200 3300 < 50 U 2620 5800 24 1500 38000 110 0.16 J < 0.5 U 18 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.663+ 0.049 J+ 0.78 0.52 J+ 63 0.1 J+ 1680 12 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 2.2 1800 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 2850 J 0.024 J < 1 U 31 J+ CCPMW-1D 3/30/2016 5.3 505 305 7.3 49 2 17 45003+ < 5000 U 4500 J+ 1.73+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 2240 J+ 5700 18.7 1700 < 25000 U < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 14.33+ < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.363+ 0.0833+ 0.44 0.33+ < 50 U < 0.1 U 1520 J+ 7.3 J+ < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1 920 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 2540 J < 0.1 U < 0.3 U < 10 U < 0.5 U CCPMW-1D 4/6/2016 1 5.34 1 3.44 6460 1 -- 6.68 3090 5270 1190 26000 < 1 14.9 < 1 0.499 < 5 47.6 < 1 1300 12.8 < 0.05 1.08 1160 0.096 2190 3.28 CCPMW-1D 6/23/2016 5400 < 1000 U 5400 < 10 U < 100 U < 5000 U < 50 U 2700 5500 25 1600 290000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.046 J 19.1 0.05 J+ < 0.08 U 0.223 0.055 0.44 0.6 J+ <50U < 0.1 U 1630 10.1 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1 1100 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 2850 J 0.019 J 0.16 J+ 2.9 J 0 0.234 < 0.5 U CCPMW-1D 9/1/2016 5.6 224.1 24.1 5.6 50.3 3.2 22.8 4400 J < 5000 U 4400 J < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 2450 6300 24.4 1500 J+ 35000 < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 19.1 0.067 J+ < 0.08 U 0.29 J+ 0.06 J+ 0.44 0.66 J+ < 50 U < 0.1 U 1610 9.6 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.2 1500 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 2850 J < 0.1 U < 0.3 U < 10 U 0.0752 0.913 < 0.5 U Valid Sample Count 36 36 36 29 14 14 13 14 10 15 35 30 22 15 35 35 15 27 35 35 15 35 35 11 15 35 35 35 30 35 35 16 35 14 30 35 30 14 14 35 5 5 7 0 0 0 Shallow Flow layer 6/25/2015 10.05 209.6 9.6 5.07 133 7.01 17.84 37300 < 5000 U 37300 1.43+ 1 < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 23000 2400 I POTENTIAL WELLS TO INCLUDE IN BACKGROUND DATASET - JUSTIFICATION ATTACHED 90000 260 < 0.5 U 0.141 21 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 1.3 1.1 100 < 0.1 U 1170 M 0.11+ • • GWA-24S 6/26/2015 5.75 258.7 58.7 0.1 97 12.4 17.71 279001- < 5000 U 27900 15.23+ < 100 U 680 J 22500 < 50 U 5050 3600 25 7400 60000 580 < 0.5 U 0.24J 9.3 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 1.4 48000 16.3 1.3 1000 0.37 1580 1200 0.1 J+ 2.3 6.9 450 7780 < 0.5 U 5580 < 0.1 U 1.4 4.1 J+ GWA-24S 9/14/2015 6.08 28.7 -171.3 2.03 63.2 2.47 16.9 16400 < 5000 U 16400 < 10 U < 100 U < 1000 U 176000 < 50 U 2390 3000 21 5500 69000 240 < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 12 < 0.2 U 0.029 J 0.42 J 36000 21.1 0.52 J 540 0.055 J 1520 1000 < 0.2 U 0.33 J 12.5 650 4350 J < 0.5 U 3390 J 0.12 0.323 5.11 GWA-24S 4/15/2016 5.3 323.9 123.9 6 31.8 2.6 16.8 2700 J < 5000 U 2700 J < 10 U < 100 U 46 < 2500 U < 50 U 707 3600 8.1 1100 < 25000 U 53.9 J < 0.5 U 0.04 J 12.6 0.05 J 0.093 0.51 < 0.03 U 6.1 0.5 J < 50 U < 0.1 U 880 66.6 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 3.5 550 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 2940 J < 0.1 U < 0.3 U < IOU GWA-24S 6/24/2016 5.41 483.8 283.8 1.32 41 1.53 18.07 9600 J+ < 1000 U 9600 J+ < 10 U < 100 U 207 < 5000 U < 50 U 1090 3400 13.6 4000 34000 < 100 U < 10 U < 2 U 14 < 2 U < 1.6 U < IOU 0.046 5.9 < 10 U 37.2 J < 2 U 1030 95 < 0.2 U < 10 U < IOU 750 2790 J < 10 U 3200 J < 2 U 1.93 3.3 J GWA-25S 6/25/2015 5.69 290.4 90.4 5.24 52 6.6 16.32 8000 < 5000 U 8000 4.3 J+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 2730 4200 26 < 1000 U 37000 < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 38 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U < 0.5 UJ 112000 16.8 0.54 J 110 < 0.1 U 1540 620 0.14 J+ 0.21 J 2.8 2000 2820 J < 0.5 U 3310 J 0.084 J < 1 U 12 GWA-25S 9/8/2015 5.69 150 -50 4.51 52.8 7.31 18.4 8300 < 5000 U 8300 2J+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 2170 4000 26 < 1000 U 34000 130 < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 42 0.077 J < 0.08 U 0.67 70000 19.3 0.34 J 180 0.087 J 1650 630 0.071 J 0.23 J 3.7 2100 3140 J < 0.5 U 3270 J 0.089 J < 1 U 4.9 J GWA-25S 4/13/2016 5.4 1 329 129 5.8 47.8 2 14.7 5400 < 5000 U 5400 < IOU < 100 U 167 < 2500 U < 50 U 1620 1 3700 20.8 1 760 J < 25000 U < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.052 J 36.2 0.11 < 0.08 U 0.19 J 0.064 10 < 0.5 U 38.4 J < 0.1 U 1410 312 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 2 2000 2660 J < 0.5 U 2900 J 0.079 J 0.086 J 3.4 ) GWA-25S 6/23/2016 4.93 174.6 -25.4 5.13 57.2 3.05 18.5 5300 < 1000 U 5300 < 10 U < 100 U 1404 < 5000 U < 50 U 1720 3500 23.8 1 800 J 29000 J+ 56.9 J < 0.5 U 0.054 J+ 42 0.055 J < 0.08 U 0.5 J+ 0.032 6.8 0.3 J+ 84.4 J+ < 0.1 U 1590 181 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.5 2100 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 3190 J 0.058 J 0.783+ 2.9 J EWA-30S 6/22/2015 5.51 254.3 54.3 630 43 4.47 17.26 12200 < 5000 U 12200 2.9 J+ < 100 U < 1000 U 7800 < 50 U 3050 3700 27 850 J < 25000 U 680 < 0.5 U 0.12J 27 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.62 269000 2 < 1 U 1000 < 0.1 U 1600 88 0.083 J+ 0.11] 1.2 520 < 5000 U < 0.5 U < 5000 U 0.04J 0.373 12 J+ GWA-30S 9/14/2015 5.99 114.5 -85.5 5.01 48.1 3.75 16.6 11900 J+ < 5000 UJ 11900 6.3 J+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2800 U < 50 U 2670 3800 22 1100 38000 64 J < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 18 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.46 J+ 330000 0.87 < 1 UJ 110 < 0.1 U 1650 38 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 0.66 J+ 770 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 2700 J 0.041 J 0.653 < IOU GWA-30S 4/14/2016 4.8 498.2 298.2 4.9 39.8 4.1 16.8 10900 < 5000 U 10900 < 10 U < 100 U 837 < 2500 U < 50 U 2160 3000 17.9 < 1000 U < 25000 U 106 < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 18.7 0.039 J < 0.08 U 0.6 J+ 0.16 0.57 0.34 J 116 0.098 J 1460 24.9 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.1 120 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 1670 J 0.051 J 0.32 4.9 J GWA-30S 6/20/2016 5.19 411.2 211.2 3.79 44 5.83 17.4 10200 < 1000 U 10200 < 10 U < 100 U 73 < 5000 U < 50 U 2300 3000 20.2 1100 < 25000 U 71.51 < 0.5 U 0.043 19 0.0741 < 0.08 U 0.663+ 0.3 0.42 0.16 J+ 99.3 < 0.1 U 1510 18.5 0.163 < 0.5 U 0.92 510 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 2090 J 0.035 J 0.393+ < IOU Valid Sample Count (Including GWA-24S, GWA-25S and GWA-30S) 34 34 33 29 21 21 34 MW-22DR 29 27 27 27 29 19 29 31 31 31 29 31 31 29 29 31 31 29 31 31 21 29 31 31 31 31 31 31 29 31 29 31 31 31 29 29 31 7 7 9 1 1 1 Deen Flow Laver < 1 U < 5 U MW-22DR 4/2/2012 6.27 434 234 1.3 95 18 15.85 < 50 U 12000 67000 < 1 U < 1 U 9 < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 5280 < 1 U 127 < 0.05 U GWA-24D 6/25/2015 10.05 209.6 9.6 5.07 133 7.01 17.84 37300 < 5000 U 37300 1.43+ 1 < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 23000 2400 110 4800 90000 260 < 0.5 U 0.141 21 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 4.4 1.3 1.1 100 < 0.1 U 1170 32 0.11+ 0.67 3 1100 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 33201 0.032] 2.7 2.81 GWA-24D 9/14/2015 6.49 107.8 -92.2 4.64 82.7 4.12 16.8 32900 < 5000 U 32900 1.51+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2600 U < 50 U 9160 2300 38 3200 48000 < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 10 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.52 < 0.03 U 0.75 0.983 303 0.046 J 1380 19 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.6 1100 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 2940 J 0.028] 1.1 8.77 GWA-24D 4/15/2016 5.8 292.3 92.3 5.6 49.4 2.7 14.6 10700 < 5000 U 10700 < IOU < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 3810 2300 24.3 2000 36000 < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 10.6 0.0123 < 0.08 U 0.183 < 0.03 U 0.29 0.44J 28.7 J < 0.1 U 1390 6.9 < 0.2 U < 0.5 UJ 1.3 1300 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 34701 < 0.1 U < 0.3 U < 10 U GWA-24D 6/24/2016 5.62 469.6 269.6 1.01 46 1.49 16.22 115001+ < 1000 U 115003+ < 10 U < 100 U 830 J 26000 < 50 U 3010 2900 22.6 3100 36000 231 0.173 0.111+ 10.9 0.061+ < 0.08 U 0.383+ 0.036 0.74 2.6 272 0.18 1360 19.2 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 2.1 1200 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 3250 J 0.035 J 0.39 41 GWA-25D 6/25/2015 10 237.2 37.2 3.41 207 3.37 19.91 69600 24700 44900 2.81+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 5000 U < 50 U 29200 4300 80 21800 135000 350 < 0.5 U 0.79 17 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 4.7 < 0.5 U 0.513 52 0.14 1060 < 5 U < 0.2 U 2.9 1.1 1500 8470 0.443 7290 0.017] 5.4 3.47 GWA-25D 9/9/2015 10.35 43 -157 2.38 206.6 1.01 18.1 54800 13600 41100 2.2 J+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 26900 3900 75 18200 112000 280 0.24J 0.89 14 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 3.3 < 0.03 U < 0.5 U 0.243 < 50 U < 0.1 U 1040 < 5 U < 0.2 U 3 < 0.5 U 1500 7590 0.38 J 6870 < 0.1 U 5.8 < 10 U GWA-25D 4/13/2016 8.9 277.2 77.2 2.6 156.5 5.35 16 48000 < 5000 U 48000 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 20600 3500 69.8 12800 70000 144 < 0.5 U 0.58 14.3 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 1.6 1.7 0.02 J < 0.5 U < 50 U < 0.1 U 1320 < 5 U < 0.2 U 1.4 < 0.5 U 1900 6160 0.321 5910 < 0.1 U 2.9 < 10 U GWA-25D 6/23/2016 10.21 175.1 -24.9 3.1 167 3.07 22.91 49800 < 1000 U 49800 < 10 U < 100 U 6303 < 5000 U < 50 U 21100 3200 80.4 11700 80000 J+ 201 0.131 1.4 14.6 0.0311 < 0.08 U 2.2 1.9 0.04 J+ 0.26 J+ 42.2 J+ < 0.1 U 1310 < 5 U < 0.2 U 2.1 < 0.5 U 1600 7810 < 0.5 U 6420 < 0.1 U 4.7 < 10 U GWA-30BRU 6/20/2015 12.03 107.2 -92.8 0.2 1404 1.57 18.06 317000 J < 5000 U 3170003 2.83 < 100 U 3500 4700 < 50 U 120000 2000 300 23600 367000 800 5.161 0.62 37 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 3.9 < 0.5 U 0.293 < 50 U < 0.1 U 591 < 5 U < 0.2 U 23.6 0.43 J 77 11600 0.44J 11600 < 0.1 U 5.1 < 10 U GWA-30BRU 9/11/2015 12.09 -78.3 -278.3 0.16 1397 1.01 16.5 187000 < 5000 U 187000 2.5 J+ < 100 U 2700 8500 < 50 U 85200 2200 280 18000 269000 900 1.6 1.3 31 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 11+ 0.074 < 0.5 U 1.23+ 301 < 0.1 U 439 < 5 U < 0.2 U 17.8 1.2 110 9520 0.28 J 13100 < 0.1 U 8.3 < 10 U GWA-30BRU 4/14/2016 11.4 8.6 -191.4 0.4 1015 0.9 16.8 183000 < 5000 U 183000 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U 40.51 55400 6500 323 45400 330000 1570 1.83 3.9 19.9 0.163 < 0.8 U < 5 UJ 0.057 < 1 U < 5 U 36.53 < 1 U < 100 U < 5 U < 0.2 U 23.6 < 5 U < 20 U 16000 < 5 U 48700 < 1 U 4.8 < IOU GWA-30BRU 6/20/2016 12.82 22.4 -177.6 1.9 837 2.37 18.09 1970001- 160000 < 1000 U < 10 U < 100 U < 5000 U < 50 U 77500 2400 362 16300 267000 995 1.13 1.4 35.4 < 1 U 0.88 1.43+ 0.047 0.13 < 5 U 145 < 1 U 383 < 5 U 0.07J 18.5 < 5 U 100 8880 < 5 U 18100 < 1 U 9.9 2.87 Valid Sample Count (Including GWA-24D, GWA-25D and GWA-30BRU 36 36 379 179 0.26 73 36 17.16 29 22 22 21 21 13 22 33 29 20 22 33 33 22 33 33 33 22 33 33 18 22 33 33 33 29 33 33 23 33 21 29 33 29 21 21 33 8 8 30 1 1 1 Bedrock Flow Lay( GWA-24BR 4/21/2016 5.9 321.9 121.9 1.4 66.7 3.44 16 16000 < 5000 U 16000 < 10 U < 100 U < 1000 U 6400 < 50 U 4230 1100 30.8 8700 59000 110 < 0.5 U 0.095] 9.3 0.0571 < 0.08 U 0.373 < 0.03 U 0.81 0.52 263 0.18 1640 18.3 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 2.8 190 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 4840 J < 0.1 U 0.13 J 3.33 GWA-24BR 6/23/2016 6.09 363.4 163.4 0.76 61 1.04 16.8 16700 < 1000 U 16700 < 10 U < 100 U < 5000 U < 50 U 4520 9203 33.5 7100 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.12 10 0.031+ < 0.08 U 0.263 < 0.03 U 0.33 0.273+ 67.2 < 0.1 U 1680 10.1 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.6 210 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 4370 J < 0.1 U 0.261 < 10 U GWA-30BR 6/20/2015 6.51 140.1 -59.9 0.27 171 3.25 19.07 36400 < 5000 U 36400 3.1 J < 100 U 830 J 7900 < 50 U 13100 7000 66 13500 108000 120 < 0.5 U 0.21 13 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 1.3 J+ 0.26 J < 1 U 4700 < 0.1 U 2180 83 < 0.2 U 0.59 1.7 83 5180 < 0.5 U 6330 < 0.1 U < 1 U 15 J+ GWA-30BR 9/14/2015 6.48 161.6 -38.4 0.34 140.2 1.99 16.6 430001+ < 5000 UJ 43000 1.21+ < 100 U < 1000 U 3400 < 50 U 11500 7800 65 13100 103000 130 0.23 0.51 11 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 1.33+ 0.153 0.743+ 6600 0.0983 2280 71 < 0.2 U 0.161 1.63+ < 20 U 6600 < 0.5 U 5670 0.03 J 0.673 31 GWA-30BR 4/14/2016 6.2 132.7 -67.3 0.6 169.1 3 17.5 38300 < 5000 U 38300 < 10 U < 100 U 14800 < 50 U 11900 7500 116 11100 87000 < 100 U 0.321 0.55 17.5 0.11 < 0.08 U 2.21+ < 0.03 U 0.1 0.313 11000 < 0.1 U 2370 92.1 < 0.2 U 0.141 1.5 < 20 U 14100 < 0.5 U 6510 < 0.1 U 0.14J 17.27 GWA-30BR 6/20/2016 7.22 133.3 -66.7 1.75 132 5.35 17.88 43800 < 1000 U 43800 < 10 U < 100 U < 5000 U < 50 U 10900 7100 70.5 12600 92000 254 0.13J 0.35 11.3 0.043 < 0.08 U 5.1 < 0.09 U 0.23 2.2 J+ 7430 0.12 2040 69.5 < 0.2 U 0.2J 3 < 20 U 5310 < 0.5 U 5130 < 0.1 U 0.433+ 4.47 MW-22BR 6/26/2015 11.91 220.3 20.3 3.71 697 2.77 18.11 173000 95400 < 5000 U 1.31+ < 100 U 6303 6000 < 50 U 80300 2400 140 56900 273000 120 < 0.5 U 0.79 26 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 8.2 < 0.5 U < 1 U < 50 U < 0.1 U 1140 < 5 U < 0.2 U 7.7 < 0.5 U 730 17100 0.8 6870 < 0.1 U 5.9 < 10 U MW-22BR 9/16/2015 11.59 247.6 47.6 2.78 812 4.66 16.1 149000 55400 < 5000 U 1.21+ < 100 U 6801 14300 < 50 U 46400 2500 120 31600 214000 280 0.76 0.79 22 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 4.3 < 0.5 U 0.513 67 0.052 J 698 2.6 J < 0.2 U 4.9 0.293 560 10400 0.31J 7520 < 0.1 U 5.2 4.43+ MW-22BR 4/15/2016 6.5 249.9 49.9 1.6 99.8 3.1 15.3 30800 < 5000 U 30800 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 11300 2300 56.1 8500 78000 147 0.131 0.15 12.4 0.0313 < 0.08 U 0.67 0.074 0.59 1.2 443 0.12 1850 35 < 0.2 U 0.411- 2 460 1 2760 J < 0.5 U 5940 < 0.1 U 0.37 < 10 U MW-22BR 6/23/2016 6.29 158.5 -41.5 0.42 102 1.6 18.2 19500 < 1000 U 19500 < 10 U < 100 U 3100 < 50 U 6780 3300 50.1 12900 513 < 0.5 U 0.21 11.2 0.0253+ < 0.08 U 0.451+ < 0.03 U 1.3 0.493 4710 0.48 2340 89.4 < 0.2 U 0.191 0.7 96 25103 < 0.5 U 6570 0.48 0.233+ 2.87 7W-22DR 4/5/2011 6.41 390 190 0.26 115.8 175 14.9 < 50 U 12000 100000 < 1 U < 1 U 28 < 1 U 7 6 9890 1.71 148 < 0.05 U < 5 U < 1 U 19 MW-22DR 8/1/2011 6.32 379 179 0.26 73 16.1 17.16 < 50 U 13000 77000 < 1 U < 1 U 10 < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 8510 < 1 U 114 < 0.05 U < 5 U < 1 U < 5 U MW-22DR 12/5/2011 6.19 415 215 1.37 99 22 14.62 < 50 U 13000 72000 < 1 U < 1 U 8 < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 6880 < 1 U 93 < 0.05 U < 5 U < 1 U < 5 U MW-22DR 4/2/2012 6.27 434 234 1.3 95 18 15.85 < 50 U 12000 67000 < 1 U < 1 U 9 < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 5280 < 1 U 127 < 0.05 U < 5 U < 1 U < 5 U MW-22DR 8/14/2012 6.24 406 206 1.03 100 8.34 16.91 < 50 U 13000 85000 < 1 U < 1 U 8 < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 6490 < 1 U 90 < 0.05 U < 5 U < 1 U < 5 U MW-22DR 12/3/2012 6.37 408 208 0.93 98 6.28 16.97 28000 < 50 U 5300 14000 91000 < 1 U < 1 U 8 < i U < 5 U < 5 U 6220 < 1 U 2140 82 < 0.05 U < 5 U 2340 < 1 U 5110 < 5 U MW-22DR 4/1/2013 5.98 444 244 4.58 86 9.4 18.04 18000 < 50 U 4930 12000 80000 < 1 U < 1 U 8 < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 4690 < 1 U 2070 85 < 0.05 U < 5 U 2240 < 1 U 4790 < 5 U MW-22DR 8/8/2013 5.43 508 308 2.69 77 8.15 15.62 17000 < 50 U 4200 11000 86000 < 1 U < 1 U 11 < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 3710 < 1 U 1880 134 < 0.05 U < 5 U 2150 < 1 U 4340 < 5 U MW-22DR 12/9/2013 6.11 412 212 0.02 99 9.51 15.29 22000 < 50 U 5280 14000 82000 < 1 U < 1 U 8 < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 6100 < 1 U 2320 82 < 0.05 U < 5 U 2400 < 1 U 5360 < 5 U MW-22DR 4/1/2014 5.67 527 327 2.98 72 5.65 15.72 < 20000 U < 50 U 3590 11000 57000 < 1 U < 1 U 15 < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 3220 < 1 U 1 1880 113 < 0.05 U 8 2030 < 1 U 4210 < 5 U MW-22DR 8/4/2014 6 444 244 1.69 84 7.07 15.75 16000 < 50 U 4380 37.4 11000 68000 < 1 U < 1 U 10 < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 5190 < 1 U 2130 89 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U 2220 < 1 U 4800 < 5 U MW-22DR 12/1/2014 6.24 412 212 0 98 25.9 15.78 21000 < 50 U 5210 14000 96000 < 1 U < 1 U 28 < 1 U < 5 U < 5 U 8240 1.18 2560 84 < 0.05 U < 5 U 2810 < 1 U 5450 10 MW-22DR 4/8/2015 6.14 412 212 0.17 100 11.7 15.48 6100 < 5000 U 6100 37000 < 50 U 4990 15000 80000 484 < 1 U < 1 U 14 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U < 1 U < 5 U 7100 < 1 U 2410 79 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U 2440 < 1 U 5430 < 5 U MW-22DR 6/30/2015 6.15 291.8 91.8 2.78 87 21.2 17.23 14700 < 5000 U 14700 1.41+ < 100 U < 1000 U 40200 < 50 U 6180 3300 46 9700 63000 240 0.193 0.251 13 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 1.1 < 0.05 UJ 1.7 1.1 1500 0.37 1740 140 < 0.2 U 0.453 2.5 660 32303 < 0.5 U 44203 0.035 J 0.45 J 14 Valid Sample Count (Including GWA-24BR, GWA-30BR, MW-22BR and MW-22DR) 51 51 51 43 22 22 21 22 13 23 50 44 30 24 50 48 23 42 50 50 23 50 50 17 23 50 50 50 44 50 50 25 50 22 44 50 44 22 22 50 5 5 7 0 0 0 Notes: Red text indicates samples that will not be used in determining proposed provisional background threshold values (PPBTVs) due to pH > 8.5 or turbidity >10 NTU. 0 - Bold highlighted concentration indicates exceedance of the 15A NCAC 02L Standard or IMAC, Appendix 2, April 1, 2013. Nm = micron Ng/L = micrograms per liter pS/cm = microsiemens per centimeter ft = feet mg/L = milligrams per liter Eh values were calculated by adding 200 mV to the field -measured ORP value. Depending on the field meter used, Eh values calculated using this formula can vary by +/- 5 mV. M V = millivolts NTU - nephelometric turbidity units pCi/L = picocuries per liter SU = standard unit 3 = laboratory estimated concentration J- = estimated concentration, biased low J+ = estimated concentration, biased high U = results not detected at concentrations which equal the laboratory's m 02L = North Carolina groundwater standards as specified in T15A NCAC 02L D = dissolved Deg C = degree Celsius DHHS = North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services DO = dissolved oxygen GW = groundwater GWQS = groundwater quality standard IMAC = Interim Maximum Allow Concentration N = normal NS = no standard PPBC = Proposed Provisional Background Concentrations T = total TDS = total dissolved solids TOC = total organic carbon *BG-lBR is scheduled for replacement due to potential grout contamination