HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuck Soil Background Tech Memo_REV1_20170526F)� Technical Memorandum Date: Friday, May 26, 2017 Project: Buck Steam Station Ash Basin System To: Sean DeNeale From: Chad Hearn Subject: Additional Background Monitoring Well Determinations — Revision 1 The purpose of this revised technical memorandum (TM) is to address the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality's (NCDEQ's) requirement identified below. In addition, this revised TM includes the justification for additional monitoring wells that should be considered as background wells for the Buck Steam Station (Buck) ash basin system as originally presented in the TM dated December 13, 2016. Following submittal of the TM dated December 13, 2016, Duke Energy submitted the Statistical Methods for Developing Reference Background Concentrations for Groundwater and Soil at Coal Ash Facilities (Background Methodology) to DEQ on January 20, 2017. NCDEQ subsequently requested additional information regarding the Background Methodology via a letter dated April 28, 2017. As part of the April 28, 2017 letter, NCDEQ requested the following information: • Provide up-to-date digital spreadsheets of raw background groundwater data for each facility by May 26, 2017, and include, within the raw background data spreadsheet as "strike- throughs", the individual monitoring data results that Duke Energy believes should be omitted from the background dataset due to (a) high pH, (b) high turbidity, (c) auto -correlation, (d) outlier designation, (e) non -detect values that are above 2L/IMAC, or (f) other reasons. The up-to-date raw background groundwater data for background determinations at Buck are provided in Table 2 of this revised TM. Note the remainder of the requirements in the April 28, 2017 NCDEQ letter are addressed in a revision to the Background Methodology under separate cover. Monitoring wells BG-1S/D/BR, BG-2S/D, BG-3S/BRU, and MW-6S/D were previously evaluated and chosen to represent background groundwater quality as documented in Appendix B of the Buck Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Part 1, dated November 20, 2015. Although BG-3S/BRU and MW-6S/D were considered as background wells in the CAP Part 1, additional evaluation was suggested to confirm the well cluster can be considered as background. Justification for why BG-3S/BRU and MW-6S/D should be considered background wells is provided below. The potential additional background monitoring wells at Buck include GWA-1S, MW-6BR, and MW- 8S/D/BR. These potential background wells are being proposed based on evaluation of the following criteria: groundwater flow direction, groundwater elevation as compared to the nearest ash basin surface water or porewater elevation, historical analytical results, and horizontal distance to the ash basin system. Distances and elevations pertinent to the evaluation are provided in Table 1. Locations for each monitoring well discussed below are shown on Figure 1. Additional details are provided for each monitoring well cluster on the following pages of this memorandum. F)� Historical analytical data for previously evaluated background wells (CAP Part 1) and the potential background wells listed above are provided in Table 2. The background wells and analytical data are separated by groundwater flow layer (shallow, deep and bedrock) and a valid sample count is provided for each constituent. Sample data associated with turbidity reported to be greater than 10 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU), samples without a recorded turbidity, samples with a pH greater than 8.5, non -detect samples with a method detection limit greater than the respective 2L Standard or IMAC, or samples with less than a 60 day interval between sample events are denoted with "strike-throughs" and were not included in the valid sample counts as requested by NCDEQ. BG -3S and BG-3BRU Monitoring wells BG -3S and BG-3BRU were installed onsite as background monitoring wells during the CSA and included in the Buck CAP Part 1 Appendix B evaluation described above. The well pair is located in the southeastern area of the site, south of Cell 2 and southeast of Cell 1, along Buck's southern property boundary. As mentioned in the CAP Part 1 Appendix B, additional evaluation would be conducted to determine if BG-3S/BRU should be considered background wells. An additional well pair (GWA-13S/D) was installed along a topographic ridge to the northeast of BG-3/BRU in February and March 2016 to define groundwater flow direction and groundwater quality in this area of the site. • Water levels measured during the May and September 2016 sampling events indicate that groundwater flow follows the slope -aquifer concept in the southeastern area of the site (south of Cell 2 and southeast of Cell 1), and that groundwater in this area of the site flows to the north and northeast. Monitoring wells BG-3S/BRU are located sidegradient of Cell 1 and upgradient of Cell 2. • Analytical data included in Table 2 indicate that boron was not reported in the BG -3 wells at concentrations which equal or exceed the laboratory method reporting limit. Chloride was reported at concentrations less than two orders of magnitude less than the 2L Standard. Sulfate was reported at approximately one to two orders of magnitude less than the 2L Standard. Based on the justification provided above, groundwater passing through monitoring wells BG-3S/BRU originates upgradient or sidegradient of the ash basin system, and is not impacted by the ash basin system. Therefore, groundwater samples collected from BG-3S/BRU represent background water quality relative to the Buck ash basin system and have been included in the valid background sample counts. MW -6S and MW -6D Monitoring wells MW -6S and MW -61D were installed onsite as voluntary ash basin monitoring wells in June 2006, and were included in the Buck CAP Part 1 Appendix B evaluation described above. The well pair is located in the southeastern area of the site, southeast of Cell 1, along Buck's southern property boundary. As mentioned in the CAP Part 1 Appendix B, additional evaluation would be conducted to determine if MW-6S/D should be considered background wells. Monitoring wells MW-6S/D have been considered background for the ash basin's NPDES compliance monitoring program since 2011. Water levels measured during the May and September 2016 sampling events indicate that groundwater flow follows the slope -aquifer concept in the southeastern area of the site (south of Cell 2 and southeast of Cell 1), and that groundwater in this area of the site predominantly flows to the north and northeast. Monitoring wells MW-6S/D are located side -gradient of Cell 1 and upgradient of Cell 2. 2 F)"'Z Analytical data included in Table 2 indicate that boron was not reported in the MW -6 wells at concentrations which equal or exceed the laboratory method reporting limit. Chloride and sulfate were generally reported at concentrations two orders of magnitude less than the 2L Standard. Based on the justification provided above, groundwater passing through monitoring wells MW-6S/D originates upgradient or sidegradient of the ash basin system, and is not impacted by the ash basin system. Therefore, groundwater samples collected from MW-6S/D represent background water quality relative to the Buck ash basin system and have been included in the valid background sample counts. GWAA S Monitoring well GWA-1 S was installed onsite as an upgradient well during the CSA. The well is located south of Cell 1 along the southern property boundary. This well has been sampled five times between June 2015 and September 2016. Water level measurements and calculated groundwater elevations from April, June, and September 2016 have been considered for determining groundwater flow direction in this area of the site. • Monitoring well GWA-1 S is located approximately 90 feet south of Cell 1 along the southern property boundary. The ground surface elevation at the monitoring well is approximately 707 feet. • The closest ash basin surface water elevation was measured to be 701.94 feet in June 2016, in the southern portion of Cell1. • GWA-1S is screened from approximately 5 to 20 ft bgs in the shallow flow layer (approximately 702 to 687 feet elevation). The average groundwater elevation calculated from the April, June, and September 2016 gauging events was 702.68 feet (approximately 1 foot higher than the nearest ash basin surface water elevation measured in June 2016). The lowest groundwater elevation calculated for these sampling events was 698.59 feet (September 2016). • Analytical data included in Table 2 indicate that boron was not reported at concentrations which equal or exceed the laboratory method reporting limit. Chloride and sulfate were reported at concentrations between one and two orders of magnitude less than the 2L Standard. Based on the justification provided above, groundwater passing through monitoring well GWA-1S originates upgradient and south of Cell 1, and is not impacted by the ash basin system. Therefore, groundwater samples collected from GWA-1 S represent background water quality relative to the Buck ash basin system and have been included in the valid background sample counts. MW-6BR Monitoring well MW-6BR was installed adjacent to existing compliance monitoring wells MW-6S/D in February 2016 to further evaluate groundwater quality and flow characteristics southeast of Cell 1. This well was first sampled in February 2016 and then again during site -wide sampling events in June and September 2016. As described above, groundwater in this area of the site predominantly flows to the north and northeast and monitoring wells MW-6S/D are considered side -gradient of Cell 1 and upgradient of Cell 2. Monitoring wells MW-6S/D, located adjacent to MW-6BR, have been considered background for the ash basin's NPDES compliance monitoring program since 2011. Monitoring well MW-6BR is located approximately 450 feet southeast of the southeastern extent of the ash basin waste boundary (Cell 1). The ground surface elevation at the monitoring well cluster is approximately 719 feet. F)� The closest ash basin surface water elevation (in the southern portion of Cell1) was measured to be 701.94 feet in June 2016. MW-6BR is screened from approximately 147 to 152 ft bgs in the bedrock flow layer (approximately 571.5 to 566.5 feet elevation). The average groundwater elevation calculated from the June and September 2016 gauging events was 697.17 feet (approximately 4 feet lower than the nearest ash basin surface water elevation measured in June 2016). The lowest water elevation calculated for these sampling events was 696.15 feet (September 2016). Analytical data included in Table 2 indicate that boron was not reported in MW-6BR at concentrations which equal or exceed the laboratory method reporting limit. Chloride and sulfate were generally reported at concentrations two orders of magnitude less than the 2L Standard. Based on the justification provided above, groundwater passing through monitoring well MW-6BR originates upgradient and south of Cell 1, and is not impacted by the ash basin system. Therefore, groundwater samples collected from MW-6BR represent background water quality relative to the Buck ash basin system and have been included in the valid background sample counts. MW -8S, MW -8D, and MW-8BR Monitoring wells MW -8S and MW -8D were installed onsite as ash basin NPDES compliance monitoring wells in December 2010. Monitoring well MW-8BR was installed adjacent to MW-8S/D in October 2016 to further evaluate groundwater quality in the bedrock flow layer. Monitoring wells MW-8S/D/BR are located onsite and south of Cell 1. Monitoring wells MW-8S/D have been sampled since March 2011. Due to there being no sample results available from MW-8BR, justification for these wells are based on data from MW-8S/D. To confirm groundwater elevations compared to the ash basin, groundwater elevations from March 2011 through September 2016 were reviewed for MW-8S/D. Water level measurements and calculated groundwater elevations from June 2015 and September 2016 have been considered for determining groundwater flow direction in this area of the site. • Monitoring wells MW-8S/D are located approximately 500 feet south of Cell 1 along the southern property boundary. The ground surface elevation at the monitoring well is approximately 711 feet. • The closest ash basin surface water elevation was measured to be 701.94 feet in June 2016, in the southern portion of Cell1. • MW -8S is screened from approximately 6 to 21 ft bgs in the shallow flow layer (approximately 704.5 to 689.5 feet elevation). The average groundwater elevation calculated from the March 2011 through September 2016 gauging events was 706.96 feet (approximately 5 feet higher than the nearest ash basin surface water elevation measured in June 2016). The lowest groundwater elevation calculated for these sampling events was 704.38 feet (July 2015). • MW -8D is screened from approximately 56 to 61 ft bgs in the deep flow layer (approximately 654.5 to 649.5 feet elevation). The average groundwater elevation calculated from the March 2011 through September 2016 gauging events was 707.41 feet (approximately 5.5 feet higher than the nearest ash basin surface water elevation measured in June 2016). The lowest groundwater elevation calculated for these sampling events was 705.18 feet (September 2016). • MW-8BR is screened from approximately 108.5 to 113.5 ft bgs in the bedrock flow layer (approximately 602 to 597 feet elevation). • Analytical data included in Table 2 indicate that boron was not reported in MW-8S/D at concentrations which equal or exceed the laboratory method reporting limit. Chloride and sulfate were generally reported at concentrations two orders of magnitude less than the 2L Standard. 4 F)� Based on the justification provided above, groundwater passing through monitoring wells MW-8S/D originates upgradient of Cell 1, and is not impacted by the ash basin system. Therefore, groundwater samples collected from MW-8S/D represent background water quality relative to the ash basin system and results have been included in the valid background sample counts. Following receipt of analytical results for MW-8BR samples, field parameters and analytical results will be evaluated before considering MW-8BR as a background well. BSSW76 BSSW74 BSSW1 PWS ID: 0180647 YADKIN RIVER J S-7 6SW-1 S-8 BSSWO01 YADKIN RIVER •__fel �� BUCK STEAM STATION GWA-18S COAL FIRED UNITS 1-6 GWA-12BRU GWA-18D GWA-12S BUCK COMBINED CYCLE STATION MW -2S MW -2D O' GWA-22D mW -9S MW -9D GWA-19S GWA-19D GWA-9S GWA-9D GWA-91313 TERRACOTA PIPE #2 TERRACOTA PIPE #1 AB-10BR S-9 AB -10S AB -10D BSSWO03AA MW -1S MW -1D GWA-20S GWA-20D GWA-10S GWA-10D S-10 GWA-11S GWA-11D I I I I I BG -1S 10�13G-ID BG-1BR BG -2S, BG -2D JAMES STREET BC -20D AB -1D i, • AS -1S BC -20S AS -1D A13 -2S AB-2BR AB -2D AB-2SL CELL 1 ADDITIONAL PRIMARY POND AB -3D OAB-3S SW-AB1 • S-6 GWA-6S MW -10D -OGWA-6BRU GWA-613R GWA-5BRU GWA-5S CULVERT S-5 BSSWO01AA YADKIN RIVER DISCHARGE BSWWO02 \ MW -11S MW -11D MW -3S MW-11BR MW -3D WET AREA NEAR GWA-4S PUMP HOUSE GWA-46� ' AB -9S MW -4S E AB-9BRU4 MW -4D to AB -96R S-4 eow.' GWA-7S AB-6BRU GWA-7D A13 -7S BC -30S .� AB-7SL BC -30D-2 A13-713RU® SW-A137CELL 3 CELL 3 DISCHARGE TOWER SECONDARY POND AB -5S 0AB-5SL AB -8S AB-5BRU Q AB -8D • SW -ABB 1 BC -18 AS -2D10 ASH STO RAG AS-3S� AS -3D CELL 1 DISCHARGE TOWER MW -7S MW -7D GWA-1S GWA-1D f MW -8S j MW -8D MW -813R71 NOTES: 1. PARCEL DATA FOR THE SITE WAS OBTAINED FROM DUKE ENERGY REAL ESTATE AND IS APPROXIMATE. 2. WASTE BOUNDARY AND ASH STORAGE AREA ARE APPROXIMATE. 3. THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY IS ESTABLISHED ACCORDING TO THE DEFINITION FOUND IN 15A NCAC 02L.0107 (a). 4. EXISTING MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY AND WSP. 5. EXISTING SHALLOW MONITORING WELLS (S) ARE SCREENED ACROSS THE SURFICIAL WATER TABLE. 6. EXISTING DEEP MONITORING WELLS (D) ARE SCREENED IN THE TRANSITION ZONE BETWEEN COMPETENT BEDROCK AND THE REGOLITH. 7. EXISTING BEDROCK MONITORING WELLS (BR) ARE SCREENED ACROSS WATER BEARING FRACTURES IN COMPETENT BEDROCK. 8. TOPOGRAPHY DATA FOR ONSITE WAS OBTAINED FROM WSP (DATED 2015). 9. TOPOGRAPHY DATA FOR OFFSITE WAS OBTAINED FROM NCDOT GEOGRPAHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) WEB SITE (DATED 2007). 10. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY WAS OBTAINED FROM WSP (DATED APRIL 2014). 11. HYDROGRAPHY WAS OBTAINED FROM THE PROVISIONAL JURISDICTIONAL WATERS MAP(USACE APPROVAL PENDING), PROVIDED BY AMEC FOSTER WHEELER, DATED MAY 29, 2015. 12. GWA-13S WAS ABANDONED IN MARCH 2016 WHEN GWA-13SR WAS INSTALLED AS A REPLACEMENT. AB-4BRL A13 -4S A13-413RAB-4SL AB-4BRU CELL 2 DISCHARGE TOWER GWA-2S GWA-2BRU GWA-213R SW -A133 0 CELL 2 PRIMARY POND • SW-AB2 GWA-15S GWA-15D GWA-14S GWA-14D GWA-14BR SCALE (FEET) 200' 0 200' 400' I" = 400' SW -A135 • • SW -A134 S-3 GWA-3S GWA-3BRU � GWA-313R MW -5S S-1 S-2 MW -51) GWA-17S S -1C S -1B GWA-13D GWA-13SR w MW -12S �r* +, ;, ; �i syr►' *�'':` 1 I ' BMW -13D 113' �A �y+3 ��r �•�d a SOIL STOCKPILE o�13G-3S BG-3BRU MW -6S MW -613R MW -6D ` SCALE (FEET) 200' 0 200' 400' I" = 400' SW -A135 • • SW -A134 S-3 GWA-3S GWA-3BRU � GWA-313R MW -5S S-1 S-2 MW -51) GWA-17S S -1C S -1B I'N N LEGEND: DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY WASTE BOUNDARY ASH STORAGE AREA BOUNDARY COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY COINCIDENT WITH DUKE PROPERTY BOUNDARY STREAM WETLANDS ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL ASH BASIN VOLUNTARY GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL CSA GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL POST -CSA ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL EXISTING MONITORING WELL (2013) ON-SITE WATER SUPPLY WELL SURFACE WATER SAMPLE LOCATION AREA OF WETNESS SAMPLE LOCATION NCDENR SAMPLE LOCATION SAMPLE LOCATION MAP DATE CAMA AND NPDES PROGRAMS MAY 2017 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC BUCK STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAF'C_II',1,4 � w MW -12S MW -12D I:pl y2 i ' • _ ,tom- � � ' 'q;,4i.-. a�- _ r. AL I'N N LEGEND: DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY WASTE BOUNDARY ASH STORAGE AREA BOUNDARY COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY COINCIDENT WITH DUKE PROPERTY BOUNDARY STREAM WETLANDS ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL ASH BASIN VOLUNTARY GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL CSA GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL POST -CSA ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL EXISTING MONITORING WELL (2013) ON-SITE WATER SUPPLY WELL SURFACE WATER SAMPLE LOCATION AREA OF WETNESS SAMPLE LOCATION NCDENR SAMPLE LOCATION SAMPLE LOCATION MAP DATE CAMA AND NPDES PROGRAMS MAY 2017 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC BUCK STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAF'C_II',1,4 � GRANT ROADppl I'N N LEGEND: DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY WASTE BOUNDARY ASH STORAGE AREA BOUNDARY COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY COINCIDENT WITH DUKE PROPERTY BOUNDARY STREAM WETLANDS ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL ASH BASIN VOLUNTARY GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL CSA GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL POST -CSA ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL EXISTING MONITORING WELL (2013) ON-SITE WATER SUPPLY WELL SURFACE WATER SAMPLE LOCATION AREA OF WETNESS SAMPLE LOCATION NCDENR SAMPLE LOCATION SAMPLE LOCATION MAP DATE CAMA AND NPDES PROGRAMS MAY 2017 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC BUCK STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAF'C_II',1,4 � Table 1. Background Monitoring Well Information Buck Steam Station Ash Basin System FEZ Notes: 1. Elevations presented in North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) 88. 2. The groundwater elevations presented are the averaged based on available groundwater elevation measurements from sampling/gauging events at the site. 3. Ash basin surface water elevations closest to monitoring wells were measured during the June 2016 gauging event. 4. NA = not available 5. Monitoring well MW -6D is screened in the fractured bedrock flow layer. Distance and DirectionClosest Ground Elevation of Ash Basin from Source Area Groundwater Surface Screened Elevation of Surface Water Groundwater Elevation Well ID Flow Elevation Interval Groundwater Elevation to Well Monitoring Events Ash Basin Direction (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (Cell 1, Cell 2) CAP Part 1 Established Background Monitoring Wells BG -1 S 2,050 ft SW NW 723 707.5-692.5 705.04 701.94 2016 - March, June, September Cell 1 BG -1 D 2,050 ft SW NW 723 624-619 705.02 701.94 2016 - March, June, September (Cell 1 BG -1 BR 2,050 ft SW NW 723 587-582 606.81 701.94 2016 - March, June, September Cell 1 BG -2S 2,050 ft SW NW 727 710-695 707.19 701.94 2016 - March, June, September Cell 1 BG -2D 2,050 ft SW NW 727 628-623 708.00 701.94 2016 - March, June, September (Cell 1) BG -3S 590 ft S NE 719 694-679 689.78 683 2016 - March and June Cell 2 BG-3BRU 590 ft S NE 719 649.5-644.5 691.96 683 2016 - March, June, September Cell 2 MW -6S 450 ft SE NE 720 700.5-690.5 700.65 701.94 2016 - March, June, September Cell 1 MW -6D5 450 ft SE NE 719 615-610 700.13 701.94 2016 - March, June, September (Cell 1 Proposed Additional Background Monitoring Wells GWA-1 S 90 ft S Cell 1 N 707 702-687 702.68 701.94 2016 -April, June, September MW -613R 450 ft SE NE 719 571-566 697.17 701.94 2016 - June, September Cell 1 MW -8S 500 ft S N 711 704.5-689.5 704.62 701.94 2015 - June Cell 1 2016 - September MW -8D 500 ft S N 711 654.5-649.5 705.29 701.94 2015 - June Cell 1 2016 - September MW-8BR 500 ft S N 711 602-597 NA 701.94 NA Cell 1 Notes: 1. Elevations presented in North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) 88. 2. The groundwater elevations presented are the averaged based on available groundwater elevation measurements from sampling/gauging events at the site. 3. Ash basin surface water elevations closest to monitoring wells were measured during the June 2016 gauging event. 4. NA = not available 5. Monitoring well MW -6D is screened in the fractured bedrock flow layer. Table 2. Buck Steam Station Ash Basin System Background Groundwater Baseline Analytical Results Notes: "Strike-throughs" indicates samples that will not be used in the initial background dataset for determining proposed provisional background threshold values (PPBTVs). The criteria for "strike-throughs" (as stipulated by NCDEQ) requires Duke Energy to omit samples due to pH > 8.5, turbidity >10 NTU, non -detect samples with a method detection limit (MDL) > 2L Standard or IMAC, or less than a 60 day interval between sample events. 0 - Bold highlighted concentration indicates exceedance of the 15A NCAC 02L Standard or IMAC, Appendix 2, April 1, 2013. pm = micron pg/L = micrograms per liter pS/cm = microsiemens per centimeter ft = feet mg/L = milligrams per liter Eh values were calculated by adding 200 mV to the field -measured ORP value. Depending on the field meter used, Eh values calculated using this formula can vary by +/- 5 mV. mV = millivolts NTU - nephelometric turbidity units pCi/L = picocuries per liter SU = standard unit J = laboratory estimated concentration J- = estimated concentration, biased low J+ = estimated concentration, biased high U = results not detected at concentrations which equal the laboratory's method reporting limit 02L = North Carolina groundwater standards as specified in T15A NCAC 02L D = dissolved Deg C = degree Celsius DHHS = North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services DO = dissolved oxygen GW = groundwater GWQS = groundwater quality standard IMAC = Interim Maximum Allow Concentration N = normal NS = no standard T = total TDS = total dissolved solids TOC = total organic carbon * BG -1D and BG-lBR are scheduled for replacement due to potential grout contamination Page 1 of 1 FIELD PARAMETERS WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS SELECTED 40CFR257 APPENDIX III CONSTITUENTS INORGANIC PARAMETERS (TOTALS) RADIONUCLIDES 15A NCAC Constituent: 02L, DHHS, IMAC: Reporting Units: pH 6.5-8.5 SU Eh NS mV Oxidation Reduction Potential NS mV Dissolved Oxygen NS mg/I Specific Conductance NS p5/cm Turbidity NS NTU Temperature NS Deg C Alkalinity NS ug/I Carbonate Alkalinity NS ug/I Bicarbonate Alkalinity NS ug/I Methane NS ug/I Sulfide NS ug/I Total Organic Carbon NS ug/I Total Suspended Solids NS ug/I Boron 700 ug/I Calcium NS ug/I Chloride 250000 ug/I Strontium NS ug/I Sulfate 250000 ug/I Total Dissolved Solids 500000 ug/I Aluminum NS ug/I Antimony 1 ug/I Arsenic 10 ug/I Barium 700 ug/I Beryllium 4 ug/I Cadmium 2 ug/I Chromium 30 ug/I Chromium (VI) 0.07 ug/I Cobalt 1 ug/I Copper 1000 ug/I Iron 300 ug/I Lead 15 ug/I Magnesium NS ug/I Manganese 50 ug/I Mercury 1 ug/I Molybdenum NS ug/I Nickel 100 ug/I Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 NS ug/I Potassium NS ug/I Selenium 20 ug/I Sodium NS ug/I Thallium 0.2 ug/I Vanadium 0.3 ug/I Zinc 1000 ug/I Radium- 226 NS pCi/L Radium- 228 NS pCi/L Uranium, Natural NS ug/I Uranium- 233 NS ug/I Uranium- 234 NS ug/I Uranium - 236 NS ug/I Well/Sample ID ISampling Round ICollection Date Shallow Flow layer BG -47S Re+nd1 63 242:3 423 44 367.6 8393 48-:5 9:58 F'rU 4:44 E 0.95 l < - U ~&.95 61 BG45 R9nnd-3 77000 E 5060-U 77000 444 a Wo U 4200 45608 E-59 U 33000 32400 94 5800 345606 3500 3.8 0�4 35 ~-0.2 U E 0.08 y 4" _ � 4..}F 96600 G 24 6229 7-70 e 0.2 H 24 3&9 F20 U E-5099 W e 0.5 U 32600 0.932-3 " 64 9 i _ _ _ _ _ _ 136-45 ROW4_2 6:7 3506 3546 2 23 458 474 74969 E 5990 y 74006 16:43~ e Wo U 22409 539699 F -56-U 35299 3199 420 4566 1479603+ 32666 0.42-3 24 379 633 0,94559 90.6 43.3 394 49300 333 8489 1600 x -93-U 0:96 64 443 f-5009 61 9.453 34469 0.9353 64-7 328 BG-lS Round 3 11/19/2015 6.5 337.9 137.9 3.57 100.9 7.2 17.9 47900 < 5000 U 47900 5.53+ < 100 U < 1000 U 16200 < 50 U 8620 2300 61 1600 1330003+ 830 < 0.5 U 0.33 24 0.0693 < 0.08 U 1.8 0.153+ 2.6 10.6 890 0.25 4020 540 0.071 2.1 1.6 530 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 7800 < 0.1 U 6.1 14 -- -- -- -- -- -- 8635 Reund-4 " 287.2 87-.2 4.z 869 435 149 43268 E 5090H 43286 2.23~ H80U 5503 F2690H 6-56-U 7728 2260 49 7103 64689-3+ 436 E-0.511 0233 15 E-0.2 U E 9.98 y 4.9-36 0.26 24 035-0~ 246 E-03-11 3428 530 e 9.2 U 33 3;-}F 369 E 5099 y E 9.5U 7480 E 0.1 U 2,3 45-46 BG-1S Round 5 3/15/2016 6.11 393.5 193.5 1.06 115.1 7.26 18.2 41900 < 5000 U 41900 1.73+ < 100 U 1200 4900 < 50 U 9380 3600 62.6 9500 82000 176 < 0.5 U 0.17 23.4 0.121+ < 0.08 U 0.72 0.22 0.87 1.1 249 < 0.1 U 4180 160 < 0.2 U 0.64 1.3 210 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 6710 < 0.1 U 1.7 4.81+ 0.533 0.489 < 0.5 U BG -1S Round 6 6/23/2016 5.7 425 225 0.7 100 2.9 20.6 43800 < 5000 U 43800 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 8740 2600 63.2 2100 150000 116 0.143 0.13 24.2 0.0233 < 0.08 U 1.2 0.31 0.35 0.4 J 184 0.0913 4150 148 < 0.2 U 0.321 1.4 73 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 5700 < 0.1 U 1.5 3.81 0.0639 0.32 < 0.5 U BG -1S Round 7 9/9/2016 6 383.4 183.4 0.5 3.9 24.7 54900 < 5 U 54900 < 10 U < 0.1 U < 1 U 2900 < 50 U 10300 2400 71.7 1200 77000 108 < 0.5 U 0.13 23.8 0.0713 < 0.08 U 0.291 0.14 0.76 0.75 113 < 0.1 U 4830 446 < 0.2 U 0.68 1.9 70 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 7560 < 0.1 U 1.4 71 < 0.5 U BG -1S Round 8 12/7/2016 5.9 246.6 46.6 1.4 95.3 4.5 17.9 43200 < 5000 U 43200 < 10 U < 100 U < 25000 U < 50 U 7250 1700 61.9 1600 63000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.21 22.3 0.0163 < 0.08 U 0.68 0.57 1.2 1.9 100 0.1 3310 356 < 0.2 U 0.463 1.9 150 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 49701 < 0.1 U 1.6 8.93 0.15 0.208 < 0.5 U BG -1S Round 9 3 22 2017 5.7 343.4 143.4 2.3 83.5 7.4 15.2 36600 < 5000 U 36600 < 10 U < 100 U < 2600 U < 50 U 6480 19003+ 48.5 1000 78000 114 < 0.5 U 0.163+ 18.9 0.031 <0.08 U 1.31+ 0.89 0.36 0,483 147 < 0.1 U 3080 71.1 < 0.2 U 0.451 1.1 320 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 5950 < 0.1 U 1.9 3.73 0 0.451 < 0.5 U 81345 Reund4 53 4244 2244 34 804 18:96 208 26599 26509 423+ 418014 <-�U9 165000 4 So y 5489 5099 38 8603 51899 2189 48661 936-3 55 4 0.214 00253 0,42-3+ 919 44 9900 031 4139 54 E$2 -U 9413 9:97-3 E 20 H3 E38901i E .5U E39901i E0.1 U 0-95-1 55 BG -2S Round 2 9 22 ZO15 5.7 448.2 248.2 2.66 83.8 9.4 17.3 31700 < 5000 U 31700 5.93+ < 100 U < 1000 U 234000 < 50 U 6120 5400 45 1100 750001+ 950 < 0.5 U 0.171 46 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 2.1 -- 0.84 2.7 760 0.25 4410 47 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.6 20 < 5000 U < 0.5 U < 5000 U < 0.1 U 3 J+ 29 -- -- -- -- -- -- BG-2S Reun" 5.7 4725 2725 4 654 83 463 22399 E39901i 22399 4:53+ 418014 E 1000U 5709 E30U 4710 5199 31 9503 77099 178 48511 40514 3S E02 y 00253 065 033 036 0,92-3 170 48111 3599 47 48211 40.5 Y 4.2 42011 E-589011 E 0.5U E39901i E0.1 U 0-47-1 18 BG -2S Round 4 12 10 2015 5.6 456.4 256.4 3.85 95.9 9.15 15.8 23100 < 5000 U 23100 1.31+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 4720 5200 30 5803 < 25000 U 783 < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 34 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 1.53+ 0.113+ 0.491 0.373+ 57 < 0.1 U 3500 14 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 23+ 251+ < 5000 U < 0.5 U < 5000 U < 0.1 U 0.423 173+ BG -2S Round 5 3 15 2016 5.28 466.2 266.2 2.49 60.4 0.29 20.6 16500 < 5000 U 16500 1.81+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 3230 6100 20.1 8803 39000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.0773 40.2 0.0633+ < 0.08 U 0.39 J 0.078 2.6 0.173 < 50 U < 0.1 U 2570 16.8 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.3 151 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 3360 ] < 0.1 U 0.29 J 15.33+ 0.0796 0.26 < 0.5 U BG -2S Round 6 6/23/2016 5 475 275 3.3 60 3.8 19.5 21100 < 5000 U 21100 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 4130 4600 27.4 7703 170000 197 0.143 0.13 39.4 0.0343 < 0.08 U 0.381 0.063 1.1 0.31 153 < 0.1 U 3330 12.3 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 0.94 < 20 U < 5000 U < 0.5 U 26403 < 0.1 U 0.66 15.7 0.182 0.843 < 0.5 U BG -2S Round 7 9/9/2016 5.3 471.4 271.4 2.3 -- 1 23.7 20400 < 5 U 20400 < 10 U < 0.1 U < 1 U < 2.5 U < 50 U 4200 4700 27.5 < 1 U 32000 145 < 0.5 U 0.11 35.3 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.14 J -- 0.29 0.43 ] 112 < 0.1 U 3360 9.5 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1 16 J < 5000 U < 0.5 U 2320 J < 0.1 U 0.3 J 17.2 -- -- < 0.5 U -- -- -- BG-2S Round 8 12/8/2016 5.5 292.9 92.9 3.1 65.8 7.6 13 23900 < 5000 U 23900 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 4940 4900 34.1 < 1000 U < 25000 U 118 < 0.5 U 0.18 37 0.0533 < 0.08 U 0.273 0.13 0.11 1.3 78.4 < 0.1 U 3630 7.6 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 0.74 121 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 19903 0.0381 0.29 J 21 0.217 0.314 < 0.5 U BG -2S Round 9 3/22/2017 5.3 3848 189.8 3 65.4 4.5 14.5 23300 < 5000 U 23300 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 4590 50001+ 30.2 < 1000 U 46000 78.51 < 0.5 U 0.143+ 37.9 0.021 ] < 0.08 U 0.363+ 0.113+ 0.0553+ 0.63 60.9 < 0.1 U 3660 5.9 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 0.76 11 J < 5000 U < 0.5 U 23003 < 0.1 U 0.51 J+ 17.8 0.0627 0.131 < 0.5 U BG -3S Round 1 6/12/2015 5.5 447.2 247.2 4.6 30.1 9.2 22.3 < 10000 U7 < 10000 UJ < 10000 UJ < 10 W < 100 U7 7003 190003 < 50 U7 1760 15003 221 8903 < 25000 U7 190 < 0.5 UJ < 0.5 W 443 0.0863 < 0.08 UJ 1.83 -- 2.93 0.41 2573 0.0913 7163 443 < 0.2 U7 0.121 3.21 220 7 < 5000 UJ < 0.5 Ul 27603 < 0.1 W 0.863 293 -- -- -- -- -- -- BG-3S Round 2 9/24/2015 5.4 413.7 213.7 3.9 24.2 9.9 22 7700 < 5000 U 7700 1.53+ < 100 U < 1000 U 15400 < 50 U 1300 1100 17 5403 < 25000 U 200 < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 33 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.783+ -- 2.2 8.8 280 0.0933 616 23 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.7 310 < 5000 U < 0.5 U < 5000 U < 0.1 UJ 0.433 23 -- -- -- -- -- -- 8635 Reund-3 Sd 403..5 203.5 6.89 37.5 94 17.6 6568 E 5090 6589 1.691 e Wo U E4890U 37809 E -56-U 3289 4498 17 E3890H 66909 299 E-0.511 E .5U 34 E8211 E9.98 y 44 0.28 9,4 0823 320 08763 574 21 E82U e 0.561 4:4 360 E-569014 EA514 e 5990 E 0.1 U 0679 33 BG -3S Round 4 12/10/2015 5.7 446.4 246.4 4.7 23.7 7.3 18 6500 < 5000 U 6500 2.13+ < 100 U < 1000 U 2900 < 50 U 1260 1400 15 < 1000 U < 25000 U 803 < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 29 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.57 0.18 1.3 0.983 110 0.083 533 16 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.2 370 < 5000 U < 0.5 U < 5000 U < 0.1 U 0.661 17 BG -3S Round 5 3/15/2016 5.5 377.4 177.4 4.3 22.2 9.8 17.1 6100 < 5000 U 6100 1.83+ < 100 U < 1000 U 4000 < 50 U 1160 8603 14.5 6603 < 25000 U 143 < 0.5 U 0.0733 27.3 0.0381+ < 0.08 U 0.733+ 0.18 1.1 0.523+ 2443+ < 0.1 U 503 13.2 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 0.94 360 < 5000 U < 0.5 U < 5000 U < 0.1 U 0.583+ 15.43+ 0 0.134 < 0.5 U BG -3S Round 6 6/24/2016 5.1 406 206 5.6 30 2.2 22.9 < 5000 U < 5000 U < 5000 U < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 1920 1600 18.9 < 1000 U 51000 < 100 U 0.183 0.0853 35.9 0.0493 < 0.08 U 0.96 1.7 0.57 67.6 0,0923 644 25.3 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.7 240 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 1880 J < 0.1 U 0.6 16 0.386 0.199 < 0.5 U BG -3S Round 7 9/9/2016 5.4 249.3 49.3 4.2 0.3 26.1 6300 < 5 U 6300 < 10 U < 0.1 U < 1 U <2.6U < 50 U 1160 9303 16.7 < 1 U 28000 < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 33 0.0213 < 0.08 U 0.8 0.17 1.4 1.2 32.21 < 0.1 U 571 10.1 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.6 280 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 17303 < 0.1 U 0.21 ] 14 < 0.5 U BG -3S Round 8 12/7/2016 5.5 331.4 131.4 5.2 21.2 3.4 14.5 6200 < 5000 U 6200 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 1100 8303 15.6 < 1000 U 28000 < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 28 0.0543 < 0.08 U 0.52 0.19 1.4 1.5 80.9 < 0.1 U 456 24.7 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 1.9 370 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 14603 < 0.1 U 0.34 8.53 0.195 0.797 < 0.5 U BG -3S Round 9 3/21/2017 4.9 3543 154.6 5.7 21 2.5 15.2 6900 < 5000 U 6900 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 1050 8403 14.6 < 1000 U 28000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.079 J 24.9 0.0333 < 0.08 U 0.53 0.25 0.81 0.483+ < 50 U < 0.1 U 487 4.3 J 0.13+ < 0.5 U 0.85 380 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 17203 < 0.1 U 0.371+ 3.21 -0.069 0.157 < 0.5 U MW -6S -- 3/7/2011 5.54 -- -- -- 43 8.1 15.6 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 190 32000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 36 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 323 < 1 U -- 100 < 0.05 U -- 7 -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- 9 -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6S -- 7/5/2011 5.09 -- -- -- 48 7.5 15.87 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 190 39000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 40 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 139 < 1 U -- 97 < 0.05 U -- 7 -- -- < 1 U -- -- 7 MW -6S -- 11/2/2011 5.41 -- -- -- 46 4 14.46 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 260 21000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 36 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 56 < 1 U -- 59 < 0.05 U -- 7 -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- 6 -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6S -- 3/7/2012 5.26 608 408 0.43 53 1.63 15.65 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 180 33000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 39 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 185 < 1 U -- 80 < 0.05 U -- 6 -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- 8 -- -- -- -- -- MW-6S -- 7/3/2012 4.48 562 362 0.43 52 5.21 16.27 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 200 < 250000 U -- < 1 U < 1 U 39 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 137 < 1 U -- 114 < 0.05 U -- 8 -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- 7 -- -- -- -- -- MW-6S -- 11/7/2012 5.24 632 432 0.12 48 4.26 14.58 8200 < 5000 U 8200 -- -- -- -- < 50 U 2250 -- -- 200 38000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 40 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 51 < I U 2630 60 < 0.05 U -- 7 -- 532 < 1 U 2630 -- -- 7 -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6S -- 3/6/2013 5.13 578 378 0.56 52 2.04 15.09 14000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 2340 -- -- 210 47000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 39 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 142 < 1 U 2710 72 < 0.05 U -- 7 -- 512 < 1 U 2570 -- -- 8 -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6S -- 7/8/2013 5.07 473 273 0.2 54 4.24 16.24 16000 -- -- -- -- -- < 5000 U < 50 U 2490 -- -- 250 63000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 41 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 201 < 1 U 2890 135 < 0.05 U -- 7 -- 525 < 1 U 2690 -- -- 10 -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6S -- 11/4/2013 5.19 554 354 0.1 50 3.32 14.97 6200 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 2340 -- -- 240 50000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 39 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 247 < 1 U 2690 73 < 0.05 U -- 7 -- 479 < 1 U 2570 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6S -- 3/3/2014 5.12 564 364 1.24 49 1.36 15.38 15000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 2360 -- -- 160 36000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 41 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 37 < 1 U 2670 73 < 0.05 U -- 7 -- 511 < 1 U 2570 -- -- 14 -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6S -- 7/1/2014 5.23 683 483 0.69 45 5.29 15.79 6900 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 2200 -- -- 140 32000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 38 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 70 < 1 U 2510 43 < 0.05 U -- 6 -- 498 < 1 U 2380 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6S -- 11/3/2014 5.27 723 523 1.44 46 8.43 14.82 < 5000 U -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 2070 -- -- 140 39000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 37 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 487 < 1 U 2350 35 < 0.05 U -- 7 -- 510 < 1 U 2380 -- -- 11 -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6S -- 3/4/2015 5.24 609 409 2.02 51 6.64 15.43 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 2280 -- -- 150 36000 -- < 1 < 1 41 -- < 1 < 5 -- -- < 5 366 < 1 2630 29 < 0.05 -- 7 -- 530 < 1 2420 < 0.2 -- 10 -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6S Round 1 6/30/2015 5.4 405 205 1.2 59.7 9.27 29.2 15200 < 5000 U 15200 50.8 < 100 U < 1000 U 80900 < 50 U 2500 7800 20 6701 34000 521 0.27 J < 0.5 U 43 0.0783 < 0.08 U 1.73 -- 4 0.453+ 160 < 0.1 U 2920 45 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 6.4 270 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 2550 J 0.031 0.33 8j+ -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-66 _ 538 577 377 4.3 55 082 1595 35999 E39901i 15999 - - - *So U 2469 4489 359 38909 45 * 1 y E 1 y 47 E 1 y E 1 LJ FS li 3-44 E5 -U 55 . i y 2999 35 E8851i ESU 6 531 E 1 U 2429 E$2 -U 037-1 8 - - - - - - MW -6S _ 536 585 385 4,58 53 2,32 15:52 62999 62909 4399019 ESo y 2479 B2 4799 19 378 35999 69 E 1 y E 1 y 42 E 1 y E4 -U ES -U 364 E5{1 65 E 1 Ij 2789 44 EA.0511 E 1 y 7 Sig E 1 y 2479 402-14 0:441 7 MW -6S Round 4 12/10/2015 5.3 355.4 155.4 0.4 59.8 1.1 15.8 18100 < 5000 U 18100 282 < 100 U 27600 < 8300 U < 50 U 2760 4600 20 < 1000 U < 25000 U < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 41 0.0721 < 0.08 U 0.75 0.0271 9.3 2.41+ 1300 0.0583 2960 150 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 8.9 2403+ < 5000 U < 0.5 U < 5000 U 0.0313 0.853 8.2)+ - - II -- - -- -- MW -6S _ 532 585 385 349 62 253 35:77 29299 4399014 29299 4399014 438-14 2979 4480 24 450 48999 18 2:98 41y 52 41y 43-14 45-14 99.5 4319 9580 43 U 3679 290 41y 9 612 41y 2688 402 U 0312 7 MW-6S Round 5 3/28/2016 5.3 376 176 0.6 57.2 1 15.6 17600 < 5000 U 17600 669 < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 2820 4600 21.6 < 1000 U 44000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.0923 43.3 0.0523 < 0.08 U 0.333+ < 0.03 U 8.1 0.483+ 693 0.12 3320 131 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 7.9 36 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 2670 ] < 0.1 U 0.34 7.11 < 0.662 U < 0.958 U < 0.5 U MW -6S Round 6 6/28/2016 4.4 446 246 1.9 55 1.5 18.9 15800 < 5000 U 15800 595 < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 2450 4200 19.5 < 1000 U 32000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.0413 43.5 0.048 ] < 0.08 U 0.88 0.34 6.9 1.3 385 0.1 2880 111 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 8.5 77 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 2380 J < 0.1 U 0.59 9i < 0.5 U MW -65 NPDES_3. 2016 7/5/2916 541 621 421 032 54 346 15:54 3s4g9 4399014 35409 -- -- -- 4399014 45,9-14 2589 4799 19 229 35900 30 41 LJ 41U 43 41Y 4-1-6 45 y 5:$8 4514 335 *1 LJ 2778 96 408514 41y 7 -- 52-7 41y 236E 402 U 0-446 29 -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6S Round 7 9/26/2016 5.3 294 94 0.9 48 0 17.3 15300 < 5 U 15300 13.8 < 0.1 U < 1 U < 5 U < 50 U 2240 4200 17.7 5401 31000 < 100 U < 0.5 U < 0.1 U 40.5 0.0563 < 0.08 U 0.451 0.29 6.1 1.5 111 < 0.1 U 2630 95 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 6.9 240 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 23003 0.0193 0.59 9.81 -- -- < 0.5 U -- -- MW -6S _ 537 589 380 048 48 4,32 1589 14299 4399014 14299 43014 2339 4599 48 190 68909 -, 4�-ki 43 U '4 43 H 44-14 4 5 li 54 45-14 79 41 LJ 2669 76 488514 43 U 8 544 43 U 2318 402 U 0398 42 MW-6S Round 8 12 8 2016 5.6 253 53 1.6 52.5 0.88 11.7 15100 < 5000 U 15100 < 10 U < 100 U < 2600 U < SO U 2380 4400 18.1 < 1000 U 44000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.045 J 40.3 0.08 J < 0.06 U 0.53 0.38 5.7 0.91 46.21 < 0.1 U 2690 79.9 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 7.2 370 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 2060 7 < 0.1 U 1.1 8.61 0 0.0148< 0.5 U - -- -- MW -65 _ 3(6/2017 531 310 449 4.52 51.4 437 35:77 14399 4399014 }4390 4399014 459-14 2539 4799 29 218 38009 43 41 -14 41 U 45 4 14 41-14 ' §5 U 3{58 45-14 12 4 -14 2889 49 4805{9 4114 7 S64 41y 2459 402-U 0:754 8 MW-6s Round 9 3/23/2017 5.3 89.2 -110.8 2.4 52.6 0.56 14.8 15500 < 5000 U 15500 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 2520 4600 21.2 < 1000 U 48000 < 100 U <0.5U < 0.1 U 47.1 0.0711 < 0.08 U 1.1 J+ 0.88 3.5 0.8 43.51 < 0.1 U 2900 36.8 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 7.2 510 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 2420 J < 0.1 U 0.9 1.7 J -0.202 0.703 < 0.5 U Valid Sample Count 41 41 41 35 29 29 28 28 17 29 41 36 28 28 41 41 28 41 41 41 28 41 41 22 28 41 41 41 36 41 41 28 41 28 36 41 36 29 28 41 15 15 20 1 1 1 Dee Flow Layer BG49 Reund-1 30.8 2301 301 5 4208 4:2 252 429699 58999 55096 4-106 -400.6 1796 4496 383 26066 41899 259 12699 175999 2363 63-3-3 43 213 4-0263 4898-y} 23 4... 4393 48;11}9 1549 3.1-9 6:0773 1-2-73 068-3 4-206 341803 035}3 26886-3 481-6} 26.{5 43-3 0729 436 0587 495§-y 49:956 489511 BG4B Reund-1 6/29/2015 9i5 ii9A -809 33 921 6.6 29:4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ 8G4B Reund-2 933 4253 225:2 4.% 748 7.7 474 249990 73490 45990y 413 418014 9189 7999 343 38299 21399 379 91899 592000 1189 9.7 13 28 402 U 0,8513 233+ 0233 23 139 0,9733 728 333 4$21} 563 1 369 79499 13 64300 08163 928 443 __ _ _ BG4B Reund-3 92 23.6 476.4 04 4918 819 163 225909 4599011 43-3+ 44801} 19799 3299 253 44899 29189 419 195990 750000 1599 092 15 39 4 02y 4898-y 1 0074 41.514 4,9 79 481y 983 273 402 U 723 087 1s03 89499 15 89499 48:1 U 937 433_ _ _ _ _ BG4B Reund-4 975 10i.8 -9&2 041 832 316 147 429990 43999 4.93+ 418014 83903- 450y 27109 48909 269 69609 619 061 44 4-7 482y 0853 23+ 052 48511 i.5J+ 99 0,8513 449 45 y 482 1} 693 0,72-3+ 479 72590 14 69799 48119 45.1 5193+_ _ _ _ BG4B Reund-5 31:52 283 83 036 B42 108 15:8 152990 136996 4599011 263+ 418014 8699 450y 24499 3s590 217 72999 324998 4159 4511 133 431 0373 48:8-14 45-6 09i8 9 41 y 273 ii.53 41--6 4409 y 45 y 482+1 494 45 U 259 59699 4 5 y 53799 41 y 981 383+0374 45{1 _ _ BG46 Reund-6 11:4 244 44 0-3 4821 24 493 159990 42390 45809-y 4406 44801} 43000y 4506 26499 41999 309 69299 385080 1599 0273 4.7 206 0832-3 4 0.08 y 0443 033 09273 073 4306 481-61 4 109 Y 4 5 y 4826 394 485-14 259 67309 08 65499 481-14 981 4906 8785 4y- _ _ _ 8G4D Reund-7 19.3 833 -116.7 03 15 264 172990 89499 82499 4906 481y 8699 485-14 4So y 25899 9499 381 58099 296890 1299 057 42 294 0.926-3 489811 1.4 037 08343 08 438-6 481-14 438014 43-y 4826 323 058 78 71309 071 56999 48119 143 4906 48511 _ _ _ 8G4B Reund-8 12.1 168.1 -31:6 07 5690 23 14 116990 86909 45990 y 4906 4480 U 4506 7759 4119( 297 46799 233099 597 13 066 138 481 1} 489811 054 " 0892-3 16 438-6 481-14 5419-3 4 8 y 482y 345 48514 399 56899 095 49309 401-14 112 2.73 9.756 45 ..6 _ _ _ BG46 Reed -9 91:6 2273 -27.6 05 727 03 4.4 148999 74999 45809-y 410y 418014 4506 15799 61893+ 217 43199 246990 1469 0343 4. 14:8 4&111 489811 04-9+ 074 430{1 481-6 449014 4311 4826 27 0.48-3 4206 SBS99 05 45599 48319 118 44068632 1.I- 48511 BG4B Reed4 69698 18988 59806 2:39 i *48011 4999 42590y 493 20890 18290 318 22789 347866 723 9373 062 64 *8211 E 9.08 1 26 9:153 233 148 *81113 3679 333 *8214 406 084 4898 47903 9:273 16688 *44-4 74 523 - - - - 8638 Reed3 9.4 383.•5 383:5 431 231-2 6 46.5 64698 5190 59599 24+ *169-14 *1909 U *259061 *5o U 17490 9400 348 20498 146989 9 i 574 E0.5y 0463 64 *8211 *-9.98 y 079 *8511 4.4}F 44-9 E81 -y 4310 *-511 *8211 475 9.233 4198 5358 0223 14809 E8�11 " E 19 U- - - - - BG3B Reed -3 93 1556 44:4 04 227 1 47 75898 18389 65600 244-~ E480y 6703 E2500y E-5011 37090 8100 130 22489 376906 E180y *8511 063 74 *8214 *808 y 0353 037 *85U 0443 57 *8411 4099 274 *8211 458 *8561 910 9138 9:253 18209 E 01 U 73 433- - - - - B63B Reund-4 " 3213 321.3 479 461-6 496 457 68308 14988 56299 23 9 i Ei80y 6099 E2500y *-5011 44290 6500 149 17698 1468993+ E100y 9:143 068 63 *8211 E-998 y 031}1 03 E85y 0:55-}F E-S0y E84y 3599 E -5{i *8214 407 E85y 4860 9740 9:213 22408 E84y 903 73 9 i- BG -2D Round 5 3 15 2016 8.44 358.2 158.2 1.99 191.9 0.54 17.8 69300 < 5000 U 69300 2.1J+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 13400 4900 117 13000 116000 < 100 U 0.247 0.38 8.3 0.013J+ < 0.08 U 0.9 0.47 0.023J 0.57 < 50 U < 0.1 U 3930 <5U < 0.2 U 5.4 < 0.5 U 1100 8130 < 0.5 U 16500 < 0.1 U 6.6 57+ 0.096 0.28 ]BG -2D Round 6 6 27 2016 8.3 275.1 75.1 2 192 4.3 17.2 61500 < 5000 U 61500 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 15400 4200 128 10100 85000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.37 9.2 0.011 < 0.08 U 2.8 0.28 0.051 J 0.48 J 54.8 < 0.1 U 5130 < 5 U < 0.2 U 5.6 1.6 1300 6050 < 0.5 U 13000 < 0.1 U 8.2 < 10 U0.609 0.49J BG -2D Round 7 9 9 2016 7.7 381.9 181.9 2.2 1.1 20.5 69000 < 5 U 69000 < 10 U < 0.1 U < 1 U < 2.5 U < 50 U 13700 3000 127 6300 113000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.33 10.4 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.377 0.32 < 0.1 U 1.6 < 50 U < 0.1 U 5340 < 5 U < 0.2 U 2 < 0.5 U 1400 6890 < 0.5 U 11600 < 0.1 U 6.5 7.1J 0.36J BG -2D Round 8 12 8 2016 7.7 291.8 91.8 2.2 169.5 2 13 70400 <5000 U 70400 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 14000 3000 127 6700 89000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.44 10.8 0.0141 < 0.08 U 0.41 0.46 0.016 ] 1.1 < 50 11 < 0.1 U 5380 < 5 U < 0.2 U 1.4 < 0.5 U 1500 6870 < 0.5 U 10400 < 0.1 U 6.3 < 10 U0.0633 0.38J BG -2D Round 9 3/22/2017 7.9 235.1 35.1 1.8 173 0.3 14.1 71000 < 5000 U 71000 < 10 U < 100 U < 2600 U < 50 U 13100 2900 J+ 129 6600 119000 < 100 U 0.22 ] 0.64 10.9 0.18 0.15 1 J+ 0.3 0.18 0.48 J 26.6J 0.19 5300 2.57 < 0.2 U 1.5 0.61 1500 6030 0.36 J 11800 0.16 6.8 < 10 U0.239 0.4 7 Valid Sample Count 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 0 0 0 Bedrock Flow layer BG -3R Reun44 12.6 4048 _955.2 52 41633 37.6 23:5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4g4 - - - 440 - - - 63-W - - 763 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BGiBR Ree4-2 923 943 4858 4 5481 151.2 493 -1669688 260000 <-56606 433 E Wo U 72890 436099 283 128999 41360 9499 246860 1900900 5609 984 2 438 0499 9,826-3 93 44 389 7000 24 397 82 0878-3 504 53 53 285990 I- 239060 00443 96.2 326 _ _ _ _ _ _ BG-1BR Reed -3 92 306.8 106:8 " 3953 26.2 19;5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 63 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 864BR Ree4-6 147 179 31 21 2294 794 24:6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BG1BR Reund-8 12/7/2046 A" 298.8 985 04 4870 73 452 315998 388906 E-50006 E30y E480y 3389 675 15590 33808 4679 183806 349998 1869 4.5 48 749 08453 09573 33 1:2 038 393 442 01 E1806 293 *8211 464 3 473 127808 *8514 137966 08343 94:9 593 9 33 0:447 " 0.5-14 BG-3BRU Round 2 9/23/2015 6.9 201.6 1.6 1.6 122.1 5.1 19.5 40400 < 5000 U 40400 1.83+ < 100 U 1600 6100 < 50 U 8400 2200 56 9300 96000 < 100 U 0.93 0.6 12 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 1.1 J+ -- 0.213 4.6 93 0.16 2810 5.9 < 0.2 U 5.4 0.97 240 5210 0.341 7630 < 0.1 U 12.9 19 -- -- - -- -- -- 8G-3BRt9 Reund-3 19/18/2015 7.3 1515 -4&5 035 2963 53 464 49700 4300014 49700 333+ 41806 7183 QN) 450y 4ii80 2489 72 13909 33iog0 4100y 651 3-:6 89 40214 40.08 y 4.9 022 9:48-3 69 110 021 3050 12 482y 63 46 278 5430 0313 40680 48319 93 11 BG-3BRU Round 4 12/10/2015 7.7 341.2 141.2 1.8 116.7 1.3 17.8 40400 < 5000 U 40400 1.43+ < 100 U 6203 < 2500 U < 50 U 8850 2100 54 8600 56000 < 100 U 0.71 0.62 8.8 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 1.3 0.2 < 0.5 U 2.6 53 0.0511 2520 3.81 < 0.2 U 5.1 1.4 440 46101 0.261 7460 < 0.1 U 10 19 BG-3BRU Round 5 3/15/2016 7.5 79.9 -120.1 0.7 155.1 2.8 20.4 56500 < 5000 U 56500 2.43+ < 100 U 10500 < 2500 U < 50 U 11100 1700 60.9 12700 82000 < 100 U 0.76 0.78 6.3 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.86 ]+ 0.18 0.0863 1.2 42.81+ < 0.1 U 2820 9.3 < 0.2 U 5.5 0.58 280 45003 0.321 9800 < 0.1 U 8.6 14.23+ 0.0908 -0.00858 0.078 J BG-3BRU Round 6 6/24/2016 7.5 140.1 -59.9 0.29 364.3 1.9 18.6 47200 < 5000 U 47200 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 11800 2200 71.1 11700 107000 < 100 U 0.63 2.4 9 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.31 7 0.0251 0.1 3.7 261 < 0.1 U 3050 32.8 < 0.2 U 5.9 0.55 360 5320 < 0.5 U 11700 < 0.1 U 6.9 5.71 0.25 0.698 0.11 BG-3BRU Round 7 9/9/2016 7 239 39 3.2 -- 1.3 20.7 44300 < 5 U 44300 < 10 U < 0.1 U 5701 < 2.5 U < 50 U 8960 1500 58.6 11900 84000 < 100 U 0.66 0.81 9.7 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.54 < 0.03 U 0.0873 2.1 66 < 0.1 U 2650 18.2 < 0.2 U 4.7 1.3 < 0.02 U 5950 0.381 8640 < 0.1 U 9.3 10.4 -- -- < 0.5 U -- -- -- BG-3BRU Round 8 12/7/2016 7.1 220.4 20.4 0.7 119.5 0.45 15.5 42400 < 5000 U 42400 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 8790 1400 54.8 9500 79000 < 100 U 0.293 0.63 10.3 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.87 1.2 0.0921 1.3 75.8 < 0.1 U 2440 23.3 < 0.2 U 4 1.5 29 43801 < 0.5 U 7390 < 0.1 U 10.1 4.61 0.386 0.553 < 0.5 U BG-3BRU Round 9 3/21/2017 7 -78.8 1 183.8 0.1 15 42300 < 5000 U 42300 < 10 U < 100 U < 2800 U < 50 U 8200 1300 53.8 8200 87000 < 100 U 0.21 0.53 10.1 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.6 0.048 0.25 0.813+ 137 < 0.1 U 2470 45.6 0.0993+ 3.8 2.1 170 38801 < 0.5 U 8040 < 0.1 U4.8 < 10 U 0.142 0.323 < 0.5 U MW -6D -- 3/7/2011 6.98 -- -- -- 123 2 15.21 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 1300 100000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 63 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 31 < 1 U -- < 5 U < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6D -- 7/5/2011 6.63 -- -- -- 127 0.9 16.48 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 1400 97000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 64 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U < 10 U < 1 U -- < 5 U < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6D -- 11/2/2011 6.83 -- -- -- 125 0.5 14.32 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 1200 93000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 62 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U < 10 U < 1 U -- < 5 U < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6D -- 3/7/2012 6.8 565 365 2.45 133 0.94 15.32 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 1300 106000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 65 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 26 < 1 U -- < 5 U < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- MW-6D -- 7/3/2012 5.83 534 334 2.39 133 0.5 15.99 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 1500 < 250000 U -- < 1 U < 1 U 70 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 18 < 1 U -- < 5 U < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- MW-6D -- 11/7/2012 6.69 593 393 2.29 133 0.54 14.99 72000 < 5000 U 72000 -- -- -- -- < 50 U 11200 -- -- 1400 110000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 70 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 25 < 1 U 6530 < 5 U < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 2100 < 1 U 5860 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6D -- 3/6/2013 6.58 515 315 2.36 138 2.86 14.5 65000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 11300 -- -- 1400 120000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 73 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 62 < 1 U 6510 < 5 U < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 2150 < 1 U 5630 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6D -- 7/8/2013 6.55 430 230 2.4 144 1.98 16.32 69000 -- -- -- -- -- < 5000 U < 50 U 12500 -- -- 1600 140000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 84 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 127 < 1 U 7130 < 5 U <: 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 2370 < 1 U 6210 -- -- <5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6D -- 11/4/2013 6.6 491 291 1.95 146 2.82 14.85 66000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 12400 -- -- 1500 120000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 81 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 55 < 1 U 7140 < 5 U < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 2310 < 1 U 6080 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6D -- 3/3/2014 6.58 473 273 2.12 144 1.35 14.97 69000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 13000 -- -- 170 120000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 83 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 47 < 1 U 7280 < 5 U < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 2360 < 1 U 6240 -- -- 7 -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6D -- 7/1/2014 6.69 649 449 1.91 150 2.35 16.43 61000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 12700 -- -- 1800 110000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 86 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 78 < 1 U 7210 < 5 U < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 2500 < 1 U 6140 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6D -- 11/3/2014 6.67 679 479 2.11 145 1.24 15.16 68000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 11800 -- -- 1700 110000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 76 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 25 < 1 U 6750 < 5 U < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 2170 < 1 U 5840 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6D -- 3/4/2015 6.69 527 327 2.02 145 1.66 15.2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 12000 -- -- 1700 120000 -- < 1 < 1 77 -- < 1 < 5 -- -- < 5 33 < 1 6820 < 5 < 0.05 -- < 5 -- 2230 < 1 6000 < 0.2 -- < 5 -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6D Round 1 7/1/2015 6.73 334.6 134.6 2.22 143 7.97 20.7 64700 < 5000 U 64700 1.23+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 12600 4700 96 2400 111000 240 0.213 < 0.5 U 86 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 1.53 -- < 0.5 U 0,523 110 0.0553 7370 3.11 < 0.2 U 0.271 < 0.5 U 500 2640 J < 0.5 U 6360 < 0.1 U 8.8 < 10 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW.5B 674 - 324 203 447 731 1585 63408 E-58606 63480 - - - E 5990 E-5611 12690 3960 - 4708 328969 383 e E3y 86 E1-61 Eby E-5 U - E 1 y E-5 U 486 E 1 U 7449 7 E-9:8511 E 1 y E-5 U - 2448 E 1 y 6180 E824 93.4 E-5 61 -- -- -- -- -- -- MW.5B 65 335 2 445 448 1556 65000 E 5990 65080 *-5099 y E-5611 12209-B2 3960 96 4600 308988 16 <1y E 1 y 77 E1 -y <1y *-514 <Ey E-5 U 44 < 1 U 6979 E-511 E -085U E 1 y E -51i 2458 E 1 y 6848 E824 9.38 E-511 MW -6D Round 4 12/10/2015 6.8 368.8 168.8 1.4 157.3 2.4 15.9 69100 < 5000 U 69100 4.71+ < 100 U < 1000 U 3200 < 50 U 13300 3200 92 2200 71000 693 < 0.5 U < 0.5 U 87 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 0.78 0.47 0.133 3.93+ 140 0.073 7280 5.1 < 0.2 U 0.371 0,33+ 3801+ 3070 7 < 0.5 U 6900 < 0.1 U 8.7 <10 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW49 639 595 8 451 992 1496 66998 E 5990 66909 6009 E -56-y 32990 3200 183 2009 318969 394 245 E 1 y 92 E1-61 E1{�i E -5-y E3y E-5-6 653 E11i 7619 16 E3y E -5-U 2748 E 1 y 698E *8211 993 <-5-U MW-6D Round 5 3/28/2016 6.2 409 209 3.1 98.4 1.6 15.1 43600 < 5000 U 43600 1.63+ < 100 U 10500 < 2500 U < 50 U 8160 2200 58.2 2400 93000 < 100 U 0.7 0.0783 50.3 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.293+ 0.15 0.033+ 2.8 < 50 U 0.14 4500 < 5 U < 0.2 U 1.1 2.2 360 30503 < 0.5 U 5460 < 0.1 U 11.7 17.4 < 0.862 U < 0.697 U < 0.5 U MW -6D Round 6 6/28/2016 6.1 397 197 4.3 157 0.9 21 38300 < 5000 U 38300 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 13200 1800 98.5 2300 68000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.044 J 96.1 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.98 0.69 0.071 1 89.3 < 0.1 U 7720 5.4 < 0.2 U 0.43 0.64 790 33301 < 0.5 U 6410 < 0.1 U 8 < 10 U -- -- < 0.5 U -- -- -- MW -6B 6.82 499 241 1-48 494 16.38 79598 E 5000 76580 e 5990 E -59-U 32490 3460 96 4900 448900 25 E34 E3y SG E 1 U E 1 U E-5-4 E3U E -5-y 49 E3y 6838 E 5 E-9:856 E 1 y E -5-1i 2298 E 1 U 5998 *9.211 94 E 5 MW-6D Round 7 9/26/2016 6.9 281 81 1.5 163 3.3 17.1 65100 < 5 U 65100 < 10 U < 0.1 U < 1 U < 3.6 U < 50 U 12200 2800 96.7 1700 115000 169 < 0.5 U 0.0683 103 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 1.2 0.82 0.16 1.1 287 < 0.1 U 6970 7 < 0.2 U 0.291 < 0.5 U 530 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 5960 < 0.1 U 9.6 2.63 -- -- < 0.5 U -- -- -- MW414 6. 2 - 288 493 447 442 4567 69788 E-58606 69700 -- -- -- E-59908 E-56-11 32280 3380 94 1860 438968 29 E 1 U E3y 79 ESU Eby .-5-11 -- E3U E -5-1i 37 E3y 6989 *-5-11 E-9:856 <3 y E -5-y -- 24.48 E 1 y 5940 E9.2U 938 E -51y -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-6D Round 8 12 8 2016 7 260.8 60.8 5 147.8 0.31 11 70700 < 5000 U 70700 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 13100 2900 99.4 2200 113000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.086 7 90.8 0.0313 < 0.08 U 0.61 0.43 0.021 J 0.27 ] < 50 U < 0.1 U 7400 < 5 U < 0.2 U 0.37 7 < 0.5 U 440 31201 < 0.5 U 5540 < 0.1 U 7.6 < 10 U 0.127 0.99 < 0.5 U -- -- -- MW -69 678 346 453 3469 23 152& 6856@ E-586014 68590 E-589014 *-5611 32790 3208 97 1968 328906 34 <�U E3U 83 E3U <�U E -SU E3U E -51i 64 <�U 7928 E -5{i E-9:8514 E3U E -51i 2390 *311 6110 E82y 935 E-511 MW-6) Round 9 3/23/2017 6.9 -123 1.9 151.9 0.34 14 70400 < 5000 U 70400 < 10 U < 100 U < 2600 U < 50 U 13200 2900 96.6 1800 111000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.046 ] 87.7 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.81 J+ 0.41+ 0.0183 0.54 < SOU < 0.1 U 7590 < 5 U < 0.2 U 0.38 J < 05t 440 2990 J < 0.5 U 6280 < 0.1 U 8.4 < 10 U 0 0.172 < 0.5 U Valid Sample Count 27 27 27 21 15 15 14 14 8 15 27 22 14 14 27 27 14 27 27 27 14 27 27 12 14 27 27 27 22 27 27 14 27 14 22 27 22 15 14 27 7 7 10 0 0 0 Shallow Flow layer POTENTIAL WELLS TO INCLUDE IN BACKGROUND DATASET - JUSTIFICATION ATTACHED GWA-15 Round 1 6/22/2015 6.2 391 191 3.1 161.8 7.9 16.5 542001+ < 5000 U 54200 2.91+ < 100 U 1100 4100 < 50 UJ 9080 6800 55 9300 116000 220 < 0.5 U 0.121 34 < 0.2 U < 0.08 U 5.31+ 5.15 0.451 0.613+ 300 0.0871 8680 15 0.0861+ 0.141 7.6 260 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 10200 0.0213 2.63+ < 10 U] -- -- -- -- -- -- GWA-1S Round 2 9/24/2015 6.2 431.7 231.7 1.1 156.4 9.6 22.6 55800 < 5000 U 55800 1.41+ -- 23500 79600 < 50 U 9950 8200 58 4300 116000 5700 < 0.5 U 0.713+ 80 0.161 < 0.08 U 5.4 -- 7.7 8.1 7800 1.1 10400 160 < 0.2 U < 0.5 U 15.5 73 < 5000 U 0.241 8110 < 0.1 U 10 14 -- -- -- -- -- -- GWA-1S Round 5 4/4/2016 6.2 381.9 181.9 2.4 128.2 1.2 14.7 56500 < 5000 U 56500 1.61+ < 100 U < 1000 U < 2500 U < 50 U 8320 4000 43 2100 114000 58.21 < 0.5 U 0.17 21.6 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 11.8 9.7 0.041 0.243 59.4 < 0.1 U 7090 < 5 U < 0.2 U 0.161 2.9 560 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 6790 < 0.1 U 4.6 < 10 U -- -- -- -- -- -- GWA4S Reund-6 - - - - - - - 53i80 4300014 53189 4906 418014 - 4989 450y 8489 3789 495 2289 106000 484 48511 014 26.8 48419 4 .08 y 113 103 013 0473 ig9 48111 7099 443 0413 0453 36 548 45000U 4051} 6760 48319 53 363 - - - - - - GWA-1S Round 7 9/22/2016 6.2 263 63 0.4 146 5.1 19.3 59400 < 5 U 59400 < 10 U < 0.1 U < 1 U 7100 < 50 U 8500 5700 59.4 5400 105000 176 < 0.5 U 0.15 33.7 0.011 < 0.08 U 2.6 1.7 0.13 < 0.5 U 234 < 0.1 U 7870 6.1 < 0.2 U 0.141 5.6 240 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 7800 < 0.1 U 3.7 < 10 U -- -- -- -- -- -- GWA-1S Round 8 12/8/2016 6.2 248.4 48.4 1.9 139.4 6.36 13.9 59500 < 5000 U 59500 < 10 U < 100 U -- 6500 < 50 U 9270 5700 58.4 4400 72000 317 < 0.5 U 0.21 32 0.0383 < 0.08 U 3.4 2.6 0.34 1.5 304 0.1 8200 9.8 < 0.2 U 0.261 5.7 260 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 7220 0.0153 4.4 2.81 -- -- -- -- -- -- GWA-1S Round 9 3/21/2017 6.3 98.7 1.8 138.7 7.73 17 59400 < 5000 U 59400 < 10 U < 100 U -- 7800 < 50 U 9100 4700 53.9 3000 116000 246 < 0.5 U 0.22 27.6 0.0123 < 0.08 U 8.7 7.1 0.34 1.41+ 339 0.0933 8220 8.5 0.0863+ 0.213 4.5 400 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 7670 < 0.1 U 4.7 < 10 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-8S - 3/7/2011 6-95 - - - 244 272 1355 - - - - - - - 4506 - - - 42809 150090 - 4119 4111 37 - 4119 45-6 - - 4§49 559 4119 - 360 4885y - 45-y - - 4111 - - - 4311 - - - - - - MW -8S 633 128 47.9 172i 4506 3788 120000 44-14 4111 29 43-14 4511 45-6 3360 4411 84 45-6 4111 43-6 MW -8S -- 1122011 6.11 -- -- -- 154 6.6 17.53 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- <50U -- -- -- 3200 150000 -- <1U <1U 21 -- <1U <5U -- -- <5U 84 <1U -- 22 <0.05U -- <5U -- -- <1U -- -- -- <5U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-BS - 6.s 559 359 415 204 703 1399 - - - - - - - 4506 - - - 4889 134000 - 43-y 4111 53 - 43-6 43-6 - - 4§19 2000 436 - 246 488511 - 6 - - 4111 - - - 7 - - - - - - MW -8S -- 7/3/2012 6.19 534 334 1.31 164 4.48 16.5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 3000 < 250000 U -- < 1 U < 1 U 23 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 282 < 1 U -- 116 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- < 5. -- -- -- -- -- MW-8S -- 11/7/2012 6.25 555 355 1.7 160 2.04 16.72 74000 < 5000 U 74000 -- -- -- -- < 50 U 13100 -- -- 2700 140000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 21 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 75 < 1 U 8050 38 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 972 < 1 U 8160 -- -- < 5U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-8S 661 SSG 3S0 436 1-80 453 R A6 80009 - - - - - 450y 14809 7880 150000 43-6 4111 29 41-y 45-14 4511 849 43-6 18000 62 4.511 925 4111 7389 - - 7 - - - - - - MW -8S - 639 544 349 382 1-52 495 2047 64000 - - - - - 130099 450y 12200 - - 3780 159009 - 44-y 4111 41 - 41-6 45 6 - - -7 4730 * 1 y 8420 152 488511 - 7 - 4188 4111 7448 - - 4i - - - - - - MW -8S - 11/4/2013 6.s 518 348 4.63 142 483 4&9i 52090 - - - - - - 450y 18700 - - 4786 139000 - 41-6 4111 SG - 41-6 6 - - 44 7610 41-14 7660 127 48856 - 18 - 4280 4111 7240 - - 9 - - - - - - MW -8S 603 547 347 376 149 863 4133 63000 - - - - - - 4506 12600 2980 130006 4111 41-6 44 4119 4511 9 6550 4111 8379 225 9 124)0 41-y 7580 - - 14 - - - - - - MW -85 - 6-94 546 346 348 -148 46:9 1518 59009 - - - - - - 43041 12580 - - 2889 139099 - 4111 _ 1} 21 - 4119 4519 - - 4511 679 4119 7459 27 4885y - 4511 - 986 4111 7698 - - 4-59 - - - - - - MW -BS - 639 589 389 381 443 114 15ri 62888 - - - - - - 450y 11609 - - 2689 42D000 - 4119 41-y 2G - 4119 4519 - - 4§19 739 4111 6860 88 488511 - 4511 - 942 41-y 7428 - - 43-6 - - - - - - MW -8S -- 3/4/2015 5.96 572 372 2.08 235 7.71 13.45 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 20000 -- -- 7500 170000 -- < 1 < 1 30 -- < 1 < 5 -- -- < 5 378 < 1 12600 130 < 0.05 -- < 5 -- 1060 < 1 9320 < 0.2 -- < 5 -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-8S Reund-1 63 3524 1524 4.3 23i5 43.x8 272 195000 4 5000y 105009 0:953+ 41801} 9603 25289 4506 ii9800 3599 489 3889 164080 849 4 0.5 Y 485-14 36 482y 4808 y 4-7-3 23 37 9509 0:2 43488 180 4826 0193 25 760 4580011 40511 9750 68173 103 41811 MW -8S NPDES_3 2015 7/6/2015 6.07 581 381 1.52 235 3.54 14.61 110000 < 5000 U 110000 -- -- -- < 5000 U < 50 U 20100 3900 -- 4100 170000 155 < 1 U < 1 U 31 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U -- < 1 U < 5 U 198 < 1 U 12800 11 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 1010 < 1 U 9480 < 0.2 U 4.91 < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-8S _ 638 563 363 292 1-64 408 1648 79280 4 5000y 79200 - - - 7099 450y 1360082 3380 424 2480 139009 54S 4119 41-y 22 41-y 4111 4511 41-y 4511 619 4119 8446 54 4 0.05 y 41-y 4511 1830 41-y 8070 402-6 737 4311 - - - - - - MW -8S _ 3/2/2016 633 648 448 2.29 174 326 135 82300 4300014 82300 37889 45041 15180 3790B2 441- 3586 159000 1529 2.26 4111 31 4111 4119 4519 934 4519 2450 4119 9850 4-7 4111 4511 1880 4111 824E 402-14 132 4641 MW -8S NPDES_3 2016 7/5/2016 6.22 490 290 2.97 154 7.95 16.21 73700 < 5000 U 73700 - - - 21000 < 50 U 13700 3300 127 2200 120000 441 < 1 U < 1 U 21 < 1 U < I U < 5 U < 1 U < 5 U 592 < 1 U 7920 15 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 1050 < 1 U 8220 < 0.2 U 7.69 < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-8S Round 7 9/29/2016 6.4 339 139 3.7 -- 1.2 19.7 63100 < 5 U 63100 17.2 < 0.1 U < 1 U 5000 < 50 U 12700 2700 108 2000 155000 238 < 0.5 U 0.0811 17.2 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 1.3 0.18 0.13 0.153 347 < 0.1 U 7440 33.1 < 0.2 U 0.361 0.82 1600 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 8300 < 0.1 U 7.9 < 10 U -- -- <0.5U -- -- -- MW-BS _ 632 495 295 262 166 452 16:94 83583 �000U SgSGG - - - 4333&79 4506 14609 3289 132 2509 179333 42 4111 4111 2G 41-6 4111 4319 41-y 45-14 74) 4119 M17 488519 41-6 4519 -- 1869 41-6 8360 482U 631 43-y -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-8S Round 8 12/9/2016 6.6 296.6 96.6 4.3 149.8 0.6 5.2 67300 < 5000 U 67300 < 10 U < 100 U 12100 < 50 U 12400 2700 112 1500 101000 197 < 0.5 U 0.066 J 17.2 0.024 J < 0.08 U 1.1 1.1 0.16 0.43 ] 259 < 0.1 U 6960 8 < 0.2 U 0.42 J 0.85 1500 < 5000 U 0.34 J 7170 < 0.1 U 7.1 < 10 U 0 -0.15 < <0.5U -- -- -- MW -85 _ 631 597 397 67 226:7 297 1453 112gg0 438806 112009 438806 4506 20209 4380 179 5489 160080 49 4111 41-6 29 41-6 4111 4.511 41-6 4511 102 4111 42603 132 40.05U 4111 4519 1840 41-6 9490 48:211 433 43-6 MW-8S Round 9 3/20/2017 6.3 343.8 143.8 3.4 183.9 5.6 11.9 88800 < 5000 U 88800 < IOU < 100 U 18300 < 50 U 14300 3500 127 3300 133000 609 < 0.5 U 0.0651 25.4 0.0231 < 0.08 U 1.9 1.3 0.73 2.1 1040 < 0.1 U 9790 53.7 < 0.2 U 0.23+ 3.2 1200 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 7790 < 0.1 U 8.1 18.73+ 0.217 0.184 < 0.5 U Valid Sample Count (Including GWA-lS and MW -8S _ 56 56 47 41 41 37 36 22 40 56 49 W9 38 56 56 39 56 _ 56 56 39 56 56 31 39 56 56 56 49 56 56 39 - 49 56 49 41 39 56 17 1 1 `S Dee Flow Layer MW -8B _ 6-93 _ 439 -14 4442 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4506 _ 5988 129000 _ 4111 41-61 39 _ 4111 45-6 _ _ 45-6 353 4111 _ 35 488514 _ 45-6 _ _ 4111 _ 43-6 _ _ _ _ _ _ MW -89 _ 633 _ 129 16 1795 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4506 _ 2988 109000 _ 4111 4111 38 _ 4111 43-6 _ _ 4§19 147 4111 _ 13 488514 _ 45-6 _ _ 41-6 _ 43-6 _ _ _ _ _ _ MW -8D -- 11/2/2011 6.3 -- -- -- 128 6.2 16.12 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 2400 130000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 17 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 88 < 1 U -- 7 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- - < 1 U -- -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-8D -- 3/7/2012 6.52 566 366 4.09 128 3.55 14.61 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 2400 123000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 16 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 129 < 1 U -- 6 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- MW-8D -- 7/3/2012 6.36 534 334 4.14 126 4.48 15.64 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U -- -- -- 2100 < 250000 U -- < 1 U < 1 U 17 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 64 < 1 U -- < 5 U < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- -- < 1 U -- -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- MW-8D -- 11/7/2012 6.33 547 347 4.16 126 2.59 15.39 55000 < 5000 U 55000 -- -- -- -- < 50 U 10400 -- -- 2000 120000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 17 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 111 < 1 U 5120 < 5 U < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 1420 < 1 U 7240 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-8D -- 3/6/2013 6.17 539 339 5.02 127 4.77 12.7 50000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 10100 -- -- 2100 120000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 16 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 157 < 1 U 4830 < 5 U < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 1350 < 1 U 6720 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-8D -- 7/8/2013 6.21 522 322 4.08 128 3.87 16.74 51000 -- -- -- -- -- < 5000 U < 50 U 10900 -- -- 2100 130000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 18 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 307 < 1 U 5190 5 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 1450 < 1 U 7370 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-8D -- 11/4/2013 6.32 515 315 4.2 127 4.78 14.59 46000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 10300 -- -- 1800 120000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 17 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 224 < 1 U 4990 < 5 U < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 1340 < 1 U 6980 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-8D -- 3/3/2014 6.19 538 338 4.48 131 8.03 13.68 49000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 11100 -- -- 2100 110000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 19 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 432 < 1 U 5310 6 < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 1460 < 1 U 7380 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-SB - 636 538 338 439 127 1i 16.0`9 47090 - - - - - - 450y 10700 - - 2889 129000 - 4111 41-y 17 - 4111 4511 - - 4§19 87 4111 SG69 43+1 4885{9 - 4.511 - 1389 41-y 7140 - - 4311 - - - - - - MW -8D -- 11/3/2014 6.38 580 380 4.28 130 4.78 14.96 47000 -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 U 10700 -- -- 2000 110000 -- < 1 U < 1 U 17 -- < 1 U < 5 U -- -- < 5 U 214 < 1 U 5140 < 5 U < 0.05 U -- < 5 U -- 1350 < 1 U 7020 -- -- < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-8D -- 3/4/2015 6.25 565 365 4.33 130 4.91 14.62 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- < 50 10700 -- -- 1900 110000 -- < 1 < 1 18 -- < 1 < 5 -- -- < 5 123 < 1 5190 < 5 < 0.05 -- < 5 -- 1390 < 1 7280 < 0.2 -- < 5 -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-SB Reun44 64 2824 824 39 13i.4 41.57 266 49600 4 5000y 49600 424+ 41801} 43000y 31600 450y 4ii80 6409 110 2380 114009 1400 8:62 405 U 22 4826 4808 y 473 9.7 53 1700 099 5670 16 482y 0363 35 2180 45000-U 4051} 7540 401 1} 8.7 353 MW -8D NPDES_3. 2015 7/6/2015 6.32 563 363 4.48 127 5.48 15.31 44400 < 5000 U 44400 -- -- -- < 5000 U < 50 U 11100 3300 -- 1800 120000 404 < 1 U < 1 U 20 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U -- < 1 U < 5 U 464 < 1 U 5650 7 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 1440 < 1 U 7380 < 0.2 U 6.23 < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-8D NPDES_4 2015 11/3/2015 6.34 572 372 4.38 128 6.96 15.32 49400 < 5000 U 49400 -- -- -- 5000 < 50 U 11000 B2 3400 110 1900 100000 401 1.01 < 1 U 18 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U -- < 1 U < 5 U 443 < 1 U 5420 6 < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 1380 < 1 U 7230 < 0.2 U 6.12 < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-8D NPDES_1 2016 3/2/2016 6.33 630 430 4.05 132 4.74 14.57 48600 < 5000 U 48600 < 5000 U < 50 U 10600 3400 B2 108 2100 120000 216 2.44 < 1 U 17 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U -- < 1 U < 5 U 279 < I U 5220 < 5 U -- < 1 U < 5 U -- 1340 < 1 U 7000 < 0.2 U 6.51 < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-8D NPDES_3 2016 7/5/2016 6.24 505 305 4.29 128 2.06 15.47 53600 < 5000 U 53600 < 5000 U < 50 U 10800 3700 108 2000 110000 109 < 1 U < 1 U 17 < 1 U < 1 U < 5 U -- < 1 U < 5 U 124 < 1 U 5160 < 5 U < 0.05 U < 1 U < 5 U -- 1360 < 1 U 7130 < 0.2 U 5.63 < 5 U -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-8D Round 7 9/29/2016 5.9 462 262 0.2 -- 2.2 17.2 52400 < 5 U 52400 < 10 U < 0.1 U < 1 U < 2.6 U < 50 U 12100 3200 112 1800 95000 151 < 0.5 U 0.0433 17.7 < 0.1 U < 0.08 U 0.82 0.4 0.22 0.223 198 < 0.1 U 5880 3.61 <0.2U 0.49 J 1.3 2300 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 7960 < 0.1 U 6 < 10 U -- -- < 0.5 U -- -- -- MW-SB _ 6-24 505 385 4:25 131 465 1539 53883 4388&19 53833 4338&79 43011 39888 3389 188 9888 448380 57 4111 41-6 37 41-6 4111 4•,-61 41-6 4519 74) 4111 5279 4311 488511 41-y 4519 1340 41-y 7070 40214 537 43-6 MW -8D Round 8 12 9 2016 6.6 277.3 77.3 5.8 131.2 0 4.6 54100 < 5000 U 54100 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 11600 3100 112 1600 85000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.04 J 16.7 0.032 J < 0.08 U 0.48 ] 0.67 0.011 J < 0.5 U < 50 U < 0.1 U 5370 < 5 U < 0.2 U 0.42 J 1.1 2200 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 6660 < 0.1 U 5.6 2.8 J 0 0.189 < 0.5 U - -- -- MW -8B _ 6:01 693 493 44 426.8 238 449 53600 438806 53606 43000U 4506 11400 33GG 413 2000 118888 27 4119 4111 18 4111 4111 4.511 4111 4511 35 4111 5459 4311 48856 41-6 43-6 1399 4111 7446 40-2-U 539 43-6 MW-8D Round 9 3/20/2017 6.5 382.9 182.9 4 133.1 0.3 13.2 54700 < 5000 U 54700 < 10 U < 100 U < 2500 U < 50 U 10800 3200 110 1500 89000 < 100 U < 0.5 U 0.073 J 17 0.046 J < 0.08 U 1.7 0.51+ 0.065 J 0.15 J+ < 50 U < 0.1 U 5230 < 5 U 741- 0.45 J+ 1.8 2300 < 5000 U < 0.5 U 7240 0.0421 5.5 4.21+ 0.117 0.455 < 0.5 U Valid Sample Count Includin MW -8D 22 22 22 18 13 13 10 10 5 13 22 19 12 11 22 22 12 22` 22 22 12 22 22 8 12 22 22 22 19 22 21 12 22 8 19 22 19 13 12 22 6 ,. . 8 0 0 0 Bedrock Flow Layer MW-6BR Round -5 7.6 497 3 65 158.9 446 83 68988 43690.' 68900 23+ 410" 40780 27209 458-14 15149 4889 82 5980 4390003+ 659 0153 658 27 8.8933 4806+1 1 53 i 0-0973+ I 026 093+ 480 0.62 5420 22 482y 2A 32 29 45000 U 056 7288 48419 43 203+ MW-6BR Round 6 6/27/2016 8.4 43 -157 0.2 106 8.5 24.1 76900 < 5000 U 1 76900 < 10 U < 100 U 8700 < 50 U 13400 1 3600 78.7 3900 120000 316 1.2 1.7 28 0.0521 < 0.08 U 1 5.1 < 0.03 U 0.18 1.8 383 1 0.5 4160 97.7 < 0.2 U 10.4 2.7 <20 U 29801 < 0.5 U 21200 < 0.1 U 1 15.4 - - 0.483 -- - MW -66R Round -7 8-9 42 488 0 1-67 93 48.4 76100 4•,-61 76180 836 480 2600 43011 42sw 3180 82,1 3109 120080 397 93 45 335 68373 4806+1 4 018 0433 491 0.52 3749 100 4826 93 23 26 25403 40511 16700 484!1 13 133 0303 - - - MW3BR Reund-8 9 443 455:7 4):8 1629 31 409 76188 43880.' 76180 41811 4380 4899 4506 13789 3488 847 3480 121800 143 -1-2 43 264 68273 4808 y 47 033 9:89-3 02&3 235 646 3999 89-2 4826 65 4 3 4-206 29303 4051} 14s89 48419 083 I 773 g 413 0373 - - - Reed1J 83 4744 04 159:2 2 419 76490 4333&6 76433 65-5 850 3608 45014 13980 2809 BG3 28GG 448099 533-3 8:96 1 238 0.8i 9 48.981} 1:553+ G:g463 9433 159 013 4280 121 4826 84 071 420y 27503 49:3-y 14sgg 48419 045 373 0135 8:417 0143 MW -88R Reund9 3/26/204-7 12-7 44 0-.& 8071 3-.9 484 4660060- 79860 1 *-306611 4&3- E10U 4700 *-50U 93660 3466- Silo 35200 i020000 533 0.67- 042- 577- <� *-0.98-U 1 4-.3- 43- GA- 9.523+ E- 033 5833 Eery E82y 3&8- 0.59 i209 628000 45 354009 e9.1 l' 811 E10L4 2$2 1.2- E9.5U Valid Sample Count (Including MW-6BR and MW-8BR 28 28 28 22 16 - 16 15 15 8 16 28 23 15 15 28 28 15 28 28 28 15 28 28 13 15 28 28 28 23 28 28 15 28 15 23 28 23 16 15 28 7 7 11 0 0 0 Notes: "Strike-throughs" indicates samples that will not be used in the initial background dataset for determining proposed provisional background threshold values (PPBTVs). The criteria for "strike-throughs" (as stipulated by NCDEQ) requires Duke Energy to omit samples due to pH > 8.5, turbidity >10 NTU, non -detect samples with a method detection limit (MDL) > 2L Standard or IMAC, or less than a 60 day interval between sample events. 0 - Bold highlighted concentration indicates exceedance of the 15A NCAC 02L Standard or IMAC, Appendix 2, April 1, 2013. pm = micron pg/L = micrograms per liter pS/cm = microsiemens per centimeter ft = feet mg/L = milligrams per liter Eh values were calculated by adding 200 mV to the field -measured ORP value. Depending on the field meter used, Eh values calculated using this formula can vary by +/- 5 mV. mV = millivolts NTU - nephelometric turbidity units pCi/L = picocuries per liter SU = standard unit J = laboratory estimated concentration J- = estimated concentration, biased low J+ = estimated concentration, biased high U = results not detected at concentrations which equal the laboratory's method reporting limit 02L = North Carolina groundwater standards as specified in T15A NCAC 02L D = dissolved Deg C = degree Celsius DHHS = North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services DO = dissolved oxygen GW = groundwater GWQS = groundwater quality standard IMAC = Interim Maximum Allow Concentration N = normal NS = no standard T = total TDS = total dissolved solids TOC = total organic carbon * BG -1D and BG-lBR are scheduled for replacement due to potential grout contamination Page 1 of 1