HomeMy WebLinkAboutBelews Creek-SOIL BTV Tech MemoTECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Date: August 4, 2017 File: 1.026.20 To: Melonie Martin (Duke Energy) Cc: Kathy Webb (SynTerra) From: Craig Eady (SynTerra) Subject: Background Threshold Values for Soil Belews Creek Steam Station —Belews Creek, NC An updated background soil dataset was provided to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) for Belews Creek Steam Station (Belews Creek) on May 26, 2017. Additionally, the revised Statistical Methods for Developing Reference Background Concentrations for Groundwater and Soil at Coal Ash Facilities (statistical methods document) (HDR Engineering, Inc. and SynTerra Corporation, May 2017) was provided to NCDEQ. On July 7, 2017, NCDEQ provided a response letter (Zimmerman to Draovitch, July 7, 2017) for each Duke Energy coal ash facility that identified soil and groundwater data appropriate for inclusion in the statistical analysis to determine background threshold values (BTVs) for both media. As outlined in the NCDEQ July 7, 2017 letter, Duke Energy is required to provide BTVs for both media within 30 days from receipt of the NCDEQ letter for facilities submitting Comprehensive Site Assessments (CSAs) by October 31, 2017, and 60 days from receipt of the NCDEQ letter for all other facilities. The background threshold values for groundwater are provided under separate cover. The revised background soil datasets provided to NCDEQ on May 26, 2017 incorporated comments provided in a letter by NCDEQ (Zimmerman to Draovitch, April 28, 2017). NCDEQ requested that Duke Energy collect a minimum of 10, rather than the previously planned eight, valid background samples prior to the determination of BTVs for each constituent. For soil datasets with less than 10 valid samples available for BTV determination, no formal upper tolerance limit (UTL) statistics will be run and the provisional BTVs (PBTVs) for a constituent will be computed to be either: 47 The highest value, or 0 If the highest value is above an order of magnitude greater than the geometric mean of all values, then the highest value should be considered an outlier and removed from further use and the PBTV is computed to be the second highest value. P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\ Statistics_CAMA\ Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 7 2017\BTV TECH MEMO\Belews Creek\ Soil\ Belews - SOIL BTV MEMO_FINAL.docx Background Threshold Values- Soil August 4, 2017 Belews Creek Steam Station Page 2 of 3 Soil samples meeting the following criteria are considered valid for use in statistical determinations of BTVs: 47 Sample was collected from a location that is not impacted by coal combustion residuals or coal associated materials; 4? Sample was collected from a depth not less than 0.5 feet below ground surface; ,67 Sample was collected from a location that is not impacted by other potential anthropogenic sources of constituents; and 47 Sample is collected from the unsaturated zone, greater than one foot (ft) above the seasonal high water table elevation. Additional site-specific requirements related to the Belews Creek background soil dataset as outlined in the July 7, 2017 NCDEQ letter have been incorporated into the soil background dataset. This technical memorandum summarizes the revised background soil datasets and statistically determined BTVs. Statistical determinations of BTVs were performed in accordance with the revised Statistical Methods for Developing Reference Background Concentrations for Groundwater and Soil at Coal Ash Facilities (statistical methods document) (HDR Engineering, Inc. and SynTerra Corporation, May 2017). SOIL BACKGROUND DATA Soil samples were collected from soil borings conducted at the Belews Creek Plant during the 2015 Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA). Background soil sample locations are presented in Figure 1. The background dataset provided to NCDEQ on May 26, 2017 included pooled soil samples collected from multiple depth intervals. Only samples collected from background locations at depth intervals greater than one ft above the seasonal high water table were included in the dataset. The background soil dataset has been further revised from the May 26, 2017 submittal based on input from NCDEQ in the July 7, 2017 letter. NCDEQ concurred with all soil samples presented in the May 26, 2017 submittal were appropriate for use in determining BTVs. The background soil dataset included laboratory reporting limits for antimony, selenium and thallium above the NCDEQ IHSB Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG) Protection of Groundwater values (dated October 2016). NCDEQ requested the values for antimony, selenium, and thallium be reported below the PSRG Protection of Groundwater values. Prior to statistical determinations, the background soil dataset was re -screened for outliers to adjust for the removal of samples from the dataset. A revised background soil dataset identifying valid samples and statistical outliers is presented as Table 1. Currently, the background dataset for all constituents except antimony, selenium, and thallium satisfy the minimum requirement of 10 samples to use formal UTL statistics to derive BTVs. The selenium dataset is comprised of three valid samples. Therefore, the PBTV for selenium was determined P: \ Duke Energy Carolinas \ Statistics _CAMA \ Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 7 2017 \BTV TECH MEMO\Belews Creek\Soil \Belews - SOIL BTV MEMO_FINAL.docx Background Threshold Values- Soil Belews Creek Steam Station August 4, 2017 Page 3 of 3 to be either the maximum value, or, if the maximum value was above an order of magnitude greater than the geometric mean of all values, the second highest value. Background datasets for antimony and thallium contain zero valid samples. BTVs for constituents in site soil are presented in Table 2. Additional soil samples were collected on July 26, 2017 to satisfy the minimum number of soil samples and to provide values for antimony, selenium and thallium below the PSRG Protection of Groundwater values. The dataset will be screened for outliers once the additional samples are included in the dataset. The analysis of the additional background soil samples are not complete at the time of this technical memo. Therefore, as previously stated, PBTVs for soil constituents were computed and are provided in Table 2. Boring logs associated with the additional soil samples are included in Attachment 1. Additional analytical data will be submitted to the NCDEQ Regional Office if received and processed in sufficient time for review prior to the preparation of the updated CSA report. LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1- Background Soil Sample Location Map LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - Background Unsaturated Soil Data Summary Table 2 - Background Threshold Values for Soil LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1- Soil Boring Logs (Additional Samples) P: \ Duke Energy Carolinas \ Statistics _CAMA \ Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 7 2017 \BTV TECH MEMO\Belews Creek\Soil \Belews - SOIL BTV MEMO_FINAL.docx r .5. I BGSB-3 k Nr_ GWASB-12 BGSB-2 Ell 4 pop JKI� TABLE 1 UNSATURATED BACKGROUND SOIL DATA SUMMARY BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, BELEWS CREEK, NC Prepared by: JHG Checked by: COE Notes: 54 Indicates values omitted from dataset. --- Not applicable; non -detect concentration greater than PSRG Protection of Groundwater; value omitted Indicates data removed /identified as an outlier j - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. j- - Estimated concentration, biased low. j+ - Estimated concentration, biased high. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not analyzed NE - Not established PSRG Protection of Groundwater - NCDEQ IHSB Preliminary Soil Remediation Soil Remediation Goals Table - October 2016 S.U. - Standard Units U = Results not detected at concentrations which equal the laboratory's method reporting limit. P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\Statistics_CAMA\Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 7 2017\BTV TECH MEMO\Belews Creek\Soil\Tables\TABLE 1- Belews Creek BG Soils_ Highlighted Outliers_TM.xlsx Page 1 of 1 Analytical Parameter pH Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Boron Cadmium Calcium Chloride Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel N rate (as N) Potassium Selenium Sodium Strontium Sulfate Thallium Vanadium Zinc Reporting Units S.U. mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg PSRG Protection of Groundwater NE NE 0.9 S.8 S80 63 4S 3 NE NE 360000 0.9 700 1 ISO 270 NE 6S 1 NE 130 NE NE 2.1 NE NE NE 0.28 6 1200 Sample ID Sample Collection Date Analytical Results 3G -1D (1-2) 3/26/2015 4.8 j 17400 --- 34.6 41.5 15.5 U 0.89 0.37 U 131j 305 U 28.7 1.7 j 11.9 38100 21.1 249 57.6 0.046 3.1 U 1.3j 30.5 Uj 348 --- 311 U 1.9 j 305 U --- 54.9 13.2 BG -1D (11) 3/27/2015 5.7 j 5490 --- 10.9 26.8 12.2 j 0.68 0.47 U 195 U 396 U 4.7 28.6 j- 4.5 12200 77:3-}- 677 1010 0.0063 j 8.9 12 39.6 Uj 540 --- 390 U 3.9 U 396 U --- 14.2 28.1 BG -1D (21) 3/27/2015 5.4 j 6210 j+ --- 7.5 50 13.2 j 0.88 0.47 U 197 U 400 U 2.3 6.8 3.5 12400 j+ 25.9 836 257 j+ 0.01 U 3.9 U 2.1 40 Uj 567 2.2 j 393 U 3.9 U 400 U --- 16 31.6 BG -1D (31) 3/27/2015 5.6 j 12700 --- 30.7 42.3 38.6 2-.8 0.42 U 174 U 358 U 17.1 37.9 9.8 40400 17.1 3300 871 0.01 U 3.5 U 3-2.8 35.8 Uj 876 2.9 j 347 U 3.5 U 358 U --- 50.9 85.4 3G -2D (1-2) 3/23/2015 5.5j 13800 --- 3.3j 25.1 18.9 U 0.32 j 0.45 U 428 363 U 8.5 --- 7.6 24100 18.7 678 53.1 0.064 3.8 U 1.9 U 36.3 Uj 199 j --- 378 U 3.8 U 363 U --- 46.6 10.5 BG -2D (10-12) 3/24/2015 5 j 9670 --- 2.7 j 70.7 34.3 j 0.86 0.42 U 173 Uj 352 U 5.3 5.5 8.1 32300 21.7 1060 245 0.015 3.5 Uj 1.7 U 35.2 Uj 183 j 3 j 346 U 3.5 Uj 352 U --- 105 14.2 BG -2D (20-22) 3/24/2015 5.1j 6680 --- 3.7 U 88.9 18.5 U 0.29 j 0.45 U 185 Uj 367 U 1.9 Uj 5 4.8 9570 11.3 1090 450 0.01 U 3.7 Uj 1.9 U 36.7 Uj 949 --- 371 U 3.7 Uj 367 U --- 20 39.1 BG -2D (30-32) 3/24/2015 5.2 j 7530 --- 4 U 91.9 20.1 U 0.33 j 0.48 U 201 Uj 403 U 2 Uj 5 1.8 j 13000 6.6 1500 680 0.01 U 4 Uj 2 U 40.3 Uj 1240 --- 402 U 4 Uj 403 U --- 27 20.1 3G -3S (1-2) 5/12/2015 5.4 j 14800 --- --- 29.9 14 j 0.37 0.77 U 158 j 329 U 15.9 --- 12.9 27800 26.6 238 39.6 0.031 3.2 U 4.1 32.9 Uj 343 --- 320 U 3.2 U 329 U --- 60 8.4 BG -3S (10-12) 5/12/2015 4.9 j 10000 --- --- 32.3 20.9 0.75 0.91 U 189 U 362 U 21.5 15.6 14.3 44200 6.2 j 647 513 0.0095 j 3.8 U 4.5 36.2 Uj 379 U --- 379 U 3.8 U 362 U --- 4-41 21.2 BG -3S (20-22) 5/12/2015 5 j 9280 --- --- 68.4 16.6 0.76 0.73 U 152 U 308 U 15.4 8.1 28.5 36800 14.4 2620 216 0.0097 U 3 U 9.8 30.8 Uj 2360 --- 304 U 3 U 308 U --- 55.3 48.5 GWA-3D (34-35.5) 5/4/2015 7j 7610 --- --- 108 19.3 U 0.97 0.93 U 1050 366 U 1.1j --- 2 9110 6.4j 2080 460 0.012 U 3.9 Uj 1.1 j 36.6 Uj 1440 --- 386 Uj 31.4 366 U --- 18.4 29.6 GWA 4S (45-47) 3/5/2015 6.4j 4830 --- 2.8 U 79.5 5 0.52 0.33 U 599 284 U 1j+ 2.2 j 2.8 7760 15.6 1320 383 0.01 U 0.56 U 1.1 28.4 Uj 1060 --- 49.2j 4.3 284 U --- 9.4 20.3 GWA-12D (10-12) 4/15/2015 5.6j 4320 --- --- 26.6 15.4 U 0.31 U 0.74 U 154 Uj 315 U 1.5 Uj 6.5 0.96 j 912 13.2 287 296 0.0097 Uj 3.1 U 1.5 Uj 31.5 Uj 313 --- 308 Uj 3.1 Uj 315 U --- --- 8.5 GWA-12D (15-17) 4/15/2015 5.4 j 14300 --- 5.6 U 98.6 13.9 U 0.39 0.67 U 139 Uj 281 U 1.4 Uj 2.9 j 1.8 7740 19.9 5180 187 0.0092 Uj 2.8 U 1.4 Uj 28.1 Uj 4230 --- 279 Uj 2.8 Uj 281 U --- 5.6 U 64.7 GWA-12D (20-22) 4/15/2015 5.3j 11900 --- --- 90.7 14.5 U 0.43 0.69 U 145 Uj 285 U 0.97j 3.5j 9.1 7870 14.7 3230 135 0.009 Uj 2.9 U 0.79 j 28.5 Uj 2830 --- 289 Uj 2.9 Uj 285 U --- 8.2 43.6 GWA-12D (25-27) 4/15/2015 NA 12200 --- --- 82.5 19.6 U 0.59 0.94 U 196 Uj 402 U 4.7 4.5 j 11.3 9790 12.8 3070 247 0.013 Uj 3.9 U 1.11 40.2 Uj 3310 --- 393 Uj 3.9 Uj 402 U --- 10.6 43.6 Prepared by: JHG Checked by: COE Notes: 54 Indicates values omitted from dataset. --- Not applicable; non -detect concentration greater than PSRG Protection of Groundwater; value omitted Indicates data removed /identified as an outlier j - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. j- - Estimated concentration, biased low. j+ - Estimated concentration, biased high. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not analyzed NE - Not established PSRG Protection of Groundwater - NCDEQ IHSB Preliminary Soil Remediation Soil Remediation Goals Table - October 2016 S.U. - Standard Units U = Results not detected at concentrations which equal the laboratory's method reporting limit. P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\Statistics_CAMA\Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 7 2017\BTV TECH MEMO\Belews Creek\Soil\Tables\TABLE 1- Belews Creek BG Soils_ Highlighted Outliers_TM.xlsx Page 1 of 1 TABLE 2 BACKGROUND THRESHOLD VALUES FOR SOIL BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS. LLC. BELEWS CREEK. NC Parameter Reporting Unit PSRG Protection of Groundwater BTV pH* S. U. NE 4.2 - 6.5 Aluminum mg/kg NE 19624 Antimony mg/kg 0.9 NA Arsenic mg/kg 5.8 7.9 Barium mg/kg 580 134 Beryllium mg/kg 63 20.1 Boron mg/kg 45 1.18 Cadmium mg/kg 3 ND Calcium mg/kg NE 201 Chloride mg/kg NE ND Chromium mg/kg 360,000 21.5 Cobalt mg/kg 0.9 37.9 Copper mg/kg 700 18 Iron mg/kg 150 87052 Lead mg/kg 270 31.9 Magnesium mg/kg NE 7695 Manganese mg/kg 65 1056 Mercury mg/kg 1 0.015 Molybdenum mg/kg NE ND Nickel mg/kg 130 4.5 Nitrate (as N) mg/kg NE ND Potassium mg/kg NE 6001 Selenium mg/kg 2.1 4t Sodium mg/kg NE ND Strontium mg/kg NE 4 Sulfate mg/kg 250 ND Thallium mg/kg 0.28 NA Vanadium mg/kg 6 103 Zinc mg/kg 1200 83.8 Prepared by: JHG Checked by: CDE / LWD NOTES: S.U. - Standard Unit mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram * - Upper and lower threshold values calculated for parameter t - Indicates value is provisional; dataset contains less than 10 valid samples ND - Not Detected NE - Not Established NA - Not applicable; dataset contains zero valid samples P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\Statistics_CAMA\Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 7 2017\BTV TECH MEMO\Belews Creek\Soil \Tables\TABLE 2 - Belews Creek Soil BTVs Page 1 of 1 Background Threshold Values- Soil Belews Creek Steam Station August 4, 2017 Page 4 of 1 ATTACHMENT 1 SOIL BORING LOGS (ADDITIONAL SAMPLES) P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\ Statistics_CAMA\ Background Determinations for NCDEQ July 72017\BTV TECH MEMO \Belews Creek \ Soil \ Belews - SOIL BTV MEMO_FINAL.docx PROJECT: Belews Creek WELL / BORING NO: BGSBA PROJECT NO: 1026.20 STARTED: 7/26/17 COMPLETED: 7/26/17 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 929482.39 EASTING: 1686159.06 DRILLING METHOD: GeoProbe G.S. ELEV: ft M.P. ELEV: NA ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 3 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 22,0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: A. Albert CHECKED BY: A. Lefitz Lu O U _ Q O �� � DESCRIPTION w CL 2 < O^ 0 o uj U) 0 z OJ D m0 0 E d Q WELL CONSTRUCTION CL Stiff, dark red orange silty clay, non-cohesive, non-plastic. 5 CL Stiff, dark red orange silty clay mottled with white tan fine grained sand and some organic matter. Non-cohesive, non-plastic. 10 SC SM Mostly fine-grained sand with red orange silty clay. 15 SC SM Mostly fine-grained sand with red orange silty clay and intervals of white quartz partially weathered rock. 0 20— J. ML Dark brown red sandy silt grading to gray as depth increases, bottom foot is partially weathered rock. Geo robe refusal at 22 feet below ground surface. 25- 530354045Coordinates 30- 35- 40- 45— Coordinatesobtained with hand held GPS unit. CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Belews Creek, NC ���ra Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mPhone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: Belews Creek WELL / BORING NO: BGSB-2 PROJECT NO: 1026.20 STARTED: 7/26/17 COMPLETED: 7/26/17 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 929513.97 EASTING: 1687460.87 DRILLING METHOD: GeoProbe G.S. ELEV: ft M.P. ELEV: NA ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 3 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 35.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: A. Albert CHECKED BY: A. Lefitz Lu O U _ Q O �� � DESCRIPTION w CL 2 < O^ 0 o Uj U) 0 z OJ D m0 0 E d Q WELL CONSTRUCTION CL ML Stiff, red orange, silty clay with fill gravel at top of run. Non-cohesive, non-plastic. 5 CL ML Stiff, red orange, silty clay with fill gravel at top of run and more sandy layers than above. Clay sand mottling fine grained sand and some organic matter. Non-cohesive, non-plastic. 10 SM Silty, fine-grained sand mottling large sandy interval in bottom 1.5 feet. Uncosolidated, non-plastic. 15 SM Silty, fine-grained sand mottling. Uncosolidated, non-plastic. 20 Silty, fine-grained sand mottling, more fine-grained SM sandy layers than above. White, fine sand layer and sandy bottom of run beginning at 23.6 feet below ground surface. Uncosolidated, non-plastic. 25 SM Silty, fine-grained sand mottling, more fine-grained sandy layers than above and some quartz partially weathered rock fragments. Uncosolidated, non-plastic. 30 Silty, fine-grained sand mottling, more fine-grained SM sandy layers than above and some quartz partially weathered rock fragments. Dark gray partially weathered rock at 33.2 feet below ground surface. Non-cohesive, non-plastic. 35 40- 045Coordinates 45— Coordinatesobtained with hand held GPS unit. CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Belews Creek, NC ���ra Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mPhone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: Belews Creek WELL / BORING NO: BGSB-3 PROJECT NO: 1026.20 STARTED: 7/26/17 COMPLETED: 7/26/17 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 922165.53 EASTING: 1680651.34 DRILLING METHOD: GeoProbe G.S. ELEV: ft M.P. ELEV: NAft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 3 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 25.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: A. Albert CHECKED BY: A. Lefitz Lu O U _ Q O eJ � DESCRIPTION w CL 2 < O^ 0 o Uv U) 0 z OJ D coo 0 E d Q WELL CONSTRUCTION CL Stiff, red orange silty clay with organics, non-cohesive, non-plastic. 5 CL Stiff, dark red silty clay mottled with white tan fine sand and some dark brown organic matter. Non-cohesive, non-plastic. 10 CL Stiff, dark red silty clay mottled with white tan fine sand and less dark brown organic matter than above. Slightly moist, non-cohesive, non-plastic. 15 SC Fine sand mottled with orange to light red silty clay with organic lenses. 20 SC Fine sand mottled with orange to light red silty clay with organic lenses and some layers of coarse sand with quartz and mica grains. 25 30- 0354045Coordinates 35- 40- 45— Coordinatesobtained with hand held GPS unit. CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Belews Creek, NC ���ra Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mPhone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT: Belews Creek WELL / BORING NO: GWASB-12 PROJECT NO: 1026.20 STARTED: 7/26/17 COMPLETED: 7/26/17 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Exploration NORTHING: 922340.48 EASTING: 1683347.65 DRILLING METHOD: GeoProbe G.S. ELEV: ft M.P. ELEV: NA ft BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 3 IN DEPTH TO WATER: ft TOC TOTAL DEPTH: 30.0 ft BGS NOTES: LOGGED BY: A. Albert CHECKED BY: A. Lefitz Lu O U _ Q O �� � DESCRIPTION w CL 2 < O^ 0 o uj U) 0 z OJ D m0 0 E d Q WELL CONSTRUCTION CL Stiff, dark brown organic matter and light brown silty sandy clay, slightly cohesive. 5 CL Stiff, dark red brown organic matter, silty clay transitioning to light tan, fine sand, mottling sand and clay. 10 SC Fine sand mottled with red orange clay and dark brown organic matter, unconsolidated material with little cohesion. 15 SC Fine sand mottled with red orange clay and dark brown organic matter, unconsolidated material with little cohesion. 20 Increase in white tan fine sand. Bottom foot dark brown SM sandy silt with layer of coarse-grained sand. Mica, quartz ends with orange silty clay, slight consolidation. Thick layers of white, fine sand towards bottom foot of run with quartz and mica grains. 25 Increase in white tan fine sand. Bottom foot dark brown SM sandy silt with layer of coarse-grained sand. Mica, quartz ends with orange silty clay, slight consolidation. Thick layers of white, fine sand towards bottom foot of run with quartz and mica grains. 30- 0354045Coordinates 35- 40- 45— Coordinatesobtained with hand held GPS unit. CLIENT: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC SynTerra 148 River Street, Suite 220 PROJECT LOCATION: Belews Creek, NC ���ra Greenville, South Carolina 29601 s)mPhone: 864-421-9999 PAGE 1 OF 1