HomeMy WebLinkAboutBelews Creek Background Soil Dataset Evaluation - December 2016F)2 Technical Memorandum Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 Project: Belews Creek Steam Station To: Kim Witt and Melonie Martin From: Jacob Ruffing Subject: Quantification of Valid Background Soil Samples for Statistical Calculations The purpose of this memorandum is to provide the basis for evaluation of soil samples proposed for use in determining site-specific background concentrations using statistical methods. The soil samples evaluated herein were principally collected during Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) fieldwork conducted between March and May 2015. The locations of soil samples evaluated for use in background statistical calculations are shown on Figure 1. Viability of samples for use in statistical calculations was evaluated using the following criteria: • Soil sample is collected from a location that is not impacted by coal combustion residuals or coal - associated materials; • Soil sample is collected from a location that is not impacted by other potential anthropogenic sources of constituents; • Soil sample is collected from the unsaturated zone, above the maximum groundwater elevation measured in shallow wells between July 2015 and September 2016; and • Soil sample collected from a location not impacted by periodic flooding. A total of 40 soil samples were collected at BCSS during CSA activities. Of these 40 samples, 17 samples satisfy the four criteria listed above and are considered viable samples for use in statistical calculations. These samples were collected from the following locations on-site: BG -1D located beyond the compliance boundary north/northeast of the active ash basin; BG -2D located beyond the compliance boundary northeast of the active ash basin; BG -3D located beyond the compliance boundary southwest of the Pine Hall Road Landfill; GWA-3D located beyond the compliance boundary east of the active ash basin; GWA- 4S located east of the active ash basin and the FGD wastewater treatment system; and GWA-12D located beyond the compliance boundary south/southeast of the Pine Hall Road Landfill and west of the Structural Fill area. Note that viable samples collected from borings near the waste boundary or down - gradient of ash management areas were collected a minimum of one foot above the maximum measured groundwater elevation and are assumed to have not been impacted by groundwater migrating from ash sources. Soil sampling data used in this evaluation, including the range of groundwater elevations for shallow wells in each well cluster and analytical results per well are provided in Table 1. Note that laboratory reporting limit for antimony, arsenic, cobalt (three samples), selenium, and thallium exceeded the North Carolina Protection of Groundwater (POG) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals, as revised in October 2016. Revised laboratory reports that will provide the non -detect values and method detection limits are in the process of being obtained from the lab. -y ✓ GWA-11D DUKE ENERGY IF PROPERTY GWA-11S w -LOS ti GWA-10D <<\ 1�C7 '\ A MW -200S MW -200D ',MW-200SB GWA-1S MW-200BR GWA-ID SB -3 MW -103S mW -1015 MW -103D MW -101D MW -102S AB -1S MW -102D AB -3S ap AV AB -2D AB -3D AB -ID ti AB -2S a ASH BASIN DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY GWA-2D ar GWA-2S M/DDLETOIV Loop AS -5D .5, AS-5SL AS -5S AB-4BR ti AB -4D AB-6SB ti AB -6D AB-6SL AMS MW -203S "W AB-4SL MW -203D AB -4S AB -7D, AMS AB -7S 4000 =Wft A.AB-8SL AB -8D WA -9D -GWA-9S IWAB-9D AB-9SB AMS AB-9BR CHEMICAL POND r fir. GWA-8S PINE HALL ROAD ti pp I ACU LANDFILL I GWA-8D PERMIT NO. 85-03 000 000 000 loom Aw GWA-12S BG -3S 1. GWA-12DGWA-12BR 0 IV BG -3D DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY j LU Ll 4�0 MW -104S MW -104D ae GWA-7 MAIA-7n MW -202S MW -202D 1%,, MWt202BR BG -1D BG-ISB JM"Wftk BG -1S BG-2BR ti BG-2SB BG -2D DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY MW -201D ti GWA-3S 1%, GWA-3D % GWA-4D O isa& L GWA-5D GWA-SBRS GWA-5S GWA-SBR2 OAF s BELEWS CREEKSTVEA ....,,.STATION M BELEWS LAKE ELEVATION 725 FT (APPROXIMATE) Table 1. Analytical Results General Notes: Depth -to -Groundwater data was collected in: 7/15, 9/15,11115, 12/15, 4/16,5116, and 9/16 mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Std. Units - pH units Comparison Criteria: NS - No applicable standard for this parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. bold - indicates exceedance of NCDEQ Industrial Health Based PSRG ttallclundedlne- indicates exceedance of NCDEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (October 2016) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. -Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. Qualifier Notes: U --Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated Concentration J+-- Estimated concentration, biased high. J --Estimated concentration, biased low. Analyte Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Boron Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Manganese Mercury Molybdenu m Nickel Selenium Strontium Thallium Vanadium Zinc Calcium Chloride Magnesium Nitrate Potassium Sodium Sulfate pH (field) Total Organic Carbon CAS RN 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-42-8 7440-41-7 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-484 7440-50-8 7439-89-6 7439-92-1 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 7439-98-7 7440-02-0 7782-49-2 7440-24-6 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 7440-70-2 16887-00-6 7439-954 14797-55-8 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 14808-79-8 PH TOC Result Unit mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg m g g /k mgIkg mglkg mg/kg mg/kg mgIkg mgIkg mgIkg mgIkg mgIkg mgIkg mgIkg mgIkg mglkg mgIkg Std. Unit. mglkg NCDEQ Industrial Health PSRG 100000 94 3 44000 46000 460 200 100000 70 9400 100000 800 5200 8 1200 4400 1200 100000 2.4 1200 70000 NS NS NS 100000 NS NS NS NS NS NCDEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG NS 0.9 5.8 580 45 63 3 360000 0.9 700 150 270 65 1 NS 130 2.1 NS 0.28 6 1200 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Sample Name Sample Date DTVI min - max (ft bgs) BG -1 D(1-2) 3/26/2015 38.13 - 41.22 17400 3.1 U 34.6 41.5 15.5 U 0.89 0.37 U 28.7 1.7 J 11.9 38100 21.1 57.6 0.046 3.1 U 1.3 J 3.1 U 1.9 J 3.1 U 54.9 13.2 131 J 305 U 249 30.5 UJ 348 311 U 305 U 4.8 J 13400 BG -1D(11) 3/27/2015 38.13 - 41.22 5490 3.9 U 10.9 26.8 12.2 J 0.68 0.47 U 4.7 28.6 J- 4.5 12200 77.3 J- 1010 0.0063 J 8.9 12 3.9 U 3.9 U 3.9 U 14.2 28.1 195 U 396 U 677 39.6 UJ 540 390 U 396 U 5.7 J 963 U BG -1 D(21) 3/27/2015 38.13 - 41.22 6210 J+ 3.9 U 7.5 50 13.2 J 0.88 0.47 U 2.3 6_8 3.5 12400 J+ 25.9 257 J+ 0.01 U 3.9 U 2.1 2.2 J 3.9 U 3.9 U 16 31.6 197 U 400 U 836 40 UJ 567 393 U 400 U 5.4 J 967 U BG -1D(31) 3/27/2015 38.13 - 41.22 12700 3.5 U 30.7 42.3 38.6 2.8 0.42 U 17.1 37.9 9.8 40400 17.1 871 0.01 U 3.5 U 32.8 2.9 J 3.5 U 3.5 U 50.9 85.4 174 U 358 U 3300 35.8 UJ 876 347 U 358 U 5.6 J 871 U BG -2D(1-2) 3/23/2015 39.83 - 48.34 13800 3.8 U 3.3 J 25.1 18.9 U 0.32 J 0.45 U 8.5 3.8 U 7.6 24100 18.7 53.1 0.064 3.8 U 1.9 U 3.8 U 3.8 U 3.8 U 46.6 10.5 428 363 U 678 36.3 UJ 199 J 378 U 363 U 5.5 J 2590 J BG -2D(10-12) 3/24/2015 39.83 - 48.34 9670 3.5 U 2.7 J 70.7 34.5 J 0.86 0.42 U 5.3 5.5 8.1 32300 21.7 245 0.015 3.5 UJ 1.7 U 3 J 3.5 UJ 3.5 U 105 14.2 173 UJ 352 U 1060 35.2 UJ 183 J 346 U 352 U 5 J 850 U BG -2D(20-22) 3/24/2015 39.83 - 48.34 6680 3.7 U 3.7 U 88.9 18.5 U 0.29 J 0.45 U 1.9 UJ 5 4.8 9570 11.3 450 0.01 U 3.7 UJ 1.9 U 3.7 U 3.7 UJ 3.7 U 20 39.1 185 UJ 367 U 1090 36.7 UJ 949 371 U 367 U 5.1 J 903 U BG -2D(30-32) 3/24/2015 39.83 - 48.34 7530 4 U 4 U 91.9 20.1 U 0.33 J 0.48 U 2 UJ _5 1.8 J 13000 6.6 680 0.01 U 4 UJ 2 U 4 U 4 UJ 4 U 27 20.1 201 UJ 403 U 1500 40.3 UJ 1240 402 U 403 U 5.2 J 965 U BG -3S(1 -2) 5/12/2015 27.34 - 31.74 14800 6.4 U 6.4 U 29.9 14 J 0.37 0.77 U 15.9 6.4 U 12.9 27800 26.6 39.6 0.031 3.2 U 4.1 4.8 U 3.2 U 6.4 U 60 8.4 158 J 329 U 238 32.9 UJ 343 320 U 329 U 5.4 J 3410 BG -3S(10-12) 5/12/2015 27.34 - 31.74 10000 7.6 U 7.6 U 32.3 20.9 0.75 0.91 U 21.5 15.6 14.3 44200 6.2 J 513 0.0095 J 3.8 U 4.5 5.7 U 3.8 U 7.6 U 141 21.2 189 U 362 U 647 36.2 UJ 379 U 379 U 362 U 4.9 J 4070 BG -3S(20-22) 5/12/2015 27.34 - 31.74 9280 6.1 U 6.1 U 68.4 16.6 0.76 0.73 U 15.4 8_1 28.5 36800 14.4 216 0.0097 U 3 U 9.8 4.6 U 3 U 6.1 U 55.3 48.5 152 U 308 U 2620 30.8 UJ 2360 304 U 308 U 5 J 1140 J GWA-3D(10) 5/5/2015 37.80-40.80 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 663U GWA-3D(34-35.5) 5/4/2015 37.80 - 40.80 7610 7.7 U 7.7 U 108 19.3 U 0.97 0.93 U 1.1 J 7.7 U 2 9110 6.4 J 460 0.012 U 3.9 UJ 1.1 J 7.7 U 11.4 7.7 U 18.4 29.6 1050 366 U 2080 36.6 UJ 1440 386 UJ 366 U 7 J 893 U GWA 4S(45-47) 3/5/2015 Dry 4830 2.8 U 2.8 U 79.5 5 0.52 0.33 U 1 J+ 2.2 J 2.8 7760 15.6 383 0.01 U 0.56 U 1.1 2.8 U 4.3 2.8 U 9.4 20.3 599 284 U 1320 28.4 UJ 1060 49.2 J 284 U 6.4 J 685 U GWA-12D(10-12) 4/15/2015 48.29 - 52.96 4320 6.2 U 6.2 U 26.6 15.4 U 0.31 U 0.74 U 1.5 UJ 6_5 0.96 J 912 13.2 296 0.0097 UJ 3.1 U 1.5 UJ 6.2 U 3.1 UJ 6.2 UJ 6.2 U 8.5 154 UJ 315 U 287 31.5 UJ 313 308 UJ 315 U 5.6 J 740 U GWA-12D(15-17) 4/15/2015 48.29 - 52.96 14300 5.6 U 5.6 U 98.6 13.9 U 0.39 0.67 U 1.4 UJ 2.9 J 1.8 7740 19.9 187 0.0092 UJ 2.8 U 1.4 UJ 5.6 U 2.8 UJ 5.6 UJ 5.6 U 64.7 139 UJ 281 U 5180 28.1 UJ 4230 279 UJ 281 U 5.4 J 674 U GWA-12D(20-22)4/15/2015 48.29 - 52.96 11900 5.8 U 5.8 U 90.7 14.5 U 0.43 0.69 U 0.97 J 3.5 J 9.1 7870 14.7 135 0.009 UJ 2.9 U 0.79 J 5.8 U 2.9 UJ 5.8 UJ 8_2 43.6 145 UJ 285 U 3230 28.5 UJ 2830 289 UJ 285 U 5.3 J 673 U GWA-12D(25-27) 4/15/2015 48.29 - 52.96 12200 7.9 U 7.9 U 82.5 19.6 U 0.59 0.94 U 4.7 4.5 J 11.3 9790 12.8 247 0.013 UJ 3.9 U 1.1 J 7.9 U 3.9 UJ 7.9 UJ 10.6 43.6 196 UJ 402 U 3070 40.2 UJ 3310 393 UJ 402 U NA 500 J Total Number of Viable Soil Samples -1 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 18 General Notes: Depth -to -Groundwater data was collected in: 7/15, 9/15,11115, 12/15, 4/16,5116, and 9/16 mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Std. Units - pH units Comparison Criteria: NS - No applicable standard for this parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. bold - indicates exceedance of NCDEQ Industrial Health Based PSRG ttallclundedlne- indicates exceedance of NCDEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (October 2016) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. -Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. Qualifier Notes: U --Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated Concentration J+-- Estimated concentration, biased high. J --Estimated concentration, biased low.