HomeMy WebLinkAboutAsheville Background Soil Tech Memo Dec 2016TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Date: December 15, 2016 File: 1026.102.19 To: John Toepfer (Duke Energy) Cc: Kathy Webb ( Ter ) From: Todd PlatingValhid Subject: Quantification of Background Soil Samples for Statistics Calculations — Asheville Steam Electric Plant Proposed Preliminary Background Threshold Values (PPBTVs) for site soils will be calculated for CAMA assessment constituents. Soil samples were collected from soil borings during the Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) field activities at the Asheville Steam Electric Plant (Site) in 2015. Table 1 provides a summary of the samples (locations and depth intervals) which are considered for use in statistical calculations to determine concentrations of naturally occurring (background) inorganic constituents in Site soil. Figure 1 indicates the location of soil samples to be used for statistical calculations. Soil samples that meet the following criteria are considered valid for use in the statistic calculations for background concentrations: ,01 Soil sample is collected from a location that is not impacted by coal combustion residuals or coal associated materials; 0 Soil sample is collected from a location that is not impacted by other potential anthropogenic sources of constituents; and E7 Soil sample is collected from the unsaturated zone, > 1 ft. above the seasonal high water table elevation. Eight additional samples have been eliminated from the statistical calculations. The samples collected from the MW -1 boring location are currently unsaturated, however, were likely saturated when the 1982 ash basin was in use. Additionally, locations along the French Broad River (MW -15, MW -16, MW -17, MW -18, and MW -20) are periodically inundated and seepage flow within the floodplain may contribute anthropogenic sources of constituents to the soil. Based on the minimum eight sample dataset requirement provided in the Pro UCL guidance document, no additional background soil samples are projected for the Site. The analytical results presented in Table 1 for antimony, arsenic, selenium, and thallium present reporting limits that are greater than the PSRG for Protection of Groundwater (POG), for some or all samples, as revised in October 2016. Revised laboratory reports that will provide the non -detect values and method detection limits are in the process of being obtained from the lab. P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 02.ASHEVILLE PLANT \ 40. 1982 Basin Closure Soil Sampling \ Stats \ Final BG Soil Tech Memo.docx Quantification of Valid Background Soil Samples for Statistics Evaluation December 15, 2016 Asheville Steam Electric Plant Page 2 of 2 The statistical calculation process will include a review of data to determine if outliers exist. Professional judgment can be used to retain data that does not satisfy one or more of the valid soil sample criteria. Likewise, professional judgement can be used to reject soil sample data that does satisfy all valid soil sample criteria. However, the decision to retain data that does not satisfy valid soil sample criteria, and the decision to reject data that satisfy valid soil sample criteria, must be documented. A revised Background Soil Data Summary table will be provided following review of updated analytical reports. ATTACHMENTS: Table 1: Background Soil Data Summary Figure 1: Background Soil Locations for Statistical Analysis P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 02.ASHEVILLE PLANT \ 40. 1982 Basin Closure Soil Sampling \ Stats \ Final BG Soil Tech Memo.docx TABLE 1 BACKGROUND SOIL DATA SUMMARY ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, ARDEN, NC Prepared by: JHG/BDW Checked by: TDP Notes: 0 Concentration or detection limit greater than PSRG Protection of Groundwater Standard mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram NE = Not established S.U. = Standard Units j = Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. < = concentration not detected at or above the adjusted reporting limit. = No detectable concentrations within data set PSRG Protection of Groundwater = NCDEQ IHSB Preliminary Soil Remediation Soil Remediation Goals Table - October 2016 = Water table elevations collected during site -wide well gauging event on September 21, 2016. P:\Duke Energy Progress. 1026\02.ASH EVILLE PLANT\40. 1982 Basin Closure Soil Sampling\Stats\FINAL Background Soil Data Sum_REV1.xisx Page 1 of 1 Analytical Parameter pH Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Boron Cadmium Calcium Chloride Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Nitrate tN) (asReporting Potassium Selenium Sodium Strontium Sulfate Thallium Vanadium Zinc Units S.U. mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg PSRG Protection of Groundwater NE 0.9 5.8 580 63 45 3 NE NE 360000 0.9 700 150 270 NE 65 1 NE 130 NE NE 2.1 NE NE NE 0.28 6 1200 Sample ID Sample Collection Date Sample Depth Elevation (ft.) Water Table Elevation (ft.)'Analytical Results CB -01 SB (7-8) 04/10/2015 2202 2163.42 5.8 14100 <2.9 <2.9 57.2 0.63 <14.3 <0.34 <143 <292 14.3 18 17.1 23400 8.8 1780 279 <0.0094 <2.9 6.9 <29.2 1730 <2.9 <286 <2.9 <292 <2.9 27.3 77.3 CB -01 SB (30-31) 04/10/2015 2179 2163.42 5.8 10900 <3 2.4j 30.1 0.94 <14.9 <0.72 <149 <300 12 32.6 41.6 31700 4.6 1920 434 <0.0096 <3 4.9 <30 755 3.3 <298 <3 <300 <3 44.6 51.8 CB -08 SB (2-3) 04/22/2015 2139 2096.23 5.7 20100 <5.6 2.9j 87.5 0.62 23.3 <0.67 185 <289 19.4 4.5 j 5.6 23300 12 1110 99.5 0.029 <2.8 5.4 <28.9 785 <5.6 <280 3.1 <289 <5.6 36.1 27.8 CB -08 SB (21-22) 04/22/2015 2120 2096.23 5.5 27700 <5.3 <5.3 230 1.9 32.8 <0.63 <263 <260 26.3 23.5 5.1 32300 12.6 8400 569 <0.0085 <5.3 25.1 <26 7680 3.7j <527 7.2 <260 <5.3 36 149 CB -08 SB (27-29) 04/22/2015 2113 2096.23 5.8 40100 <6.1 <6.1 356 2 50 <0.73 169 <298 48.5 32.3 178 45600 21.6 13300 1020 <0.0092 <3 37.4 <29.8 12200 3.9j 158j 1.6j <298 <6.1 50.3 203 CB -08 SB (34-36) 04/22/2015 2106 2096.23 6.3 28300 <5.5 <5.5 232 1.5 31.5 <0.66 218 <262 34.1 22.9 9.1 36400 6.3 11700 570 <0.0083 <2.8 33.3 <26.2 10300 2.8j <276 10.1 <262 <5.5 31.7 130 CB -09 SB (1-2) 04/12/2015 2177 2144.50 5.2 16800 <3.6 2.3 j 49.7 0.56 <17.9 <0.43 <179 <348 38.8 20.3 13.5 40300 27.5 326 599 0.06 <3.6 2 <34.8 290j <3.6 <358 2.1 j <348 <3.6 55.9 10.7 CB -09 SB (25-27) 04/12/2015 2152 2144.50 5.6 12900 <3.1 <3.1 75 1 <15.3 <0.37 <153 <303 45.1 23.7 25.6 40700 16.5 4430 1010 <0.01 <3.1 11.9 <30.3 4660 <3.1 <307 <3.1 <303 <3.1 65.2 54.7 GW -01 SB(1-2) 04/25/2015 2170 2159.98 7.8 21400 <6.3 3.7j 157 1.2 31.4 0.51j 8500 <311 28.7 18.6 48.5 33000 48.7 7490 486 0.12 <3.1 15.5 <31.1 4750 <6.3 <313 18.1 <311 <6.3 39.9 206 MW -03 SB (1-2) 03/25/2015 2137 2100.40 4.5 16800 <3 2.9j 93.5 0.53 25.5 <0.36 102 <295 17.2 7.7 10 27000 13.1 762 135 0.024 <0.6 3.6 <29.5 687 1.9j <298 2.3 <295 <3 28.8 24.1 MW -03 SB (20-22) 03/25/2015 2117 2100.40 5.9 24000 <2.6 3.6 136 1.6 31.3 <0.31 214 <258 12.7 16.4 46.5 32800 10.4 7800 325 <0.0085 <2.6 9.7 <25.8 5630 6 <259 5.2 <258 <2.6 17.7 81.2 MW -03 SB (28-30) 03/25/2015 2109 2100.40 4.9 13900 <2.8 3.2 56.4 0.33 28.3 <0.33 437 <273 10.9 16 52.6 29900 5.4 6950 109 <0.0085 <2.7 15.9 <27.3 5480 5.3 <274 3.6 477 <2.8 13.5 64.8 MW -05 SB(2-3) 04/25/2015 2083 2065.03 5.2 25500 <6.4 <6.4 90.2 0.93 31.4 <0.77 581 <306 29.3 16.3 18.3 33400 10.5 3630 197 0.066 <3.2 8.8 <30.6 1870 <6.4 <319 12.8 196j <6.4 35.6 45.8 MW -05 SB(13-14) 04/25/2015 2072 2065.03 6.0 18100 <5.5 <5.5 64.3 0.7 40.1 <0.66 335 <281 14.5 9 45.7 44500 5.8 3880 210 <0.0091 <2.7 7.5 <28.1 256j <5.5 <274 7.8 <281 <5.5 10 36.9 MW -07 SB (1-2) 04/07/2015 2068 2048.02 5.3 18600 <7.5 <7.5 85.9 0.79 <18.7 <0.9 268 <369 25.5 10.7 11.8 18600 14.5 2210 162 0.023 0.82 9.4 <36.9 1740 <7.5 <75 2.3 <369 <7.5 39.4 37.4 MW -07 SB (10-11) 04/07/2015 2059 2048.02 6.4 13300 <7 3.6j 103 1 <17.6 <0.85 2650 <335 22.5 18.3 17 53200 25.2 6780 669 <0.011 <0.7 26.8 <33.5 1270 <7 108 19.4 <335 <7 26.7 99 MW -07 SB (16-17) 04/07/2015 2053 2048.02 7.4 8750 <6.9 <6.9 136 0.61 <17.2 <0.82 735 <330 11.4 6.5j 15.5 12700 5.1j 1680 257 <0.011 0.55j 3.7 <33 3140 <6.9 163 5.6 <330 <6.9 17.7 33.4 MW -08 SB (1.5-2) 02/27/2015 2121 2113.63 5.4 27800 <1.3 <13.5 38.7 0.76 <33.6 <0.16 186j <331 55.1 39.4 38.1 65200 23.6 383 931 0.057 <6.7 3j <33.1 <673 <13.5 <673 <6.7 <331 <1.3 75 15 MW -09 SB (1-2) 03/31/2015 2140 2113.99 6.4 34200 <6.7 <6.7 75.2 0.82 <16.7 <0.8 102j <338 17.8 29.6 33 39200 12.9 3000 548 0.02 <3.3 10.2 <33.8 2740 <6.7 <335 2.4 j <338 <6.7 48.6 55.7 MW-09SB (12-17) 04/14/2015 2125 2113.99 7.0 37000 <5.5 <5.5 351 8.9 <27.3 <0.65 768 <265 185 33.7 21.1 54600 8.7 13700 1170 <0.0088 <2.7 92.6 <26.5 7010 <5.5 <273 4.4 <265 <5.5 171 98.1 MW-09SB (19-20) 04/14/2015 2122 2113.99 6.3 27300 <5.6 <5.6 288 7.5 <14.1 <0.68 1450 <280 98.7 27 17.6 37400 7.7 10800 950 <0.009 <2.8 56.9 <28 5380 <5.6 <282 6.1 <280 <5.6 104 69.3 MW-11SB (1.5-2) 02/04/2015 2030 2024.22 7.2 18100 <1 1.4 j 112 0.51 20.4 j <0.31 975 <247 18.5 10.1 5.9 20900 7.3 5470 190 0.018 <5.2 13.6 <24.7 4470 1.6 j <515 3.6 j <247 <1 26 62.4 MW -12 SB (1.5-2) 03/16/2015 2157 2126.97 7.3 26200 <3.2 3.6 205 1.9 <32 <0.38 1390 246j 22.2 24 11.3 32500 12.5 7290 664 0.0079j <6.4 19.7 <32 6990 5.1 <640 31.6 204j <3.2 35.3 128 MW-13SB (1.5-2) 01/29/2015 2149 2123.86 6.9 12700 <1 <2.5 36.3 0.4 36.4 <0.3 664 <248 41.7 11 21.4 36200 12.7 622 215 0.041 <0.5 3.3 <24.8 372 <2.5 <501 1.8 <248 <1 45 10.7 MW-13SB (14.5-15) 01/29/2015 2136 2123.86 6.3 32700 <1 <2.5 172 0.89 36.2 <0.3 271 <248 34.2 9.4 11.6 39200 12.2 4890 226 0.016 <5.1 15.5 <24.8 4490 2.4j <506 <5.1 <248 <1 48.7 116 M W-13SB (22-22.5) 01/29/2015 2129 2123.86 5.5 26100 <1 1.5 j 209 1.8 27.3 <0.31 <255 <251 24.6 16.1 1.9 j 28900 11.9 7520 336 0.005 j <5.1 21.1 <25.1 7650 4.3 <510 3.2 j <251 0.52 j 39.3 192 MW-14SB (1.5-2) 02/03/2015 2075 2059.63 6.4 21000 <1 2.2j 113 0.72 31.1 <0.3 167j <248 36.1 31.8 66.2 32200 12.1 4840 616 0.011 <5 16.4 <24.8 3790 2.9 <503 <5 <248 <1 41.5 85.6 MW -22 (1-2) 06/23/2015 2047 2039.43 5.7 15100 <5.9 3j 112 0.92 <14.7 <0.71 330 <297 17.7 9.7 9.4 17600 11.8 1740 716 0.035 <2.9 9.6 <29.7 1330 <5.9 <294 3.4 <297 <5.9 25.6 33.3 MW-23BR (2-3) 06/14/2015 2100 2073.11 4.7 13900 <6.3 <6.3 60.5 0.62 <15.7 <0.75 218 <300 17.8 4.1 j 8.3 20800 j 10 j 1720 j 70.4 0.039 <3.1 4.9 <30 1070 <6.3 <313 3.5 <300 <6.3 26.9 31 MW-24SB (1-2) 05/04/2015 2168 2162.66 6.4 21500 <7 4.6j 125 1.9 36.6 <0.84 1020 <333 48.6 40.2 33.8 35100 37.5 5430 728 0.03 <7 21.9 <33.3 3900 7 <349 6.8 <333 <7 66.4 101 Total Count of Valid Samples 30 30 0* 23 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30* 30 13 30 30 30 1 30 30 Prepared by: JHG/BDW Checked by: TDP Notes: 0 Concentration or detection limit greater than PSRG Protection of Groundwater Standard mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram NE = Not established S.U. = Standard Units j = Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. < = concentration not detected at or above the adjusted reporting limit. = No detectable concentrations within data set PSRG Protection of Groundwater = NCDEQ IHSB Preliminary Soil Remediation Soil Remediation Goals Table - October 2016 = Water table elevations collected during site -wide well gauging event on September 21, 2016. P:\Duke Energy Progress. 1026\02.ASH EVILLE PLANT\40. 1982 Basin Closure Soil Sampling\Stats\FINAL Background Soil Data Sum_REV1.xisx Page 1 of 1 I - CB�08 SB M vl Ilk S~ * " mw-ll t M��* �- ■ r r ms's ° fly. .L .rt a MIC 4 411� F _ t NOTES: 2014 AERIAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY OBTAINED FROM USDA NRCS GEOSPATIAL DATA GATEWAY (https://gdg.sc.egov.usda.gov/GDGOrder.aspx). DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM FIPS 3200 (NAD83/2011) LAKE JULIAN `i. CB;09 SB . SB 1� 4p + HOT y 4 ., f POND ` F r: Ilk ��•.4154'i .� i ^ r 3w _. - 47 t'S2 MW-05SB • ,;, arr LEGEND �.: P 3- • ® SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION MW-23BR r _ AL ` ;SURFACE IMPOUNDMENT BOUNDARY 'Air*` TiM :" d�' ' -`'M ■ ■ m r, SURFACE IMPOUNDMENT � E . . � .,'" - '? ,�. v� ..�• `��m III m ■' COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY ' MW —22 nr _ : r _ ■ ■ DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS ASHEVILLE ANT SITE BOUNDARY e GRAPHIC SCALE 300 160 0 300 600 BACKGROUND SOIL 41, � IN FEET 148 RIVER STREET, SUITE 220 SAMPLE LOCATIONS s GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 PHON E 864-421-9999 ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT gyqlTe DRAWN BY: A. FEIGL 7777 777 ARDEN NORTH CAROLINA ��j1� s `• PROJECT MANAGER: T. PLATING I CHECKED BY: T. PLATING