HomeMy WebLinkAboutAllen Soil Background Tech Memo_REV1_20170526F)� Technical Memorandum Date: Friday, May 26, 2017 Project: Allen Steam Station To: Sean DeNeale From: Chad Hearn Subject: Quantification of Valid Background Soil Samples for Statistical Calculations — Revision 1 The purpose of this revised technical memorandum (TM) is to address the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality's (NCDEQ's) requirement identified below. In addition, this revised TM provides the basis for evaluation of soil samples proposed for use in determining site-specific background concentrations using statistical methods for the Allen Steam Station (Allen) as originally presented in the TM dated December 20, 2016. Following submittal of the TM dated December 20, 2016, Duke Energy submitted the Statistical Methods for Developing Reference Background Concentrations for Groundwater and Soil at Coal Ash Facilities (Background Methodology) to NCDEQ on January 20, 2017. NCDEQ subsequently requested additional information regarding the Background Methodology via a letter dated April 28, 2017. As part of the April 28, 2017 letter, NCDEQ requested the following information: Provide up-to-date digital spreadsheets of raw background soil data for each facility by May 26, 2017. Any soil data collected since submittal of the Comprehensive Site Assessments (CSAs) should be included in the table and existing soil data should be reviewed to identify any quality control issues (i.e., sampling intervals, corresponding boring sample ID, etc.) along with identification of outliers and revised accordingly. The up-to-date raw background soil data for background determinations at Allen are provided in Table 1 of this revised TM. Note the remainder of the requirements in the April 28, 2017 NCDEQ letter are addressed in a revision to the Background Methodology under separate cover. The soil samples evaluated herein were principally collected during CSA fieldwork conducted between February and June 2015. The locations of soil samples to be evaluated for use in the background determinations are shown on Figure 1. Viability of samples for use in developing background concentrations was evaluated using the following criteria: • Soil sample is collected from a location that is not impacted by coal combustion residuals or coal - associated materials; • Soil sample is collected from a location that is not impacted by other potential anthropogenic sources of constituents; • Soil sample is collected from the unsaturated zone, above the maximum groundwater elevation measured in shallow wells between September 2015 and September 2016; and • Soil sample collected from a location not impacted by periodic flooding. A total of 64 soil samples were collected at Allen during CSA activities. Of these 64 samples, 16 samples satisfy the four criteria listed above and are considered viable samples for use in statistical calculations. F)� These samples were collected from the following locations on-site: BG -1 D located beyond the compliance boundary southwest of the active ash basin; BG -21D located beyond the compliance boundary west/northwest of the inactive ash basin; BG -31D located beyond the compliance boundary northwest of the station discharge canal; GWA-1 D located near the compliance boundary southeast of the active ash basin; GWA-51D located east of the retired ash basin (RAB) ash landfill; GWA-61D located north of the RAB ash landfill; and GWA-81D located near the compliance boundary north of the inactive ash basin. Note that viable samples collected from borings near the waste boundary or down -gradient of ash management areas were collected a minimum of one foot above the maximum measured groundwater elevation and are assumed to have not been impacted by groundwater migrating from ash sources. Soil sampling data used in this evaluation, including the range of groundwater elevations for shallow wells in each well cluster and analytical results of soil samples are provided in Table 1. Note that laboratory reporting limits for antimony, arsenic, cobalt (one sample), selenium, and thallium exceeded the North Carolina Protection of Groundwater (POG) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals, as revised in October 2016. Z I n N AL U.) I BG -3S \1 I BG -3D If it Q\SC�P� I GWA-17D II I /I AB -1R II- BG -25 f e II I BG -2D I BG-2BR / G � I� I / GWA-16D DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY GWA-16S N u / / z r / GWA-19D \ / GWA-19S RIVER RUN GWA-15S GWA-15D BG -4S BG -4D BG-4BR GWA-18D GWA-18S INACTIVE AB -38S ASH BASIN AB -38D AB-38BR V INACTIVE ASH BASIN AB -37S 4AB-37D OAB-36S AB-14BR 5: AB -14D WARREN DRIVE 4 m SOUTHPOINT DRIVE to GWA-14S yFgT GWA-14D m yF� m GLEN LN x Ab •j�r ,�y�l ARMSTRONG RD HIGHLAND WP.Y ,+ GWA-24S GWA-24 D GWA-24BR GWA-21S GWA-21D GWA-21BR o r O O 0 D z rn GWA-9S GWA-9D GWA-9BR M DWOOD ROAD WILDLIFE ROAD AB -4D AB -4S AB-4BR AB -20S AB -20D AB -2 AB -26 DISCHARGE C4/VAI ANSWO16 GWA-8S GWA-8D PLANT ALLEN RD A ASH SH STORAGE A -396 SB -5 SB -2,--1 SB -4 ASH STORAGE SB -1 GWA-22S GWA-22D PRIMARY AB -13S POND 1 AB -13D SB -7 reum,I"MellM ANWWO01 GWA-7Do GWA-7S ALLEN STEAM STATION GWA-6D* GWA-6BR { GWA-6S GWA-6DA 1 I I 1 C �. •SW -6 ANWWO04 AB -34D DISCHARGE TOWER AB -34S TRUCTURAL TRUCTURA FILL FILL S-9 AB-25BR AB -3355 AB 33D AB -35D SB -6 AB-35BR AB -33S ANFDO01 GWA-22S GWA-22D PRIMARY AB -13S POND 1 AB -13D SB -7 reum,I"MellM ANWWO01 GWA-7Do GWA-7S ALLEN STEAM STATION GWA-6D* GWA-6BR { GWA-6S GWA-6DA 1 I I 1 C �. •SW -6 ANWWO04 AB -24S y AB-24SL AB -24D AB-24BR GWA-23S AB 23S GWA 23D AB-23BRU CIF WELL SB -8 AB -21S AB-21BRLAB-21SL >AB -21D AB-21BR AB -25S WELL ID DISCHARGE TOWER ANTD001 AB -26D GWA-3BR AB-25BRU AB -26S S-9 AB-25BR AB 33D SB -9 ANSP005 AB -33S S-8 ANSP003 S-2 I I S-7 Lu Y •` AB -32D 0 GWA 5S GWA 5D GWA-26S AB 32S 6 ACTIVE ASH GWA-56R -*\S-5 BASIN RETIRED ASH BASIN GWA-1D,,-&, / / = I GWA-IBR ASH LANDFILL AB-22BR ANSP001 AB -10D z AB -22D h \ S-4 -Q' 5 PERMIT NO. 3612 AB -22S / ANSP002 S-3 o BG -1D O AB -31S AB-31Dr! I IGWA-4BR GWA-41) GWA-4S SAB 11D \ �t R S-1 LANDFILL EDGE OF WASTE NUTALL OAK LN AB -29S AB -30S 'O� AB-29SL AB -9D AB -30D AB -29D NORTH DIKE AB 27BR •ANSWO15 AB -27D SW -7 AB 28 S Q AB -27S AB -28S LAKE WYLIE sW-40 (CATAWBA RIVER) SW -3 • PRIMARY PRIMARY POND 3 POND 2 AB -24S y AB-24SL AB -24D AB-24BR GWA-23S AB 23S GWA 23D AB-23BRU CIF WELL SB -8 AB -21S AB-21BRLAB-21SL >AB -21D AB-21BR AB -25S WELL ID DISCHARGE TOWER AB-25SL AB -26D GWA-3BR AB-25BRU AB -26S GWA-3D AB-25BR GWA-3S SB -9 ANSP005 S-8 ANSP003 S-2 I I S-7 Lu Y •` 0 GWA-2D GWA-26S Lu 6 ACTIVE ASH GWA-1S -*\S-5 BASIN SW -2 • GWA-1D,,-&, / / = \ GWA-IBR AB -10S\ AB-22BR ANSP001 AB -10D z AB -22D h \ S-4 -Q' 5 AB -22S / ANSP002 S-3 o BG -1D O ABBIR AB 6A WOODBEND DR WELL ID DISCHARGE TOWER �ANWW002 \ fF 529039.97 1399093.63 SW -1 • AB -12S AB -12D PH WELL ANSP003 S-2 I OAB-5 ' GWA-2D GWA-26S GWA-2S NO GWA-26D GWA-1S c GWA-1D,,-&, / / = GWA-IBR O z i E'Ak BG-1S o BG -1D O �\\SOLAR SAB 11D \ �t R S-1 NUTALL OAK LN NOTES: 1. PARCEL DATA FOR THE SITE WAS OBTAINED FROM DUKE ENERGY REAL ESTATE AND IS APPROXIMATE. 2. WASTE BOUNDARY IS APPROXIMATE. 3. THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY IS ESTABLISHED ACCORDING TO THE DEFINITION FOUND IN 15A NCAC 02L.0107 (a). 4. EXISTING MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY AND WSP. 5. EXISTING SHALLOW MONITORING WELLS (S) ARE SCREENED ACROSS THE SURFICIAL WATER TABLE. 6. EXISTING DEEP MONITORING WELLS (D) ARE SCREENED IN THE TRANSITION ZONE BETWEEN COMPETENT BEDROCK AND THE REGOLITH. 7. EXISTING BEDROCK MONITORING WELLS (BR) ARE SCREENED ACROSS WATER BEARING FRACTURES IN COMPETENT BEDROCK. 8. TOPOGRAPHY DATA FOR ONSITE WAS OBTAINED FROM WSP (DATED 2015). 9. TOPOGRAPHY DATA FOR OFFSITE WAS OBTAINED FROM NCDOT GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) WEB SITE (DATED 2007). 10. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY WAS OBTAINED FROM WSP DATED APRIL 2014. SCALE (FEET) 250' 0 250' 500' I" = 500' 1 ABANDONED WELLS WELL ID NORTHING EASTING GWA-6D 529039.97 1399093.63 * DENOTES THAT WELL HAS BEEN ABANDONED • • LEGEND: DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY LANDFILL/ASH STORAGE AREA BOUNDARY ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY COINCIDENT WITH DUKE PROPERTY BOUNDARY ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL ASH BASIN VOLUNTARY GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL CSA GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL POST -CSA ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL ABANDONED MONITORING WELL ONSITE WATER SUPPLY WELL (NON POTABLE) CSA SOIL BORING LOCATION (2015) SURFACE WATER SAMPLE LOCATION AREA OF WETNESS SAMPLE LOCATION NCDENR SAMPLE LOCATION SAMPLE LOCATION MAP DATE CAMA AND NPDES PROGRAMS MAY 2017 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC ALLEN STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE cASroN roUrar. NORTH c;aRouN= � N Table 1. Allen Steam Station Background Soil Analytical Results General Notes: Depth -to -Groundwater data was collected in: 6/15, 9/15, 11/15, 12/15, 3/16, 5/16, and 9/16 (month/year) "Strike-throughs" indicate samples that are not included in the viable sample count due to the method detection limit (MDL) for the non -detect result being greater than the North Carolina Protection of Groundwater (POG) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) for that constituent. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Std. Units - pH units Comparison Criteria: NS - No applicable standard for this parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. bold - indicates exceedance of NCDEQ Industrial Health Based PSRG Italic/underins- indicates exceedance of NCDEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (October 2016) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. "'Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated concentration J+- Estimated concentration, biased high. J ---Estimated concentration, biased low. Analyte Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Boron Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Strontium Thallium Vanadium Zinc Calcium Chloride Magnesium Nitrate Potassium Sodium Sulfate pH (field) Total Organic Carbon Result Unit mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Slid. Units mg/kg NCDEQ PSRG Ind 100000 94 3 44000 460 46000 200 100000 70 9400 100000 800 5200 8 1200 4400 1200 100000 2.4 1200 70000 NS NS NS 100000 NS NS NS NS NS NCDEQ PSRG POG NS 0.9 5.8 580 63 45 3 360000 0.9 700 150 270 65 1 NS 130 2.1 NS 0.28 6 1200 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Sample Name Sample Date Range of Depth -to -Water (ft) BG -1 D (1.0-2.0) 4/27/2015 55.83 - 58.68 15300 6311 6.3 U 20.5 0.32 U 15.8 U 0.76 U 15.2 13.3 8.1 35100 10.9 340 0.074 3.2 U 2.2 6211 3.3 6311 78.1 10.1 462 305 U 297 30.5 U 162 J 316 U 305 U 5.8 2750 BG -1 D (9.0-10.5) 4/27/2015 55.83 - 58.68 6450 6311 6.8 U 42.8 0.61 16.9 U 0.81 U 4.6 6-" 26.7 53600 7.1 293 0.016 3.4 U 1.7 U 6-" 3.4 U 6.311 143 14.7 169 U 357 U 433 35.7 U 339 U 339 U 357 U 5.5 798 J BG -1D (19.0-20.5) 4/28/2015 55.83 - 58.68 4990 6211 6.2 U 46.2 0.36 15.5 U 0.74 U 14.7 14.5 11.9 27600 7.6 436 0.0094 U 3.1 U 1.8 6-,U 3.1 U 6211 68.1 13.2 155 U 304 U 903 30.4 U 752 310 U 304 U 5.3 475J BG -1D (45-50) 5/1/2015 55.83 - 58.68 20100 7-" 7.6 U 203 0.91 23.4 J+ 0.92 U 6.2 18.7 29 33600 6.9 J 1060 0.011 U 3.8 U 5.3 7611 10.1 7611 79.3 88.2 245 363 U 10000 36.3 UJ 10100 384 U 363 U 5.7 J 878 U BG -2D (1.0-2.5) 5/14/2015 51.40 - 54.60 29200 8.7-U 8.7 U 216 0.38 J 21.8 U 1 U 6.7 5.6 J 34.3 51300 6.3 J fi27 0.026 4.4 U 2.2 U 6.5-U 3.9 J 8.Z -U 81.6 64.4 127J 423 U 10400 42.3 UJ 9740 436 U 423 U 51 826 J BG -2D (8.5-10.0) 5/14/2015 51.40 - 54.60 17800 64-U 6.4 U 208 0.35 16.1 U 0.77 U 3.1 9.7 3.2 23100 3.6 J 587 0.0082 J 3.2 U 1.4 J 4:8-4 5.5 6..4 49 59.4 195 315 U 8930 31.5 UJ 8720 322 U 315 U 5.4 J 744U BG -2D (18.0-20,0) 5/14/2015 51.40 - 54.60 15500 7-U 7 U 233 0.95 17.6 U 0.84 U 2.7 19.4 55.7 32400 3.9 J 1340 0.011 U 3.5 U IS U 6.3-4 16.7 74 77.5 64.3 1260 336 U 9490 33.6 UJ 7790 351 U 336U 6 J 415 J BG -3D (1-2.5) 2/23/2015 64.35 - 67.99 11800 IA U 3.4 UJ 229 0.85 17.2 U 0.11 J 30.9 19.8 31.2 24900 6.1 712 0.017 3.4 U 53.5 12 4A -U 48.5 52.3 517 345 U 4780 34.5 UJ 3370 344 U 345 U 5.11 521 J BG -3D (13.5-15) 2/23/2015 64.35 - 67.99 8570 1.2 U 3 U 109 0.36 UJ 3 U 0.35 1.7 28.5 10.3 13600 31.6 962 0.0071 J 0.6 U 2.1 3 U 1.5 4.211 40.9 36.4 59.8 311 U 4890 31.1 UJ 5220 33.3 J 311 U 5.4 J 488J BG -3D (18.5-20) 2/23/2015 64.35 - 67.99 2500 1.2 U 1.2 U 26.3 0.071 J 3 U 0.14 U 7.6 3_9 18.2 6400 1.7 172 0.01 U 0.69 0.78 1.2 U 1.3 4-211 15.3 16.8 773 291 U 1160 29.1 UJ 1110 59.5 U 291 U 6.9 J 3470 GWA-14D (10.0-12.0) 6/9/2015 23.73 - 30.84 11200 &:2{4 9.2 U 84.3 0.46 U 23.1 U 1.1 U 4.9 5-7J 30.3 34700 5.8 J 501 0.014 U 4.6 U 5.1 9-2-4 4.6 U 9.211 89.8 23.9 231 U 437 U 2680 43.7 U 2430 461 U 437 U 5.1 1060 J GWA-15D (1.9-2.0) 6/8/2015 4.64-9.98 8260 7244 7.2 U 55.9 0.36 U 18 U 0.86 U 10.1 3.8 J 11.6 22400 14.8 302 0.082 3.6 U 3.6 7211 6.2 7241 57.4 21.3 1250 374 U 762 37.4 U 416 360 U 374 U 7 4020 GWA-5D (2.0-4.0) 5/14/2015 11.00 - 17.12 17900 6.311 6.2 U 143 0.75 15.5 U 0.74 U 9.5 16.2 19.2 24200 5.4 J 578 0.016 3.1 U 6.2 2.5 J 7 6.2-4 70.8 39.9 859 292 U 5350 29.2 UJ 4300 309 U 489 5.7 J 1090 GWA-BD (38.5-40) 2/18/2015 6.04 - 66.77 12100 J+ t.5 U 3.7 U 136 1.3 41.3 0.18 U 47.3 32.6 59.5 74t!!J+ 3.3 1190 0.01 U 0.75 U 20.8 3-7-U 7.5 U 3.511 90 23.2 373 U 372 U 3090 37.2 UJ 2150 746 U 372 U 6.2 892 U GWA-8D (48.5-50) 2/18/2015 6.04 - 66.77 17200 J+ 1.5 U 3.6 U 211 1.5 42.5 0.18 U 48.8 39.8 53.8 43000 J+ 4.8 1280 0.01 U 7.3 U 50.6 3§U 7.3 U 4:" 89.9 72.3 365 U 375 U 6490 37.5 UJ 4440 730 U 375 U 5.9 901 U Total Number of Viable Soil Samples » 15 15 5 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 4 15 0 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 General Notes: Depth -to -Groundwater data was collected in: 6/15, 9/15, 11/15, 12/15, 3/16, 5/16, and 9/16 (month/year) "Strike-throughs" indicate samples that are not included in the viable sample count due to the method detection limit (MDL) for the non -detect result being greater than the North Carolina Protection of Groundwater (POG) Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) for that constituent. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Std. Units - pH units Comparison Criteria: NS - No applicable standard for this parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. bold - indicates exceedance of NCDEQ Industrial Health Based PSRG Italic/underins- indicates exceedance of NCDEQ Protection of Groundwater PSRG North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (October 2016) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. "'Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated concentration J+- Estimated concentration, biased high. J ---Estimated concentration, biased low.