HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050834 Ver 3_More Info Received_20081229 NEW JERUSALEM MINIS"TRIES. INC. BK 831. PO 447 t VICINITY MAP N.T.S. LEGEND HANSLEY BK 467, PO 272 t# l~ 8fo' ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ C:'r:::.' ~ .... ~ -- -'-"-, ,'..... '.. -, " "" ,I'_II_I' _"_"-'1, .........."" "" "'" ...... , f' .-1'.....' '"'i''' flll"11_"_II--.. .\......' ""'.. ',. MOORE BK 417. PO 712 HANSLEY BK 688. PO 512 MURRILL BK 941. PO 80 "TRACT 1 DALE BK 1099. PO 601 "TRACT 1 DALE BK 1099. PG 601 "TRACT 2 DALE BK 1412. PG 973 \;Sj d;;)' ~\~ b,,,:>'O ,?-O ~G ,,~ <.~. [(:.'I>r' 'J,\'J -t.'fl~-t. '~ IMPACT AREA 2 " IMPACT AREA B TABLE 1 WETLAND IMPACTS - TEMPORARY AREA A AREA B AREA C AREA D AREA E AREA F AREA G AREA H AREA J AREA K AREA L TOTAL 1,189 S.F. (0.027 AC.) 2,018 S.F. (0.046 AC.) 404 S.F. (0.009 AC.) 420 S.F. (0.010 AC.) 200 S.F. (0.004 AC.) 230 S.F. (0.005 AC.) 237 S.F. (0.005 AC.) 525 S.F. (0.012 AC.) 361 S.F. (0,008 AC.) 604 S.F. (0.014 AC.) 692 S.F. (0.016 AC.) 6,880 S.F. (0.158 AC.) TABLE 2 WETLAND IMPACTS - PERMANENT NOTE: SITE CONTAINS 17 BUILDINGS OF 24 UNITS PROVIDING 408 RESIDENCES AND 4 GARAGES WITH A TOTAL OF 32 UNITS (ESTIMATED). _ - - - - - - PROPERlY LINE -..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..- WETLANDS liNE _______n_n_ RIGHT-OF-WAY _RT_RT_RT_ RETAINING WALL TABLE 3 WETLAND IMPACT REDUCTION ANALYSIS :""1_"'_"1'..'1 ...i......, _.i.... ti_,"~ _'" '.'''' '!"'~'" '.11II\.1 '._..t 'JIIa.! . 'fII'l.'''' ,,,II I. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .: WETLANDS - AREA 1 AREA 2 AREA 3 AREA 4 AREA 5 AREA 6 AREA 7 TOTAL PERMANENT IMPACT TEMPORARY IMPACT WETLAND IMPACT AREAS 1 & A 2 & B 3 & C 4, D & E 5*, F & G 6, H & J 7, K & L TOTAL PREVIOUS PERMANENT IMPACT AREA 3,099 S.F. (0.071 AC.) 3,965 S.F. (0.091 AC.) 597 S.F. (0.014 AC.) 2,930 S.F. (0.067 AC.) 1,940 S.F. (0.044 AC.) 4,455 S.F. (0.102 AC.) 6,255 S.F. (0.144 AC.) 23,241 S.F. (0.534 AC.) NEW TEMPORARY IMPACT AREA 1,189 S.F. (0.027 AC.) 2,018 S.F. (0.046 AC.) 404 S.F. (0.009 AC.) 620 S.F. (0.014 AC.) 467 S.F. (0.011 AC.) 886 S.F. (0.020 AC.) 1,296 S.F. (0.030 AC.) 6.880 S.F. (0.158 AC:) REVISED PERMANENT IMPACT AREA 2,231 S.F. (0.051 AC.) 2,560 S.F. (0.059 AC.) 237 S.F. (0.005 AC.) 1,660 S.F. (0.038 AC.) 1,251 S.F. (0.029 AC.) 2,921 S.F. (0.067 AC.) 4,182 S.F. (0.096 AC.) 15,042 S.F. (0.345 AC.) SCALE: I 1 o 100 1" = 1 00' II I 200 300 *CROSSING RELOCATED 2,231 S.F. (0.051 AC.) 2,560 S.F. (0.059 AC.) 237 S.F. (0.005 AC.) 1,660 S.F. (0.038 AC.) 1,251 S.F. (0.029 AC.) 2,921 S.F. (0.067 AC.) 4,182 S.F. (0.096 AC.) 15,042 S.F. (0.345 AC.) REDUCTION IN PERMANENT IMPACT AREA 868 S.F. (0.020 AC.) 1,405 S.F. (0.032 AC.) 360 S.F. (0.008 AC.) 1,270 S.F. (0.029 AC.) 689 S.F, (0.016 AC.) 1,534 S.F. (0.035 AC.) 2,073 S.F. (0.048 AC.) 8,199 S.F. (0.188 AC.) (I) ID ID >- ::L ~ ~ ID ..., ....., ....., ,...... ,...... (/) IX) IX) Q::: 0 0 w I I (I) IX) IX) :::iE 0 '" ::> I I z 0'> I'- I[) 0 0 l5 '-" '-" Q::: ~ ~ <( I- Z Z W W ~ ~ ~ a.. ~ ~ :::iE 0 0 Cl 0 0 w (/) (5 (5 ~ w W Q::: CJ) CJ) lX) IX) (X) 0 0 0 I I I 0'> 0'> '<t 0 N ~ I I I N 0) I'- ~ 0 0 -l N ..... 0 r<) I lID J a::: a::: ~ CJ) t-if ~0 ~<l: ~fo' ~~ ~ .,,,,1"" ... li-- z o Ii: a::: o CJ) w o -l -l ~ CJ) Z :::> l- I- ~ Z CJ) w W ~ z CJ) 0 :::> :E CJ) ~ Gj (I) :r: a::: i2 a::: 0 0 z <C IX) 0 0 0 '" <g a: 0 z w UJW 01- z<C <C" ..JJ: 1-1- wO: ;:~ .C><:) ~ 't) ~ !\\ ~ ~ -\-. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .uJ - ~ w ~ o cl1 > -:r cC) ()O D I J) o . o . z "" c Z <C ..J W ...J p.:; ~ ~ ~ l? If) ;?; ~ l?QOO <<~ 32i ~ en ^ ~::r~5 a: <dOb w <-'::r::::> z Z ~ ~ ~~ == OO.....--i o Z ;;; e::: .... C'\l 0\ 0\ . 0\ 0\ l"- S .... e;.. ....:i ~ ~ . u I"')..q- Z tOO fS <0<0 I-f 0'>0'> I I " 1"')1"') E rJ) rJ) ..q-..q- 0 ~ 1"')1"') 0 z ..........,...... 01 ~ o 0 c ~ ..... ..... Q) ~ 0'>0)..... ~ '-"'-"~ z w @ Z Q) o ~.2 o(j I-f J: ~ 0 0.. La..: 0 ~ Z ..... ~ 0 W~ 0 w'" rJ) a::: ~ 8 z li>~ H Wz ~ S ~o " 0:::1- <(0 rJ) ~Z ~ ~ N~ rJ) a=' Z 0'>3: 0 0 Z u 08068 DESIGNED BY: JPN CHECKED BY: JKB DRAWN BY: JFF DATE: 06/12/08 W-1 SEGi DS-OE34- Y.3 USACOE ActIOn IDI: . Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 910.452.2711 (office)' 910.452.2899 (fax) Transmittal Letter ~[g@~DW[g~ DEe 2 9 2008 Date: To: Of: December 18, 2008 Ian McMillan DWQ - Raleigh D9IR . WATEROOALITY WETlANDS ANI) STORMWAlER BRANCH Attached vou will find:* o Proposal o JD Package o Sketch(es) o Report(s) o PCN o Plans o Signed Wetland Map [g] Information Requested o Photo(s) o Other --------.--- -- - _._--,._-_.,-,._-~ ----....---- --_._--~--- --- - ---------------------'-------- -_._,..__._-_..._---_._._~-----------_.- Copies Dated Description 1 12/15/08 Response to RFAI for Northgate Multifamily - Leland, Brunswick Co. *If noted items are NOT attached, please contact our office. These are being delivered: o For your Review/Comment o Corrected and Returned o Other: [g] For your Records o For your Signature o Returned for Correction(s) o As Requested By: o Hand Delivery o Fed-Ex o UPS [g] Regular Mail o Fax Notes: Signature and (Typed) Name: m)ktheran Dat{ D~~er 18, 2008 Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 50uth College Road. 5uite L . Wilmington, North Carolina 284-1 2 9 10.4-52.271 I . Fax: 910.4-52.2899 . ofl=ice@segi.us www.segl.us December 15, 2008 Hand Delivery Ms. Kim Garvey Wilmington Regulatory Field Office US Army Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 Re: Northgate Multi-Family Complex Response to RF AI Classified: SA W-2006-32034-010 [SEGi Project #05-173.01] Dear Ms. Garvey, This correspondence is in response to your letter dated 5 December 2008, where you outlined the Corps' comments and recommendations surrounding the previously submitted Northgate Multi- family Pre-Construction Notification and accompanying documents. Per your letter, the application is considered incomplete based on the following: 1. Based on your application, it does not appear that you avoided and minimized impacts to waters and wetlands of the US to the maximum extent practicable (NWP General Condition 20 (a)). Please explain and document why the following may/may not be practicable: (a) Impact F appears unnecessary for movement within the development as there are two proposed access points to these buildings through uplands. Although the development along the north side of the main arterial road provides two access points within uplands, this does not allow ingress/egress to those buildings located furthest west, or even in the middle, should an obstruction occur west of, or at the intersection where, those two access roads meet. Not providing a third access would create a liability to the developers, as well as the Town of Leland, should the Town approve the plan with only the two accesses. With that said, the access at Impact Area 5 is the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative. (b) Bridging the crossing over wetlands. Bridging wetlands was considered during preliminary planning. However, the cost associated with bridging is not an economically feasible alternative for this project. SEGi 2. The site plan you submitted is unclear. Please address the following issues: (a) Please provide engineered plan view and cross section drawings of the proposed boardwalks in wetlands including how you propose to install the pilings without impacts to wetlands. To ensure that no permanent impacts to wetlands will occur with the construction of the elevated walkway, the Applicant proposed to utilize construction matting, which prevents rutting and protects the rootmat, and a pile driver will be used to erect the pilings. Once the construction of the structure has been completed, the walkway corridor will naturally revegetate with wetland species. Maintenance of the walkway corridor will consist of removing dead, dying and diseased trees, as well as the removal of vegetation that threatens the integrity of the structure or impedes the use of the structure (i.e., noxious species, limbs that block the way of passage). SEGi is not aware of the Corps' policy requiring the submittal of an "engineered" drawing for elevated walkways through wetlands. If this policy has recently been enacted, please provide this office with the written policy and we will be happy to accommodate your request. (b) Your site plan needs to clearly indicate the locations of all utility lines. The site plan has been updated to depict all utility line locations (see enclosed revised Attachment 2). (c) Please provide this office with a copy of your proposed stormwater plan, including maps. As discussed on page 13 of the previously submitted PCN, the Applicant is in the process of having a storm water management plan designed for the project. In discussions with the Applicant's engineer, Mr. Phil Norris, of Norris, Kuske, & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, Inc., it is anticipated that a storm water management plan, which meets DWQ Coastal Storm water standards, can be designed and implemented without additional impacts to aquatic resources. This can be accomplished by providing storage under parking lots, among other innovative techniques. While SEGi understands the Corps' concerns regarding storm water management, we feel the Corps' issuance of the requested NWP should not be contingent upon the receipt of said plan, and respectfully requests that the permit be conditioned to be valid upon issuance of a state storm water permit. 3. It appears, based on your plans, that you have not disclosed all your impacts. Please provide a detailed map of all proposed maintained rights-of-way through wetlands in the project area. Please be aware that mitigation may be required to minimize adverse effects of the project for permanently maintained corridors (NWP General Condition 20 (h)). Please include these in your impact assessment. 5EGi Right-of-ways (ROW) have incorporated into the cross sectional drawings for clarification (see attached revised Attachment 3). The previously submitted site plans do illustrate all impacts associated with the development. All temporary impacts will be returned to their pre-construction condition. Once construction has completed, maintenance in the ROW will consist of removing dead, dying and diseased trees and pruning limbs, that may be hazardous to pedestrians and/or motorists. The roads will be turned over to the Town of Leland and are not required to adhere to DOT standards. Thus, it is not anticipated that the proposed maintenance plan will have an adverse effect on the aquatic resource. A minor revision took place at Impact Area 5. The width of the pavement was erroneously inserted at 11.0' instead of 10.0'. This has been corrected (see enclosed revised Attachment 3, page). Subsequently, the change reduced impacts in Area 5 from 0.031 ac. to 0.029 ac., and total impacts associated with this permit from 0.348 ac. to 0.345 ac., and total cumulative impacts from 0.435 ac. to 0.432 (see enclosed revised Attachment 2 and revised Attachment 1, pages 4 & 5). It is important to note, this revision does not affect the mitigation component for the project. Thus, revisions to the mitigation portion of the PCN are not necessary. 4. Your mitigation plan is not accepted. Compensatory mitigation will be required for the project. (a) Please explain why Mitigation Banks were not considered. During the time the application was being prepared, there were no active Mitigation Banks available in Brunswick County. (b) This office recommends 2:1 payment to the NC EEP for the proposed impacts, as well as full preservation of the remaining waters and wetlands onsite. Further, this office recommends preservation of upland buffers to provide future protection to these wetlands and enhance their functions. Payment of 2: 1 to the NC EEP was proposed with the initial submittal of the application (see previously submitted Attachment 9). In conjunction with the minimization and avoidance efforts demonstrated, Applicant willingness to make payment of $32,250.00 to the NC EEP, and the 10:1 ratio (3.55 ac.:0.35 ac.) of wetland preservation, SEGi and the Applicant maintain the position that the mitigation offered achieves the Corps' recommended compensatory mitigation requirements and meets the overall objectives of the Clean Water Act (CWA). (c) Please explain why preservation of all remaining wetlands on the site is not proposed, including those areas that are proposed for temporary impacts at road crossings. See response to 4(b) above. With regard to the temporary impacts, all temporary wetland impacts are located within SEGi the ROW. Due to the potential for unforeseen circumstances, which may require disturbance within the ROW, those wetlands have been excluded from the preservation offer. It is SEGi's sincere hope that the information provided within and attached to this correspondence will satisfy the Corps' request for additional information and Department of the Army authorization will be issued to utilize NWP 29 for the proposed project. Should further information or clarification be needed, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 910.452.2711 or email medirectlyatdlutheran@segi.us. Sincerely, Dana A. Lutheran Project Manager cc: Mr. Chad Coburn (DWQ) Mr. Ian McMillan (401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit) Enclosures: Attachment 1: Revised PCN Pages 4 & 5 Attachment 2: Revised Wetland Encroachment Plan (12/15/08) Attachment 3: Revised Wetland Impact Cross Sections (12/15/08) ---~- - ... ". V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. No future permits to impact wetlands are anticipated with this project. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. Each impact must be listed separately in the tables below (e.g., culvert installation should be listed separately from riprap dissipater pads). Be sure to indicate ifan impact is temporary. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed, and must be labeled and clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) should be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: In order to construct the proposed development, 0.35 acre (15,042.0 SF) of permanent impacts to 404 jurisdictional wetlands will be required. The purpose of the fIll is outlined in the following list: Impact Area 1: Permanent nil of 0.051 acre (2,231.0 SF) is necessary for the construction of main access road (N orthgate Drive). Impact Area 2: Permanent fIll of 0.059 acre (2,560.0 SF) is necessary for the construction of main access road (Northgate Drive). Impact Area 3: Permanent nil of 0.005 acre (237.0 SF) is necessary for the construction of the main access road (Northgate Drive). Impact Area 4: Permanent flU of 0.038 acre (1,660.0 SF) is necessary for the construction of the main access road, the installation of two culverts and retaining walls (Northgate Drive). Impact Area 5: Permanent fIn of 0.029 acre (1,251.0 SF) is necessary for the construction of connector road, the installation of two culverts and retaining walls. Impact Area 6: Permanent nil of 0.067 acre (2,921.0 SF) is necessary for the construction of the main access road, the installation of two culverts and retaining walls (North gate Drive). Impact Area 7: Permanent nil of 0.096 acre (4,182 SF) is necessary for the construction of the main access road, the installation of two culverts and retaining walls (Northgate Drive). Impact Areas A - L ("I" has been intentionally omitted) are anticipated temporary impacts associated with a 5' construction buffer, put in place in areas where installation of the main access road and connector roads are proposed. All utilities will be located under the proposed roadways. Once construction of the roadways ~ isec.:t. Page 4 of 14 Ctt-++o..cJ-J rn eI'I t 1 ) has been completed, these areas will be returned to their natural grade and seeded with a wetland seed mix (see Attachment 3). 2. Individually list wetland impacts. Types of impacts include, but are not limited to mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. Wetland Impact Type of Wetland Located within Distance to Area of Type of IOO-year Nearest Impact Site Number Impact (e.g., forested, marsh, Floodplain Stream (acres) (indicate on map) herbaceous, bog, etc.) (yes/no) (linear feet) 1 Fill Wet flat NO NA 0.051 A Temporary Wet flat NO NA (0.027) 2 Fill Wet flat NO NA 0.059 B Temporary Wet flat NO NA (0.046) 3 Fill Wet flat NO NA 0.005 C Temporary Wet flat NO NA (0.009) 4 Fill Wet flat NO NA 0.038 D Temporary Wet flat NO NA (0.010) E Temporary Wet flat NO NA (0.004) 5 Fill Wet flat NO NA 0.029 F Temporary Wet flat NO NA (0.005) G Temporary Wet flat NO NA (0.005) 6 Fill Wet flat NO NA 0.067 H Temporary Wet flat NO NA (0.012) ) Temporary Wet flat NO NA (0.008) 7 Fill Wet flat NO NA 0.096 K Temporary Wet flat NO NA (0.014) L Temporary Wet flat NO NA (0.016) Total Permanent Impacts (acres) 0.345 Total Temporary Impacts (acres) (0.16) Previously Authorized Impacts (acres) 0.087 Total Permanent Impacts (acres) 0.432 *Parenthesis 0 denote temporary impacts 3. List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: 15.59 Ac. 4. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts. Be sure to identify temporary impacts. Stream impacts include, but are not limited to placement of fill or culverts, dam construction, flooding, relocation, stabilization activities (e.g., cement walls, rip-rap, crib walls, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. To calculate acreage, multiply length X width, then divide by 43,560. No intermittent or perennial stream impacts are anticipated with this project. ~rul~ Page 5 of 14l. At+a..c.n~-\- l) (~gl?l/2u') 7 -L~~~+b' ~^??!___. "O"N 'ONV131 <z (\ \-1 cr: 2> G - Sa IZ66'66L (016) "HI. WO::)"(>U9P1UO;il';)!JjO .096-(.( (016) XV,! 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