HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081199 Ver 1_More Info Received_20081217ddp 0^M00L_1N^s ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental December 17, 2008 Ms. Cyndi Karoly DENR/Division of Water Quality 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 Reference: Response to October 8, 2008 DWQ Letter Proposed Girl Scout Lake - Fairmont Road Statesville, Iredell County, North Carolina. ECS Project No. 09-14580B Dear Ms. Karoly: ECS Carolinas, LLP (ECS) received a letter from the DENR/Division of Water Quality dated October 8, 2008. ECS is pleased to address your concerns in our responses below. "Please provide a more robust alternatives analysis, including a narrative discussing why the existing onsite pond could not be modified to serve the purpose and need of the project and why nearby impoundments such as Lake Norman complex and the former Girl Scout lakes could not be utilized." Existing On-site Pond ECS has evaluated the use of the drainage swale that contains the existing on-site pond for construction of a lake. The swale cannot be used for several reasons. The entire drainage swale is 20 acres. The portion of the drainage swale that could be used for a lake, using the natural grades and topography is limited to less than 4 acres. A four acre lake will not satisfy the needs of the Girl Scouts Environmental Academy. The existing pond has a partially breeched dam and contains less than one-tenth of an acre of standing water. ECS has visited the site on multiple occasions over the last two years. The existing pond and its drainage swale have been delineated and the area has been observed during many of the site visits. The feature located within the drainage swale that conveys water into the partially drained pond has been dry during each of our site visits. The feature receives so little flow that the channel is not discernible through portions of the floodplain before it enters the South Yadkin River. There is insufficient hydrology within the drainage swale to support a one acre pond, much less a 23.42 acre lake. In order to supply the lake with water, an artificial water supply would be necessary. Water would have to be pumped full time from the South Yadkin River or water supply wells would have to be constructed and pumped full time. This could require impacts to the bed, banks and buffers of the South Yadkin River. It would also draw from its water and could impact aquatic habitat for native species that inhabit the river. The use of water supply wells and water lines would create land disturbance and would alter natural hydrology, function to deplete the water supply and potentially dry up the water source for nearby wells that people depend on for potable water. 4811 Koger Boulevard • Greensboro, NC 27407 • (336) 856-7150 • Fax (336) 856-7160 Proposed Girl Scout Lake - Fairmont Road Statesville, Iredell County, North Carolina ECS Project 09-14580B December 17, 2008 No Build Alternative The no build alternative is one where the lake would not be constructed. If the lake is not constructed, the Girl Scouts will be forced to sell the property. The current low impact development proposed for the Girl Scout Camp will have minimal impact to the environment when compared to alternate development that could occur on the property. Proposed conservation easements will protect the remaining streams and wetlands located on the site. If this site is sold, it is likely that the property will be developed with high density residential or commercial development. Conservation easements and riparian buffers will not be part of an alternate development scheme. The Girl Scouts have considered the use of the site in conjunction with alternative resources. Recreational facilities in the project area include Lake Norman State Park, Caldwell Park, Mac Anderson Park, Andrews Natural Area/ASMO Greenway, Newtonville Greenway and Garfield Recreation Center Outdoor Pool. Lake Norman State Park is the only park that provides swimming and boating amenities. Lake Norman State Park's swimming and boating amenities are not large enough to accommodate Girl Scouts in conjunction with the public who already use these amenities. A round trip to the state park is approximately 50 miles. Bussing the Girl Scouts 50 miles a day to use these amenities presents a liability to the academy. It is not economically feasible and is not a rational environmental alternative. Furthermore, other resources could not be used while maintaining the Girl Scouts SAFETY-WISE guidelines. Off-Line Lake Alternative The construction of an off-line lake has been evaluated as an alternative. The general topography of the site consists of uplands and steep sloping valleys that contain streams and fringe wetlands. Elevations range from 860 feet above mean sea level on the uplands to 800 feet above mean sea level in the valleys. Ideally, offline lakes are located adjacent to the stream that is the water source and elevations are only slightly above that of the stream. To evaluate this alternative, the best possible area to construct an off- line lake was identified. This area was determined to be to the southwest of the proposed lake and would use the same water source as the proposed lake. For comparative purposes, ECS evaluated the construction of a 7.0 acre lake in this area. In order to create an area that would be suitable for an offline lake, significant excavation, grading and earthwork would be required. To facilitate acceptable grades, grading limits would extend well beyond that of the 7.0 acre lake itself. Approximately 580,000 cubic yards of material would need to be excavated in order to create an approximate 7.0 acre lake. The excavation, movement and placement of this amount of material is not a viable alternative environmentally or economically. In addition, rock outcrops visible on the ground surface indicate that excavation of a pond basin may be limited by shallow bedrock. The amount of excavation required to build an offline lake large enough to fulfill the needs of the Girl Scouts could not feasibly be performed on the site. Acquisition of Other Properties The subject site was identified through an intense search of many different properties throughout the service region. Thousands of acres were visited during the search for the subject site. The Girl Scouts have not been able to identify other potential sites that would accommodate their needs without significant disturbance to the environment. The subject site was determined to be the best available site for the Girl Scouts and the environment. 2 Proposed Girl Scout Lake - Fairmont Road Statesville, Iredell County, North Carolina ECS Project 09-14580B December 17, 2008 The official search for property began in 2003 with the following site specific criteria: a minimum of 600 to 1200 acres, a visual buffer for safety, unique forest and water features and proximity to girls served (150 miles or less to Charlotte). Between 2003 and 2007, the Girl Scouts, Hornets' Nest Council looked at hundreds of properties to no avail. In the meantime, the council's existing camp sites at Lake Wylie and near Lake Lure suffered from encroachment and safety issues due to development of adjacent areas. The Girl Scouts current property at Oak Springs in Statesville, NC (Iredell County) was identified in March 2007 and closing occurred in October 2007. Several transactions occurred to acquire additional acreage surrounding the property to meet the criteria established by the long range property task group of the council and to fulfill the 100 year property decision for the council. 2. "Please provide a more robust avoidance and minimization narrative. It is the opinion of this Office that a 23+ acre recreational lake is excessive for this project." Decreased Lake Size Initially, the Girl Scouts sought to construct a 100 acre lake consistent with the YMCA-Camp Herring Ridge 100 acre lake located in Boomer, North Carolina. Due to site constraints, the Girl Scouts reduced the lake size to approximately 50 acres, modeled after the existing Boy Scout Camp Grimes. The Girl Scouts further reduced the size of the lake to 23.42 acres to minimize impacts to the streams, wetlands and wooded areas on the site. The construction of a 50 acre lake would have required additional impacts to approximately 2,206 linear feet of perennial stream and more than 0.10 acre of wetlands. The decision to construct the smallest lake that will support the girl scouts needs (less than half of its original size) has reduced impacts to perennial streams on the site by 40%. Conservation Easements The Land Trust for Central North Carolina has proposed conservation easements that will consist of a 300 foot riparian buffer permanently placed around perennial streams located on the site. Long term stream impacts will be avoided and upland impacts within the buffers will be limited as a result of the conservation easements. Only limited disturbance will occur within the 300 foot buffers. These disturbances include unpaved natural footpaths, access to the Yadkin River, a roadway in two areas, a tree house village and a pavilion. None of these will be located within 200 feet of the streams. Not only have the other streams on the site been avoided, conservation easements will protect and enhance each of the remaining streams on the site. In addition, the Girl Scouts are working with adjoining landowners to promote similar easements on their properties. Approximately 20,106 linear feet of stream will be placed in a conservation easement on the site. Potentially, 6,470 linear feet of perennial streams and 1,000 feet of the south side of the South Yadkin River on adjoining properties will be placed into easements. This project will protect a large amount of stream footage in an area that is likely to experience increased suburban growth in the coming years (with nearly 50% increases in population expected in Iredell County over a twenty year period). The buffers will provide important long term benefits such as improved water quality, aquatic species habitat support (e.g., shading) and watershed protection in addition to habitat for wildlife. These benefits would likely not be achieved if different development scenarios occurred (e.g., residential development) and no buffers were established. Not only are the streams on the site being protected and impacts to them avoided, the Girl Scouts are working diligently with neighboring land owners to protect and avoid the streams and wetlands on their properties. Proposed Girl Scout Lake - Fairmont Road Statesville, Iredell County, North Carolina ECS Project 09-14580B December 17, 2008 Sediment and Erosion Control Measures Sediment and erosion control measures will be implemented to avoid indirect impacts due to sediment runoff during construction. Silt fencing will be used to prevent erosion and capture sediment. Disturbed areas will be reseeded promptly to prevent future erosion and sedimentation runoff. Stockpiling excavated soil will be avoided where possible. If temporary stockpiling is necessary, it will be bermed with bales of hay. Additional Avoidance and Minimization Measures There are approximately 33,000 linear feet of stream channel and approximately 6.656 acres of wetlands located on the site. There will be no additional impacts to streams or wetlands beyond those that are proposed for this project. The dam of the lake will contain a road to avoid stream crossings and additional impacts in other areas of the site. The remainder of the site will contain various development and land use activity areas. The academy has been designed in a manner as to not impact streams or wetlands anywhere else on the site. There are approximately 1,000 linear feet of stream channel (low-quality, with unstable banks and a source of sediment for the South Yadkin River) that will remain between the dam and the South Yadkin River. The lower flow rate and the lake functioning as a sediment trap will help to decrease the amount of sediment that is currently being discharged into the South Yadkin River. The dam has been designed so that it will limit the impact of downstream flow during construction and at the completion of construction during times of normal precipitation. During construction, closable gates will be installed in the bottom and top of the riser to achieve continued flow downstream from the dam. Embankment drains and seepage through the dam will provide additional flow during and after construction. Downstream flow is not expected to be severely impacted during periods of normal rainfall. The Girl Scouts intend to monitor downstream flow characteristics following the completion of the dam. 3. "Please submit complete and comprehensive dam details." Dam details are included as an attachment. 4. "Please discuss how water quality standards will be maintained within the impoundment." As part of the construction of the proposed lake, the existing vegetation within the basin will be cleared and grubbed. Areas within the lake basin will be graded to create swimming areas, deep areas for sediment to accumulate within the headwaters of the lake and to gather soil for constructing the dam. Best management practices, including the construction of temporary sediment basins and erosion control fencing will be used to minimize and prevent surface water runoff impacts to the streams that flow through the lake basin. After the lake is constructed, an undeveloped, wooded buffer will remain on all of the shorelines of the proposed lake except for the swimming area. The buffer will shade out invasive species and algae that would deplete the lake of dissolved oxygen. The buffer will also keep the water in the lake cool. Sand will be placed in the swimming area and on the shore of the swimming area. The sand will overlay silty, clayey and loamy soil that would otherwise erode and potentially wash into the lake. The sand will function to filter stormwater runoff and stabilize soils within the unbuffered area of the lake. 4 Proposed Girl Scout Lake - Fairmont Road Statesville, Iredell County, North Carolina ECS Project 09-14580B December 17, 2008 The Land Trust for Central North Carolina has proposed conservation easements that will consist of a 300 foot riparian buffer permanently placed around perennial streams located on the site, including those located upgradient of the proposed lake basin. Long term stream impacts will be avoided and upland impacts within the buffers will be limited as a result of the conservation easements. The buffers along the streams located upgradient of the lake will filter runoff and prevent sediment from entering the lake. The buffers will provide shade and keep the water in the streams cool and limit the growth of algae and invasive plant species. Please contact us at (336) 856-7150 if you have any questions concerning this letter or if you need additional information. Sincerely, /tv 7 4Michael T. Brame Senior Environmental Scientist erase M. Poulos LSS Principal Scientist Attachments: Dam Details 5 _~...a~--~-- B d-, ~ _ ~ ~ ~ PREPARED FOR ~Y 4811 KOGER BOULEVARD GREENSBORO, NC 2740"r (336)856-7150 (336)85&-7160 hAX s =''I ~i ~i i I~ . i ~y k~ y ".:w'pb' ' ~i~ ~+°'d Y y~~ ~6 P~! r hb R ~ bP~~ t a' y j~ ~a a 1 t 1' ~ l~' ~ l/ 1 j L: ~;,3 i r [ t o a ~T ~R HWY X907 ~ \ F /i l/' ~\SC~F-y \FAIRMONT RD_.___.~ i~~ ~E O ~ Y yUNO~ 0.D ~ ~ ~ ~ S ~ ~y !~\i z ~ ~ ~ ~P 1~~ ~ ~ G ~ 77 ly ~ ~ I~ i ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ W THE PROJECT CONSISTS' OF OONSTRllCTION OF A NEW EARTNFILI~ EMBANKMENT ~ ~ DAM TO SERVE AS AN AMENITY f 0R THE CAMP. COTJSTRUCTION OF THE DAM ~ WILD CONSfST OF EXCAVATING ALLUVIAL MATERIAL, PLACING EARTNFILL, ~ \ BLACKWELDER RD ~I CONSTRUCTION OF` A :PRECAST CONCRETE RISER AND DUCTILE IRON PIPE .7 \ i l ~i ~ SPILLWAY OUTLET PEPE, INSTALLATION OF ROCK RIPRAP WAVE PROTECTION AND To I _ ~ %/i ~.N EMBANKMENT DRAIN. SYSTEM, -AND CONSTRUCTION OF A REINFORCED ~ i ao~ ~ ~ CONCRETE OUTLET STRUCTURE '-FOR OUTLET PROTECTION. i OWNER: l GIRL SCOUT HORNETS NEST SITE LOCATION COUNCIL 70Q7 IDLEWIL6 ROAD CHARLOTTE, NC 27212 704-731-6500 NOT TO SCALE GS-101 GS-101 (SHEET 1 OE 2) C011ER SHEET ~ REVisioNS: GS-101 GS-101 (SHEET 2 OF 2) RESE'RUOIft AND DAM DATA GS-10 GS-10 GS-10 GS-10 GS-10 GS-10 GS-10 GS-1C GS-10 GS-10 GS-10 GS-110 GS-102 SITE PLAN GS-103 (SHEET 1 OF 2) DAM - PLAN AND PROFILE GS--103 (SHEET 2 OF 2) DAM- P~Af~ A~1D CROSS SECTIONS GS--~04 SHEET 1 OF 2) ROADA~.IGNNIEI~T - PEAK AND PROFILE CS-104 (SHEET 2 OE 2} TYPICAL DAM AND ROaD APPROACH SECTIONS GS-105 PRINCiPA~ SPILLWAY - PLAN AND SECTION GS-106 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY. -PLAN GS'-107 WAVE PROTECTION'S - PLANAND SECTION GS-108 (SHEET 1 OF 2) EMBANrCMENT DRAIN- -Af~D COLLECTOR PIPE - P~~AN AND PROFILE CS-108 (SHEET 2 OF 2) EMBAN~CMENT D~RAIN1 'AND COLLECTOR PIPE -DETAILS RussE~~ a. BENOE~, ~.E. GS-109 OUTLET CHANNEL ~ ROCK RLPRAP LINED DfTCH - PLAN ~ SECTION NC PROFESSIONAL ENGI~E~R NUMBER 024430 'GS-110 (SHEET 1 OF 3) DETAILS - RISER, RISER BASE AND JOINT PROJECT PJ0.:09.14580A GS-110 GS-110 (SHEET 2 OF 3) DETAILS- GROUT. BLOCK COLLAR, PIPE CRADLE AND PIEZOIvIETER IssuE O,~TE: 12/15/Qg ~;s-~ ~ n ~~-11 ~ (~N~~T ~ n~ 3l f~~TAlI S - GATES A'[~l~ TRASH RACK n~~~~NFn RY~ RAC O ~S-111 0 GS-111 (SHEET 1 OF 3) DETAILS - PWD OUTLET BASIN DRAWN BY: MBs m m i GS- II a a GS-111 (SHEET 2 OF 3) DETAILS PWD OUTLET BASINS REVIEWED BY: Doc r ~5-111. GS--111 (SHEET 3 OF 3) DETAILS - PWD OUTLET BASIN DRAWING::: saFT:~ S 0 a ECS Carolinas, LP 2008, All Rights Reserved = - J 1 ~ ? r ~ ~ _ .,E . ;t ~ ~ F,~IRMUt~T ~Rp " % ~ ~ 1`1T ~ , -m ~ r ,r,,~ , ~tiJ ~ G I =-E ~ , : ~ , - f rE ~ l ~ ; ' ~I ~ il11 ~ i „t 1i , ` , 0 j( ,.~~::i~ r y~ f~ APPROXIMATE I.OGA~fiON~ OF WATER L}NE 4a1i xGCER BOULEVARD i A,",./ J °ffi~mg:l)}~ ~ ~ AT NORMAL POOE EL.; 772.0 GREENSBORO, NC 27407 \ )rr 1/~1/_, 1} ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ (336)856-7150 (336)856-'7160 FAX '\;J f' ~ ~ i I o ~ ~ - _;=?~I f ~i~~ ~ ~ u. ~ (~u ~ 1 ,r ~ ~ - ~ , , ~ o ~ , ~~EI r l 7~'`, J _'I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~}t ~ ~ , LIMITSOFCONSTRllCTION~DI~~U~B~ANCE AREA - . ; ~ ~ ~ !!~.I,, ~ ;~I l ~~o J ; ~ , _ 1~~ ~ , 1 _ ~ ~ o ~ ° ~ o ~ ~ N ~ f~' ~ Q _ ~ fit, , ~,r/°t}~ _ ~ - f ~ i _ ~ _ ~,.f ~ i r9--- ~ , , r _ ~ r , w.. , ~ ~ Y ~ l'~' t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J j j O fr r - - / SCALE: 1 =1000 0 ~oo0 2©00 1 ~ POSSIBLE STAGI~(G AREA _ ~ ~ ~ FOR CONTRACTOR SCALE IN FEEL (1"=10t}0} - r', ~ ~ BORROW AREA ~ NORMA f PROROSED \ ~ ~ / ' .NORMAL POOL EL. 77.2.0 ~ ~ W v ~ i 4 I~ ~ , ~ ~ . DAM EMBANKMcNT AND SPILLWAY ~ ~ O ~ W The contractor ma} use the tollowmg sta~~s as pay°t of his plan to meet the rei~uir~;lne~~s fr~r . ~ erosion and sediment control. The contractor ~s responsible foi determining the needfor, and O ~ ~ ~ , , ' . ~ ~ ' ~ w •k ~ rear be pond the 1 year level of protection ' ~ ~ ~ ' . Installm~ and addlt~onal prLteLt~on for the oa d y y ~ ~ 0 j O re wired by NCI~~NR. The ~cneral sec uence for installation of erosion and sediment control 1 i ~ ~ r } ~ _ ~ measures is as tolls BORROW. AREA ti ~ ~1n'~ 1 1, U on arrival at the site, and rior to any excavation, clearing. etc., install the sedimment ~ ~ y ' / ~ ~ ~ra1 ~ diversions, and tem orarv sediment tla s as shown on drawin .Also fences. tempi ~ p d P g g ~ install erosion control measures at contractor sta im7 area. ' Phase 1 - ~ ~ he entire dam embankment foot Tint roadway near dam, emer~enc Clear anal .dub t p ~ b_ y ~ o 820 _ s ~ilhvav entrance, e~~neraencv s ~illwa ,and downstream area as needed. Do not elegy or 1 . ~ . 1 y a__ ub size labs area. ' ~ I _ r~~ LXCavate alluvium hom area beneath the planned sp111way strttLtu~~, and cant sideof _ f~l ~ Boa creek as heeded. ~ \ - - iii = r ° cut a~~a and construct riser.. s illwav outlet i e, outlet basin, and ri ra ~ _ ~ Ba~kflll under ~ ~ p p P p ~ A Q channel, _ ~ ~0 \ 5. Be u7 eacavatin~ the roadwa ~ and emer~enc s illwav entrance. Backfill of undercut REVISIONS: ~ \ ~o L ACCESS.ROAD g ~ J y p ~ , , and embankment fill «~ill come from the excavation area of the emergency spillway and ~ gCp SEE DRAWING GS-1O4 FOR DETAILS roadwati~. ' , h. Be nn construction of dam emb~ilctnent on east side of creek and over spillway system.. ~ ~ ~ g , ~ , Phase 2 , ~ i 7. Divert stream through s ~ilrwav systemm. 1 ~ 1 - Excavate remainin alluvium on west side of creek, including creekbed, and backfrll. ~ ~ I g EM~ERG~NCY SPJLLWAY ~ I ~ f 9. Construct dam embankrmentsect~on on west side of creek. SEE DRAWING GS-106 FOR DETAILS ~ ~ ~ I Phase 3 I ' i 10. Clear and b lake area, exce t onl clear the area within 200 feet of the a streamm toe of ~ ~ P Y p ~ dan1. ~ j T ~ f _ - 11. Install pre~ometers and reservoil° dim gates. I ' ~ 11 i, Curbed areas. I 3 I~. SLed and mulch the dam embankment and a d s ~ b I ov 0 13. Close reservoir drain gate and leave o enmmlmum release valves upon approval by ~ u P ~I N , ~ l i ~ a r NCDE'NiZDa~m ~atety. a w ~ a • 0 a ° ~ o c 0 n~ \4 ~ M~ ° q I ~ ,I W a A R , 326 C ES \ ~ - DRAINAGE AREA , . , , O v ~ V 0 m G A.e.®.,.......23 ACRES RESERVOIR SURFACE ARE o ~ o ~ r k, .46.5 FEET N \F`? HEIGHT OF DAM ,F. W o R a ~~o a . / ~ VOLUME OF STORAGE ~ ~o x IPAL SPILLWAY, .316.7 ACRE-FEET AT CREST OF PRINC RUSSELL A. BENDEL, P.E. ..492.5 ACRE-FEET AT TOP OF DAM , , , , . NC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER NUMBER N ~ 024430 ..HIGH HAZARD CLASSIFICATION . ~ ~ , - 0 IFICATION ®a . ~ ..MEDIUM ° SIZE CLASS PROJECT NO.: 09.14580A z ° ~ N 12P DESIGN STORM . . MP ISSUE DATE: 12~15~08 ro ° nrci~~irn ov. RJR U LJIt71V LU U i. NORMAL WATER SURFACE ELEVATION e .772.0 FEET !T SITE PLAN DRAWN BY: MBS MAXIMUM WATER SURFACE ELEVATION.... 777.8 FEET SCALE: i TOP OF DAM ELEVATION e .......778.5 FEET SCALE: 1"=200' REVIEWED BY: DDC 200 100 0 200 400 DRAWING: SHEET: SCALE: I"=200GS-101 2 OF 2 c(~ ECS Carolinas, LLP 2008, All Rights Reserved ~~r ~~I i ~ ' T ~'0 ~ , ~ J i : I' - If . s EMERGENCY SPILLWAY INLET EXCAVATE AREA AS SNOWN ~~~I~~~~ RESERVOIR NORMAL POOL EL. 772.0 4811 KOGER BOULEVARD GREENSBORO, NC 27407 (336)85&-7150 (336)856-7180 FAX d ~ ~ ~ - PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY ~ (~`i~~li~~~ I ~ 96-INCH DIA. PRECAST CONCRETE ~Ir~r~. / RISER, 48-INGH DIA. D.I.P. OUTLET PIPE ~~,r.~ f`'1 SEE DRAWING GS-105, GS-110 ~,r I ~ ~ i / ~ N j FOR DETAILS ~ I I ~ I; ~ ~ _ - f ' C~i log ~ ~~1~lil',~~:;, ~ _ I ~r , t it l _ ~ / ROCK RIPRAP ~ ROCK RIPRAP WAVE PROTECTION ~ WADE PP,OTECTION _ ~ SEE DRAWING GS-107 FOR DETAILS ~ AREA RELATIVELY LEVEL 2 :1 V L. 7 6.0 ~ AT E 6 ~ ~t I ~i { , ~ TOE OF UPSTREAM SLOPE ~V~ ~ I ~ ~ I ' ' ~ I / ~ ~ -I+~ - - ~ i ~ o 1 t-- - - ~ - - - 1 I - < < I ~ I SLOPE 1O DRAIN 1~ = ~ _ - ~ ~ - - - - - E - A ~ ' _ ~ LOCATION > ~ 1 - - - ~ z z - ~ , ~ _ _ _ _ ~ Q _ _ _ _ ~ ~i l --1 . t i I r. ~ . , v i ~ ~ ~ ' ~ _ - _ ~ f ~ - - - - ~ ll' ~ ~ ~ ±,k~C 7 ~8 7 ~6 774 ' ! I I P 6 g+00 ~9 40 ~ P- ~a5+oa ~ oo+oo ~ 01 +oo ~ 02+00 ~ a3+oo ' 778 - - - - - V ~ - , 82 ~ ~ 7~4 ~ o~+oo III 106+ p_3 ~ 9 0~+0o f 110 ( ~ ~ ~ -f _ j - ~ I~ TOP OE DAM EL. 778.5 v r / j 1 7 Q i , r , ~ ~ ~ 1 \ t Y 1 _ _ i \ ' ~ _ - ~ I ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ _ _ i ~ ~ ~ E ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ EMERGENCY SPILLWAY' CONTROL SEC110 ~ _ - _ - _ _ ~ 6 r ~ V ~ _ ~ SEE DRAWING GS-1O~ ; V ~ Z V ~ ~ 8.0 ~ ~ ~ ~ FOR DETAILS , ~l - - ` -N_ ~ ` ~ ~ \ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1 it 1 - ~ r` ~'~1 ~ 'i i ~ ~ ~~T ~ \ 1 f ~ 1 ~ B--ECOTWIDE BENCH C~ 4~ 'SLOPE it \ ~ ~ V ~ 1 ~ 1' _ N ~ ~ ~ ll ' ' r.--~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 - \ \ \ \ \ ~ --~C - 1~ ~ 1 ~ ~ \ - ~ ~ ~ ' 1 ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - --~t_I ~ r ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1k ~ P • r _ III ~ ~ M ~ , ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -it- ~ ~ ~ fI - - ~ ; ~ ~ STA. 905+24:63 AT CENTERLINE OF DAM = REVISIONS: - \ STA, 2+32.38 AT CENTERLINE OF SPILLWAY. ~ ~ KMENT DRAIN SYSTEM ~ ~ 1F ~ ~ ~ ~ EMBAN ~ a / ~ V ~ V ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ A SEE DRAWING GS-108 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'V ~ FOR DETAILS _ „ - -,F E ~ Ifs--,ice ~ ~ ~ ,1 - ii f~ t \ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - 's ~ ~ ~ 1 v t V' ~V \ ~ ~ fill tt! ; ~ ~ ~ ~ , - . , ~ ~ DOWNSTREAM CREST OF BENCN / II f ~ ROCK Rf~PRAP LINED DITCN ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ EL. 759.68 _I~ _II II - ~ SEE DRAWING GS-109 FOR DETAIi_S ~ ~ - ~ \ ~ ~ TOE OF DOWNSTREAM SLOPE ~ r i~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ I II i, 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 1 ~ N 1 II II ll 1 ~ ' ` ' ~ \ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ II r~1 1, F ~ PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY OUTLET BASIN _ SEE DRAWING GS-11~, SHEET ~9 AND 2 1 ~ ~ ~ 1 - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FOR DETAILS ~ ~ ~ \ V 1 1 t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1 zH: v z ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ i I ~ ~ \ ~ 0 t m ~ ~ ~ x ~ ~ o= 1 r ~ li ~ I ~ 1 1 ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 A ~ ` , A~, ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , m 1 ~ ~ i ~ ~ ' 1 i , 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ \ ~ \ ~ ~ EMBANKMENT ORAfN ~ 2y;~jV l 2% ~ au L , ~ t ~ a ~ ~ ~ 1 ' 1 ~ EMERGENCY SPILLWAY a ~ ~ ~ V ~ A _ ~ SEE pRAW1NG GS-108. , ~ ~ 1 ! ~ ~ _ ~ ! r~ ~ SEE DRAWING GS 106 i ,1 1 ~ ~ ° ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 1, \ ~ ~ FOR DETAELS r ~ o i ~ ~ ~ fOR DETAILS i ~ d ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r a ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~ r~; ~ ~ ~ I ~ ROCK RIPRAP OUTLET C}~ANNEL PROTECTION ~ ~ u; o 1, ~ ~ ~1 1 l / l i ~ ~ ~ SEE DRAWING GS-109 FOR DETAILS i 1 ~ ~ ~ ~'i v ~ ~ ~ ~ lei \ I/~ lr ~ 1 °a ' 1 , , i ~ ~ ` 1 1 '1 ` f A 1 ' ' 'OQ 1 ~ ~ C 1 1 s a a ~ ''i A ~ \ 1 RUSSELL A. BENDEL, P.E. N ~~~~V ~ 1~ w x , 1 ~ ~ 1 1 V 1 V~ ` ~ b~- Nr PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER NUMBER Q2443Q 0 1 ~ ~ 1 F 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1, 1 11 1 ~ , N ~ 1 , 1 1 _ 1~ 1. BORROW FOR EARTHFILL DAM EMBANKMENT. FROM 1, EMERGENCY SPILLWAY :EXCAVATION AND ROADWAY CllTS. ~ ~ ,1 ~ ~ 2. FOUNDATION PREPARATION INCLUrDES REMOI~AL OE ALLUVIAL PROJECT NO.; 09.14580A 1~i~ATERIALS, SEE-DRAWfNG GS-103 SHEETS 1 AND 2 FOR DETAILS. 1 ~ ~ ~ k ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ISSUE DATE: 12~15~08 DESIGNED BY: RAB i ; , ro I DRAWN BY: MBS m 0 SITE PLAN m m 30 15 0 30 REVIEWED BY: DDC SCALE. 1"=30' "-30' '=30' DRAWING: SHEET: GS-102 1 OF 1 W 0 a (E ECS Carolinas, LLP 2008, All Rights Reserved a / ~ ~,ORMAL POOL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'o ~ ~ EL. 7720 i/`' ~ ~ ~ sx oo - - - - _ /i ~ o, - - ko 7 ~ END OF DAM o ~ ~ ~ ~ STA. 106+50 ~ . ~ ~ C s _ _ o ~ ~ o _ r ~ 8~y ~ - i ' a 9 0 , , END 'QF D,4ivi 0; / a a ice, ax ~ ~ _ ~ - ~ ~ - _ Q oo ~ - - STA 100+78 _ - a ~ ~ _ , ~ s o ~ , _ _ ~ ~ ~ • ~ , ~ ~ ~ r' ~ ~ ~ ~ , , ~ i _ ~ 0 o _ _ _ ~ ~ r Igp . ' _ - ' i ~ ~ g - _ _ _ - - _ a rt: ` ~ ~ e~oo ~ 7 a4,_.~t a ~ ` ~w ns,rt I _ u ~,u, ~ ~ ~ \ ~ \ ~ ~ 7 ¢ ~ ` ~ ~ 111 y ' _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ 1 ~ 101+00 t02+ao 703+00 10 00 105400 10 ~ 6 7 782 7~4 1 o r ~ ~ ~ 107+00 t ~ ~~~Q~l~~~~~ ~ ~ '80 ~ ~ 4811 KOGER BOUI~Vt~RD rn ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ GREENSBORO, NC 27407 y ~ ~ (336)856-7150 (336)85-7160 FAX - - - - ~ _ - ~ r } ~ - ~ - - - o ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ , - ~ ~ ~ V~ - _ ~ - ~'A, /1 ~ .r ~ ~ ~ - / - - - - - _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - . ~ ~ _ r ~ r ~ V _ ~ ~ - - - ~ ~ O ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V ~ ~ - - - _ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~1 ~ OC ~ ~ ~ \ _ ~ f`J ~f Yr o ' ~ \ soo r w ~ fj 3 ~ ~ 1 r it ~ ~r-} ~ f E / ' c E w , ~ r~~~ ~~wiE ~E gig ` ALLU'v!A~4 REMOVAL o 3. r. l_.J Q ro ~tik°° ~ ~ ° i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H o ~ 0 m F~ m 1 O / 0 rn rn i 0 0 u~ SCALE: 1 "=60' ~ 60 .,0 0 60 120 120. w 0 a SCALE: ?"=60' i m 3 b 0 E 800 d i!1 TOP OF DAM U aoo ~ C~ ~ J EL. 778.5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PLANNED GRADE ~ (AT DOINNSTREAI,4 CREST}-~ x ~ ~ ~ f ~ NORMAL POOL EL. 7 7 2.0_. EXfSTING GROUND ~ I ~ r a r ~ W ~ ~.rr~r_r p~~°' ~ ~ W o rr-rrrr ~ o ®rr~. B-4 U / i i O ~ ~ r EARTNFILL EM r r B-„ ARTNFILL EMBANKMENT-, (~c~oEOnM> ~ f- \ ® r 13 ~NL m s 0 SM qy m 750 { --°°°0--.r B 5 \ ~d'/° 2B ~ ( 1~ CL DF DAM) O ~ m ~5 i ~ 750 ~ ~ N q ~ tq r v 9 9 B-1G B-10-A I~ ~ ~ 17 : Sk 74 ~ ® ® r DL DF DAM) ti E06 ~ Z0.0' _ _ D B (96• U.S. OF CL) (16. OFFSRT~ ~y„i (A2' D.S. 6F CL) E69~® (183' D.S. OF CL) -Wi (DRY) e ~ _ s r,...,.-~~®.~ ~.-m^t.~~~. O ~ ~ fA ~.~my~~®0e~~.om.~~...........®.~.-~~g 9 g.~..~.~v.® uwv 20.0• ~ 8 ~ 2 ~ ~d 0. i7 - Y ~ SM ,NUv 2 > a~uv ~3 ~ (pRY) I, 12 e B-7 '.3 ~ i, ~ (103' D.S. OF CLJ 2e ; niiw 18 ~ 4P 11l SD/6• N 1e~~~" EL 737 3 % v 1{A 71 i ~ ~f I 30/6'' M, p ~ 2 ~ hlluv D `f ~ ECD ®25.0' 30 3" ~7 4 } ;Nr ~/a' ~/B. ~ ~ AR ~ 153' ~ ~ f YA V ~ k4u ~ ~ l AR®18.5 w/e' I = AR4?21.5' 3(1 tJ EXCAVATION LINE FOR" ' E08 ®20.0' AR ®23.5' ~ ~ I I~ ALLUVIAL REMOVAL AREA- 'B , EOH ~ 15.0 ~ ~ m ~--PRfNCiPAE SPILLWAY .OUTLET PIPE ~ 700 a REVISIONS: a D 700 ~ 101+00 ° 102+00 ' 103+00 a 104+00 d 105+00 10fi+00 6 m O m m m ~ - b O - N H PLANNED GRADE w ~ EXISTING GROUND ~ EXISTING GROUNI D-12 r_r_r LEVEL SECTION EL. 774.55 800 B-, B-, STING GROUN PLANNED GRADE (fl CL OF DAId) ~ ~m~o®__m~~.~~o~~~o~~~v a ~ ~U~ ~ rrrr„~`AE.A~,^L..,~,rr !w a of oAtip ~ _ g~~~~,u~~~ .~A. 800 - _ I a ~L a ~t -®rr_r m s (~,I~ ~ t i a 9 ~ ' 8-2 F ° s o °ar"",~,,, w 10 r . ® CL OF DADA) ^°°'J a - ~ r°' m 7 ~ ~°1°em~ ~ 74 41. r® rwrmr®.rrrrr~ w~"°'~~r•~° EOB ®75.0 3 ~ 2t uL r~ ~ ' 2a (DRY) y - it o EOB ®20.0' E06 ®Z0.0' a (DRY) (DRY) 1a s.M v ~ ~ (DRY) b i '0 o ~ ~ I U !i d f ~ t °m 8~ I EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CONTROL SECTION 750 0 I i 750 0 N U W O d ~ i - y v x RUSSELL A. BENDEL, P.E. O gy" lD NC PROFESSIOPtAL ENGINEER NUMBER i i N ~i ~ 024430 I 700 ~ i 700 98+ i N 00 99+00 100+00 107+00 x-00 108+60 109+00 PROJECT N0.:09.14580A 0 ISSUE DATE: 12~15~08 Q O m n~~ir_ninn Rv I~AR m 0 DRAWN BY: MBS m m m 0 0 NO-TEW REVIEWED BY: DDC v P"' R O"N FILE ALONG CENTERLINE OF DAM ti NDIVIDUAL BORING LOGS ARE INCLUDED WITH CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS DRAWING: SHEET: w SCALE: 1"=20' 20 o 20 Zoo GS-103 1 OF 2 0 r- SCALE: i "=20' -2Q' c) ECS Carolinas, LLP 2008, All Rights Reserved / 'V / i, ALLUVIAL REMOVAL JAL - ~iREA ~ ; ~ - - ~ ' ~ ~ ' 1 ~ ~ ~ , i r ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ _ - o°~~ ~ j . _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - r i ~ - - - ~ ~ ~ X 1. ~ ~ _ ~ I ~ _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ _ ~ i o ~ i ~ e o ~ ~ i i i a / ~ ~ - i a Q ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ © ~ - I v ~ ~ 9,y ~ - o - x o - - _ ~ ~ 0~ i ~ _ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i - - ~ _ ~ - _ o ` - _ - - xoo _ ~r - - ~ , o ~ } ~ ~ - - _ _ _ _ i - - = I - - - - - _ _ ~ ~ . ~ i a ~ _ ~l _ - - ~ - ti ~ ~ ~~o ~ ~ - - - - - - - ° ~ 98' ~ ~ ~ i _ ~ ~ - ~ - ` ~ f~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ , 1 ~ X00 ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ o ~ ~ ~ A ~ ~ ~ _ ,w. u. ~.~_._x, ser.n =.._y~__ m., . ~ 84 _ r,r - - ~ ._a ~,L- ~ ~ 8 ~~y v : ~ ~ , , _ _ _ 7 - - - _ _ ~r ~ - ~ \ V ! ~i 178 7~8 774 s - - ~ a , , ; V ~ , j 99100 m A ~ ~ ~ 1~A+04 X101+00 1D2+00 103+00 905+Od 778 o ~ ~ 10 OQ ~ 106+09 ~ ~ ~ a / ~ ~ ~ ~ 4811 YOGER BOi1LEVARD os+oo log+o0 7a2 ~s4 ~~~nBAoo /~//~;~i ~ GREENSBORO, NC 27407 m ~ ~ ' 30-F6Q ~ E I-- -f- ----~-'-r` ~ ~ ~ ~ , ' % ~ (336)856-7150 (336)856-7160 FAX I m ~ III v ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ _ ~ - 780 `7 - _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V V A ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ I - _ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ f-, ~ ~ A A V ~ ~ ~ ~ A . _ , j ~ ~ ti ~ e ~ _ . _ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ 0. i ~ V - - f' ~ - ~ - ~ ~ ~ A ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ .V - - 1 ~ - - ~ rn A ~ - - ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ t ~ ' ~~i w ~ ~ s E ~ ~ . t ~ , ~ goo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r r~ ~ , ~ ~ _ ~ r ~ ~ ~ F - ~ ~ ~ - ~ O r=~ ~ - A~ F ~o _ ~ ~ o ~ ,1 \ ' ~ ~ _ ~ ~ z m ~ ~ - ~ ~ , ~ 1 r ~ ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ t ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ` - ~ ° ~ ~ ~ ~ Pil F i ~ P, a o ' . ~ I ~ ~ x00 `J' ~ ~ t ti l~ ~ r ~ qo- i ~ I w A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ej~~ 1 u rj: ~ a ` ~ ~ a , \ ' C7 ~l .n`~ 1 ~1 1m/ ~ '~d / ~ - , O ' / i _ i 3 CC--,, v E C~ o ~o ~ oo CJ U _ ~ q~ 4 SCALE: ' 1 "=50' scaLc: ~ "=5a' ~ "=50' x ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ o i n ~ ~ ro c o ~ ~ ~ ~ 780 a --------------q-v-__®_®-m--.-_____-___ 780 ° Q ~ ~ o -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 '120 140 160 UPSTREAM SLOPE m 'WAVE PROTECTION g S€E DRAWING GS-106 RESERV01~' FOR DETAILS TOP OF DAM EL 778:5 NORMAL POOL EL. 772.0 ~ 105+50 ~ W , `I 25:0 ~ EMBANKMENT DRAIN SYSTEM 780 780 780 780 780 1, ~ ~ 780 ° ~ SEE DRAWING GS-108 780 ~ 3 _ i1 FOR DETAILS 760 760 = -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 -120 140 160 760 m 760 3 3 3 ~ D0INNSTREAM 0 li ~ ~ i1 g , P .SLOPE J STREAM SLOPE 7 40 740 ~ 0 74 - 4 740 ~ , 3 ~ - 10.Q' EXISTING GROUND 780 780 -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 o -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 REVISIONS: v _OPt , 760 BEN',CH IN DOWNSTREAM SLOPE ~ X00 CUTOFF TRENCH ro -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 D 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 o ° LOCATED OUTSIDE -OF ALLUVIAL REMOVAL AREA U ~ 106 J O a 0 ro 780 780 ~r i m 0 760 760 780 78a 780 780 78Q - _®.m._,-®.~ m I 0 0 ~ 760 760 740 740 760 760 .760. -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 _ 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 U O a -160 -1 - -1 a 740 _ 740 40 120 00 -80 -60 - ~0 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 740 106 5 0 v E -160 -140 -12D -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 -100 120 '140 160 78a - _ - 780 0 N m 3 ALLUVIAL REMOVAL 760 - - - 760 p 780 780 a -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -6Q-40 -20 D 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 n w__ 760 - ~ 76D o 780 70o/~ U UQ 780... Q C 740 740 -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 760 760 107 ~0 m 0 760 740 740 0 780 - - - 780 ® 740 r N 780 780 ~ -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60' -4U -20 d' 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 w ° a -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 _120 140 160- N 760 760 _ ALLUVIAL REMOVAL RUSSELL A. BENDEL, F.E. x p' d 740 740 NC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER NUMBER -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -4 0 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -140 160 024430 N m s E 0 ° 780 N 780 PROJECT NO.: 09.14580A o U ISSUE DATE: 12~15~08 a 760 Inn V DESIGNED BY: RAB ~ u-s rce-ormr-rama~- mom- -rmm~mm-m----m--~ ~ r rrmm-.per " rmm^marsa - 740- - - - - - - - - - - - 740 rn DRAWN BY: MBS rn m -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 NOTE: REVIEWED BY: DDC DETAILS SHOWN ON STATION 104-00 ARE TYPICAL FOR DRAWING: SHEET: U w 40 20 0 40 80 EARTHFILL EMBANKMENT SECTION. S-103 2 OF 2 'E'TIONS ALONG CENTERLINE OF DAM O r SCALE: 1"=40' SCALE.- 1"=40' QECS Carolinas, LlP 2008, All Rights Reserved /~1/ I u~ 1a j 1 i ~ PROPOSED ~ NORMAL. POOL EL. 772,0 ~~~~l~~~ 4811 KOGER BOULEVARD GREENSBORO, NC 27407 T~ 93k~ ~ r_URVE DATA pC~.. ~ CENTRAL ANGLE. - 4':d 38m 51.88s 88s (336)856-7150 (336)856-7160 ~'AX ~ I - RADIUS = 500.00' BEGIN PROJECT ARC LENGTH. = 372.17' STA. 92+50 ~ ~ CURVE DATA _ TANGENT LENGTH _ 195.1&' CENTRAL t1NGl;E - =77d,32m 43.52s ~ ~ . i CHORD LENGTH = 363.04' a~~ RADIUS - 400.00' ` ~ SE = 2~ ~ qT ~ ARGCENGTH = 548..38'. ~ ::TANGENT LENGTH = 321.29' Q S 'CHORD -LENGTH = r 500.98' _ T9 ~Y ~ p ~ SE: = 2% ~ ~ IK~ w ~ ~ ~ ~N~I~ ~~`~Ul~' ~a1r. x, ~ l~`.n.l ,rn~i~a;~q~ti ,a ~~y,}, ~ rc,~,; '~;Q ~ r J fly t'1 ~r + (,1 . - '~f~ ~ ~ 820 ~ ~ ~ ' ~ \ r I ~ / J - ~ + _ w ~8 64 ro ~ / ~ ~ v., ~ , ~ti r ~ _ _ T ENp PROJECT STA. 113+25 , . ~ - - r „o. _ . - BI ' . ~ , - ,o _ ~ _ ~ X Y ~ ~ - - - - E - _ - ~ --t ~ ; moo. ...r~..~ r.o~.....-.__... - _ , r ~ a _ _ i ~ r ~ ~ iDN9p 1G2aW tA:iCO iOHW 1M~~W ~ _ _ . \ \ ~ . ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ A ~ ~ ~ _ ~ - _ . - -~-4 - . . ~ , _ ~ aoo ~ ~ ~ ,,.d, ~ , ~ - ~ ~ ~I I- 800 ~ - ~ _ .CURIE DATA I I~~ ~ _ ~ . ' CENTRAL ANGLE = 27d 55m 8.58s', ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ , RADIUS = 200.00' ~ _ -~.M ARC LENGTH = 97.46' - ~ I' ~ ~ . ~ TANGENT LENGTH = 49.72' 11 ~ so , ' ~,,1.._t ~ CHORD LENGTH = 96.49 I J o ' ~ ~ ~ II ~ ~ o m o l ~ ~W ~ o _ ~ J ~W , CENTERLINE OF DAM a AND ROAD ALIGNMENT T ry °13y9 0 \ ~ [T 3 o SCALE: 1"=100' 0 100' 50 0 1OC~ 2CtG o _ - - SCALE t"='40' a i ~ tf7 U In ~ N y ~ y ry/y''~~ V W ' a 250' V.C. ~ ~ ~ 250 V.C. 200' v.c. ~ ~ ~ o : w J ~ REVISIONS: o -J W W U W a t(j to ~ ~ tfa ~ ' ~ ~ r~ f• O N ~ ~ ~ cv N N + + + O o + + + ~ cv o d' ~ r ~ 67 O Q Q O O m ~ ~ rn dN d~ 'Q~ d d d ~N 4N Id- Q~ Q~ do i I- O O $ (n ~ ~ ~ Ul U7 ~ CO { j ~ ~ ~ ~a N m U ~ ~ H ~ d_J ~J dJ w _,W > JO > j~j ~W 7W o >W ~W 7W ~ > W > W > W a ~ ~ ~ N 840 r ~ 840 Cp ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I'~ r } r h h J v -4- ~ 85 % r 830 £ J ~ W W 0 830 W J W w ~ ~ ~ d- 820 820 + ~ + ~ + 0 ~ ~ ~ ° O _ -1.58 ~ ~ o a d ~ d Q ~ 0 810 ~ ~ cn ~ r 810 s ~ ~ s ~ i k~ ~ 800 0 800 d ~ } j / ~ ~r ~ > > > / Q~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ° ~ a" a, 790 ~ } 790 m ~ ~ ~I ~ 780 ° 780 5 +0.00 kg U °a +0.00 % ~ a 770 770 ~ 40 C. 40' V.C. 40 V.C. ~ / - 7C 1 w ~ ~ / 760 x 760 RUSSELL A. BEPJDEL, P.E. ° ! EXISTING GROUND PROPOSED GRADE ~ 750 ~ 750 / NC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER NUMBER 024430 w 740 0 d °~......a° 740 v ~ E U o m - = 730 _ ,730 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ E PROJECT NO.: 09.14580A a ~ ~ O N ~ ~ ~ ~t ~ ~ O O O O ~ tO ~ N N N N N N N N N N i~ N 0) c0 r~ r. u7 i ~ ~ d- d' r~ N ~ ~ ~ d' 6~ ~ O ~ O ~t U} D~ Da ~ ~ ~ ~ IX7 ~ OJ CO ~ ~ O ~ f`~ ~ O O O CJ 01 to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I`, i\ h~ I<' r. ~ 0~ ~ 0~ CTS r ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ ISSUE GATE: 12/15/08 o W o DESIGNED BY: R,AB i - _ O cc 92+00 93+00 94+00 95+00 96+00 97+00 98+00 99+00 100+00 101+00 102+00 103+00 104+00 105+00 106+00 107+00108+00 109+00 109+00 110+00 111+00 112+00 113+00 114+00 DRAWN BY: MBS m 0 0 m rn m REVIEWED BY: DDC 0 0 "FILE AD 0 'NG CENTER LINE OF ROAD PRU DRAWING: SHEET: SCALE: 1"=100' H 0 50 100 200 GS-104 1 OF 2 o SCALE: 1"=20' V SCALE IN FEET ctf a ©ECS Carolinas, ALP 2008, All Rights Reserved POINT REFERENCED ON PROFILE ~ r ~ 25 0 FINISHED GRADE ~ I FfNISHED GRADE 780. ~ 2~ ~ 2~ r L. f 78.0 EL. 77$.50 m , 3 i '----11 _ PROPOSED NORMAL POOL POINT .REFERENCED / ~ EL. 772.0 ON CROSS SECTIONS 6 INCH CRUSHED AGGREGATE NCDOT GRADE 3 1 EL. 760.C i i--- EL. 760.00 4811 KOGER BOULEVARD ~ GREENSBORO, NC 2740`7 i 4~ 4~ EL. 759.68 (336)856-7150 (336)856-7160 FAX i 760 t t a:o r E 11 --_o®a~®_®v®®_®®®®®_~e_- _~__®o®®o ~ r~_ 1 ~ ~1 „~r , ~ r 1 b, ~ i~ i~ ~ J u ~ 740 1+00 1+50 2+00 ' 2+50 3+DO ~ ~ STATION 100+78 TO 106+50 N ~ ~ POINT REFERENCED ON PROEII.E- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TYP. FILL SECTION / TYP. CUT SECTION I ' -i , 14.0 14.0 ~ r-{ 780 I 2~ 2`o i ~ 3 ~ 3 11- ~ ,1 1 4.0 ~1 ~ POINT REFERENCED l ~ ; ON CROSS SECTIONS 8.0 ~ ~ 6-INCH CRUSHED AGGREGATE NCDOT GRADE 760 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+5O 3+00 s ° 0 a 4 v o 0 REVISIONS: E o 0 ~r n a STATIONS: 93+00 TO 93+23.84 a ° 111+76.82 TO 113+00 d O N tl' m 0 rn m m i 0 0 u~ F w 0 a m s E E w I POINT REFERENCED ~N PROFILE M v V O ~ ~ o TYP. FILL SECTION ~ / TYP. CUT SEOTION ri i ~ , , m ' ~ 2~ 0/ i 780 i ~ 0 3 3 a ~ 4:0 1f ~ 1 s I ~ 3 POINT REFERENCED ~ , o I ~ $.Q ON CROSS SECTIONS ~ . ~ 6-INCH CRUSHED., N AGGREGATE NCDOT GRADE x ro RUSSELL A. BEf~~DEL, P.E, O " 760 NC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER NUMBER 1+00 1+50 2+00 '2+50 3 3+00 ozaa~o s U 0 0 a a a 0 0 PROJECT N0.:09.14580A a - a 0 ISSUE DATE: ~ 2~15~08 o U DESIGNED BY: RAB a ~ ~ s a r s e e e Vim' a a m. %M e e R m u a STATIONS: 94+23.84 TO 99+50 DRAWN BY: MBS 107+00 TO 110+76.82 0 / m m m REVIEWED BY: DDC 0 0 *r DRAWING: SHEET: O w 0 5 0 10 zo GS-104 2 OF 2 O a SCALE: 1"=70' © ECS Carolinas, LLP 2008, All Rights Reserved I _ # I ~ , I ~ \ ~O 1 EMBANKMENT DI 3ANKMENT DRAIN STEM ~ ~ ~ ~ SYSTEM s ~ 1 : ~ I ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ III\` 265 FEET OF 48-INCH DlA. ~ ~ O PRESSURE CLASS 250 DUCTILE IRON PIPE ~ o ~ - ~ m i ~ m _ ~ _ ~ fx~ _.m - ~ . . ~tl~ ~A~~~~~~ ~ _ _ - T D i Ai,4 ~ ~ S A 105+24.63 CL I ~ _ . ~ ~ - 3 :1V ~ - ...A 4811 KOGER BOULEV.~RD ~ GREENSBORO, NC 27407 STA-~~+32.38"CL SPILLWAY . ~ T e_ . ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ (336)856-7150 {338)856-7160 PAX ~ ~ ~ i I ~ a~ s A ~ , .OUTLET BASIN ' a. ~ (u) i~J ~ " r~,~ . 25, ~ ~ \ _ ~ ~f ~;1j~1 ~~u ley, , ~bt~1i1~~~ 1~ ~ J,;,~~;1 96-INCH DIA. ~ ~ ~ - PRECAST CONCRETE RISER . ~ ~ m i ~ ROCK RIPRAP / ~ OUTLET CHANNEL ~ ~ ~ I I , ~ _ - _ _ J _ ~ N ~ ti - - - - - ti ~ ~ ~ ~ r- EXISTING CREEK CHANNEL ~ ~ ~ - - - : z i O Q ~I ~ ~ ~ 11 v . o I 3H ~ 1 t/ 3 ;1V ~ 3 :1V 3 :1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j ( i I ~W a~ ~ DAM CENTERLINE ~=i SCALE: 1"-20" m 3 v T 3 a STA. 105+24:63 AT .CENTERLINE OF DAPYh REVISIONS: UPSTREAM SLOPE STA. 2+32.38 AT CENTERLINE OF SPILLWAY = M WAVE PROTECTION. SEE DRAWING GS-107 D o ~ FOR DETAILS EMBANKMENT AN f FOUNDATION DRAIN, X96-INCH DIA. PRECAST'. ~ ASTM C33 SANG a ; CONCRETE RISER , SEE DRAWING GS-140 TOF OF DAM SEE DRAWING UARD AND ANT-UORTEX DEVICE TRA.SHG ' SHEET 1 OF 3 FOR DETAILS ~ EL'. 778.0 GS-1Q8 FOR- o ' SEE DRAWING GS-110 ~ I LOOAT(ON o SHEET 3 OF 3 FOR. DETAILS / NORMAL POOL ~ AND DETAILS.. t EL. 772.0 ~ 775 ~ 1,~~ - NCH ~ ~ $ FOOT WIDE BE DE BENCH ~ ~ :WITH 4% SLOPE ° RESERVOIR DRA[N GATE ONCRETE GROUT LOPE.. ~ 3 ' EL.' 760.0 TO 759.68 NOT SHOWN BLOCK COLLAR ~ ~ } TO 759.68 .,EE DP,ANING GS 110 (NOT SHOWN) ,-OUTLET BASIN a SHEET 2 OF 3 FOR DETAILS ~ SEE DRAWING 1 ~ / SEE DRAWING GS-111 ~ GS-110 FOR _ i o ~ NOME~GEt~OUS N D AIL EAf~THFILL FOR DETAILS ~ / 750 ~ EMB NKMENT ~ , ~ ROGK RIPRAP OUTLET ~ 1 `CNANNEI. PROTECTION 0 d SEE "DRAWING GS-109 FOR DETAILS a ~ ~ .gym 0 i ~ t ~ 1 10' o SPiLL~NAY OUTLET PIPE 1.1% SLOPE 1I- ~ I ~ ~ ~ 1 I 1 o ; 265 ~ EET OF 48-INCH DIA. PRESSURE ~ RISER FOUNDATION PAD 7 CLASS 250 DUCTILE IRON PIPE 2+00 / 3+00 i 00 10 ENC ~ ` 4+00 ~ ~ 5+OC END OF CONCRETE-J SEE ORAW~NG GS-1.10, ~ ~ PIPE CRADLE PIPE- CRADLE STA. 3+80.05 SHEET 1 OF 3 FOR DETAILS `-OUTLET INVERT ~-INVERT EL. 730:0 m ON EL. 740.0 ORETE PIPE CRADLE d 0 3 SEE DRAWING: GS-110; SHEET 1 OF 3 CUTOFF TRENCH FOR DETAILS U W 0 d r x RUSSELL A. BENDEL, P.E. ro 0 i co - NC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER NUMBER 024430 rn v SCALE: 1 "=20' a m - 0 a - PROJECT NO.: 09,14580A a I V ISSUE DATE: i2~15~08 o DESIGNED BY: RAB U 4 O DRAWN BY: MBS O m REVIEWED BY: DDC m O 20 0 20 20 40 DRAWING: SHEET: GS-105 1 OF 1 U SCALE !"=20' w 0 ,ALE: , '=20' © ECS Carolinas, LLP 2008, All Rights Reserved c a i i 9~ N 9s X~ I!_ . t 80 ti ~ o W E - B 0 00. LLP : ~ - ....s ~ r ' ~ ~ ~ i ~ 1 I 1 _ _ ~ s , ~ - - ~ ~ ~ ~ , i ~ , , ~ ~ ~ v , ~ , , i OA0~~1~~~ _ - - _ m .~...v~.,, a- 72 i 7 8 7~ -774' _ ~ r i 99 ~D,O 100+OD 102+00 _ ; ~ i ! ~ 101+00 ~ 1 103+06 4811'KOGER BOULEVARD ~ne . toa+oa ` ~0 00 Boa+oo ib~+oo ion+oo ` GREENSBORO, NC 27407 10+00 ~ i . t ~ , i i ~ ~ 1 ~ '(336)856-7150 (336)856-7160 FAX t I ti v ti ~ i 1 ~ y ~ z t i a l i i i v ~ f ~ 1 ` 4 - j ' ~ 1. r i ` 1 _ ~ - ~ ~_----r - ' / i n \ \ ~ 4 . B ~ D ; ~ _ - U a 1 ,t , ; CURVE DATA ~ ~ s, ~ ~ a ~ ! ~ENTR ~L ~ANGU~E - 27d 5' m 8.58s A ~ , .58s " ~QO~~~,~ U = 0 RADI S 200;.0 ~ : ARC LENGTH - 97.46 , ~ A N . _ . T . NGENT LE NTH = 49.72 d'~ H ~ 1 ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~CH{RD LENGTH = 96.49 `a ~ i k~ ~ 12 ~ j { J ~ I j rW~ a i y V1 ~ ~ , ~ J ~ a ~ ~ _ ' ~ ~ i ~ r i t ~ k ~ m, -~a f i r , , ~ i _ ` ~ p ~ i ` ~ % O ~ r i ~ i O , ~ , 1 B-1 ~ ~ , ~ ; 00 ~ i -.i I 1 O 1 3 ~ ~ ~ . a ~ { ~ ~ : 1 i y ' ~ f ~ ~ W W ~ i w p ~Q ~ 1 OD 1 1~ l i i < ~ t .e. N. 0 , 2: ~W i r r ~ f o~ ~ - 1. ~ ~ ; H W' _ .,.w , i f - CURVE DATA ~ ~ - CENTRAU~ A~1GLE~= 2~ r , P t GLE = 27d Om 4~;~03s RADIUS 200.00 00.00' 1-1 _ ~ ARC LENGTH - 94.29 H ~ 94.29' ~ - 4' 9 :91 ~ _ '4 r TANGENT ~ENG , H, ; ~1~GTH,~` = 48 04' ~ ~ , ? ~ ' 15+00! _ R D _ r _ . 5 ~ H. - CHO LE 3 ~ ~ NGT 9i . TH. = 93;4.2, ~ ~ v : i j f' . r , r a ~ ,y , . 1s+Do ~ , . . f < r ' REVISIONS: r t B ;1 rs 1 r i - - - ; t a~ ~ f - a ` s ~ F - r r I 1 x ~ ~ ~ i ~ x r +00 ~i~ b~_ t ` r a ~ ' ` r o , , r , , 1,.... ~ i ' ~ ~ ~ i r _ ~ r ' t _ t , ~ ; s ~ i l r t ~ J i ' r ~ , 1 : ~ l , ,r 1 T. r v ; . 3 _,a- ~ t F . , °v ~ ~O i ; t i i i ~ - r o - f a r r ~ ~ ~ r i i I f ~ ~ 3 ~ - r ~ - d v i 1&tOb ~ ( i r ti - r i i , r _ t D. i _ i ; ~ 7 r r 1 0 r j r . f i • : f p ~ . r , i ` ~ s r r^ O ~ : , ~ ~ £ r r i / ~ r _ ~ , t ; O..- r i i! i ! r Y r v : ~ i ~ f ~ i ~ ~ i - ~ t ey ~ a • ' / r s " r i ~ ~ 19+DD i i ~ r' O i ! ~ ~ ~ ~ r ; ~ t ' ~ : ~ i.' ,J e t ~ e; i / ~ r ` ! (J 3 x F : ! ~ r i r t ! j' a / . ~ _ f ~ m ' , y ~ r X , F r „ ~ , R. r 1 ; y r I t : o 1 ' ' ~ RUSSELL A. BENDEL, P,E. ~ ~ , ~ ; , , ~ ! r • t~DkOQ" ti ~ , w ~ r N t ~ . f/ f_ „ ~ ~ [ ~r ~ ; f ~ ~ ~ ~ e:_ f' F r ~ 024430 ' m ~ " r ~ J~ ~ - N ~ - ' NC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER NUMBER T i , - a a ~ ~ ,r . i N,. i .t • G „ i I ~ ~ n' 6 SY Q'D v ~ E f - 448 RlPRAP RE ; , lPRAP REQ'D - _ / - PROJECT NO:c 09.14580A CURVE DATA - . ~ I` ,'j ISSUE DATE: ~ ~ . a 12 15 08 ` ~Ef~TR~xL A~1°GLE ~-°86d 13m 42.98s ; a ~ _ Rknii i~ inn nn N' ~ ~ o _ _ DESIGNED BY: RAB OC) , } F _ LENGTH-r- 3011100 N AR . f a ~ DRAWN BY: MBS TEA GEN T .LEN GTH = 187.25= CHORD .LENGTH = 2735.38 / REVIEWED BY: DDC 60..:.:....o 0 60 120 DRAWING: SHEET: H -PLAN U GS--106 1 OF 1 SCALE: 7"=60' SCALE: 1"=60' ©ECS Carolinas, LLP 2008, All Rights Reserved t' ~ ~ ~ T. J ~D o , f ~ T ` D 0 ,m E~ W E ~.r u . . p~. w_... _.M ,._....F_... m.._ a,~ rr 4 ~ k 't. p . i x t ,4 ~ a ~ ~ 1 1 ti. ~ rn ' ? I CO~II~~~ , ~ t y i 1 ` ` ? ? ` ~ j. 4811 KOGER BOULEVARD III % GREENSBORO; NC 27407 t 'J~ (336)856-7150 (336)856-7180 FAX 1 7` ! ,t ~ ~ ~ f' III t ; ~ ~ 4 ~ r` ` ~ ` o~Vf r ;a k 4 ~ l ~ j i ~i III c f, ~ y { E r ~ ~ i 1 ) ~ : y , ~ . s j ~ ~ ~ I ` I r ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 a I I'; I ~ ~ ~ M ~ f 1 rj ? F i I I ~I i J~! r t dl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ a . - F ~ / ~ ~ r r t ~ F F ~ ~ ~ i I I \ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ t - ~ P ~ ~,___r dr - - I I - _ r~ ~ 7~, 1 . f r f r- - i i i ~ _ i : ~ ~ _ _ - - ~ ~ i ~ ~ 1 ` i• i ~ T - - . i ~ ~ ~ ~ / F ~ r j < ! ~ ~ ~ ~I d f, j ~ i i ~ ,.i " i i F ' I t r : ~ ~ j 1 ~ i ~ f . f ~ ~ ~ ! iS~ 778 , ~ ~ ,;'F ~ N ~ 1~2+00 101+0 ~ f` 103`00 - 105 25' 1 04;-f- 00 ~E~, J 105+00 I i I 1;06-00 ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F r r 107+00 ~ W f ~ ,i f r { ~ ~ s I i i l ,.d ~ ~ S i i f III 7 0 ~ ~ F 1 1 4 ~ ~ f ~ / r ~ t t ~ f I t ~ ( d t ~ ~ ; .k ~ ~ i ~`t + i 1 r ~ ~ ~ - i fI ~ d ~ j ~ ~Q D ~ ~w ROCK RIPRAP WAVE PROTECTION O ~ ~ I~ SCALE: 1°'=20' ~o ~ ~jQ~ ,v ~~~~~~Q ~~/+U 4' , ~~nll~n i 0 ,.E 0 0 ty rn: v u'' a •0 a a c REVISIONS: c TOP OF RIPRAP LEVEL a o: p O ~ ' d ~ CLASS 1 ROCK RIPRAP ~HES i MIN. THICKNESS 24 INCHES m m m 0 0 EL. 774.0 U - _.W K . EARTHFIL ~ 2 EARTHFILL EMBANKMENT 1 k. / NORMAL POOL EL. 772.0 -r / 6-INCH LAYER o / / 57 WASHED STONE > / >NE 3 / ~ / 4 / 1.75 0 / 1 o / .NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE / ~ 1 / EL. 769.:0 1.75 i rn rn _0 3 0 1 EL. 76$.0 1 1 , 3.5 0 a w EARTHFILL v X EMBANKMENT 0 RUSSELL A. BENDEL, P.E. N NC :PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER NUMBER 024430 P 3 11 ~ ' (O ~O~ - c 1 o SCALE: 1"=2' 0 a m a r3 PROJECT N0.:09.14580A i 2 1 0 2 4 a ISSUE DATE: 12/15/08 v Q SGA E 1 "=2' o L DESIGNED BY: RAB i m 0 DRAWN BY: MBS f m CY) -o REVIEWED BY DDC 0 i DRAWING: SHEET: U 0 GS-10'7 1 OF 1 © ECS Carolinas, U.P 2008, All Rights Reserved SPILLW, r SPILLWAY OUTLET PIPE t E ~ r,_ } _t ,E - S ,e III ' ~ , 1 ~ S ".1 ~ ~ , ~1, LLP 54 ~ ~r'~ ~ i t ~ - :'a af__._______~, ~ a CAa~II~~~ k~ ~ r 9, r . ~ ~ E ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ 1# _ _ - ` ~ } 1 ~ ` at ~ _ ~ 1 ~ ' ~ - 4811 KOGER BOULEVARD GREENSBORO, NC 27407 : ~ r ~ i ~ ~t i I I I i . ~ - (336)856-7150 (336)856-7160 FAX ~ 1 i ~e_- _ _a~_-_. _ ~ , 1 - _ ~ ' ~ r' ~ i ~ ~ r 'a ' i i i t s ~f=r--""~°. ~.-.,vs ~ ,.-m-n-P~~~ t t t f ~ ~ ' ~ r 1~ . < < ~ ~ , ~ ) ~ ~ ~p i i ~ ~ , t t i / ` ` ~ _ j ~ t ' ` -i ~ ~ 100+0~0 ; I t~ o 10`2+00 ` r J ~F .778 ~ ~ ~ 7 ~0 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ 101+0~ ~ ~ ~ 103+00 17.0 ' 1 105+00 04+00 III ~ 10+00, ! ) 106+00 ~ ~ , 107+00 ~ ~ 82 ~ 7 4. 108±00 r jr~ f 108 i08 y y .y 4 ; ! r j! ~ ; ~ k 108108', ~ F +1 '1 ' 7 ~p 7 2i ~ r , 1 ~ s. ~ 1 t f i ~ r b t ' r f~ ~ ~ S ~ r I ~ ~ ! r i ~ si ~ , ~ i r ~ 3, r a ( , Ill 4 ~ i ~ III r ~ t I ~ ' 1 q 3 i Ie 1 l ~ I x ~ ! t l ~ 1 t k ! , _`t p ~ i f I 't ) ~ { ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ t lyi r ) l t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t' i ~ ` V1 ; f ~ t i~ f ~ ' E . ~ ~ ~ - j 1 S P h i i o ~ , ~E ~ANKt~EN AIN r W i w i l ~ ~ , ' ~ II n ~ ~ , ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a : ~i ~ ~ II ~ II ~ I : ~ , ~ ' ~ ~ ~ a I ~ ~ . , ~ ~y ~ iP } " i x ? , ~ I I / L ` ~ O IL ' I ~ / ~ . _ ~ A . ~no ~ 1 I lil ~ t ~ ~ ~ i : ~o ~~o 6-INCH DIA. S~ -INCH DIA. SCH 40 PVC a . Q SOLID WALL EN )LID WALL EMBANKMENT DRAIN ~ ~ ' SCALE: 1"=30' OUTLET PIPES JTLET PIPES ~~~o ~ ~(r~~~ ~ ~ Q ~ p~~~~i0c, ~ o w ~'G~ U ~ ~ W ~ ~Hhk V _ _ Z W Y. 2. :m., ' TOP_OF DA:M ; W EXISTrNG GROUN EL 778.5 AT DOWNSTREA m ( M CREST . i END OF EMBANKMENT DRAIN TOP OF"EMBANKMENT DRAIN END OF EMBANKMENT D v ':STA. 101 +fi8. BANKMENT DRAIN EL. 767. STA. 106+ a STA. 106+30. C 800 . ti . , 800 REVISIONS: a 0 ro - ~ a _ o- rn J/ 0,,. I _ o (enavouq (e a a ow> ~ ALLUVIAL REMOVAL LIMIT = v _ LIMIT s . m ' 750. dy W 750 _ _ ~ _ eavcw ~ ) y w _ it ' ~ u x (e a a ouq (4z o.5 v a)(~p arrar~ / toa a aa.v i tl e ru xw _ Q' w. Q EE0016tl (OA» U+ Ya rr. . m q. N EOB 0150' M'e 16.3' mR. a A40/5Y. ~n a ma• 3 u 0 a _ , , ~ 700 _ 700 u G 101+00 102+00 103+0 104+0 105+0 106+00 107+00 BOTTOM OF a EMBANKMENT DRAIN EL, 728.. 0 MBANKMENT DRAIN - ASTM C33 CONCRETE SAND m i END OF 6-INCH- DIA. PVC COLLECTOR PIPE o END OF 6-INCH DIA. END OF 6-INCH DIA. PVC COLLECTOR PIPE 6-INCH DIA. SCH. -40 PVC STA 105+60 a PVC COLLECTOR-PIPE STA 103+60 SLOTTED WALL-(10 SLOT} STA 105+15 INVERT EL .737.0 INVERT €L. 738. COLLECTOR. PIPE _W INVERT EL. 732. a_ a:, M ? m NANGE IN SLOPE OF x: COLLECTOR PIPE e] . ° CHANGE IN SLOPE OF END OF 6-INCH DIA. .STA 105+47.5 RUSSELL A. BENDEL, P';E. INVERT EL 732.5 i COLLECTOR PIPE PVC COLLECTOR PIPE N STA 104+17.6 STA 105+31 NC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER NUMBER INVERT EL. 732. INVERT EL. 732. m 02443D 3, •o , 0 '.Y a E w, ( N. PROJECT N0.:09.14580'A V V.... 0 U: ISSUE .DATE: 1.2/15/08 Q - 00 DESIGNED BY: RAB all SECTION tlO D1O ALONG CENTERLINE OF EMBANKMENT DR SCALE: 1"=30' p A' DRAWN BY: MBS r DRAIN 30 15 0 30 60 REVIEWED BY: DDC SCALE: 1"=30' DRAWING: SHEET: GS-108 1 OF 2 ©ECS Carolinas, LLP 2008, All Rights' Reserved EXISTING GROUND ROCK RIPRAP CHANNEL BOTTOM EL. 730.0 2 1 1 2 BAR O I I~A~ 18 4811 KOGER BOULEVARD .GREENSBORO, NC 27407 . ~ 1 (336}856-7150 (336)856-7160 FAX 2 6-INCH THICK .LAYER BALLAST STONE (3-4° STONE) 4-FOOT THICK LAYER CLASS 2 ROCK `RIPRAP N NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE N A SECTION 1os 1os ~ E W SCALE: SCALE: 1 "=5' 1 1 ~nJ~JJ /~y p~J n ~ h~~l S JJ C~p~~~~~~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ „ ~ ~ i _ ~ ~ , i ~ ~ : , ! ~ i ~ 's ~ _ v r f } o ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ , , ~ II I ~ II ~ r ~ ~ ~ I i ~ - . ~ , i ~ - j ~ i ~ ~ j i ~ ~ ~ f 1i ~ EXISTING GROU Q~ WWI t ~ ~ - - , II III II , - - ~ , , , ~ ROCK RIPRAP'CHANNEL BOTTOM ~ W ~ ' ~ 4 j ~ ~ ~ _ , EL. 730.0 ~ ~ Q ~t 4 y II I II ~ , t, , ' 11 j O ~ ~ ~ II II I P ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ V • 1 H SE ` ~ ~ , K ~ } 4 = i 2 ~ ~ ~ ' ~ II I I ~ II , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F ~ 1 1.67'x- 1~ ~ 1 ~ f ~ i t 4 ~ 4 r 1 • ~ 1 t II I I II ~ ~ , ~ ~ r II III II , 4 ~ I • I ~ ~ 4 / / II I I II 1 ~ 2 6-INCH THICK LAYER BALLAST STONE (3-4" STONE) 9~ i ~ ~ , r, i ~ ~y ~ r s ~ ~ II ~ ~ + I E ~ ; ~ i 4-FOOT THICK LAYER - CLASS 2 ROCK RIPRAP I . ~ , 4 I ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 k II _.~I~ it i I 3 f I •t NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTfLE , , ) ~ I , I II ~ ~ ~ s T t ~ " 'i / ~ ~ , a + ~ ~ - o + , k I ~ E w d. 4 1 ' 11 II ~ I ~ REVISIONS: ~M ~ II (II II v i ~ ~ i. ~ ~ + I ~ + ' ~ 4 ~ I ~ ~ , B 1 o II 1 I i Il . , - SECTION 1os 109 I t I \ t , ~ ~ q ~ i I i T 4 , S( . - ~ 1 J ~ ROCK., RHPRAP DINED ,aITCH o 1 s l SCALE: 1„=5, 1 1 ~ II III I ~ I ~ y , ),l ~ I • 4 t ' `y , # ~ ~ , • l , W II II z K II a , ' • ~ , II (I _ ~ t 3 , 1 II II ~ , ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ t ~ , T ~ 2 S 6 _ n.. ~ 4~ ~ , + ~ 3 ~ . ~ , L 2,. ~ k, ~ ~ l ~ EXISTING ti r- EXISTING GROUND ~ ` a 1.09,1p , } , C. / ~y / O ~ 2 2 ~ 1 r ~ , ~ i t 1 , 109 , • ~ 109 ` l ~ s ~1 1 _ ~ ~ ~ 4 11 o + i ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ 1 + 1 , i ~ `F ~ E, t g 6 INCH 2-FOOT THICK LAYER 6-INCH THICK LAYER CLASS 1 ROCK RIPRAP ~ . ~ i ~ #57 STS ti #57 STONE ~ ' } ,i NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE _ y ro- ~ 9 ~ + x \9 ~ ANN ~ U j y ~ s , RUSSELL A. BENDEL, 'P,E. o r ~ i t ~ ~ A' B N ~ * a, ~ , ~ ~ ~ S ~ C T' 0 N 109 1.09 NC PROFESSt0024430GiNEER NUMBER rn ~ ~Q. SCALE: 1"=5' 1 1 3 ~ 1919 ~ A 7 's~ d , o ~ ~ `V ~ f t ~ ' + J ff E ~ ~ ~ PROJECT NO.:09.14580A Q ~ i 11 a r , P - k 1 +1 V ISSUE DATE: 12/15/08. U DESIGNED BY; RAB Q 0 -i DRAWN BY: MBS rn 0 PLAN rrn rn SCALE: 1"=20' REVIEWED BY: DDC o o i 20 10 0 20 40 5 2.5 0 5 10 DRAWING: SHEET: i U W SCALE: ,"=5' GS-109 1 OF 1 SCALE. 1 "=20' © ECS Carolinas, LLP 2008, All Rights Reserved a 14"x2"x1 2" STAINLESS STEEL STRAP 3 6" O 1 2" x 5" STAINLESS STEEL REDHEADS CEMENTITIOUS GROUT LLP FILLED IN JOINT 1.-THREE STRAPS SHALL BE LOCATED AT EACH JOINT GASKET SUPPLIED SPACED EVENLY AROUND CAOL~~~~ „ WITH RISER `THE PIPE (6 REQUIRED). 5 4811 KOGER BOULEVARD GREENSBORO, NC 27407 2. EACH .JOINT SHALL BE i '(336)856-7150 (336)856-7160 FAX: .COMPLETELY WRAPPED WITH GONWRAP CS-217 AS r PROVIDED'BY CONSEAL, OR OUTSIDE FACE INSIDE FACE EQUIVALENT, PRIOR TO o INSTALLING STRAPS. HYDROTITE SWELLSTOP w N. M v 0 Q C H T W ' O. ~i p,, SC LE: 14.00' A 1 »-6,> 0 3.. 6.. a ~ N SCALE: 1"=6" o' r~ a O ~ W rn s v y; GRO DEBLOCK5COLLARX 1' THICK (MIN.) ~r=n~ ~ V ~ ~ ~ -c .o WU 01 ~ ~ ~ ~ M'. A D. _ 0 ~ 14 0 14.00 - a w~ i rn o Q' 1 ~ 0 m m W m 0 N ~ ~ 0 a j ~ W r~- PLAN o U W T~~ H O ~ ' ~ , V1 10.00 10.00 TRASH AND ANTI-VORTEX m COVER SEE DRAWING GS-110 110 ~ ~ 0 SHEET 3 OF 3 FOR DETAIL a o .a ~ d~ 9.34' - % N 8.00' 3° MIN. 12 Q CLEARANCE 3" MIN. TE ~ EL. 772.00 ~ ® ~ , CLEARANCE NUT SLIDE GATE LIFTING 1. CONCRETE COLLAR AND ANNULAR SPACE BETWEEN 48-INCH !DIA. D.LP. STUB AND MANHOLE TO B'E GROUT i m O O O O m FILLED WITH '3000 PSI CONCRETE' WITH 'MAXIMUM SIZE a O O 12 AGGREGATE #78 STONE.. 7.75 FOOT SECTION OF =CTION OF 2. RISER TO BE PROTECTED BY TRASH AND ANTI-VORTEX w, 0 96-INCH DIA PRECAST RC PRECAST RCP COVER. SEE DRAWING GS-110, SHEET 3 OF 3 FOR DETAIL.. REVISIONS: 3. CONCRETE COLLAR NOT SHOWN IN SIDE ELEVATION rn O FOR CLARITY. SEE DETA(L THIS SHEET. c N 9~~ ~0 9 'ION OF 6 FOOT SECTION OF 0 96-INCH DIA PRECAST RC PRECAST RCP L „ 9 a 9 a: M TOP REINFORCING MAT BOTTOM REINFORCING MAT d #6 BARS ®12 O.C. 'EACH WAY 6 BARS @ 12" O.C. EACH WAY Q (EXCEPT AS SHOWN AROUND PERIMETER) EXCEPT AS SHOWN AROUND PERIMETER 4 ( ) m STRAPS REQUIRED AT m QUIRED AT o - - EACH .JOINT (NOT SHOW _...Ip f (NOT SHOWN) SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET ..THIS SHEET N STRAPS REQULRED AT SUPPORT BRACKET. W 0 a FOR GATE VALVE STEM- 6 FOOT SECTION OF ION OF EACH JOINT (NOT SHOWN) ~ 96-INCH DIA. PRECAST R( PRECAST RCP SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET. - 1.44' 6 FOOT SECTION OF 1ON OF ~ 1.44 96-INCH DIA PRECAST R( PRECAST RCP N _M'. 6-'INCH RISER WALLS 1, PLACE BOTTOM REINFORCING MAT AND STIRRUPS. a 8 FOOT SECTION OF a LION OF PRECAST RCP 96-INCH DIA PRECAST R( '2. ..PLACE 18-INCH LAYER OF CONCRETE TO SERVE AS PAD FOR RISER. 18-INCH DIA. SLIDE GATE VALVE 48-INCH DIA. -INCH DIA. F m HOLES THROUGH SEE DRAWING GS'-110, ND .DRILL D.LP. WALL STU 3. PLACE RISER ON PAD A .P. WALL STUB 56-INCH DIA. CUTOUT HOLE ~ 45-INCH LENGT o RISER. PLACE TOP REINFORCING MAT AS SHOWN. ~ SHEET 2 OF 3 FOR DETAILS -INCH LENGTH INVERT EL. 740.0 SEE CONCRETE N E CONCRETE COLLAR o DETAIL FOR EN( N 4. POUR CONCRETE TO DESIGN :ELEVATION FILLING INSIDE TAIL FOR ENCASEMENT - OF RISER TO BOTTOM OF CUTOUTS. ~ AND FLEEING RIB _o 3" 24-INCH DIA. D FLLLfNG RISER ANNULAR SPACE CUTOUT CLEARANCE DRILL 20 HOLES FOR RUSSELL A. , BEND`EL, PE. INVERT EL. 740.0 l EL, 740.0 PLACEMENT OF 8 m INVERT EL, 740.0 x #6 STIRRUPS RISER FOUNDATION #6 BARS THROUGH CONSTRUCTION JOINT 28 REQUIRED ( ) RISER WALL NC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER NUMBER: EL. 739.25 oz443a LEAVE ROUGH FOR GOOD BOND) ( N EL. 738.25 3 EL. 736.75 a a o INVERT EL. 739.7 CONCRETE BASE 14' x 14' x 2.5' THICKNESS PROJECT N0.:09.14580A a ° o INVERT EL. 739.7 PLACED TO EL. 739.25 ~ N #6 BARS ~ 12 PLACE CONCRETE INSIDE OF RISER TO BOTTOM: OF CUTOUTS ISSUE DATE: 12/15/08 9, BOTH WAYS 0 DESIGNED BY: RAB SCALE: 1" T m SECTION ( Lj ~ DRAWN BY. MBS 0 SECTION 110 1101 m 1 REVIEWED BY: DDC 1.5 0 3 6 1 1 0 3 0 til 110 d SCALE I "=J' RISE W RISER 4 z o 4 a DRAWING: SHEET: GS 110 1 OF 3 0 SCALE: 1 SCALE: 1 "=4' SCALE. 1"=4' ©ECS Carolinas, LLP 2008, All Rights Reserved a. LLP GASKET IN POSITIVE GROOVE 8., CAO~~~~ 48" n n N O T E S 4811 KOGER BOULEVARD n GREENSBORO, NC :27407 FLOW - ii n n ii (336)856-7150 (336)856-7160 FAX - n - n u - 1. PIPE CRADLE JOINT DETAIL SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED n n ii n AT EACH JOINT IN THE PIPE. n- ii ii 34" it a o 0 0 0. a a o 0 0 0 o a ~ o a a v o ~ o_ 2. PLACE THE "SOCK" AROUND THE D.LP. PRIOR TO ~i. PLACING CONCRETE AND EARTHFILL. - ' TYPICAL ARTICULATION JOINT 3 ~ 9 W CONCRETE SUPPORT BLOCKS 3/~ N M. - 3/4" PRE-MOLDED JOINT FILLER a: 67e> p, •n- U; Q W I---~ W JOINT H ~ r 110 110 - N.T.S. - N.T.S. 1 1 a n~ ~ J~ N y' TWTA~ V1 _.V1 - U W_ N O a ~I~ Y` m a v c .o ~ ~ ~ d M! Orl~~~~~~~,~~ ~ ~ ~ V.. a:. ~ o D' V': Q 0:... ,mss N I ~v d 1 o rn . 0 rn Q~ rn rn 0 o; ~w ~ ~ Q ~ W o~ ~ 0 tt, a ~ ~ rn 3. :ti - I~ w ~~rrlI v a i U FLUSH MOUNT STEEL COVER ~-I ~I m a ~a (ID PLATE. ON BOTTOM ~ E-I ~ d M OF COVER) U1 0 U LOCKING WATER TIGHT CAP Q. 01 a o J m J m Q m 2' x 2' x 4" o ~ °o, v CONCRETE PAD ~ ~ ~ ~ GROUT BLOCK W COLLAR omo~ W N J W o a ~ 48-INCH DIP STUB CONCRETE ~ o ~ REVISIONS: - 1.0' m MIN. . a 48-LNCH .DIP •a v a o d a, ,a n . CEMENT/BENTONITE GROUT a 2-I I a a 2-INCH DIA. SCHEDULE 40 PVC w THREADED RISER -PIPE ~ <o Q WATER STOP. 8-INCH DIA. BOREHOLE m 5'-6" MIN. GREENSTREAK ' HYDROTITE DSS _o w o'' BENTONITE SEAL i' 3 9 L 0 cv N ` ~ ~ CONCRETE PIPE CRADLE U L__J O SAND PACK O' US SIEVE SIZE 10 TO 30 - W: N,. y' ' STUB PIPE JOINT o / KEEP CONCRETE AWAY FROM JOINT m m; 2-INCH DIA. SCH. 40 .PVC SCREEN - =a: 2-INCF p RISER FOUNDATION SLOTS IN SCREEN TO BE 0.01 INCHES WIDE - - ° W 0 w, RUSSELL A, BENDEL, P.E. m. X' SCALE: 1 "=2' 0 BOTTOM CAP NC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER NUMBER .024430 is N.: 2 1 0 2 4 m SCALE: 1 =2' _i PROJECT NO.:09.14580A TYPICAL PIEZ®METE IssuE oATE:2/15/oa a ~o a 0 FLUSH MOUNT SURFACE CO LETION DESIGNED BY: RAB 00 0 N.T.S. DRAWN BY: MBS m m rn 0 REVIEWED BY: DDC 0 u~ m DRAWING: SHEET: _w 0 GS-110 2 OF 3 . a © ECS Carolinas, LLP 2008, All Rights Reserved LLP CAO~~I~~~ 4615 KOGER BOULEVARD GREENSBORO,:. NC 27407 " ~ (336)856-7150 (336)856-71:60 FAX ~~~~~o - STEM GULDE NUMBER AND SPACING a ~ w AS RECOMMENDED `BY a m MANUFACTURER) M U TE SHALL BE 8-INCH DIAMETER `f ' 1. GA , TERMAN MODEL CL-20=F CAST WA , ~ ~ T F C ; IRON CANAL GA E, LATBA K, WITH BRONZE SEAT FACINGS, FLAT 0 2» SQUARE OPERATING NUT ~ SQUARE BOTTOM SLIDE, GALVANIZED STEEL FRAME, ° N SS STEEL RISING-STEM STAI LE , INLESS STEEL ANCHOR BOLTS ~ STA , AND STANDARD SHOPCOAT'PAINT, U w _ OR EQUIVALENT AS APPROVED BY 0 a THE ENGINEER. ~ ~ 2.' PROVIDE A HANDWHEEL LIFT ON TOP OF THE TRASH GUARD SIZED PR TO OPERATE THE O APPRO IATELY ~ GATE. a U 0 4-' a I m Q 0 m m NOTES w m 0 0 1. GATE SHALL BE 12-INCH ~ W DIAMETER, WATERMAN MODEL ~ w CL-10-F, CAST IRON CANAL GATE, 0 a PLAYBACK, WITH BRONZE SEAT ~ y FACINGS, FLAT SQUARE BOTTOM SLIDE, 'GALVANIZED STEEL FRAME, ~ v m a STAINLESS STEEL RISING STEM, STAINLESS STEEL .ANCHOR BOLTS, H r v AND STANDARD SHOPCOAT PAINT, a a a' OR EQUIVALENT AS APPROVED BY v THE ENGINEER. v 0 U-~ Q. O -00 2. PROVIDE A 2-INCH SQUARE „ ~ 7 OPERATING .NUT AND A 3-FOOT LENGTH TEE WRENCH TO .OPERATE N THE GATE. m. m ~ ;a 3, LIFTING NUT WILL BE LOCATED ON o 0 o o ~ THE TOP OF THE TORQUE TUBE 1 /2 BOLT LIFT COLLAR. GATES WERE ~ TYP. W ( ) 0 PROVIDED WITH A TORQUE TUBE 7 8" % / ~ 1 2-INCH THICK RISING' STEM EXTENSION. TORQUE REVISIONS: TUBE (S 2-INCH DIAMETER / 3 STEEL PLATE WELDED - ~ i SCHEDULE 40 GALVANIZED STEEL 3 N CONTINUOUS TO STUB a PIPE WITH THE RISING STEM •a CONTAINED WITHIN .THE PIPE; a 0 v o a o' o a 8-INCH CUTOUT FOR GATE 0 ~ ~ o 0 o AL-G N i 14 FRAME 0 m ' 15-7/8 » ° 3-1/2 ° W 0 i a s i ~ 6» a 11 FOR MINIMUM BASE FLOW AND ° o N OLD WATER RELEASE N ~ / ° 1 /2" BOLT ` ~ N.T.S. i (TYP.) _A ° ~/8., b W ~ 3-1 /2., N a' N ' 1-INCH THICK m O NON-SHRINK GROUT PAD m 1; 0 0 ° ° ° ~ 12-INCH CUTOUT r U FOR DRAIN W O ~r a a r ° AL G ° ~ RUSSELL A, BENDEL, P.E. N L X 14" FRAME NC PROFESSIONRL ENGINEER NUMBER O 024430 15-7/8" 4» N m 3 GATE m W.. PROJECT NO.; 09i14580A SCALE: 1 "=1, ISSUE DATE: 12/15/08 V V 0 U DESIGNED BY: RAB 4 0 DRAWN BY: MB'S o , REVIEWED BY: DDC rn m 0 0 DRAWING: SHEET: U GS-110 3 OF 3 W 7 O K © ECS Carolinas, LLP 2008, All Rights Reserved EL ~.~P CAO~~I~AS • 4811 KOGER BOULEVARD GREENSBORO, NC 27407 (336)856-7150 (338)856-7160 FAX H l/ 1 H D0 . # ~ ~~Q~ a p ~ ~D~~~~~~p~~ ~ W o o o ~ ~ ~ OUTLET CONDUIT ~w 48-INCH DIA. ~Q !DUCTILE IRON PIPE " 6 10 -0 7 -6 2 -6 9 ~ W U ~ ~ ':P - a J a » ~ W 111 111 ]11 111 0 1 ~ 5-~ 1 1 -O i 5'-O>> H I rk t5'-2" ~ n I V a` 7.e •P•.7.e v; a v.": avv ' a:'v.'':'a.v.''.'¢: o.'':'v.'•v.'';a?.v.''.'¢: v.'•.'¢iv.'':'¢ v.'':¢.'-v.''.'v.6.'';v.`.d'. ':.a-.' :.o' e v.: ' R REVISIONS: v, 20'-9» NOTE: EXTEND CUTOFF WALL AT ENDSILL SILL to'-a" r-s" r-s" TO DIMENSION SHOWN OR TO ROCK .WHICHEVER IS LESS. n SECTION SCALE: 1 "=3' 1 1 m a m 0 v 0 o. m >1 n M ro v 0 U _a 0 w v rn n > SCALE: 1 =3 o- 0 , V . W ' ' K a w d 4 x RUSSELL A. BENDEL, P.E. ' w 0 I NC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'NUMBER N 024430 3 b .N a 9+_ 0] .J PROJECT N0.:09.14580A Q / ISSUE DATE: 12/1/08 o V DESIGNED BY: RA8 8 N DRAWN BY: MBS 0) 0 a 3 1.5 0 3 REVIEWED BY: DDC 3 6 0 0 SCALE. 1 =3 "-3 DRAWING: SHEET: W GS--111 1 OF 3 A © ECS Corollnos, LLP 2006, All Rlghts Reserved a 1 2" PREFORMED JOINT FILLER LLP 4811 KOGER BOULEVARD GREENSBORO, NC 27407 {336)856'-7150 .(336)656-7160 FAX s ~ i ` I i 1 1 -I- i i e`` ~~i V H H n~ ~ , W V1 v r_ , h~-II H H~ o ~ o ~ ~w aQ - ~ ~ NOTE: DRAWING REFERENCE FROM TECHNICAL SCALE; 1 "=2' RELEASE N0. 46 (USDA PUBLICATION - GATED OUTLET APPURTENANCES EARTH DAMS WITH CUTOFF WALL MODIFIED. H V REVISIONS: I I I I I 3_ N J I I 0 y I I d I ' Q I I I .3 d: N I I i I 'O ~ I I O O / / i O ~ _ _ d' 0: rn: m c 0 u°~ d~ ,W ' n ~ ~ SCALE: 1 =2 a w _m L. X y RUSSELL A. BENDEL, P:E. Q N NC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER NUMBER 024430 m'. 3.r ~N 0...: ?N 0] m SCALE: 1 "=2' o PROJECT N0.:09.14580A i; i v- a 0 ISSUE 'DATE; :12/15/08 0 I1FCIhNFf1 RY• RAR 0 DRAWN BY: MBS 2 1 0 2 a 2 4 REVIEWED BY: DDC 0 SCALE: 1 "=2' ' DRAWING: SHEET: U W U GS-111 2 OF 3 © ECS Corolinas, LLP 2008, NI Rights Reserved LLP 4811 KOGER BOULEVARD GREENSBORO, NC -27407 (336)856=7150 (336)856-7160 FAX 1a-o' 11~ O 1z' 1 D~ W ~~~p~~~ ~ H OUTLET CONDUIT 48-INCH DIA. nn .DUCTILE IRON PIPE W V1 r , C - - C 5 @ 12„ - #5 ~ 12" #5 ~ 12" ~ # 5-2' ~ 1T-10' I E ~ o . I » 5 @ 12>, - - # #5 ®12 o f FLOW VARIES I I VARIES Q ~ W 1,_3„ ! Q 1 -3 ~ 'W I I 10'-0' T-6' 2'-6' ______.r... F~--1 ~ W W ~ B y SECTION ~ ~ ~ , ~ T 9' SCALE: 1 »=2' 3 3 SCALE: 1 "=4' REVISIONS: 2 1 0 2 4 SCALE, 1 "=2' i i i i i o i m ~ _ _ ~ n, - - - - - - m M v! 0 U' „ #5 @ 12 ~ 5 @ 12" " o # #5 @ 12 m m rn d. a o' U W 7 ;0 :K , . - 111 1 1 1 , 3 3 x SCALE: 1 -4 RUSSELL A. BENDEL, P.E. 0 N NC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER NUMBER 024430' 3 U C' .y 0,., m 7 ° 4 2 0 4 8 i n PROJECT N0.:09.14580A i o SCALE: 1 "=4' U ISSUE DATE:' 12/15/08 a 0 m; ~FSI~NF~ RY RAB i rn 0 DRAWN BY: MBS m m r ~ 0 0 REVIEWED BY: DDC a U DRAWING: SHEET: w O GS-111 3 OF 3 K 0. D ECS Corolinos, LLP 2008, All Rights Reserved