HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081830 Ver 1_Site Plan_20081217 PROJECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET N0. o .y 1 TAYLOR STREET' EXTENSION T ~ ~ j_ a 4 , ~ ~.T ~ Stad. G5 w m pew e .INCOMPLETE PLANS ~ f e,, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION ~ ~ E;< ~ _ _ . ~ ti I. ~ `O w PRELIMINARY PLANS ~ ~ DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION \rr-~ C? ~.i HC 0 9 Wa~ ens m EI Av ~t q e. ve ~-a ~ - 1$~ y m0 ~a'~ ` T ~ -k;e- ~ 9qv ~ e ~ 4 ~ r. Y N 7 I P. ,,r 5 P Q 98 1~~ 1*~~:~rt1~ ~ ~~at~,:3 vrGrNrTr BEGIN + eECTN coNsTRUCrroN -YI - Pa -Yt - POT Sto.10~3~ R KS ST ~ DO 4 r i ~ END CONSTRUCTION ~ v -L- POT Sto.15f~9~20 9 I ~ ~ a ~ ~ I ~ ~ W Q + IN CON~1'UCT10 = ' ~ ~ ' o 0 ~~,POT~:~ ~~.~D ~8~89~10~f I~ F ~ 6 1 . + ~ 9 99 ~ 3 l ~ IE II± ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~'x6' RCDC ~ ~ I ~~np ~ iQ ~ ~ ~r~.~. i + ~ ~ L.. ~ h E I c f' ,F._-..~s.~,.. I ~ ~ ~m.a,~ t. i lE _w L_ k~ 4~^ y ~ ~ 15 0 30 a ~P ~ TAY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ toy sr , ~ ~I^ 11 ~ Y, F ~ ~ ~Y ~ ~ Q' p ~ ~3 j ~ PLANS 'v ~ 15 0 30 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ Q~Q 7 ice.. ~ P FILE (HORIZONTAL). 2.5 0 5 O 1 ~1 0 PROFILE NERTICAL~ N O O r ~i' 3 8 ~G , ~ s r~. ~ t' z - ~ am e - orn ~ a T, ley- rn a 1 L~ v~ u I ssoi, Inc. ~ ~ ~ . C 2008 ~ Post Office Box 33068 ~ ~ 33068 AFC ~ ~ L~~~ ~ , ° i ~ ~ Raleigh, North Carahna 27636 ina 27636 ~~NR~~~1AiERQU~I{~Y O N °~d~Fi~1~DS ARC STCI~hhtN~7E~t 847ANGH C N TAI TAIL. I DE L 2 DE DETAIL 3 TN BYPASS CHANNEL CHANNEL PROTEC 10 RIP RIP RAP PLUNGE POOL t Not to Scale) ( Not to Scale) (Not to Scale ) o Natural Natur A Fill Ground Ground slope p Groun 8% D A Filter d Filter in. D= I Ft. Fabric C A Fabric M_ Min. D= 5-0 ft B_ 2 Ft. Min. d = 4.0 ft b- 2 Ft. - B B=VARIES ft Type of Liner= CLASS I RIP RAP Type of Liner= CLASS II RIP RAP -L- STA 13+38 TO 14+00 fRT) - - TA 13+32 fRT) L S -L- STA 14+05 (LT) PLAN E E F C G 12° RCP ° ° ° 0 ° ~y ~ TAI q DE L e ~ CONCRETE LEVEL SPREADER .DETAIL q of 57 STONE f STONE ° ON FILTER FABRIC ( Not to Scale) R FABRIC CLASS 'B' RIP RAP 1.5' THICK P~aN vlErr SECTION A-A 12RCP PiPE SEE PLUNGE OULE? POOL DETAIL PIPE SIZE A B THIS SHEET A B C D E F G WT. RIP RAP IN TONS WT. °57 STONE IN TONS 12' 8` 5' 8` 5' I' I' I' 4' 3' 4.5 1.5 - ~ , , ~ I I W ~ ~ I I r t' OW W Q s ~ A v. w L STA I I I w ~ aW m ~ , N I ( m : : -1 ~p (D .V ~ / SECTION-AA CONCRETE PAVED DITCH LEVEL SPREADER PERMANENT SOIL REINFORCEMENT MAT NATURAL (PSRM? GROUND ~ N IN NOTES I.IEVEL SPREADER SHALL FOLLOW EXISTING CONTOURS 2LEVEL SPREADER SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUCTED !N A CONC DFTCH 3'MIN FiLL LOCATION. NCDOT STD 850A1 3 TOP EDGE OF DITCH SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AT _ _ + EXISTING GROUND ELEVATION. L STA 13 95 (RT) c a a 0 0 L 0 'b' O N O O 3 b g Y PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: CLIENT: PROJECT. T TOWN 0'~F WAKE FOREST INC~M~PL~~A NoT To sca~E TAYL R STREET EXTENSION REV. No.: REVISION: GATE: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: N PRELIM@TARI PLANS \ Thts document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is intended onl for the s ecific ur ose and client for which it was repared. Reuse of and improper ~ ~r oea roa c~a~mx C Y P P P P \ reliance on this document without written authorization and adoption by Kfmley-Horn and Assoclates,lnc. P.O. BOX 33068 -RALEIGH NORTH CAROLINA 27636-3068 DETAILS J08 NUMBER: SHEET NUMBER: N shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ' Copyright Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., 2007 PHONED (919) 677-2000 FAXo (9 19) 677-2050 01 131 1020 2-A 50' PLANTED BUFFER ITYP.I BANKFULL WATER'S BENCH/ EDGE FLOODPLAlN SLOPE 0 0 )No h ve etatlon In restoratlor 1. General: in order to establls g ~ restoration areos,such os bankfull PERMANENT SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS ExlsTiNG GROUND benches and slopesD containerized vegetation will be pk ~n will be planted as shown on the Ylons. plans or as required in the Special Condl ions. Permanent seeding will be used In combination with woody plantings on the up-slope side of the riparian urea that has been distributed by construction, is Materials 2 designed as wetland and/or riparian enhancement,or as directed by The Town. This mixture shall be planted In late fall In combination with the temporary seeding aJ Initial ve etatlon material will be rovlded by the c 9 P fed by the contractor. The contractor operation and woody plant lnstallatlons. Seeding should be done evenly over the is responsible for correctly Installing and malnta and malntalning vegetation material. area using a mechanical or hand seeder. A drag should be used to cover the seed with no mare than /21nch of soils. Where a drag cannot safely be utlllzed,the seed bJ Ve etatlon material will consist of l0 ailon contal 9 9 gallon containerized trees and/or shrubs, should be covered by hand raking. EDGE OF CUT LINE ARI S oPE V cJ Ve etatlon to be installed In areas shown on Shel s~ g own on Sheet 2-B labeled. "Riparian Buffer" LEGEND BZl & BZ2 Includes, but Is not limited to the folk to the followingo Seedbed Preporotlon cow FLOW On sites where equipment can be operated safely, the seedbed shall be adequately CONTAINERIZED TREES OFFER loosened, Dlsking may be needed In areos where soli is compacted. Steep banks may require roughening, either by hand scarifying or by equipment, depending on site Trees conditions. The Town will determine condition needs onslte. If seeding is done Immediately following construction, seedbed preparation may not be required except Betula n1 ra (river blrchJ ~lrchJ on compacted,pollshed or freshly cut areos. If permanent seeding Is performed In 9 Fraxlnus pennsylvanlca (green c Ica (green ash) conJunctlon with temporary seeding, seedbed preparation only needs to be executed Lirlodendron tullplfera (tulle po, ra ltullp poplar) once. ;kgumJ CONTAINERIZED SHRUBS N ssa s Ivatlca lblackgumJ Y Y NTS Platanus occldentalls (sycamore > lsycamore) nl ra (water oakJ Quercus g r oak) Seeding Quercus hellos (willow oakJ P 'ow oak) A riparian seed mix at the rate of %qlb per 1,000 sq ft or IO !bs per acre shall be used for seeding. The following table lists herbaceous, permanent seed mixture 3. Pre oration P labeled "riparian seed mix" aJ Plantln shall take lace In winter, immedlatel fc g P Y ~medlately following delivery to the pro ject site, all plants with bare roots, l f not prom 120' 2 heeled-In In constantl moist soil or sawdust In c if not promptly planted, shall be ANGLE Y sawdust In on occeptoble manner I TREE STRAP corresponding to generally accepted hortleultural 3 ~ortleulturol practices. Common Nome Scientific Nome 2 TREE GUY WIRE -ADD TURNBUCKLES !F bl While Plants with bare roots are being transport 6 NECESSARY TO STABILIZE TREE ag transported to and from heeling-ln Rlce Cut Gross Leersla oryzoldes 5 beds, or are being distributed In planting beds,o ~ting beds,or are awaiting planting after 3 TREE GUYING STAKE distribution, the contractor shall protect the plants PLAN ;t the plants from drying out by means. Soft Rush Juncus effuses 10 of wet canvas, burlap, or straw, or by other means 4 WARNING FLAG ether means occeptoble to The Town and appropriate to weather conditions and the length ! the length of time the roots will remain Deertongue Ponlcum c%ndestinum 20 ~ RooTBALL: out of the round. 9 -IN SANDY /WELL DRAINED SOIL CONDITIONS: Swltchgrass Ponlcum Vlrgotum 50 SET TOP SURFACE ELEVATION OF ROOTBALL r' FLUSH WiTH FINAL EXISTING Ironweed t/ernonla noveboracensls 5 -IN HEAVY CLAY /POORLY DRAINED SOIL Installation CONDITIONS: SET TOP SURFACE OF ROOTBALL ~ - ABOVE F1NAL EXISTING GRADE. I/4 1/3 0lll th a of shrub and tree lantln s sha Swamp, Sunflower He/Ion/hvs angusflfo/Ius 5 aJ S n e are p g 'ontings shall be loosened to o depth of Joe Pye Weed Eupoforlvm flstvlosum 5 6 EARTHEN SAUCER at least 5 Inches. ~ 7 3"MULCH LAYER bJ Bare root vegetation may be planted In hole madE 'n hole made by a mattock, or other means a roved b The Town. Rootsock shall be lamed 8 EXCAVATE PLANTING Prr TO 3 TIMES THE WIDTH PP Y P I be planted In a vertical position with the of RooTBACC ra' MIN:1 FLARING SIDES OF PIT AS root collar a roxlmatei %2inch below the soli sta PP Y 1 sHOwN. scARlFY s1DES of PIT so THAT THE hole shall be dee and wide enough to permit the the soli surface. The planting trench or P SIDES ARE NOT SMOOTH OR GLAZED. without J-rootln .The Ian stem shall remain u i ~ permit the roots to spread out and down 'I remain upright, rEMPORARr sEEDINC FoR 2 9 P P 4 9 BACKFILL WITH TOPSOIL LATE WINTER AND EARLY SPRING ~splanted vegetation and tamped around cJ Soll shall be replaced around any transplanted of 5 !0 REMOVE TOP 1 OF WIRE ROOT BALL BASKET ~z the shrub or tree flrml to eliminate air pockets, air pockets, Seeding mixture s Y 3 OR ROOTBALL STRAPS. REMOVE ALL SYNTHETIC 7 STRAP MATERIAL FROM ENTIRE ROOT BALL. Spec/es Rate fib/acre) 3 Rye fSecale cerealeJ 30% 120 ll REMOVE TOP / OF BURLAP ROOT BALL COVERING. REMOVE ALL SYNTHETIC COVERING Browntop Millet (Panlcum ramosumJ 70% 13 - FROM ENTIRE ROOTBALL. a S acing guldeilnes of rooted shrubs. and trees P ind trees Soil amendments Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 ib/acre ground 9 l2 PLACE ROOTBALL ON SOLID SUBGRADE -NOT are rovlded In the followln table. T1 P 9 ~ LOOSE BACKFILL MA ER AL agrlculturallimestone and 750 Ib/acre (0-10-10 fertilizer. to TABLE i I Mulch ~ !3 UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE ~ ii Apply 4,000 16/acre straw. Ancl~r straw by tack/ng with aspf~(t, netting, In ~ 12 TYPe Spac g Spacing # PER 1,000 Sq f t or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be o NOTES: SECTION used as a mulch ancl~ring tool. ~ LREFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS FOR All S01l. PROCEDURES. Trees & Shrubs (<IO ft tall) 8 to l2 ft ~ t0 l2 ft 12 Molntenance Referflllze If growth Is not fully adequate.Reseed,refertl(!ze and mulch a Immediately following erosion or other damage. 1 -Trees (10-25 ft tall) 15 to 25 ft i to 25 ft 4 to 6 ~ 20 ft ~ Trees U25 ft tall) 20 ft 5 t0 7 Note: Ground cover shall be established on exposed slopes within 30 workJng days following completion of any phase of grading. ~ ~ 0 NOT TO SCALE O N O M O i 6~, 3 a g Y PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: CLIENT: PROJECTa 0 'OWN OF WAKE FOREST _ INc~a~r~~. NOT TO SCALE TAYLOR STREET. EXTENSION DATE: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: ~ ~ REV. No.: REVISION: PRBLII~TARY PLAN3 N \ This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an Instrument of service, is ~o xar oea ~ ~x ecific ur ose and client for which it was re ared. Reuse of and im ro er C intended only for the sp p p P P P P reliance on this document without written authorization and adoption by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. P.O. BOX 33068 -RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27636-3068 DETAILS. JOB NUMBER: SHEET NUMBER: ~ shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 0 113 11020 2-B Copyright Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., 2007 PHONEe (919) 677-2000 FAXc (919) 677-2050 d a . i c. ~ m P/ Sta f3f45.61 P/ Sta 12f45.13 -YI- POT Sta 10+38.00 °d 1T-~ ~ -al° POT Sto. IOf00.00 D = 8° 25' 17,6" fRTJ D = 8' 56' 29.1" ~RTJ $T ~ -Yl p BROOKS tl~W S Mi.s..~.-.~.......~<~.a~--~w.~~~,.-.-.gym...-„-^ ~ E:..w^.° x D = l' 09' 43J" D = 14' 19' 26.2" L = 11759' L = 62.42' ~ ~ w T =58 T =31.28' A ~ ~ S' _ - - ~ m R = 8~A0° R = 400.00' " a m ..~.-..a cm ~ ~ & ~ • ~ IE TO EXIST IE TO EXISTING C&G Y s ~ - ° ~ E,~l ~ ~ XIST ~ 1 4 ~ r,F~ a is ~ i ~ ~ ~ I , . k ~ d,~ ~ a~ t ' a v I® I~ d ~ . ~ gg a ~ ~ ~ e _ ` ~ y ~ I a . i ~C d r - ~ c': ~ r ; ~ W ~ W ~'i I ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ Z I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ usE ~ USE SYNTHETIC MATTING I -YI• i ~ OI-` - ~ ~ XlST -YI- STA 11+65 TO 12+70 LT s ~ 'I ss ~ . t,~ 10' ~ . i . ~ , . I r ` Il ~ ~ li; a f' ~ f 4 ~ ~ 4' ~aMva I fIP~ d3'vi~._,. a.....-«.......,d,~~ 1, C„ ~W, 8'X6` PRECAST RCBC l Y P ~ f~ ~ Is t ~ . C S 2 I I ~ ~ ~I - ~ I ~ -L- POC Sta. 13+7050 ~ _ ~ i yf~NCE~~.TE Wit' J ! ~ ~ ~ g . 4l' LT i ~ z ) _ ,F:.~ m o L 1 u~ I- A'"+. ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ - ~ ~°YI - T Sto. 12¢76.88 ~ ~ I w : I ; ; ~ +48.42 a 3T.50' LT +48,42 96' LT a 3750'LT CHANNEL ~ t98B5 t98B5 PROTECTION a--~--~,, _ _ ~ ~ 41' LT a L POC Sto 13+ .80 ; 4Y LT CLASS 'll' RIP AP EST 25 TONS I I ~ _ d 1 I I ~ -YI POT Std, t3f 2A0 : ~ ~ F I F EST 40 SY FF ~ . I ~ i = 95 50'ZOT3 e I ~ ~ ~t ~ - SEE DETAIL 2 I +77 ~ SHEET 2-A ~ ~ ~ I I( 25'LT EST 40 CY CHANNEL. I ~ I ~ ~ ~ 02 EXCAVATION ai L, C S o. 2 6 p~, -r~ ~ ,.v 9 ~ ~ I ~ ~ n~ f ~ 6 -a ~L POT Sto.1Of00.00 ~ ~ I -l ° PT Sto.14+0 .30 3 \ ' ~d ~ ~ ~ d . 02 0 : m,~ ~ z T T! N , ~ BEGfN C S I~ U 0 ~ a ~titi ~ A ~ I` ~ ~ - - I ~ f ~ J 10` ~ , k ~ \ l ~ L PDT Stc~,; !I 9.00 ~ ~a ~ - d I I ~ t ~ - dr ~ ~ ~ 9 ~~t U , I ~ ~ d of BANK , ° END CONSTRUCTIDN ~ _ ~ Q FC~, ~ ~ ~i I~`. ~ a ~ i/'- ; ~ f59 ~ ~ -L- POT Sto.15+89.20 f59 ti~ ' ~ N ~ g ~ ~ _ _m-~... ~ ~ti 25 cr !t W b~ 25' LT °j m TIE TO E~'ISTING C&G +~i ~ AND SID~AIX ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 s 25;38'..°5'LT x ~ ~ d 25 RC E 9~ r~ - ~ R E ~ +80.6& ~ ,~jL,-~, cif, ? rp 25'R 1 ~ ~ CT ~ ~L POT Sta. 16¢05:00 ~,,,r-~ , T. , - - - - - _ ~w~ ~ ~ ~ P~° ,Nu TIE TO ~ ~ C I I ~ , o° , ! ~ f00 32' LT R , ~ ~ ~ (64.03 ~ d _ : ~ ~ ti 33 LT 25' LT c I ~ T LO S I _ ,~-~-C~c- ~ z . ,ss , a~.~..~.m ~ r_ ~ a ~ ~ "PELF I1 I t,, ~ o.b -Y}~ d W I a~ Pt. ~ - 10 v Cam'-~.~40~'~".,..,,"'", ~ ~ g ~ I ~ I E'-6'ICScG B~. / ~ 1 . a.: W ~ 8~~ ~ I~ M M e , n ~ 6 1 ~ ~ t \ _y a ~ _ ,y ~ ~ 1 ~ , - . s. _ r j y i a...=..._.d.... A _..,._,.....,,__w_. r Fti l~ 13 --L,.,.. ~'""'.';r~ ~f Its, E TO EXISTING C&G - ~ +04.30 ~ ~ 14 25'~ F ~ R ~ ~ A~VD SlDEWAtX P!DE CI-2 t,l +64 8'-12" RCP E M m , , Q 25 RT p SKIMMER +85 31 o I ,.tee 25'R V Y {F~ s ~ ~ ~ 6~ ~ ¢41.25 , ¢41.25 SEBASIN~ 35' RT c~ ~ ~ ~ ° . ~ o I ) I _ 44 RT P 44 RT Pp~ 25'RT r, d ? ~ ' ~ r, ~ ~ _40J8 s ~ , ...r b, a~ ~ , T ~ 52.3N RT k W ~ t ~ _ t T ~ P~ . , INV- 3842 L m''"''°~ I~ . F F +l2 PLUNGE POOL 185.71 i ~ ~ ~ ~ i'~ l iC7~~4sS f PC~V (I'. 7 ~ i•P~•• "d ~ 91I I 91 ''~o ~~i3o~l~ / V ~T ' ~1 ~ ,l 1 . 1i~5 A d ~ V ry f73 25',75'RT EST 4.5 TONS ~cL 'B' RIP RAP 462430 ~ ~ q~ ~ '~a~CPI INS l~ _ ~ I ~ ~ s~f:~~ `ati ~ ~ f73 d _ tlo ~tCP~ INS o = . ~d~ ~ ~ TOP OF BANK ~ 86 RT EST 1.5 TONS 57 STONE a p~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ +85 r ~ EST 10 SY FF T1E TO EXISTING C&G +85 TOP ELEV=345.80 AND SIDEWALK ~ ~ ~ ~ , 47,75 RT BOTTOM ELEV=344.80 ~ ~ - E EXIST COMPACTED IOMPACTED ~ SEE DETAIL 3 SHEET 2-A e N . f ~ 01PI • w, t~ PC~ ~ AVEL DRIVEWAY § ~ ~ ~ ,a ~ , ~ a~~~ ~ Qt'°=; tf':I317') ~s #E5'D,Pf sn DRAIN a r~~=~ !A ~ RADE AREA TO DRAIN ~ ~ e32rz2~ . ~ ~ , RESTORE BUFFER ZONES o€~T ~ , ~ ZONES. ~ r "t~` WITH NATIVE FOREST _ , x. ~o,,~= VEGETATION BEST 24"RCP f43 ELEV 349.90 160 SY REFORESTATION NATION l28' ~ - ~ ~ SEE SHEET 2-B TOP OF WALL $ l; l2„ ~ ~ ' UTLET CHANNEL BYPASS CHANNEI 'ASS CHANNEL 2 ELEV 34TH(? \~~a ~ ez ~ PROTECTION r ~ ~---"'''f _ 1~ I RIP RA ~ 0 , , CLASS ASS 'I` RIP RAP !NV 345.80 INV 345.80 ~ ~ ( ,;M CLASS II RIP RAP EST 46 TONS ~ ~ EST 40 TONS EST 65 SY FF ' 46 TONS CONCRETE LEVEL SPREADER EST 55 SY FF ~ SEE DETAIL ' 65 SY FF 20 LF - CONC PAVED DITCH 12' RCP DETAIL I Y , SEE DETAIL 2 SHEET 2-A :ET 2-A IIO' RT ELEV t TOP EDGE? = 345.30. 05 4' 05' ~ SHEET 2-A EST to sY PSRM SEE SHEET N0.5 FOR -L- PROFILE SEE DETAIL 4 SHEET 2-A JUNCTION BOX 13 ~ r EST 50 CY CHANNEL EXCAVATION SEE SHEET N0.5 FOR °YI - PROFILE PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: CLIENTe PROJECT; i TW 'OWN OF WAKE FOREST INCOMPL~BTEeP~s 15 0 3o TAYLOR STREET EXTENSION O a REV. No.. REVISION. DATE: DRAWN BY: .CHECKED BY: N PRELIMINAR% PLANS \ Thls document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service,fs w xor o~ n~ pox C intended only for the specific purpose and client for which It was prepared. Reuse of and improper - t R \ reliance on this document without written authorization and adoption by Kimley Horn and Associa es, inc. P.O. BOX 33068 -RALEIGH NORTH CAROLINA 27636-3068 ROADWAY PLAN SHEET ~aB NUMBER; SHEET NUMBER: N shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 9 Copyright Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., 2007 PHONEe (919) 677-2000- FAXo (919) 677-2050 01 1311020 4 I ~ ~ i p _.A ~ ~ a i ~ ~ _ _ . ,~0 ~ e 4 m _ o 0 ~ ~ ~ 2 ! ! L Qy a_ . I R l il _ ~ tX ~E ~ + E ~ ~ Y~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( . ~ ~ , ~ ~F . ov 360, ~ ~ i - - ~ ~ i -r-I_ _ ~ ! ~ ~n i._ _ v I ~ b i ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ i ~ ~ i _i _ c ~ ~I r _ ~ . ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ i_ ~ g _ ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - ' ELI I.~~ II i i 1 ~ n E .~i~I i _ _V - _ _ . ~ _m ~ . , ~ ~ ! ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.'._._I I ~ -p- I .~r..._~~ . .I _ ~ ~ - - - - F ~ 1 I . ~ ~ ~ is i ~ ~ ~ ~ =s Ge I I~I~~ a~ , I. 1 I .T 1 ~ ~ _T. ii. J ! _i 1 ~ _ - - - - - I . _ ~ _ - ~ 1 - - - - p y - j- I I s I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ~ ~ ~ ~.~I I ~ ~ ~ E ~ _ . i ° f ~ I ~ _ _I . _ ~_I ~ _ ~ , ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ z i i I - j f ~ - ~ ! n _ ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ ^ w n _ ~ e ~ .B`~4 4` i Z- ETA 1 f _ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ° _ t-~ - I~ l~l~ ;~Ma 73~3Q.94. .-i---i~ i I s 1 1 ~ w~ ~ I I I I I i ~ i i }I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e j ~ ~ I I j m I I~ a ..I ~ I I j ~ ' ~ ~ ~ F ~ ~ ~ ~gy ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ I~ I 1 ~ i I i i _ ~ ~ ~ E ~ I i ~ ~ ( ~ e ~ ~ ~ I 4 E~ ~ t' til-, I ~ i I k ~ ~ - - - - - I l~ I ~ ~ ' _~a? s a ~ ~ - ' ~ ~a i i~ _ I ~ l ~ 1 I ~ I ! < <~I~( _l - I a ~ - - 1 11 12 13 PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: HORIZ PROJECTa TOWN OF WAKE FOREST 'S o 3a Kimley-Horn TOWN REV. NO.: RENSION~ DATE: DRAWN BY: G£CNFD BY: 1 A ~~O~i~~~~ I TAYL STREET EXTENSION m xm a~ ~ aW eca:mnoe N This document, together with the concepts and tlesigns presentetl herein, as an Instrument of service, Is u H e intendetl only for the specific purpose and client for which I+ wos preparetl. Reuse of and Improper ~ ROAD renance on this tlocument without written authorization end adoption by Kimsey-Horn and Associates.inc. P.O. BOX 33068 -RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27636-3068 p~`~Y p~ VERT ROADWAY PROFILES 2°5 0 5 J08 NUMBER: SHEET NUMBER: N shall be without liability to Ktmley-Horn and Associates, Inc. coPyri9nt Kimley-Horn ontl Assoctates,Ina,200T PHONE: (9 19) 677-2000 FAX: (9 19) 677-2050 011311020 5 ~ a tl .a..... .-,~.«4- ~ ...m,.~ f ~ LEGEND (APPLIES TO ALL SNEETSI t n ~ '4.- i R" , } Try ; ~ v . t as ~ ~ a to t ~ e„ _ - - - - w.~~ „ - - L , 1 o~~ ~ . F~=: ~ ~.z ~I ~ ~ I I. CONSTRUCTION LIMIT ~ F STORM DRAIN INLET Pl~OTECTION ? ~ ~ 3 • ~ w ~ - - - - , _ - _ _ . TEMPORARY SILT AND. TREE 9 a ~z r _ . - _ PROTECTION FENCE SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN - _ i P+ p ~ i .r~-""_ TREE PROTECTION FENCE -TPF TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ~_R a.. ENTRANCE. TEMPORARY DNERSION TD~?- TD y ~ t i 7 ~ ~ ~ ..^w""` ' ~ ~ Q ~3 D1TCH ~ ~ _ . R , ~ TEMPORARY CHECK DAM ~ ~ v ~ ~ ! ~ m : _ P ,o s ~ l ' ~ ~ I i G ~ E a f ~w..- Ii 4 0,. ~ ~oItCRET~ CULVERT CONSTRUCTION ~ ~ PHASE 1 a , ~ ~ ~ I i .1 i - ASPN s' ~~PH~LT `9, f - -CONSTRUCT SILT /TREE PROTECTION FENCE, CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ° TEMPORARY PIPES, TEMPORARY DNERSION DITCH, CHECK DAMS, AND , _ ~ ~ a ..R---~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ p \ ~ i r . I ~ i -CONSTRUCT IMPERVIOUS DIKE AND DIVERT STREAM INTO TEMPORARY PIPE l (I sa ~ r -INSTALL DEWATERING PUMP AND USE. BASIN FOR DEWATERING DEVICE ,f t , 4 ` ,f~, 1 ) ~ ~ u ( ~ ~ / I r ~ I E~ / f I u 2 1 PHASE 2 ~ ~ -CONSTRUCT PRECAST 8'X6` RCBC AND NORTHERN WING WALLS I ~ ~ I ~ ~ E p l -DIVERT STREAM INTO NEW CULVERT AND REMOVE TEMPORARY PIPES - CONSTRUCT SOUTHERN WING WALLS ' _ ~ ~ ~ 1 I - BACKFILL AROUND CULVERT AND CONSTRUCT PROPOSED ROADWAY I ~ ~ ~ u~~a r ~ , v 1 INSTALL SILT AND TREE PROTECTION FENCE ALO EASMENT I s.: ~ f • ~ i i4 1 t m B e"a ~~R. . ~ ~ III f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sir ~ ~ R ~ ~ ~ i F ! ~1 ? ~ 0ti ~ ~ I ~ - t ~ ~ 1 ~ , . ~ p, i~~, ~ ~ ~ ~f I ors- r l ' - JMPERVOUS ~ DIKE TOP w I ~ ~ ~ I~ ' .1 ' ~ / / ~ 1~ ~ /Ir i ~ ~ ,1 ~ l r ~ ~ - ~ ;I Ft% ~ t J/ ~ <.c~s~. I / { ~ ~i , J---..---'`- l - Pp ~ ~ _ l 18' HD E P/PE ~ 1 a / ~ ~ ~ n r ti~ n ~ r ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ ^ } _ r ~P ~ ~~E ~ n ~ l~~STALL~7~ 1'R07•ECTION X EX ~ ~ ~F ( FENCE ALONG EASMENT~ ~ . ~ f- - . ~ a ~ ~ I _ , Po > a _ - . ~ _ - _f _ ~ , r ~ f' ~ ~ , ~1.~ ,ten ~ ~~i ~flC' ~ ~l p ~ .~r~ : - - TEMPORARY ~ , ~ a-~ ~ I ~ I I ~ ~ i , ~m18' NDPE Pl~'E ~ I - rPr~..I' ~ C. ~ , ~ i ~ I e ~ i ? . • , - ~f~~~~R s~ ~ / Os n~ , _ C____.:~ ~ I 1 I L~ i ~ ~ . m. ~ I - _ - ~ , - . - ~t. - ~ I ~ /f _ ~ I C9 - 1__ s - --,I I ~ ~ I iI , ~ti'I f ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ _ n ~ ~ ~.a ~ E , c/ l f , _ m - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . r . ~ . - - l ~ - - ,,x ..rn _ ~ ~ ,I . li y f---- ~ , _ 1 ~ ~ I , lNS1'ALl. TEMPOR R~' ,FORCED ~ j ~ , 9 } ~ ~ ~ i o ~ SEDIMENT FENCE ( ~ ~ TPF /I ~ ~ I-z ~ ~ ~t~ ~ a~ ~ ~ ) ~ R , ~ ~ ~~~~Q~ PF PF---.. pF-~~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r / ~ ~ ~ ~ . I ~ti~,-.~ f, / Af ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ W ~f Cq 1 ..o--., k ~ i~ f. ~ c : ~ ~ ~ 9 >n, ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ . ~ ° I ~ = ~w A~ C~~ 1 n I .n q. '1 / ~4 ~ ~ v~ !v x'. /,i 3~ . JNST REE P,~OTE JON ~ ~ ~ FE CE ALO7~EASM I TflP= 3 9 ~ W - ~i L ~ R IN,~``. "n0~ t6°~CP~ INS IN=; 1a! tE"DiPi a.ll _g- ~ _ ~ .-d`,, d Yo,TI INy= ~ ~ ~ ~ J ' ~r ~ ~ ~ L IN'' ' 7.1~ E4 yCP) INS fN-~EI,~A t! pt~C} , ' ` ~ ~~3e O ~ ~ ~ I I?~ v" ~ m tlo yP) INy QiiT~3~§oA~il iii DlPI m ti ~ ~ ~ C~ M~~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i J I~ ~ i TOP= 350,2@ ~ ~ . _ ; ~ f~'~ , ~ - , . _ r ~ ? l ~ ~ T=3§1s9o ~~V iN-3f12®35 115 DlAi _ - ~ g'"`"° 5^ 6"f ~ ~cr-5'"s ~,f F1Sz6 379 ..wf; M 9N~ 01J1`-3~2a2~~ ~ f ~ ~ ~ fr' ~ TEMPORA TEMPORARY' SKIMMER ~ . ~ ej 3 ~f~ 70'X.38' SEDIMENT BASIN ~ ~ ~ pax 3s'x 3'DEEP TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH ~ WEIR f~~ '0 INt f 1 ~ ` WEIR LENGTH = 6' f Not to Scale IN ° ~ ~ ~ ~ ' SURFACE / ~ eZ i ti SURFACE SURFACE AREA REQUIRED =2015 SF ~ . ~ , ~ ti r~~ ~ ~ ~ iNSrArl: SURFACE AREA PROVIDED = 2098 SF INSTALL 3 BAFFLES ~ J6' SPACING ~ DE7 SEE DETAJL SHEET EC 5 Naturcl r ~ ~ I ~ , ~ SEE ~ ~ ~ ~e~ D 2\ Ground • INSTALL TEMPORARY f _ } f SEDIMENT FENCE AT TEMPORARY REINFORCED Vl' FENCE AT BASIN OUTLET Mtn. D = 2 Ft ~ ,f' , PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: CLIENT: e PROJECTe WN T TOWN OF WAKE FOREST _ INc~o~~~A 15 0 3o TAL T EET EXTENSION o Q REV. No.: REVISION: DATE: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: e N PR$LIMIDTARY PLANS \ Thfs document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is D C e En C intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper ' a EROSION CONTROL \ reliance on this document without written authorization and adoptloh by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 7636-3068 N shalibe without Ilabilit to Kimle -Horn and Associates, Inc. PoO. BOX 33068 RALEIGH9 NORTH CAROLINA 2 o ht Kimle -Horn and Associates Ina 2007 PHONEo (9 19) 677-2000 FAXa (9 19) 677-2050 C pyrlg y , P LAN SHEET JOB NUMBER: SHEET NUNBER: 0 1 13 1 1020 EC- I f _.-~-~.-.M~-.~~ w~ ~ ~ ~ I a ~ I_. _ y , ; o~. w~ _ LEGEND IAPPUES TO A11 SHEETSI ! "a~^•` r -ate w r N..~. a e ~ II - ~ e e - ~ ~ ~ ~a ~ ¢ -9- vim .:~_k . ~r'~ E9. ~ ~ E ~ I iN~ $ ,T°~ 0~ CPS .,q ~ ~ - r ~n ,m. .~.C s ~ L ~I" „ s CONSTRUCTION UM(I• ~ F STORM. DRAIN INLET PROTECTION ? y g I I m . i- w TEMPORARY S1LT AND TREE. _ ~ - s PROTECTION FENCE a aw--:- ~ SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASlN - IP~-........-,-.~- _ 7_., s fry 5.. - 1 ! TREE PROTECTION FENCE -TPF I ~ ~ ~ ~ , w.m ' ~ 375,, a ~ =,i , , ~ ~J - - TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION a ENTRANCE. TEMPORARY DIVERSION TD-~?- TD . y P ~ ` DITCH 1 ~ ~ ~ r.--= r M ~ - ~ - TEMPORARY CHECK DAM I l ~ ~ f f~~ - E ~ ~ i d5 _ ~ r \ jam- . C~ ~ \ i ..F C 1 ~t . I 4 -ee~tl - ~ ST . ~ " - _ ~ - _ - ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ _ , t, ~ ~ ~ ' ,~~q GQNCR~TE ~ ~ I - I/ ~ ~ / I ~ ~ ~ . ~ .-a~.~. u ~ ~C~3-h " ~r ~ ~ ~ ~ - f , I I ~ ~ is s , ~ ,e~ (4~ ~ ~ ~ r . ~.q ~ ~ i , ! i / r ~ i ~-.~u,~' I E 1 ~""'r ~ ~ f , j. I ~ ~ ; ~ t s ~ ~ ~ r r ~ ~ _ . ,I/ ~ ~ ( r e I I ~ / . ~ ~ ~ r I ~i' ! 1 ~ I i ~ _ ~a ~ ~ a~ : I i~ M ~ I~ / ~ I J ~ ~ + I / ~ ~ ~ _ i ~ fir` . 1 ~ ~ i ~ - 1 ~ ! ~ 4 i a-~ , ~ ~ ? ~ / i I °q ~ ~ ~ - r_. ~ g 4 r ~f ~ { t~ ~ l~ ~ ~ ; fi I r~ ~ P.~ r - ~ 1 i ~I - / ~ ~ ~ ~ INSrACC si~T . ~ PROTECTI ENCE UND ~ ~ ~ ~ ero~~.ea/' AND THE TOI~~ u, ~ ~ / I ' _ r ~ ~ ~ I~ L ~j i I 1 I ~ OFULVERT ~ ~ ! ~ ' ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ p / 1' - ' ~ _9 ~11 l ~ - s ~ 181,. ~ ~ ~ = 1 1 - ~ - ~ , I ~ ~ i t ~ is ' l ~ ~ . 1 I 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ad" t~ I, f~ - - ~ / ~ ' / ~ ~ - f I f ~ - ~ - J 1' IN ~ ~ i------ I r r ~ - . - , i u - - ~ 1 ~ u . f ~ ' _ ~ ~ ~ ~~'f ~ ~ - r _.n~m_~..~.I~ F i i ~ b ~ , 1 I~--•--°-----.s ~35© p z x. ( ~ 1 ~ ~ . ...~.n~--~ ~ ~ I ~ a I _ ~ ~.n I ' ~ ~ ~ ; r ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ a. w ~ - , . n.,_. . - ~...r 5~ `I ~ . X ~ l~ p F, m- U 9. n ~ 10 ~ i 1 ~ , ~ ~ 1 , _ ~t ~ 'b" o ~ L~ m ~e F i~ P ~ I X ail sms s ~ ~ €:d4~~~ , ~ ( f ~ p+ J _ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ b ~ ~ ~ / l . ~ t k~ ! ~-f Jr ~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ 1 ; ~ A ~ ~a 1 ~ ° / ~ / ~ f / f ~ r :o ~ / / ~ ~ 10 r FMK ~ .UA~D 1 111 ~--`m'° ~ =TOn~~ ts~~~..~ I..,r c. , ,N .~a. .-~R <tH~~T ~~i~a:l ee pp q(p q ' E n ~ 9 ~ ;t ~ ~ ~ a ~ , 11TW (lam i ~ f ~ ~ / r / ~ % \ ~f ~ ~ , i R I "J G~t~ ~~-t , .,M / / ~ j / ,J ~ . F _ N ~„a," ~t""'~ 1 i f ~ o , : ~ ~ .oa _ _ ~ __:__..-r ~ _ t - ~ , ~ ~ ~ 9~ , ~ ~ ~ 9 3 ~ : ~ / ,I l~ . ~ ~ ~ ~r, "~a 'i'& a J~[ ~r ~,,,--^`°''r U} ? t t ~.,,,r ~ - , ~ ~ l ~ j ,,p,...------ PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: CLIENT: e PROJECT: TOWN OF WAKE FOREST ~~~'L~T$, s 15 0 3o TAYL STREET EXTENSION ~ REV. No.: REVISION: DATE: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: N PRELII~TARY PLANS \ This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is C ® E EROSION CONTROL m~~~"~N C Intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and Improper 9 ~ \ reliance on this. document without written authorization and adoption by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. P.Oe BOX 33068 -RALEIGH NORTN CAROLINA 27636-3068 N shall be without Jiability to Klmley-Horn and Associates, Inc. : Copyright Klmley-Horn- and Associates, Inc., 200 PHONEa (919) 677-2000 FAXe (919) 677-2050 PLAN S ~ E E T JOB NUMBER: SREET NUMBER: 0 1 13 1 1020 EC-2 GRASS-LINE SS-LINED CHANNELS (6.30) CIF1CATlONS CONSTRUCTION SPECIF1CATlONS 1. Remove all treesbrusl~stum ,and Ps ~sl~stumps,ond other obJectlonable material from the foundation area and dispose of prc dispose of properly.. 2. Excavate the channel and shape J. gel and shape tt to neat lines and dimensions sfbwn on the Tans plus a 0.2-ft wercut ore -ft overcut around the channel perimeter to allow for .bulking CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE durng seedbed prepararions and s RIP RAP 16.151 rrations and sod bulidua 3. Remove and r r dispose of CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS P ,ly dispose of all excess soil so that surtace water may CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS enter the channel ree . - 4. The ocedure used 1o establish Subgrade Preparation Pre re the subgrade for rl rap and filter fo the required Pr t to establish gross In the channel will depend upon the Imes and codes shown on he plans. Compact any fll r aired In the subgrode severlly of the conditions and selec 1. Flag the work limits for protection: to o densi a roximotl that of the surround! undJ rbed material or overfill mulch or a temporary liner sufflcle~ ions and selection of spec/es Protect the channel with ~ t establishment clod. finer sufflclent to withstand antlcipata! velocities during 2 Hold preconstruction conference at least one week prior depressions w th ri rap. emove brusl~treesstum and other ob ecllonal ~ Pe material. Cut the su rode sufficientry deep tlwt t finished gra a of tf~ rlprap to starting construction. will be at the elevation of the surr~ndi area. Channels should be excavated MAINTENANCE ng 3. Prior fio any land disturbing !including demolltlonJ octivitiesinstall sufflclehtly to allow placement of fihe riprop In a manner such that the finished ins/de dimensions and grade of the rlprap meet design speclflcatlons During the establishment perlod,chec ant perlod,check grass-Jived channels after every rainfall. slit/tree protection fer~e, r~nstruction entrance, temporary pipes, After grass Is establtshed, perlodicc 'tshed, periodically check the channel; check It after every iter blanket -Place the filter blanket Immedlatet after the round ~ rai~'all event. Immedaaeey mak temporary. dlverslon ditc!>;check dams,ond skimmer sedlmer>f basin. Sand and gravel fl y nmedlately make repairs It is particularlyy Important to et and all rood crossings for bank stab711ty and evidence foundation Is pre red. For ravel, spread filter stone In o uniform layer tot check the channel outlet and a I rood 4. In accordance with the erosion control plansgrode roadway,Install s ifled de th here more ban one I er of filter materlolls used,s eod the of ng or scour holes. Remove all P~ P aY Pr 1 ales. Remove all slgniflcant sediment accumulations to storm drain sysfem,and layers wJth minimal mixing. ma aln the designed carry cop ' carrying capacity. Keep the grass In a healtfy,vlgorous condition at a!I times, since Jt s the place inlet pratectlon at catch basins Place addJtlona! check dams S nthetic filter fabric -Place the cloth filter dlrectl on the re red foundation. since It is the primary erosion protection for tthe channel. Y P Pa and stabilize ditches as Indicated. Modify silt fence placement erlap the edges by at least 12 inches, and space anchor pins eve 3 ft abng r>ecessa ace slit fe the overlap Bury the upstream end of the cloth o minimum of l2 aches glow around pipe Intlets and outlets as rY,p1 ~ round and where necessa bu the laver end of the cloth or overly with the VEGETATIVE. PLAN (6JIJ g ry~ P SEEDII around top of culvert. next section as required. Take care not to damage the cloth when placing rlprap SEEDING SCHEDULE SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS ablilze with ravel. if damage occurs remove the rlprap and repair the sheet ~ adding another layer ShouldersS/dE 5. Complete final grading for roads and st 9 of filter material with a minimum overly of 12 inches around the damn ed area. Shoulders,S/de Ditches,Slopes f3:1J 1J After rough grading is completed,tlll soil !n areas to be P 9 6. Backfill around culvert,place curb and gutter and pavement. if extensive damage is suspected,remove and replace the entire sheet. pate T T Plantl Rate seeded and planted to o depth of six Inches 7. Flnlsh grodJng of slopes,topsoll crltlcalareas and permaner>try Where Jar a stones are used or machine Iacemeritls dlfficult,a 4-inch I er of Aug.l5-Nov.! Tall Fescue g P oY Tall Fescue 250 lbsJacre 21 Apply agrlculturallime,fert!llzer,and superphosphate to vegetate,seed and mulch. fine gravel or sand may be needed to protect the filter cloth Nov.t Marl Toll Fescue & Abruzzi RyE Toll Fescue 250 !bs?acre disturbed areas to be vegetated. & Abruzzi Rye 25 !bs?acre ~ Ibs limestone/1000 sq. ft. (2 tons/acre) 8. A11 graded areas will be seeded,fertlllzed and mulched Stone Placement -Placement of rt ro should follow lmmedlatel after lacement Marl- r.15 Talt Fescue Y P AP Tall Fescue 25016s?acre 35 1bs.10-10-IO fertilizer/1000 sq.ft.f1500 Ibs/acre) according to NCDOT speciflcatlons to maintain a vigorous, dense, of the filter. Place ri rap so that f arms a dense, well coded mass of stone with Apr.lS-Jun.l5 Nulled Commoi Nulled Common Bermudograss 12 !bs?acre q0 lbs.50% superphosphate/1000 sq.ft.f1750 !bs/acre) a mlMmum of voids he desired dlsbributJon of stones hrou bout the mass may Jun. iS-Aug.l5 Tall Fescue vegetative cover within 2! calendar days or sooner of completion ~ obtained selective food! of the uar and controlled um I duri & Browrito M Tall Fescue 60 Ibs?acre & Browntop Millet 35 Ibs?acre 3J D)sk nutrients Into soil to a depth of six inches until by n9 q ry P n9 n9 P of any phase of grading. !f work on the protect ceases for more final placement: Place riprop to Jts full thickness in one operation. Do not place or Sorghum-S or Sorghum-Sudan Hybrids 30 !bs?acre. surtace is uniform and free of large. dirt clods rl rap by dumping through chutes or other methods that cause segregation of than the aforemer>tloned length of tlme,all disturbed areas shall hwe ors sizes. Take care not to dlslod a the under l base or filter when placing Slopes l3a to 21J 4J Seeding permanent grass. 9 IY n9 temporary vegetative ground cover established and erosion control the stones Marl Jun.l Serlcea Lespe Serlcea Lespedeza lscarlfiedJ 50 Ibs?acre 3A lbsKY-31 tai! fescue/I01J0 sq.ft f130 !bs?acre) during and devices malt?talned. The finished slo should be free of kets of small stone or clusters of large (Mar.!- x.151 Add Tall Fesc and February 15 through May !5 or August l5 tM'ough Pe P~ qo stones. Hand placl may be necessary to achieve the proper distribution of (Mar.!-Jun.30J or Add W r Add Tall Fescue 60 Ibs?acre November l5. stone sizes to pr ace a relalJvel smootl~uniform surtace. The finished grade (Mor.i-Jun.301 or. Add Hui ed or Add Wing Lovegrass 5 Ibs?acre -OR- or.Add Hulled Common Bermudagrass 8 Ibs?acre 3A IbsKY-31 tailfescue and 2.0 lbs.annual ryegrass/I000 9. Ail erosion and sediment control practices will be inspected of the rl o sh~ld blend with surrounds area. No werfail or protrusion of - n9 Jun.l Sep.l Tall fescue x=~ Tall Fescue 60 Ibs?acre sq.ft.during November !5 through February 15. weekry oral after ralrifall events Needed repairs will be made rlprap s d be apparent. & Bravntop M of Sorghum-S & Brawntop Millet 35 !bs?acre or Sorghum-Sudan Hybrids 30 Ibs?acre 5J Mulch seeded area with small grain straw at 90 Ibs/1000 immediately. MAINTENANCE - Sericea Les Sep.! Mor.l pe Serlcea Lespedeza sq.ft.(2 tons/acre). Spread uniformly. Approx/matety~/2 10. Estimated time before final stablllzatlon Js 5 months (unhulled-unsc Inspect channels of regular Intervals as well as after mo or rains,and make repairs & Tall Fescue funhulled-unscarlfiedJ 70 !bs?acre of ground surtace sl~ld be visible to avoid blocking ll. Site Includes approx/motely 0.5 acre of permanent vegetation area. om 1. Give s /a1 attention to the outlet and Jniet sect ons and other points Pr PtY P~ lNw.l Mar.ll Add Abruzzi f & Tall Fescue 50 Ibs?acre sunll ht to seedll s On areas where the round Add Abruzzi Rye 25 Ibs?acre g ~ • g 12. After site /s stabillzed,grwel and rip rap basin,temporary where concentrated flow enters Carefully check stabiiJfy at road crossings and vatlon Engineer or Soil Conservation Service surtace equals or exceeds a 3:l slope,and 1n the Inverts look for indications of IpJ ,scour holes,or bank (allures Make re lrs ConsuitConservatlon Engln~ dlverslon, and construction staging and material ores stockpile areas, Imrnedlatel . Maintain al v e atlon ad ocent to the channel in a heal hy, for additional ir>formation concern/n Y ~ t rtion concerning other alternatives for of all drainage swales,tack mulch with asphalt emulsion shall be remwed,restored as exlsting,and permanently vegetated vt orous condition to protect the area from erosion and scour duri out-of-bank v elation of denuded areas. The a! I areas. The above vegetation rates ore a rate of I50 gallons emulsion per ton of straw. f rw. Control of weed and brush ravth be needed In some 1 ons. ~ as described Jn the maintenance and v etatJve ion. g tt~se which do well under local toad e9 P Eder local conditions: other seeding rate 6J Mulch around shubbery and trees with pine straw to depth combinations are possible. Bible of 3 inches Temporary -Reseed acs MAINTENANCE - Reseed according to optimum season for 7J Temporary cover desired permanent vegetation. Do not LAND GRADING 16.021 ~etatton. Do not allow temporary cover to IA lbs. brown top millet/1000 sq. ft. May through August 25. grow over l2 inches in he/ght ~foi in he/ghf More mowing, otherw/se, fescue ~R- IA Ibs annual ryegrass/1000 sq. ft August 25 through April. Follow the construction sequence throughout protect development be shaded out: r?>aY When changes 1n construction activities are rieeded,amend the s uence schedule in advance to malritain mono ement control. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS eq 9 TOPSOILING 16.04) CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS J. Construct and maintain all erosion ark sedlmentalion control practices and lFICATlONS measures in accaordance with the approved sedlmer>tatlon control plan aril construction schedule. MATERIALS Determine whether the ual acid u 2. Remove topsoil from areas to be graded and fllled,and preserve q hY 9 it for use n finishing the grading of all critical areas handling. Qualify topsoil has the fotlou MAINTENANCE PLAN phaa~h~e fotlav ~i chrtara~ rl~lcsopsoll Justifies selective Temporary seeding -Protect topsoil stockpiles ~ temporarily seeding as soon ng possible, no more than 30 working days or 1 0 calendar days after the formation of the stockpile 3. Scarlf areas to be topsoiled to a mJnlmum depth of 2 Inches before Texture - toam,soridy loam,and silt, loam,and silt loam are best; sandy clay loadsilly cloy 1, The Contractor spoil check all erosion and sE<llmeni' placing opsolL loam,clay loam,arxl loamy sand are f soils such as peat or muck as topsol ?ry sand are fair. Do not use heavy clay and organ/c Permanent veeggetation - !f stockpiles w111 not be used within 12 months they a~uck as topsoil. must be stabilized with permanent vegetation to control erosion and weed control practices for stability and operation following every remove trees v station roots or 4. Clear and grub areas to be filled to , eg , rur~ff producing rainfall but in no case less than once every other obtectloriable material that would affect the pfonrierl stability of the fill. Organic matter content - (sometimes - (sometimes referred to as "hum)c matter") should be growth c greater than 1.5/. by weight. a week. Any needed repairs will be made Immediately by the is rocks ! s slum 5 Ensure that fill material is free of brust;;rubb ~ , og , ps, ~elght. SITE PREPARATION ~ Contractor to maintain oil practlr~s as designed. Also per building debris,and ether materials Inappropriate for constructing stable fills Acidl - should be greater Char, ~e greater than 3.6 before liming, and liming is required If Before spreading tops011, establish erosion and sedimentation control practices it is ess ion 6A. o Notional Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDESI ss and cam ct such as diversions,berms,dikes,waterways,and sediment basins 6. Place all fill in Layers not to exceed 9 inches In thickne pa ~ general stormwater permit,a rain gauge- must be installed the 1 ers os r aired to r~uce eroslon,slippag~settlement,or other Soluble snits -should be less than. ~ be less than.500 ppm. Grading - Maintain grades on the areas to be topsoiled accordl~ to the o aY ~ 0 on site. The role au must be ke onslfe and Inspections related problems _ g ~ ~ Sodium sodium adsorption ratio ~orptlon ratio should be less than 12 approved pion and do not alter them by adding topsoiG Liming of subsoil -Where the pH of the existing subsoi!/s 60 or lessor the the Contractor must be mode and I after eve half erlo! or soft or hl M cam resslble I by o99ed ry 7. Do not incorporate frozen mat 9 Y P ~ materials Jnto fill slopes The depth of material m~ting the ab< r~ting the above qual/flcatIons should be at least 2 Inches. soil is composed of heavy clays, Incorporate agr/cultural limestone In amounts o Inch of rainfall and once a week. Solt factors such as rock fro mer>fs 9 ock fragments,slope,depth to wafer table,and-layer recommended by soli tests or specified for the seeding mixture to be used. ~ Z The Contractor shall remove sediment from s~iment 8. Do not place fIN on a frozen foundation, due to possible subsidence and thiekness affect the ease of excavatt ~ ~ slippage. 'se of excavation and spreading of topsoil. lix,~orporate Ilme to a depth of at least 2 Inches by disking. c 6osln when storage capacity has been approxlmalely 50% Ger~roll ,the u r rtof the soll,w o PPe Pa fiof the soll,which Is richest in organic matfier,Is most Roouugghening -Immediately prior to spreading the topsoil.loosen the subgrade filled. Gravel will be cleaned or replaced when the 9. Keep diversions grid other water conveyance measures free of sediment desirab e; however, material excwaled ~ Jf It meets the other criterJa listed a ~rlal excavated from deeper layers may be worth storingdiskinngg or scarifying to a depth of at least 4 inches, to ensure bondd~ing of •iterla listed above. t tops.T! and subsoil. If no amendments Ix~ve been lncorporated,loosen sedJmer>f 1 no Jo er drains ro r . during all phases of development. Poo ng P Pe ty ~i ~ 3. The Contractor shall remove sediment from behind sJlt 10 Handle seeps or springs encountered during construction to accordance Organic soils such as mucks and pe mucks and peas do not make .the soli to a depth of of least 6 Inches before spreading topsoil. with approved methods. Jdentlfied by their extremely ligf~ wet fence when it becomes 05 feet dip of the •emely ligf~ weight when dry. ~ topsoil. They can be SPREADING TOPSOIL ~ 1 II r s recess STRIPPING o fence. S It fence w I be epolred a ary li. Permonentry stabilize all coded areas Immediate after final coding Is Do not s read topsoil while it is frozen or muddy or when subgrade !s ~ to maintain a barrier. completed on each area In he grading pion. p empora sty Illzation wet or f~ozen. Correct a Irregularities !n the surface that result from those areas that will be disturbed 6y excavat~on,filling, topsolling or other operations to prevent the formation of depressions or measures on all graded-areas when work Is o lnterru ed or delayed for Sfirlp to oil only from those areas t ~ r r 1 fertilize r e~ed as recess and roodbuJ dl ,or cam ion ul rr 4. The Coat acto steal , es ary, 15 workir>g days or longer. ng p~ by P ~tlon by equipment. A 4 to 6-Inch stripping depth is common, water pockets. o but depth varies depend! on t sir dl on the site Determine depth of stripping by taking N mulch all seeded areas according to speclficatlons In the st k Iles borrav areas and s it areas on the Ions and soil cores at several locat ons wlth)n 12. Shaw t oil oc p po , v alive !an to malritain a v! rousdense v etatlve make sure are ad ualel rotected from erosion. Include f not enerally varies along a gradientfra ;at~ons within each ores to be stripped. TTepsoll depth Compact the topsoil enough to ensure good contact with the under~Ing soil, a gradient from Nlltop to toe of the slope Put sediment but avoid excessive compactlon,as It Increases runoff and Inhibits seed P 9o e9 ~1' e9' P M stobilizatlon of these areas n the plan. sinsdlversions,ond other controls other controls Into. place before stripping. germination. Ughfi packing with a roller )s recommended where cover. Mgh-maintenance turt is to be established. STOCKPILING 5. Tf~ Contractor shall provide ground cover on exposed slopes MAINTENANCE On slopes and areas that will not be mowed,the surtace may be left rouggh 3 or other areas within 21 calendar days of completion of any ! heck all coded areas and the su rtl erosion and Select stock Ile locollon to avoid slob Perlodlcal c g ppo ng 1 to avoid slopes and natural dralnageways,avolding after spreading topsoil. A disk may be used to promote bonding of the Intertace phase of groding;Permanentgcound. cover is to be provided for sedimental on control practlces,especiall after dewy ralr>falls. Promptly traffic r s On Jorge sltesrespret g - to ills stock sled in small Iles la 'e sites, respreading !s easier and more ec~nomlcal when between topsoil and subsoil. small piles located near areas where they wll! be used. all disturbed areas witfdn 2! calendar d s or sooner follow! remove all sediment from dlverslon an other wafer disposal practices 1f P aY ~ washouts or breaks occur,repolr them Immediately. Prom t stockpile areas used steal be scat d shall be stabilized wJth slit fence and seeded. After to 11 appllcaflon,follow procedure for seedb~ preparation,taking care completion of construction or development: malr>tenarice of small eroded areas before they becomes nTflcarit Mlles to avoldexcesslve mixing of topsoillnto the subsoil. Is an essential part of on effectJve erosion and sedime atlon co col plan. Sedimentbarriers -Use sediment ft retain sedimert: use sediment fences or ether barriers where necessary to PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: CLIENTo . PROJECT; s TW TOWN OF WAKE FOREST 0 IN~~'~T~ >s TAIL STREET EXTENSION ofl NO! ~ POR &W A0006l'RON Q ,REV. No : REVISION: DATE: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: ~ N PRELIMIl~IARY $ NOT TO SCALE \ This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as on Instrument of service, is DO NOT OR PO$ WNB[ROL7YDT! intended only for the specific purpose and 'client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper - cp I N writt n a th rizat nand o tt n Kimle Horn and Associates Inc. E R reliance on this document without e u o to ad p o by y ~ P.O. BOX 33068 -RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27636-3068 OSION CONTROL DETAILS JAB NUMBER; SHEET NUMBER: shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 011311020 EC-3 Copyright. Kimley-Horn and Associates, ma, 2007 PHONED (9 I9) 677-2000 FAXe (9 I9) 677-2050