HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140957 Ver 2_Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan Rev 6 (2)_20170920ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE Docket Nos. CP15-554-000 & CP15-554-001 and DOMINION TRANSMISSION, INC. SUPPLY HEADER PROJECT Docket No. CP15-555-000 Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan Updated, Rev 6 Prepared by May 1, 2017 Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................1 2.0 PURPOSE ...........................................................................................................................1 3.0 TRAINING .........................................................................................................................2 4.0 VEGETATION TYPES IN PROJECT AREA ...............................................................3 5.0 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ............................................................................3 5.1 Erosion Control ........................................................................................................3 5.2 Soil Restoration ........................................................................................................4 5.3 Soil Compaction.......................................................................................................5 5.4 Topsoil Segregation, Replacement, and Soil Conditioning .....................................5 5.5 Re-Contouring..........................................................................................................6 5.6 Steep Slope Areas ....................................................................................................6 5.7 Site Preparation and Seeding ...................................................................................7 5.7.1 Seedbed Preparation.....................................................................................8 5.7.2 Seeding .........................................................................................................8 5.7.3 Seeding Revegetation Units along the Pipeline Route ..............................10 5.7.4 Summary of State and Federal Agencies and Subject Matter Experts Consulted ...................................................................................................13 5.7.5 Seed Mix Recommendations .....................................................................14 5.7.6 Seeding Methods ........................................................................................26 5.8 Seedbed Augmentation ..........................................................................................26 5.8.1 Lime and Fertilizer Application .................................................................26 5.8.2 Mulching ....................................................................................................27 5.8.3 Supplemental Plantings ..............................................................................28 5.9 Riparian Restoration ..............................................................................................28 5.9.1 Non-forested Riparian Areas .....................................................................29 5.9.2 Forested Riparian Areas .............................................................................29 5.10 Wetland Restoration...............................................................................................29 5.11 Agricultural Areas ..................................................................................................30 5.12 Exposed Bedrock ...................................................................................................30 5.13 Upland Forest .........................................................................................................30 6.0 FEDERAL LANDS ..........................................................................................................31 7.0 STATE LANDS ................................................................................................................31 8.0 RESTORATION MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE ........................................32 8.1 Monitoring .............................................................................................................32 8.2 Grazing Deferments ...............................................................................................32 8.3 Permanent Rights-of-way Maintenance .................................................................32 9.0 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ..............................................................................33 9.1 Environmental Inspectors ......................................................................................33 9.2 Documentation .......................................................................................................34 10.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................36 Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan ii LIST OF TABLES Table 5.7.4-1 Summary of Federal and State/Commonwealth Agencies and Subject Matter Expert Consultations ....................................................................................... 14 Table 5.7.5-1 Seed Mix P-MUDW01: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in West Virginia .............................................................................................. 18 Table 5.7.5-2 Seed Mix P-MUDW01: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in West Virginia ..................................................................................... 18 Table 5.7.5-3 Seed Mix P-VABCHNP01: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in Virginia ................................................................................ 19 Table 5.7.5-4 Seed Mix P-VABCHNP01: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in Virginia ................................................................................ 19 Table 5.7.5-5 Seed Mix P-MUMP02: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rate for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in West Virginia ..................................................................................... 20 Table 5.7.5-6 Seed Mix P-MUMP02: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix Application Rate for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in West Virginia ..................................................................................... 20 Table 5.7.5-7 Seed Mix P-VABCHNP02:Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in Virginia ................................................................................ 21 Table 5.7.5-8 Seed Mix P-VABCHNP02: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Forb Mix and Application Rates for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in Virginia .............................................................................................. 21 Table 5.7.5-9 Seed Mix P-VACSDGS01: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in Virginia ........................................................................ 23 Table 5.7.5-10 Seed Mix P-VACSDGS01: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in Virginia ........................................................................ 23 Table 5.7.5-11 Seed Mix P-CPDW01: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderatel y Well Drained Sites in North Carolina ...................................................................... 23 Table 5.7.5-12 Seed Mix P-CPDW01: Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Seed Mix for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in North Carolina ................. 24 Table 5.7.5-13 Seed Mix P-VACSDGS02: Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Seed Mix for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in Virginia .......................... 24 Table 5.7.5-14 Seed Mix P-VACSDGS02: Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Seed Mix for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in Virginia .......................... 24 Table 5.7.5-15 Seed Mix P-CPDW02:Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in North Carolina ...................................................................... 25 Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan iii Table 5.7.5-16 Seed Mix P-CPDW02: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in North Carolina ...................................................................... 25 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 5.7.3-1 Revegetation Unit Areas Along the Pipeline Corridor ................................... 12 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Major Soil and Drainage Slope Classes Crossed by the Projects Appendix B Recommended Seed Mix Prescriptions and Soil Amendments Appendix C Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost (to be provided prior to construction) Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan iv LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ACP Atlantic Coast Pipeline Atlantic Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC BFM bonded fiber matrix BMP best management practice DTI Dominion Transmission, Inc. EI Environmental Inspector FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service Plan Upland Erosion Control, Revegetation, and Maintenance Plan Procedures Wetland and Waterbody Construction and Mitigation Procedures Projects Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Supply Header Projects RU revegetation unit SHP Supply Header Project USFS U.S. Forest Service WMA Wildlife Management Area Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC (Atlantic) – a company formed by four major energy companies – Dominion Resources, Inc.; Duke Energy Corporation; Piedmont Natural Gas Co., Inc.; and AGL Resources, Inc. – proposes to construct and operate approximately 600 miles of natural gas transmission pipelines and associated aboveground facilities in West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina. This Project, referred to as the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP), will deliver up to 1.5 million dekatherms per day of natural gas from supply areas in the Appalachian region to demand areas in Virginia and North Carolina. Atlantic has contracted with Dominion Transmission, Inc. (DTI), a subsidiary of Dominion Resources, Inc., to construct and operate the ACP on behalf of Atlantic. In conjunction with the ACP, DTI proposes to construct and operate approximately 37.5 miles of pipeline loop and modify existing compression facilities in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. This Project, referred to as the Supply Header Project (SHP), will enable DTI to provide firm transportation service to various customers, including Atlantic. 2.0 PURPOSE This Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan was prepared for the ACP and SHP (collectively, the Projects) to address post-construction restoration and rehabilitation activities. The plan will be implemented in conjunction with the 2013 versions of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) Upland Erosion Control, Revegetation, and Maintenance Plan (Plan) (FERC, 2013a) and Wetland and Waterbody Construction and Mitigation Procedures (Procedures) (FERC, 2013b) as well as Atlantic’s and DTI’s other construction, restoration, and mitigation plans (e.g., Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures Plan, Invasive Species Management Plan, and Winter Construction Plan). In addition, where state- specific erosion and sediment control requirements are more stringent than the FERC Plan and Procedures, the more stringent requirements will be implemented. The measures described in this plan reflect generally accepted best management practices (BMP) for restoration and rehabilitation of pipeline projects. Atlantic and DTI have consulted with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and are still in the process of consulting with other Federal, State/Commonwealth, and local agencies, including Federal and State/Commonwealth land managing agencies, to identify appropriate seed mixes for use during restoration. Based on discussions to date with the local NRCS offices, seed mixes have been developed and added to this plan. Seed mixes and how they were developed are described below. A more detailed description of seed mixes by region is presented in Appendix B. On most pipeline projects, the seed mixes used for rights-of-way restoration generally consist of cool season grass species that grow well in the local area. Cool season grasses typically become established quickly and form a dense mat of grass and roots that is effective in controlling soil erosion in areas that have been disturbed by pipeline construction. These grasses may also provide food and habitat for some wildlife. Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 2 Atlantic is planning to incorporate regionally-specific and endemic forb (flowering plant) seeds in its traditionally all-grass seed mix. The incorporation and development of native flowering plants on the pipeline rights-of-way will create, where conditions and land management practices are suitable (i.e., areas with slope less than or equal to about 15 percent), substantial acreages of pollination habitat where this type of habitat is currently non-existent, primarily previously forested areas. Atlantic has consulted and continues to consult with various county offices of the NRCS, Federal land management resource specialists at the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, soil and water conservation districts, the Xerces Society, private groups, and organizations that have specific knowledge of both perennial cover grasses as well as native pollinator forb species seed mixes. Atlantic has obtained recommendations regarding species, seeding rates, mulching during planting, and maintenance mowing. Atlantic has also met and consulted with various national, State/Commonwealth, and local groups and experts on pollinators and pollination species endemic to the region that the pipeline crosses to learn which native forb seed mixes will be complimentary to the various grass seed mixes. These meetings and consultations provided information about the appropriate seeding rates and percentages of each type of seed within a specific seed mix, as well as the location each seed mix is to be used considering the various soil types, elevations, temperatures, and other growing conditions along the rights-of-way. Through consultations with regional native seed experts, particularly those working with the NRCS and the Xerces Society, Atlantic has determined that native flowering forbs grow best and reproduce most successfully when planted with native warm season grasses. Warm season grasses are slower to establish than cool season grasses, and are bunch grasses instead of mat forming. Warm season grasses and forbs do not provide soil coverage that is as dense or as effective at controlling erosion as cool season grasses. Therefore, Atlantic was advised and has elected to use native warm season grass and forb mixtures only in areas with gradual or low percent slopes. In general, in areas of the rights-of-way with slopes greater than 15 percent Atlantic will use cool season grass mixes without flowering forbs to most effectively control the potential for erosion. These areas are specified in Section 5.7.5 and in Appendix B. Atlantic is committed to use only forb species that are native to the area or region where they will be planted, to try to source seed from local growers, as available, and to avoid the introduction of non-native and potentially invasive species to the extent practicable. 3.0 TRAINING Prior to the start of construction, Atlantic and DTI will conduct environmental and safety training for Company and Contractor personnel. The training program will focus on the FERC’s Plan and Procedures; other construction, restoration, and mitigation plans, including this Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan; and applicable permit conditions. In addition, Atlantic and DTI will provide large-group training sessions before each work crew commences construction with periodic follow-up training for groups of newly assigned personnel. Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 3 4.0 VEGETATION TYPES IN PROJECT AREA Atlantic and DTI characterized vegetation types in the ACP Project area and SHP Project area based on review of the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Gap Analysis Program Land Cover Data and recent digital aerial photography augmented by field reconnaissance (2014 and 2015). Based on these data, the proposed ACP pipeline facilities cross upland forest/woodland (241.8 miles), cultivated cropland (86.8 miles), wetlands (69.9 miles), pasture land (64.2 miles), tree plantation/harvested forest (59.4 miles), developed land (21.7 miles), open land (17.0 miles), and open water (3.3 miles). The proposed SHP pipeline facilities cross upland forest/woodland (33.0 miles), pasture land (2.2 miles), developed land (1.3 miles), cultivated cropland (0.5 mile), wetlands (0.3 mile), open water (0.2 mile), tree plantation/harvested forest (less than 0.1 mile), and open land (less than 0.1 mile). The types of upland woodland/forest crossed by the Projects include coniferous forests, deciduous forests, mixed forests, deciduous savanna and glades, and floodplain and riparian forests. 5.0 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Based on FERC requirements identified in the Plan and Procedures and industry-accepted practices, Atlantic and DTI have identified and developed BMPs for restoration and rehabilitation of areas disturbed by construction. These BMPs have been used to establish Atlantic’s and DTI’s standards for restoration and revegetation as described below. It is noted that states in which the Projects are located may in some cases have erosion and sediment control requirements that are more stringent than requirements in the FERC Plan and Procedures. Where this occurs, the more stringent requirements will be implemented as depicted on the state- specific erosion and sediment control plans. 5.1 EROSION CONTROL Atlantic and DTI anticipate that construction activities requiring the installation of temporary erosion control devices will begin with access road preparation and timber clearing in 2017, and continue through the completion of construction in late 2019. Construction of the pipelines will be followed by restoration of the rights-of-way, stabilization of the soil, and seeding (where needed). Atlantic and DTI will complete final grading and installation of permanent erosion control structures (e.g., trench breakers or permanent slope breakers) generally within 20 days after backfilling the trench (10 days in residential areas), seasonal or other weather conditions permitting. For construction activities occurring in Winter, conditions such as frozen soils or snow cover could delay successful soil compaction mitigation or seeding activities. In these conditions, Atlantic and DTI will resume clean-up and restoration efforts the following Spring. Atlantic and DTI will monitor and maintain temporary erosion controls (e.g., temporary slope breakers, sediment barriers, or mulch) until conditions allow for completion of cleanup and installation of permanent erosion control structures. Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 4 Temporary erosion control measures and permanent erosion control devices to be employed during and after construction are described below. Atlantic and DTI will continue to consult with the applicable land managing agencies to identify other site-specific measures which may be required on Federal or State/Commonwealth lands.  Slope Breakers – Temporary and permanent slope breakers will be installed, where required, to slow runoff velocity and direct water off the rights-of-way. Temporary slope breakers, such as earthen berms, will be installed prior to the start of construction activities. Permanent slope breakers will be installed during final grading.  Temporary Sediment Barriers – Temporary sediment barriers, such as belted silt retention fence, compost filter sock or a combination of barriers, will be installed at the base of slopes adjacent to road, wetland, and waterbody crossings, and in other areas where required to prevent the transport of sediment off the construction rights-of-way.  Permanent Trench Breakers – Sacks of subsoil or sand, polyurethane foam, or bentonite clay bags installed around the pipe will remain in the trench to prevent subsurface channeling of water along the trench.  Mulch – Straw (weed free), hay (weed free), erosion-control fabric, or other equivalent material will be placed on the rights-of-way, where required, to protect the soil surface from water and wind erosion and to optimize the soil moisture regime necessary for successful revegetation, especially on dry, sandy sites. During construction, the effectiveness of temporary erosion control devices will be monitored by Atlantic’s and DTI’s Environmental Inspectors (EI). Where appropriate for local resource needs, the role of the EI may be filled by agricultural or horticultural monitors. The effectiveness of revegetation and permanent erosion control devices will be monitored for the life of the project by Atlantic and DTI operating personnel during the long-term operation and maintenance of the pipeline systems. 5.2 SOIL RESTORATION Successful revegetation is dependent on appropriate soil conditions and can be influenced by several factors, including soil texture, drainage class, salinity, and acidity. Soil characteristics along the pipeline routes and access roads and at contractor yards and aboveground facility sites are identified in Resource Report 7. Unless otherwise approved by a land managing agency or landowner, soil restoration will include:  removal of excavated rock that is not returned to the trench and is considered construction debris;  distribution of rock on the work area that is of similar size and density to adjacent areas not disturbed by construction; Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 5  grading of the rights-of-way to restore preconstruction contours to the extent practicable; and  preparation of the soil for revegetation. 5.3 SOIL COMPACTION Soil compaction resulting from construction activities may reduce the potential for successful revegetation. Fine-textured soils with poor internal drainage that are moist or saturated during construction are the most susceptible to compaction and rutting. Atlantic and DTI will minimize impacts by implementing the mitigation measures for compaction and rutting as described in the Plan and Procedures. Atlantic and DTI will test for soil compaction:  in residential and agricultural areas (e.g., active croplands, pastures, nurseries, and orchards);  in other areas requested by the land managing agency or landowner;  in undisturbed areas adjacent to the construction workspace with the same soil type under similar moisture conditions to approximate preconstruction conditions; and  in areas identified by the EIs, who will be responsible for conducting subsoil and topsoil compaction testing and determining the need for corrective measures. Compaction impacts will be mitigated through the use of tillage equipment during restoration activities such as a paraplow or similar implement. In areas where topsoil segregation occurs, plowing with a paraplow or other deep tillage implement to alleviate subsoil compaction will be conducted before replacement of the topsoil. In rocky or heavily rooted soils, compaction may be impossible to measure and rectify without additional damage. If compaction testing is impeded by rock or roots, Atlantic and DTI may conclude that there is a suitable amount of large material in the soil to rectify potential compaction. Soil compaction will be remediated prior to re-spreading of salvaged topsoil. 5.4 TOPSOIL SEGREGATION, REPLACEMENT, AND SOIL CONDITIONING The potential mixing of topsoil or surface soil with the subsoil from construction activities could result in a loss of soil fertility. To prevent mixing of the soil horizons or incorporation of additional rock into the topsoil, topsoil segregation will be:  performed in the trenchline within non-saturated wetlands, croplands, pastures, hayfields, residential areas, and in other areas requested by the land managing agency or landowner;  conducted as described in the Plan and Procedures;  stockpiled on the rights-of-way; and Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 6  excluded from materials used for padding the pipe. Topsoil will be layered above subsoil where seeds stored in the soil will be encouraged to grow. Topsoil segregation will generally not occur in forested areas. Most forested areas are not conducive to topsoil segregation due to the amount of root materials present and the wider construction rights-of-way that would be required to store segregated topsoil. Topsoil segregation may be required on certain public lands as identified by land managing agencies; these will be identified and addressed through ongoing consultations with the land managing agencies (see Sections 5.0 and 6.0). 5.5 RE-CONTOURING Grading will be conducted prior to construction where necessary to provide a reasonably level work surface. Upon completion of construction, Atlantic and DTI will:  restore the ground surface as closely as practicable to original contours to restore natural overland water flow patterns, aquifer recharge, and drainage patterns;  re-contour disturbed areas in a fashion designed to stabilize slopes, remove ruts and scars, and support successful revegetation; and  restore, to original or better condition, drainage ditches, and culverts that are diverted or damaged during construction. 5.6 STEEP SLOPE AREAS Areas with steep slopes along the pipeline routes may make the establishment of vegetation more difficult due to the increased potential for stormwater runoff and erosion by water. In areas with slopes greater than 15 percent, Atlantic and DTI are planning to use seed mix prescriptions that utilize appropriate cool season grass species to quickly stabilize the disturbed areas and minimize erosion and sedimentation. Table 5.6-1 in Appendix A quantifies by county the major soil drainage and slope classes crossed by the Projects. Soil drainage classes were used to determine some of the grass seed types utilized in specific mixes (see Section 5.7.5). The use of fast-growing cool season grasses will help to ensure faster soil stabilization in steeper terrain because of the faster development of stable root systems, which hold the soil in place. Additionally, in areas with slopes greater than 35 percent, the rights-of-way will be restored to natural contours to the extent practicable or in accordance with requests from land managing agencies or landowners. These steep slope areas are mostly located along the route in the Appalachian region of West Virginia and western Virginia but occasionally in other areas along the entire rights-of-way. Restoration of steep terrain may include:  grading to the natural conditions;  installation of permanent erosion control devices (i.e., slope breakers) designed to reduce runoff velocity, divert water from the surface of the rights-of-way, and encourage retention of soils; and Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 7  the use of additional structural materials (e.g., rock or woody debris) to provide an anchor for revegetation and deposition of soil. In addition to these general measures, Atlantic and DTI will develop and implement other additional site-specific measures, where warranted, to address land movement, surface erosion, backfill erosion, general soil stability when backfilling the trench, and restoring of the rights-of- way in steep slope areas. Specifically, as discussed in Resource Report 6, Atlantic and DTI are committed to employing best in class measures to protect the environment in steep slope areas. Best in class is defined as the most efficient and/or protective design or configuration with the least environmental impact providing reliable construction and operations. Also as discussed in Resource Report 6, Atlantic and DTI will implement the Slip Avoidance, Identification, Prevention, and Remediation – Policy and Procedure, and are conducting geotechnical studies along the proposed pipeline routes in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and western Virginia in steep terrain areas to assess the potential for landslides and landslips to occur during construction and operation of the Projects. The following lists some of the design and construction mitigation measures that will be implemented during construction in steep slope areas:  targeted management and diversion of surface water around landslide sites, including the use of ditches, berms, slope breakers, and/or grading;  mitigation of surface erosion by armoring or otherwise stabilizing surface soils using riprap, coir cloth, hydroseeding, mulching, and/or tracking;  targeted management of water sources along the trench, including the use of trench breakers and/or added drainage piping in the trench;  targeted mitigation of seeps, springs, or other subsurface water encountered along the rights-of-way using subsurface drains or other special drainage measures;  engineering of the backfill around or within steep slope areas to dry the backfill, add compaction, improve backfill soil strength, and reduce saturation;  installation of targeted structures to stabilize backfill using engineered fill, retaining walls, sack-crete placements, key trenches, and/or shear trenches; and  reduction in surcharge on steep slope areas by reducing excess or saturated backfill. 5.7 SITE PREPARATION AND SEEDING Atlantic and DTI will complete final grading and permanent erosion control measures within 20 days after backfilling of the trench (10 days in residential areas), seasonal or other weather conditions permitting. In the event that these timeframes cannot be met or construction or restoration activities are interrupted for an extended period, mulch will be spread prior to Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 8 seeding. In these cases, all slopes within 100 feet of wetlands or waterbodies will be mulched at a rate of 3 tons per acre. 5.7.1 Seedbed Preparation Proper preparation of the soil surface and seedbed is essential for rapid and healthy revegetation (Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, 1992). Successful germination of seed is enhanced by a well-prepared seedbed, the suitability of which decreases rapidly after rainfall. Seedbed preparation starts immediately after soil has been replaced on the rights-of-way and final grading, contouring, and de-compaction activities are complete. Seedbed preparation will be conducted immediately prior to seeding to prepare a firm seedbed conducive to proper seed placement. Seedbed preparation will also be performed to break up surface crusts and to reduce weeds that develop between the initial ground clearing and final seeding. Unless otherwise specified by land managing agencies or landowners or as needed to support the establishment of pollinator habitat, the seedbed will be prepared in disturbed areas to a depth of 3 to 4 inches using appropriate equipment (e.g., cultipacker roller) to provide a seedbed that is firm, yet rough. Atlantic and DTI will imprint exposed soils with a sheepsfoot, landfill compactor, tractor with studded tires, or land imprinter equipment. Soil imprinting, or tracking, leaves divots on the ground surface that trap moisture and seeds, creating catchments for native plant material to be spread across the seeded area (West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, 2012). In addition, a seedbed with a rough surface is conducive to the capturing or lodging of seed when broadcasted or hydroseeded, and can reduce runoff and erosion potential. The rough seedbed surface will also retain soil moisture for seedling germination and promote faster establishment of vegetation. In compacted areas, additional measures such as chisel plowing or disking may be necessary to improve water infiltration and soil aeration, which are needed to prepare an adequate seedbed. When hydroseeding, Atlantic and DTI will scarify the soil surface prior to seeding to anchor the seed to the soil surface and encourage germination. Where residential lawns or landscaped areas are disturbed or as needed to support the establishment of pollinator habitat, more intensive ground and seedbed preparations may be required, including rock collection, grading, and soil preparation/amending. 5.7.2 Seeding Seeding will not be conducted in actively cultivated croplands unless requested by the landowner. In residential areas, lawns will be restored on a schedule established during easement negotiations with the landowner. On all other lands, Atlantic and DTI will perform seeding of permanent vegetation during the Fall of the year construction is completed, within the recommended seeding dates, and within six working days of final grading, weather and soil conditions permitting. Atlantic and DTI will prioritize seeding and other restoration work in high-elevation areas, in an attempt to avoid restoration delays due to Winter-related weather and field conditions. If seeding cannot be done within recommended Fall timeframes, appropriate temporary erosion control measures will be installed and temporary grass cover will be seeded. Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 9 If temporary grass cover is used, seeding of permanent vegetation will occur at the beginning of the next recommended seeding season. In addition, as part of the restoration and rehabilitation plan to revegetate disturbed areas along the pipeline routes, Atlantic and DTI will use cool season grasses to revegetate areas with slopes greater than 15 percent. All seed will be certified weed free. The EIs will review all seed tags prior to use to ensure that the seed is properly certified. Pollinator Habitat Planting Atlantic, in support of a 2014 Presidential Memorandum that directs federal agencies to cooperate on the development of a national pollinator strategy, has committed to a pollinator habitat initiative where suitable along the rights-of-way. The successful establishment of pollinator habitat will require specialized: soil preparation, seeding techniques, and maintenance practices. The most common causes for failed establishment when planting pollinator species are: (1) poor soil/seed contact and planting the seed more than one-quarter inch deep in the soil, and (2) competition from annual weeds, non-natives, or invasive vegetation. To prevent competition from other vegetation, Atlantic will reduce the existing seed bank in the rights-of-way. The seed bank will be reduced by clearing the existing vegetation (done during construction) and by using herbicides. Additional soil preparation is also needed to ensure seed germination. The soil surface must be relatively smooth and compact to allow shallow seeding, no more than one-quarter inch deep. Typically, planting will include the use of a nurse crop or cover crop to ensure proper soil erosion control and the survival of the pollinator plant species. Cover crops (e.g., annual oats) are also generally used in traditional rights-of-way seeding. The warm season grasses and endemic forbs used to establish pollinator habitat need to be planted in the Spring. Therefore,  For Fall, Rights-of-way Restoration: Plant a cover crop and then plant the pollinator seed mix with a nurse crop in the Spring after a herbicide application.  For Spring, Rights-of-way Restoration: Apply an herbicide prior to planting but after the weed seeds germinate and then plant the pollinator seed mix and a nurse crop together.  For Summer, Rights-of-way Restoration: Plant a cover crop and then plant the pollinator seed mix with a nurse crop in the Spring after a herbicide application. Atlantic plans to plant the pollinator species in both the permanent and construction rights-of-way. Atlantic has proposed seed mixes based on the recommendations from consultations with state and federal agencies. These seed mixes are described in more detail Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 10 below and in Appendix B. Pollinator species seed mixes will be finalized in consultation with these agencies. Pollinator Habitat Maintenance Additional mowing is required in the first two years to reduce the height of the weeds and to prevent them from going to seed which will greatly reduce weed competition. Spot use of herbicides should be an option to control woody and invasive plants. Pollinator habitat experts recommend periodic prescription burning of the rights-of-way to reduce accumulated duff (i.e., dead vegetation on top of the ground) so that the pollinator species (flowers) can continue to reseed and maintain a viable population. Mowing close, 4 inches, and or thatching/raking may be viable alternatives to prescribed burning. Maintenance practices should be adapted to what is proven to be the best practices to ensure quality pollinator habitat. 5.7.3 Seeding Revegetation Units along the Pipeline Route After consultations with Federal, State/Commonwealth, local resource and land managing agencies, and subject matter experts and in order to ensure optimum seed germination and growth, the areas crossed by the Projects were divided into four Revegetation Units (RU). One of the RUs is dependent on and defined by the steepness of the slopes crossed by the proposed pipelines. This RU can occur in site-specific locations anywhere along the pipeline corridors. The three other RUs are based on physiographic regions, and cover areas that are relatively homogenous with regards to factors such as soil type, vegetation, and climate that will affect the revegetation potential of the area. Each RU has distinct seed mix prescriptions. The four RUs include the following:  Steep to Very Steep Slope RU;  Mountain Physiographic Region RU;  Piedmont Physiographic Region RU; and  Coastal Plain Physiographic Region RU. Figure 5.7.3-1 shows the distribution of the RUs, including the areas with slopes greater than 15 percent, along the pipeline route. Seed mix descriptions specific for each RU are provided in Appendix B. Steep to Very Steep Slope Although the Steep to Very Steep Slope RU includes areas with greater than 15 percent slope located anywhere along the Projects, most of these areas are located within the mountainous areas of the western Piedmont Physiographic RU and the Mountain Physiographic RU (see Figure 5.7.3-1). To a much lesser extent, the Steep to Very Steep Slope RU may also be found in smaller, site-specific areas along the pipeline rights-of-way where the steepness of the local terrain increases the erosion potential. The areas in this RU require appropriate seed mix prescriptions, erosion control measures, and BMPs that are able to quickly stabilize the disturbed areas to minimize erosion and sedimentation. Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 11 Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 12 Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 13 Mountain Physiographic Region The ACP Project area extends across the Mountain Physiographic Region RU in West Virginia and western Virginia (see Figure 5.7.3-1). In West Virginia, the RU encompasses the Western Allegheny Plateau, Central Appalachians, and Ridge and Valley ecoregions. The SHP Project area also extends across the Western Allegheny Plateau in northeastern West Virginia and southwestern Pennsylvania. In Virginia, this RU encompasses the Ridge and Valley, Blue Ridge (mountains), and the Southeastern Plains ecoregions. The soils in the Mountain Region RU generally consist of shallow soils with a loamy surface and subsoil texture. Steep slopes with shallow, stony, droughty soils are common throughout the area, and many mountainous soils have been severely eroded due to steepness. In less steep areas, the soils are deep and stable (less erodible). Piedmont Physiographic Region The proposed ACP Project area extends across the Piedmont Physiographic Region RU in Virginia and encompasses the Piedmont, Northern Piedmont, and Southeastern Plains ecoregions. The Piedmont ecoregion is an area of rolling landscape, gentle hills and valleys with a few isolated mountains (see Figure 5.7.3-1). The Piedmont is characterized by deep, weathered, very old eroded rock surfaces. The ecoregion primarily consists of agricultural land and managed woodlands. The temperate climate supports forests dominated by hardwood species. In general, the Piedmont and Northern Piedmont ecoregions are similar, as they are characterized by irregular plains, open valleys, and hills with stony soils that support both forested and agricultural lands. The Southeastern Plains ecoregion consists of flat plains interspersed with croplands, pastures, forests, and wetlands with primarily sandy soils. The overall climate is warm with a much longer rainy season, which contributes to a longer growing season compared to the Piedmont and Northern Piedmont ecoregions. Coastal Plain Region The proposed ACP Project area extends across the Coastal Plain Region RU in Virginia and North Carolina (see Figure 5.7.3-1). This RU encompasses two ecoregions: the Southeastern Plains and Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain. As described above, the Southeastern Plains region consists of flat plains interspersed with croplands, pastures, forests, and wetlands with primarily sandy soils. The Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain ecoregion borders the Piedmont ecoregion and the Atlantic Ocean, and contains a mix of forests, agricultural lands, and wetlands. The soils crossed by the Projects in these ecoregions are generally well drained soils with a loamy surface and subsoil texture. 5.7.4 Summary of State and Federal Agencies and Subject Matter Experts Consulted Table 5.7.4-1 provides a list of the Federal and State/Commonwealth agencies, and subject matter experts consulted to determine the appropriate seed mix prescriptions and BMPs to revegetate areas disturbed by the construction of the ACP and SHP facilities. Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 14 5.7.5 Seed Mix Recommendations Appendix B compiles the recommended seeding mixes and amendments provided by Federal, State/Commonwealth, local resource, and land managing agencies and subject matter experts into seed mix prescriptions by County/City and by spread for the Projects. Atlantic and DTI will work with the Federal and State/Commonwealth land managing agencies to determine appropriate seed mixes and methods for revegetation and restoration of Federal and State/Commonwealth lands crossed by the pipelines (see Sections 6 and 7). The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries has requested that it be responsible for the reseeding of Wildlife Management Area (WMA) lands crossed in Virginia and under the jurisdiction of that agency. The recommended seed mix prescriptions identified for each of the RUs will be identified by milepost in Appendix C, which will be filed with the FERC prior to construction. The site- specific seed mixes will also be included on the construction alignments sheets to identify the seed mixes to be used by the construction contractors during restoration. TABLE 5.7.4-1 Summary of Federal and State/Commonwealth Agencies and Subject Matter Expert Consultations Contact Name Agency/ Organization County Title/Role Phone Email West Virginia Greg Stone NRCS - State Office All Counties Acting State Resource Conservationist 304-284-7579 greg.stone@wv.usda.gov Jeff Griffith USDA NRCS Harrison; Lewis; Doddridge District Conservationist 304-624-9232 x 110 jeff.griffith@wv.usda.gov Jack O'Connell USDA NRCS Pocahontas District Conservationist 304-799-4317 jack.oconnell@wv.usda.gov Barbara Sargent West Virginia Department of Natural Resources Wetzel Wildlife Biologist 304-637-0245 barbara.d.sargent@wv.gov Cliff Brown West Virginia Department of Natural Resources Wetzel Wildlife Biologist 304-637-0245 clifford.l.brown@wv.gov Idun Guenther NRCS Pocahontas District Conservationist 304-255-9225 idun.guenther@wv.usda.gov Susan Davis NRCS Pocahontas Soil Conservationist 304-799-4317 susan.davis@wv.usda.gov Rob Silvester West Virginia Department of Natural Resources Randolph District Wildlife Biologist 304-924-6211 rob.a.silvester@wv.gov Steve Rauch West Virginia Department of Natural Resources Randolph; Wetzel District Wildlife Biologist 304-825-6787 steven.e.rauch@wv.gov Ben Collier NRCS Randolph; Upshur District Conservationist 304-636-6703 x 305 ben.collier@wv.usda.gov Jeremy Bennett NRCS Randolph; Upshur District Conservationist 304-457-4516 jeremy.bennett@wv.nrcs.gov Dustin Adkins NRCS Tyler; Wetzel District Conservationist 304-758-2173 x 1 dustin.adkins@wv.usda.gov Katie Fitzsimmons NRCS Marshall District Conservationist 304-242-0576 x 108 katie.fitzsimmons@wv.usda.gov Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 15 TABLE 5.7.4-1 (continued) Summary of Federal and State/Commonwealth Agencies and Subject Matter Expert Consultations Contact Name Agency/ Organization County Title/Role Phone Email Virginia Amy Ewing Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Virginia Counties Environmental Services Biologist/Fish & Wildlife Information Manager 804-367-2211 Amy.Ewing@dgif.virginia.gov Charles Ivins NRCS Augusta; Highland District Conservationist 540-248-6218 x 122 charles.ivins@va.usda.gov Charles Simmons NRCS Bath District Conservationist 540-463-7124 x111 charles.simmons@va.usda.gov Justin Folk NRCS/Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Bath Private Lands Wildlife Biologist 540-248-6218 x 108 justin.folks@va.usda.gov Davie Wade Harris NRCS Brunswick District Conservationist 434-848-2145 x 102 davie.harris@va.usda.gov David Harris NRCS Buckingham; Cumberland District Conservationist 434-983-4757 x 101 david.harris@va.usda.gov Bryan Poovey U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Chesapeake; Suffolk (City); (Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge) Forestry Scientist 757-986-3705 bryan_poovey@fws.gov David Bryd U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Great Dismal Swamp NWR Forestry Scientist 804-824-2412 david_byrd@fws.gov Robert E. Williams NRCS Chesapeake District Conservationist 757-547-7172 x 102 robert.williams@va.usda.gov Bob Glennon NRCS Eastern Virginia Counties Private Lands Biologist 757-357-7004 x 126 robert.glennon@va.usda.gov Anthony Howell NRCS Dinwiddie District Conservationist 804-469-7297 x 106 anthony.howell@va.usda.gov Harvey Baker NRCS Greensville District Conservationist 434-634-2115 x 109 harvey.baker@va.usda.gov Jay Jeffreys Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Highland; Nelson Biologist 540-248-9360 jay.jeffreys@dgif.virginia.gov Kory Kirkland NRCS Nelson District Conservationist 540-967-0233 x 111 kory.kirkland@va.usda.gov Jeffray Jones NRCS All Counties State Biologist 804-287-1691 jeffray.jones@va.usda.gov J.B. Daniel NRCS Prince Edward Agronomist Director 434-392-4171 j.b.daniel@va.usda.gov Derek Hancock NRCS Nottoway; Prince Edward District Conservationist 434-392-4127 x 101 derek.hancock@va.usda.gov Yamika Bennett NRCS Southampton District Conservationist 757-653-2532 x 122 yamika.bennett@va.usda.gov Michael A. Faulk NRCS Suffolk (City) District Conservationist 757-357-7004 x 114 mike.faulk@va.usda.gov Ryan McCormick National Park Service Specialist Coordinator 828-348-3441 Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 16 TABLE 5.7.4-1 (continued) Summary of Federal and State/Commonwealth Agencies and Subject Matter Expert Consultations Contact Name Agency/ Organization County Title/Role Phone Email J. Christopher Ludwig DCR All Counties Chief Biologist 804-371-6206 Chris.Ludwig@dcr.virginia.gov Marc Puckett DGIF All Counties QMAP Coordinator 434-392-9645 Marc.Puckett@dgif.virginia.gov North Carolina Renessa Hardy- Brown NRCS Cumberland District Conservationist 910-484-8479 renessa.brown@nc.usda.gov Terry Best NRCS Halifax District Conservationist 252-583-3481 terry.best@nc.usda.gov Brian Loadholt NRCS Johnston District Conservationist 919-934-7156 brian.loadholt@nc.usda.gov Patrick Evens NRCS Nash District Conservationist 252-459-4116 x 124 patrick.evans@nc.usda.gov Paul Boone NRCS Northampton District Conservationist 252-534-2591 paul.boone@nc.usda.gov Jeremy Ruston NRCS Robeson District Conservationist 910-739-5478 jeremy.roston@usda.gov Gavin Thompson NRCS Sampson District Conservationist 910-592-7963 gavin.thompson@nc.usda.gov David Little NRCS Wilson District Conservationist 252-237-2711 david.little@nc.usda.gov Pennsylvania Chris Droste Westmoreland Conservation District Westmoreland Erosion Control Specialist 724-837-5271 chris@wcdpa.com Subject Matter Experts Mark Fiely Ernst Seeds All Counties Horticulturist 800-873-3321 hortpath@ernstseed.com Jeremy Hamlington Roundstone Native Seed All Counties Horticulturist 270-531-3034 jeremy@roundstoneseed.com Bob Glennon NRCS / The Xerces Society All Counties Private Lands Biologist 757-357-7004 x 126 robert.glennon@va.usda.gov Nancy Lee Adamson The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation & NRCS East National Technology Support Center All Counties Pollinator Conservation Specialist 336-370-3443 nancy@xerces.org Steep to Very Steep Slope Seed Mixes As described in Sections 5.7.3, the Steep to Very Steep Slope RU includes areas with high erosion potential (e.g., slopes greater than 15 percent). These areas require appropriate seed mixtures and erosion control measures that are able to quickly stabilize disturbed areas. The recommended seed mixes include the use of cool season grasses, which are identified by County in Appendix B. Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 17 Mountain Physiographic Region Seed Mixes Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites West Virginia The proposed Mountain Physiographic Region Seed Mix P-MUDW01 (Tables 5.7.5-1 and 5.7.5-2) was designed to be compatible with the Mountain Physiographic Region RU in areas with slopes of 15 percent or less. The mix is based on selected native grass and forb species suitable for the restoration of excessively to moderately well-drained mountainous areas in West Virginia. Virginia The proposed Mountain Physiographic Region Seed Mix P-VABCHNP01 (Tables 5.7.5-3 and 5.7.5-4) was designed to be compatible with the Mountain Physiographic Region RU in areas with slopes of 15 percent or less. The mix is based on selected native grass and forb species suitable for restoration in excessively to moderately well-drained mountainous areas in Virginia. Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites West Virginia The proposed Mountain Physiographic Region Seed Mix P-MUDW02 (Tables 5.7.5-5 and 5.7.5-6) was designed to be compatible with the Mountain Physiographic Region RU in areas with slopes of 15 percent or less. The mix is based on selected native grasses and forb species suitable for restoration in somewhat poorly to very poorly-drained mountainous areas in West Virginia. Virginia The proposed Mountain and Upland Seed Mix P-VABCHNP02 (Tables 5.7.5-7 and 5.7.5-8) was designed to be compatible with the Mountain Physiographic Region RU in areas with slopes of 15 percent or less. The mix is based on selected native grasses and forb species suitable for restoration in somewhat poorly to very poorly-drained mountainous areas in Virginia. Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 18 TABLE 5.7.5-1 Seed Mix P-MUDW01: Recommended Mountain Physiological Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in West Virginia a Common Name Scientific Name Height (feet) Sun Exposure Seed Mix Rate (lbs/acre/PLS) b Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium 2 - 4 Full Sun 0.250 Virginia Wild Rye Elymus virginicus 2 - 4 Full Sun 0.250 Tall Dropseed Sporobolus compositus 2 - 3 Full Sun 0.050 Purple Top Tridens flavus 3 - 5 Part Shade 0.058 Indian Grass Sorghastrum nutans 3 - 6 Full Sun 0.167 Switchgrass Panicum virgatum 3 - 7 Full Sun 0.183 Fall Panicum Panicum anceps 2 - 4 Part Shade 0.042 Total — — — 1.0 ____________________ Sources: Roundstone Native Seed, 2015; Glennon, 2015 a Recommended seeding application rate is 8 to 18 pounds per acre. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed TABLE 5.7.5-2 Seed Mix P-MUDW01: Recommended Mountain Physiological Region Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in West Virginia Common Name Scientific Name Color Bloom Period Seed Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS) a Lance Leaved Coreopsis Coreopsis lanceolata Yellow Spring,Summer 0.385 Smooth Beardtongue Penstemon digitalis White Spring 0.146 Common Milkweed Asclepias syriaca Pink Spring, Summer 0.128 Goat's Rue Tephrosia virginiana White/Pink Spring, Summer 0.128 Partridge Pea Cassia fasciculata Yellow Summer 0.745 Slender Mountain Mint Pycnanthemum tenuifolium White Summer 0.069 Early Goldenrod Solidago juncea Yellow Summer 0.086 Bergamot Monarda fistulosa Lavender Summer 0.103 Spiked Blazing Star Liatris spicata Pink Summer 0.343 Sneezeweed Helenium autumnale Yellow Summer, Fall 0.128 Gray Goldenrod Solidago nemoralis Yellow Fall 0.086 Iron Weed Vernonia altissima Purple Summer, Fall 0.343 Tall Coreopsis Coreopsis tripteris Yellow Summer, Fall 0.051 Total 2.74 ____________________ Sources: Roundstone Native Seed, 2015; Glennon, 2015 a lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 19 TABLE 5.7.5-3 Seed Mix P-VABCHNP01: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in Virginia Common Name Scientific Name Cultivar or Germplasm Drilled Seeding Rate a (weight of pure live seed (PLS) per acre) Seeds per Square Foot Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium Piedmont (NC) or Suther Germplasm (NC) 8 ounces 3 Broomsedge Andropogon virginicus — 8 ounces 3 Purple Top Tridens flavus North Carolina or Kentucky Ecotype 3 ounces 3 Common milkweed Asclepias syriaca — 3 ounces 0.210 ____________________ Source: Glennon, 2017; Roundstone Native Seed, 2017. a If the broadcast method is more feasible, increase the perennial grasses in the mixture by 50 percent. TABLE 5.7.5-4 Seed Mix P-VABCHNP01: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in Virginia Common Name a Scientific Name Flowering Season Drilled Seeding Rate b (ounces/acre - weight of pure live seed (PLS) per acre) Seeds per Square Foot Showy Tickseed Bidens aristosa Late Summer 11 3 Pea, Partridge (A) Chamaecrista fasciculata Mid-Summer 32 3 Susan, Black-eyed (B) Rudbeckia hirta Early Summer 2 3 Bergamot, Spotted (P) Monarda punctata Summer 2 3 Bergamot, Wild (P) Monarda fistulosa Summer 2 3 Beardtongue, Eastern Smooth (P) Penstemon laevigatus Late Spring 7 3 Penstemon, Talus Slope (P) Penstemon digitalis Late Spring 5 3 Slender Mountain Mint (P) Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Late Summer 1 3 New England Aster Aster novae-angliae Late Summer 2 3 Total — — 64.0 ounces/acre (4.0 lbs/acre) 27 ____________________ Source: Glennon, 2017; Roundstone Native Seed, 2017. a Forb types include (A) for annual flowers, (B) for biennial flowers, and (P) for perennial flowers. b If the broadcast method is more feasible, increase the perennial grasses in the mixture by 50 percent. Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 20 TABLE 5.7.5-5 Seed Mix P-MUMP02: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rate for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in West Virginia a Common Name Scientific Name Height (feet) Sun Exposure Seed Mix Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Switchgrass Panicum virgatum 3 - 7 Full Sun 0.233 Red Top Panicum Panicum rigidulum 2 - 4 Full Sun 0.017 Fowl Manna Grass Glyceria striata 3 - 5 Part Shade 0.008 Virginia Wild Rye Elymus virginicus 2 - 4 Full Sun 0.217 Canada Wild Rye Elymus canadensis 2 - 5 Part Shade 0.167 Deer Tongue Grass Panicum clandestinum 2 - 4 Full Sun 0.058 Big Bluestem Andropogon gerardii 4 - 10 Full Sun 0.167 Frank's Sedge Carex frankii 1 - 2 Part Shade 0.042 Fox Sedge Carex vulpinoidea 2 - 3 Part Shade 0.025 Fall Panicum Panicum anceps 2 - 4 Part Shade 0.067 Total — – — 1.0 ____________________ Sources: Roundstone Native Seed, 2015; Glennon, 2015 a Recommended seeding application rate is 8 to 18 pounds per acre. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed TABLE 5.7.5-6 Seed Mix P-MUMP02: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix Application Rate for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in West Virginia Common Name Scientific Name Color Bloom Period Seed Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)a Ohio Spiderwort Tradescantia ohiensis Blue Spring, Summer 0.167 Smooth Beardtongue Penstemon digitalis White Spring 0.083 Butterfly Milkweed Asclepias tuberosa Orange Spring, Summer 0.083 Blackeyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta Yellow Spring, Summer 0.134 Wild Senna Senna marilandica Yellow Summer 0.668 Hoary Mountain Mint Pycnanthemum incanum White Summer 0.033 Lupine Lupinus perennis Blue Summer 0.501 Bergamot Monarda fistulosa Lavender Summer 0.083 Boneset Eupatorium perfoliatum White Summer 0.083 Joe-Pye Weed Eupatorium fistulosum Pink Summer, Fall 0.125 Showy Tickseed Bidens aristosa Yellow Summer, Fall 0.501 Sneezeweed Helenium autumnale Yellow Summer, Fall 0.125 Rough Goldenrod Solidago rugosa Yellow Fall 0.083 Total — — — 2.67 ____________________ Sources: Roundstone Native Seed, 2015; Glennon, 2015 a lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 21 TABLE 5.7.5-7 Seed Mix P-VABCHNP02: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in Virginia a Common Name Scientific Name Cultivar or Germplasm Drilled Seeding Rate a (weight of pure live seed (PLS) per acre) Seeds per Square Foot Beaked Panicum Panicum anceps SC or MD Ecotype 4 ounces 3 Redtop Panicum Panicum rigidulum NC Ecotype 3 ounces 3 Slender Rush Juncus tenuis — 1 ounce 3 ____________________ Source: Glennon, 2015; Roundstone Native Seed, 2017. a If the broadcast method is more feasible, increase the perennial grasses in the mixture by 50 percent. TABLE 5.7.5-8 Seed Mix P-VABCHNP02: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in Virginia Common Name a Scientific Name Flowering Season Drilled Seeding Rate b (ounces/acre - weight of pure live seed (PLS) per acre Seeds per Square Foot New England Aster Symphyotrichum puniceum Fall 3 3 Bergamot, Wild (P) Monarda fistulosa Summer 1 3 Ironweed, New York (P) Vernonia novaboracensis Late Summer 7 3 Rough-stemmed goldenrod Solidago rugosa Late Summer 3 3 Joe Pye Weed, Spotted (P) Eutrochium fistulosus Late Summer 2 3 Pea, Partridge (A) Chamaecrista fasciculata Mid-Summer 32 3 Rosemallow (P) Hibiscus moscheutos Summer 2 3 Showy Tickseed Bidens aristosa Late Summer 11 3 Total — — 61.0 ounces/ acre (3.8 lbs/acre) 24 ____________________ Source: Glennon, 2017; Roundstone Native Seed, 2017. a Forb types include (A) for annual flowers, (B) for biennial flowers, and (P) for perennial flowers. b If the broadcast method is more feasible, increase the perennial grasses in the mixture by 50 percent. Pennsylvania In Pennsylvania, the SHP pipeline (approximately 3.9 miles) will be collocated with DTI’s existing LN-25 pipeline in Westmoreland County. In general, the SHP pipeline will be constructed within and directly adjacent to the existing LN-25 pipeline rights-of-way which is seeded with cool season grasses. As presented in Appendix B, the recommended seed mixtures, rates, and amendments for the SHP were based on existing site conditions and compatibility with existing grasses, which includes the use of cool season grasses. No pollinator species specific to the area were recommended. Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 22 Piedmont Physiographic Region Seed Mixes Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites Virginia The proposed Mountain Physiographic Seed Mix P-VABCHNP01 that is described in Section was designed to also be compatible with the Piedmont Physiographic Region RU in excessively to moderately well drained areas in Virginia. Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites Virginia The proposed Mountain Physiographic Seed Mix P-VABCHNP02 described in Section was designed to also be compatible with the Piedmont Physiographic Region RU in somewhat poorly to very poorly drained sites in Virginia. Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Seed Mixes Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites Virginia The proposed Coastal Plain Seed Mix P-VACSDGS01 (Tables 5.7.5-9 and 5.7.5-10) was designed to be compatible with the Coastal Plain Physiographic Region RU in areas with slopes of 15 percent or less. The mix is based on selected native grass and forb species suitable for restoration in excessively to moderately well drained coastal areas in Virginia. North Carolina The proposed Coastal Plain Seed Mix P-CPDW01 (Tables 5.7.5-11 and 5.11.5-12) was designed to be compatible with the Coastal Plain Physiographic Region RU in areas with slopes of 15 percent or less and is based on selected native grass and forb species suitable for restoration in excessively to moderately well drained coastal areas in North Carolina. Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites Virginia The proposed Coastal Plain Seed Mix P-VACSDGS02 (Tables 5.7.5-13 and 5.7.5-14) was designed to be compatible with the Coastal Plain Physiographic Region RU in areas with slopes of 15 percent or less. The mix is based on selected native grass and forb species suitable for restoration in somewhat poorly to very poorly drained coastal areas in Virginia. Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 23 TABLE 5.7.5-9 Seed Mix P-VACSDGS01: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in Virginia Common Name Scientific Name Cultivar or Germplasm Drilled Seeding Rate a (weight of pure live seed (PLS) per acre) Seeds per Square Foot Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium Piedmont (NC) or Suther Germplasm (NC) 8 ounces 3 Splitbeard Bluestem Andropogon ternarius Virginia Ecotype 8 ounces 3 Common milkweed Asclepias syriaca — 3 ounces 0.21 ____________________ Source: Glennon, 2017; Roundstone Native Seed, 2017. a If the broadcast method is more feasible, increase the perennial grasses in the mixture by 50 percent. TABLE 5.7.5-10 Seed Mix P-VACSDGS01: Recommended Coast Plain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in Virginia Common Name a Scientific Name Flowering Season Drilled Seeding Rate b (ounces/acre - weight of pure live seed (PLS) per acre) Seeds per Square Foot Mountain Mint, Narrowleaf (P) Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Late Summer 1 3 Showy Tickseed Bidens aristosa Late Summer 11 3 Pea, Partridge (A) Chamaecrista fasciculata Mid-Summer 32 3 Susan, Black-eyed (B) Rudbeckia hirta Early Summer 2 3 Bergamot, Spotted (P) Monarda punctata Summer 2 3 Beardtongue, Eastern Smooth (P) Penstemon laevigatus Late Spring 7 3 Penstemon, Talus Slope (P) Penstemon digitalis Late Spring 5 3 Bergamot, Wild (P) Monarda fistulosa Summer 2 3 Total — — 65.0 ounces/acre (4.4 lbs/acre) 24 ____________________ Source: Glennon, 2017; Roundstone Native Seed, 2017. a Forb types include (A) for annual flowers, (B) for biennial flowers, and (P) for perennial flowers. b If the broadcast method is more feasible, increase the perennial grasses in the mixture by 50 percent. TABLE 5.7.5-11 Seed Mix P-CPDW01: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in North Carolina Common Name Scientific Name Height (feet) Sun Exposure Seed Mix Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium 2- 4 Full Sun 0.250 Virginia Wild Rye Elymus virginicus 2 - 4 Full Sun 0.250 Tall Dropseed Sporobolus compositus 2 - 3 Full Sun 0.050 Purple Top Tridens flavus 3 - 5 Part Shade 0.058 Indian Grass Sorghastrum nutans 3 - 6 Full Sun 0.167 Switchgrass Panicum virgatum 3 - 7 Full Sun 0.183 Fall Panicum Panicum anceps 2 - 4 Part Shade 0.042 Total — — — 1.0 ____________________ Sources: Roundstone Native Seed, 2017; Glennon, 2017. a Recommended seeding application rate is 8 to 18 pounds per acre. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed. Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 24 TABLE 5.7.5-12 Seed Mix P-CPDW01: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in North Carolina Common Name Scientific Name Color Bloom Period Seed Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)a Lance Leaved Coreopsis Coreopsis lanceolata Yellow Spring, Summer 0.266 Spotted Beebalm Monarda punctata Pink Spring, Summer 0.124 Common Milkweed Asclepias syriaca Pink Spring, Summer 0.107 Smooth Beardtongue Penstemon digitalis White Spring 0.107 Bergamot Monarda fistulosa Lavender Summer 0.124 Partridge Pea Cassia fasciculata Yellow Summer 0.621 Spiked Blazing Star Liatris spicata Pink Summer 0.222 Lupine Lupinus perennis Blue Summer 0.497 Early Goldenrod Solidago juncea Yellow Summer 0.160 Starry Silphium Silphium asteriscus Yellow Summer, Fall 0.178 Iron Weed Vernonia altissima Purple Summer, Fall 0.222 Sneezeweed Helenium autumnale Yellow Summer, Fall 0.124 Hairy Mountain Mint Pycnanthemum pilosum White Summer, Fall 0.089 Total — — — 2.84 ____________________ Sources: Roundstone Native Seed, 2017; Glennon, 2017. a lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed. TABLE 5.7.5-13 Seed Mix P-VACSDGS02: Recommended Coastal Plant Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in Virginia Common Name Scientific Name Cultivar or Germplasm Drilled Seeding Rate a (weight of pure live seed (PLS) per acre) Seeds per Square Foot Panicum, Beaked Panicum anceps SC or MD Ecotype 4 ounces 3 Panicum, Redtop Panicum rigidulum NC Ecotype 3 ounces 3 ____________________ Source: Glennon, 2017; Roundstone Native Seed, 2017. a If the broadcast method is more feasible, increase the perennial grasses in the mixture by 50 percent. TABLE 5.7.5-14 Seed Mix P-VACSDGS02: Recommended Coastal Plant Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in Virginia Common Name a Scientific Name Flowering Season Drilled Seeding Rate (weight of bulk seed per acre) Seeds per Square Foot New England Aster Aster novae-angliae Fall 3 3 Sneezeweed, Common (P) Helenium autumnale Fall 2 3 Showy Tickseed Bidens aristosa Late Summer 11 3 New York Ironweed (P) Vernonia nova boracensis Late Summer 7 3 Goldenrod, Wrinkleleaf (P) Solidago rugosa Late Summer 2 3 Joe Pye Weed, Spotted (P) Eutrochium fistulosus Late Summer 2 3 Partridge Pea (A) Chamaecrista fasciculata Mid-Summer 32 3 Rosemallow (P) Hibiscus moscheutos Summer 2 3 Narrowleaf Sunflower (P) Helianthus angustifolius Late Summer 4 3 Total — — 65.0 ounces/acre (4.1 lbs/acre 27 ____________________ Source: Glennon, 2017; Roundstone Native Seed, 2017. a Forb types include (A) for annual flowers, (B) for biennial flowers, and (P) for perennial flowers. b If the broadcast method is more feasible, increase the perennial grasses in the mixture by 50 percent. Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 25 North Carolina The proposed Coastal Plain Seed Mix P-CPDW02 (Tables 5.7.5-15 and 5.7.5-16) was designed to be compatible with the Coastal Plain Physiographic Region RU in areas with slopes of 15 percent or less and is based on selected native grass and forb species suitable for restoration in somewhat poorly to very poorly drained coastal areas in North Carolina. TABLE 5.7.5-15 Seed Mix P-CPDW02: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in North Carolina a Common Name Scientific Name Height (feet) Sun Exposure Seed Mix Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Switchgrass Panicum virgatum 3 - 7 Full Sun 0.233 Red Top Panicum Panicum rigidulum 2 - 4 Full Sun 0.017 Fowl Manna Grass Glyceria striata 3 - 5 Part Shade 0.008 Virginia Wild Rye Elymus virginicus 2 - 4 Full Sun 0.217 Deer Tongue Grass Panicum clandestinum 2 - 4 Full Sun 0.058 Big Bluestem Andropogon gerardii 4 - 10 Full Sun 0.167 Frank's Sedge Carex frankii 1 - 2 Part Shade 0.042 Fox Sedge Carex vulpinoidea 2 - 3 Part Shade 0.025 Fall Panicum Panicum anceps 2 - 4 Part Shade 0.067 Total — — — 0.83 ____________________ Sources: Roundstone Native Seed, 2015; Glennon, 2015 a Recommended seeding application rate is 8 to 18 pounds per acre. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed TABLE 5.7.5-16 Seed Mix P-CPDW02: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in North Carolina Common Name Scientific Name Color Bloom Period Seed Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)a Smooth Beardtongue Penstemon digitalis White Spring 0.169 Butterfly Milkweed Asclepias tuberosa Orange Spring, Summer 0.056 Ohio Spiderwort Tradescantia ohiensis Blue Spring, Summer 0.084 Blackeyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta Yellow Spring, Summer 0.180 Spiked Blazing Star Liatris spicata Pink Summer 0.264 Hoary Mountain Mint Pycnanthemum incanum White Summer 0.034 Early Goldenrod Solidago juncea Yellow Summer 0.113 Bergamot Monarda fistulosa Lavender Summer 0.169 Showy Tickseed Bidens aristosa Yellow Summer, Fall 0.366 Starry Silphium Silphium asteriscus Yellow Summer, Fall 0.113 Narrow-Leaved Sunflower Helianthus angustifolius Yellow Summer, Fall 0.113 Joe-Pye Weed Eupatorium fistulosum Pink Summer, Fall 0.141 Total — — — 2.84 ____________________ Sources: Roundstone Native Seed, 2015; Glennon, 2015 a lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 26 5.7.6 Seeding Methods Seeding may be conducted with the use of a seed drill, a mechanical broadcast seeder, or by hydroseeding. In the absence of requirements to the contrary, the standard application method will be seeding with a seed drill equipped with a cultipacker. In rocky soils or where site conditions may limit the effectiveness of this equipment, other alternatives may be appropriate (e.g., use of a chain drag) to lightly cover seed after application, as approved by an EI. Broadcast or hydroseeding at double the recommended seeding rates may be used in lieu of drilling (see Appendix B for recommendations). Broadcast seeding will be used for areas with minimal to moderate slopes and will be performed by dry dispersal or wet broadcast seeding. Wet broadcast seeding is an effective treatment for temporary erosion control and may be used when hydroseeding late in the season or on certain site conditions where hydroseeding is not practical. To support successful seed germination, seed will be broadcast once soil compaction has been rectified and soil composition includes proper aeration and water percolation to support plant development. Where seed is broadcast, the seedbed will be restructured with a cultipacker or imprinter after seeding. Once seed is broadcast, Atlantic and DTI will rake the area lightly to encourage plant establishment and minimize the seed that migrates from the site (North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 2009). Hydroseeding involves the mixing of slurry (i.e., seed, water, fertilizer, tackifier, or mulch) in a truck-mounted mixing tank and ground application via a pressurized pump. Hydroseeding is the preferred method of seed dispersal on steep slopes greater than 60 percent, where site conditions require seed adherence to the disturbed soil. Prior to hydroseeding, Atlantic and DTI will scarify the seedbed to facilitate lodging and germination of seed. Tackifiers will be applied where necessary so that seed adheres to soil. Polymer binders, if selected, will be used in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications to ensure proper compatibility with fertilizers and to avoid foaming that might otherwise result from excessive agitation. All chemical components will be mixed and administered in accordance with manufacturer and applicable agency guidelines. In addition, hydroseeding near wetlands or waterbodies will only be conducted in accordance with the FERC Plan and Procedures and other applicable agency regulations. 5.8 SEEDBED AUGMENTATION 5.8.1 Lime and Fertilizer Application Lime and fertilizer recommendations provided by the various Federal, State/Commonwealth, local and land management and subject matter experts consulted for each County/City are provided in Appendix B. Each county crossed by the Projects may have different fertilization and liming requirements based on the soil characteristics and the proposed seed mix prescriptions. In general, and in accordance with the Plan and Procedures, upland areas will have a fertilizer and pH supplement (i.e., lime) mixed in to the upper two inches of topsoil. No lime or fertilizer will be used within 100 feet of wetlands or waterbodies or within 300 feet of karst features. In upland areas without specific fertilization requirements, Atlantic and DTI will: Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 27  apply 150 pounds per acre of 10-20-20 (or similar) fertilizer;  apply phosphorus or potassium during the same installation, if required;  avoid fertilizer drift through restricted application times that exclude periods of high winds or heavy rains; and  store and mix all fertilizers in upland areas and away from karst features, so as to avoid wetlands, waterbodies, or karst features. 5.8.2 Mulching Mulching recommendations provided by the various Federal, State/Commonwealth, local and land management agencies, and subject matter experts consulted for each County/City are provided in Appendix B. Each County/City crossed by the Projects may have different mulching requirements based on the landscape characteristics, soil types, and the proposed seed mix prescriptions. In general, and in accordance with the Plan, Atlantic and DTI will apply mulch to slopes immediately after seeding to prevent erosion. In non-forested areas, mulch will be spread uniformly over a minimum of 75 percent of the surface at a rate of 2 tons per acre, or 1 ton per acre if wood chips are used, or per directions from land managing agencies or landowners. In forested areas, if the amount of mulch will likely exceed these parameters due to the shredding of non-merchandisable forest materials cleared from the rights-of-way, Atlantic and DTI will request a variance from FERC prior to applying mulch greater than 1 ton/acre. Mulch materials will be anchored to the soil with stakes or liquid mulch tackifiers. No tackifiers will be used within 100 feet of wetlands and waterbodies or within 300 feet of karst features. Possible mulch materials and application techniques are described below.  Salvaged wood materials, including slash and non-merchantable timber, will be retained in forested areas and placed on the rights-of-way after final grading, re- contouring, and seeding is complete. Woody debris is expected to support revegetation while preventing erosion and providing micro-habitat for various species.  Native wood chip materials will be used in forested systems and will be generated from cleared materials that are chipped and stockpiled on the edge of the rights- of-way. Native wood chips are expected to aid in the successful revegetation of disturbed areas.  Wood fiber hydromulch may be used in shrubby areas to augment biomass salvaged during clearing. Hydromulch is evenly distributed and absorbs water quickly, which enhances seed survival rates and discourages erosion during regeneration of shrubby species.  Bonded fiber matrix (BFM), a type of hydromulch designed to control erosion on steep slopes, may also be used where appropriate. BFM slurry contains thermally processed wood fibers (approximately 80 percent), water (approximately Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 28 10 percent), and tackifiers and polymer-based binding agents that are quick to dry upon application. BFM is hydraulically applied, which allows for controlled application on steep slopes where access may be difficult. BFM will only be applied to stable slopes where final grading has been completed and water runoff has been diverted from the slope face. Once BFM has had 24 to 48 hours to cure, an erosion-resistant blanket is formed that is flexible, absorbent, and biodegradable, and that will accelerate plant growth. BFM may be used in conjunction with slope breakers and other erosion control devices on slopes longer than 70 feet. BFM application rates will depend on manufacturers specifications, based upon the slope of the disturbed areas.  Straw or hay that has been certified as weed-free will be used to preserve the soil base in areas where native salvaged material is not available. In areas that are seeded by drill, Atlantic and DTI will apply one bale of clean straw or hay per 1,000 square feet. Where broadcast seeding is used, Atlantic and DTI will apply two bales of clean straw or hay per 1,000 square feet, or in accordance with requirements specified by Federal or State/Commonwealth land managing agencies. 5.8.3 Supplemental Plantings Where required, Atlantic and DTI may supplement seeding with the planting of tree seedlings or small shrubs. No supplemental plantings are anticipated for maintained areas within the permanent easements for the pipelines. Public lands will be revegetated in accordance with land management objectives and direction from land managing agencies (see Sections 5.0 and 6.0). 5.9 RIPARIAN RESTORATION Following initial stream bank stabilization, Atlantic and DTI will restore the banks of waterbodies to preconstruction contours to the extent practicable. In steep-slope areas, re- grading may be required to reestablish stable contours capable of supporting preconstruction drainage patterns. Riparian areas will be revegetated with native species across the entire width of the construction corridor. Restoration of riparian areas will be designed to:  restore stream bank integrity, including both shore crossings up to the ordinary high water mark;  withstand periods of high flow without increasing erosion and downstream sedimentation; and  include temporary erosion control fencing, which will remain in place until stream bank and riparian restoration is complete. Permanent bank stabilization and erosion control devices (e.g., natural structures, rock riprap, and/or large woody debris) will be installed as necessary on steep banks in accordance Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 29 with permit requirements to permanently stabilize the banks and minimize sediment deposition into waterbodies. 5.9.1 Non-forested Riparian Areas All disturbed banks and riparian work areas will be seeded as soon as possible after final grading, weather and soil conditions permitting and subject to the recommended seeding dates for the area. Seeding is intended to stabilize the soil, improve the appearance of the area disturbed by construction, and restore native flora. As discussed above, Atlantic and DTI will determine appropriate seeding prescriptions based upon the vegetative community of the disturbed area, and will continue to consult with land managing agencies regarding seeding requirements for riparian areas. 5.9.2 Forested Riparian Areas Restoration of forested riparian areas will include seeding as discussed above, and may include supplemental plantings of tree seedlings and shrubs. Clearing of riparian trees in forested areas will reduce shade near streams, and may allow for an increase in local water temperature. Large woody debris, where available and appropriate habitat conditions exist, will be placed adjacent to waterbody crossings to add shade and fish habitat. Forested riparian areas will be restored and enhanced using plantings of native shrubs and trees, excluding the permanent easement, which will be retained in an herbaceous state. On a site-specific basis and in consultation with land managing agencies or landowners, Atlantic and DTI will design riparian revegetation with the use of fast growing native trees and shrubs placed closest to the bank top to provide canopy recovery as quickly as possible to shade and overhang the waterbodies. Restoration of forested riparian areas on Federal and State/Commonwealth lands will be determined based upon consultations with the appropriate land managing agencies. 5.10 WETLAND RESTORATION Atlantic and DTI will employ clearing and construction techniques designed to support regeneration of existing wetland vegetation, including the following:  clearing vegetation at ground level in all non-forested wetland areas outside of the trench line to leave existing root systems intact to help stabilize soils, preserve existing ground elevations, and promote revegetation through sprouting and from existing seed stocks;  using equipment mats to prevent soil compaction and allow intact root systems to regrow;  replacing the topsoil segregated from the trenchline in unsaturated wetlands to promote reestablishment of existing wetland species and preserving the vegetative propagules (i.e., seeds, tubers, rhizomes, and bulbs) within the soil, which will have the potential to germinate or sprout when the topsoil is replaced; and  limiting the removal of stumps to the trench area in forested wetlands, except where safety considerations necessitate additional stump removal, as retained Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 30 stumps will facilitate reestablishment of woody species by enabling re-sprouting from existing root structures. In accordance with the Procedures, sediment barriers will be installed immediately following clearing activities occurring within wetlands or adjacent upland areas along the pipeline rights-of-way. Where necessary, sediment barriers will be installed across the construction rights-of-way immediately upslope of the wetland boundary to prevent sediment flow into wetlands. Sediment barriers will be properly maintained throughout construction, reinstalled as necessary, and removed after restoration is complete and revegetation has stabilized the disturbed areas. Seeding of wetlands is not anticipated as wetlands are expected to naturally revegetate. Unless specified by landowners or land managing agencies, revegetation will be monitored annually until wetland revegetation is successful in accordance with the Procedures. Wetland revegetation will be considered successful when vegetation community characteristics are similar to the vegetation in adjacent wetland areas that were not disturbed by construction. As described in the Procedures, restored wetland vegetation will include at least 80 percent of the species targeted for restoration, and the density (i.e., percent cover) and distribution (e.g., microsites and patches) of individual plants will be similar to areas not disturbed by construction. Revegetation requirements appropriate for Federal and State/Commonwealth lands will be determined through consultation with those agencies. After revegetation, Atlantic and DTI anticipate no permanent impact on emergent wetland vegetation within the rights-of-way. Scrub-shrub and forested wetlands will not be allowed to fully reestablish within portions of the permanent rights-of-way centered over the pipeline trench lines. Atlantic and DTI will periodically remove woody species from wetlands to facilitate post-construction inspections of the permanently maintained rights-of-way. Where the pipelines cross wetlands, Atlantic and DTI will maintain a 10-foot-wide corridor centered over the pipelines in an herbaceous condition, and remove deep rooted trees within a 30-foot-wide corridor centered over the pipelines. 5.11 AGRICULTURAL AREAS Atlantic and DTI will work with individual landowners to address restoration of active agricultural areas. Generally, agricultural areas will be replanted by the landowner or tenant, unless otherwise requested by the landowner. Anticipated impacts on and restoration of irrigation systems, drain tiles, gates, and other structures are discussed in Resource Report 8. 5.12 EXPOSED BEDROCK In areas with exposed bedrock or bedrock, Atlantic and DTI will restore the area using crushed rock rather than attempting to revegetate the area. 5.13 UPLAND FOREST Atlantic and DTI have prepared and will implement a Timber Removal Plan, which describes construction and restoration activities in areas where timber is removed. The plan also Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 31 addresses compensation for loss of merchantable timber as well as elements of timber removal/sale that are unique to public lands. Elements of the plan include:  completion of a timber cruise to appraise the value of merchantable timber;  installation of flagging/fencing of timber removal limits, riparian areas, and other exclusion zones prior to timber removal operations;  identification of access and staging requirements for timber removal, including log landing locations, temporary bridges at waterbody crossings, etc.; and  identification of timber removal methods (e.g., high line yarder logging, mechanical harvesting, helicopter logging). Following construction in forested areas, seed mixes, and/or seedlings will be planted in temporary workspace areas in accordance with recommendations from the NRCS, land managing or other applicable agencies, and operators of commercial tree farms. In non- cultivated uplands, including forested areas, the permanent easement for each pipeline will be maintained in an herbaceous state. 6.0 FEDERAL LANDS The AP-1 mainline will cross approximately 5.5 miles of Federal lands in the Monongahela National Forest and approximately 14.5 miles of Federal lands in the George Washington National Forest, which are administered by the USFS. As described in Atlantic’s and DTI’s Resource Reports, Federal lands are managed in accordance with various management directives, including standards and guidelines for restoration and revegetation activities. Restoration activities on Federal lands will be in accordance with these standards and guidelines. Additional or site-specific requirements for restoration of Federal lands will be addressed in a Construction, Operations, and Maintenance Plan to be developed in conjunction with USFS staff. Consultation with USFS staff regarding seed mixes, soil amendments, and application rates, including appropriate cultural practices recommended by USFS staff to be used in the Monongahela National and George Washington National Forest is ongoing. This information will be provided in Appendix B when consultation is complete. In addition to USFS lands, the AP-1 mainline will also cross approximately 0.1 mile of National Park Service lands along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Atlantic is proposing the use of the horizontal directional drill construction method to install the proposed pipeline under the Blue Ridge Parkway at this location. The horizontal directional drill method will avoid direct impacts on the parkway, including impacts on adjacent vegetation. 7.0 STATE LANDS In West Virginia, the AP-1 mainline crosses 3.8 miles of the Seneca State Forest in Pocahontas County, West Virginia, and the SHP crosses approximately 3.6 miles of the Lewis Wetzel WMA in Wetzel County, West Virginia. Seneca State Forest is managed by the WV Division of Forestry and the Lewis Wetzel WMA is managed by the West Virginia Department Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 32 of Natural Resources. The AP-1 mainline crosses 1.2 miles of the James River WMA in Nelson County, Virginia, which is managed by the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. The seed mixes, soils amendments, and application rates, including appropriate cultural practices recommended by the State/Commonwealth staff, for the Lewis Wetzel WMA and James River WMA are provided in Appendix B. In Virginia, the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries has indicated that it may want to be responsible for replanting the rights-of-way on its lands. Consultation with the WV Division of Forestry regarding seed mixes, soil amendments, and application rates is ongoing. This information will be provided in Appendix B when consultation is complete. 8.0 RESTORATION MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE 8.1 MONITORING The general objectives of the monitoring program will be to determine the status and effectiveness of restoration efforts and to determine locations where additional maintenance may be required. Atlantic and DTI will inspect disturbed areas after the first and second growing seasons to determine the success of revegetation. In agricultural areas, revegetation will be considered successful when the area has been revegetated and is similar to adjacent undisturbed areas of the same field. In all other non-forested areas, revegetation will be considered successful when the density and cover of non-nuisance vegetation is similar to adjacent areas that were not disturbed by construction activities. In Federal and State/Commonwealth forested areas, monitoring activities will be performed until reforestation is determined successful based on pre-defined success criteria, as determined through consultations with Federal and State/Commonwealth land managing agencies. Atlantic and DTI will continue revegetation efforts until they are successful. Restoration will be considered successful when construction debris is removed, similar vegetative cover or bedrock has been restored, the original surface elevations are restored as closely as practicable to preconstruction contours, the surface condition is similar to adjacent non-disturbed areas, and proper drainage is restored. 8.2 GRAZING DEFERMENTS Where warranted, Atlantic and DTI will work with landowners or lessees to implement grazing deferment plans (e.g., by fencing off restoration sites) to minimize impacts on emergent vegetation due to grazing. 8.3 PERMANENT RIGHTS-OF-WAY MAINTENANCE In order to maintain accessibility of the rights-of-way and to accommodate pipeline integrity surveys, vegetation within the permanent easements will be periodically cleared over the pipelines. In accordance with the Plan, in non-cultivated uplands, a 10-foot-wide herbaceous corridor may be maintained annually, as needed. In addition, trees and brush will be cleared over the entire width of the permanent rights-of-way on an as-needed basis not to exceed once every 3 years. In wetlands and riparian areas, the Procedures allow a 10-foot-wide corridor centered over pipelines to be permanently maintained in an herbaceous state. The Procedures Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 33 also allow for cutting and removing trees greater than 15 feet in height within 15 feet of pipelines in wetlands. Atlantic and DTI will use mechanical mowing or cutting along their rights-of-way for normal vegetative maintenance. Atlantic and DTI will monitor the rights-of-way for infestations of invasive species that may have been created or exacerbated by construction, restoration, or maintenance activities, and will treat such infestations in consultation with landowners and applicable agencies in accordance with its Invasive Species Management Plan. 9.0 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 9.1 ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTORS EIs will have the authority to stop activities that violate environmental conditions of Federal or State/Commonwealth environmental permits and landowner agreements and to order appropriate corrective action. During revegetation and restoration, the EIs will be responsible for:  ensuring compliance with the requirements of the Plan and Procedures; Atlantic’s and DTI’s construction, restoration, and mitigation plans; conditions required by permits and other approvals; this Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan; and environmental requirements identified in landowner easement agreements;  identifying, documenting, and overseeing corrective actions, as necessary, to bring an activity back into compliance;  verifying that the limits of authorized construction work areas and locations of access roads are visibly marked before clearing;  verifying the location of restoration sites, and maintaining appropriate signage for boundaries of sensitive resource areas, waterbodies, wetlands, farm improvements (i.e., repair of fences, drain tiles, irrigation systems, or structures), or areas with special restoration requirements;  monitoring erosion and sediment control devices and soil stabilization measures in construction areas, and identifying additional needs for new controls or maintenance of existing controls;  verifying that dewatering activities are properly monitored and do not result in the deposition of sand, silt, and/or sediment into sensitive environmental resource areas, including but not limited to wetlands, waterbodies, cultural resource sites, and sensitive species habitats;  ensuring that subsoil and topsoil are tested in agricultural and residential areas to measure compaction and determine the need for corrective action; Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 34  advising the Construction Inspector when environmental conditions (such as wet or frozen soils) make it advisable to restrict or delay construction activities to avoid topsoil mixing or excessive compaction;  ensuring restoration of contours and topsoil;  verifying that soils imported for agricultural or residential use have been certified as free of invasive species and soil pests, unless otherwise approved by the landowner;  determining the need for and ensuring that erosion controls are properly installed, as necessary, to prevent sediment flow into wetlands, waterbodies, sensitive areas, and onto roads;  inspecting and ensuring the maintenance of temporary erosion control measures at least: o on a daily basis in areas of active construction or equipment operation; o on a weekly basis in areas with no construction or equipment operation; and o within 24 hours of each 0.5 inch of rainfall.  ensuring the repair of all ineffective temporary erosion control measures within 24 hours of identification;  keeping records of compliance or non-compliance with conditions of environmental regulatory permits and approvals, including activities that could result in decertification of organic farms; and  identifying areas that will require special attention to ensure stabilization and restoration success. Where appropriate for local resource needs, the role of EIs may be filled by agricultural or horticultural specialists. 9.2 DOCUMENTATION In accordance with the Plan, Atlantic and DTI will maintain post-construction records of activities performed and will submit quarterly activity reports to the FERC. Reports will document any issues that arise during revegetation, including those identified by the landowner or land managing agency, and corrective actions taken for at least two years following construction. Reports will identify by milepost:  method of application, application rate, and type of fertilizer, pH modifier, seed, and mulch used; Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 35  acreage treated;  dates of backfilling and seeding;  names of landowners requesting special seeding treatment and a description of the follow-up actions;  the location of subsurface drainage repairs or improvements made during restoration; and  problem areas, such areas where vegetation did not establish or erosion occurred, and how they were addressed. Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan 36 10.0 REFERENCES Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 2013a. Upland Erosion Control, Revegetation, and Maintenance Plan. Available online at: http://www.ferc.gov/industries/gas/enviro/ plan.pdf. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 2013b. Wetland and Waterbody Construction and Mitigation Procedures. Available online at: http://www.ferc.gov/industries/gas/enviro/ procedures.pdf. Glennon, Robert. 2015. Personal communication with Herbert Pirela of Environmental Resources Management, Inc. Private Lands Biologist. Glennon, Robert. 2017. Personal communication with Herbert Pirela of Environmental Resources Management, Inc. Private Lands Biologist. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. 2009. North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. Available online at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/lr/576. Accessed June 2015. Roundstone Native Seed. 2015. Jeremy Hamlington, personal communication with Herbert Pirela of Environmental Resources Management, Inc. Horticulturist. Roundstone Native Seed. 2017. Jeremy Hamlington, personal communication with Herbert Pirela of Environmental Resources Management, Inc. Horticulturist. Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. 1992. Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. Available online at: http://www.deq.virginia.gov/Programs/Water/ StormwaterManagement/Publications/ESCHandbook.aspx. Accessed June 2015 West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Oil and Gas. 2012. West Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Field Manual. Available online at: http://www.dep.wv.gov/oil-and-gas/Documents/Erosion%20Manual%2004.pdf. Accessed June 2015. ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE and DOMINION TRANSMISSION, INC. SUPPLY HEADER PROJECT Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan Appendix A Major Soil Drainage and Slope Classes Crossed by the Projects TABLE 5.6-1 Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Supply Header Project Major Soil Drainage and Slope Classes Crossed by the Projects Project /State or Commonwealth/County Drainage Class a Crossing Length (miles) Total 0-15% b >16% b ATLANTIC COASTAL PIPELINE West Virginia Harrison Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 1.0 0.2 0.8 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Total 1.1 0.3 0.8 Lewis Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 19.8 6.9 12.9 Null b/ 0.1 <0.1 0.1 Total 19.9 6.9 13.0 Upshur Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 21.5 8.8 12.7 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 0.6 0.6 <0.1 Null 0.1 0.1 <0.1 Total 22.2 9.5 12.7 Randolph Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 28.6 12.3 16.3 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 0.3 0.3 0.00 Null 1.9 1.4 0.5 Total 30.8 14.0 16.8 Pocahontas Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 23.4 8.4 15.0 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 0.8 0.8 <0.1 Null <0.1 <0.1 0.00 Total 24.3 9.3 15.0 Virginia Highland Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 10.5 3.0 7.5 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 0.1 0.1 0.0 Null <0.1 <0.1 0.0 Total 10.6 3.1 7.5 Bath Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 20.4 9.6 10.8 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 1.2 1.2 0.00 Null <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Total 21.6 10.8 10.8 Augusta Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 50.4 35.5 14.9 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 1.9 1.9 <0.1 Null 2.0 1.1 0.9 Total 54.3 38.5 15.8 Nelson Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 26.9 10.3 16.7 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 0.3 0.3 <0.1 Null <0.1 <0.1 0.0 Total 27.3 10.6 16.7 Buckingham Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 22.8 20.0 2.7 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 4.9 4.6 0.3 Null <0.1 <0.1 0.0 Total 27.7 24.7 3.0 Cumberland Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 8.5 7.8 0.7 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 0.5 0.5 0.0 Null <0.1 <0.1 0.0 Total 9.1 8.4 0.7 1 TABLE 5.6-1 (cont’d) Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Supply Header Project Major Soil Drainage and Slope Classes Crossed by the Projects Project /State or Commonwealth/County Drainage Class a Crossing Length (miles) Total 0-15% b >16% b Prince Edward Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 5.0 4.1 0.9 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 0.2 0.2 <0.1 Null <0.1 <0.1 0.0 Total 5.2 4.3 0.9 Nottoway Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 21.1 19.1 2.0 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 2.3 2.2 0.1 Null <0.1 <0.1 0.0 Total 23.4 21.3 2.1 Dinwiddie Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 11.0 10.9 0.1 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 0.8 0.8 0.0 Total 11.8 11.7 0.1 Brunswick Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 21.4 21.2 0.2 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 1.6 1.6 <0.1 Total 23.0 22.8 0.2 Greensville Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 11.4 11.1 0.3 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 7.1 7.1 0.0 Null 0.1 0.1 0.0 Total 18.6 18.3 0.3 Southampton Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 16.1 16.0 <0.1 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 10.0 10.0 0.0 Null <0.1 <0.1 0.0 Total 26.1 26.1 <0.1 City of Suffolk Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 16.2 15.8 0.4 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 16.4 16.3 0.1 Null 0.6 0.6 0.0 Total 33.2 32.7 0.5 City of Chesapeake Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 0.6 0.6 0.0 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 9.0 9.0 0.0 Null 1.7 1.7 0.0 Total 11.3 11.3 0.0 North Carolina Northampton Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 17.8 17.6 0.2 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 4.2 4.2 <0.1 Null 0.1 0.1 0.0 Total 22.1 21.9 0.2 Halifax Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 16.8 16.6 0.2 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 7.5 7.5 <0.1 Null 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total 24.3 24.1 0.2 Nash Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 20.1 19.9 0.2 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 11.8 11.8 0.0 Null <0.1 <0.1 0.0 Total 31.9 31.7 0.2 Wilson Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 6.5 6.5 0.0 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 5.4 5.4 <0.1 Total 11.9 11.9 <0.1 2 TABLE 5.6-1 (cont’d) Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Supply Header Project Major Soil Drainage and Slope Classes Crossed by the Projects Project /State or Commonwealth/County Drainage Class a Crossing Length (miles) Total 0-15% b >16% b Johnston Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 19.0 19.0 <0.1 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 19.1 19.1 0.0 Null <0.1 <0.1 0.0 Total 38.1 38.1 <0.1 Sampson Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 4.7 4.7 0.0 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 3.1 3.1 0.0 Total 7.8 7.8 0.0 Cumberland Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 16.8 16.7 0.1 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 22.7 22.7 0.0 Null 0.1 0.1 0.0 Total 39.6 39.5 0.1 Robeson Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 9.4 9.4 0.0 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 13.1 13.1 0.0 Total 22.5 22.5 0.0 TOTAL 599.7 482.1 117.6 SUPPLY HEADER PROJECT Pennsylvania Westmoreland Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 3.8 2.2 1.6 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 0.1 0.1 0.0 Total 3.9 2.3 1.6 West Virginia Harrison Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 0.3 0.2 0.1 Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained 0.3 0.1 0.2 Total 0.6 0.3 0.3 Doddridge Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 22.1 4.2 17.9 Null 0.1 0.1 <0.1 Total 22.2 4.3 17.9 Tyler Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 0.8 0.1 0.7 Total 0.8 0.1 0.7 Wetzel Excessively to Moderately Well Drained 10.0 1.2 8.8 Total 10.0 1.2 8.8 TOTAL 37.5 8.2 29.3 GRAND TOTAL 637.2 490.3 146.9 ____________________ a Null = soil map units with no assigned drainage class. b Slope was determined using available digital elevation model raster data and running the slope analysis tool in ArcGIS: ArcMap. The drainage classes were determined using the SSURGO database. 3 ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE and DOMINION TRANSMISSION, INC. SUPPLY HEADER PROJECT Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan Appendix B Recommended Seed Mix Prescriptions and Soil Amendments ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE Docket Nos. CP15-554-000 & CP15-554-001 and DOMINION TRANSMISSION, INC. SUPPLY HEADER PROJECT Docket No. CP15-555-000 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost Updated, Rev 5 Prepared by May 1, 2017 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................1 2.0 ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE ......................................................................................1 2.1 WEST VIRGINIA ...................................................................................................1 2.1.1 Harrison, Lewis, Randolph, and Upshur Counties ......................................1 2.1.2 Pocahontas County.......................................................................................2 2.1.3 Federal Lands ...............................................................................................4 2.1.4 State Lands ...................................................................................................5 2.1.5 Recommended Native Grasses and Pollinators Seed Mixtures, Application Rates, and Non-Native Cover Crop by Physiographical Region .................5 2.2 VIRGINIA ...............................................................................................................8 2.2.1 Augusta, Brunswick, Buckingham, Cumberland, Highland, Bath, Nelson, Nottoway, and Prince Edward Counties ......................................................8 2.2.2 Federal Lands .............................................................................................17 2.2.3 State Lands .................................................................................................17 2.2.4 Dinwiddie, Greensville, and Southampton Counties, and Chesapeake and Suffolk Cities (Coastal Plain Region) ........................................................20 2.3 NORTH CAROLINA ............................................................................................24 2.3.1 Northampton County .................................................................................24 2.3.2 Halifax and Wilson Counties .....................................................................25 2.3.3 Nash and Johnston Counties ......................................................................26 2.3.4 Sampson County ........................................................................................27 2.3.5 Cumberland County ...................................................................................29 2.3.6 Robeson County .........................................................................................30 2.3.7 Recommended Native Grass and Pollinator Seed Mixtures, Application Rates, and Non-Native Cover Crop by Physiographical Region (Coastal Plain) ..........................................................................................................31 3.0 SUPPLY HEADER PROJECT ......................................................................................34 3.1 WEST VIRGINIA .................................................................................................34 3.1.1 Wetzel and Tyler Counties .........................................................................34 3.1.2 State Lands .................................................................................................35 3.1.3 Doddridge and Harrison Counties .............................................................36 3.1.4 Recommended Native Grasses and Pollinators Seed Mixtures, Application Rates, and Non-Native Cover Crop by Physiographical Region ...............38 3.2 PENNSYLVANIA .................................................................................................38 3.2.1 Westmoreland County ...............................................................................38 4.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................40 i Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1.1-1 Seed Mix WVHLRU01 Recommended Cool Season Seed Mixture ................ 1 Table 2.1.1-2 Harrison, Lewis, Randolph, and Upshur Counties, West Virginia Recommended Seeding Dates for Permanent Cover ........................................ 2 Table 2.1.1-3 Harrison, Lewis, Randolph, and Upshur Counties, West Virginia Recommended Soil Amendments and Application Rates ................................ 2 Table 2.1.2-1 Seed Mix WVPO01: Recommended Cool or Warm Seed Mixes for Pocahontas County, West Virginia ................................................................... 3 Table 2.1.2-2 Recommended Lime and Fertilizer Application ............................................... 3 Table 2.1.2-3 Recommended Mulch Material Rates and Uses ............................................... 4 Table 2.1.5-1 Seed Mix P-MUDW01: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in West Virginia ......................................................................... 5 Table 2.1.5-2 Seed Mix P-MUDW01:Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in West Virginia ....................................................................................... 6 Table 2.1.5-3 Seed Mix P-MUMP02: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rate for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in West Virginia ....................................................................................... 6 Table 2.1.5-4 Seed Mix P-MUMP02: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix Application Rate for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in West Virginia ....................................................................................... 7 Table 2.1.5-5 Seed Mix P-NNTC: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Non- Native Temporary Cover Crop Species for Steep Slope Areas in West Virginia ............................................................................................................. 7 Table 2.1.5-6 Seed Mix P-NNGC: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Non- Native Grass Cover Mix for Steep Slope Areas in West Virginia .................... 8 Table 2.2.1-1 Seed Mix VABCHNP01:Recommended Cool Season Erosion Prevention Species and Seed Mixtures ............................................................................... 9 Table 2.2.1-2 Seed Mix VABCHNP02: Recommended Cool and Warm Season Forage Species and Seed Mixtures ............................................................................. 11 Table 2.2.1-3 Recommended Soil Amendments ................................................................... 15 Table 2.2.1-4 Mulch Specifications ...................................................................................... 15 Table 2.2.1-5 Seed Mix P-VABCHNP01: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in Virginia ................................................................................ 16 Table 2.2.1-6 Seed Mix P-VABCHNP01: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well/Well Drained Sites in Virginia ............................................................... 16 Table 2.2.1-7 Seed Mix P-VABCHNP02: Recommended Mountain and Piedmont Physiographic Regions Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in Virginia ............................................ 17 Table 2.2.1-8 Seed Mix P-VABCHNP02: Recommended Mountain and Piedmont Physiographic Regions Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in Virginia ............................................ 17 ii Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost Table 2.2.3-1 Seed Mix VJRWMA01: Recommended Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained – Partially Shade Sites ... 18 Table 2.2.3-2 Seed Mix VJRWMA02: Recommended Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained – Wildlife Site ............... 19 Table 2.2.3-3 Seed Mix VJRWMA03: Recommended Grass Seed Mixes and Application Rates for Steep Slopes Stabilization ............................................................... 20 Table 2.2.4-1 Seed Mix VACSDGS01: Recommended Cool and Warm Season Species, Cultivars, Seeding Rates, Seeding Dates, and Temporary Cover ................... 21 Table 2.2.4-2 Seed Mix P-VACSDGS01: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Grass Mixture for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites In Virginia ........................................................................................................... 22 Table 2.2.4-3 Seed Mix P-VACSDGS01: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in Virginia ........................................................................ 23 Table 2.2.4-4 Seed Mix P-VACSDGS02: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in Virginia ..................................................................... 23 Table 2.2.4-5 Seed Mix P-VACSDGS02: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix Seed and Application Rate Mix for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in Virginia ........................................................ 24 Table 2.3.1-1 Seed Mix NCNO01: Recommended Cool Season Seed Mixture ................... 24 Table 2.3.1-2 Seed Mix NCNO02: Recommended Warm Season Seed Mixture ................. 25 Table 2.3.1-3 Recommended Soil Amendments ................................................................... 25 Table 2.3.2-1 Seed Mix NCHW01:Recommended Cool Season Seed Mixture ................... 26 Table 2.3.3-1 Seed Mix NCNJ01: Recommended Cool Season Grass Seed Mixture .......... 27 Table 2.3.3-2 Recommended Lime and Fertilizer Application ............................................. 27 Table 2.3.4-1 Seed Mix NCSA01: Recommended Cool Season Seed Mixture.................... 27 Table 2.3.4-2 Seed Mix NCSA02: Recommended Warm Season Seed Mixture ................. 28 Table 2.3.4-3 Recommended Lime and Fertilizer Application ............................................. 28 Table 2.3.5-1 Seed Mix NCCU01: Recommended Cool and Warm Season Seed Mixture . 29 Table 2.3.5-2 Recommended Lime and Fertilizer Application ............................................. 29 Table 2.3.5-3 Recommended Mulch Material Rates and Uses ............................................. 30 Table 2.3.6-1 Seed Mix NCRO01: Recommended Warm Season Seed Mixture ................. 30 Table 2.3.6-2 Seed Mix P-NCRO01:Recommended Pollinator Seed Mixture ..................... 31 Table 2.3.7-1 Seed Mix P-CPDW01:Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in North Carolina ...................................................................... 31 Table 2.3.7-2 Seed Mix P-CPDW01:Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in North Carolina ...................................................................... 32 Table 2.3.7-3 Seed Mix P-CPDW02: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in North Carolina ...................................................................... 32 Table 2.3.7-4 Seed Mix P-CPDW02: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in North Carolina ...................................................................... 33 iii Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost Table 2.3.7-5 Seed Mix P-NNTC: Recommended Non-native Temporary Cover Crop Species ............................................................................................................ 33 Table 2.3.7-6 Seed Mix P-NNGC: Recommended Non-native Grass Cover Mix............... 34 Table 3.1.1-1 Seed Mix WVWE01: Recommended Cool Season Seed Mixture ................. 34 Table 3.1.1-2 Recommended Seeding Dates for Permanent Cover ...................................... 35 Table 3.1.1-3 Recommended Lime and Fertilizer Application for Permanent Seeding ....... 35 Table 3.1.1-4 Recommended Lime and Fertilizer Application for Temporary Seeding (Absent of a Soil Test) .................................................................................... 35 Table 3.1.2-1 Seed Mix WVLWWMA01: Recommended Grass Seed Mixes and Application Rate ............................................................................................. 36 Table 3.1.2-2 Recommended Lime and Fertilizer Application ............................................. 36 Table 3.1.3-1 Seed Mix WVDH01: Recommended Cool Season Seed Mixtures ................ 37 Table 3.1.3-2 Recommended Seeding Dates for Permanent Cover ...................................... 37 Table 3.1.3-3 Recommended Lime and Fertilizer Application ............................................. 37 Table 3.2.1-1 Seed Mix PAWE01: Recommended Cool Season Seed Mixture ................... 38 Table 3.2.1-2 Soil Amendment Application Rate Equivalents ............................................. 38 Table 3.2.1-3 Recommended Mulch Type and Rates ........................................................... 39 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment A Summary of Seed Mixes by County for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Supply Header Project iv Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ACP Atlantic Coast Pipeline NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service SHP Supply Header Project WMA Wildlife Management Area v ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE – Docket Nos. CP15-554-000 & CP15-554-001 SUPPLY HEADER PROJECT – Docket No. CP15-555-000 1.0 INTRODUCTION This appendix compiles seed mix prescriptions and soil amendment recommendations provided by Federal and State/Commonwealth agencies, and subject matter experts consulted for the restoration and rehabilitation of the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) and Supply Header Project (SHP). The recommendations are summarized by county in Attachment A and discussed below. 2.0 ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE 2.1 WEST VIRGINIA Harrison, Lewis, Randolph, and Upshur Counties 2.1.1 The following seed mixtures and application rates, seeding dates, soil amendments recommendations, and planting recommendations are for Harrison, Lewis, Randolph, and Upshur counties in West Virginia. These recommendations are based on the collection of correspondences and discussions with Federal and State agencies, including communication with Greg Stone (Natural Resources Conservation Service [NRCS] Acting State Resource Conservationist) and Jeff Griffith (NRCS Conservationist). The tables and lists below provide the specific recommendations for these counties. No specific recommendations were made in these counties regarding tackifiers, mulching, or anchoring of mulch or seed. Recommended Seed Mixes and Application Rates TABLE 2.1.1-1 Seed Mix WVHLRU01: Recommended Cool Season Seed Mixture Seed Mixture Potentially Suitable Land Use Common Species Name a Seed Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b 1 Pasture or Hay Orchardgrass 10 Ladino Clover 2 Red Clover 3 Redtop 3 2 Pasture Kentucky Bluegrass 20 Ladino Clover 2 Red Clover 3 Redtop 3 3 Pasture or Hay Orchardgrass 20 Redtop 5 Birdsfoot Trefoil 10 ____________________ a Species in bold are more wildlife-friendly; species in italics are suitable for use in filter strips. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed 1 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost Recommended Seeding Dates TABLE 2.1.1-2 Harrison, Lewis, Randolph, and Upshur Counties, West Virginia Recommended Seeding Dates for Permanent Cover Seeding Dates Suitability March 1 to April 15 Best seeding period August 1 to October 1 Best seeding period December 1 to March 1 Good seeding period (dormant seeding) April 15 to August 1 High risk (moisture stress likely) October 1 to December 1 High risk (potential freeze damage to young seedlings) Recommended Soil Amendments and Application Rates TABLE 2.1.1-3 Harrison, Lewis, Randolph, and Upshur Counties, West Virginia Recommended Soil Amendments and Application Rates Soil Amendment Type Application Rate Lime 3 tons per acre Fertilizer a 400 pounds per acre ____________________ a Fertilizer with a 10-20-20 ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium is recommended. Planting Recommendations • Certified seed is preferred. • Use proper inoculants prior to seeding for all legumes. • Amend soil fertility and pH levels to satisfy the needs of the plant species. • For unprepared seedbeds or seeding outside the optimum timeframes: o Add 50 percent more seed to the specified application rate, particularly during the periods of April 15 – August 1, and October 1 – March 1. o Double the seed application rate and consider planting an annual small grain like wheat (2 bushels [120 pounds] per acre) to act as a nurse crop. Pocahontas County 2.1.2 The following seed mixtures, application rates, and soil amendment recommendations are for Pocahontas County, West Virginia. The recommendations are based on correspondence and discussions with Iden Gunther (NRCS Conservationist) and Susan Davis (West Virginia Department of Natural Resources). Seed Mix WVPO01 provides seeding recommendations for disturbed areas from the NRCS Critical Area Planting Standard that is commonly used with a high success rate in the County. 2 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost Recommended Seed Mixes and Application Rates TABLE 2.1.2-1 Seed Mix WVPO01: Recommended Cool or Warm Seed Mixes for Pocahontas County, West Virginia Seed Mixture Species / Mixture a Seeding Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Soil Drainage Preference pH Range 1 Crownvetch 10 – 15 Well – Moderately Well 5.0 – 7.5 Perennial Ryegrass 20 2 KY Bluegrass 20 Well – Moderately Well 5.5 – 7.5 Redtop 3 Ladino Clover or 2 Birdsfoot Trefoil 10 3 Timothy 8 Well - Poorly 5.5 – 7.5 Birdsfoot Trefoil 8 4 Orchardgrass 10 Well – Moderately Well 5.5 – 7.5 Ladino Clover 2 Redtop 3 5 Orchardgrass 10 Well – Moderately Well 5.5 – 7.5 Ladino Clover 2 5 Birdsfoot Trefoil 10 Well – Moderately Well 5.5 – 7.5 Redtop 5 Orchardgrass 20 ____________________ Source: WVDEP, 2012 a Species in bold are more wildlife-friendly; species in italics are suitable for use in filter strips. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed Recommended Soil Amendments and Application Rates TABLE 2.1.2-2 Recommended Lime and Fertilizer Application pH of Soil a Lime Application Rate (tons/acre)b Fertilizer Application Rate (10-20-20 or equivalent) (lbs/acre) > 6.0 2 500 5.0 to 6.0 3 < 5.0 4 ____________________ Source: WVDEP, 2012 a The pH can be determined with a portable pH testing kit or by sending the soil samples to a soil testing laboratory. When four tons of lime per acre is applied it must be incorporated into the soil by disking, backblading, or tracking up and down the slope. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed 3 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost Recommended Mulch Material and Application Rates TABLE 2.1.2-3 Recommended Mulch Material Rates and Uses Material Minimum Rates Per Acre Coverage Remarks Hay or Straw 2-3 Tons (100 – 150 Bales) 75% - 90% Subject to wind blowing or washing unless tied down Wood Fiber, Pulp Fiber, Wood- Cellulose, Recirculated Paper 1,000 – 1,500 lbs Cover all disturbed areas Hydroseeding ____________________ Source: WVDEP, 2012 Chemical Mulches, Soil Binders, and Tackifiers Recommendations • Determine mulch-type and its appropriate application rate; • A wide range of synthetic tackifiers (e.g., spray-on materials) are marketed to stabilize and protect the seeds and soil surfaces. These tackifiers are mixed with water and seed mixtures, and sprayed over the mulch and soils. They may be used alone in some cases as temporary stabilizers, or in conjunction with fiber mulch, straw or hay; and • Chemical tackifiers, when used alone, do not have the capability to insulate the soil or retain soil moisture as effectively as organic mulches such wood fiber, straw, or hay. Mulch Anchoring • Depending on field conditions, mulch anchoring (e.g., mechanical methods or netting) may become necessary due to environmental conditions, including heavy winds or rapid water runoff (e.g., rain or snowmelt). • Mechanical Anchoring o Apply mulch and pull a mulch anchoring tool over the mulch. When a disk is used, set the disk straight and pull across the slope. Mulch material should be tucked into the soil about three inches. • Mulch Netting o Follow manufacturer’s recommendations when positioning and stapling mulch netting into the soil. Federal Lands 2.1.3 Monongahela National Forest – Pocahontas County This section is pending additional consultation with the U.S. Forest Service. 4 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost State Lands 2.1.4 Seneca State Forest – Pocahontas County This section is pending additional consultation with the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources. Recommended Native Grasses and Pollinators Seed Mixtures, Application Rates, 2.1.5 and Non-Native Cover Crop by Physiographical Region Recommended Seed Mixtures by Geographical Region (Mountain Physiographic Region) and Drainage Class The following seed mixtures are for the mountain and upland areas of West Virginia. These recommendations are based on discussions with Roundstone Native Seed and Robert Glennon, private lands biologist from the Conservation Management Institute, Virginia Tech and NRCS, and the Xerces Society. West Virginia Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites TABLE 2.1.5-1 Seed Mix P-MUDW01: Recommended Mountain Physiological Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in West Virginia Common Name Scientific Name Height (feet) Sun Exposure Seed Mix Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium 2 - 4 Full Sun 0.250 Virginia Wild Rye Elymus virginicus 2 - 4 Full Sun 0.250 Tall Dropseed Sporobolus compositus 2 - 3 Full Sun 0.050 Purple Top Tridens flavus 3 - 5 Part Shade 0.058 Indian Grass Sorghastrum nutans 3 - 6 Full Sun 0.167 Switchgrass Panicum virgatum 3 - 7 Full Sun 0.183 Fall Panicum Panicum anceps 2 - 4 Part Shade 0.042 Total — — — 1.0 ____________________ Sources: Roundstone Native Seed, 2015; Glennon, 2015 a Recommended seeding application rate is 8 to 18 pounds per acre. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed 5 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost TABLE 2.1.5-2 Seed Mix P-MUDW01: Recommended Mountain Physiological Region Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in West Virginia Common Name Scientific Name Color Bloom Period Seed Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)a Lance Leaved Coreopsis Coreopsis lanceolata Yellow Spring, Summer 0.385 Smooth Beardtongue Penstemon digitalis White Spring 0.146 Common Milkweed Asclepias syriaca Pink Spring, Summer 0.128 Goat's Rue Tephrosia virginiana White/Pink Spring, Summer 0.128 Partridge Pea Cassia fasciculata Yellow Summer 0.745 Slender Mountain Mint Pycnanthemum tenuifolium White Summer 0.069 Early Goldenrod Solidago juncea Yellow Summer 0.086 Bergamot Monarda fistulosa Lavender Summer 0.103 Spiked Blazing Star Liatris spicata Pink Summer 0.343 Sneezeweed Helenium autumnale Yellow Summer, Fall 0.128 Gray Goldenrod Solidago nemoralis Yellow Fall 0.086 Iron Weed Vernonia altissima Purple Summer, Fall 0.343 Tall Coreopsis Coreopsis tripteris Yellow Summer, Fall 0.051 Total — — — 2.74 ____________________ Sources: Roundstone Native Seed, 2015; Glennon, 2015 b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed West Virginia Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites TABLE 2.1.5-3 Seed Mix P-MUMP02: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rate for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in West Virginia Common Name Scientific Name Height (feet) Sun Exposure Seed Mix Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Switchgrass Panicum virgatum 3 - 7 Full Sun 0.233 Red Top Panicum Panicum rigidulum 2 - 4 Full Sun 0.017 Fowl Manna Grass Glyceria striata 3 - 5 Part Shade 0.008 Virginia Wild Rye Elymus virginicus 2 - 4 Full Sun 0.217 Canada Wild Rye Elymus canadensis 2 - 5 Part Shade 0.167 Deer Tongue Grass Panicum clandestinum 2 - 4 Full Sun 0.058 Big Bluestem Andropogon gerardii 4 - 10 Full Sun 0.167 Frank's Sedge Carex frankii 1 - 2 Part Shade 0.042 Fox Sedge Carex vulpinoidea 2 - 3 Part Shade 0.025 Fall Panicum Panicum anceps 2 - 4 Part Shade 0.067 Total — – — 1.0 ____________________ Sources: Roundstone Native Seed, 2015; Glennon, 2015 a Recommended seeding application rate is 8 to 18 pounds per acre. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed 6 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost TABLE 2.1.5-4 Seed Mix P-MUMP02: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix Application Rate for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in West Virginia Common Name Scientific Name Color Bloom Period Seed Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)a Ohio Spiderwort Tradescantia ohiensis Blue Spring, Summer 0.167 Smooth Beardtongue Penstemon digitalis White Spring 0.083 Butterfly Milkweed Asclepias tuberosa Orange Spring, Summer 0.083 Blackeyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta Yellow Spring, Summer 0.134 Wild Senna Senna marilandica Yellow Summer 0.668 Hoary Mountain Mint Pycnanthemum incanum White Summer 0.033 Lupine Lupinus perennis Blue Summer 0.501 Bergamot Monarda fistulosa Lavender Summer 0.083 Boneset Eupatorium perfoliatum White Summer 0.083 Joe-Pye Weed Eupatorium fistulosum Pink Summer, Fall 0.125 Showy Tickseed Bidens aristosa Yellow Summer, Fall 0.501 Sneezeweed Helenium autumnale Yellow Summer, Fall 0.125 Rough Goldenrod Solidago rugosa Yellow Fall 0.083 Total — — — 2.67 ____________________ Sources: Roundstone Native Seed, 2015; Glennon, 2015 a lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed Recommended Non-Native Temporary Cover Crop Species and Non-Native Grass Cover Mix for Inclusion with Pollinator Mixtures In areas where the erosion potential is high (e.g., steep slope areas) and/or sites that require stabilization within 30 days of disturbance, non-native temporary cover species in seed mixture P-NNTC, as shown in Table 2.1.5-5, should be used. In areas where erosion is likely to occur on steep slopes prior to the germination of native grasses and forbs, non-native grass mixture P-NNGC should be used in combination with the forb mixtures that are prescribed for non-steep slope areas within the Mountain Physiographic Region of West Virginia. Table 2.1.5-6 provides the specific non-native grass species to be included with the native forb seed mix in these areas. TABLE 2.1.5-5 Seed Mix P-NNTC: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Non-Native Temporary Cover Crop Species for Steep Slope Areas in West Virginia Common Name Scientific Name Height (Inches) Sun Exposure Seeding Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)a Seed Mix Planting Season Brown Top Millet Panicum ramosum 3 - 3.5 Full sun 5.0 Summer Spring Oats Avena sativa 2 – 2.5 Full sun 30.0 Spring and Fall Annual Rye Grass Lolium multiflorum 2 – 2.5 Part shade 6.0 Fall and Winter ____________________ Source: Roundstone Native Seed, 2015 a lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed 7 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost TABLE 2.1.5-6 Seed Mix P-NNGC: Recommended Mountain Physiographic Region Non-Native Grass Cover Mix for Steep Slope Areas in West Virginia a Common Name Scientific Name Height (Inches) Sun Exposure Seed Mix Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Fescue Festuca arundinacea 2 - 3 Part Shade 0.300 Timothy Phleum pratense 2 - 4 Part Shade 0.100 Orchard Grass Dactylis glomerata 2 - 3 Part Shade 0.100 Red Top Agrostis alba 2 - 3 Full Sun 0.020 Ladino Clover Trifolium repens 1 - 1.5 Part Shade 0.040 Annual Rye Grass Lolium multiflorum 2 - 2.5 Part Shade 0.170 Creeping Red Fescue Festuca rubra 1 - 2 Full Sun 0.250 Kentucky Bluegrass Poa pratensis 1-2 Full Sun 0.020 Total — — — 1.0 ____________________ Source: Roundstone Native Seed, 2015 a Recommended seeding application rate is 30 to 50 pounds per acre. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed 2.2 VIRGINIA Augusta, Brunswick, Buckingham, Cumberland, Highland, Bath, Nelson, Nottoway, 2.2.1 and Prince Edward Counties The following erosion control prevention, forage species seed mixtures, and recommended soil amendments are for the Mountain and Piedmont Physiographic Regions of Virginia, which include Augusta, Brunswick, Buckingham, Cumberland, Highland, Nelson, Nottoway, and Prince Edward Counties. These recommendations are based on the U.S. Department of Agriculture-NRCS Virginia Plant Establishment Guide (Jones, et. al., 2014), which was recommended by Federal and Commonwealth agency contacts, including Charles Ivins (NRCS Conservationist), Charles Simmons (NRCS Conservationist), Davie Wade Harris (NRCS Conservationist), Jeffray Jones (State Biologist), J.B. Daniel (NRCS Conservationist), and Derek Hancock (NRCS Conservationist). Recommended Grass Seed Mixtures, Species, Application Rates, and Planting Dates Seed Mix VABCHNP01 (Table 2.2.1-1) provides a cool season species list mixture for erosion prevention, while Seed Mix VABCHNP02 (Table 2.2.1-2) provides cool and warm season species mixtures for forage. 8 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost 9 TABLE 2.2.1-1 Seed Mix VABCHNP01: Recommended Cool Season Erosion Prevention Species and Seed Mixtures Seeding Mix Common Species Name Virginia Native Seeding Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)a Plant Depth (inches) Mountain/Valley/Northern Piedmont Southern Piedmont B:broadcast; D:drill (4-9" row) Best Dates Possible Dates Best Dates Possible Dates Average Last Frost May 1 Apr 15 Perennial Grass 1 Canada wild rye (Elymus canadensis), Virginia wild rye (Elymus virginicus), and Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) (use in high velocity and highly erosive situations B: 60 ¼-½ Aug 15-Sep 10; Mar 15-Apr 10 Aug 1-Sep 30; Mar 1-Apr 30 Sep 1-Sep 20; Mar 1-Apr 1 Aug 25-Nov 1; Feb 15-Apr 15 2 Switchgrass and Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) √ D:10; B:15 ¼ Mar 15-Jun 30 Mar 1-Jun15 Mixtures 3 Canada wild rye and Virginia wild rye + Virginia lespedeza (Lespedeza virginica), + hairy lespedeza (Lespedeza hirta) + Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) B:40+3 ¼ Aug 15-Sep 10; Mar 15-Apr 10 Aug 1-Sep 30; Mar 1-Apr 30 Sep 1-Sep 20; Mar 1-Apr 1 Aug 25-Nov 1; Feb 15-Apr 15 4 Canada wild rye + Virginia wild rye + Virginia lespedeza + hairy lespedeza + Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) B:40+6 ¼ Aug 15-Sep 10; Mar 15-Apr 10 Aug 1-Sep 30; Mar 1-Apr 30 Sep 1-Sep 20; Mar 1-Apr 1 Aug 25-Nov 1; Feb 15-Apr 15 5 Canada wild rye + Virginia wild rye + Virginia, + hairy lespedeza (Lespedeza hirta) + Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) B:40+10; D:30+8 ¼ Mar 1-Apr 15 Mar 1-Apr 15 Feb 15-Apr 1 Feb 15-Apr 1 6 Canada wild rye + Virginia wild rye + Redtop + Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) D/B: 40+10 ¼-½ Jul 25-Sep 1; Mar 20-Apr 20 Jul 15-Sep 15; Mar 1-May 15 Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug 25-Oct 25; Feb 15-Mar 31 7 Switchgrass + Red Fescue + Partridge Pea + Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) D/B: 10+15+4 ¼ Mar 15-April 30 Mar 15-Jun 30 Mar 1-Apr 15 Feb 15-May 31 8 Switchgrass + Indiangrass + Big Bluestem + Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) D/B: 5 each ¼ Mar 15-Jun 30 Mar 15-Jun 30 Mar 1-Jun 15 Mar 1-Jun 15 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost 10 TABLE 2.2.1-1 Seed Mix VABCHNP01: Recommended Cool Season Erosion Prevention Species and Seed Mixtures Seeding Mix Common Species Name Virginia Native Seeding Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)a Plant Depth (inches) Mountain/Valley/Northern Piedmont Southern Piedmont B:broadcast; D:drill (4-9" row) Best Dates Possible Dates Best Dates Possible Dates 9 Canada wild rye + Virginia wild rye + Redtop + Virginia lespedeza and hairy lespedeza + Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) D/B: 60+6+10 ¼-½ Jul 25-Sep 1; Mar 20-Apr 20 Jul 15-Sep 15; Mar 1-May 15 Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug 25-Oct 25; Feb 15-Mar 31 10 Switchgrass + Deer tongue + Partridge Pea + Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) √ D/B: 8+8+4 ¼ Mar 15-April 30 Mar 15-Jun 30 Mar 1-Apr 15 Feb 15-May 31 11 Perennial Ryegrass + Redtop + Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) D:5+2; B:7+3 ½-¾ Mar 1-Apr 15 Aug 1-Sep 15 Feb 15-April 1 Aug 15-Oct 1 ____________________ Source: Jones, et. al., 2014 a lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed Note: The Virginia Plant Establishment Guide (Jones, et. al., 2014) provides acceptable seed mixtures and/or plant species rates, seeding dates, and other information that may be needed in the planning of practices and development of specifications for individual sites. Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost 11 TABLE 2.2.1-2 Seed Mix VABCHNP02: Recommended Cool and Warm Season Forage Species and Seed Mixtures Seeding Mix Common Species Name Virginia Native Seeding Rate (lbs/acre/PLS) Plant Depth (inches) Mountain/Valley/Northern Piedmont a Southern Piedmont B:broadcast; D:drill (4-9" row) Best Dates Possible Dates Best Dates Possible Dates Average Last Frost May 1 Apr 15 Perennial Grasses k 101 Bermudagrass (Hybrid) b Sprigs – 1 bushel = 1.25 ft3 B:30-40 bushels D:15-20 bushels 2"-4" Not well adapted May 1-Jun 15 Apr 15-Jun 1 Apr 1thru Jun 15 or thru Jul if irrigated 102 Bermudagrass b, Coated Seeds (Common & Cultivars) B:10-12; D:8-10 ¼ Not well adapted May 1-Jun 15 Apr 15– May 15 Apr 15-Jun 15 103 Big Bluestem c √ B:10-12; D:8-10 ¼ Mar 15-Jun 30 Mar 15-Jun 30 Mar 1-Jun 15 Mar 1-Jun 15 104 Bluegrass B:10-15; D:8-12 4-5 in mixtures ¼ Aug 15-Sep 1; Mar 15-Apr 1 Aug 1-Sep 15; Mar 1-Apr 15 Seed in mixtures Mar 1- Apr 1; Aug 15 - Oct 1 Seed in mixtures Mar 1- Apr 1; Aug 15 - Oct 1 105 Eastern Gamagrass d (use non-stratified seed for winter planting and stratified seed for spring plantings) √ R:8-10 1- 1.5 Nov 15-Feb 15; May 1-May30 Nov 15- Feb 15: May 1-Jun 30 Nov 25-Jan 31; Apr 20- May 15 Nov 25-Jan 31; Apr 15 - Jun 10 106 Indiangrass c √ B:10-12; D:8-10 ¼ Mar 15-Jun 30 Mar 15-Jun 30 Mar 1-Jun 15 Mar 1-Jun 15 107 Orchardgrass e B:12-15; D:8-12 ¼-½ Aug 20-Sep 10; Mar 15-Apr 1 Aug 15-Oct 1; Mar 1-Apr 15 Aug 25-Sep 15; Mar 1-Apr 1 Aug 25-Oct 25; Mar 1-Apr 15 109 Perennial Ryegrass e D: 12-15 B:20-25; 6-10 in mixtures ¼-½ Aug 20-Sep 10; Mar 15-Apr 1 Aug 15-Sep 25; Mar 1-Apr 15 Not well adapted Aug 25-Oct 1; Feb 25-April 1 110 Prairiegrass D:20-25; B:30-35 10-15 in mixtures ¼-½ Aug 15 - Sep 15; Mar 15-Apr 15 Aug 15-Oct 15; Mar 1-Apr 30 Sep 1 - Oct 1; Mar 1-Mar 20 Aug 15-Oct 25; Feb 20-Apr 15 111 Switchgrass c √ B:8-10; D:6-8 ¼ Mar 15-Jun 30 Mar 15-Jun 30 Mar 1-Jun 15 Mar 1-Jun 15 112 Tall Fescue B:20-25; D:15-20 ¼-½ Aug 15-Sep 10; Mar 15-Apr 15 Aug 1-Sep 30; Mar 1-Apr 30 Sep 1-Sep 30; Mar 1-Apr 1 Aug 25-Nov 1; Feb 25-Apr 15 113 Timothy B:10-12; D: 8-10 ¼-½ Aug 15-Sep 10; Mar 15-Apr 1 Aug 15-Oct 1; Mar 1-Apr 15 Not well adapted Not well adapted Mixtures k 114 Orchardgrass + Alfalfa f B:5+20; D:3+15 ¼-½ Aug 15-Sep 1; Mar 15-Apr 1 Aug 1-Sep 15; Mar 1-Apr15 Aug 25-Sep 15; Mar 1-Mar 20 Aug 25-Oct 15; Feb 25-Apr 1 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost 12 TABLE 2.2.1-2 Seed Mix VABCHNP02: Recommended Cool and Warm Season Forage Species and Seed Mixtures Seeding Mix Common Species Name Virginia Native Seeding Rate (lbs/acre/PLS) Plant Depth (inches) Mountain/Valley/Northern Piedmont a Southern Piedmont B:broadcast; D:drill (4-9" row) Best Dates Possible Dates Best Dates Possible Dates 115 Orchardgrass with 1 or more of the following: Ladino Clover Red Clover Annual Lespedeza B: 10-12; D:8-10 1-2 4-6 10-12 ¼-½ Aug 20-Sep 10; Mar 15-Apr 1 Aug 15-Oct 1; Mar 1-Apr 15 Aug 25-Sep 15; Mar 1-Mar 20 Aug 25-Oct 15; Feb 25-Apr 1 116 Orchardgrass and Timothy with 1 or more of the following: Ladino Clover Red Clover Annual Lespedeza B: 10-12; D:8-10 B: 4; D:2 1-2 4-6 10-12 ¼-½ Aug 20-Sep 10; Mar 15-Apr 1 Aug 15-Oct 1; Mar 1-Apr 15 Aug 25-Sep 15; Mar 1-Mar 20 Aug 25-Oct 15; Feb 25-Apr 1 117 Tall Fescue with 1 or more of the following: Ladino Clover Red Clover Annual Lespedeza B:20-25; D:15-20 1-2 4- 6 10-12 ¼-½ Aug 15- Oct 1; Mar 1-Apr 15 Aug 15- Oct 1; Mar 1-Apr 15 Aug 25 - Oct 15; Feb 20-Apr 1 Aug 25 - Oct 15; Feb 20-Apr 1 118 Prairiegrass with 1 or more of the following: Red Clover Alfalfa f B:20-25; D:15-20; 4-6 15 ¼-½ Aug 15 - Sep 15; Mar 10-Apr 10 Aug 1-Sep 20; Mar 1-Apr 15 Aug 25 - Sep 15; Mar 1-Mar 20 Aug 15-Oct 15; Feb 25-Apr 1 Annual Grasses k 119 Crabgrass g B:6-8; D:4-6 ¼ May 15-May 31 May 1-Jun 30 May 1-May 31 Apr 15-Jun 30 120 Barley B:140; D:120 1 – 1.5 Aug 15-Sep 15 Aug 10-Sep 30 Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug 15-Sep 30 121 Millet, Pearl B:30-40; D:15-20 ½ - 1 May 15-May 31 May 1-Jun 30 May 1-May 31 Apr 25-Jun 30 122 Millet, German Foxtail, Japanese B:20-30;D:15-20 ¼ May 15-May 31 May 1-Jun 30 May 1-May 31 May 1-Jun 30 123 Oats, Winter h B:80-96; D:65-80 1 – 1.5 Aug 15-Sep 10 Aug 10-Sep 15; Feb 1-Mar 1 Sep 1-Sep 15 Aug 25-Oct 1; Feb 1- Mar 1 124 Oats, Spring B:80-96; D:65-80 1 – 1.5 Mar 15-Apr 1 Mar 15-Apr 10 Mar 5-Mar 20 Mar 5-Apr 1 125 Rye B:120-150; D:90-110 1 – 1.5 Aug 15-Aug 31 Aug 15-Oct 25 Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug 20-Oct 31 126 Ryegrass B:30-40; D:20-30 ¼-½ Aug 15-Sep 10 Aug 10-Sep 30 Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug 20-Oct 31 127 Teff g, i B: 6-8; D 5-6 1/8 Jun 1-Jun 15 May 15 - Jul 1 May 20-Jun 10 May 1 - Jul 1 128 Wheat B:150; D: 120 1 – 1.5 Aug 15-Aug 31 Aug 15-Oct 25 Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug 20-Oct 31 129 Small grain Mix (2 Grains) Reduce each selection by 50% 1 – 1.5 See dates for small grains. See dates for small grains. See dates for small grains. See dates for small grains. 130 Small grain mixed with annual ryegrass Reduce Small grain 25% & ryegrass 50% ½ - 1 See dates for grains and ryegrass. See dates for grains and ryegrass. 131 Sorghum-Sudangrass B:30-40; D:20-30 ½ - 1 May 15-May 31 May 1-Jun 30 May 1- May 31 Apr 25-Jun 30 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost 13 TABLE 2.2.1-2 Seed Mix VABCHNP02: Recommended Cool and Warm Season Forage Species and Seed Mixtures Seeding Mix Common Species Name Virginia Native Seeding Rate (lbs/acre/PLS) Plant Depth (inches) Mountain/Valley/Northern Piedmont a Southern Piedmont B:broadcast; D:drill (4-9" row) Best Dates Possible Dates Best Dates Possible Dates 132 Sorghum, Forage B: 15-20; R:5-10 1 – 1 ½ May 15-May 31 May 1 – Jun 30 May 1–May 31 Apr 25 – Jun 30 133 Sudangrass B:30-35; D:15-20 ½ - 1 May 15 -May 31 May 1 – Jun 30 May 1–May 31 Apr 25 – Jun 30 134 Triticale B:140-180; D: 120-140 1 – 1.5 Aug 15-Aug 31 Aug 15-Oct 25 Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug 20-Oct 31 Perennial Legumes k 135 Alfalfa f B:20-25; D:15-20 ¼ Aug 25-Sep 15; Mar 20–Apr 7 Aug 15-Sep 25; Mar 15-Apr 15 Sep 1-Sep 15; Mar 10-Mar 20 Aug 25-Oct 1; Mar 5-Apr 5 136 Alfalfa (no-till seeding into grass) D:10-12 ¼ - ½ Mar 20–Apr 7 Mar 15-Apr 15 Mar 10-Mar 20 Mar 5-Apr 5 137 Birdsfoot Trefoil (no-till into suppressed grass sod) D:6-8 ¼ Aug 15-Sep 1 Aug1-Sep 15 Not adapted Not adapted 138 Birdsfoot Trefoil (frost seed onto pasture) B: 8-10 0 Feb 1-Mar 1 Jan 25-Mar 10 Not adapted Not adapted 139 Ladino or White Clover (no-till into suppressed grass sod) D:1-2 ¼ Aug 20-Sep 10; Mar 15-Apr 1 Aug 15-Sep 25; Mar 1-Apr 15 Aug 25-Sep 15; Mar 1-Mar 20 Aug 25-Oct 15; Feb 25-Apr 1 140 Ladino or White clover (frost seed onto pasture) B:1-2 0 Feb 1-Mar 1 Jan 25-Mar 10 Jan 25-Feb 15 Jan 20-Mar 1 141 Red Clover (no-till into suppressed grass sod) D:4-6 ¼ - ½ Aug 20-Sep 10; Mar 15-Apr 1 Aug 15-Sep 25; Mar 1-Apr 15 Aug 25-Sep 15; Mar 1-Mar 20 Aug 25-Oct 15; Feb 25-Apr 1 142 Red Clover (frost seed onto pasture) B:4-6 0 Feb 1-Mar 1 Jan 25-Mar 10 Jan 25-Feb 15 Jan 20-Mar 1 Annual Legumes k 143 Crimson Clover w/Ryegrass or small grain B:20; D:15 & reduce small grain by 1/3 ¼ - ½ Aug 15-Sep 10 Aug 10-Sep 30 Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug 20-Oct 15 144 Lespedeza, Kobe (Southeast VA) (frost seeded onto pastures) B:10-15 0 Not adapted Not adapted Not well adapted Not well adapted 145 Lespedeza, Korean (frost seeded onto pastures) B:10-15 0 Feb 1-Mar 1 Feb 1-Mar 15 Jan 25-Mar 1 Jan 25-Mar 10 146 Hairy Vetch w/ small grain B: 15; D 10 & reduce small grain by 50% ½ - 1 ½ Aug 15-Aug 31 Aug 15-Sep 15 Aug 25-Sep 15 Aug 20-Oct 1 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost 14 TABLE 2.2.1-2 Seed Mix VABCHNP02: Recommended Cool and Warm Season Forage Species and Seed Mixtures Seeding Mix Common Species Name Virginia Native Seeding Rate (lbs/acre/PLS) Plant Depth (inches) Mountain/Valley/Northern Piedmont a Southern Piedmont B:broadcast; D:drill (4-9" row) Best Dates Possible Dates Best Dates Possible Dates Other Species k 147 Chicory (in mixture w/grass & legume) B: 3-4 D: 1-2 ¼ - ½ Apr 15-May5 Apr 1-May 15 Sep 1-Sep 15 Sep 1-Oct 10 148 Brassicas j (sow 1-2 of the following in a 50% rate mix of summer or winter annual grasses in late spring or late summer respectively) Rape Kale Turnip Turnip X Rape Radish B: 2-3 D: 1-2 ¼ - ½ May 1 - Jun 30 Aug 1 - Sep 1 May 1 - Jun 30 Aug 1 - Sep 1 Apr 20 - Jun 20 Aug 1 - Sep 10 Apr 20 - Jun 20 Aug 1 - Sep 10 ____________________ Source: Jones, et. al., 2014 a The northern piedmont planting dates may be on the opposite end of the planting range compared to the mountains and valley in Southwest VA. b Sprigged and seeded Bermudagrass have been established in the mountain and valley region of the state but are not well adapted and have a higher chance of winter kill. c Native warm season grass planting date will vary within the planting window depending on dormancy of seed and expected annual grass/weed competition in the field. d Eastern Gama grass can be planted with a corn planter (30" row) or with a drill on approximately 15" row centers (by blocking every other seed tube). e This species tends to be a short lived perennial when planted and managed in monocultures in the piedmont and eastern regions of VA; it seems does better in the mountain and valley regions of the state especially when managed with rotational stocking in a mixed stand with other grasses and legumes. f Fall planted alfalfa should not be no-tilled; alfalfa should be planted in spring 30 days prior to last killing frost and in fall 30-60 days before first killing fros.t g Planting too deep is a common cause of stand failure. h It is generally not recommended to plant oats in the fall west of the Blue Ridge because they will winter kill, however they are sometimes planted late summer and grazed in the fall and early winter. i Not recommended for no-till planting, needs a clean firm seedbed to ensure establishment. j Brassicas are not recommended in a monoculture, they are low in fiber and have highly digestible protein and can cause problems with rumen function; they should be planted mixed with summer or winter annuals to avoid problems (50 percent seeding rate of brassicas and 50 percent annuals). k Add to the mixture or use Canada wild rye (Elymus canadensis) and/or Virginia wild rye (Elymus virginicus) where possible and practicable. Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost TABLE 2.2.1-3 Recommended Soil Amendments Type Application Rate Lime 2 tons/acre Fertilizer 10-10-10 1,000 lbs/acre Mulching The NRCS Conservation Practice Standard - Mulching (Code 484) (NRCS, 2014) provides a general recommendation for mulching in Virginia. Mulching materials should consist of natural/artificial materials that can provide a certain depth/thickness and durability to achieve adequate cover. Mulch should be applied evenly and, if necessary, anchored into the soil. As a minimum, apply manufactured mulches in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. The Mulch Specifications table provides some general guidelines when using certain mulches. TABLE 2.2.1-4 Mulch Specifications Mulch Type Suggested Cover Cereal Grain/Grass Hay 70% Ground Cover Wood Products (Wood Chips, Bark) ≤ 2-inch thickness Gravel / Other Inorganic Materials 0.75 to 2-inch diameter / 2-inch thickness Mulch should be applied to provide adequate protection from erosion, yet allow light and moisture to penetrate into the seedbed. Typical mulching provides 70 percent cover (approximately 2,000 pounds of straw per acre) with the appropriate erosion control measure to hold the seed and straw in place during establishment, depending on slope (NRCS Code 342) (NRCS, 2011). There are several types of mulches that can be used to conserve soil moisture, promote plant growth, and reduce erosion; however, there are also mulches that can have the reverse affect. Consider potential benefit or detrimental effects of mulching to the impacted and surrounding areas. An operation and maintenance plan should clearly document: • Purpose of mulch and type; • Percent cover and/or thickness of mulch material; • Timing of application; • Site preparation; and • Method of anchoring (i.e., netting, tackifiers, etc.). 15 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost Recommended Perennial Grasses and Pollinator Seed mixtures, Species, and Rates for Mountainous and Piedmont Regions The following seed mixtures are for the Mountainous and Piedmont Regions of Virginia. These recommendations are based on discussions and information provided by Robert Glennon, private lands biologist from the Conservation Management Institute, Virginia Tech and NRCS, and the Xerces Society. TABLE 2.2.1-5 Seed Mix P-VABCHNP01: Recommended Mountain and Piedmont Physiographic Regions Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in Virginia Common Name Scientific Name Cultivar or Germplasm Drilled Seeding Rate a (weight of pure live seed (PLS) per acre) Seeds per Square Foot Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium Piedmont (NC) or Suther Germplasm (NC) 8 ounces 3 Broomsedge Andropogon virginicus — 8 ounces 3 Purple Top Tridens flavus North Carolina or Kentucky Ecotype 3 ounces 3 Common milkweed Asclepias syriaca — 3 ounces 0.210 ____________________ Source: Glennon, 2017; Roundstone Native Seed, 2017. a If the broadcast method is more feasible, increase the perennial grasses in the mixture by 50 percent. TABLE 2.2.1-6 Seed Mix P-VABCHNP01: Recommended Mountain and Piedmont Physiographic Regions Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in Virginia Common Name a Scientific Name Flowering Season Drilled Seeding Rate b (ounces/acre - weight of pure live seed (PLS) per acre) Seeds per Square Foot Showy Tickseed Bidens aristosa Late Summer 11 3 Pea, Partridge (A) Chamaecrista fasciculata Mid-Summer 32 3 Susan, Black-eyed (B) Rudbeckia hirta Early Summer 2 3 Bergamot, Spotted (P) Monarda punctata Summer 2 3 Bergamot, Wild (P) Monarda fistulosa Summer 2 3 Beardtongue, Eastern Smooth (P) Penstemon laevigatus Late Spring 7 3 Penstemon, Talus Slope (P) Penstemon digitalis Late Spring 5 3 Slender Mountain Mint (P) Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Late Summer 1 3 New England Aster Aster novae-angliae Late Summer 2 3 Total — — 64.0 ounces/acre (4.0 lbs/acre) 27 ____________________ Source: Glennon, 2017; Roundstone Native Seed, 2017. a Forb types include (A) for annual flowers, (B) for biennial flowers, and (P) for perennial flowers. b If the broadcast method is more feasible, increase the perennial grasses in the mixture by 50 percent. 16 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost TABLE 2.2.1-7 Seed Mix P-VABCHNP02: Recommended Mountain and Piedmont Physiographic Regions Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in Virginia Common Name Scientific Name Cultivar or Germplasm Drilled Seeding Rate a (weight of pure live seed (PLS) per acre) Seeds per Square Foot Beaked Panicum Panicum anceps SC or MD Ecotype 4 ounces 3 Redtop Panicum Panicum rigidulum NC Ecotype 3 ounces 3 Slender Rush Juncus tenuis — 1 ounce 3 ____________________ Source: Glennon, 2015; Roundstone Native Seed, 2017. a If the broadcast method is more feasible, increase the perennial grasses in the mixture by 50 percent. TABLE 2.2.1-8 Seed Mix P-VABCHNP02: Recommended Mountain and Piedmont Physiographic Regions Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in Virginia Common Name a Scientific Name Flowering Season Drilled Seeding Rate b (ounces/acre - weight of pure live seed (PLS) per acre Seeds per Square Foot New England Aster Symphyotrichum puniceum Fall 3 3 Bergamot, Wild (P) Monarda fistulosa Summer 1 3 Ironweed, New York (P) Vernonia novaboracensis Late Summer 7 3 Rough-stemmed goldenrod Solidago rugosa Late Summer 3 3 Joe Pye Weed, Spotted (P) Eutrochium fistulosus Late Summer 2 3 Pea, Partridge (A) Chamaecrista fasciculata Mid-Summer 32 3 Rosemallow (P) Hibiscus moscheutos Summer 2 3 Showy Tickseed Bidens aristosa Late Summer 11 3 Total — — 61.0 ounces/ acre (3.8 lbs/acre) 24 ____________________ Source: Glennon, 2017. ; Roundstone Native Seed, 2017. a Forb types include (A) for annual flowers, (B) for biennial flowers, and (P) for perennial flowers. Add New York Aster (Symphyotrichum novi-belgii) and narrow- leaf mountain mint (Pycnanthemum tenuifolium) to seed mix in coastal plain sites b If the broadcast method is more feasible, increase the perennial grasses in the mixture by 50 percent. Federal Lands 2.2.2 George Washington National Forest – Augusta, Bath, and Highland Counties This section is pending additional consultation with the U.S. Forest Service. State Lands 2.2.3 James River Wildlife Management Area – Nelson County The following seed mixtures and application rates recommendations are for the James River WWA in Nelson County, Virginia. The recommendations are based on correspondence and discussions with Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries regional specialist staff (Amy Ewing, environmental services biologist/FWIS Manager, Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries). These seed mixes are considered suitable for planting of the ACP pipeline. 17 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost The specialist staff is supportive of the use of native vegetation mixes that stabilize the corridor while providing food and cover for a variety of wildlife. James River Wildlife Management Area (WMA) Excessively to Moderately Well Drained – Partially Shade Sites TABLE 2.2.3-1 Seed Mix VJRWMA01: Recommended Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained – Partially Shade Sites a Common Name Scientific Name Seed Mix Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Autumn bentgrass Agrostis perennans 0.012 Canada Wild Rye Elymus canadensis 0.083 Virginia Wild Rye Elymus virginicus 0.208 Creeping Red Fescue Festuca rubra 0.167 Purple Top Tridens flavus 0.083 Upland Bentgrass Agrostis perennans 0.005 Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium 0.208 Broomsedge Andropogon virginicus 0.033 Beaked Panicum Panicum anceps 0.167 Nimblewill Muhlenbergia schreberii 0.033 Total — 1.0 ____________________ Source: Recommendations provided by the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Forest. a Recommended seeding application rate is 6.3 to 9.0 pounds per acre. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed 18 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost James River WMA Excessively to Moderately Well Drained – Wildlife Sites TABLE 2.2.3-2 Seed Mix VJRWMA02: Recommended Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained – Wildlife Sites a Common Name Scientific Name Seed Mix Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Big Bluestem Andropogon gerardii 0.070 Indian Grass Sorghastrum nutans 0.070 Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium 0.141 Switchgrass (Blackwell) Panicum virgatum 0.070 Canada Wild Rye Elymus canadensis 0.106 Tall Dropseed Sporobolus compositus 0.070 Purple Top Tridens flavus 0.035 Plains Coreopsis Coreopsis tinctoria 0.019 Violet lespedeza Lespedeza frutescen 0.057 Blackeyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta 0.033 Virginia lespedeza Lespedeza virginica 0.077 Partridge Pea Cassia fasciculata 0.120 Browneyed Susan Rudbeckia triloba 0.025 Maximilian Sunflower Helianthus maximiliani 0.060 Roundhead Lespedeza Lespedeza capitata 0.033 New England Aster Aster novae-angliae 0.012 Total — 1.0 ____________________ Source: Recommendations provided by the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Forest. a Recommended seeding application rate is 6.3 to 9.0 pounds per acre. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed. 19 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost James River WMA Steep Slope Stabilization Sites TABLE 2.2.3-3 Seed Mix VJRWMA03: Recommended Grass Seed Mixes and Application Rates for Steep Slopes Stabilization – Sites Common Name Scientific Name Seed Mix Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Seed Mix a Creeping Red Fescue Festuca rubra 0.050 Virginia Wild Rye Elymus virginicus 0.083 Fall Panicum Panicum anceps 0.083 Side Oats Grama Bouteloua curtipendula 0.083 Big Bluestem Andropogon gerardii 0.083 Indian Grass Sorghastrum nutans 0.083 Purple Top Tridens flavus 0.033 Switchgrass Panicum virgatum 0.083 Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium 0.083 Virginia lespedeza Lespedeza virginica 0.025 Lance Leaved Coreopsis Coreopsis lanceolata 0.042 Blackeyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta 0.008 Partridge Pea Cassia fasciculata 0.058 Violet lespedeza (Lespedeza frutescens 0.033 False Sunflower Heliopsis helianthoides 0.042 Showy Tickseed Bidens aristosa 0.042 Maximilian Sunflower Helianthus maximiliani 0.042 Iron Weed Vernonia altissima 0.025 Common Milkweed Asclepias syriaca 0.021 Hairy Mountain Mint Pycnanthemum pilosum 0.003 Gray Goldenrod Solidago nemoralis 0.013 Total — 1.0 Common Name Seed Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Seed Mix Buckwheatc 15-20 Millet 5-7 Korean lespedeza 5-7 Perennial Ryegrass 5-8 Blackwell switchgrass 3-4 ____________________ Source: Recommendations provided by the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Forest. a Recommended seeding application rate is 7.4 to 10.7 pounds per acre. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed. c Buckwheat is somewhat frost sensitive and deepening on the planting date, increase the application rate Korean lespedeza to compensate and decrease or remove the application of buckwheat. Dinwiddie, Greensville, and Southampton Counties, and Chesapeake and Suffolk 2.2.4 Cities (Coastal Plain Region) The following seed mixtures, site preparation, seeding techniques, and amendments recommendations are for Dinwiddie, Greensville, Suffolk, Southampton, and Chesapeake Counties. These recommendations are based on information provided by Mr. Robert Glennon. NRCS Conservationists in these counties referred to Mr. Robert Glennon’s recommendations. 20 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost Recommended Grass Seed Mixtures, Application Rates, and Planting Dates Seeding species, cultivars, rates, and planting dates are contained in the table below. The materials identified as “common” do not require a specific cultivar for successful establishment and performance. Nurse crops must be sown at the same time as the perennial cover species to ensure that the site will have quick cover. The temporary cover specifications are intended for use when the site will not be sown to a perennial cover immediately after construction and a temporary cover is needed until the seed can be sown during the proper seeding season. TABLE 2.2.4-1 Seed Mix VACSDGS01: Recommended Cool and Warm Season Species, Cultivars, Seeding Rates, Seeding Dates, and Temporary Cover Species Cultivars Seeding Application Rate (lbs/acre) Seeding Dates Wild rye and lespedeza Canada wild rye (Elymus canadensis), and Virginia wild rye (Elymus virginicus) — 60 pounds broadcast September 1 – October 31; February 1 – March 31 Canada wild rye and Virginia wild rye Tall Fescue + Virginia lespedeza (Lespedeza virginica), + hairy lespedeza (Lespedeza hirta) — 40 pounds broadcast September 1 – October 31; February 1 – March 31 Bermudagrass and Japanese Lespedeza Bermudagrass Common Cheyenne II Pasto Rico Ranchero Frio 10-12 pounds broadcast; 8-10 pounds drilled April 1 – June 10 Japanese Lespedeza Kobe 10-12 pounds broadcast or drilled April 1 – June 10 Nurse Crops (Sow with the Perennial Seed Mixtures for Quick Cover) Oats Common 25-30 pounds broadcast; 20-25 drilled September 1 – November 15; February 1 – April 20 Rye Common 35-50 broadcast; 25-40 drilled September 1 – November 15; February 1 – April 20 Wheat Common 40-50 broadcast; 30-40 drilled September 1 – November 15; February 1 – April 20 Millet (Browntop, German, Italian, Foxtail, Proso) Common 10-15 broadcast; 7-10 drilled April 20 – August 1 Temporary Crops (Sow on Areas that will not be Seeded Immediately) Oats Common 80-95 broadcast; 65-80 drilled September 1 – November 15; February 1 – April 20 Rye Common 120 broadcast; 100 drilled September 1 – November 15; February 1 – April 20 Wheat Common 120 broadcast; 100 drilled September 1 – November 15; February 1 – April 20 Millet (Browntop, German, Italian, Foxtail, Proso Common 20-30 broadcast; 15-20 drilled April 20 – August 31 ____________________ Note: Seeding Rates in Bulk Pounds per Acre – Non-Native Seed Must Have a minimum Germination and Purity to be Sold. Site Preparation The soils on the Coastal Plain of Virginia in Dinwiddie, Greensville, Suffolk, and Southampton counties typically have sandy topsoil but have a heavy clay subsoil close to the soil surface. The sandy topsoil must be kept separate during construction to prevent mixing with the subsoil, which will ensure easy till-ability and compaction and allow seeds to sow without restriction. To ensure optimum conditions in the soil for germination and early growth for soils 21 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost sown to non-native species, the species should be tested, limed, and fertilized according to the soil test recommendations. Seeding Technique Seed may be established by broadcasting on a firm seedbed and packing the seed, or by drilling the seed into a firm seedbed and packing the seed. Drilled seed of the perennial seed grass species, legumes, and annual millets should only be placed at a depth of ¼ inch. The nurse crops and temporary cover species oats, rye, and wheat may be broadcast but will perform best if drilled at a one-inch depth. Mulching To ensure that the seed will remain in place through germination and growth, seedlings must be mulched. Synthetic or processed mulch must be applied and anchored according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Straw (seed stalks of small grains – usually wheat) may be used as mulch at a rate of 75 to 100 pounds per acre (1.5 to 2.5 tons per acre). The mulch must be anchored with a sprayed on product or netting applied according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. It should be noted that hay must not be used as mulch, as hay typically contains weeds that would negatively impact the restoration of the area. Recommended Perennial Grasses and Pollinator Seed Mixtures, Species, and Application Rates for the Coastal Plain Region The following seed mixtures are for the Coastal Plain Region of Virginia. These recommendations are based on discussions and information provided by Robert Glennon. TABLE 2.2.4-2 Seed Mix P-VACSDGS01: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Grass Mixture for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites In Virginia Common Name Scientific Name Cultivar or Germplasm Drilled Seeding Rate a (weight of pure live seed (PLS) per acre) Seeds per Square Foot Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium Piedmont (NC) or Suther Germplasm (NC) 8 ounces 3 Splitbeard Bluestem Andropogon ternarius Virginia Ecotype 8 ounces 3 Common milkweed Asclepias syriaca — 3 ounces 0.21 ____________________ Source: Glennon, 2017; Roundstone Native Seed, 2017. a If the broadcast method is more feasible, increase the perennial grasses in the mixture by 50 percent. 22 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost TABLE 2.2.4-3 Seed Mix P-VACSDGS01: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in Virginia Common Name a Scientific Name Flowering Season Drilled Seeding Rate b (ounces/acre - weight of pure live seed (PLS) per acre) Seeds per Square Foot Mountain Mint, Narrowleaf (P) Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Late Summer 1 3 Showy Tickseed Bidens aristosa Late Summer 11 3 Pea, Partridge (A) Chamaecrista fasciculata Mid-Summer 32 3 Susan, Black-eyed (B) Rudbeckia hirta Early Summer 2 3 Bergamot, Spotted (P) Monarda punctata Summer 2 3 Beardtongue, Eastern Smooth (P) Penstemon laevigatus Late Spring 7 3 Penstemon, Talus Slope (P) Penstemon digitalis Late Spring 5 3 Bergamot, Wild (P) Monarda fistulosa Summer 2 3 Total — — 65.0 ounces/acre (4.4 lbs/acre) 24 ____________________ Source: Glennon, 2017; Roundstone Native Seed, 2017. a Forb types include (A) for annual flowers, (B) for biennial flowers, and (P) for perennial flowers. b If the broadcast method is more feasible, increase the perennial grasses in the mixture by 50 percent. TABLE 2.2.4-4 Seed Mix P-VACSDGS02: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in Virginia Common Name Scientific Name Cultivar or Germplasm Drilled Seeding Rate a (weight of pure live seed (PLS) per acre) Seeds per Square Foot Panicum, Beaked Panicum anceps SC or MD Ecotype 4 ounces 3 Panicum, Redtop Panicum rigidulum NC Ecotype 3 ounces 3 ____________________ Source: Glennon, 2017 ; Roundstone Native Seed, 2017. a If the broadcast method is more feasible, increase the perennial grasses in the mixture by 50 percent. 23 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost TABLE 2.2.4-5 Seed Mix P-VACSDGS02: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix Seed and Application Rate Mix for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in Virginia Common Name a Scientific Name Flowering Season Drilled Seeding Rate b (ounces/acre - weight of pure live seed (PLS) per acre) Seeds per Square Foot New England Aster Aster novae-angliae Fall 3 3 Sneezeweed, Common (P) Helenium autumnale Fall 2 3 Showy Tickseed Bidens aristosa Late Summer 11 3 New York Ironweed (P) Vernonia nova boracensis Late Summer 7 3 Goldenrod, Wrinkleleaf (P) Solidago rugosa Late Summer 2 3 Joe Pye Weed, Spotted (P) Eutrochium fistulosus Late Summer 2 3 Partridge Pea (A) Chamaecrista fasciculata Mid-Summer 32 3 Rosemallow (P) Hibiscus moscheutos Summer 2 3 Narrowleaf Sunflower (P) Helianthus angustifolius Late Summer 4 3 Total — — 65.0 ounces/acre (4.1 lbs/acre 27 ____________________ Source: Glennon, 2015; Roundstone Native Seed, 2017. a Forb types include (A) for annual flowers, (B) for biennial flowers, and (P) for perennial flowers. b If the broadcast method is more feasible, increase the perennial grasses in the mixture by 50 percent. 2.3 NORTH CAROLINA Northampton County 2.3.1 The following recommendations of seed mixtures, rates, planting dates, and amendments are for Northampton County, North Carolina. The recommendation is from Paul Boone (NRCS District Conservationist). Recommended Grass Seed Mixtures, Application Rates, Planting Dates, and Amendments TABLE 2.3.1-1 Seed Mix NCNO01: Recommended Cool Season Seed Mixture Common Species Name a Seed Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Planting Date Spring (February - March) and Fall (September - November) Seeding Tall Fescue mixed with any of the following grains: 60 Feb - Nov Wheat 60 Oct 25 - Nov 15 Oats and Barley 60 Sept 1 - Oct 15 Rye 60 Sept 15 - Nov 1 Korean Lespedeza 20 March - May Sercia Lespedeza 20 Oct - May ____________________ a Recommendations provided by the Northampton County NRCS office District Conservationist. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed Note: Apply small grain mulch at 2 tons/acre or check with the NRCS office for alternatives mulches. 24 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost TABLE 2.3.1-2 Seed Mix NCNO02: Recommended Warm Season Seed Mixture Common Species Name a Seed Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS) Planting Date Temporary Cover Brown Top Miller 30-40 May 5 – July 5 Japanese Millet 25 May 5 – July 5 Permanent Cover Pensacola Bahia 25 March 15 – June 15 Pensacola Bahia mixed with any of the following: 20 March - May Annual Lespedeza 20 March - May Kolb Lespedeza 20 March - May Common Lespedeza 20 March - May Korean Lespedeza 20 March - May Bermuda Grass (Hulled) 8-10 April - July Bermuda Grass Hulled Bermunda (up June) 6-10 April – July Unhulled Bermuda 15-18 January - March ____________________ a Recommendations provided by the Northampton County NRCS office District Conservationist. TABLE 2.3.1-3 Recommended Soil Amendments Type Application Rate Lime 2 tons/acre Fertilizer 10-10-10 1,000 lbs/acre Halifax and Wilson Counties 2.3.2 The following seed mixture, planting dates, and cover crop recommendations are primarily for Wilson County, but are also applicable for Halifax County. The recommendation is from David Little (NRCS District Conservationist). 25 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost Recommended Grass Seed Mixtures, Application Rates, Planting Dates, and Cover Crops TABLE 2.3.2-1 Seed Mix NCHW01: Recommended Cool Season Seed Mixture Common Species Name a Seed Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS) b Planting Date Tall Fescue and White Clover 30-50 Sept 1 – Sept 30 (Coastal Plain) Cover Crop a Buckwheat 80 Late Winter-Spring Oats 180 Late Winter-Spring Rye 120-180 Late Winter-Spring Ryegrass 30-40 Late Winter-Spring Oats and Ryegrass 90 Late Winter-Spring Oats and Korean Lespedeza 20 Late Winter-Spring Browntop Miller 30-40 Summer Rye 120-180 Late Summer/Early Winter Ryegrass 30-40 Late Summer/Early Winter Oats (Before Oct 1) 120-180 Late Summer/Early Winter Barley (Before Oct 15) 120-180 Late Summer/Early Winter Wheat (After Oct 1) 120-180 Late Summer/Early Winter Rye and Ryegrass mixture 60 Rye + 20 Ryegrass Late Summer/Early Winter Little barley 75-80 Late Summer/Early Winter ____________________ a Temporary cover vegetation is desirable to minimize erosion and pollution and permanent vegetation cannot be established due to seasons of the year, and where a temporary seeding is needed to control erosion and water pollution prior to the establishment of finished grade or perennial vegetation. The temporary measures should be coordinated with the permanent erosion control measures planned, to assure economical and effective control. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed Nash and Johnston Counties 2.3.3 The following species and cover crop seeding application rates, planting dates, and amendments recommendations are for Nash and Johnston counties. The seed mixture recommendations are from correspondence with Patrick Evans (NRCS District Conservationist Nash County) and Brian Loaholt (NRCS District Conservationist). Seed Mix NCNJ01 provides seeding specifications for conservation work. 26 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost Recommended Grass Seeding Species, Application Rates, Planting Dates, Cover Crops, and Amendments TABLE 2.3.3-1 Seed Mix NCNJ01: Recommended Cool Season Grass Seed Mixture Common Species Name a Seed Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Planting Date Tall Fescue 30-40 Sept 1 – Sept 30 (Coastal Plain) Sorghum (Cover crop) c 60-120 — ____________________ a Recommendations provided by the Nash County NRCS office District Conservationist. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed c Temporary cover vegetation is desirable to minimize erosion and pollution and permanent vegetation cannot be established due to seasons of the year, and where a temporary seeding is needed to control erosion and water pollution prior to the establishment of finished grade or perennial vegetation. The temporary measures should be coordinated with the permanent erosion control measures planned, to assure economical and effective control. Notes: Mulch seeded area with small grain straw. Spread evenly over the area at the rate of 1-2 tons/acre. Apply mulch so that about 25 percent of the ground is visible. TABLE 2.3.3-2 Recommended Lime and Fertilizer Application Type Application Rate Lime 2 tons/acre Fertilizer - 10-10-10 500 - 700 lbs/acre Sampson County 2.3.4 The following recommendations for seed mixtures, rates, planting dates, and amendments are for Sampson County. The recommendations are based on correspondence with Gavin Thompson (NRCS District Conservationist) and Susan Davis (West Virginia Department of Natural Resources). Seed Mixes NCSA01 and NCSA02 are NRCS recommended cool and warm season mixtures for disturbed areas. No pollinator species specific to the County were recommended by the Conservationist. Recommended Grass Seed Mixtures, Application Rates, and Planting Dates TABLE 2.3.4-1 Seed Mix NCSA01: Recommended Cool Season Seed Mixture Common Species Name a Seeding Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Planting Date Tall Fescue or 40-50 Sept - March Bermudagrass (hull attached) 15 January - March ____________________ a Recommendations provided by the Sampson County NRCS office District Conservationist. Used Tall Fescue to seed wet spots along the pipeline. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed 27 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost TABLE 2.3.4-2 Seed Mix NCSA02: Recommended Warm Season Seed Mixture Common Species Name Seeding Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS) Planting Date Bermudagrass (hull removed) 8-10 April – August ________________ a Recommendations provided by the Sampson County NRCS office District Conservationist. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed Recommended Lime and Fertilizer Application Where soils are relatively uniform and amendments can be incorporated, use appropriate lime and fertilize according to a soils test. In the absence of a soil test, use the recommended lime and fertilizers application rates in the table below. TABLE 2.3.4-3 Recommended Lime and Fertilizer Application Type Application Rate Lime (dolomite) 1-2 tons/acre Fertilizer 10-10-10 500 - 800 lbs/acre a ____________________ Notes: Any seeding should also be mulched with small grain straw or equivalent at a rate of 1 to 2 tons per acre. When mulching, be sure to eave approximately 25 percent of the ground exposed to allow light to penetrate. Mulch should be anchored to prevent loss. Planting Recommendations Where conventional equipment is used for planting, seed shall be applied uniformly with cultipacker-seeders, drills, seeders or other mechanical seeders. Any equipment that will apply seed uniformly is acceptable. Seeding may be done by hand where it is not practical or feasible to use equipment. Mulching Recommendations • Mulching is essential on all sites, especially steep, erosive sites where plant establishment may be expected to be difficult. • Use of dry, unchopped, and unweathered small grain straw or hay-free-seeds (from completing plant species). Spread at the rate of 1-2 tons per acre depending upon the site and season. • Apply mulch uniformly so that about 25 percent of the ground surface is visible. • Anchor mulch immediately after placement to minimize loss by water and/or wind. 28 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost Cumberland County 2.3.5 The following recommended seed mixture, rates, planting dates, cover crop, and amendments are for Cumberland County. The recommendations are from correspondence with Renessa Brown (NRCS District Conservationist). No pollinator species recommendations specific to the County were provided. Recommended Seed Mixtures, Application Rates, and Planting Dates TABLE 2.3.5-1 Seed Mix NCCU01: Recommended Cool and Warm Season Seed Mixture Common Species Name a Seeding Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Planting Date Common or Hybrid Bernudagrass (hull removed or scarified) 5-7 (drill) 6-8 (broadcast) April 1 – May 15 (best); April 1 – June 7 (possible) Cover Crop c Buckwheat 80 Late Winter-Spring Oats 180 Late Winter-Spring Rye 120-180 Late Winter-Spring Ryegrass 30-40 Late Winter-Spring Oats and Ryegrass 20 and 90 Late Winter-Spring Oats and Korean Lespedeza 20 and 90 Late Winter-Spring Browntop Miller 30-40 Summer Rye 120-180 Late Summer/Early Winter Ryegrass 30-40 Late Summer/Early Winter Oats (Before Oct 1) 180 Late Summer/Early Winter Barley (Before Oct 15) 120-180 Late Summer/Early Winter Wheat (After Oct 1) 120-180 Late Summer/Early Winter Rye and Ryegrass mixture 60 Rye + 20 Ryegrass Late Summer/Early Winter Little barley 75-80 Late Summer/Early Winter ____________________ a Recommendations provided by the Cumberland County NRCS office District Conservationist. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed c Select from the following table a quick growing grass with high seedling vigor that is suited to the area, When temporary vegetation is desirable to minimize erosion and pollution and permanent vegetation cannot be established due to seasons of the year, and where a temporary seeding is needed to control erosion and water pollution prior to the establishment of finished grade or perennial vegetation. The temporary measures should be coordinated with the permanent erosion control measures planned, to assure economical and effective control. TABLE 2.3.5-2 Recommended Lime and Fertilizer Application Planting Fertilizer Analysis Fertilizer Rate (lbs/acre) Lime Rate (lbs/acre) Perennial Grasses with or without Legumes, Fertilizer no incorporated 10-10-10 10 lbs / 1,000 sq. ft. 46 lbs / 1,000 sq. ft. Temporary Cover, Fertilizer not incorporated 10-10-10 12 – 16 lbs / 1,000 sq. ft. 92 lbs / 1,000 sq. ft. 29 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost TABLE 2.3.5-3 Recommended Mulch Material Rates and Uses Material Minimum Rates Per Acre Coverage Remarks Dry unchopped, unweathered small grain straw or hay-free- seeds (of competing plants) 1 – 2 tons/acre 75% (25% of ground is visible) Evenly spread mulch over the area by hand or blower-type spreading equipment burlap and pine boughs — 100% Secure in place if flowing water is involved Jute matting — 100% May be used in the place of mulch or sod; has the strength to withstand water flow. It is an accepted practice to sow half the seed before placing the matting. Sow the remaining half after the matting is laid. Barnyard manure and bedding — 75% (25% of ground is visible) Do not apply within 50 feet of surface waters Wood fiber (excelsior) — — Available as mulch material to be blown on after seeding or as a matting to be stapled on steep slopes, waterways, etc. ____________________ Source: WVDEP, 2012 Planting Recommendations Mulching should be specified to reduce damage from water run-off and improve moisture conditions for seedlings. Temporary vegetation can be satisfactorily established without the use of mulch. Robeson County 2.3.6 The following seed mixture, rates, and planting date recommendations are for Robeson County. The recommendation comes from Jeremy Ruston (NRCS District Conservationist). Recommended Grass Seed Mixtures TABLE 2.3.6-1 Seed Mix NCRO01: Recommended Warm Season Seed Mixture Common Species Name a Seeding Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Planting Date Switchgrass (Carthage or Cave-In-Rock cultivars) 1 April 1 – May 15 Little Bluestem 1.5 April 1 – May 15 Indian Grass 1 April 1 – May 15 ____________________ a Recommendations provided by the Roberson County NRCS office District Conservationist. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed 30 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost Recommended Pollinator Seed Mixtures TABLE 2.3.6-2 Seed Mix P-NCRO01: Recommended Pollinator Seed Mixture Common Name Scientific Name Bloom Period Sun Soil Seeding Application Seed Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)a Lanceleaf coreopsis Coreopsis lanceolata April – June Full – Shade Dry – Moist 0.3 Wrinkleleaf goldenrod Solidago rugosa Late Summer Full to Partial shade Moist Purple coneflower Echinacea purpurea April – September Full to Partial shade Dry ____________________ Source: Recommendations provided by the Roberson County NRCS office District Conservationist. a lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed Recommended Native Grass and Pollinator Seed Mixtures, Application Rates, and 2.3.7 Non-Native Cover Crop by Physiographical Region (Coastal Plain) The following seed mixtures are for the Coastal Plan Region. These recommendations are from discussions with Roundstone Native Seed and Robert Glennon. Recommended Seed Mixtures by Geographical Region (Coastal Plain) and Drainage Class TABLE 2.3.7-1 Seed Mix P-CPDW01: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in North Carolina a Common Name Scientific Name Height (Inches) Sun Exposure Seed Mix Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium 2- 4 Full Sun 0.250 Virginia Wild Rye Elymus virginicus 2 - 4 Full Sun 0.250 Tall Dropseed Sporobolus compositus 2 - 3 Full Sun 0.050 Purple Top Tridens flavus 3 - 5 Part Shade 0.058 Indian Grass Sorghastrum nutans 3 - 6 Full Sun 0.167 Switchgrass Panicum virgatum 3 - 7 Full Sun 0.183 Fall Panicum Panicum anceps 2 - 4 Part Shade 0.042 Total — — — 1.0 ____________________ Sources: Roundstone Native Seed, 2017; Glennon, 2017. a Recommended seeding application rate is 8 to 18 pounds per acre. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed 31 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost TABLE 2.3.7-2 Seed Mix P-CPDW01: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates for Excessively to Moderately Well Drained Sites in North Carolina Common Name Scientific Name Color Bloom Period Seed Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Lance Leaved Coreopsis Coreopsis lanceolata Yellow Spring, Summer 0.266 Spotted Beebalm Monarda punctata Pink Spring, Summer 0.124 Common Milkweed Asclepias syriaca Pink Spring, Summer 0.107 Smooth Beardtongue Penstemon digitalis White Spring 0.107 Bergamot Monarda fistulosa Lavender Summer 0.124 Partridge Pea Cassia fasciculata Yellow Summer 0.621 Spiked Blazing Star Liatris spicata Pink Summer 0.222 Lupine Lupinus perennis Blue Summer 0.497 Early Goldenrod Solidago juncea Yellow Summer 0.160 Starry Silphium Silphium asteriscus Yellow Summer, Fall 0.178 Iron Weed Vernonia altissima Purple Summer, Fall 0.222 Sneezeweed Helenium autumnale Yellow Summer, Fall 0.124 Hairy Mountain Mint Pycnanthemum pilosum White Summer, Fall 0.089 Total — — — 2.84 ____________________ Sources: Roundstone Native Seed, 2017; Glennon, 2017. a lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed TABLE 2.3.7-3 Seed Mix P-CPDW02: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Grass Seed Mix and Application Rates for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in North Carolina a Common Name Scientific Name Height (Inches) Sun Exposure Seed Mix Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Switchgrass Panicum virgatum 3 - 7 Full Sun 0.233 Red Top Panicum Panicum rigidulum 2 - 4 Full Sun 0.017 Fowl Manna Grass Glyceria striata 3 - 5 Part Shade 0.008 Virginia Wild Rye Elymus virginicus 2 - 4 Full Sun 0.217 Deer Tongue Grass Panicum clandestinum 2 - 4 Full Sun 0.058 Big Bluestem Andropogon gerardii 4 - 10 Full Sun 0.167 Frank's Sedge Carex frankii 1 - 2 Part Shade 0.042 Fox Sedge Carex vulpinoidea 2 - 3 Part Shade 0.025 Fall Panicum Panicum anceps 2 - 4 Part Shade 0.067 Total — — — 0.83 ____________________ Sources: Roundstone Native Seed, 2017; Glennon, 2017. a Recommended seeding application rate is 8 to 18 pounds per acre. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed 32 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost TABLE 2.3.7-4 Seed Mix P-CPDW02: Recommended Coastal Plain Physiographic Region Forb Seed Mix and Application Rates for Somewhat Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Sites in North Carolina Common Name Scientific Name Color Bloom Period Seed Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)a Smooth Beardtongue Penstemon digitalis White Spring 0.169 Butterfly Milkweed Asclepias tuberosa Orange Spring, Summer 0.056 Ohio Spiderwort Tradescantia ohiensis Blue Spring, Summer 0.084 Blackeyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta Yellow Spring, Summer 0.180 Spiked Blazing Star Liatris spicata Pink Summer 0.264 Hoary Mountain Mint Pycnanthemum incanum White Summer 0.034 Early Goldenrod Solidago juncea Yellow Summer 0.113 Bergamot Monarda fistulosa Lavender Summer 0.169 Showy Tickseed Bidens aristosa Yellow Summer, Fall 0.366 Starry Silphium Silphium asteriscus Yellow Summer, Fall 0.113 Narrow-Leaved Sunflower Helianthus angustifolius Yellow Summer, Fall 0.113 Joe-Pye Weed Eupatorium fistulosum Pink Summer, Fall 0.141 Total — — — 1.80 ____________________ Sources: Roundstone Native Seed, 2017; Glennon, 2017. a lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed Recommended Non-native Temporary Cover Crop Species and Non-native Grass Cover Use of non-native temporary cover species (P-NNTC) on all plantings where erosion potential is high or where the site must be vegetated within 30 days is recommended. Furthermore, use the non-native grass mixes (P-NNGC) with the forb mixes where slope is steep for native species to germinate and where erosion potential is high. TABLE 2.3.7-5 Seed Mix P-NNTC: Recommended Non-native Temporary Cover Crop Species Common Name Scientific Name Height (Inches) Sun Exposure Seeding Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)a For Summer Use in Native Mixes Brown Top Millet Panicum ramosum 3 - 3.5 Full sun 5.0 For Spring and Fall Use in Native Mixes Spring Oats Avena sativa 2 – 2.5 Full sun 30.0 For Fall and Winter Use in Native Mixes Annual Rye Grass Lolium multiflorum 2 – 2.5 Part shade 6.0 ____________________ Source: Roundstone Native Seed, 2015 a lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed 33 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost TABLE 2.3.7-6 Seed Mix P-NNGC: Recommended Non-native Grass Cover Mix a Common Name Scientific Name Height (Inches) Sun Exposure Seed Mix Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Fescue Festuca arundinacea 2 - 3 Part Shade 0.300 Timothy Phleum pratense 2 - 4 Part Shade 0.100 Orchard Grass Dactylis glomerata 2 - 3 Part Shade 0.100 Red Top Agrostis alba 2 - 3 Full Sun 0.020 Ladino Clover Trifolium repens 1 - 1.5 Part Shade 0.040 Annual Rye Grass Lolium multiflorum 2 - 2.5 Part Shade 0.170 Creeping Red Fescue Festuca rubra 1 - 2 Full Sun 0.250 Kentucky Bluegrass Poa pratensis 1-2 Full Sun 0.020 Total — — — 1.0 ____________________ Source: Roundstone Native Seed, 2015 a Recommended seeding application rate is 30 to 50 pounds per acre. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed 3.0 SUPPLY HEADER PROJECT 3.1 WEST VIRGINIA Wetzel and Tyler Counties 3.1.1 The following recommended seed mixtures, rates, and amendments are primarily for Tyler County but also include a portion of Wetzel County, West Virginia. The recommendation is from correspondence with Dustin Adkins (NRCS District Conservationist). The recommendation is for the area starting at Mile 23 (estimated portion in Tyler County) through Mockingbird Hill (Wetzel County). No pollinator species specific to the County were recommended by the Conservationist. Recommended Seed Mixtures, Application Rates, Planting Dates, and Amendments TABLE 3.1.1-1 Seed Mix WVWE01: Recommended Cool Season Seed Mixture Seed Mixture Common Species Name Seed Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)a 1 Orchard Grass 8 Ladino Clover 2 2 White Clover 2 Orchardgrass 5 Kentucky Bluegrass 5 3 Red Clover 4 Alsike Clover 2 Orchardgrass 4 ____________________ a lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed 34 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost TABLE 3.1.1-2 Recommended Seeding Dates for Permanent Cover Planting Dates Suitability March 1 to April 15 Best seeding periods. August 1 to October 1 December 1 to March 1 Good seeding period. Dormant seeding. April 15 to August 1 HIGH RISK – moisture stress likely. October 1 to December 1 HIGH RISK – freeze damage to young seedlings. ____________________ Source: WVDEP, 2012 TABLE 3.1.1-3 Recommended Lime and Fertilizer Application for Permanent Seeding pH of Soil Lime (tons/ acre) Fertilizer (10-20-20 or equivalent) (lbs/acre) > 6.0 2 500 5.0 to 6.0 3 < 5.0 4 Recommended Lime and Fertilizer Application Lime should be applied to all permanent seedlings. Once pH is known, use the information in the above Table to determine the amount (tons) of lime to use onsite. For the best results, apply the lime and fertilizer at the time of the seedbed preparation. The recommended lime and fertilizer application for temporary seeding in the absence of a soil test is provided in the below table. TABLE 3.1.1-4 Recommended Lime and Fertilizer Application for Temporary Seeding (Absent of a Soil Test) Species Nitrogen (N) (lbs/acre) Phosphorus (P 2 O 5) (lbs/acre) Potassium (K 2 O) (lbs/acre) Recommendations (per acre) Cool Season Grass 40 80 80 400 lbs 10-20-20 Cool Season Grass & Legume 30 60 60 300 lbs 10-20-20 Temporary Cover 40 40 40 200 lbs 19-19-19 ____________________ Source: WVDEP, 2012 State Lands 3.1.2 Lewis Wetzel Wildlife Management Area – Wetzel County The following seed mixtures, application rates, and soil amendments recommendations are for the Lewis Wetzel WMA in Wetzel County, West Virginia. The recommendations are based on correspondence and discussions with the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources (Steve Rauch, District Wildlife Biologist), which recommended the use of the seed mixtures and soil amendments discussed in the West Virginia Enhancing Wildlife Habitat on Oil and Gas Infrastructure booklet (West Virginia Department of Natural Resources, 2015). 35 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost Recommended Seed Mixtures and Application Rates The following planting recommendations are intended to enhance early successional stage habitat found along access roads and pipelines. TABLE 3.1.2-1 Seed Mix WVLWWMA01: Recommended Grass Seed Mixes and Application Rates Common Species Name Scientific Name Seeding Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)a Perennial, Cool Season Seed Mix b Ladino White Clover c Trifolium repens 4 Mammoth Red Clover c Trifolium pratense 5 Forage Clover Cichorium intybus 2 Winter Wheat d Triticum aestivum 50 Perennial, Cool Season, Slopes Seed Mix e Ladino White Clover c Trifolium repens 8 Red Clover c Trifolium pratense 5 Birdsfoot Trefoil c Lotus corniculatus 8 Orchardgrass Dactylis glomerata 15 Winter Wheat d Triticum aestivum 50 ____________________ Source: WVDRN, 2015 a lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed b Ideal for use in areas where the landscape is generally flat and where the objective is to have vegetative cover for pollinator species and wildlife habitat for turkey/grouse broods, and forage for deer b Herbaceous legumes must be treated with the appropriate inoculant before seeding. d Autumn planting: September 1 through October 15 or substitute annual rye. Spring planting: substitute oats at the same rate between February 15 and March 15, and retain the other species as listed. e Ideal for sloped areas, as grasses are typically added to cool season mixes to provide habitat and erosion control measures. Recommended Lime and Fertilizer Application Application of soil amendments should be based on soil test recommendations. In the absence of a soil test, fertilizer and lime should be applied at the rates shown in Table 3.1.2-2. TABLE 3.1.2-2 Recommended Lime and Fertilizer Application Type Application Rate Lime 3 tons/acre Fertilizer - 10-20-20 600 lbs/acre ____________________ Source: WVDRN, 2015 Doddridge and Harrison Counties 3.1.3 The following recommended seed mixtures, planting dates, and amendments are for Doddridge and Harrison counties. These recommendations are based on the collection of correspondences with federal and state agencies, including Greg Stone (NRCS Acting State Resource Conservationist), Jeff Griffith (NRCS District Conservationist). No pollinator species specific to the County were recommended by the Conservationists. 36 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost Recommended Seed Mixtures and Application Rates TABLE 3.1.3-1 Seed Mix WVDH01: Recommended Cool Season Seed Mixtures Seed Mixture Common Species Name a Seed Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Suitable Land Use 1 Orchardgrass 10 Pasture or Hay Ladino Clover 2 Red Clover 3 Redtop 3 2 Kentucky Bluegrass 20 Pasture Ladino Clover 2 Red Clover 3 Redtop 3 Pasture or Hay 3 Orchardgrass 20 Redtop 5 Birdsfoot Trefoil 10 ____________________ a Species in bold are more wildlife-friendly; species in italics are suitable for use in filter strips. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed Recommended Seeding Dates for Permanent Cover and Amendments TABLE 3.1.3-2 Recommended Seeding Dates for Permanent Cover Planting Dates Suitability March 1 to April 15 Best seeding periods. August 1 to October 1 December 1 to March 1 Good seeding period. Dormant seeding. April 15 to August 1 HIGH RISK – moisture stress likely. October 1 to December 1 HIGH RISK – freeze damage to young seedlings. TABLE 3.1.3-3 Recommended Lime and Fertilizer Application Type Application Rate Lime 3 tons/acre Fertilizer - 10-20-20 400 lbs/acre Planting Recommendations • Certified seed is preferred. • All legumes should be planted with proper inoculants prior to seeding. • Soil fertility and pH level will be amended to satisfy the needs of the plant species planned. • For unprepared seedbeds or seeding outside the optimum timeframes: 37 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost o Add 50 percent more seed to the specified rate, particularly during the periods of April 15 – August 1, and October 1 – March 1. o Double the seeding rate and consider planning an annual small grain like wheat (2 bushels [120 pounds] per acre) to act as a nurse crop. Recommended Native Grasses and Pollinators Seed Mixtures, Application Rates, 3.1.4 and Non-Native Cover Crop by Physiographical Region Use the same recommended pollinator seed mixtures, non-native temporary cover, and non-native grass cover as indicted in Section 2.1.5 for the ACP in West Virginia. 3.2 PENNSYLVANIA Westmoreland County 3.2.1 Seed mixtures, rates, and amendments were selected based on appropriate site conditions and recommendations from Christopher Droste (Conservation District) and adapted from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual. No pollinator species specific to the County were recommended by the Conservationist. Recommended Seed Mixtures and Application Rates TABLE 3.2.1-1 Seed Mix PAWE01: Recommended Cool Season Seed Mixture Seeding Application Rate (lbs/acre/PLS)b Common Species Name Most Sites Adverse Sites Birdsfoot trefoil a, plus 6 10 -Tall fescue 30 35 ____________________ a For Birdsfoot trefoil use empire variety. For slopes > 33 percent (3H:1V), add perennial rye at 20 lbs/acre. For planting outside March 1 - October 15, use winter oats at 90 lbs/acre and winter rye at 56 lbs/acre. b lbs/acre/PLS = pounds per acre of pure live seed Recommended Soil Amendments TABLE 3.2.1-2 Soil Amendment Application Rate Equivalents a Soil Amendment Per Acre Per 1,000 Square feet (lbs) Per 1,000 square Yard (lbs) Notes Agricultural lime 7.5 tons 300 3100 Or as per soil test; may not be required in agricultural fields 20-20-20 fertilizer 1,000 lbs 25 210 Or as per soil test; may not be required in agricultural fields ____________________ a For agricultural or private lands, contractor will use rates above unless otherwise specified by landowner. 38 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost TABLE 3.2.1-3 Recommended Mulch Type and Rates Mulch Type Per Acre (tons) Per 1000 Square Feet (lbs) Per 1000 Square Yard (lbs) Notes Straw 3 140 1240 Either wheat or oat straw, free of weeds, not chopped or finely broken Hay 3 140 1240 Timothy, mixed clover and timothy or other native forage grasses Wood Chips 4-6 185-275 1650-2500 May prevent germination of grasses and legumes Hydromulch 1 47 415 See limitations below Shredded paper hydromulch should not be used in slopes steeper than 5 percent. Wood fiber hydromulch may be applied on steeper slopes provided a tackifier is used. The application rate for any hydromulch should be 2,000 pounds per acre at a minimum. 39 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost 4.0 REFERENCES Glennon, Robert. 2015. Personal communication with Herbert Pirela of Environmental Resources Management, Inc. Private Lands Biologist. Glennon, Robert. 2017. Personal communication with Herbert Pirela of Environmental Resources Management, Inc. Private Lands Biologist. Jones, J., Glennon, B., Lawrence, C., Faulkner, D., and C. Gordon. 2014. USDA-NRCS Virginia Plant Establishment Guide. Revised 2014. Natural Resource Conservation Service. 2011. National Conservation Practice Standard - Critical Area Planting, Code 342. Natural Resource Conservation Service. 2014. Conservation Practice Standard - Mulching, Code 484. Technical Guide Section IV: 484-VA-1. Roundstone Native Seed. 2015. Jeremy Hamlington, personal communication with Herbert Pirela of Environmental Resources Management, Inc. Horticulturist. Roundstone Native Seed. 2017. Jeremy Hamlington, personal communication with Herbert Pirela of Environmental Resources Management, Inc. Horticulturist. West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection. 2012. West Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Field Manual. Available online at: http://www.dep.wv.gov/oil-and- gas/Documents/Erosion%20Manual%2004.pdf. Accessed October 2015. West Virginia Department of Natural Resources. 2015. Enhancing Wildlife Habitat on Oil and Gas Infrastructure. Available online at: http://www.wvdnr.gov/Publications/OilGasAnd Wildlife.pdf 40 Attachment A Summary of Seed Mixes by County for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Supply Header Project A-1 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost ATTACHMENT A Summary of Seed Mixtures by County for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Supply Header Project Approximate Milepost Range County and State Suggested Cool Season Seed Mix Number a Suggested Warm Season Seed Mix Number a Suggested Pollinator Seed Mix Number a Federal, State/Commonwealth, or local Agency/ Subject Matter Expert Contact Information Atlantic Coast Pipeline Spread 1 (AP-1) 0.0–29.1 Harrison, WV WVHLRU01 P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC District Conservationist - Jeff Griffith (304) 624-9232 ext. 11; jeff.griffith@wv.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357- 7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. Lewis, WV WVHLRU01 P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC District Conservationist - Jeff Griffith (304) 624-9232 ext. 110; jeff.griffith@wv.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357- 7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. Upshur, WV WVHLRU01 P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC Acting State Conservationist - Greg Stone (304) 284-7579; greg.stone@wv.usda.gov. Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. Spread 2 (AP-1) 29.1–50.6 Upshur, WV WVHLRU01 P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC Acting State Conservationist - Greg Stone (304) 284-7579; greg.stone@wv.usda.gov,Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. Randolph, WV WVHLRU01 P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC District (1) Wildlife Biologist - Steve Rauch (304) 825-6787; Steven.E.Rauch@wv.gov. Spread 2 A (AP-1) 50.6-65.3 Randolph, WV WVHLRU01 P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC District (1) Wildlife Biologist - Steve Rauch (304) 825-6787; Steven.E.Rauch@wv.gov Spread 3 (AP-1) 65.3-79.2 Randolph, WV WVHLRU01 P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC District (1) Wildlife Biologist - Steve Rauch (304) 825-6787; Steven.E.Rauch@wv.gov Pocahontas, WV WVPO01 WVPO01; P-MUDW01 or MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC P-MUDW01 or MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC District Conservationist - Iden Gunther (304) 255-9225; idun.guenther@wv.usda.gov. Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. Spread 3A (AP-1) 79.2-91.3 Pocahontas, WV WVPO01 WVPO01; P-MUDW01 or MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC P-MUDW01 or MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC District Conservationist - Iden Gunther (304) 255-9225; idun.guenther@wv.usda.gov. Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. A-2 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost ATTACHMENT A Summary of Seed Mixtures by County for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Supply Header Project Approximate Milepost Range County and State Suggested Cool Season Seed Mix Number a Suggested Warm Season Seed Mix Number a Suggested Pollinator Seed Mix Number a Federal, State/Commonwealth, or local Agency/ Subject Matter Expert Contact Information Highland, VA VABCHNP01 VABCHNP02 P-VABCHNP01 or P- VABCHNP02 District Conservationist - Charles Ivins (540) 248-6218 ext. 122; charles.ivins@va.usda.gov, Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357- 7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Spread 4 (AP-1) 91.3–125.9 Highland, VA VABCHNP01 VABCHNP02 P-VABCHNP01 or P- VABCHNP02 District Conservationist - Charles Ivins (540) 248-6218 ext. 122; charles.ivins@va.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357- 7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Bath, VA VABCHNP01 VABCHNP02 P-VABCHNP01 or P- VABCHNP02 District Conservationist – Charles Simmons; charles.simmons@va.usda.gov, Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357-7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Augusta, VA VABCHNP01 VABCHNP02 P-VABCHNP01 or P- VABCHNP02 District Conservationist - Charles Ivins (540) 248-6218 ext. 122; charles.ivins@va.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357- 7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov Spread 5 (AP-1) 125.9–183.3 Augusta, VA VABCHNP01 VABCHNP02 P-VABCHNP01 or P- VABCHNP02 District Conservationist - Charles Ivins (540) 248-6218 ext. 122; charles.ivins@va.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357- 7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov Nelson, VA VABCHNP01 VABCHNP02 P-VABCHNP01 or P- VABCHNP02 State Biologist - Jeffray Jones (804) 287-1691; Jeffray.Jones@va.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357-7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov Spread 6 (AP-1) 183.3–239.6 Nelson, VA VABCHNP01 VABCHNP02 P-VABCHNP01 or P- VABCHNP02 State Biologist - Jeffray Jones (804) 287-1691; Jeffray.Jones@va.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357-7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov Nelson, VA; James River WWA VJRWMA01; VJRWMA02; or VJRWMA03 VJRWMA01; VJRWMA02; or VJRWMA03 Environmental Services Biologists – Amy Ewing (804) 367-2211; Amy.Ewing@dgif.virginia.gov Buckingham, VA VABCHNP01 VABCHNP02 P-VABCHNP01 or P- VABCHNP02 District Conservationist - David Harris (434) 983-4757 x 101; david.harris@va.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357- 7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov Cumberland. VA VABCHNP01 VABCHNP02 P-VABCHNP01 or P- VABCHNP02 District Conservationist - David Harris (434) 983-4757 x 101; david.harris@va.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357- 7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov Prince Edward, VA VABCHNP01 VABCHNP02 P-VABCHNP01 or P- VABCHNP02 District Conservationist - J.B. Daniel (434) 392-4171; j.b.daniel@va.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357-7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov Nottoway, VA VABCHNP01 VABCHNP02 P-VABCHNP01 or P- VABCHNP02 Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357-7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov A-3 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost ATTACHMENT A Summary of Seed Mixtures by County for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Supply Header Project Approximate Milepost Range County and State Suggested Cool Season Seed Mix Number a Suggested Warm Season Seed Mix Number a Suggested Pollinator Seed Mix Number a Federal, State/Commonwealth, or local Agency/ Subject Matter Expert Contact Information Spread 7 (AP-1) 239.6–300.1 Nottoway, VA VABCHNP01 VABCHNP02 P-VABCHNP01 or P- VABCHNP02 Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357-7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov Dinwiddie, VA VACSDGS01 VACSDGS01 P-VACSDGS01 or P- VACSDGS02 Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357-7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov Brunswick, VA VABCHNP01 VABCHNP02 P-VABCHNP01 or P- VABCHNP02 Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357-7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov Greensville, VA VACSDGS01 VACSDGS01 P-VACSDGS01 or P- VACSDGS02 Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357-7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov Northampton, NC NCNO01 NCNO02 P-CPDW01 or P- CPMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC District Conservationist - Paul Boone (252) 534-2591; paul.boone@nc.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357-7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. Spread 8 (AP-2) 0.0–61.6 Northampton, NC NCNO01 NCNO02 P-CPDW01 or P- CPMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC District Conservationist - Paul Boone (252) 534-2591; paul.boone@nc.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357-7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. Halifax, NC NCHW01 P-CPDW01 or P- CPMP02 P-CPDW01 or P- CPMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC District Conservationist -David Little (252) 237-2711; David.Little@nc.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357- 7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. Nash, NC NCNJ01 P-CDW01 or P-CPMP02 P-CPDW01 or P- CPMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC District Conservationist - Patrick Evans (252) 459-4116; patrick.evans@nc.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357- 7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. Spread 9 (AP-2) 61.6–61.6 Nash, NC NCNJ01 P-CPDW01 or P- CPMP02 P-CPDW01 or P- CPMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC District Conservationist - Patrick Evans (252) 459-4116; patrick.evans@nc.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357- 7004, ext. 126; Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. Wilson, NC NCHW01 P-CPDW01 or P- CPMP02 P-CPDW01 or P- CPMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC District Conservationist -David Little (252) 237-2711; David.Little@nc.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357- 7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. Johnston, NC NCNJ01 P-CDW01 or P-CPMP02 P-CPDW01 or P- CPMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC District Conservationist - Brian Loadholt (919) 934-7156; brian.loadholt@nc.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357- 7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. A-4 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost ATTACHMENT A Summary of Seed Mixtures by County for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Supply Header Project Approximate Milepost Range County and State Suggested Cool Season Seed Mix Number a Suggested Warm Season Seed Mix Number a Suggested Pollinator Seed Mix Number a Federal, State/Commonwealth, or local Agency/ Subject Matter Expert Contact Information Sampson, NC NCSA01 NCSA02 P-CPDW01 or P- CPMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC District Conservationist - Gavin Thompson (910) 592-7963; gavin.thompson@nc.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357-7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. Cumberland, NC NCCU01 NCCU01 P-CPDW01 or P- CPMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC District Conservationist - Renessa Hardy-Brown (910) 484-8479; renessa.brown@nc.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357- 7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. Spread 10 (AP-2) 61.5–183.0 Cumberland, NC NCCU01 NCCU01 P-CPDW01 or P- CPMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC District Conservationist - Renessa Hardy-Brown (910) 484-8479; renessa.brown@nc.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357- 7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. Robeson, NC P-CPDW01 or P- CPMP02 NCRO01 P-CPDW01, P- CPMP02, or P- NCRO01; P-NNTC or P-NNGC District Conservationist - Jeremy Roston ( 910) 739-5478; jeremy.roston@usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357- 7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. Spread 11 (AP-3) 0.0–83.0 Northampton, NC NCNO01 NCNO02 P-CPDW01 or P- CPMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC District Conservationist - Paul Boone (252) 534-2591; paul.boone@nc.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357-7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. Greensville, VA VACSDGS01 VACSDGS01 P-VACSDGS01 or P- VACSDGS02 Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357-7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov Southampton, VA VACSDGS01 VACSDGS01 P-VACSDGS01 or P- VACSDGS02 Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357-7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov Suffolk, VA VACSDGS01 VACSDGS01 P-VACSDGS01 or P- VACSDGS02 Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357-7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov Spread 12 (AP-4; AP-5) 0.0–0.4; 0.0- 1.1 Brunswick, VA VABCHNP01 VABCHNP02 P-VABCHNP01 or P- VABCHNP02 District Conservationist - Davie Wade Harris (434) 848-2145 ext. 102; davie.harris@va.usda.gov Greensville, VA VACSDGS01 VACSDGS01 P-VACSDGS01 or P- VACSDGS02 Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357-7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov A-5 Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost ATTACHMENT A Summary of Seed Mixtures by County for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Supply Header Project Approximate Milepost Range County and State Suggested Cool Season Seed Mix Number a Suggested Warm Season Seed Mix Number a Suggested Pollinator Seed Mix Number a Federal, State/Commonwealth, or local Agency/ Subject Matter Expert Contact Information Supply Header Project Spread 13 (TL-635) 0.0–33.6 Wetzel, WV WVWE01 P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC District Conservationist - Dustin Adkins (304) 758-2173; dustin.adkins@wv.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357- 7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. Wetzel, WV; Lewis Wetzel WMA WVLWWMA01 District Wildlife Biologist - Steve Rauch (304)825-6787; steven.e.rauch@wv.gov Doddridge, WV WVDH01 P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC Acting State Conservationist - Greg Stone (304) 284-7579; greg.stone@wv.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357- 7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. Tyler, WV WVWE01 P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC District Conservationist - Dustin Adkins (304) 758-2173; dustin.adkins@wv.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357- 7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. Harrison, WV WVDH01 P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC P-MUDW01 or P- MUMP02; P-NNTC or P-NNGC Acting State Conservationist - Greg Stone (304) 284-7579; greg.stone@wv.usda.gov. Private Lands Biologist - Bob Glennon (757) 357- 7004, ext. 126; Robert.Glennon@va.usda.gov. Roundstone Native Seed (270) 234-7160. Spread 14 (TL-636) 0.0–3.9 Westmoreland, PA PAWE01 None Recommended None Recommended Westmoreland Conservation District, Christopher Droste, Senior Erosion Control Specialist (724) 837-5271; chris@wcdpa.com. ____________________ a Tables describing each seed mix are located within the text of Appendix A. ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE and DOMINION TRANSMISSION, INC. SUPPLY HEADER PROJECT Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan Appendix C Recommended Seed Mixes by Milepost (to be provided prior to construction)