HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130963 Ver 3_USACE Correspondence_20170914Strickland, Bev From: Folta, Christine W CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Christine.W.Folta@usace.army.mil> Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2017 7:51 AM To: Higgins, Karen; Huggett, Doug Cc: Hair, Sarah E CIV CESAW CESAD (US) Subject: 2017-01680 Morehead City Port Letter Attachments: 2017-01680 Morehead City Port.pdf Please see attached. Thanks, Christy Christy Folta Regulatory Program Technician U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Ave Wilmington NC, 28403 (910) 251-4637 (Ph) (910) 251-4025 (Fax) The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at: http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403-1343 } September 13, 2017 Wilmington Regulatory Field Office Action ID No. SAW -2017-01680 Morehead City Port/ Berths 1-9/Turning Basins Roy E. Crabtree, Ph.D, Administrator Protected Resources Division Southeast Regional Office National Marine Fisheries Service 263 131 Avenue South St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 Dear Dr. Crabtree: Reference is made to a Department of the Army permit modification request submitted by the N.C. State Ports Authority (NCSPA) to perform agitation dredging and Water Injection Dredging (WID) by jet scour in the Port of Morehead City Berths 1-9 and Turning Basins to maintain authorized depths. These areas are located within the Newport River (see attached map). The applicant (NCSPA) proposes to modify the existing, previously approved dredging methodology to include Agitation dredging (sled dragging) and also conduct Water Injection Dredging (WID) or jet scour, to maintain authorized shipping berths and turning basins year round. The project has a multiple previous Action IDs including but not limited to: SAW- 2010-00095, SAW -2013-01747, SAW -1996-03575, SAW -2014-02218, and State Permit No.51-87. The project encompasses the Port of Morehead City existing barge berths 1-3, the east turning basin, berths 4-9, west turning basin, barge fleeting areas (north and east), and the barge dock and aviation fuel terminal (Radio Island side), within the Newport River, Morehead City, Carteret County, North Carolina. The proposed dredging at the berths and turning basins consists of open water impacts to approximately 10,282,000 sf of previously impacted, sand and silt bottom habitat and downstream receiving waters. Dredging depths will not exceed -42ft (plus T over -dredge) below MLW, as currently authorized in berths 1-3 and the east turning basin; -35ft (plus 2' over -dredge) below MLW in berths 4-9, the west turning basin, and barge fleeting area; -12 feet (plus T over dredge) at the barge dock; and -38ft (plus T over -dredge) along the Radio Island aviation fuel terminal. The previously authorized dredging methodologies include hydraulic cutter head dredging, mechanical, and Emergency Agitation Maintenance Dredging (AMD) also known as sled dragging or bed leveling. The Port of Morehead City (POMC) proposes to utilize AMD and now Water Injection Dredging (WID) as dredging methods to supplement the Wilmington District USACE periodic maintenance dredging. Maintenance dredging of the federal channel and turning basin is typically performed by the Wilmington District USACE. A large hydraulic cutter head dredge, or hopper dredge, is usually contracted by the USACE, and is used annually for maintenance dredging of the harbor and turning basin. This would include annual dredging of berths of the NCSPA. Disposal has historically been to the nearshore area, the Brandt Island disposal area, or ODMDS, depending on the presence of nesting shore birds, and beach disposal, if the material is compatible. Both mechanical dredging and hydraulic cutter -2 - head dredging are typically employed for new construction or berth dredging. However, these methods are also included in the maintenance dredging permits to allow for some flexibility in the use of the most cost effective method. This Proposed Action is considered similar to agitation dredging methods as permitted for the Port of Wilmington (POW), and other marine terminals (USACE - GP 291 dated 2014). Unlike agitation dredging that disperses the sediment into the whole water column; WID fluidizes sediment into a narrow controlled density gradient that remains just above the bed. As such, the overlying water layers are not affected by WID. On falling tides, the dense plume would be carried into the federal channel and river downstream of the port. Analysis of Potential Routes of Effects to Species The Action area is located in the Morehead City Port in the Newport River, in between Bogue Sound and the Atlantic Ocean. Substrate in the Morehead City Harbor anchorage and turning basins and within the dredging prisms of the terminal berths consists of silts and sands. The Action Area may contain foraging and migration habitat for the Atlantic and shormose sturgeons, green, loggerhead, Kemp's ridley, leatherback, and hawksbill turtles. Sturgeon and turtle species may use the project area and vicinity for feeding and as a potential pathway to upstream spawning areas. A more detailed description of the affected area is available in the attached CAMA Application and abbreviated Biological Assessment. Due to high salinities and lack of appropriate spawning habitat, only adult and juvenile life stages of sturgeon could occur within the affected area, as eggs and larvae would not be present. Dredging effects on sturgeon may include abrasion of gills from sediment suspension, reduction in Dissolved Oxygen, a temporary loss of the benthic community food source within the dredging footprint, and degradation in the benthic foraging habitat down current due to the deposition of suspended sediment. North Carolina's sounds and estuaries provide developmental and foraging habitat for most post -pelagic juvenile loggerhead, green and Kemp's ridley turtles. Large numbers of loggerhead, green, and Kemp's ridely turtles are incidentally captured during commercial fishing activities each year in the Pamlico - Albemarle estuarine system, located approximately 22 -miles northeast of the action area. Leatherback and hawksbill turtle sitings are a rare occurrence in North Carolina waters, as they rarely enter inshore waters. A more detailed description of the potential effects to species is available in the attached CAMA Application and Biological Assessment. Proposed WID activities will not result in changes to the type of bottom habitat present as dredging of the area has been occurring on a yearly and sometimes quarterly basis. Conservation Measures The following conservation measures are proposed by the applicant as means of mitigating any direct or indirect effects on the subject sturgeon species or proposed Critical Habitat. • All proposed activities will take place on falling tide events only. • Best management practices will be used throughout operations to minimize turbidity and any indirect effects on listed species. • The contractor will implement and strictly adhere to United States Fish and Wildlife Service's manatee guidelines. • Multiple dredging activities will not occur within 5,000 feet of each other. • Proposed actions will only occur during the allowable dredging window (1 August through 31 March) -3 - Effect Determinations Based on an evaluation of the project's design and location, and additional information (including attached biological evaluations, environmental reports, or other studies), the Corps has determined that this project may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect the following species protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) or adversely modify their proposed Critical Habitat: The Corps has determined that the project would have no effect on any other threatened or endangered species that are managed by the National Marine Fisheries Service, and would not modify their designated critical habitat. Concurrence Request With the above determination, the Corps requests your concurrence pursuant to Section 7 of the ESA of 1973, as amended. Please reference the attached project descriptions and Biological Assessment, which was the basis of our determinations. 1 North Atlantic and South Atlantic DPS 2 Northwest Atlantic Ocean DPS 3 Activities occurring within river and in -shore habitats in the action area may affect Atlantic sturgeon from the Carolina and South Atlantic DPS; however, Atlantic sturgeon from all DPS may be affected in off -shore waters within the action area. ESA Most Recent USACE Effect Listing recovery plan Determination Species Status Listing Rule/Date date (Species) 81 FR 20057/ Green turtle T Aril 6, 2016 October 1991 NLAA Kemp's ridley 35 FR 18319/ turtle E December 2, 1970 September 2011 NLAA Loggerhead 76 FR 58868/ turtle T September 22, 2011 January 2009 NLAA 35 FR 8491/ Leatherback turtle E June 2, 1970 Aril 1992 NE 35 FR 8491/ Hawksbill turtle E June 2, 1970 December 1993 NLAA Shortnose 32 FR 4001/ sturgeon E March 11, 1967 December 1998 NLAA 77 FR 5914/ Atlantic stur eon3 E February 6, 2012 N/A NLAA The Corps has determined that the project would have no effect on any other threatened or endangered species that are managed by the National Marine Fisheries Service, and would not modify their designated critical habitat. Concurrence Request With the above determination, the Corps requests your concurrence pursuant to Section 7 of the ESA of 1973, as amended. Please reference the attached project descriptions and Biological Assessment, which was the basis of our determinations. 1 North Atlantic and South Atlantic DPS 2 Northwest Atlantic Ocean DPS 3 Activities occurring within river and in -shore habitats in the action area may affect Atlantic sturgeon from the Carolina and South Atlantic DPS; however, Atlantic sturgeon from all DPS may be affected in off -shore waters within the action area. CL' If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Ms. Liz Hair at the letterhead address, by telephone at 910-251-4049 by fax at 910-251-4025, or by email at: sarah.e.hair@usace.army.mil. Sincerely, Eric G. Reusch Chief, Wilmington Regulatory Field Office Enclosures: CAMA Application Biological Assessment Electronic Copy Furnished (without enclosures): NCDWR; Ms. Karen Higgins NCDCM; Mr. Doug Huggett