HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171018 Ver 1_More Info Requested_20170912Environmentu! Quairt} CERTIFIED MAIL- RF.TURN RECEIPT REQUESTEU Mr. Philip S. Harris, II1. P.G. CPM Namral Environment Section Head Projeci Development and Environmental Analysis North Carolina Department of Transporta[ion I i98 Mail Service Center Raleieh, Nonh Carolina. �7699-I>98 ROY COOPER i;,,rrrnnr MICHA6L S. REGAN �<-<,��v,��,� S. JAY ZIMMERMAN r �;���•. �<,�� September 13.20U Sub,ject: RE: Application for Sec[ion 404 Natiomvide Permi[ Nus. 13, 23, and 33, Section 401 Water Qualit�� Certification, and .lordan Lake Riparian l3utier Certitication for the replacement of 6ridge No. 126 over Mill Race and Bridge No. 119 over Haw River on NC 87, Division 7, Alamance Cuun[y, Federal Aid Project No. BRSTP-00871�9) WBS � 42841. I. I,'iIP P%ject No. B- 92;9. NCDWR 20171018, Dzbit $340. Dear Mr. Harris: The Division of Warer Resources has reviewed your submittal for a 401 Water Quality Certification and Jordan Lake Riparian Buffer Cenification f'or the subject project. Review of your application revealed it lackin� necessar;- information requimd for makine an informed pennit decision. The perniit application was deticienl in the followin� areas: • Provide a jurisdictional detennination or delineation report for subjzct project. • Please zxplain how the temporary tills will be removed and how pre-project conditions will be restored. • Submit a revised impact Summary Sheet. • If appropriate, request in ��ri�ing to proposc lhe prqjec� under N W P 14 and GC 4088. Therefore, pursuant to I�A NCAC ?H .0>07(a)(�). we will have to place the pennit application on hold imtil we are supplied the necessary information. You have 21 days ro respond in writing with the requested inf'onnation or nolification ro this ot�fice thai the information is (orthcoming. If, at Ihe end of the 21 days, Ihis office has not received lhis intorma[ion in wriling. we �vill assume }'ou are wi[hdrawing your application and it will be remrned. Pur[hermore. until the intormation is received by tlie NC Division of Wa[er Resources. we request (by copy of this letter) thal the US Anny Corps of Enginzers place tlie permi[ application on hold. If you have any yuestions or mquire additional information, please contacc April Norton at (919)707-91 I lor Apri I.N orton!ii�ncdenc eov. Sincerely �/�\ �,/� �.f� �'V�� .�� � S. Ja�Zimmerman�Director Uivision of Water Resources Electronic copy only distribution: Davis [3ailey, US Army Corps of En,ineers, Raleieh Field Office Jerry Parker, Division 7 Gnvironmental Ofticer W'illiam Banett, NC Depanment of Transportation April Norton, Environmental Senior Specialist '�-tii�titVtty U.-�mpareti .. State o(North Corolma I Env�mn�nental Ouahtv 1617 Mail Srrvice Cemar I Relefgh. Nonh Carolina 27a99-I fil7