HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG030601_Zinc Tier III Response_20151204i 0 December 4, 2015 NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Quality Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Re: Tier III Stormwater Response Cataler North America Corporation Lincolnton, Lincoln County, North Carolina General Stormwater Permit No. NCG030000 Dear Sir/Madam: This letter and supporting documents represent a notification of a Tier III response to a fourth consecutive exceedance of the benchmark value for zinc at Outfall No. SD07 at our facility located at 2002 Cataler Drive in Lincolnton, North Carolina. Date of Sampling Benchmark Results 11/23/14 0.130 mg/L 7/8/15 0.067 mg/L 0.139 mg/L 9/9/15 0.273 mg/L 10/26/15 0.235 mg/L Note: No flow conditions prohibited sampling during June and August 2015 Our analyses indicate that zinc is entering our stormwater discharge from condensate drains on the roof of our facility from heating and air conditioning (HVAC) units. Deposition of zinc from HVAC condensate onto roof surfaces through evaporation during periods of dryer weather may also lead to higher initial zinc loading at our outfalls during the early periods of stormwater events, when stormwater sampling is specified by our permit. A second possible source of zinc in our stormwater discharges is the result from occasional deposition of raw material powders (of which zinc is a trace component) from our powder processing oven exhausts. We are currently evaluating methods of better preventing powder carryover from the processing ovens to the exhausts and intend to install filtration equipment on the oven exhausts within the next several months (pending approval of modification of our current air quality permit). We have sampled multiple roof -mounted HVAC condensate drains and conducted an analysis of impacts to the receiving waters, an unnamed tributary of Larkard Creek. The attached diagram details the sampling points and test results, which are summarized by the diagram below: Zinc Analysis Results (Received 11/18/15) Outfall SD06 Outfall SD07 0.045 mg/L 0.235 mg/L From 4 0.045 mg/L .a 1 0.031 mg/L Offsite 0.042 mg/L 4 Of Larkard Creek, flow direction 4 The results of the HVAC condensate analyses demonstrate that HVAC condensate drains are the predominant source of the zinc in our stormwater discharges and that the impacts of the zinc in our stormwater discharges on the receiving waters are minimal. Based on the results of our analyses, we request a waiver of continued monthly sampling for zinc at our facility outfalls. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me by telephone at 828.970.2102 or by email at reynolds@cataler•-na.com. Sincerely, q � ki&v — — Chad Reynolds Utilities Supervisor Enclosures: Test results (10/23/15, 10/26/15, 10/27/15), Facility Diagram Blase Ridge Lads PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client : Cataler-North America 2002 Cataler Drive Lincolnton. NC 28092 Attention: Chad Rc%nolds Date Received: 28 -Oct- I s Report Date: OU -Nov -15 Sample Date: 36 -Oct -15 BR N: BRL-2015-0851 Lab Sample lD: LSID ?015-03-157 Client Sample ID: SD06 Parameter Result MQL Oil & Grease 8S 5 blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com Unit Method nil,, i 1664-A O&:G Analysis Analysis Time Date 11 3Q01? Reported Bx: S. J. , hnson, D.R. Wessinger " Concentrations are below Nlimmum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 27 Pace I of 6 Analyst N-n�Qth Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Letzoir, NC" 28645 828-728-0149 Client : Cataler-North America 2002 Cataler Drive Date Lincolnton, NC 28092 Attention: Chad Reynolds Date Received: 28 -Oct -15 Report Date: 09 -Nott -15 Sample Date: '_6 -Oct -15 13RL #: SRL-2015-0851 Lab Sample M LS1D ?015-03458 Client Sample W: SD06 Parameter Result MQL ISS h.� 6 blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com Unit Method 111�"1 =540D 1997 Analysis Analysis Tlnte Date .Analyst 16:77 10,`28,'--015 KC1 Reported By: .�+''✓' S. J. kimson, O.R. 1rYessinger * Concentrations are below Manimum Quantification Limit eycept where noted. SNC Laboratory Certificate No -275 Pa,—,a 2 of 6 Blue Ridge Labs PO Bax 2940 Leoroif, A -C 28645 828-728-0149 Client : Carder -North America 2002 Cataler Drive Lincolnton, NC 28092 Attention: Chad Reanolds Date ReceiNed: 28 -Oct -I; Report Date: 09 -Nuc -I5 Sample Datc: 26 -Oct -1 5 BRL k: BRL-201 -0U 1 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2015-0349 Client Sample ID: SD06 Parameter Result Cu 0.018 11b /n 9.0;3 blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com Reported By: S-3{Johnson, D.R. 1k essinger Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratoti Certificate No. 27n Paa of 6 Analyst KCI lU :I KC.I AnaIxsis AnaIN, sis YIQI, Unit Method "Gime Date 0.091 to=r 1 200.7 199-1 1 6:-18 1 1 i ^0I 0.OI in�l 260.7 190.4 16:-48 113'015 9.001 mgi 260.7 1991 16.18 1 1 3 2015 Reported By: S-3{Johnson, D.R. 1k essinger Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratoti Certificate No. 27n Paa of 6 Analyst KCI lU :I KC.I Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, .;VC 28645 828-728-0149 Client : Cataler-North America 3002 Cataler Drive Liricolnton,NC 38092 Attention: Chad Reynolds Date Received: 28 -OCL -t5 Report Date: 09-NOV-15 Sample Datc: 26 -Oct -15 BRLu: BRL-3017-0851 Lab Sample ID: LSID-3015-03060 Client Sample ID: SD07 Parameter Result 0 1 R GI"case 11.7 blueridgelabsienoir@gmail.com MQL unit Method S m I 166.4-A OR:G A nalvsis analcsis 'I`iIII e Date Aoalxst 1132015 bSIIQdy r� y' Repurted B}: J. J. 6�FiJfnson, D.R. Wessinger Concentrations are beiovV Minimum Quantification Limit except wlcere awed. NC Laboratory Certificate No. "j Page .1 oC 6 Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client: Catater-North America 2002 Cata let Drive e Lincolmon. NC 28091 Attention: Chad Reynolds Date Received: 28 -Oct -l5 Report Date: 09 -Nov -I5 Sample Date: 26 -Oct -15 IMM, 4: 13RL-20 1J-0851 Lab Sample ID: 1,S] D2015-03.461 Client Sample fD: SD07 Parameter Restj It ISS I bIueridgelabslenoir@gmaiI.com NIQL Unit Method 3.3 m,-, I -,40D I997 Anal Esis A na Iv s is Filn, Date Analyst 16.38 1() ]8 20 1 i KCJ Reported Byl (Insan, D.R. Wk"siwger Concentrations are beloH Minimaja Quantification Linut except wIlere noted. .NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 pave: of 6 Blase Ridge Labs PO Bar 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client : Cataler-;North America 4lethod 2002 Cataler Driye Date Lincolnton. NC 2509' ,Attention: Chad Reynolds Date Received: '_8 -Oct -15 Report pate: 09 -Nos -I5 Sample Date: 26 -Oct -15 B R L a: BRL_ ?015-0851 Lab Sample [D: LSID-2015-03452 Client Sample [D: SD07 Parameter Result Cu (1.005 P 1? + /n 0._3� blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com \ nil hSis Analysis NIQL Lnit 4lethod Time Date 0.001 m_1 200.7 190.1 16:='_ 11 5 201 0.01 mg'I '_()0.7 199-1 16 s-1 I I S 701 0.001 mti l '_OQ.? 1991 1652 1 1 5 201 � Reported By:- ir', , S. J, Jornisoo, D,R, Wessinger Concentrations are below Minimum Qunntif¢ation Limit except where noted. NC Laboratmv Certificate deo. 2'-5 Parr 6 of 6 AnahSt KCJ KC -1 hCJ WATER QUALITY LAS & OPERATIONS, INC. P.O.BOX 11S7 BANNER ELK, NC 28604 (828) 898-6277 CLIENT: BLUE RIDGE LABS LOGIN TIME: ADDRESS: P.O.BOX 2Q4O SAMPLER: CITY: LENO|R RECEIVED DATE: STATE: NC ZIP 28645 REPORTED DATE: 0`Nuv~ 5 REPORTED BY: INC CERTIFIED LAB #544 PAUL |GENHOVR.SUPERVISOR RESULTS,. AT6. OIL & GREASE 3453 11.0 5.00 MG/L 3 -Nov -15 PI OIL & GREASE 3455 92 5.00 MG/L 3 -Nov -1 5 PI OIL & GREASE 3457 8.5 5.00 MG/L 3 -Nov -15 PI REPORTED BY: INC CERTIFIED LAB #544 PAUL |GENHOVR.SUPERVISOR 551 rA U m � N N N v r � rr• A 2 a v� S J R } Q � c1 �d L Z N V p T -b t e - U � I I m � N v 11 ii 3 2 a v� S J R Q � c1 �d L Z N V m � N N V p T -b t e - C I I M ! : G 9 z I I j u — -g:- - a I O o k E M k I I � Q% f i cni d� t I —5-- Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client : Cataler-North America 2002 Cataler Drive Lincolnton, NC 28092 Attention: Chad Reynolds Date Received: 28 -Oct -I5 Report Date: 16 -Nov- 15 Sample Date: 23 -Oct -15 BRL #: BRL-2015-0852 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2015-03463 Client Sample ID: HVAC 068 Parameter Result NIQL Cu 0.033 0.001 Ln 0.153 0.001 blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com Reported By: S. f/�'ohhuson, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Paee I of 15 Analysis Analysis Unit Method Time Date Analvst mg,'1 200.7 1994 12:33 11, 16'2015 ItiCJ ing'1 200.7 1994 12:33 1I;16,2015 KG Reported By: S. f/�'ohhuson, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Paee I of 15 Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com Client: Cataler-North America 2002 Cataler Drive Lincolnton, NC 28092 Attention: Chari Revnolds Date Received: 28 -Oct -I5 Report Date: 16 -Nov -15 Sample Date: 23 -Oct -15 BRL 9: BRL-2013-0852 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2015-246.1 Client Sample ID: RTU -105 Aaalvsis Anaksis Parameter Result MQL Unit lNlethod Time Date Analvst Co 0.096 0,001 in;'] 200,7 199.4 12:=6 I1 [6�20t5 I<CJ Zn 0.169 0,001 =1 200.7 1994 12:36 1616;2015 KCI Reported By: t..,s-=,.�,�....•x',._:s s:.•:;.,_..,��` S. dohnson, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 27j Page 2 oC 15 Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client : Cataler-North America 2002 Cataler Drive Llncolnton, NC 28092 Attention: Chad Reynolds Date Received: 28 -Oct -15 Report Date: 16 -Nov -15 Sample Date: 23 -Oct -15 BRL 4: 13R1. 2015-0852 Lab Sample 11): LSID-2015-0346. Client Sample ID: RTU -107 Parameter Result NIQL Cu 0.302 0,001 Ln 0.111 0.001 blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.corn Analysis Analysis Unit Method Time Date .4nalvst Rig l 200.7 1994 12:39 11 16,22015 I<C7 rg1 200.7 1994 12:39 It'16'1-015 KC1 Reported By: /,✓ I I tdo S. It nson, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. IVC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 page 3 Of 15 Blue Ridge Labs PO Sox 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client : Cataler-North America 2002 Cataler Drive Lincolnton, NC 28092 Attention: Chad Reynolds Date Received: 28 -Oct -15 Report Date: 16 -Nov -15 Sample Date: 23 -Oct -15 13RL 4: BRL-2015-0852 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2015-03466 Client Sample ID: RTU -108 Parameter Result NIQL C'u 0 242 0.001 Ln 0.503 0.001 blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com Reported By':t:wr* S. J.nson, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. :NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Pa, -,e 4 of 15 Analysis Analysis Unit Method Tittle Date Analvst ing.'1 200.7 1994 12:52 1116 20t5 �C,1 im, 1 200,7 1994 12:52 11 16'2011 ltCl Reported By':t:wr* S. J.nson, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. :NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Pa, -,e 4 of 15 Blue Ridge Labs PO Bax 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client: Cataler-North America .Analysis 2002 Cataler Drive Unit Lincolnton, NC 28092 Attention: Chad Reynolds Date Received: 28 -Oct -15 Report Date: 16 -Nov -15 Sample Date: 23 -Oct -15 BRL d: BRI --2015-0852 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2015-03467 Client Sample ID: HVAC 123 Parameter Result MQL CU 0.001 Zn 0.415 0.001 blueridgelabslenoir@gmaiI.com l f/ Reported 6N: yam,,.-s2 S. .I �tnson, D.R. Wessinger Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. SC Laboratory Certificate No. 27j Pale 5 of 15 .Analysis .Analvsis Unit Method Time Date Analyst mgil 200.7 1994 12:55 11 16i20ti 1<CJ mgll 200.7 1994 12:55 11'16.'-Ot5 KCJ l f/ Reported 6N: yam,,.-s2 S. .I �tnson, D.R. Wessinger Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. SC Laboratory Certificate No. 27j Pale 5 of 15 Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client : Cataler-North America 2002 Cataler Drive Lincolnton-NC 28092 Attention: Chad Reynolds Date Received: 28 -Oct -15 blueridgelabslenoir@gmaii.com Report Date: 16 -Nov -15 Sample Date: 23 -Oct -15 BRI, 4: BRL-2015-0852 Lab Sample ID: LSID ?015-03-468 Client Sample 11): HVAC 125 Analysis Analysis Parameter Result NIQL Unit Method Time Date Analyst Ri * 0.001 mg:1 300,7 1994 12:58 11 16 2015 KCj Zn 0.076 0.001 mel 200.7 1994 12.58 It 162015 1{C) Reported Br: s �« ,,a�.^�.u.`'- S. ohnson D R Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Pace 6 or Is Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client : Cataler-North America 2002 Cataler Drive Lincolnton, NC 28092 Attention: Chad Reynolds Date Received: 28 -Oct -15 blueridgela bslenoir@gmail.com Report Date: I6 -Nov -15 Sample Date: 23 -Oct -15 BRI,4: BRL-2015-0852 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2015-03469 Client Sample ID: I IVAC 126/4 Analysis Analysis Parameter Result AIQL Unit Method Time Date Analyst Cu * 0.001 mg'1 260.7 1994 13:01 1 1 "1612015 1<CJ Zn 0.181 0.001 rn',J 200.7 1994 13:01 11 16,2015 KCd Reported By S. 'M ason, D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 7 or 15 Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, AV 28645 828-728-0149 Client attention; Date Received: Report Date: Sample Date: 13RL #: Lab Sample ID: Client Sample ID Cataler-North America 2002 Cataler Drive Lincolnton, NC 2809-1 Chad Reynolds 2S -Oct -15 16 -Nov -15 23 -Oct -l5 BRL-2015-0852 LSID-2015-03470 HVAC 126/6 blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com Reported BN ,4,,ry'"' z✓..e.-fYF�i'a-r✓'rul%:SY',:nE:s.'ae-.. � S. Johnson, D.R. Wessinger Concentrations are below Alinimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Pale 8 of 15 Analyst KCJ KCJ Analvsi.s Analysis Parameter Result :MQL Unit Method Time Date Cu 0.045 0.001 nw, 1 200.7 1994 13:04 1 1 163015 Zn 0.093 0.001 m_r'1 200.7 1994 13:04 1 116 '-015 Reported BN ,4,,ry'"' z✓..e.-fYF�i'a-r✓'rul%:SY',:nE:s.'ae-.. � S. Johnson, D.R. Wessinger Concentrations are below Alinimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Pale 8 of 15 Analyst KCJ KCJ Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client : Cataler-North America 2002 Cataler Drke Lincolnton, NC 28092 Attention: Chad Remolds Date Received: 28 -Oct -15 Report Date: 16 -Nov -15 Sample Date: 23 -Oct -IS BRI,9: BRL-2015-0852 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2015-03471 Client Sample ID: 11VAC 132 Parameter Result hIQL Cu 0.212 0.001 Ln 1.43 0,001 blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com Reported By: S.° -.f. J� lu som D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 375 Pa"e 9 of I i Analysis analysis Unit Method Time Date Analvst m,'1 200.7 1994 13:07 11'16;2015 KC marl _'00.7 1994 13:07 1116'2015 KCl Reported By: S.° -.f. J� lu som D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 375 Pa"e 9 of I i Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client Attention Date Received: Report Date: Sample Date: BRI, 4: Lab Sample Ill: Client Sample ID Parameter Cu Ln Cataler-North America 2003 Cataler Drive Lincolnton. NC 28092 Chad Rel'n01d5 38 -Oct -1 5 16 -Nov -1 d 23 -Oct -15 l3 R L-2 01 5-08 5 2 LS I D-301 5-034 72 HVAC 133 Result k 0.150 blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com IVIQL Unit Method 0,001 1 '_00.7 1994 0.001 n��r.'1 '00.7 1994 Analysis Analysis Tine Date 13:19 1I.I6,101? I-, 19 I 116.'--015 � r Reported Ry; //� S. 4,; iasou, D.R. Wessinger " Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Paue to of I Analyst KCJ KCJ Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, A'C 28645 828-728-0149 Client : Attention: Date Reeeixed: Report Date: Sample Date: RRL #: Lab Sample ID: Client Sample ID Parameter Cu /n Cataler-North America 2002 Cataler Drive Lincolnton, NC 28092 Chad Reynolds 28 -Oct -15 16 -Nov -I5 23 -Oct -15 BRI --2015-0851- L S f D-2 0 1 -5 - 03 4 7 RI-?015-0852LSID-201-5-03-47 HVAC 134 Result 0.12; 0.403 blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com MQL Unit Method 0.001 rnO 200.7 1994 0.001 mg.1 '-00.7 1994 Analvsis Analysis Time Date 13:22 1116.2015 13:2- 1116,2015 Reported Ry:>..,...yR�.�;,:;.:�c_.:;=-<;_,,,_Y..w S., t ohnson. D.R. Wessinger * Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC LaboratorN Certificate No. 275 Pa_e 11 or I? Anaisst KCJ KCJ Blue Ridge Labs PO Bov 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client: Cataler-North America 2002 Cataler Drive Lincolnton, NC 28092 Attention: Chad Reynolds Date Received: 28 -Oct- 15 Report Date: 16 -Nov -15 Sample Date: 23 -Oct- 15 BRI, #: BPL -2015-0852 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2015-03474 Client Sample ID: HVAC 138 Parameter Result NIQL Cu 0.413 0.001 7_11 0 094 0.001 blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com Analysis Anit INS is Unit Method Time Date Atilt IVSt ms�1 200.7 1994 13:2-1 1116:2015 ICJ me l 200.7 1994 13:34 1 1 16 201 ICJ Reported Bv:- S,I;i/Johnson, D.R. Wessinger Concentrations are below Ylinimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 12 of 15 Blore Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 .Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com Client : Cataler-North America 2002 Cataler Drive Lincolnton, NC 28093 Attention: Chad Reynolds Date Received: 28 -Oct -15 Report Date: 16 -Nov -15 Sample Date: 27 -Oct- t 5 13RL 4: BRL-2015-08. 3 Lab Sample ID: LSID-2015-OJ473 Client Sample ID: Upstream of Outfalls Analvsis Analvsis Parameter Result NIQL Unit Nlethod 'rine Date Cu + 0.001 ms.'I 300.7 1994 13:27 11 116/2015 Zn 0.043 0.001 ng'1 300.7 1994 13:37 11'163015 w 2 � „z Reported 8y: b. S.-Yjohnson, D.R. Wessinger Concentrations are below Nlimmum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Page 13 of t5 Analyst KCJ KCJ Blue Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client Attention Date Received: Report Date: Sample Date: BRL #: Lab Sample ID: Client Sample ID Parameter Cu Zn Cataler-North America 2003 Cataler Drive Lincolnton, NC 1_8092 Chad Reynolds '_8 -Oct -15 I6 -Nov -l5 27 -Oct- 15 BRL-2015-0852 L.,SID-2015-03476 Creek Downstream SD06 Result 0.045 blueridgelabsienoir@gmail.com MQL Unit Method 0,001 mg'1 2007 1994 0.001 ma'1 200,7 1994 Anacsis Analvsis Time Date Analyst 13:30 t 116-2015 KCJ 13:30 11 16,'-015 KCJ Reported BN: ��.''':; S. J.iomon, D.R. Wessinger " Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 375 Pale. 14 of 15 Bltce Ridge Labs PO Box 2940 Lenoir, NC 28645 828-728-0149 Client: Cataler-North .America 2002 Cataler Drive Analysis Lincolnton, NC 28092 Attention: Chad Reynolds Date Received: 28 -Oct -15 Report Date: 16 -Nov- I Sample Date: 27 -Oct -15 BRI, 9: BRL-2013-0832 Lab Sample [D: LSID-2013-03477 Client Sample ID: Creel: Downstream SD07 Parameter cu Zn blueridgelabslenoir@gmail.com Reported Bv: ,t✓nj'rrison, D.R. Wessinger " Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Pal,e 15 of 15 Analysis Analysis Result IINIQL Unit Method Time Date Analyst * 0.001 m,'1 300.7 1994 13:33 11 16x1013 KCJ 0.031 0.001 ma.1 200.7 1994 13:31 11 16 201 KCJ Reported Bv: ,t✓nj'rrison, D.R. Wessinger " Concentrations are below Minimum Quantification Limit except where noted. NC Laboratory Certificate No. 275 Pal,e 15 of 15 FA Z I U n x rA J � d S2 z x 7 _ I f i ll p u FA Z I U 1 J 7 _ I f i ll j I I J i i 17 v ti a� Y C _. __J .+�yf f J J z� p of r} d x r, p of n = r v _ _ c d v - Y2 � _ i M'.., z C ir7. All Analysis Results In mg/L Zinc Benchmark at outfalls is 0.067 mg/L HVAC 068 to SDO6 Sample Date 10/23/15 Zn. 0.153 JLf t ] {7lll Tota! CUM* A, says amps-raus Creek Upstream of Outfalls Sample Date 10/27/15 Zn. 0.042 SD07 Zinc Sample Date Result 11723/14 0.130 June 2015 No Flow 7/8/15 O 139 August 2015 No Flow 979715 0.273 10726/15 0 235 Creek Downstream 51307 Sample Date 10/27/15 Zn. 0.031 Creek Downstream SD06 Sample Date 10/27/15 Zn. 0.045 Ou tfall r,ta suer f Are. 6[U'lrnperk'w.rs f Flow Dry Detention Bc7o/n #. HVAC 108 to SDO2 Sample Date 10/23/15 Zn. 0.503 Larkard Creek Flow Outfall #7 Tntal L tfdl Arcw 3.4 Acres TO%lmpenbovs (24 aoreaj Ou t fall #S _._.... r td ourrwi Arn al A ae HVAC 123 to SD07 Sample Date 10/23/15 Zn. 0.415 1"o 1 Md. r}+.rYr Se qWc Argo ,`_'de ttr l-)io Nc�ltYi 4sd 1,tf� �r HVAC 134 #15 to SD07 r L)I+TCOr,r.7 cpUry 1 { 52i = Sample Date 10/23/15 Zn. 0.403 AV P HVAC 125#3 to SD07 Sample Date 10/23/15 Zn. 0.076 HVAC 126#4 to SD07 Sample Date 10/23/15 HVAC 132#14 to SD07 Sample Date 10/23/15 Zn. 1.43 HVAC 138#20 to SD07 Sample Date 10/23/15 HVAC 126#6 to SD07 Sample Date 10/23/15 HVAC 133 to SD07 Sample Date 10/23/15 Zn. 0.150 Outfall #1 a r r Pato! Qutfo77 Area 9.6 Acres 29X lnWcrWour (2.4 acres) -W lYuf.F,r I`�r n _ lJ offal! #2 s xl+cw rralF�4+e(2.9 .a s�s rDry Detention Bosln #1 Outfall To -tar 4 trdl Mao'S.7 Acre cxresje C7r Detention Basin #2 HVAC 107 to SDO2 HVAC10Sto SDO2 \ Sample Date 10/23/15 Sample Date 10/23/15 Zn. 0.111 Zn. 0.169