HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_Report_20081201TEXASGULF, INC. LEE CREEK MINE EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTS FROM DEWATERING OF THE SHALLOW-AQUIFER SYSTEM ON THE WATER TABLE AQUIFER AND IMPLICATION FOR IMPACTS ON WETLANDS Prepared for: TEXASGULF, INC. January 1990 ulft[qM909 1E C 1 2008 WETLANDS ANDSTORMW TE BRANCH Prepared by: LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. Professional Ground-Water Consultants 10014 North Dale Mabry Highway, Suite 205 Tampa, Florida 33618 LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. TEXASGULF, INC. LEE CREEK MINE EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTS FROM DEWATERING OF THE SHALLOW-AQUIFER SYSTEM ON THE WATER TABLE AQUIFER AND IMPLICATION FOR IMPACTS ON WETLANDS TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE SUMMARY . . . INTRODUCTION. Shallow-Aquifer Dewatering System. . . . . . . Existing Ground-Water Withdrawal Permits . . . HYDROGEOLOGY OF THE CHANNEL STRUCTURE . . . . . . . Deposits of the Post-Croatan and Croatan Aquifers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Channel Structure Units of the Croatan Aquifer Shallow Aquifer Ground-Water Monitoring System 54-Day Croatan Aquifer Pumping Test. . . . . . HISTORICAL DEWATERING ACTIVITIES. . . . . . . . . . LONG-TERM TESTING OF THE DEWATERING SYSTEM. . . . . Rainfall and Regional Water-Level Trends . . . Evaluation of CSU Pumping Effects on the Croatan Aquifer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Evaluation of CSU Pumping Effects on the Water Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Evaluation of Wellpoint Pumpage on the Water Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Projected Pumpage from the Wellpoint System. . PROJECTION OF CROATAN AQUIFER DEWATERING EFFECTS ON THE WATER TABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pumping Scenario 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pumping Scenario 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MINE BENCH DEWATERING WELLS . . . . . . . . . . . . Estimated Pumpage and Projected Effects from the Mine-Bench Dewatering System . . . . . . CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 1 4 4 5 5 6 8 11 12 13 14 14 15 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 30 27 L.EGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. TEXASGULF, INC. LEE CREEK MINE EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTS FROM DEWATERING OF THE SHALLOW-AQUIFER SYSTEM ON THE WATER TABLE AQUIFER AND IMPLICATION FOR IMPACTS ON WETLANDS TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) LIST OF TABLES (at end of report) TABLE TITLE 1 RESULTS OF 54-DAY PUMPING TEST 2 WATER-LEVEL SUMMARY FOR 54-DAY PUMPING TEST LIST OF FIGURES (at end of report) FIGURE TITLE 1 GENERAL LOCATION MAP 2 LOCATION OF CHANNEL STRUCTURE 3 GEOLOGIC CROSS-SECTION OF THE CHANNEL STRUCTURE 4 IDEALIZED HYDROGEOLOGIC CROSS-SECTION 5 PUMPING TEST LOCATION 6 CSU WATER-LEVEL ELEVATIONS ON JULY 8, 1987 7 SHALLOW AQUIFER WELL SYSTEM 8 TYPICAL WELL CONSTRUCTION-OVERBURDEN WELLPOINT 9 TYPICAL WELL CONSTRUCTION-CHANNEL SAND WELL 10 TYPICAL WELL CONSTRUCTION-WATER TABLE MONITOR WELL 11 54-DAY TEST-DRAWDOWN PLOT FOR WT-1 12 54-DAY TEST-DRAWDOWN PLOT FOR CSU-4 13 CSU AND WELLPOINT SYSTEM PUMPAGE LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. TEXASGULF, INC. LEE CREEK MINE EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTS FROM DEWATERING OF THE SHALLOW-AQUIFER SYSTEM ON THE WATER TABLE AQUIFER AND IMPLICATION FOR IMPACTS ON WETLANDS TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) (at end of report) FIGURE TITLE 14 LONG-TERM HYDROGRAPHS CSU-4 AND WT-1 15 CSU WELLPOINT SYSTEM PUMPAGE DURING OCTOBER THROUGH DECEMBER, 1989 16 PRECIPITATION AT LEE CREEK MINE 17 HYDROGRAPHS FOR WELLS WT-4 AND CSU-8 18 CSU WATER-LEVEL ELEVATIONS ON OCTOBER 19, 1989 19 CSU DRAWDOWN CONTOUR MAP-NOVEMBER 13, 1989 20 WATER TABLE CONTOUR MAP-OCTOBER 19, 1989 21 WATER TABLE CONTOUR MAP NOVEMBER 13, 1989 22 WATER TABLE DRAWDOWN CONTOUR MAP NOVEMBER 13, 1989 23 HYDROGRAPHS FOR WELLS WT-5 AND CSU-15 24 PROJECTED CSU WELLS, 2.8 MGD 25 CALCULATED DISTANCE DRAWDOWN PLOT FOR CSU AND WATER TABLE 26 PROJECTED CSU WELLS, 4.3 MGD APPENDICES APPENDIX A ARDAMAN & ASSOCIATES REPORT B HYDROGRAPHS LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. TEXASGULF, INC. LEE CREEK MINE EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTS FROM DEWATERING OF THE SHALLOW-AQUIFER SYSTEM ON THE WATER TABLE AQUIFER AND IMPLICATION FOR IMPACTS ON WETLANDS SUMMARY Texasgulf, Inc. Is (TGIIs) Lee Creek Mine operates an extensive tiered dewatering system in the overburden in order to maintain safe mining conditions. The well- point pumping system is utilized to dewater the overburden in advance of overburden removal by bucket- wheel excavator. The Channel Sand Unit (CSU) pumping system is utilized to pump from the underlying CSU to dewater the unit in advance of mining by dragline. Presently, the mine is permitted (Permit 38A-1) to pump 1.0 million gallons per day (mgd) from both dewatering systems. Temporary Permit No. 72 (which was issued for testing purposes) allows the mine to pump an additional 1.2 mgd from both systems. Historical pumpage from the wellpoint system has averaged about 0.3 mgd and about 0.7 mgd from the CSU system. Testing of both dewatering systems was undertaken by TGI in October, 1989 to determine pumping effects on the water table in the area east of North Carolina Route 306 (Route 306). Results of the testing showed that there is a perched zone that occurs within a few feet of land surface, a water-table aquifer with water levels approximately 5 to 10 feet below land surface, and the CSU artesian water levels that occur approximately 10 to 20 feet below land surface. The CSU is overlain (in ascending order) by the Shell Bed, the Sugar Sand or Croatan Clay, the Gumbo Clay, Post-Croatan Sand, Farmers Clay and surficial soils. The units beneath the top of the Croatan Clay or at some locations beneath the top of LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -2- the Sugar Sand form the Croatan aquifer. The top of the Yorktown Clay forms the basal confining unit of the Croatan aquifer. Units above the top of the Croatan Clay and Sugar Sand form the Post-Croatan aquifer. The Shell Bed occurs throughout the mine area in a blanket like manner and forms the mine bench. Water levels of the perched zone are not significantly affected by pumpage from the CSU. Water- table levels respond to pumping from the CSU. A decline of about 2.5 feet in the water table was observed approximately 1,500 feet from the center of pumpage after approximately 44 days of dewatering. Evaluation of pumping effects indicates that the canal system inhibits the drawdown in the perched water table and in the water table. Furthermore, when the canals are excavated through the Farmers Clay and into the underlying sand unit the canals are effective at recharging the hydraulic systems. While the canals mitigate dewatering impacts on the perched zone and water table, they hamper dewatering efforts. Review of historical water levels and simplified dewatering projections indicate it will be necessary to pump approximately 3 to 4 mgd from the CSU in advance of the mine. An additional pumpage of 2 to 3 mgd from the CSU is required utilizing wells located on the mine bench once the overburden has been removed to the Shell Bed. This water is derived from the Croatan aquifer. A withdrawal of approximately 1 to 3.5 mgd is also required to be pumped from the overburden in advance of the bucket-wheel excavator. This water is derived from the Post-Croatan aquifer. The purpose of both dewatering systems is to maintain safe mining conditions. Analysis indicates that pumping approximately 4 mgd from the CSU would result in about 10 to 15 feet of water-table decline in the vicinity of the mine. LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -3- Additional water-table drawdown outside the mine block would be caused by overburden removal by the bucket-wheel excavator. Approximately 5 feet of additional water- table drawdown would be observed at a distance of 500 feet from the mine due to overburden removal. The perched zone would not be affected significantly by pumping from the CSU or overburden removal. The wellpoint pumpage does not affect water-table levels more than 400 to 600 feet from the line of wellpoints. The effects on the perched zone would be insignificant. i The water quality of the Post-Croatan and Croatan aquifers, as determined primarily by chloride concentrations, has not been affected by dewatering activities. LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -4- INTRODUCTION Leggette, Brashears & Graham, Inc. (LBG) was requested by Texasgulf, Inc. (TGI) to determine effects on ground-water levels caused by pumping from the shallow-aquifer system in the area of Mine Block 20. The State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Management (NCDEM) expressed concern as to the potential effects on the "wet area" located east and northeast of Mine Block 20. TGI must pump from the shallow-aquifer system in order to maintain safe conditions during overburden removal and mining of the ore body. The "wet area" that the state has expressed concern has been modified by previous pre-mining activities. The North Carolina Phosphate Company burned off all of the trees and plowed the remaining vegetation under. The area was then ditched to allow for drainage of ground water from the area. Ownership of the property was later transferred to TGI. Shallow-Aquifer Dewatering System Dewatering of the shallow aquifer is accomplished by a two tiered pumping system. The upper tier consists of wellpoint systems that are utilized to dewater the Post-Croatan aquifer to a maximum depth of about 25 to 30 feet below land surface (bls) in advance of overburden removal by bucket wheel excavator. This water is derived from the Post-Croatan aquifer. The lower tier of dewatering wells are utilized to pump from the Channel Sand Unit (CSU) to control ground- water inflow from the CSU during overburden removal by dragline. These wells are located around the perimeter of the mine block or on the Shell Bed. The water is derived from the Croatan aquifer. UGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -5- TGI is presently pumping an average of approximately 0.3 million gallons per day (mgd) from the Post-Croatan aquifer and about 0.7 mgd from the Croatan aquifer for a combined withdrawal of approximately 1 mgd from the shallow-aquifer system. Existing Ground-Water Withdrawal Permits Two existing permits issued by the NCDEM presently regulate withdrawals from the shallow-aquifer system. Permit No. 38A-1 was transferred from the North Carolina Phosphate Company and allows for pumpage of up to 1.0 mgd from the overburden. Temporary Permit No. 72 allows for an additional withdrawal of 1.2 mgd from the overburden. Permit No. 72 was issued by the NCDEM to allow for long- term testing of the shallow-aquifer system. The purpose of the testing was to determine if "wet areas" would be negatively impacted by dewatering activities. The results of this testing and analysis of historical water levels, pumpage and water quality are the basis of this report. The report is submitted in support of TGI's request for additional withdrawals from the shallow-aquifer system to allow continued safe mining operations. Any additional pumping granted by the NCDEM would be primarily from the CSU and not from the water- table aquifer. HYDROGEOLOGY OF THE CHANNEL STRUCTURE The geology of the unconsolidated deposits in the area of the mine and of the channel structure have been mapped in detail by TGI. Figure 1 shows the general location of the current TGI mining operations. Figure 2 shows the thickness of the channel structure in the vicinity of the current mining blocks. UGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -6- As shown on Figure 3, the shallow-aquifer system in the mine area is divided into two aquifers. The upper aquifer is designated the Post-Croatan aquifer and is composed of units from the water table to top of the Croatan Clay Unit, or at some locations to the bottom of the Sugar Sand Unit. The Post-Croatan aquifer includes the water-table aquifer. The Croatan aquifer is composed of unconsolidated deposits that extends from the top of the Croatan Clay, or top of the Sugar Sand Unit, to the top of the Yorktown Clay. This aquifer includes the CSU. Deposits of the Post-Croatan and Croatan Aquifers The Post-Croatan aquifer is composed of the units above the Croatan Clay or Sugar Sand Unit. These units are unconsolidated fine to very-fine grained sand and clayey-sand with interlayered clay and sandy-clay units. The cross-section in Figure 3 shows the units which comprise the Post-Croatan aquifer. The Post-Croatan aquifer consists of 2 to 3 feet of surficial organic sandy-clay underlain by 7 to 10 feet of sandy-clay and clayey-sand. The sandy-clay/clayey- sand unit forms a continuous semi-confining unit throughout the area of the mine. The unit has been designated by TGI as the Farmers Clay. The Farmers Clay causes a perched zone in some areas. Beneath the Farmers Clay are interbedded clay and blue-gray fine sand units that consist of variable percentages of each component. The unit ranges in thickness from 4 to 14 feet. Some of these units are continuous throughout the area of the mine and some grade laterally into other units. The interbedded clay and sand units are underlain by the Gumbo Clay. The Gumbo Clay forms a second semi-confining unit within the Post-Croatan aquifer that separates the water- LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -7- table and overlying perched zone from the CSU. The Gumbo Clay is underlain by either a fine to very-fine sand termed the Sugar Sand Unit or the Croatan Clay which are part of the Croatan aquifer. Laterally the Sugar Sand changes in composition and grades or interfingers into the Croatan Clay. The Croatan Clay varies in thickness from 0 to 22 feet and is discontinuous. Where this unit is areally extensive, its upper contact forms the basal semi- confining unit of the Post-Croatan aquifer and separates the CSU from the water table and from the perched zone. The Croatan Clay, Sugar Sands, Shell Bed and CSU form the Croatan aquifer. Figure 4 is a hydrogeologic cross-section that shows the ground-water system in the area of the mine. A perched zone occurs in the organic sandy clay above the Farmers Clay. The Post-Croatan aquifer is a phreatic aquifer with water levels that naturally occur 5 to 10 feet bls and extends to the top of the Croatan Clay or to the top of the Sugar Sand. The Post-Croatan aquifer is approximately 30 to 32 feet thick and contains two intermediate semi-confining units and, at some locations, a basal semi-confining unit. Water-levels occur several feet below the top of the Farmers Clay. Vertical permeability values were determined by Ardaman & Associates, Inc. (1989) through laboratory testing of undisturbed soil samples collected during performance of a soil boring at Well WT-4. A copy of this report is enclosed in Appendix A. Laboratory testing showed that sandy units of the Post-Croatan aquifer have vertical permeabilities that range from 254 gallons per day per square foot (gpd/ft') (1.2x10-' centimeters per second (cm/sec)) for the Sugar Sand to 16 gpd/ft' (7.6x104 cm/sec) for the upper blue-gray Post- Croatan sand unit. The horizontal permeabilities would LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -8- be about an order of magnitude higher than the vertical permeabilities. The vertical permeabilities of the semi-confining units were also determined by Ardaman (1989). The Farmers Clay has a vertical permeability that ranged from 0.042 gpd/ft2 (2.0x10-6 cm/sec) to 0.020 gpd/ft2 (9.4x10 7 cm/sec). The Gumbo Clay has a vertical permeability of 1.21 gpd/ft2 (5.7x10-5 cm/sec). A check of these values can be made by multiplying the leakance value derived from the 54-day pumping tests (2.3x103 gpd/ft3) by the thickness of the Farmers Clay (approximately 10 feet). This calculation yields a vertical permeability of 0.023 gpd/ft2 (1.1x10-6 cm/sec) which compares favorably with the laboratory results. The pumping test is discussed later in the report. The regional direction of ground-water flow is controlled by the location of mined-out blocks and natural discharge sources such as creeks and rivers. The Post-Croatan aquifer is not presently utilized for water supply in the vicinity of the current mining operations. A few small diameter wells may withdraw limited amounts of water from the system for domestic use in some areas. Channel Structure Units of the Croatan Aquifer The channel structure is a regional scour feature that was eroded into the Yorktown Clay. The isopach contours on Figure 2 represent the combined thickness of both the CSU and the Shell Bed unit. The CSU and Shell Bed have a combined thickness of approximately 40 to 50 feet along the axis of the channel structure. The CSU thins and eventually pinches out along the flanks of the structure. This channel structure is approximately 5,500 feet wide. The Shell Bed is continuous throughout the area of the mine and is utilized as the mine bench for LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -9- the draglines. The CSU and Shell Bed are the primary water bearing units of the Croatan aquifer. The geologic units of the channel structure are shown on Figure 3. The CSU is composed predominately of a mixture of very-coarse quartz sand and fine shell-hash. It is overlain by the Shell Bed and underlain in most places by the Yorktown Clay. The Shell Bed ranges in thickness from about 5 to 12 feet and averages about 10 feet in thickness along the axis of the channel structure. The CSU is underlain by the Channel Mud Unit (Channel Mud), the Channel Hash Unit (Hash Unit) and the Yorktown Clay. The Channel Mud and the Hash Unit are absent along the flanks of the channel structure. The Yorktown Clay forms the lower confining unit while the clay units in the Croatan Clay or Gumbo Clay form the upper semi-confining units. The upper contact of the CSU occurs at depths of about 38 to 45 feet bls and the unit extends to depths of about 70 to 80 feet (including the Channel Mud and Hash Unit). The CSU varies in thickness from 30 to 40 feet along its axis to 0 feet where it pinches out along the flanks of the channel structure. The CSU, the Shell Bed, the Channel Mud and the Hash Unit represent a single hydraulic unit that is about 40 to 50 feet thick along the axis. Under natural conditions, the Croatan aquifer is a semi-confined aquifer with about 30 feet of artesian pressure. Results of a preliminary 24-hour pumping test conducted at the location shown on Figure 5 indicated a horizontal permeability for the CSU of approximately 330 gpd/ft2; an apparent transmissivity of approximately 10,000 gallons per day per foot (gpd/ft); a storage of 3.0x10-4; and a leakance of 4. Ox1O_3 gallons per day per cubic foot (gpd/ft3). LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -10- A 54-day duration pumping test was performed in July and August, 1987 at the location shown on Figure 5. Results of this test yielded an average horizontal permeability of 662 gpd/ft2; an apparent transmissivity of about 16,000 gpd/ft; a storage of 5.4x104; and a leakance of 2.3x103 gpd/ft3. Hydraulic properties calculated from the 54-day test are shown on Table 1. The test is discussed in detail later in this report. The direction of ground-water flow varies with mining activities and pumping. Figure 6 shows the water- level elevations on July 8, 1987. At that time, Mine Block 16 had been excavated of overburden down to the Shell Bed and mining of the ore was occurring in the southern corner of the mine block. Ground-water flow in the CSU was toward the sump which was excavated into the Shell Bed to allow for drainage of the Shell Bed and removal of seepage water. Monitoring of water levels in the CSU after activation of the dewatering system has shown that the direction of flow is controlled primarily by the CSU dewatering system, the location of mined-out areas, and the proximity of the wells to where the overburden has been removed. Water levels in the CSU under static conditions in July, 1987 were approximately 10 feet bls or about 30 feet above the upper contact of the CSU. Water levels in the Shell Bed were at approximately the same elevation as those in the CSU. This suggests that the CSU and Shell Bed are hydraulically connected and behave as a single hydraulic unit. Comparison of water-table elevations to CSU water- level elevations show approximately 5 feet of downward head from the water table to the CSU under natural conditions. This amount of head difference indicates that a significant semi-confining layer(s) separates the water table from the CSU. LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -11- TGI performed a well inventory of the area around the TGI property to identify potable wells belonging to other parties which utilized the CSU for water supply. No wells were identified during the inventory. Shallow Acauifer Ground-Water Monitoring System TGI began construction of an extensive ground-water monitoring network for the shallow-aquifer system in 1986. Water levels, pumpage and water quality are monitored by TGI staff. Figure 7 shows the location of the Post-Croatan aquifer and Croatan aquifer wells. The Post-Croatan aquifer water levels and pumpage from the wellpoint system are monitored by TGI. Wells WT-1 through WT-5 are utilized to monitor water-table levels. The wells are typically 15 feet deep with 7 feet of screen. The wellpoint system is utilized to dewater the Post-Croatan aquifer in advance of the bucket-wheel excavators during overburden removal. The wellpoint system monitoring wells are utilized to determine pumping effects. Both pumping and monitoring wells are typically 30 feet deep. The OBMW wells (Overburden Monitoring Wells) are utilized to determine pumping effects from the North-South line of wellpoints. The PF (Pit Face) series wells are utilized to determine pumping effects from the East-West line of wellpoints. Both series of wells can be utilized to determine effects of the excavated mine blocks on the water table. Wells CSU-1 through CSU-15, 23-85, A-25, B-25, B- 50, monitor water levels in the CSU. Pumpage and water levels are monitored in Channel Pumping Wells (CPW) 21 through 37. Well SB-1 monitors levels in the Shell Bed and Well CHU-1 monitors water levels in the Hash Unit. The CSU wells are generally approximately 70 feet deep LEGGETTE, 6RASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -12- with 20 to 40 feet of screen. Well CSU-3, CSU-4, WT-1, SB-1 and CMU-1 have been abandoned. Figures 8 through 10 show the typical well construction and the units from which water is withdrawn or monitored for each type of well. 54-Day Croatan Aquifer Pumping Test Results of the 54-day pumping test performed in July, 1987 indicated that the water table was drawn down by pumping from the CSU. Wells CTW-1 and CTW-2 were pumped at 125 gallons per minute (gpm) and 150 gpm respectfully, for a period of 54 days. The pumping wells are spaced 230 feet apart and withdraw water from the CSU. A summary of water levels measured during the test are shown in Table 2. The well cluster located 535 feet southeast of the pumping center included three wells; these are CSU-4, SB-1 and WT-1. After 23 days of pumping, the maximum drawdowns were observed when the combined pumping rate temporarily reached 315 gpm. Maximum drawdowns in the pumping wells ranged from 44.79 feet to 46.00 feet for CTW-1 and CTW-2, respectively. The maximum drawdown at CSU-4 was 9.26 feet; at SB-1 was 9.33 feet; and at WT-1 was 5.50 feet. After 54 days of pumping at an average combined rate of 275 gpm, the drawdown at CTW-1 was 31.84 feet; at CTW- 2 was 37.00 feet; at CSU-4 was 8.40 feet; at SB-1 was 8.00 feet; and at WT-1 was 3.40 feet. Table 2 summarizes the pumpage and water-level measurements obtained from the 54-day test. The test also showed that the water table is strongly affected by rainfall, as would be expected. The time-drawdown graph for WT-1 for the 54-day test (on Figure 11) shows that the apparent drawdown in the water table decreased from around 4 feet after about 35 days LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -13- of pumping to 0.42 feet at 43 days of pumping. This water-level change coincided with rainfall that occurred from August 5 through August 19, 1987. By the end of the test the apparent drawdown had again increased to approximately 4 feet. Apparent drawdown at CSU-4 (Figure 12) varied only by approximately 1 foot during this same period. This is an indication of the degree of hydraulic separation between the water table and the CSU and that the water table is more strongly affected by precipitation. HISTORICAL DEWATERING ACTIVITIES Dewatering activities of the Croatan aquifer were begun in mid-1988 and continued for a few months at an average rate of approximately 0.5 mgd. The CSU pumping wells were located along the north side of Mine Block 20. Pumpage from the Post-Croatan aquifer was initiated in late 1988 in Mine Block 20 and pumpage averaged about 0.2 mgd. Figure 13 shows the historical pumpage from the shallow-aquifer dewatering system. Figure 14 shows historical water levels in Wells CSU-4 and WT-1. The hydrographs are approximately coincidental. They show that although water levels in both systems respond to pumping from the CSU, the CSU water levels declined nearly 5 feet more than did the water table during the 54-day test. In March, 1988, TGI began pumping the dredge water from Mine Block 17. The pumping caused water levels in the CSU at Well CSU-4 to decline from about 4 feet above mean sea level (msl) to -14 feet (msl) or about 18 feet of water-level decline. The water table at WT-1 is estimated to have declined about 5 feet during the same period of time. LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -14- As shown on Figure 14, water levels in both the CSU and water table increased throughout 1989 when pumping ceased in Mine Block 17. In addition, it is believed that water levels in both systems increased as a result of rerouting of a deep well toward the well cluster. The deep well canals are excavated through the perched zone and the Farmers Clay allowing the canals to recharge the Post-Croatan aquifer. LONG-TERM TESTING OF THE DEWATERING SYSTEM In October, 1989, TGI undertook long-term testing of the dewatering system to determine the effects on the "wet areas" east of Route 306. The purpose of this testing was to evaluate the impacts on the ground-water system in that area. Controlled testing of the two tiered dewatering system began on October 25, 1989. Figure 15 shows the pumpage from the CSU and wellpoint system for the period of the test. Pumpage from the CSU averaged 0.67 mgd (463 gpm) from 11 to 17 CSU pumping wells. Each well produces an average of about 30 gpm. The maximum pumpage from the CSU occurred on December 26, 1989 when the daily pumpage was 0.88 mgd (611 gpm). Pumpage from the Post-Croatan aquifer utilizing the wellpoint system averaged 0.31 mgd (218 gpm) from approximately 50 to 90 wellpoints. Each wellpoint yielded an average of about 3.2 gpm. The maximum pumpage occurred on December 17, 1989 when 91 wellpoints were pumped at 0.43 mgd (301 gpm). Rainfall and Regional Water-Level Trends Hydrographs for CSU monitoring wells, CSU pumping wells and Post-Croatan aquifer monitoring wells are contained in Appendix B. Figure 16 shows rainfall for LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -15- the period of the test as monitored at the mine. As shown on the figure, a large percentage of the total rainfall during the test occurred from December 8 through December 20, 1990. Comparison on the hydrographs in Appendix B with Figure 16 shows that increases in ground- water levels coincide with rainfall. Figure 17 shows the hydrographs for Wells WT-4 and CSU-8. The wells are located approximately 6,000 feet northeast of the present center of pumpage and were not affected by CSU pumpage during the test. The hydrographs of the wells show regional water-level trends during the test for the water table and the CSU. Water levels in the CSU at CSU-8 increased by approximately 1.6 feet during the test. Water levels increased in WT-4 approximately 2.6 feet for the same period. Water levels were not corrected for regional trends due to the complexities of the hydrogeologic system and due to the fact that the majority of the increase occurred late in the test during December. The water-level trends observed during the test represent actual conditions that were observed as a result of pumping and rainfall. If rainfall had not occurred during this period, the declines in the water table and CSU would have been greater. Evaluation of CSU Pumping Effects on the Croatan Aquifer Figure 18 shows the prepumping (static) water levels in the CSU on October 19, 1989. The water-level elevations ranged from 8.62 feet (msl) at CSU-15 to -28.25 feet (msl) at CSU-14. Well CSU-14 and CSU are located on the mine bench inside of Mine Block 20 approximately 45 feet below original grade. The regional direction of ground-water flow is generally northwest toward the active mine operations in Mine Block 18. Under nonpumping conditions, flow net analysis indicates LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -16- that there is approximately 0.5 to 0.6 mgd of water flowing into Mine Block 20 from the CSU. It should be noted that water-level elevations and drawdown contours on subsequent maps, particularly in the mined-out areas and adjacent to the high wall, may be misleading due to the sparseness of control points. The actual hydraulic gradients near the mined-out areas would be much steeper than shown on the diagrams. Figure 19 shows the apparent drawdown in the CSU on November 13, 1989. November 13 was chosen because this was the day following a period of maximum pumpage. From November 5 through November 12, the CSU was pumped at an average of 0.78 mgd (544 gpm) and the wellpoint system was pumped at 0.33 mgd (227 gpm) for a total of 1.11 mgd (771 gpm). Apparent drawdown at the CSU pumping wells ranged from 12 to 30 feet. Apparent drawdown in the CSU monitoring wells ranged from 0.15 at Well CSU-7 to 26.0 feet at Well CSU-15. Water levels increased by a range of 0.45 to 0.50 feet at Wells CTW-1, CTW-2, A-50, B-25, B-50, CSU-4, SB-1, CSU-1, WT-1 and CSU-5. A new deep well canal was being excavated during the test from the southeast corner of Mine Block 20 to the southeast corner of Mine Block 16. Wells SB-1, CSU-4 and WT-1 were abandoned because they were located in the path of the canal. The canals are 10 to 15 feet deep with a water-level elevation of approximately 8 to 9 feet (msl). Prior to the long-term testing, CSU water-level elevations in the vicinity of CTW-1 were -8 to -12 feet (msl). The head differential from the canals into the CSU ranges from about 16 to 21 feet. The head differential from the canal to the Post-Croatan aquifer is about 1.5 to 2.5 feet in the vicinity of WT-1. In view of the head differentials from the canal to the water table and CSU, it is likely that water seeping from LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -17- the canal systems into the underlying formations apparently caused localized mounding in the area of those wells around CTW-1 and CTW-2. Evaluation of CSU Pumping Effects on the Water Table Figure 20 shows the water-table elevations on October 19, 1989 prior to the test. Water levels ranged from 11.37 feet (msl) at Well WT-5 to -9.48 feet (msl) at Well OBMW-5. Ground-water flows from the south and east towards the excavated mine blocks. Figure 21 shows the water-table elevations on November 13, 1989. The water-table configuration and flow directions are similar to those prior to the start of the test. The water-table elevations range from 10.37 feet (msl) at WT-5 to -15.30 feet (msl) at OBMW-5. The configuration of the water table on both diagrams indicates that the canal system affects the Post-Croatan aquifer. The contours show effects of ground-water mounding along the canal near WT-1. Figure 22 shows the apparent drawdown in water-table elevations on November 13, 1989. Based on this figure, it does not appear that the Post-Croatan aquifer was affected by pumping from the CSU in the area east of Route 306. The cone of depression centered around Wells OBMW-1 and OBMW-5 is not entirely accurate since it is believed that the gradients near the high wall of Mine Block 20 are much steeper than indicated on the figure. This means the zone of influence would be less than indicated on the diagram. On December 6, 1989, water-table elevations began to increase, primarily due to rainfall, to near their pre-test levels. As shown on Figure 23, water levels at CSU-15 remained depressed even though the water-table elevation at WT-5 increased to within a foot of its prepumping level. This indicates the degree of hydraulic LEGGETTE, 13RASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -18- separation between the water table and CSU and shows that pumpage from the CSU has little effect on water levels in the Post-Croatan aquifer. Evaluation of Wellpoint Pumpage on the Water Table Data obtained from the October, 1989 test and previous historical records indicate the cone of depression in the Post-Croatan aquifer caused by the wellpoint system pumpage does not extend outward from the line of pumping wells more than approximately 600 to 800 feet regardless of the pumpage. Typically, the radius of influence due to pumping from a water-table aquifer is limited by recharge and not pumpage. The majority of decline of water levels in the overburden monitor wells is attributed to seepage from the overburden into the mine block during advance of the bucket-wheel excavator face. Review of the hydrographs for the overburden wells shows that the combined effect of the wellpoint pumpage and seepage causes approximately 2 to 3 feet of drawdown in water levels at a distance of about 200 to 300 feet from the bucket-wheel excavator face. Projected Pumuage from the Wellpoint System As previously stated, the wellpoint systems pump a maximum of approximately 6 gpm per wellpoint when pumping is initiated. The yield of the wellpoint declines with continued pumping to a sustainable yield of approximately 2 gpm per wellpoint. Based on the projected size of the mine blocks and a wellpoint spacing of about 30 feet, the required amount of pumpage will range from about a maximum of 3.5 mgd or 2.6 mgd from 300 to 400 wellpoints. The long-term sustainable withdrawal probably will be on the order of 1.2 mgd to 0.8 mgd from 300 to 400 wellpoints. The number of wellpoints utilized in the LEGGETTE, E3RASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -19- estimate was obtained from TGI mine plan as of December, 1989. The pumpage estimate assumes that the planned wellpoint system for each mine block will be operated simultaneously. PROJECTION OF CROATAN AQUIFER DEWATERING EFFECTS ON THE WATER TABLE A simplified analytical model was utilized to make projections as to the effects of pumping from the CSU on the water table in the area of concern east of Route 306. The model uses the distance -drawdown calculation method for leaky-artesian aquifers (DeGlee, 1951). The model also simulates water-table drawdown by calculating the lowering of the water table due to the increased head drive between the water table and the calculated steady- state leaky-artesian drawdowns in the underlying CSU. The water-table drawdown calculation uses the method described in Walton (1962) as modified to the expression below: WT = (s x L x T) / (7.48 x Sy) Where: WT = Water-table lowering, in feet; s = Calculated steady-state leaky-artesian drawdown, in feet; L = Leakance coefficient; 0.0023 gpd/ft3 T = Time since steady state conditions have been reached, 90 days; Sy = Specific yield (storage) of the water-table aquifer; 0.20 Although not a true flow model of the water-table system, this method of coupling the two aquifers has been shown to be consistent with the results of more sophisticated models such as the Prickett-Lonnquist LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -20- Aquifer simulation Model (LBG, 1984). Several pumping scenarios were examined utilizing the model and are described in the following sections. Pumping Scenario 1 Pumping Scenario 1 simulated drawdown in the CSU and water table due to 32 CSU wells pumping at a rate of 60 gpm each for 90 days. A pumping rate of 60 gpm was chosen because that is the maximum noted pumping rate for the pumping equipment that TGI utilizes in these wells. A pumping time of 90 days was chosen because this is historically about as long as the mine area has gone without precipitation in the past. The combined withdrawal rate was 2.8 mgd (1,920 gpm). The wells were located around the southern and eastern perimeter of Mine Block 20 as shown on Figure 24. The well spacing was 200 feet. Results of the model indicate that the drawdown in the CSU ranges from about 20 to 36 feet at the pumping wells. CSU drawdown within the mine block ranged from about 12 to 30 feet. The distance-drawdown graph shown on Figure 25 was generated from the drawdown predicted by the model. The graph shows that there will be about 25 feet of drawdown in the CSU at a distance of 500 feet east of Mine Block 20 in the "wet area". The cone-of-depression does not extend more than approximately 4,000 feet east of Mine Block 20. The calculated water-table drawdown is presented on the distance -drawdown graph shown on Figure 25. Drawdown in the water table was about 8 feet near the CSU pumping wells located on the east boundary of Mine Block 20. At a distance of 500 feet east of the pumping wells, approximately 3 feet of drawdown was calculated. -The cone-of-depression in the water table extends to LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -21- approximately 4,000 feet from the east side of Mine Block 20. Pumping Scenario 2 Pumping Scenario 2 projected drawdowns in the CSU and water table from 50 CSU pumping wells located as shown on Figure 26. Each well is spaced approximately 200 feet apart and was pumped at 60 gpm for 90 days for a combined total withdrawal of approximately 4.3 mgd (3,000 gpm). Distance-drawdown graphs (generated from the model results) for this pumping scenario are shown on Figure 25. The distance is measured from the east border of Mine Block 20 towards the "wet area" east of Route 306. Drawdown in the CSU ranged from 26 feet to approximately 42 feet across the interior of the mine block. Approximately 30 feet of drawdown in the CSU is projected at a distance of 500 feet east of the border of Mine Block 20. The cone-of-depression extends to about 4,000 feet east of the eastern boundary of Mine Block 20. Water-table drawdowns ranged from about 13.5 feet at the CSU wells to about 4.5 feet at a distance of 500 feet east of the eastern border of Mine Block 20. The cone of depression in the water table does not extend further than 4,000 feet. The pumping scenarios examined do not account for pumpage from the overburden wellpoint system, recharge from precipitation, seepage from the bucket-wheel excavator face or recharge from the canal system. Much of the effect from the wellpoints located on the eastern border of Mine Block 20 would be mitigated by the deep well canals. As previously stated, analysis of hydrographs for the wellpoint monitoring wells show that the drawdown does not extend more than 600 to 800 feet from the wellpoint pumping centers. LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -22- MINE BENCH DEWATERING WELLS Hydrographs for Wells CSU-13 and CSU-14, which are located on the mine bench (Shell Bed), show that Croatan aquifer water levels on the mine bench are not significantly affected by pumping from the CSU wells or the wellpoint system located in Mine Block 20. The canal system and the toe ditch and finger ditch system act as constant-head boundaries that prevent the propagation of the cone of depression. Seepage of water from the Shell Bed and CSU during mining operations by the draglines has the potential to cause unsafe mining conditions. Therefore, a separate dewatering system will be required to remediate this situation. once the overburden has been removed to the top of the Shell Bed by the bucket-wheel excavators, the CSU is under water-table conditions with a storage coefficient of 10 to 100 times higher than when it was semi-confined. This means that it will take considerably longer to obtain the same amount of drawdown than it would under artesian conditions. Preliminary estimates of pumping effects show that one well located on the mine bench pumping from the Croatan aquifer at a rate of 25 gpm for 60 days would lower CSU water levels by approximately 2.5 feet in the immediate vicinity of the well. After six months of pumping the well at 25 gpm there would be approximately 4 feet of drawdown in the immediate vicinity of the well. Based on this preliminary evaluation, it is recommended that a pilot dewatering system be constructed on the Shell Bed. The pilot dewatering system should be designed to test the yield and impacts from a series of both 2-inch diameter wellpoints and 4-inch diameter wellpoints. Several monitoring wells should be LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -23- constructed to determine drawdown at distance for both pilot tests. It is believed that the additional pumpage from the mine-bench dewatering system would not significantly affect water levels outside of the mine block. The finger and toe ditch system and the sumps would act as a constant-head boundaries to prevent the propagation of the cone of depression outside of the mine blocks. The hydrographs for Wells CSU-13 and CSU-14 demonstrate this effect. Water levels in these wells have remained essentially unchanged during the recent long-term testing of the existing two-tiered dewatering system. Although the constant-head boundary conditions would mitigate off-site pumping effects, they also hamper dewatering activities. It is recommended that the finger and toe ditch systems, and the sumps be excavated as deep as is practical and that the water level in the sumps be pumped down and maintained at the lowest level possible. Estimated Pumpage and Projected Effects from the Mine- Bench Dewatering System Water withdrawn from the mine bench dewatering system will be derived from the Croatan aquifer. It is difficult to accurately predict at this time the volume of water that must be pumped to control the inflow of ground water into the mine. A rough estimate has been made of the amount of water in storage in the Shell Bed and CSU for the approximate surface area of Mine Block 20. To lower water levels on the order of 25 feet in a period of 180 days would require pumping at a rate of 2 to 3 mgd. The estimate does not account for surface runoff and precipitation into the mine block or pumpage of water from the sumps. The 2 to 3 mgd estimate applies to initial pumpage. The required amount of pumpage would decrease with time as the Shell Bed and CSU are dewatered. LEGGETTE, DRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -24- It is estimated that the following maximum daily pumpages will be required to dewater.the shallow-aquifer system. Post-Croatan Aquifer Pumpage Wellpoint Pumpage 0.8 to 3.5 mgd Croatan Aquifer Pumpage CSU Pumpage Mine Bench Pumpage Total Pumpage 2.8 to 4.3 mgd 2.0 to 3.0 mad 5.6 to 10.8 mgd maximum Water Ouality Water-quality analysis (primarily chloride concentrations) have been monitored in water collected from the CSU and Post-Croatan aquifer dewatering systems. These results are submitted monthly to the NCDEM. The concentrations observed are typical of the shallow- aquifer system. Evaluation of these concentrations indicate that the water quality in the shallow-aquifer system has varied with time but remains essentially unchanged from pre- dewatering analysis. CONCLUSIONS Analyses of historical water levels and pumpage records and results from dewatering testing indicate that the water table will be lowered in the area east of Route 306 approximately 10 to 15 feet immediately adjacent to the east boundary of Mine Block 20 due to pumping from the CSU. Several additional feet of water-table drawdown will occur due to seepage from the overburden into the mine block. It is projected that pumpage from the CSU at approximately 4 mgd will lower the water table by LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM. INC. -25- about 5 feet at a distance of 500 feet from the eastern boundary of Mine Block 20. Effects on the perched zone will be insignificant at this distance due to the impermeable nature of the Farmers Clay. The canal system will mitigate pumping impacts on localized water levels by seepage of water from the canals into the Post-Croatan aquifer and CSU. Historical records have shown that the mined-out areas and precipitation have much greater control on the water-table elevation than does the pumping from the CSU. In fact, water-table elevations increased during the testing of the CSU dewatering system. It is projected that the water-table elevations in the area of the mine blocks will continue to rise until the water levels in Mine Block 16 and Mine Block 17 reach approximately 10 feet (msl). CSU pumpage from wells located on the mine bench will have little effect on the Post-Croatan aquifer or CSU outside of the mine block. The pumpage from the wellpoint system has a localized effect that does not extend more than 600 to 800 feet outward from the wellpoints. It is anticipated that the effects on the water table due to CSU pumping and overburden removal will lower the water-table elevations a few feet over the majority of the "wet area". The greatest effects will be at the pumping wells and adjacent to the east boundary of the mine block. The perched zone will not be affected. The effects on water levels will last approximately 12 months or until the area is mined. Once the area has been mined, water levels will recover in the Post-Croatan aquifer and in the CSU until they return to their approximate pre-mined level. LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -26- The water quality of the shallow-aquifer system as determined from historical chloride analysis has not deteriorated over the period-of-record. LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. Henry B. Barker, PG Senior Hydrogeologist Reviewed by: Frank H. Crum, PG Senior Vice President clg LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. REFERENCES LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. -27- REFERENCES Ardaman & Associates, Inc., 1989. Subsurface Exploration and Laboratory Testing for Wetlands Investigation, Texasgulf Phosphate Operations, Aurora, North Carolina, Consultants Report. DeGlee, G.J., 1951. Analysis and Elevation of Pumping Test Data (1983). Leggette, et al, 1988. Channel Sand Unit Pumping Test, Consultants Report. Walton, W.C., 1970. Groundwater Resource Evaluation, McGraw - Hill Book Company, New York, New York. 664 P• Gilmore, I.K., 1985. Preliminary Findings on the Channel Structure in the Yorktown Clay, Texasgulf, Inc. LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. TABLES LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. TEXASGULF, INC., LEE CREEK MINE CHANNEL SAND UNIT TEST TABLE 1. CSU HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES AS DETERMINED FROM CSU 54-DAY PUMPING TEST, JULY 1987 A. Time-Drawdown Analysis TRANSMISSIVITY PERMEABILITY LEAKANCE WELL NO. (GPD/FT) (GPD/FT2) STORAGE (GPD/ FT3) r /B METHOD CTW-1 13,416 447 - - - 1 CTW-2 10,479 349 - - - 1 A-25 11,255 375 3.6x105 5.2x10 0.03 2 B-25 9,269 309 2.5x104 2 1.0x10-2 0.15 2 A-50 15,007 500 2.4x105 1.2x104 0.015 2 B-50 - - - - - - 23-85 10,166 338 3.8x104 5.7x103 0.15 2 CSU-1 17,316 962 3.5x10-4 2.1x10-3 0.20 2 41-85 19,454 721 7.8x104 1.8x103 0.30 2 CSU-2 26,263 238 8.6x104 2.7x103 0.30 2 CHU-1 28,650* 1433* - - 0.15 2 CSU-3 21,323 888 4.0x10-3 - - 3 CSU-4 20,332 1123 4.4x104 2.1x103 0.15 2 SB-1 21,016 1501* 3.5x104 2.1x10-3 0.15 2 CSU-5 19,453 846 4.0x10_4 1.7x103 0.30 2 CSU-6 49,120* - 2.16x103 1.1x10-3* 0.29 2 Averag e 17,386 591 7.2x10 2.9x10 - - B. Distance-Drawdown Analysis WELLS PARALLEL TO CSU AXIS 13,690 563 - 2.2x103 - 4 WELLS PERPENDICULAR TO CSU AXIS 15,607 679 - 1.2x103 - 4 Averag e 14.649 621 - 1.7x10 - 4 C. Time-Recovery Analy sis CTW-1 11,169 372 - - - 3 CTW-2 9,680 323 - - - 3 CSU-1 26,400 880 2.6x104 - - 3 CSU-3 58,548* - 5.6x10'* - 3 CSU-4 15,783 1052 5.8x10-4 - - 3 CSU-5 24,200 1238 2.0x10-4 - - 3 CSU-6 62,843* - 6.4x104 - - 3 Averag e 17.446 773 3.5x10 D. Grand Averages From All Three Data Sources 16,494 662 5. 4x10-4 2.3x10_3 * Not used in average - Parameter cannot be calculated in this method 1 Hantush Inflection Point Method 2 Walton Non-Steady State Leaky Artesian Method 3 Jacob Non-Steady State Confined Artesian Method 4 Hantush-Jacob Steady State Leaky Artesian Method LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. z 3 to 0>+a -c:romvm-rrlhoo-roooooo QQ C7 ofoMMLf)Nr-woo 'r•• vo V Nc0 3 Q Ln r•jhm 0001wm49MMH0000M1Oe-1 h M M ?-i H H rl rl ALfIN cn z >4 P4 OCOO ri o0 o h m 0 w v N f" 1 m w?DM 3 ?i C7 O1 Lf1hM01M r-I lf1NNOlf'Ih d'h 0000 Ea A A Lf) MOr-i0H000LO 0)rIMco CO10Cp 00 vh d V)f')MMMNHHHrl r-IH H LO N z 3tn? 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FL 3161 a e>3-96&5m DATE: FIGURE 1 i w i Z L w N s Ee W H `6 Z_ Z J,, uj t c Y Z 0. W I = I? Q U I U °N X W 0 W W H J o y F- w m 00 Q U 0 O 1 ? O os OA oe r O N w 1 LL m E?t z U a 0 H m O N H U O O h IO1S 3M9 w 0 W ? I y m m i m i ? m n m i ie f e os e a? Ott .o- 0 0 CD 0 s o •q n• es O f n O f 20• J N O O O O O N N f Ip m o W U Q w a m•pL C7 A 0 n V O Q? y N 0 v "'? in'II ? 6'Iq II e fl i j'Nf o n : IiP41!(?YI . . 0 N yli:l I -A a3dinoV 31Inov n 0 NV.LVOaO-1SOd NV1VOHO a ?. i a3jInOV-MO'1 yHS C i O ? JClV _- tliz;";R 7 O lux E e j Z Z ou N 9 ? W O w $g U w U = Z Z UJ a) U m w ?. LL. Y w U p s Q a w t . a 4 Q V 0w U W Z I- J a s O o U y W ¢ a O _ ? y D ? ~ • 3 W J ®????Fi7 ?lDJ o 9 > O W 91 e J Y Z J c Y ` y O = ii??ijj?? !! i 1I??1I''IIffII((II??II ? ©?t•?ti©?LLI1111?? c a:} uo s .FO • ?i Q' u Z'r ? 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T.7 7 4 SCALE IN FEET 0 500 -' -' CSU AXIS PUMPING WELL LOCATION OBSERVATION WELL LOCATION DarE 6.45 WATER-LEVEL ELEVATION(FEET MSL) E-- FLOW DIRECTION IN CSU ATIONS / 6.45 LECCEM BRASHEi1R5 & CRAPIAK INC Protasaional Cmurd-Water Corm Itaro 1074 Naeth Dak %(*ry E Ugl+way Sueexis TaavwbFL JUIS W-968-ssaz TEXASGULF,.INC. LEE CREEK MINE J WATER-LEVEL ELE' JULY 8,1987 REVISED PREPARED BY: DATE: FIGURE 6 PCS Pumping and Wetlands Report Subject: PCS Pumping and Wetlands Report From: JFurness@Pcsphosphate.com Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2008 11:22:48 -0500 To: john.dorney@ncmail.net CC: RSmith@Pcsphosphate.com John: In our meeting last Tuesday you requested a copy of the Leggette, Brashears and Graham well pumping /wetland response report done in 1990 for the previous EIS. I don't have an electronic copy, so I have scanned the text, tables, and Figures 1-5 for you as an attachment to this e-mail. The report talks about the perched zone (what is monitored for wetland delineations) and the water table (separate and underneath the perched zone). There is a good reason for me scanning the report upside down, but you can rotate it. Jeff (See attached file: PCS Pumping - Wetland Report.pdf) Jeff Furness Senior Scientist PCS Phosphate Co., Inc. 1530 NC Hwy 306 S Aurora, NC 27806 Ph: (252) 322-8249 Fax: (252) 322-4444 PCS Pumping - Wetland Report.pdf Content-Type: application/pdf Content-Encoding: base64 1 of 1 12/1/2008 11:28 AM