HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3170804_Calculations_20170830RMP CALCULATIONS ALEXAN®ER. GLEN NC HWY 152 ROCKWELL, ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for: Lennar Carolinas, LLC 11230 Carmel Commons Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28226 Prepared by: ESP Associates, P.A. 3475 Lakemont Blvd. Fort Mill, SC 29708 (803) 802-2440 Project Number: DU20.400 Original: June 30, 2017 11111111111/, n, % CARO Z 14, •® o o � LICENSE ND � �✓ cAw : Q tS',p ' Gj •� °°°°•�s,gssoc\P��`�`'ESP Associates, P.A, ���11111111111®°, License No. C-0587 VV` 025775 GINEE S nMMO ,,1 r,. r 1 k 1 Alexander Glen is a 104 lot subdivision located in Rockwell, Rowan County, North Carolina. The site consists of 35.93 acres. Treatment of the first inch of rainfall is required. The runoff volume for the site post -development shall not exceed the pre -development for the 2 - year, 24-hour storm event. The runoff rate for the site post development shall not exceed pre - development rates for the 2 -year and 10 -year, 24-hour storm events. Two proposed sand filters will be utilized to meet these requirements. See summary table for model results. Watershed Model Schematic Hydraflow HydnogWhs; Extension forAutaCAD® CIA 3D® 2015 by Aulodesk, Inc. VI OA 1 2 3 4 5 va k;4061 7 S 6 9 10 Project: RAProjects%2015 (D)1DU20 -Alexander GlenlCalculations%Water QualiLY%BMP H dr'6bmpHay,895?191-t17 Hydrograph summary Repo1"tHydrafiowHydrographsExtensionforAutoCAD®Civil3D®2015byAulodesk,Inc.v10.4 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cls) Time interval (min) Time to Peak (min) Hyd. volume (cuff) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Total strge used (cult) Hydrograph Description I SCS Runoff 24.07 2 726 78,249 — — BMP 1 PRE 2 SCS Runoff 37.32 2 720 96.804 — BMP 1 POST (without controls) 3 Reservoir 16.89 2 730 78,134 2 698.97 37,150 BMP 1 4 SCS Runoff 20.75 2 726 69,281 — — BMP 2 PRE 5 SCS Runoff 33.28 2 720 86,284 — BMP 2 POST (without controls) 6 Reservoir 16.03 2 730 68,575 5 693.39 34,423 HMP 2 7 SCS Runoff 2.241 2 734 10,204 — — Untreated - Pre 8 SCS Runoff 3.352 2 728 11,853 — — Untreated Post 9 Combine 46.64 2 726 157,735 1, 4, 7, — Total Predevelopmenl 10 Combine 36.15 2 730 158,562 3, 6, 8, — Total Post Development R:1Projects12015 (D)MU20 - Alexander Gle CRtdu);vfidBBWaJbY&uality\BMP y6ftpp@d f SIMMOT-Opw Hydrograph Summary Report HydraflowHydmgraphsE ensionforAutoCADOCivil3DQ2015byAulodesk,Inc.v10.4 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time Interval (min) Time to Peak (min) Hyd. volume (cult) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Total strge used (cult) Hydrograph Description 1 SCS Runoff 49.16 2 724 154,654 — BMP 1 PRE 2 SCS Runoff 66.14 2 720 172,340 — BMP 1 POST (without controls) 3 Reservoir 48.94 2 726 153,669 2 700.03 53,080 BMP 1 4 SCS Runoff 45.07 2 724 143,232 — BMP 2 PRE 5 SCS Runoff 58.11 2 720 151,782 — — BMP 2 POST (without controls) 6 Reservoir 33.78 2 728 134,074 5 694.52 50,390 BMP 2 7 SCS Runoff 4.619 2 734 20,168 — Untreated - Pre 8 SCS Runoff 6.496 2 726 22,477 — — Untreated Post 9 Combine 97.83 2 724 318,054 1, 4, 7, Total Predevefopment 10 Combine 88.98 2 726 310,220 3, 6, 8, Total Post Development R:\Projects12015 (D)1DU20 -Alexander Gle Q hfuMBa9Wa9aYbarflty1BMP liyffrWpyp@8 E BMWpw Hydrograph Summary Report 100 ly,'r I1 Hydrallow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2015 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.4 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cis) Time Interval (min) Time to Peak (min) Hyd. volume (cult) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Total strge used (cult) Hydrograph Description 1 SCS Runoff 92.43 2 724 289,213 ---- BMP 1 PRE 2 SCS Runoff 112.25 2 720 298,021 — BMP 1 POST (without controls) 3 Reservoir 96.96 2 724 279,350 2 701.01 70,274 BMP 1 4 SCS Runoff 88.52 2 724 276,751 — BMP 2 PRE 5 SCS Runoff 97.55 2 720 260,096 — BMP 2 POST (without controls) 6 Reservoir 70.06 2 726 242,387 5 696.01 75,183 BMP 2 7 SCS Runoff 8.730 2 732 37,715 — — — Untreated - Pre 8 SCS Runoff 11.78 2 726 40,764 — Untreated Post 9 Combine 187.98 2 724 603,679 1.4.7, — Total Predevelopment 10 Combine 175.29 2 726 562,500 3, 6, 8, — — Total Post Development R:1Projects12015 (D)1DU20 - Alexander Gfe CBb(ulaffled'liQ[a1@0Q(tfitylBMP lyffrWgippba P SiMiDl4pw (f8 avN) a1Na os 01031N3R10 H1MON BMP 1 PRE 1-T A, �� /s �, •� n" / DEVELOPMENT ', :.•'+,'"� ,� I _ _ 'I _ \\ DRAINAGEAREA= \ �, �Rii <` ��):'�;'•/\\ �`t`,r% :�„',4\ /� \ 17.78 AC)i )i'r -� ` ��'•� "� , 1 � o4•�'Y, Y BMP 2 PRE; \�.I \��,�° �.. -_— - - — DEVELOPMENT 11 �- t 1I !\\� DRAINAGE AREA 18.38 AC PRE DEVELOPMENT BMP DRAINAGE AREA MAP GRAPHIC SCALE 0 125' 270• 500' ( IN FEET ) HORIZONTAL 1 mch = 250 ft. (C8 aVN) MID 3S 01 031143180 HIHON POST DEVELOPMENT BMP DRAINAGE AREA MAP GRAPHIC SCALE 0 125' 250' 500• IN FEET HORIZONTAL 1 inch = 250 ft. ESP Associates, P.A. 34751-kamntBIr4 FortIM45C 29M lhoo W-80-2440 F= 9a3 -MM --313 Runoff Curve [dumber and Runoff Project AkmnderQenn By JWlF Dale 0!0)2017 Location Ro*cmf.CabamtsCountv,NC Checked 130 Date Clrcle Ons: Fraseot Developed SMP 1 Pre 11NR`unarfD a' a14 '`1^ fi _ `T"�is?�r`•T - Soo CovarDesciiption C Area Product Hydrologic (cover typo, treatment FIG. FIG. of Group and hydrologiccand0on) 2-2 2-3 24 Acres xarm II C =t i?etnwa wand grass: __ wi tnr Pnoregdmm�- 77_11d_o=- —CH e54.70 B (cl - --= _ C ?�--3rfioas;- - dspvylam,r,__ .r'..�. 70 -5,f 407110 jEnS) — t'i�== I NMI ' Use only one CN azm per I-ee Totals= 17.70 1322.30 CH (vretghtod) fatal croduet - 13223 74.4 Use CH=® total area 17.70 Z3_ WE ,�- ar_�i�=•:s--t`=.,-ami EtY,- ,Op :.: �,��.?uiiz�y--_.r..�= StarmGi StarmV2 St.93 Fmquency yr 2 10 100 Rainfall. P(24 -hour) In 3.40 454 733 Runoff, 0 In 1.17 232 433 (Use Pend CN%%Q Isble3-11, 119. 2-1, and equation 344) Refecatim Urban Hydrology rarSm33 W3lamhod4 FU131W4 P, taken Nes Todirdcl noloono ES, Ed Commotion SarvtmiiOlCng•NVS�$=? _r�� �E U.S. Depurunad olAgrtaltaa, Juno IMM W A== h^ FA P-9= Tom chdAa He 2x41 SW1Pm EW MI tw. w1EM017 ESP Associates, PA. 3475L2kema HIVd FcaD09,5C 2970tt Phmt803-B0M;40 Fu SM -SM -35l5 Runoff Curve Number and Runoff Project Alexander Senn By im Data GM17 Loca9on Rodcwel, Cabot= County, NC Chackod De Data Clrclo Dna; Preoant Developed BMF 1 Pnsl r” �«M .gym �.: 005-atfCuiSa'�umt,o%„� R _ aL 4''' T — _ �P` .��UL SO Gamomdption CN' Area Product Hydrologic (coverlype,troatmeri t e- Ig. of Group andhydrotogleconduan) 2.2 2-3 2-4 Acres CNxama MA i";Lyw araaszoaBIB: ro - ys:=l . pyJM—m5 BB i -`— 48598 c —. _= oeensnarr�wd taneuwq tgra+scwec} 5a}T-- 74 =_�15Z 11248 (Ensl EEE C e ice; Good eencium (0lacsmv�,=15is1• 74 "830• =' 088.60 8 tFXBIPxC) 71 — =eta ' usarsdyono CNsurcaperrela Tatala= 1 14.78 1215.19 CN (weighted) tobrl araduet- 1215.10 822 Uso CW total arca 14.7a Storm 01 Storm 112 Stern 113 Froquency yr 2 10 100 RatnfbU.P(24-hmud In 3.40 494 7.33 Runoff,Q in 1.70 3.03 523 (Use P and CNNilh table 3-11, rig. 2-1, and equation 3-14) liereren= Drton Hydroko for Smaa Wal mtmda minra0, P fain frmm _ TadmkalRnlaa As1dCanswvaaanSarvta izv�7l'sl�vr DJi Departmard of Aailcdtme. Juno 1959 ESP A =-sh;PA P.EL=7ma CWlaaenC.=41 aAtP i PW ESP CH Cd= alt IT ESP Associates, P.A. 84 Chartwell Center Drive, Suite D Cornelius, NC 28031 Phone 704-990-9428 Fax 803-802-2`_ Time of Concentration (Tc) or Travel Time (Tt) Project Alexander Glen By JWF Date 6/9/2017 Location Rockwell, Cabarrus County, NC Checked DB Date Circle One: Present Developed BMP I PRE Now SEGMENT ID = _T� =--F: E@ ---i 1. Surface description (table 3-1) ........................ _ „Vybods L`i litr= 2. Manning's roughness coefficient, n (table 3-1) ................ =X0:4 3. Flow length, L (total L:5 300 ft) .............................ft 5;E 4. Two-year 24-hour rainfall, P...................................in 3.40 5. Land slope, s..ft/ft = �0 0350_ .... •.... --Compute 6. Tt = 0.007 K)AD.8 Tt ................hr 0 22 + 0.22 P2110.5 s110.4 2=�HAL) H,�W .-[1�ONG�NTt.E - =F t•Q _ �" .= � 5 _ �� �,.,,. SEGMENT ID_ -- 7. Surface description (paved or unpaved) ...................... Un-aW0 :N-• 8. Flow length, L ii = =X000-! ........................................... OO -i-0.4•402- 9. Watercourse slope, s ............................ ...........ft& MOO -i-0.4-402- 10. Average velocity, V (figure 3-1) ............................. 3.384 10. 11. Tt= L Compute Tt ..............hr 0.08 + 0.08 3600 V 3 MCktANNEN •" il' 'amlm- SEGMENT ID 12. Channel type (Pipe or Open Channel) 13. Cross sectional flow area, a .............. 14. Wetted perimeter, pw........................................ft 15. Hydraulic radius r= a/pw Compute r.................ft 16- Channel slope, s ....... ...................................Wit 17. Manning's roughness coefficient, n .............................. 18. V =11.49 r^(2/3) s^(112)] / n Compute V ..............ff/s 19. Flow length, L .................................................. ft 20. Tt = L Compute Tt ...............hr + 0.00 3600 V 21. Watershed or subarea To or Tt (add Tt In steps 6, 11, and 19) Hr = 6.36 Min = 18.0 Reference: Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Technical Release 55, Soil Conservation Service U.S. Department of Agriculture, June 1905 ESP Associates', PA Po Box 7030 Charlotte NO 20241 Rainfall, P, taken from NCDEIJR.B ' P -Design N1anu"a! fuly'�007 HMP 1 PRE ESP TOC Coics 61`1512017 ESP Associates, P.A. 84 Chartwell Center Drive, Suite D Cornelius, NC 28031 Phone 704-990-9428 Fax 803-802-2 Time of Concentration (Tc) or Travel Time (Tt) Project Alexander Glen By JWF Date 6/9/2017 Location Rockwell, Cabarrus County, NC Checked DB Date Circle One: Present Developed BMP 1 POST VA;, -_ - - SEGMENT ID --= nwa LQra`s_s-EBJff"- Vda= _Grass Bermuda: 1. Surface description (table 3-1) .......... 4`_ -,a .-_ _ -- 2. Manning's roughness coefficient, n (table 3-1) ............... _ 0;41�� �-=•=�-0:41 -. 3. Flow length, L (total L!; 300 ft)..............................ft O 0295 - -40 4. Two-year 24-hour rainfall, P ...................................In _ _ 3.40 3.40 5. Land slope, s ..................................................... f /ft E = 0X,7.0 2.2 5.x:, �`--� 6. Tt= 0.007 fnLl^0.8 Compute Tt ................ hrl 0.04 + 1 0.06 0.10 P2110.5 s110.4 SIVA tOW CO140EfiLTRi4�fFD F� C]r 4 - - `^ --,..._ SEGMENT ID ��a'==� 7. Surface description (paved or unpaved) um ave`d = :a a =�- 8. Flow length, L .................................................. ....ft §E!:.--32 28F W 9. Watercourse slope, s .......................................... ` =11; CI0 = ::0:0150 10. Average velocity, V (figure 3-1) ............................... 2.282 2.49 11. Tt = L Compute Tt ..............hr 0.02 + 0.01 0.03 3600 V �� =- SEGMENT ID �au�� gm �-�.: �_= 12. Channel type (Pipe or Open Channel) pe --- 13. Cross sectional flow area, a.....................................ft2 1.77 4.91 14. Wetted perimeter, pw .............................ft 4.71 7.85 15. Hydraulic radius r = a/pw Compute r................ft 0.38 0.63 16. Channel slope, s ..........................................fflft ffiM 0 0 T == = 91M0`005- 17. Manning's roughness coefficient, n .............................. 0.012 0.012 4 18. V = [1.49 r^(2/3) s"(1/2)] I n Compute V ..............ft/s 8.42 6.42 19. Flow length, L..................................................ft EVURM-- X00 20. Tt = L Compute Tt ...............hr 0.02 + 0.03 0.05 3600 V 21. Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt (add Tt in steps 6, 11, and 19) Hr Min = 10.8 Reference: Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Technical Release 65, Soil Conservation Service U.S. Department of Agriculture, June 1985 ESP Associates', PA Po Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Rainfall, P, taken from NCDENl�St1AP� Design;Manual;�.2��7= BMP 1 POST ESP TOC Cal= 6/1812817 Sand Filter Design Worksheet Drainage Area (A)= 14.5s-- = Ac BMP4 Impervious Area = Ac 2 Sand Filters Percent Impervious (1) _ 1 -year 24 hr starm event (P) _ ''mm 2$t T-« inches Compute Runoff Coeffecient RV = 0.05+0.009([) 0.36 Compute Water Quality Volume (WO .1 WQv= 1.ORvAl12 0.440 ac -ft 19,177 cf Convert Water Quality Volume to inches WQv= 1.0(Rv) 0.36 inches Pre -Developed Wetahted Curve Number Soll Type Area (Acres) Use Hydrologic boll Group CN Brush/Gra-§§ we/C , _ -' = 77:•=:-: =wEne= •_.rw-==a8:58:==_: ==Wooded "-•'-,'Int ervioUs = =z.` j•.^: = ; 5:06 =--Pav@d= Total 17.58 CNw,bt,i,d= 74 Post -Developed Weiqhted Curve Number Soil Type Area (Acres) Use Hydrologic of Group CN P--B/RJtG = = = 8€10 - == =Grass.: =. _ =- C =- _= '74 = "-•'-,'Int ervioUs = =z.` j•.^: = ; 5:06 =--Pav@d= Total 14.58 CNv,evdtd= 82 The modified post -developed curve number CN„,.yum= 1000/[10+5P+10WQ,r10(WQvz+1.25WQvP)°S) 91.1 Use = 92.0 Compute Water Quality Volume Release Rate (WQ . release re WQv release rate = WW(40hr x 3600 seclhr) WQv release rate = 0.133 cis Compute Sand Filter Area to Treat Water Quallty Volume Surface Area filler Bed (ft Z) = A,- 1,600 filter bed depth (ft) = dr coefficient of permeability of= k - flier media (ft/day) Perimeter (P) = average height of water above = hf filler bed (ft) 0.125 design filter bed drain time (days) ArRequired= (WQ„}(dfy((kXhr+dd(4)) = 1,650 flZ Use: =_ 9S'•X60jME] ArProvlded= 1,600 ftz Compute Stage Discharge for Sand Filler Media Qa= AKkKhr+drN(dr)) Elevation Qo = 0.146 cis Elevation;;,,; Qo = 0.128 ds Elevation Qo — H 0.109 ds Elevation i ` r t93:5,;r Q,= 0.091 ds Elevation ;i69E-q-- •; Qo = 0.073 cfs Elevation %= 0.000 cis Size Sand Filter Underdrain System WQ„= 19,177 ft' WQ„ release rate = 0.133 cis Assume Pipe length and size Length of Sand Filter=x_=60' feet Number of Rows = E_ ry ^2 Size of pipe = Total length of pipe = 120 feet Number of perforations = 1,920 holes 50% of perforations = 960 Capacity of one Hole= CA(2gh)OS 0.0076 cfslhole Total Capacity= 7.52 cis Perforation Capacity= 7.52 cis WQ„ release rale = 0.133 cis Is the Perforation Capacity greater then the WQv release rale? Answer. Yes Compute_Underdraln Deslon Capacity Size of pipe = 6.00 Inches Slope of pipe (S) 4 _ ' i 0 ;005 _ m? ft/ft n ' y Area of Pipe (A) = 0.1963 ft Perimeter (P) = 1.57 ft Wetted Pedmiter (A/P)= 0.125 ft Capacity of pipe = 1.491nXAXA1P)0-07(S)o5 0.57 cis Capacity 50% clogged = 0.29 ds Is the Pipe Capacity greater than the WO , release rate? Answer. Yes Is the Pipe Capacity greater than the release rate of the filler media at average depth' Answer. Yes Hydrograph Report 3 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO CNII MOD 2015 by Autodesk, Inc v10.4 Friday, 06 / 30 12017 Hyd. No. 1 BMP 1 PRE Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 24.07 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 726 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 78,249 cuft Drainage area = 17.780 ac Curve number = 74 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 18.00 min Total precip. = 3.46 in Distribution = Type Il Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 28.00 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 8.00- 4.00-- BMP .004.00 BMP 1 PRE Hyd. No. 1 — 2 Year Q (cfs) 28.00 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 M 4.00 0.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 --e I I I I I-- �--�t\ 1 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 1 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydratiow Hydrographs Extension for AutaCAD0 Civil 3D0 2015 by Autodesk, Inc v10.4 Hyd. No. 2 BMP 1 POST (without controls) Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume Drainage area = 14.780 ac Curve number Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) Total precip. = 3.46 in Distribution Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor Q (cfs) 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 120 240 Hyd No. 2 BMP 1 POST (without controls) Hyd. No. 2 — 2 Year 360 480 600 720 840 960 4 Friday, 05 130 / 2017 = 37.32 cfs = 720 min = 96,804 cuff = 82 = Oft = 10.80 min = Type 11 = 484 Q (cfs) 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 _"• 0.00 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydrallow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO civil 3D@2015 by Autodesk. Inc. v10.4 Hyd. No. 3 BMP 1 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume Inflow hyd. No. = 2 - BMP 1 POST (without contddi#. Elevation Reservoir name = BMP 1 Max. Storage Storage Indication method used. BMP 1 5 Friday, 06 130 / 2017 = 16.89 cfs = 730 min = 78,134 tuft = 698.97 ft = 37,150 cult Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 3 — 2 Year Q (cfs) 40.00 40.00 30.00 30.00 I 20.00 20.00 I 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hyd No. 3 Hyd No. 2 Total storage used = 37,150 cuff Pond Report s Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® C!vn 3D@)2015 by Autodesk. Inc. v10.4 Friday, 06 / 3012017 Pond No.1 - BMP 1 Pond Data Contours -User-defined contour areas. Conic method used for volume calculation. Begining Elevation = 695.00 it Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sqft) Incr. Storage (cuft) Total storage (cult) 0.00 695.00 5,216 Stage 1 0 0 1.00 696.00 Stage 7,193 Elevation 6,177 6,177 PrtRsr Wr A Wr B 2.00 697.00 ft 9,348 ft 8,246 14,424 cls cis cis 3.00 698.00 0.00 11,592 695.00 10,449 24,873 - 0.00 0.00 4.00 699.00 1.00 13,896 696.00 12,725 37,598 - 0.00 0.00 5.00 700.00 2.00 16,256 697.00 15,059 52,657 - 0.00 0.00 6.00 701.00 3.00 18,675 698.00 17,450 70,107 - 0.00 0.00 7.00 702.00 4.00 21,150 699.00 19,898 90,004 - 0.00 0.00 Culvert / Orifice Structures - 17.45 5.00 52,657 Weir Structures 48.20 is 2.38 is - - 15.89 [A] [B] [C] [PrfRSr] 70,107 [Al [B] [C] [D] Rise pn) = 30.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 13.50 30.00 2.50 0.00 Span (in) = 30.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 Crest EI. (ft) = 699.50 700.50 697.50 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 2 0 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 Invert EI. (ft) = 693.00 697.45 0.00 0.00 Weir Type = 1 Clpllf Rect Rect Length (ft) = 64.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi -Stage = Yes No Yes No Slope (%) = 1.09 0.00 0.00 Na N -Value = .013 .013 .013 n/a Orifice Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.50 0.60 Exiil.0whr) = 0.000 (by Contour) Mulu-Stage = nla Yes No No TW Elev. (ft) = 0.00 Note: Culved rifte aut lows are analyzed under mint go)and outlet (oc) control. Weir dsars chocked for orifice conditions (Ic) and submergence (s). Stage 1 Storage / Discharge Table Stage Storage Elevation Clv A CIV B Civ C PrtRsr Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Exfil User Total ft cult ft cfs cfs cis cls cis cis cfs cis cis cis cis 0.00 0 695.00 0.00 0.00 - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - 0.000 1.00 6,177 696.00 20.20 oc 0.00 - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - 0.000 2.00 14,424 697.00 20.20 cc 0.00 - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - 0.000 3.00 24,873 698.00 20.20 ac 1.04 is - - 0.00 0.00 2.94 - - --- 3.979 4.00 37,598 699.00 20.20 cc 2.16 is - - 0.00 0.00 15.29 - - - 17.45 5.00 52,657 700.00 48.20 is 2.38 is - - 15.89 0.00 29.92s - - - 48.20 6.00 70,107 701.00 60.6610 0.761c - - 40.4gs, 35.32 19.41s - - - 95.98 7.00 90,004 702.00 65.55 lc 0.451c - - 47.95s 183.53 17.12s - - - 249.05 Hydrograph Report Hydrailow Hydrogrephs Extension for AuloCADS Civil 3130 2015 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.4 Hyd. No. 1 BMP 1 PRE Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume Drainage area = 17.780 ac Curve number Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) Total precip. = 5.04 in Distribution Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor Q (cfs) 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 BMP 1 PRE Hyd. No. 1 —10 Year 8 Friday, 06 / 30 12017 = 49.16 cfs = 724 min = 154,654 cult = 74 = 0 f = 98.00 min = Type 11 = 484 Q (CN) 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 1 Time (min) Hydr®graph Report HydraRow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3139) 2015 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.4 Hyd. No. 2 BMP 1 POST (without controls) Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume Drainage area = 14.780 ac Curve number Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) Total precip. = 5.04 in Distribution Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor Q (cfs 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 9 Friday, 06 130 12017 = 66.14 cfs = 720 min = 172,340 cuft = 82 = Oft = 10.80 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 70.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 2 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 31M 2015 by Autodesk, Inc, v10.4 Hyd. No. 3 BMP1 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume Inflow hyd. No. = 2 - BMP 1 POST (without contiMla*. Elevation Reservoir name = BMP 1 Max. Storage Storage Indication method used. Q (cfs 70.00 60.00 40.00 30.00 rI II 10.00 BMP 1 Hyd. No. 3 —10 Year 10 Friday, 06130/2017 = 48.94 cfs = 726 min = 153,669 cuft = 700.03 ft = 53,080 cuft Q (cfs) 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 3 Hyd No. 2 ® Total storage used = 53,080 cuft Time (min) 12 Hydrograph Report Hydraffow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD@ Civil 3D02015 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.4 Friday, 05 13012017 Hyd. No. 1 BMP 1 PRE Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 92.43 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time to peak = 724 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 289,213 cuft Drainage area = 17.780 ac Curve number = 74 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 18.00 min Total precip. = 7.50 in Distribution = Type 11 Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 BMP 1 PRE Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 1 —100 Year Q MS) 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0 nn 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0 Oo 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 1 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D@ 2015 by Autodesk, Inc. vi 0.4 Hyd. No. 2 BMP 1 POST (without controls) Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume Drainage area = 14.780 ac Curve number Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) Total precip. = 7.50 in Distribution Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor Q (cfs 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 BMP 1 POST (without controls) Hyd. No. 2 —100 Year 13 Friday, 06 / 30 12017 = 112.25 cfs = 720 min = 298,021 cuft = 82 = Oft = 10.80 min = Type 11 = 484 Q (cfs) 120.00 100.00 T-1 We 40.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 2 Time (min) Hydrograph Report 14 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3130 2015 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.4 Friday, 06 130 / 2017 Hyd. No. 3 BMP 1 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 96.96 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time to peak = 724 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 279,350 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 2 - BMP 1 POST (without contd+di#. Elevation = 701.01 ft Reservoir name = BMP 1 Max. Storage = 70,274 cult Storage Indication method used. Q (Cfs 120.00 100.00 40.00 20.00 BMP1 Hyd. No. 3 —100 Year Q (cfs) 120.00 100.00 20.00 0.00" ` ��� 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 3 Hyd No. 2 Total storage used = 70,274 cult Time (min) ESP Associates, P-A- 347Stahcrm"lRPod. FavI6914512 MDR PhmcfiflM(1 -1_440 Fu 803.903--515 Runoff Curve Number and Runoff Project AlarcandsrGEnn BY JWF Dala WBte'IIt7 Locauaa Radweel, Cabanas County. NC Checked DS Dale Circle Dna: Pmsent Developed BMP 2 Pre iXRt3noRCOivaj um6a I'�_'�=-- `A_ — wrIMF�w .I Sall caval3ascripuca CN, Area Product HydroiagTc (covartype, huabnad Tbl. Fig. Ffg. of Group and drata icrmnduon) 2.2 2-3 2.4 Ates CNxama iF^gJ 7a =13 _ -- — SOM C ----Y.aaa;tiFaroonoRian_-- _ �= D (PxPJPxC 73 — 91 - - 33653 • UsaodyanaCNsourceparrne Totals= ISM 130043 CH (waFghtad) total ct = 1300.43 v 709 Use CN. i 1 total area 18.38 --m-M1 Sterm Rt Slarzn 42 Slorm 93 Frequanry yr 2 10 100 RalnUI. P (24-hour) In 3.40 4.44 7.33 Runoff,a in 190 297 4.00 (Use Farad Chiv4lh tabla 3.11, rig. 2-1, and equararl 3.14) Relere = UrbaaHydmSWfor Small Mlemhmld Rehtd4P,bftnban Technical Release SS. Sell QxmmallanSemi= U.S. Da edmmddA ESP AL=W a; PA Faeaa7= Chuklla 1=7141 SUP a Pr■ ESP crr CAI= ChErZO17 ESPAssociates, P.A. 7S7Ct.1..,.•.reRim Pmtxtn1 sC 3108 PinMEUM86'_-7440 Fm 9!1}•6@-2515 Runoff Curve Number and Runufi Pm]ed Atm=darl3an0 By JwF Date 61@m Location Nodrwa4Cabaml9Ceun1Y NC Chocked OB Data Circle Ona: Pteaant Developed HMP 2 Post soti Cavar esc;VUon H• AM Product Hydralo0le (eavertype, fraafined 1g. 0• of Gro andhydrole IccandUon 2� 2.3 2-0 Acres CN%arna A — .avedarpa,� 'ma ° _ yse- a ,RO =ga - 463.64 �~ j orassmvanl �} = 74 9_ �i,� 43436 IF�e T"�Opan_ppp:eW od 511)7 t— 74 T- 15012 {pt9leayej} B mpicl • UssulyonoCN=aacoperOne Total$= 1 1203 1046.14 cN(Walghted)Iotaiaroduct= 1046.14 = 030 UsOCN=�e3 totalarm 1263 Storm 92 Storm 93 Fmquanty yr N3.4 10 1100 RalydaU,P(24•hour) In 494 7.33 Runoff.0 In 3.12 534 (Use P and CN%%M table 3.11, fl0.2-1, and equation 3.14) Wiearaw Urban Hyftb0ykrrSmalWaknJods AokttAP.lakunIMM 7odmkalHmmm6s sdlcmnmrotlonSotvsm UAA'SNlVs�"'-�__.. U80opwtmetdoFAUrfruftco, June 160= SP Agate-, PA Fo8ca 7030 Cfmbao h07041 EUP 2 P -- ESP -ESP a1 Cala WM7nls ESP Associates, P.A. RA rl ..I Al Center Drive._ suite n Cornelius, NC 28031 Phone 704-990-9428 Fax 803-802-2! Time of Concentration (Tc) or Travel Time (Tt) Project Alexander Glen By JWF Date 6/912017 Location Rockwell, Cabarrus County, NC Checked 1313 Date Circle One: Present Developed BMP 2 PRE NO— IM M SEGMENT ID nmgu.-�B 1. Surface description (table 3-1) ................................. dbds= - Eft 2. Manning's roughness coefficient, n (table 3-1) ................ M -FRE �-71WKBRV= 3. Flow length, L (total L:5 300 ft)............................... ft 4. Two-year 24-hour rainfall, P ...................................in 3.40 5- Land slope, s ...................................................... fuRl 6. Tt = 0.007 (WAG. 8 Compute Tt ................hr 0.16 —1 + I 0.16 P210.6 s10.4 SEGMENT ID 7. Surface description (paved or unpaved) ....................... WUnJYffVdd7E05F 8. Flow length, L ......................................................ft 83501—EFR37 9. Watercourse slope, s .......................................... fifft 10. Average velocity, V (figure 3-1) ............................... 3.227 11. Tt= L Compute Tt ..............hr 0.12 + 0.12 3600 V —5 LIM MORION M SEGMENT 10 12. Channel type (Pipe or Open Channel) 13. Cross sectional flow area, a ..................................... fF 14. Wetted perimeter, pw .........................................ft 15. Hydraulic radius r= alpw Compute r ................It 16. Channel slope, S .............................................. ft/ft 17. Mannings roughness coefficient n .............................. 18. V = [1.49 rA(213) SA(1/2)] I n Compute V .............. ftfs 19- Flow length, L ................................................... ft 0.00 20. Tt= L Compute Tt ...............hr + 3600 V 21. Watershed or subarea Tc, or Tt (add Tt In steps 6, 11, and 19) Hr — FF ---0,28 Min = 16-8 Reference: Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Technical Release 55, Sall Conservation Service U.S. Department of Agriculture, June 1286 ESP Associates`, PA Po Box 7030 Chadofte NC 28241 Rainfall, P, taken cram BMP ZPRE ESP TOC CaIUS 61159017 C 0 0 J ES- P Associates, P.A. 84 Chartwel% Center Drive, Suite D Cornelius, NC 28031 Phone 704-990-9428 Fax 803-802-2- Time of Concentration (Tc) Or Travel Time (Tt) Project Alexander Glen By JWF Date 6/9/2017 (Location Rockwell, Cabarrus County, NC Checked DB Date Circle One: Present <Developed RMP 2 POSY SEGMENT ID 9 : __a 1. Surface description (table 3-1) u !; i Gras 2. Manning's roughness coefficient, n (table 3-1) ................ !N =`'0:4 _- 3. Flow length, L (total L <_ 300 ft)...............................ft gf I 4, Two-year 24-hour rainfall, P..................................in 3.4 5. Land slope, s ..................................................... fi/fi _ - Q , G. Tt = 0.007 (nL)110.8 Compute Tt ................ hrl 0.12 P2110.5 s"0.4 SEGMENT ID M22599t 7. Surface description (paved or unpaved) m _un t 8. Flow length, L......................................................tt S. Watercourse slope, s ....................................ft/ft 10. Average velocity, V (figure 3-1) ............................... 2.3 11. Tt= L Compute Tt .............. hrl 0.01 3600 V + I 0.01 SEGMENT ID - E � _ 12. Channel type (Pipe or Open Channel) 4@r§=P_;i a MiR9912NPQ_ ; -= 13. Cross sectional flow area, a.....................................ftz 1.77 4.91 14. Wetted perimeter, pw.........................................ft 4.71 7.85 15. Hydraulic radius r = a/pw Compute r.................ft 0.38 0.63 16. Channel slope, s ^r i--- 17. Manning's roughness coefficient, n .............................. 0.012 0.012 18. V = [1.49 r"(2/3) s"(1/2)j / n Compute V ..............fi/s 12.91 12.84 19. Flow length, L...................................................ft =�=500= i 58 -mi - 20. Tt= L Compute Tt ... ........... hr 0.01 + 0.01 3600 V 21. Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt (add Tt in steps 6, 11, and 19) Hl' = Min = Reference: Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Technical Release 55, Soil Conservation Service U.S. Department of Agriculture, June 1986 ESP Associates', PA Po Bax 7030 Chadotie NC 28241 0.1 0.021 Rainfall, P, taken from iNCDENR�-M �gn�Manua; Ju_xa 1y2007 BMP 2 POST ESP TOC Cates 6115/2017 e Sall Type Sand Filter Design Worksheet Hydrologic Group CN Drainage Area (A) = i;! i!:-12:6 = . _ :AC BMP -2 ISICI:::;_1 .:-73-_. impervious Area =-• ' . `'; '4.73 ; I Ac 2 Sand Filters —C": - •s,70:-. Percent Impervious (1) _ ' = 3696 ; Total "car 24 hr storm event (P) = '..:2.ai ,Inches Total 12.6 Compute Runoff Coerfeclant R„ = 0.05 +D.0119(i) 0.39 e CamouteWater Qual' VolumfWQ.i WQ,= 1.DR„AI12 — 0.407 20-11 = 17.740 d Canvert Water Qua1Hv Volume to Inches WQr=-DIRrI 0.39 Itches IIraneval..nnrT Wnlnhlnrt r`irun Nmhnr Sall Type Area Acres Use Hydrologic Group CN =-'-PxBIPxC::•-::^ ; 1, --4.50,„ -Wooded ISICI:::;_1 .:-73-_. -':EnB i37T 1•'• Wooded —C": - •s,70:-. ions- - 7,4.73.•paved Total 18.35 Total 12.6 SoliT a Area Acres CN.%tw = Hydrulagic Sall Group CN 71 Grass: t !':,74=1: ---.dm SoliT a Area Acres Use Hydrulagic Sall Group CN The mod10ed post-daveloped curve number Grass: t !':,74=1: ---.dm Grass•, " 1) '-74:':- ions- - 7,4.73.•paved Use = 02.0 Total 12.6 ri u 1 CN„,kH.d= 03 The mod10ed post-daveloped curve number CN„,g1r,n = iooaql0-E5p+i0WQr70(WQv2+1.25WQ„P)°� — 91.7 Use = 02.0 Cargpute Water Quallty Valuma Release Rpte IWQ„ release WQ, Masse rate= WO)(40hrx 3600 serlhr) WQ, release rale = 0.123 ds ri u 1 I I IComouto Sand Filter Area to Treat Water Oualltv Volume Is the Pipe Capacity greater than the WO, release rata? Answer. Yes Is the Pipe Capacity greater than Iha release rate of the filtarmadia, at average dept Answer. Yes Surface Area filter Bad (fe) A,= 1,800 Elevation:590.: 'i ' ': ' ffharbaddepth(R)= dr=','?ad.. coefficient. of permeability or = k=•:• _35 I fa filter media (111day) Elevation ::!"--S average height afwaler above = hf- .-:-:2.9: C),)=-11O.OD1 G115 filter bad (111) �OD73 design filter be time drain e (days) ff= AlRequl-d= (WQj(ddq(k)(hrWd(h)) ' — Eavailan 1,527 IF Q,= 0.1100 ck use.,'. Irik At PrWded= 1.800 IF WO, release rate = 0.123 Cis Compute Stage Discharge for Sand Filter Media Is the Pipe Capacity greater than the WO, release rata? Answer. Yes Is the Pipe Capacity greater than Iha release rate of the filtarmadia, at average dept Answer. Yes %= A&A + ONOM Elevation:590.: 'i ' ': ' Qo= 0,146 cis Elevation-Qo= 689.5: --6.-k' ""c, I fa Elevation ::!"--S Elevation . �koy C),)=-11O.OD1 G115 �OD73 Qa= cts, ' — Eavailan Q,= 0.1100 ck Size Sand Miter Underdrain Sysla WQv = 17.740 fe WO, release rate = 0.123 Cis Assume Fine lanalh and size Length or Sand Filter=.:: Gi Sim of pipe Total length of pipe = Number ol'perrarallarts = I'm holes 5Q%ofpLqf3raUans= 960 Capacity of ons- Hole= CA(2gh)u O.UD7a cls/hole Total Cape* - 7.52 cls Perforation Capacity- 7.62 ds WO, release rate - 0.1123 cis Is the Perforation Capacity greaterthan the WQv release rate? Answer. Yes Compute Undefdroln Deslnn Capacity Size ufplpe 6.00Inches . ""-. WR Slope of pipe (S)= n= Area of Pipe (A) = 0.1953 to Forftneler (P) = i.57 R Wailed Pedmfter(A(P)= 0.125 R. Capacity of pipe a 1.4g1nXAj(A1PfO(Srs 0-57 cis Capacity 50% clogged 029 Urs Is the Pipe Capacity greater than the WO, release rata? Answer. Yes Is the Pipe Capacity greater than Iha release rate of the filtarmadia, at average dept Answer. Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Exterw1un for AutoCAD® Cfvfl 3D@)2015 by Autodesk. Inc. v10A Thursday, 0$11512017 Hyd, No. 4 BMP 2 PRE Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 20.75 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 726 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 69,281 cult Drainage area = 18.380 ac Curve number = 71 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 16.80 min Total precip. = 3.46 in Distribution = Type 11 Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 2'1.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 BMP 2 PRE Hyd. No. 4 — 2 Year Q (cfs) 21.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 1 I I I r i Z i i , I I -I1 ' 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hyd No. 4 Hydrograph Report HydraQow Hydrographs i denstorn farAutuCAO® CIA 3D@ 2015 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.4 Hyd. No. 5 BMP 2 POST (without controls) Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume Drainage area = 12.630 ac Curve number Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) Total precip. = 3.46 in Distribution Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor Q (cfs) 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 BMP 2 POST (without controls) Hyd. No. 5 -- 2 Year Thursday, 06/15/2017 = 33.28 cfs = 720 min = 86,284 cuff = 83 = Oft = 10.00 min = Type Il = 484 Q (cfs) 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ------h 1 0.00 0 120 240 360 4$0 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (mitt) Hyd No_ 5 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO C10 3D02015 by Autadesk Inc. ADA Hyd. No. 6 BMP 2 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume Inflow hyd. No. = 5 - BMP 2 POST (without conbM4. Elevation Reservoir name = BMP 2 Max. Storage Storage WcaUon method used Q (Cfs) 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 BMP2 Hyd. No. 6 — 2 Year Thursday. 05 115 12017 = 16.03 cfs = 730 min = 68,575 cult = 693.39 ft = 34,423 tuft Q (cfs) 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00- 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 f .1 i f 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 6 Hyd No. 5 FFTITI Total storage used = 34,423 cuts Time (min) Pond Report E Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO CiviI 3 D 2015 by Autodesk, Inc v10 4 Friday, 06 / 30 / 2017 Pond No. 2 - BMP 2 Note Culvert/Orifice outflows are analyzed under inlet (ic) and outlet (oc) control Weir risers checked for onfice conditions (ic) and submergence (s) Weir Structures Storage I Discharge Table Pond Data [A] Contours -User-defined contour areas Conic method used for volume calculation Begining Elevation = 690 00 ft Stage / Storage Table [B] [C] [D] Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sqft) Incr. Storage (cuft) Total storage (cuft) 000 69000 7,135 0 0 100 69100 8,844 7,973 7,973 2.00 69200 10,609 9,712 17,686 300 69300 12,430 11,506 29,192 400 69400 14,308 13,357 42,549 500 69500 16,243 15,264 57,812 600 69600 18,234 17,227 75,040 700 69700 20,282 19,247 94,287 Culvert / Orifice Structures Note Culvert/Orifice outflows are analyzed under inlet (ic) and outlet (oc) control Weir risers checked for onfice conditions (ic) and submergence (s) Weir Structures Storage I Discharge Table [A] [B] [C] [PrfRsr] Elevation [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 2400 600 000 000 Crest Len (ft) = 11 00 25.00 500 000 Span (in) = 2400 600 000 000 Crest EI. (ft) = 69450 69550 692.50 000 No. Barrels = 1 2 0 0 Weir Coeff. = 333 333 333 333 Invert EI. (ft) = 68800 69201 000 000 Weir Type = 1 Cipltl Rect --- Length (ft) = 6400 000 000 000 Multi -Stage = Yes No Yes No Slope (%) = 084 000 000 n/a — --- 3019 500 57,812 69500 36 56 is N -Value = 013 013 013 n/a 600 75,040 69600 39 92 ic 0 35 ic -- Orifice Coeff. = 060 060 060 060 Exfil.(in/hr) = 0 000 (by Contour) 0 22 ic --- --- 22 66 s Multi -Stage = n/a Yes No No TW Elev. (ft) = 000 Note Culvert/Orifice outflows are analyzed under inlet (ic) and outlet (oc) control Weir risers checked for onfice conditions (ic) and submergence (s) Stage I Storage I Discharge Table Stage Storage Elevation Civ A Clv B CIV C PrfRsr Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Exfil User Total ft cuft ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 000 0 69000 000 000 --- --- 000 000 000 --- --- -- 0 000 1 00 7,973 691 00 12 22 oc 000 --- --- 000 000 000 -- -- --- 0 000 200 17,686 69200 12 22 oc 0.00 - — 000 000 000 -- --- --- 0 000 300 29,192 69300 12 22 oc 1.63 ic --- -- 000 000 589 --- -- --- 7 513 400 42,549 69400 30 19 ic 1.90 Ic --- --- 0.00 000 28 29 s --- — --- 3019 500 57,812 69500 36 56 is 0 75 ic --- --- 9 39 s 000 2641 s --- -- --- 3655 600 75,040 69600 39 92 ic 0 35 ic -- --- 18 23 s 2943 21 34s — - — 6935 700 94,287 69700 42 74 ic 0 22 ic --- --- 22 66 s 15294 19 84 s — -- --- 19567 Hydrograph Report HydraTlow Hydwgraphs ExtensTan for AutoCACO GIA 3M2015 by Autadesk, Inc. v10.4 Hyd. No. 4 BMP 2 PRE Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume Drainage area = 18.380 ac Curve number Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) Total precip. = 5.04 in Distribution Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor Q (cfs) 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 BMP 2 PRE Hyd. No. 4-10 Year 0.00 r- 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 Hyd No. 4 Thursday, 05/15/2017 = 45.07 cfs = 724 min = 143,232 cult = 71 = 01t = 16.80 min = Type it = 484 Q (cfs) 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 I i i i --M 1 0.00 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydratlow Hydrographs Extension for AuIaCADE C A 31392M by Autodesk, Inc. MA Hyd. No. 5 BMP 2 POST (without controls) Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume Drainage area = 12.630 ac Curve number Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) Total precip. = 5.04 in Distribution Stone duration 24 hrs Shape factor Q ps) 60.00 - 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 ' ' 0 120 240 Hyd No. 5 BMP 2 POST (without controls) Hyd. No. 5 —10 Year Thursday, OB 115 / 2017 = 58.11 cfs = 720 min = 151,782 cuft 83 = Oft = 10.00 min = Type 11 = 484 Q (cfs) 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 i r, rr rr; I 1 1 1 1 - ' 0.00 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydrallow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3M 2015 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.4 Hyd. No. 6 BMP 2 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume Inflow hyd. No. = 5 - BMP 2 POST (without contMl#. Elevation Reservoir name = BMP 2 Max. Storage Storage Indication method used. Q (cls) 60.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 r 1 0 120 240 360 Hyd No, 6 BIUIP 2 Hyd. No. 6 —10 Year 480 600 720 Hyd No. 5 Thursday, 06 / 15 / 2017 33.17 cfs = 728 min = 134,074 cult = 694.55 ft = 50,788 cult Q (cfs) 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 --- 0.00 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) � Total storage used = 50,788 cuff Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AuteCADO Civil 3DO 2015 by Autodesk, Inc. v10.4 Thursday, 08/15/2017 Hyd. No. 4 BMP 2 PRE Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 88.52 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time to peak = 724 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 276,751 cuft Drainage area = 18.380 ac Curve number = 71 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = Oft Tc method = User Time of conc. (TO = 16.80 min Total precip. = 7.50 In Distribution = Type ll Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (Oft) 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 • 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 BMP 2 PRE Hyd. No. 4 —100 Year Q (cis) 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 I 1—`_i 1t —ter I r i i — 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hyd No. 4 Hydrograph Report Hydraffow Hydmgraphs Extension for AuIoCADD Civil 3EXD 2015 by Auladesk, Inc. v10.4 Thursday, 05 115 / 2017 Hyd. No. 5 BMP 2 POST (without controls) Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 97.55 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time to peak = 720 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 260,096 cuff Drainage area = 12.630 ac Curve number = 83 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 10.00 min Total precip. = 7.50 in Distribution = Type ll Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 BMP 2 POST (without controls) Hyd. No. 5 —100 Year Elm 0001 : =1 ME 001 M w �, " D 1� 11111 SMIN 120 d®2001 IIMSM .M 200 Hydrograph Report Hydrallow Hydrographs Extension far AutoCADS Civil ZD@ 20'15 by Autodesk, lna. v10.4 Hyd. No. 6 BMP 2 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume Inflow hyd. No. = 5 - BMP 2 POST (without contdrdl#. Elevation Reservoir name = BMP 2 Max. Storage Storage Indication method used mrsday, 0B 115 I 70.53 cfs = 726 min = 242,387 cuff = 696.02 ft = 75,360 cuff ESP Associates, P.A. W751 - -9Wd- F-IIA8LSC 29708 Phone MMMT -24.40 Fn eo3•Boz-2515 Runoff Curve Number and Runoff Project Alaxandarl3ann ey .IV1r Date 6=17 Dation RBdnwl.CahanusCounty, NG Checked Ce Data Clrcla one(:Pmient Owmiaped Untreated Pre nAiio"a CUtva•F4tirphQ -di Fu..- =. _r. --L -- -- Ball CoverDesrfpum Or Ama Pm Hydmlcglc {Ccvottyperheatmen! g 111. of Group and hydmlgot ceend00n) 2-2 12-312-4 Acral CNzaraa It atlmnm0on -M 1 7@.80 C—_--yao{�tuan—:-= 70 115' 805U • UseordyanaCN�urcep�dte TaWa- 239 18030 CH (walgUW fatal omduct a 1603 n 7" Uia CH. total area 2.29 afro MERS - l Storm 91 Stamr l42 Mcrzn 43 Freitumlry 4R 2 in 100 RalnFrO.P(244our) in 3411 494 7.33 Rtmoir.0 kl OAS 199 3.89 (Use P and CNwllh tab10341. 60.2.1. and e4t a8an 3-14) Reference Urban Hydralmimrs-zayhlz� Hakd4P.takanrmrt TadvOcal Hutaam 5% 5d Garsana8m Sandra �r?Wr dl's��lggs U.S.Oepart ardalAOdcdtmv.JUMIBsO--_- ESP A=ca4t. PA PDUrA WO Cr&l:CPI CMZ4r W4+" Pry BSP Crl Cob am mtr ESP Associates, P.A. 347512Ecmn-Bl%-& Fmtbttll,SC 3=8 pNam803-801-2.140 F= E03 -SM -2515 Runoff Curve Number and Runoff project AlaxanderGenn 13y JWF Data 6tarMl7 Laca0m Radmd,CabarrratCounN.NC Chadcad O9 Date ClmlaOna prasaat bovalopad UntrealedPost i.RnaofrCiawAupdmr >3'°a tom• >__.— _-� Sall CavorOesalpUna Hydmfagfa (eave Wa,tmatmnrd Group and hydmlonlceondUan) Cal Area g. g, 2.2 12-312-4 Ayes Product or CNzaran (fA?sscawr?-iii= C74 74 �T =Tis== 85tH C�= Opae apawAGoad cant m (grass mvari- Sl— 1 xC) 74 ~ice=74 w 04M _M.^vL--..- Use anly ena M mursa par 0na Totals = 2.29 169.40 CH (welsh lotal mdurt= 169.48 = 74.0 uau CN= WE= 2�9 -"nom. Storm 0i 51tam 02 Storm 03 pmquancy yr 2 10 100 Ralnrall, P (24•hcur) In 3.40 4.94 733 Runoff, Q In (trsa Panel CN%flh table 3.11, 8g.24. 1.17 232 433 and aquas= 344) Reramnan Urban nalnfaltP.takvnums Tadmkd Rdoosa 55, Sol r, SmvFm }JOAAS NNS- -•="3M1z-- O.S. OeFutmont or Agla ra, luno taea c_--,�•v'r'.=`- =_moi : _ ESPAsa=Wos,PA Po8os7= ch.i.pa ec=ut Lhd,v =Ped ESP 01 rata IVISRai7 ESP Associates, P.A. Aa rhnrrwAl rm,ter nrivr~ Suite D Cornelius. NC 28031 Phone 704-990-9428 Fax 903-802--)' Time of (Tc) or Travel Time Project Alexander Glen By JWF Location Rockwell, Cabarrus County, NC Checked DB Circle One: CPresent Developed Untreated Pre SEGMENT ID 1. Surface description (table 3-1) ................................. 2. Manning's roughness coefficient, n (table 3-1) ................ 3. Flow length, L (total L s300 ft)...............................ft 4. Two-year 24-hour rainfall, P ................................. in 5. Land slope, s.....................................................ft/ft 6. Tt = 0.007 K1110.8 Compute Tt ................hr P2^0.5 S^0.4 0.46 1 + SEGMENT ID.�s a— 7. Surface descriptlon (paved or unpaved) ......................=!!ri aed 8. Flow length, L .................................................. ...ft =- =74735 9_ Watercourse slope, s ..........................................Rift 22 0101'6 10. Average velocity, V (figure 3-1) 2.073 11. Tt = L Compute Tt ..............hr 0.10 + 3600 V SEGMENT ID 12. Channel type (Pipe or Open Channel) 13. Cross sectional flow area, a .....................................ftp 14. Wetted perimeter, pw.........................................ft 16. Hydraulic radius r = a/pw Compute r ................. fl, 16. Channel slope, s............................................ftifE 17. Manning's roughness coefficient, n ............................ 18. V = 11.49 x"(213) s"(112)] / n Compute V ..............ft/s 19. Flow length, L ...................................................fit 20. Tt = L Compute n ...............hr 3600 V 21. Watershed or subarea To or Tt (add Tt in steps 6, 11, and 19) Reference: Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Technical Release 55, Soil Conservation Service U.S. Department of Agriculture, June 1986 ESP Assoclatas', PA Po Box 7030 Charlotte NC 28241 Date 6/9/2017 Date 0. 0.001 Hr Min Rainfall, P, taken from p1EUENftBNfP_=Qesign wiluggI: y2007= Untreated Pre ESP TOC Calm 811512017 EMP Associates, P.A. 84 Chartwell Center Drive, Suite D Cornelius, NC 28031 Phone 704-990-9428 Fax 803-802-2.' Time of Concentration (Tc) or Travel Time (Tt) Project Alexander Glen By JWF Location Rockwell, Cabarrus County, NC Checked DB Circle One: QPresent Developed Untreated Post SEGMENT ID Date 6/9/2017 Date 1. Surface description (table 3-1) ................................. =Woods L'i ht 2. Manning's roughness coefficient, n (table 3-1) ................ N—RE-- 3. Flow length, L (total L:; 300 ft) ....ft X 150 T= 4. Two-year 24-hour rainfall, P................................in 3.40 5. Land slope, s.....................................................ft/ft X0:0800 6. Tt = 0.007 (nQA0.8 Compute Tt ................ hrl 0.28 + 0.28 P2"0.5 9"0.4 SEGMENT ID 7. Surface description (paved or unpaved)......................M__ =Un ailed== 8. Flow length, L .................................................. ..ft X682== - - 9. Watercourse slope, s ............ ..............................ftlft Mt".-. M01.65. 11 10. Average velocity, V (figure 3-1) ............................... 2.073 11. Tl =- L Compute Tt ..............hr 0.09 + 3600 V SEGMENT ID 12. Channel type (Pipe or Open Channel) 13. Cross sectional flow area, a ......................... I ........ ..A2 14. Wetted perimeter, pw.........................................ft 15. Hydraulic radius r= a/pw Compute r.................ft 16. Channel slope, s..............................................Rift 17. Manning's roughness coefficient, n .............................. 18. V = [1.49 r"(2/3) s"(1/2)] / n Compute V ..............ftls 19. Flow length, L...................................................ft 120. Tt = L Compute Tt ......... ......hr + 3600 V 21. Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt (add Tt In steps 5, 11, and 19) Hr = Min = Reference: Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Ralnfall� P, taken from Technical Release 55, Soil Conservation Service °NODENR13MP_05MEM5n�fa1�-JUIV-2007 U.S. Department of Agriculture, June 1986 ESP Associates', PA Untreated Post Po Box 7030 ESP TOC Ca►s Charlotte NC 28241 8/15/2017