HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160782 Ver 1_Other Agency Correspondence_20170901Carpenter,Kristi From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Westphal, Anneliese Friday, September Ol, 2017 2:24 PM Lane, Stephen Carroll, Trevor K; Herndon, T. Mason; Steenhuis, Joanne U-5719 Ridge Rd Realignment PWSS information PWS Approva) & ATC.PDF Stephen, Please find attached information from DEQ's PWSS which was send to NCDOT from the design engineer for the subject project. Please let me know if any other information is needed. Thanks, Anneliese Anneliese Westphal Environmental Specialist Division 3 NCDOT- Division of Highways 910 341 2000 office 910 675 0143 fax d���^�d:��IVmnd�Il�i�irn�aa���d:.����� 5501 Barbados Blvd Castle Hayne, NC 28429-5647 I rr�7all �:urrc,��u � � � � � � � � y I�c rli��;lu�e,rl �u �C�h•ih�rl I i� ci��;e, Cu ai� rur°r7 �mii;, ;;e,i� cr i;, ;;u� ��;� �u Cmie, ,..,u� i�; ta�:ur�: ;, ..,aw ai� ir7a, I�arti��, 1 WaterResources ENVIRONMENTAL pUALITY JUI}� 19, 2�16 Mr. David M. Mohr, Interim Engineering Director Onslow Water and Sewer Authority 228 Georgetown Road Jacksonville, North Carolina 28540 j . , �� +�l4 Re# JUL � 5 2016 ���"� ' , �.., _ �� Dear Mr. Mohr: PAT MCCRORY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretay S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Direcmr Re: Engineering Plans and Specifications Approval Water Main Relocation Realignment of SR 1396 (Ridge Road) at US 258 and SR 1213 (Blue Creek Road) Onslow Water and Sewer Authority Water System No.: NC0467035, Onslow County Serial No.: 16-00521 � � Enclosed please find one copy of the "Application for Approval..." together with one copy of the referenced engineering plans and specifications bearing the Division of Water Resources stamp of approval for the referenced project. These engineering plans and specifications are approved under Division of Water Resources Serial Number 16-00521, dated July 19, 2016. Engineering plans and specifications prepared by Eric M. Tweed, P.E., call for the relocation of approxunately 650 feet of 6-inch water main, valves and other appurtenances along Highway 25&and also relocation of approximately 275 feet of 6-inch water main, valves and other appurtenances along Ridge Road to accommodate road improvements in the area by NCDOT. Please note that in accordance with 15A NCAC 18C .0309(a), no construction, alteration, or expansion of a water system shall be placed into service or made available for human consumption until the Public Water Supply Section has issued Final Approval. Final Approval will be issued and mailed to the appiicant upon receipt of both an Engineer's Certification and an Applicant's Certification submitted in accordance 15 A NCAC 18C .0303 (a) and (c). These plans and specifications in the foregoing application are approved insofar as the protection of public health is concerned as provided in the rules, standards and criteria adopted under the authority of Chapter 130A-317 of the General Statutes. This approval does not constitute a warranty of the design, construction or future operation of the water system. SiateofnorthCarolina � EmimnmentalQuaiiry � WaterResouma Poblic Nater Suppiy Section 1634 Maii Scrvice Center I Raleigh, Nonh Carolina P699-IG34 919]0]9100 � LabFax 919T5663] I AdminFar 9i9]I593]4 � anvw.ncwater.or�pws/ Mr. David M Mohr, Interim Engineering Director Page 2 of 2 July 19, 2016 One copy of the "Application for Approval..." and a copy of the engineering plans and specifications with a seal of approval from the department is enclosed. One copy of the enclosed documents in a digital format (CD) is being forwarded to our Wilmington Regional Office. The second copy of the CD is being retained in our files. If the Public Water Supply Section can be of further service, please call (919) 707-9100. Sincerely, cZ%d��A�"" �'" "� � Robert W. Midgette, P.E., Operations Br�-�chj'fl�ad Public Water Supply Section Division of Water Resoarces RWM/SMB Enclosures: Approval Documents cc: Heidi Cox, Wilmington Regional Office Onslow County Health Departcnent CH Engineering, PLLC Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL DUALITV PAT MCCRORY Gm•ernor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART s��.eian, . . . . . . . � � . . . � S.� JAY� ZIMMERMAN . . . . . . . . ..� � � Dil'ec(ol' -. . . . . . �U�y24,2016 � .. . . . _ _ DAVID M MOHR- IN'Ct,RIM ENGINEERING DIRECTOR ONSLOW WATER& SEWER AUTHORITY 228 GF.OR(3ETOWN RD JACKSONVILL�. NC 28540 Re: Authorization to Construct REALIGNMFN'i' OF SR 1396 (RIDGE Kll) AT US 258/SR 12(3 (BLUE CRK RD) ONSI.,OW WTR AND SEWER AUTHORITY ONSLOWCOUNTY, NCOA67035 Authorization to Construct (This is not a Final Approval) Dear Applicant: This letter is fo confirm that a c-0mplete Enguicer's Report and a Water System ManagementPlau liavc been received, and tl�at engineeriog plans and specifications have been approve,�] by the Depaitment for RCALIGNMENT OF SR 1396 (RIDGE RD) AT US 258/SR 1213 (BLUE CRK RD), Serial No. 1G00521. � The Authorization to ConsMuct is valid for 24 monChs finm che Issae Date (refer to next page). Authorization to Construct may be estonded if tho Rales Governing Public Water Supplies and site conditions have uot changed (scc Rule .0305). The Authorizatio� to Construct and the engineoring plans and spociYications approval letter shall be posted at the priin2ry enh�ance of the job site before aod duri�tg construction. . . . Upon completion oPthe construction or modification, and prior to placing the new construction or modification into service, the applicant must submit an Engineer's Certification and Applic2nt CertiScation directly to SHASHI BHATTA, P.E. of this oPfice. • Gngineer Certi£cation: in aecordance with Rule .0303 (a), the applicant shall submit a certification statemenC signed and sealed by a registorod professional engineer stating that constructioii was comploted in accordance with approvcd c�gineering plans and specifications, including any �rovisions stipulated in the Department's engineering plen and specification approval Ietter. • Applicant Certi£eation: in aecordance with Rule .0303 (c), the applieant sl�all submit a signed certification statemeut indicating that the requirements for an Operation and Maintenance Plan and F.mergency Managcment Ylan have been satis5ed in ' accordance with Rule .0307 (d) and (e) ai�d that the sysfem has a certified operator in accordance with Rule .I300. Thc "Applicant Gertificatiod' form is available at http://www.deh.em�.state.nc.us/pws/ (click on Plan Review Forms, under Plao Review heading). If this Authorization to Constivct is for a new public water system, the owner must submit a completed application for an Operatiug 1'ermit and the appropriate Pee. Eor a copy of the application for an Operating Permit please call (919) 707-9085. Once the certifications and permit applica6on and Yee, (if applicable), are received and determined adequate, the Depar[ment will issue a Final Approval letter to the appiica��t. In accordance with Rule .0309 (a), no portion of this projeet shall be plaeed iuto service uotil the Department has issued Final Approval. If the Public Water Supply Section can be of further assistaoce, please ca(i (919) 707-9100. Since� � Robe�t W. Midgette, .E., Operations Branch r3ead Public Water Supply Section cc: �1�.IDI COX, Wilmington Regional Office � � Division of Water Resources Ch En�ineecing Ptic Sm�eofNorthCarolina I Em'vo�mie�mlQuaGly I Wa[crReso�rces Public W a[er Snppty Swmn I f3d Mail Service Center � RaleipJ; Norlh Carolinn 27G99 -I G9J 919 909 9100 � Lxb F�u 919 715 6637 � AAmin Fax 919 715 4394 ( www.ncwarer.org/pws/ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Public Water System Authorization to Construct Public Water System Name ONSLOW WTR AND SEWER AUTHORITY and Water System No.: NC0467035 Project Name: Serial No.: issue Date: Expiration Date: REALIGNMENT OF SR 1396 (RIDGE RD) AT US 258/SR 1213 (BLUE CRK RD) 16-00521 07/19/2016 24 Months after Issue Date In accordance with NCAC 18C .0305, this Authorization to Construct must be posted at the primary entrance to the job site during construction.