HomeMy WebLinkAbout20000008 Ver 1_Monitoring Report_20071204A LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP INC. 1?w Environmental Consultants TO: Ms. Joanne Steenhuis NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 RE: Mason Inlet Relocation Project- Biological Monitoring Report: December 2006 (Year 5) Dear Joanne: Enclosed is a copy of the December 2006 (Year 5) Annual Biological Monitoring Report for the Mason Inlet Relocation Project. The report summarizes conditions of intertidal marsh, intertidal shoals, and intertidal beachfront habitat as documented during December 2006 monitoring. It includes comparative analyses from pre-project (Year 0) through December 2006 (Year 5). Copies of this document have been furnished to reviewing state and federal regulatory agencies. Please contact our office if you need additional hard-copies and/or digital copies. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the findings of this report, please feel free to contact me either by phone (910-452-0001) or by email at bmanninq(a lmgroup.net. Sincerely, Land Management Group, Inc. Brent Manning Environmental Scientist encl. i is v o nu f a C 4 Z007 O Mfg - WAi Fit UUALITY Wp A aq AND TOPMWATHR BRANCH www.lmgroup.net • info@lmgroup.net • Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Ave., Suite 15, Wilmington, NC 28403 • P.O. Box 2522, Wilmington, NC 28402 LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP INC. MW Environmental Consultants TO: Ms. Joanne Steenhuis NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 RE: Mason Inlet Relocation Project - Biological Monitoring Report: December 2006 (Year 5) Dear Joanne: Enclosed is a copy of the December 2006 (Year 5) Annual Biological Monitoring Report for the Mason Inlet Relocation Project. The report summarizes conditions of intertidal marsh, intertidal shoals, and intertidal beachfront habitat as documented during December 2006 monitoring. It includes comparative analyses from pre-project (Year 0) through December 2006 (Year 5). Copies of this document have been furnished to reviewing state and federal regulatory agencies. Please contact our office if you need additional hard-copies and/or digital copies. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the findings of this report, please feel free to contact me either by phone (910-452-0001) or by email at bmanning(aDlmgroup.net. Sincerely, Land Management Group, Inc. Brent Manning Environmental Scientist encl. i I _C 4 2007 r 1)4 NR - WA T kR UUALl ry VO AND.? Apo ST()t?PAY! ER BRANCH www.lmgroup.net • info@lmgroup.net • Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Ave., Suite 15, Wilmington, NC 28403 • P.O. Box 2522, Wilmington, NC 28402 MASON INLET RELOCATION PROJECT BIOLOGICAL MONITORING REPORT. DECEMBER 2006 (YEAR 5) MONITORING Prepared for: New Hanover County (NC), Permittee Prepared by. Land Management Group, Inc. Environmental Consultants Wilmington, NC October 2007 1.0 INTRODUCTION The goal of the biological monitoring program is to determine if there is a significant difference between pre-construction (Year 0) and post-construction conditions (Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, etc.) for specific parameters sampled annually in tidal marsh, intertidal sand flat, and barrier island beachfront (i.e. intertidal surf zone) habitats located within and adjacent to the project area. These data, in conjunction with data collected from supplemental monitoring programs, will help to document any potential impact to habitats resulting from project activities. Pre- and post-construction monitoring provides data related to primary productivity, benthic infaunal abundance and composition, substrate texture/organic content, and macroinvertebrate densities (beachfront only). Quantitative and qualitative sampling yields information to be used to determine if any deleterious effects may be attributable to the inlet relocation project. The extent to which monitoring parameters will be affected depends on various physical conditions (e.g. the character of the dredged material, tidal and current regimes, etc.). Therefore, concurrent physical monitoring is referenced in annual biological monitoring reports. In addition, unit area (acre or square feet) of intertidal habitat type gain and/or loss is quantified and reported in annual reports. Concurrent monitoring conducted by LTNC-Wilmington provides more detailed information related to waterbird utilization and water quality (pre- and post-construction). Specifically, Dr. David Webster (tTNCW - Biological Sciences) oversees the waterbird monitoring component. Additionally, Dr. Mike Mallin (UNCW- Center for Marine Science) implemented a water quality monitoring program (2001 and 2002) that evaluated conditions at five sampling stations located within Banks Channel, Mason Creek, and the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW), respectively. Both monitoring programs are directed independently of the biological monitoring detailed in this report. Analysis of benthic infaunal communities is conducted by LINCW Center for Marine Science each monitoring year and is usually included as an appendix to this document. However, the Year 5 benthic summary report will be submitted as a separate document once final data analyses are completed by UNCW. The hydrographic monitoring report, and the waterbird monitoring report are submitted annually as independent documents to reviewing regulatory agencies. The following report summarizes the methodology and results for Year 5 post-construction monitoring. 2.0 METHODOLOGY Annual biological monitoring is being conducted in three principal habitat types: (1) Intertidal Marsh (adjacent to Mason Creek) (2) Intertidal Sand Flat (back barrier island) (3) Intertidal Surf Zone (barrier island beachfront). Sampling for Year 1 post-construction conditions was conducted in December 2002 approximately seven (7) months after project completion. Annual monitoring will continue for life of the permit or until such time deemed necessary by relevant federal and/or state agencies. Data from post-construction monitoring events will be compared to December 2001 pre-construction monitoring (Year 0) to identify any potential habitat impacts resulting from project activities. Sampling protocols for each habitat type are provided in the following text. 2.1 Intertidal Marsh (adjacent to Mason Creek): 2. 1.1 Monitoring Parameters Selection of monitoring parameters has been based upon those factors potentially impacted by project activities and those readily sampled and evaluated. The following monitoring parameters have been identified: 2 (1) Spartina stem density (2) Mature (>30 cm height) Spartina stem height (3) Percent sand, silt, and clay of surface substrate (4) Percent organic content of surface substrate (4) Sedimentation rate (5) Benthic infaunal abundance and species composition (6) Distance (ft) loss or gain of intertidal marsh habitat at transect locations. These parameters, while traditionally viewed as representative indicators of marsh habitat structure and function, require less intensive and less frequent sampling than other biotic or chemical indices. At the time of sampling, presence or observable evidence of other faunal species utilizing the area was noted. 2.1.2 Field Sampling Protocol Sampling efforts focused on the area of potential impact where biota and physical conditions (e.g. soil texture) are most likely affected by project activities and associated perturbations such as altered flooding regime and sedimentation. Any perturbations to tidal marsh will manifest in system responses distributed linearly from Mason Creek. Therefore, three permanent 300-foot monitoring transects were established along a roughly perpendicular axis on each side of Mason Creek (totaling six transects). These transects are labeled MT1, MT2, MT3, MT4, MT5, and MT6, respectively). Five permanent stations along each transect (located 5, 50, 100, 150 and 300 feet away from the marsh edge along Mason Creek) were established prior to the initiation of the project. The station located furthest from Mason Creek (300 ft) serves as the control plot for each transect. Any stations affected by post-project erosion/sloughing near the creek bank were re-established at prescribed distances from the new creek edge. Figure 1 depicts the 3 location of each monitoring transect established in the marsh and changes in the marsh boundary along the creek from Year 0 to Year 5. One-meter square quadrats at each station were sampled for stem density and height range of S. alterniflora. Stem heights were grouped in categories based upon pre- determined ranges (30-60 cm, 60-90 cm, 90-120 cm, >120 cm). Each height range was assigned a value (1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively). The number of stem heights were multiplied by the corresponding height value to obtain a height index. Cumulative height indices for each quadrat were calculated and recorded. Sediments were characterized according to percent sand/silt/clay and percent organic matter (OM). One sample was collected at each of the fixed stations (5, 50, 100, and 150, and 300-ft plots). Sediment samples were transferred to A&L Agricultural Labs (Richmond, VA) for particle size analysis and OM by combustion. Metal rebar installed flush with the sediment surface prior to project construction will be used to evaluate sediment deposition and/or loss over time for each plot. Notched PVC pipe will be used as a supplemental method of evaluating sediment accretion and/or loss. Biological monitoring included a benthic infaunal survey. Three replicates of 15 cm- deep cores (10 cm diameter) were sampled at three observation points (i.e. at 5', 150', and 300' from creek edge) along three of the six transects (MT2, MT4, and MT6) (N=27). Replicates were collected 10 ft from the pennanent vegetative quadrat at a randomly-generated bearing. Individual core samples were transferred to sample bags and labeled. All samples were transferred to UNCW-Center for Marine Science benthic laboratory for processing and identification. Samples were fixed using a 10% formalin solution and sieved through a 0.5 mm screen mesh to separate infauna from sediment and vegetative material. Benthic infaunal organisms were enumerated and identified to the lowest reliable taxonomic level. Species richness and abundance were calculated from these data. 4 2.1.3 Data Analysis Pre-construction mean values of each parameter were statistically compared using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)/paired t-tests for data normally distributed. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals were used to determine statistically significant differences of means (means are significantly different if confidence intervals do not overlap; p< 0.05). Outliers (values +/- 2 times the standard deviation) were removed from all statistical operations. 2.2 Intertidal Sand Flat: Four permanent monitoring stations (S1, S2, S3, and S4) were established on each side of the sedimentation basin at a distance >50 ft from the edge of the basin (refer to Figure 1). Each of the monitoring parameters listed above were sampled at each station. Stem density (if applicable); stein height (if applicable); percent sand/silt/clay and percent OM; and benthic infauna were sampled and/or recorded at each station. At the time of sampling, the presence or observable evidence of other faunal species was noted. Three replicates of 15 cm-deep cores were sampled for benthic infauna at each of the four stations. Benthic infaunal sampling at these stations was conducted using the protocol outlined above. Four supplemental monitoring stations (IV 1, IV2, IV3, and IV4) were established within intertidal sand flat habitat near the new and former inlet locations during pre-project monitoring (refer to Figure 1). Two of the four stations are permanent plots to be sampled during each monitoring event. The other two stations, located near the former inlet throat, were temporary (sampled once prior to project initiation) and have since been converted to supratidal elevations in accordance with the project design. At each of the 5 two permanent supplemental stations, three replicates of 15 cm-deep cores were sampled for benthic infauna. Refer to Appendix A for photographs documenting site conditions at the time of the December 2006 monitoring event. 2.3 Intertidal Surf Zone: Numeric sampling of the mole crab (Emerita taploida) and coquina clam (Donax variabilis) populations occurring between mean high water and mean low water was conducted along twelve (12) transects (T1 through T12) located on Wrightsville Beach and Figure Eight Island (refer to Figure 2). These transects encompass the Figure Eight Island project nourishment area (approximately 10,000 If), 6000 if of beachfront north of the project nourishment area, and an area of beachfront on Wrightsville Beach south of the former inlet extending approximately 10,5001f south. The locations of these transects reflect areas of beachfront nourished during different time periods. Prior to project activities, the beachfront of the southern residential portion of Figure Eight Island was last nourished in 1999-2000. The beachfront inclusive of T1 through T2 on Wrightsville Beach was nourished as part of the COE project in 2001- 2002. Areas of northern Wrightsville Beach (including T3 and T4) have not experienced any beach nourishment. The beachfront inclusive of T6 through T10 was nourished in March/April 2002 as part of the inlet relocation project. These transect were also nourished in 2005 and 2006 as part of the Bank's Channel and Mason Creek dredging project. The beachfront inclusive of T11 and T12 was nourished during the winter of 2000/2001 (one year before pre-project monitoring). T3 and T4 represent true control transects since these areas had not experienced any recent beach nourishment prior to monitoring. Four replicates were sampled at three locations (low, mid, and high) of the swash zone 6 along each transect during the monitoring event. Therefore, at total of twelve samples were collected at each transect. A 15 em-deep core (10 cm in diameter) was used to sample mole crabs and coquina clams. Each core was sieved at the time of sampling using a 3-4mm mesh box sieve. All individuals were enumerated and recorded. Data collected from transects within the nourishment area are compared to control transects (and other transects not affected by nourishment during the 2001/2002 season) to evaluate the extent of population regeneration. Control transects (T3 and T4) are located in areas that have not experienced beach nourishment within the last five years. However, two of the transects on Wrightsville Beach (T1-T2) were likely impacted during the beach nourishment that was conducted in early 2006 prior to Year 5 monitoring. 3.0 RESULTS 3.1 Intertidal Marsh Stem Density Post-Construction (Year 5) Mean Spartina stem density for all quadrats sampled was 31.4 stems/m2 (N=29). There was no significant difference observed between mean stem density on the north and south sides of Mason Creek. Mean stem densities of quadrats located on the north and south sides of Mason Creek were 30.0 +/- 10.4 stems/ m2 and 29.9 +/- 22.1 stems/ in respectively (refer to Figure 3). There was no observed significant difference in stem density related to distance from creek (refer to Figure 4). Of the six transects sampled, stem densities were greatest in Transect 4 (mean stem density of 47.0) (refer to Figure 5). 7 Pre-Construction (Year 0) vs. Post-Construction (Year I through 5) A significant decline in stem density was measured between Year 5 and Year 4 (Year 4 = 59.5 +/- 33.3; Year 5 = 30.0 +/- 16.8). Year 5 mean density is also significantly different than the mean density observed in Year 0 (63.3 +/- 22.4 stems/m2) (refer to Figure 6). Stem Height Post-Construction (Year 5) Height indices were significantly higher on the north side of Mason Creek than those indices calculated for plants on the south side of the creek (refer to Figure 7). There was no significant difference in height indices as a function of distance from creek bank (refer to Figure 8). Of the six transects sampled, stem heights were greatest in Transect 3 (mean height index of 84.8) (refer to Figure 9). Pre-Construction (Year 0) vs. Post-Construction (Year 1 through Year 5) Year 5 stem height indices show significant decrease from previous post construction monitoring events (Year 1 through Year 4). A dramatic decrease was observed between Year 4 (106.9) and Year 5 (57.4) post-construction monitoring events. In addition, height indices for all stations were significantly different between pre-construction (Year 0, 93.6) and post-construction (Year 5, 57.4) (refer to Figure 10). Sediments Relative deposition or loss of material from the marsh surface was measured from notched PVC installed prior to project construction in December 2001. Table 1 provides sediment loss/gain (cm) measured during Year 5 monitoring for each quadrat location in the marsh. Dramatic changes in channel location have necessitated the installation of new markers at the 5', 50', and 100' interval limiting the scope of the sediment 8 deposition data. Sediments collected from the south side of Mason Creek exhibited significantly higher percent sand than sediments collected from the north side of Mason Creek (90.8 +/- 4.1% sand and 77.9 +/- 7.2% sand, respectively) (refer to Figure 11). There was no significant difference in percent sand as a function of distance from the creek bank (refer to Figure 12). However, samples collected 300 ft from Mason Creek consistently exhibited the highest percent sand (87.0 +/- 11.5% sand). Table 1. Sediment Loss/Gain in Marsh Stations ( A Year 0 to Year 5) Quadrat Position Material Loss or Gain (cm)' Quadrat Position Material Loss or Gain (cm) MT 1-5 0.0 MT4-5 0.0 MT 1-50 0.0 MT4-50 0.0 MT 1-100 8.0 MT4-100 0.0 MT1-150 4.0 MT4-150 0.0 MT 1-300 3.0 MT4-300 -1.0 MT2-5 0.0 MT5-5 5.0 MT2-50 6.0 MT5-50 0.0 MT2-100 15.0 MT5-100 12.0 MT2-150 0.0 MT5-150 2.5 MT2-300 0.0 MT5-300 3.0 MT3-5 0.0 MT6-5 0.0 MT3-50 0.0 MT6-50 3.25 MT3-100 0.0 MT6-100 0.0 MT3-150 0.0 MT6-150 1.75 MT3-300 0.0 MT6-300 3.0 No measurement of sediment loss/gain available for stations reestablished during 2002 monitoring. 9 Sediments collected from the north side of Mason Creek exhibited significantly higher percent organic matter than sediments collected from the south side of Mason Creek (3.8+/- 2.1% OM and 0.8 +/- 0.6% OM, respectively) (refer to Figure 13). There was no significant difference in percent OM as a function of distance from the creek bank (refer to Figure 14). However, samples collected 150-ft. from Mason Creek consistently exhibited slightly higher percent OM (2.9 +/- 2.4% OM). Pre-Construction (Year 0) vs. Post-Construction (Year 1 through 5): There was no statistical difference observed between mean percent sand for pre- construction (December 2001, 88.5%) and post-construction Year 1 through 5 samples (84.0%, 84.3%, 87.6%, 87.7, 86.7 respectively) (refer to Figure 15). Similarly, there was no statistical difference observed between mean percent OM for pre-construction (December 2001, 2.0%) and post-construction Year 1 through 5 samples (3.7%, 3.5%, 3.1%, 1.9%, and 1.9% respectively) (refer to Figure 16). Benthic Infauna Benthic infaunal identification and data analysis was conducted by Dr. Martin Posey and Troy Alphin of UNCW - Center for Marine Science. Their summary (including results and discussion) will be provided at a later date as a separate document. 3.2 Intertidal Sand Flat Sediment Comtuosition Mean percent sand of samples collected from the intertidal sand flats (S and IV series) was 95.7 +/- 0.8%. Percent sand values ranged from 94.0% (S 1) to 97.0% (IV2). Mean percent OM of samples collected from these intertidal sand flats was 0.23 +/- 10 0.28%. Percent OM values ranged from 0.1% (IV2) to 0.8% (S2). Pre-Construction (Year 0) vs. Post-Construction (Year I through 5): There was no statistical difference observed in mean percent sand values between Year 0 and Year 5. Though sediments exhibited higher percent OM values in Year 1, this increase was not statistically significant from Year 0 or Year 5 percent OM values. Conversely, samples collected during post-construction (Year 1 through 5) monitoring contained less percent sand than those samples collected during pre-project monitoring - though this difference was not statistically significant. Benthic Infauna Benthic infaunal identification and data analysis was conducted by Dr. Martin Posey and Troy Alphin of UNCW - Center for Marine Science. Their summary (including results and discussion) will be provided at a later date. 3.3 Intertidal Surf Zone A total of 20 coquina clams and 2 mole crabs were collected along twelve transects of the intertidal surf zone during the December 2006 (Year 5) sampling event. For coquina clams, the `low' surf zone exhibited the greatest number of individuals (9). The greatest number of coquina clams were observed along Transect 7 (with 7 clams). Refer to Figures 17 through 18 for a graphical depiction of macroinvertebrate abundance and distribution during Year 5 sampling. Pre-Construction (Year 0) vs. Post-Construction (Year I through 5): Less coquina clams were observed along sampling transects in Year 5 than in Year 0 (45 and 20, respectively) (Figure 19). Six (6) of the twelve (12) transects exhibited lower numbers of coquina clams in Year 5 than in Year 0. Three (3) transects exhibited a increase in the number of coquina clams from Year 4 to Year 5 (Figure 20). Year 5 sampling yielded similar totals to Year 4, the lowest of the monitoring period. More coquina clams were observed in the low intertidal zones in Year 5 than in Year 0. The number of coquina clams observed in the high intertidal zone has decreased in subsequent years following pre-construction monitoring (Figure 21). 4.0 DISCUSSION: 4.1 Vegetation (Spartina alterniflora) The mean stem density of Spartina alterniflora decreased from Year 4 (2005) monitoring but was slightly higher than that of Year 3 (2004). Year 5 mean density was also significantly lower than Year 0 pre-construction conditions (61.4 and 30.0, respectively). Stem density decreased by 29.5% from Year 4 to Year 5. These trends were also seen at the 300' sampling locations (i.e. control sites) as densities decreased 41.5% from Year 4 to Year 5 and 35.5% from Year 0 to Year 5 (Figure 22). Differences observed across control sites suggest that non-project related conditions (including inter-year variation) contribute to the observed differences in stem densities. In general, no significant differences in Spartina stem densities were observed between transect position (north vs. south) nor quadrat location (5', 50', 150', and 300'). Increased sediment deposition along MT 6 resulted in significant decline and/or loss of new Spartina growth in this location (likely resulting from its proximity to the flood tide shoal). Additional tidal energy through Mason Creek has resulted in bank undercutting along the southern edge of the marsh near MT 5 and MT 4. 12 Stem height indices were significantly greater on the north side of Mason Creek than on the south side in Year 5. While Year 0 data did not yield a statistical difference in stem height indices between the north and south sides of the creek, it has been noted that the north side of the creek is a more mature marsh system with generally taller Spartina stems. While stem height indices were highest during Year 4 monitoring (greater than stem heights observed during pre-construction conditions), height indices have significantly declined during Year 5. Decline in stem heights has also been observed in control quadrats as well (Figure 23). Observed differences within control sites are suggestive of other factors (such as inter-year variation) contributing to observed differences in stem heights. In addition, increased sediment deposition near MT 5 and MT 6 may have contributed to reduced stein densities and stem heights. 4.2 Sediments Sediments collected from the south side of Mason Creek exhibited significantly higher percent sand than sediments collected from the north side of Mason Creek. Conversely, sediments from the north side of Mason Creek exhibited significantly higher percent OM. This same pattern was observed during the pre-project monitoring conducted in December 2001. As stated in the Pre-Construction Biological Monitoring Report, sediment data suggest that the south side of Mason Creek is a relatively new, accreting marsh system compared to the marsh located north of the creek. As was reported in Year 0, there was no significant difference in percent sand as a function of distance from the creek bank. However, samples collected near the edge of Mason Creek consistently exhibited the highest percent sand. Likewise, there was no significant difference in percent OM as a function of distance from the creek bank. However, samples collected near the edge of Mason Creek exhibited the lowest percent 13 OM. During Year 1 and Year 2 percent OM was highest at stations furthest from Mason Creek (i.e. 300-ft). Results from Year 5 closely resemble those from pre-construction monitoring (Year 0). As documented in Year 0, mean percent sand of samples collected from the intertidal sand flats located near the inlet was higher than samples collected from the marsh. Likewise the percent OM of samples collected from the intertidal shoals was significantly less than the percent OM of samples collected from the marsh. In general, intertidal shoals consist of courser material associated with high-energy environments. The marsh dissipates energy and allows for the deposition of finer material and the accumulation of organics. 4.3 Benthic Invertebrates (Backbarrier Infauna) Physical (i.e. hydrographic) monitoring is conducted on a quarterly basis to document sedimentation processes in the inlet area over time. Approximately 87 acres (ac) of subtidal, intertidal, and supratidal habitat is surveyed to detennine shifts in habitat types throughout the area. According to the April 2007 survey data from Gahagan & Bryant Associates, Inc. (GBA), 71.0% (62.1 ac) of the surveyed area consists of intertidal habitat. This represents an increase of 3.6 ac since the October 2002 report. Overall, a net gain of intertidal habitat from pre-project conditions to the October 2006 survey has been 7.4 ac. Over the same monitoring period, supratidal area has increased 15.5 ac, and subtidal area has decreased 23.6 ac. Please refer to the quarterly hydrographic reports submitted under separate cover by GBA for more detailed information regarding bathymetric conditions within and adjacent to the relocated inlet. 4.4 Benthic Invertebrates (Beachfront) Abundances of benthic macroinvertebrate species of the beachfront were similar to those observed during Year 4 monitoring. In general, relative abundances of coquina clams 14 and mole crabs remain low due to the time period of sampling. Of the 144 cores sampled, 20 coquina clams and 2 mole crabs were observed. The highest numbers of coquina clams and mole crabs were observed during Year 3 post-construction (45 coquina clams and 37 mole crabs). Given the time of sampling and associated limited data set, it is difficult to evaluate real trends in macro-invertebrate populations along the beachfront. Erosion and beachfront nourishment activities contribute to temporal decreases in these populations. Periodic maintenance projects along the beachfront of Figure 8 Island and the northern end of Wrightsville Beach may result in burial of benthic organisms. Studies have indicated that larger, more mobile species burrow through new sand or avoid disturbance through migration. In general, beachfront disposal results in short-terns declines in species abundance, biomass, and taxa richness. However, most studies have indicated that assemblages recover within 2 to 7 months of project completion provided that the disposal material is beach suitable (i.e. greater than 90% sand) (Hackney et al. 1996, Nelson 1993, USACE 2001). 5.0 CONCLUSION: Pre-construction monitoring data demonstrate some observed patterns related to station location (i.e. distance and position relative to creek). Year 5 monitoring demonstrated declines in both stem density and height from Year 4. Both stem density and stem height indices are consistent with those metrics observed in Year 3 post-construction monitoring. Year 5 stem densities and height indices are significantly lower than Year 0 (pre-construction). However, these differences are observed in the 300-ft control quadrats - suggesting that other factors (including inter-year variation) may be contributing to observed differences. In addition, increased sediment deposition (at MT 6) and erosion along the southern edge of Mason Creek (near MT 4 and MT 5) appear to affect the growth and survivorship of Spartina stems. 15 As has been documented in previous monitoring reports, macroinvertebrate data collected from the beachfront are relatively sparse. The early winter period of sampling contributes to the limited data set. That being said, the numbers of coquina clams and mole crabs sampled in Year 5 are consistent with those observed in Year 4. These results show a decline from Year 3. Recent nourishment activities completed in April 2006 may have affected spring recruitment along portions of the beachfront sampled - contributing to relatively low numbers of coquina clams and mole crabs observed. Given the scope and timing of sampling, trends in macroinvertebrate populations are difficult to identify. Though temporal declines in populations may occur shortly after nourishment activities, inter-year variation and other co-variates may contribute to population responses. 16 FIGURES 17 O C O N J T- O O L 0 E U F- N E N O 75 4- N (t3 _0 ? O C U O CD C: U) OO O M N m E ?L1 W .Q Q YJ co O)CI S 0 C C: ?U _N C- cn O O U) ti- " O O? O O O LO O O }' (t3 C)- C- (CS ? U) 0) 0-0 O cn L •( r L .? N U_ r- N F- -C- U O O M ?> L- 4- F- O 0) ca E L m O C/) 4-4 O N ^? -ice I..L Q > N ?O U N ? L.L S= 0 0 N O Figure. 3 Analysis of Stem Density vs. Position Relative to Mason Creek (Year 5) N E d Q U) E O h O N C d E °' U) Figure. 4 Stem Density vs. Distance from Mason Creek N E N a rn E a? W 0 N C E N U) 100- 90' N = 30 p = 0.8402 80 70 60 50 40 - 30 -----?-- --- - - 20 10 0 5 50 100 150 300 Distance from Mason Creek (ft) North South Postition relative to Mason Creek Figure. 5 Analysis of Stem Density vs. Transect Number (Year 5) 1 N E ^L, W Q (n E W 4-- 0 N tf W E a) 4- C/) Figure. 6 Analysis of Stem Density by Year (Pre-Project vs. Post-Project) N E ^L W Q V) E N Cn 4- O tf Cn 1_ N E N CO 30 30 70 30 50 30 10- N 175 0 p = <0.0001 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Transect Number Figure. 7 Analysis of Height Index vs. Position Relative to Mason Creek (Year 5) 1 O _:3 E 1 4- O X O C L O) Z 2 E O 50- 00- 50- N = 28 0 P=0.0011 -- North South Position Relative to Mason Creek Figure. 8 Analysis of Stem Height Index vs. Distance from Mason Creek (Year 5) 150 N=30 p = 0.5695 E - _ 100 - O T - - 1} it X O -- - - -- C 50 E N U) 0 5 50 100 150 300 Distance from Mason Creek (ft) Figure. 9 Analysis of Height Index vs. Transect Number (Year 5) _C (>3 E N CO 1 4- O X N C s E N 50 N=30 p = <0.0001 1 0 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 Transect Number Figure. 10 Analysis of Height Index by Year (Pre-Project vs. Post-Project) 200- =3 CO - E 150 4- O *k X 100 O C .C - 50 - ._ r O N=176 }' 0 p = <0.0001 0 1 2 3 4 5 Year Figure. 11 Analysis of % Sand of Sediments vs. Position Relative to Mason Creek C CU 07 c a? U L LL uu 90 80 70 60 N=30 50 p = <0.0001 North South Position Relative to Mason Creek Figure. 12 Analysis of % Sand of Sediments vs. Distance from Mason Creek C cv cn c U U L Q? 0- 00- 90- 80- 70- 60- =_ N 30 50- p = 0.4064 5 50 100 150 300 Distance from Creek (ft) Figure. 13 Analysis of % Organic Matter of Sediments vs. Position Relative to Mason Cree 1° L - (D .«r ca _U C M 2) O C (D U L /?a) LL N=30 p = <0.0001 3 r 3 ? r North South Position Relative to Mason Creek Figure. 14 Analysis of % Organic Matter of Sediments vs. Distance from Mason Creek L Q? U_ .C M 2' O C Q? U L a N=30 e p = 0.6292 8- 7- 5- 3- 2- 5 1 50 100 150 300 Distance from Creek (ft) Figure. 15 Analysis of % Sand by Year (Pre-Project vs. Post-Project) C m Co C a? U L LL 0 1 2 3 4 5 Year Figure. 16 Analysis of % Organic Matter by Year (Pre-Project vs. Post-Project) A L Q? c? G U co 0) O c a? U L a? d 0 N = 206 g p = .0659 8- 7- 6- - 5- 4 2 1 01 0 t 2 3 4_ 5 Year Figure. 17 Total Number of Coquina Clams and Mole Crabs by Surf Zone 10- 8- U) 7-: j 6-i 5- 4- O 4- 3 O 'I ~ I 2 1 O i 1 .Coquina Clams Mole Crabs Low Mid High Transect Position Figure. 18 Total Number of Coquina Clams and Mole Crabs by Transect Number 8- 7- N C6 6- 5 C - -i ..p C `+- p 4- 3- 12 2 -' 1- 0 .Coquina Clams j Mole Crabs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Transect Number Figure. 19 Total Number of Coquina Clams and Mole Crabs by Year (Pre-Project vs. Post-Project) C 4-- O H UV 45 45 40 (37) 37 35 (35) 30 (30) 25 20 (20) (18) 15 10 (to) 5 0 ®Coquina Clams M Mole Crabs 0 1 2 3 4 5 Year Figure. 20 Total Number of Individuals by Transect Number and Year 30- 25 N 20-'j > "O C O 10 1 5-' O -; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Year by Transect Position 10 11 12 ¦ Year o Year 1 Year 2 ¦ Year 3 Year 4 ¦ Year 5 Figure. 21 Total Number of Individuals by Transect Position and Year 35 30 -? 25-2 C l f 45 20 - co 15 I 10- i 5 - O -': O 1 2 3 4 5 O 1 2 3 4 5 O 1 2 3 4 5 Low Mid High ¦ Year 0 Year 1 ¦ Year 2 ® Year 3 Year 4 . Year 5 Intertidal Surf Zone Figure. 22. Stem Densities at Control Locations (300' away from marsh edge) by Year 1 00 N=36 so p = <0.0001 80- 70- 60- 40- 30- 20- - - 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 Year Figure. 23. Stem Heights at Control Locations (300' away from marsh edge) by Year 200 a? ca E a) 4- 0 X , (1) c 4-4 s 2 E a? W 0-i 0 1 2 3 4 5 Year APPENDIX A. SITE PHOTOGRAPHS DEPICTING DECEMBER 2006 (YEAR 5) CONDITIONS 18 (2) View of S4 sampling location on south side of creek Mason Inlet Relocation Project New Hanover County, NC LMG D 11ANAQU,1ENI OROLT ,. Site Photographs December 2006 (Post-Construction Year 5) (3) Quadrat sampling (stem height and density) on north side of Mason Creek Mason Inlet Relocation Project New Hanover County, NC 9 Y ?' xr 1 y nt 4 LMG LAND nth NAGEMEN'1 I,ROVI ,q'- . , Site Photographs December 2006 (Post-Construction Year 5) (4) Station (S1) located north of sedimentation basin (facing east) (6) Transect MT5 located on the South side of Mason Creek Mason Inlet Relocation Project New Hanover County, NC LMG I.A Kr `1ANW'Al N7 ..F 0"1 Site Photographs December 2006 (Post-Construction Year 5) (7) Shoreline along North side of Mason Creek Mason Inlet Relocation Project New Hanover County, NC LMT Site Photographs December 2006 (Post-Construction Year 5) (8) Sediment deposition at MT6 located on the South side of Mason Creek (9) Foraging activities along Northern portion of Mason Creek Mason Inlet Relocation Project New Hanover County, NC LMG K c' lI'J'( ?,kGk.!F Site Photographs December 2006 (Post-Construction Year 5)