HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171083 Ver 1_Shoreline Stabilization_201708280 1 7 1 0 8 3 State of North Carolina Department of Environment Quality Division of Water Resources .,��_W_ 15A NCAC 02H .0500 - Water Quality Certification, Shoreline Stabilization ,build= of 119dw i FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Shoreline Stabilization Application Form Three copies of the application (including attachments) and the application fee should be sent to: Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit���� 1617 Mail Service Centers.! Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 0 �� 'n s� Mb t68 pC' 'A07y I. Applicant Information [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a)] r;N41- -it 1. Owner Information Name: Mailing Address: 95a ?�'(-V_da l KC ag j�� g Telephone Number: Ci$0--1'n- X41 I.-=), Fax Number: E-mail Address: n'1Fo_cr^�er @ 3;�Qo_c t('CA_f'et' Agent/ Contact Person Information A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter (a form can be downloaded here: http://www.saw.usace.army.mil/Portals/59/docs/regulatory/regdocs/Permits/SAMPLE AGENT AUTH ORIZATION FORM.pdf) must be attached if the Agent has signed this application form. Name: L2c fbo_16;�h Company Affiliation: `111E 1k6t C Mailing Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: -7c>4- 663 6 --)qv, E-mail Address: 1_`pv--l� 1 l� >r�1Qf���Jl a-�C CC, ti0cru .. Co,.' -A, Person to receive the Certification Approval: -N^ II. Project Information [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a) & (b)] 1. Attach a vicinity map (i.e. street map) clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. 2. Provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and proposed locations of vegetation clearing, structures (buildings, retaining walls, docks, impervious surfaces, FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Page 1 of 3 r etc.), rip rap, excavation or dredging below,Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevations, and construction access corridors. You may use the diagram provided at the end of this application form. 3. Attach a photograph of the shoreline/ buffer proposed to be stabilized. (Include a scale of some sort- a yard stick, shovel handle, etf.) 4. Location of the property (where work is to be conducted) County: Z.tQck C k Nearest Town: Subdivision name or site address (include phase/lot number): C\ -,e e lLo.� LA Directions to site - please include road names and numbers, landmarks, etc.: e Xi\-�J i Ltr,F�i- 00-1 l'��ci�I t� Sc F�ac31 � L'"A. 35�) L s? � c� �S\Q of ���5 K U 9 -\ Latitude (in decimal degrees) 3S, 553(.-%3 Longitude (decimal degrees) 5. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application (residential, undeveloped, etc.): 6. Property size (ares): O. 3-15 7. Lake/ river/ ocean adjacent to property: L_-PJI:..e 14 c r Z ---c"1 8. Describe proposed work (include discussion as to how hardening of shoreline has been avoided, or why it is necessary): N/ 9. Will work be conducted from land? ❑ From water? 9 10. Total amount of disturbance (including all excavation, backfill, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) below the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level in square feet or acres: 11. Total amount of disturbance (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) above the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level and 50 feet land -ward in square feet or acres: 0 12. Please describe the vegetation above the normal pool lake level/ Normal Water Level and 50 feet landward to be impacted (number of trees, for instance): _ above. n av rn e -V_ poa I nor 1N SI FT , Owner/Agent's Signature Printed Name [15A NCAC 02H .0502(f)] Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the owner is provided. FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Date Page 2 of 3 Full Pond/ Normal Water Level Shoreline (At Fulln 1 ter Level) Zcs�r � 1,L C d - `S o `jtktl MU 1)F— D (Sil)28A W'F— Ko s� No F�� �S S G S � ►SF�4D�D DRQ CLq- zoyc v' v - po L'P4 wM Please approximately sketch the following information on this plan (provide dimensions for each item, such as 10 ftx 100 ft)*: 1. All proposed vegetation clearing 2. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 3. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 4. Location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks, etc. 5. Location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation 6. Location of construction access corridors FORM: SSGP 10-2013 Page 3 of 3 SAMPLE AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT NO. 41 PLAN NO. PARCEL ID: 4636022142 STREET ADDRESS: 265 Cove Creek Loop Mooresville, NC 28117 Please print: Property Owner: Peachtree Residential Property Owner: The undersigned, registered property owners of the above noted property, do hereby authorize Leah Smith (Contractor / Agent) of The Rowboat Company, Inc. (Name of consulting firm) to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the processing, issuance and acceptance of this permit or certification and any and all standard and special conditions attached. Property Owner's Address (if different than property above): 9525 Birkdale Crossinq Blvd. Suite 208 Huntersville, NC 28078 Telephone: 980-722-4712 We hereby certify the above information submitted in this application is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. Ave Authorized Signaturree` / Authorized Signature Date. Date: ROWBOAT Dock & Dredge 858 Williamson Road Mooresville, NC 28117 (704) 663-3478 (866) 647-8679 (FAX) www.rowboatcompany.com August 2, 2017 N.C. Department of Environment Quality I Division of Water Resources, 401 & Buffering Permitting Unit D D 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 AUG REF: Lake Norman— Peachtree Residential Dear Sirs and/or Madams, Our firm is processing this application on behalf of the attached applicant, to remove approximately 167 cubic yards of material from Lake Norman, Iredell County, North Carolina (265 Cove Creek Loop, Mooresville, NC 28117). A copy of the Duke Energy Company application, pertinent drawings, and a location map are enclosed for your use. We look forward to hearing from you at the earliest time possible. Sincerely, Leah Smith Sales and Project Manager Duke Eneray Excavation Permit Application Form Part It. Description of Project A. BASIC INFO 1. Type of excavation: (check one) © New excavation ❑ Maintenance excavation 2. Purpose of excavation: (check one) ECJ Boat Access Channel ❑ Water Intake Channel ❑ Wastewater Discharge Channel ❑ Other (specify): i 3. Lake user category: (check one) -Private ❑Residential Marina ❑Commercial Marina ❑Public ❑Other (specify): 4. Max. Excavation Area Dimensions (ft): Length 1-9 5 ' Width Q Depth , ; ' (Note: include additional area dimensions if necessary so response to #S below equals max. area dimensions in #4) 5. Volume of Excavated Material (TOTAL for the project): 1 L Cubic yards 6. Type of material removed (applicant determines by field sample if practical): I i 7. Excavation Site area: 8 1 G Acre (s) Disposal Site area: (s) 8. Total Disturbed Area (including equipment staging area): r � G Acre Acre (s) 9. Does tl}e project meet the requirements of the applicable General Permit? (check one) ©Yes ❑No r 10. Do you claim title to the disposal area? (check one) E]'Yes EJNo 11. Do you claim title to the equipment staging area? (check one) `©Yes ❑No 12. Are there any water-tpatment facilities within 50 feet of the proposed excavation area'? (check one) ❑Yes QNo ijr,(*v,,. ;r"Ne 13. How will the excavated material be entrapped and the erosion controlled? (e.g. see attached erosion control plan and disposal area design): Duke Energy Page 6 of 14 rev 216/17 Excavation Program Duke Enerw Excavation Permit Application Form 14. Type(s) of excavation equipment to be used: t� r- <' F- r� C�- r 1 15. Will waters or wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment to or from the site? (check one) ❑Yes ©"Ni o (If :yes, explain) 16. Will return water re-enter the reservoir? (Check one) C7Yes ❑No ❑N/A (If Yes, specify point(s) of re-entfy and show on Excavation Area Drawing) ;> r 17. Is there an exiting facility (e.g. pier) that access is being maintained to by conducting the excavation? Oyes ❑No (If Yes, specify the existing permit number. If No, include a scaled drawing of the proposed facility). Permit # i 3 c� C-'! 1 S. Total planned duration of the work (Include first equipment mobilization, excavation through final mitigation measures complete): START rrt / '�— FINISH / t (Month) (Year) (Month) (Year) Duke Energy Page 7 of 14 rcv 2;6%17 Excavation Program Duke Eneray Excavation Permit Application Form PART It. (Continued) B. PROTECTION / AVOIDANCE AREA DESCRIPTION Complete the following table including all land areas within and immediately adjoining the disturbed area: Protection/Avoidance Areas (check all that apply) Approx Acre Identification Method M Avoid (A) or Mitigate (i11) Field ID Work .Area DwL. ID a. Marshland, swamp, ponds, beneficial aquatic vegetation or other potential wetlands (circle all that apply) b. Buffer Zones (specify width & source of requirement) c. Environmental Areas as identified by Duke Energy d. Natural Areas as identified by Duke )anergy e. Historic properties (specify) f. Rare or threatened species (specify) Duke Energy Page 8 of 14 rev 2,1(j/ 17 Excavation Program Duke Energy Excavation Permit Application Form Protection/Avoidance Areas (check all that apply) Approx Identification Nlethod M Avoid (A) or Nlitivate (NO Acre Field ID Work Area Dwg. ID g. Buried gas, water, sewer, communications or electric lines (circle) h. Impact Minimization Zones as identified by Duke Energy i. Other areas requiring specific avoidance, protection or mitigation (specib)) * For "Field ID" column, specify entity or person that performed the identification and how it was physically marked (e.g. Duke Energy (John Doe)/Pink and purple -dotted tape, Corps of Eng. (John Smith)/ yellow flagging). For "Work Area Dwg ID" column, show the symbol that is used on the drawings to identify the protection/avoidance area. ** List and attach mitigation plans Duke Energy Page 9 of 14 10/17 rev Excavation Program To StatsNll. VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE SURVEYOR NOTES 1) ALL DIMENSIONS SHOVN ARE N US SURVEY FEET AND DECIMALS THEREOF AND ARE MMETHOD.TAL GROUND DISTANCES UNLESS OTHERYRSE INDICATED. AREA BY COORDINATE METHOD. 2) THIS PLOT PLAN IS BASED ON PLAT BOON 51 PACE t5 AS RECORDED AT THE MODETL COUNTY REGISTER OF DEED& 3) IRIS SURVEY WAg PREPARED W7HOUT 7NE BEl&fTT OF A TITLE EXAMINATION BY AN ATTORNEY, THE PROPERTY NAV BE -SUBJECT TO R1TXNmEO OR UNRECORDED RIGHTS-OF-WAY, EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS OR CONDITIONS NOT OBSERVED OR SHOWN HEREON. 4) THIS LOT UES WITHIN A SUBDIVISION THAT WAS PREVIOUSLY TIED TO THE NORTH CAROLINA GRID SYSTEM. 5) BASIS OF BEARNO. PLAT BOOK 51 PACE 15 - GATED JANUARY 10. 2007 d) H All AT ALL CORNERS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL CORNERS 'FOUND' or 'SET' ARE lTAIBII WITH THE GROUND, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. » THE LOCATION OF UTILITIES As SIHOWN HEREON, WHETHER PUBLIC OR PRIVATE, ARE BASED ON THE LOCATION O' VISIBLE ABOVE ORCUNO APPURTENANCES ONLY. OTHER UTILITIES WHICH WERE NOT OBSERVED Alm N07 SHOWN HERON MAY EXIST. IT IS THE ONERS/TENANTS REOMATIC ON 7p 4 PLL THE LOCATION PRIOR 70 COMMENCEMENT O ANY CONSTRUCTION. OEOIATIC CONCEPTS, PLLC CANNOT ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR MISIOETITIRcARON OR OMISSION O UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 5TH13 SURVEY IS O' AN EXISTING PARCEL OR PARCELS O LAND AND DOES NOT CREATE A N 911227 OR CHANGE AN EXISTING STREET, Proposed eed House (St. Mlcheales " L JIMMY N. FAIRIES. CERTIFY THAT THIS PIAT WAS DRAWN UNDER YY SUP O NSId1 FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY THERNSIOM: DEED DESCRpTKIR AND NAP BODY �. PAGE INDICATED AS DRAWN FROM IN THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOMT /SlRYE1ED ARMNi/AC�lE1RLY \ / THE RATIO O PRECISION AS CA.WLATEDFISSI:IO.0004�7- f ,HIS PLAT CATS PREPARED N ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYING N NORTH CAROLINA Zt NCAC 55,1500j. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER AND SEAL S __ DAV OF 2015• PRELIMINARY JIMMY N. FAIRES, PLS LICENSE NUMBER: L-4371 PLOT PLAN LOT 41 - CHESAPEAKE POINTE PLAT BOOK: 51, PAGE: 15 265 COVE CREEK LOOP DAVIDSON TOWNSHIP, IREDELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepored For: PEACHTREE RESIDENTIAL, INC. 7380 MGGINNIS FERRY ROAD SUWANEE, GA 30024 GEOMATIC CONCEPTS, PLLC NC LICENSE #: P-1091 470 NORTH BROAD STEM. SUITE A. MOORESVILLE. NC 28110 PHONE: 704-981-0412 RNAW 7llp1y,FAMRggGEOHATI000NCEPTS,CO Drawn B . SI Checked Bvy. ,MF Scale Protect No Tax PIN: 4638-01-2965 1' = 50' 14034 Data: JULY 25, 2017 Sheet No. File: 14034-Lot-4l-Che4opeake-Plot-Plon-Rev5.dw9 1 of 1 Found /4 Rebar <A Proposed Plar PRB6WINARY PLAN UNE BEARING NOT POR RECORDATION. L1 CONVEYANCW AND/OR SALES 63.61 LEGEND I L2 Found /3 Rab �O 16.57 R/W =Right-of-way L3 26-15"55 W TAX ID:4836-02-2142 L4 LOT 37 36 .31 tii DANIEL & ASHLEY ROHATS M! CHORD BEARING PB: 51 PG: 15 DB:2357 PG:967 . qn 84.91 531'18'56 E 0A (An€ T d S 1A10Nei LOT 41 0.875 Acres TAX ID:4636-01-3813 LOT 42 MICHEL G JR. & VIRGINIA MILLER PB: 51 PG: 15 DB:2271 PG:1566 PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS 7255 Square Feel Vf GRAPHIC SCALE sL 2s so ���� o? IN FEET ) 1 inch - 60 n. UNE BEARING DISTANCE L1 N0438 43 W 63.61 LEGEND I L2 N14:93'P3 W 16.57 R/W =Right-of-way L3 26-15"55 W 13.98 �r - Not to Scole I L4 W2 0-5719 W 36 .31 tii CURVE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD LENGTH CHORD BEARING m Slam Draln Curb Inlet Cl 535.00 85.00 84.91 531'18'56 E Material will be excavated from the lake and pumped by suction dredge primary disposal basin that is located just upslope of the 50 -foot environmental buffer. The effluent discharge will pass thro relaxing chamber or ugh a returned to the reservoir thrg pond before being Pipe. There is currently a silt encecorrugated plastic in Place 50 foot buffer. At the end of the project lthe along the be backfilled and seeded wgrassseasonal be will g es. Proposed House .see (St. Micheoles "MC—i") 'at�•� f 1�0�-►St'1f N C� 5�,�: r � i Fe d s IV -.. Propose Pier . UANItL a n%J1 n,.L J.... \ DANIEL & ASHLEY ROHATS PB: 51 PG: 15 DB:2357 PG:967 n N6 LOT 41 ~` 10. cc"ma 0.875 Acres P°'d' Propose W Concrete Mak ,��6• eR►✓�+,'`` Amaa M t Xh--,-d TAX ID: 4636-01-3813 LOT 42 MICHEL G JR. & VIRGINIA MILLER PB: 51 PG: 15 DB: 2271 PG: 1566 Cow moor+►% ' $4%S%e1 Design Specifications of Retention Basins 1. Best management practices BMP will be utilized in the construction and maintenance of Basins. 2. If more than one acre of upland is disturbed, then an erosion control plan will be submitted to and approved by the appropriate state and local authorities. 3. The location selected for the Retention Basins will be such that they can be maintained during the dredging event. 4. Silt fence will be installed around the perimeter of the basins. 5. Two- chambered basins will include a primary collection chamber and a secondary polishing chamber. 6. Basins will be constructed in a rectangular configuration such that the length of the basin is at least twice the width. 7. Internal baffles constructed of compacted earth, turbidity curtain or silt fencing will be installed to increase the travel distance of the water through the polishing collection chamber. 8. Water discharge from the primary to the secondary chambers will be by gravity through a corrugated steel pipe embedded and compacted into the retaining berm between the primary and secondary chambers. This discharge pipe will be equipped with a water -stop or anti -seep device. 9. Return water from the secondary polishing pond will be hard piped back into the water body being dredged. 10. The capacity of the primary collection chamber will be sufficient to contain 130% of the volume of material being dredged. 11. At all times, a minimum freeboard of 2 feet will be maintained in the sediment basins. 12. Untess the contract specifies otherwise, the basins will be backfilled, rough graded and seeded with seasonal grasses. 13. The perimeter sift fencing will remain in place until the grass has rooted.