HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171086 Ver 1_SR 1353, Letter_20170830Roy CooP�R GOV�RNOR ScnrL �; : h�:;. �,?,S P 1' � \rs��: ` y * Icl; � r � I 1 �1 I I,� _ � .. t '� _ STATE OF NOR�'I� CAROLINA D�i,l"1�`T.1 V l�l V T O� r1�.ANSPOl��.� 1 l�� Aubust 30, 2017 Mr. Erf c Alsmeyer U. S. An�}� Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Oftice 3331 Herita�e Trade Drive, Suite 105 Walce Forest, NC 27587 Subject: Natic�nwide Permit #14 SR 1353, Hardin Road Watauga County, No�th Carol�na Fro�ect Number: 11C.�95122 (DWR Fermit Fee: �24U) Dear Mr. Alsmeyer: JAN1Es �I. TRc)GDo�I, Ill SECRETARi' The NC Depart�aent of `�`r�.nsportation is seheduled to grade, drain, ba�e and pave SR 1353, Harc�in Road in Watau�a Couniy. Tatal project leng�h is 1.8 miles. Imperviat�s surtace area will increase by about 0.88 acres. There will be a bapped sectio� due to una�ailability of ri�ht-of-way from stations 85�-25 — 97+6a. This project will xequire the replaceme�:� c�f three wet pipes as show�n below: ����arr� ��t �cts: ��atiQn �xisting Prapos�d Number Pipe Size Pi�e Si�e 1+{��' 30"x 45' 36"x 45' 42+20� 24"x 40' 3b"Y 50' 49+95' � 24"a 48' �-�"Y 48' � - Perrt�anent Streambed Fil1= lf�' Temporary Dewateriag = 105' ��t �� Dewaterflng Tatal Im acts Im ac� 10 35 45 10 35 55 10 35 45 13ank Stabilization = 30' Total Proicct Impacts = �45' � All of t�ese pipes are currently perched due to slop� and will likely reniain so. �s a resutt, b�ryin� the inlets would anly encourage head cuts. Therefore we are p�oposing to place the inlets at grade. T�e p�pe at station 1+00 carries a U7' to Laxa�l Creek (Glass: C+). The other twc� pipes carry different UTs to the South Fork 1Vew River (Class: WS-IV, HQW, CA) in the N�w River Basin. ihe replac�rr�e�t of these structures will �equire temporary de�ratering. An IvlaifirtgAddress. Telephone: (3361 667-91 8 1 Lncatear�: NC D�PARTMENT Ol� T[LINSPORTArION l�ax: (336) 667-�1>49 ADDRE5."_+ 2 [�GVIS€(?N 1 i Cusron:er Service: �-877-368-�}968 CI�Y. NC Z1P S()I Sl'A'l €iSVII.LG R(�AD NOR"CH W�7.KLSBflRO. NC 2Kb�9 Fy'cbsite: wwtiv.�c�c,t.�ov Mr. Eric Alsm�yer SR 1353, Hardin Road August 30, 2017 imperviot�s sandbag dike will be constructed upstream of the existing structures to create a small pool. Clean water will tempararily be putnped araund the coz�,struction areas and wi11 be discharged dowrzstream. Any dirty water located inside af the construction areas will be pumped into a silt bag if necessary. Once the new pipes are in place, the impervious dikes will he removed azxd preconstructian streambed elevations will be restored. This project was reviewed. for the presence of threatened and endangered species in the field and I have also included a query of the NCNHP database. Based on tbe project area mapped with my request, the datahase search indicates that there are no records for rare species, important natural communities, natural areas, or conservation/managed areas within the proposed project boundary (see attached). There wi11 be approximately 6.16 acres of tree cutting at the praject location due to cut and fill work. The NLEB is listed as a protected species in this county but the project does not fall within 0.25 miles of any red HUC identified in tiie SLOPES speiled out in the Nationwide Per�nit Regional Conditions. We do nat anticipate any impact to any other federaily lisied species. This project is located within a traut watershed_ Cultural resource compliance work has been completed. No archaeological resaurees or historic properties will be affected by this project {see attached). The proj ect impacts are not sign.ificant in nature and shouid not rernove or degrade existing water q�ality uses. Stormwater will be routed through grass or rack lined ditches, depending on the ditch line slape. Dissipater pads will be installed at pipe outlets as appropriate. Pipe sizes used wiil be the mir�irnum necessary to crea#e a safe roadway. By utilizing the erosion control measures outlined in the attachments to this appiication, downstream water quality standards will be protected. Overall water quality in the area will be improved by paving the ABC tra��l lanes. All appropriate BMPs will be used during canstruction. By copy of this electronic letter, it is requested that the Division of Water Resources, 401/Wetlands Unit, issue tlie appropriate permit for construction of this project. It is requested that aary comrnents related ta the 401 certification be electronically forwarded directly to me with a capy sent to the US Army Corps of Engineers. We vvouid like to begin canstruction as soon as possible. If further information is required, p�ease let me know. Your eaz�ly review and considera.tion will be appreciated. Sincerely, i��:Q'"v _ Heath Slaughter Divi�ion Environmental Officer Enclosures Mr. Eric Alsmeyer SR 1353, Hatdin Road August 30, 2017 cc: Amy Chapman, Divisian of Water Resourees Dave Wanucha, Division of Water Resaurces Marla Chacnbers, Wildlife Resources Commission Doug Eller, District E�gineer Zack Souther, Roadside Environmental Field �perations Technician