HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051071 Ver 1_Other Agency Comments_20050706 State of North Carolina o ~~ ~r~ pFNR 0 6' v +t°SgNa ~qr Z00 Sr FRDU s Department of Environment and Natural Resources ~RS,~ Washington Regional Office y Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary DIVISION OF LAND RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION - June 1, 2005 LETTER OF APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATIOl\TS H & M Company, Inc. ATTN: Mr. Chris Carroll, Sr. Vice President ~0 Security Drive Jackson, Tennessee 38305 RE: Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan No. Crave-2005-061 B/S/H Appliance Logistics Center SR 1371 and SR 1225 -Craven County River Basin: Neuse Date Received: May 31, 2005 Responsible Party: H & M Company, Inc. Dear Sir: This office has completed its review of the erosion and sedimentation control plan for the referenced 61.8 acre disturbance. Based on the information provided, we have determined the submitted plan for the clearing, grubbing and grading of the site for the construction of drainage stormwater ponds and a commercial building, if properly implemented and responsibly maintained, should meet the intent and minimum recruirements of the Act. We, r~°refore, issue this LETTER QF APPROVAL WITH the following M DIFICATI N~. 1. Prior to disturbing the areas identified as "wetlands" , this office rr,,, ~r be provided with a copy of the US Army Corps of Engineers permitting the disturbance. 2. An appropriate sediment control measure or device must be provided in the "cleaned-out" roadway swale, located at the southeast corner of the site, near its discharge into the existing watercourse. In 1973, the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (copy available upon request) was enacted. It established a performance oriented program with the OBJECTIVE of PREVENTLNG SEDIMENT DAMAGE to adjoining properties and/or natural resources resulting from land disturbing activities through the use of reasonable and appropriate Best Land Management Practices, based on the approved plan and changing site conditions, during the course of the 9<3 Washington Square Mall, W`zshington, North Carolina 07889 Telephone 252-94~ ad8?, =4X "'~_ ~?~S"o An equal Opportunity Employeer 5C%recycied"C% post--consume' goer H & M Company, Inc. ATTN: Mr. Chris Carroll, Sr. Vice President June 1, 2005 Page 2 project. AS THE DECLARED RESPONSIBLE PARTY, YOUR LEGAL,RESFONSIBII.ITY is to understand the Act and comply with the following minimum requirements of the Act and the above listed modifications (if any): -- an erosion and sedimentation control plan is only valid -for 3 years following the date of initial approval, if no land-disturbing activity has been undertaken; -- the LATEST APPROVED soil erosion and sediment control plan will be used during inspection to determine compliance and a copy of the plan must be on file at the job site; -- erosion and sediment control measures or devices were designed and are to be installed to safely withstand the runo, f~' resulting from a 10 year storm evens - 6.5 - 7 inches in 24 hours or 2.5 - 3 inches in 1 hour. -- unless the o~site borrow and/or disposal sites are identified in the erosion control plan, no earthen material is to be brought on or removed from the project site; -- except in the case of a storm related emergency, a revised erosion and sedimentation control plan must be submitted to and approved by this office prior to initialing any significant changes in the construction, grading or drainage plans; -- a buffer ;one, sufficient to restrain visible sedimentation, must be provided and maintained between the land-disturbing activity and any adjacent property or watercourse; -- .-~~w or affected cut or fr._11P.d slopes must be at on angle that car, ho retainp~l by vegetative cover, AND must be provided with a~~round cover su,~ciera to restrain erosion within the shorter of 15 working or 30 calendar days o~ir~pletion pf an,Knhase ~mugh or~~ o,,,~,~radir~ {RYE GRASS IS 1~~T in the APPROVED seeding specifications Q is it an ACCEPTABLE substitute for the providing of a temporary ground cover); -- the CERTIFICATE OF PLAN APPROVAL must be posted at the primary entrance to the job site and remain until the site is permaneraly stabilised; -- unless a temporary, manufactured, lining material has been specified, a clean straw mulch must be applied, at the minimum rate of 2 tons/acre, to all seeded areas. The mulch must cover at least 75 % of the seeded area after it is either tacked, with an acceptable tacking material, or crimped in place; H & M Company, Inc. ATTN: Mr. Chris Carroll, Sr. Vice President June 1, 2005 Page 3 -- in order to comply with the iraent of the Act, the scheduling of the land- disturbing activities is to be such that both the area of exposure and the time between the land disturbance and the providing of a ground cover is minimized; -- a permanent ground cover. sufficient restrain erosion, must be provided within the shorter of IS working or 90 calendar days after completion of construction or developmem on any portion of the tract (RYE GRASS IS Ly_Q~ in the g,~'PROVED seeding sped, fications ~V~R is it an ACCEPTABLE substitute for the providing of a nurse cover for the permanent grass cover); and, -- this approval is based, in pan, on the accuracy of the information provided in the Financial Responsibility/Ownership form submitted with the project plans. You are required to file an amended form if there is any change in the information included on the form. This approval and the financial responsibility/liability cited in it does not automatically transfer with a change in project ownership. Be advised that to ensure compliance with the approved plan and the program requirements, unannounced periodic inspections will be made. If it is determined that the implemented plan is inadequate, this office may require the installation of additional measures and/or that the plan be revised to comply with state law. (Note: Revisions w the scope of this project without prior approval of the plan showing the changes can be considered a violation). Failure to comply with any part of the approved plan or with any requirements of this program could result in the taking of appropriate legal action (civil or criminal) against the financially responsible parry (H & M Company, Inc.). Some options are Stop Work Orders and the assessing of a civil penalty of up to $5000 for tl~ initial violation plus up to $5000 per day for each day the site is out of compliance. In recognizing the desirability of early coordination of sedimentation control, we believe it would be beneficial for you and your contractor to arrange a preconstruction conference to discuss the requirements of the approved erosion and sedimentation control plan. Prior to beginning this project, YOU ARE REQUIRED TO either CONTACT THIS OFFICE TO ADVISE Mr. Gary Novak (252-94-C~-6481, ext. 38b0) OF THE CONSTRUCTION START-UP DATE, contractor and on-site contact person OR complete and return the attached Project Information Sheet to the above named. Acceptance and approval of this plan is conditioned upon your compliance with Federal and State water quality laws, regulations and rules. In addition, the land disturbing activity described in this plan may also require approval or permitting from other agencies -Federal, State or local. These could include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers un~sier Article 4.0.4. jurisdiction, the Division of Water Quality -Surface Water Section under stormwater regulations (contact the Stotmwater group at 252-946-6481), county, city or town agencies under other local .. H & M Company, Inc. ATTN: Mr. Chris Carroll, Sr. Vice President June 1, 2005 Page 4 ordinances, or other approvals that may be required. This avnroval does not supersede anv other approval oror per. Please be advised that a rule to protect and maintain existing buffers along watercourses in the Neese River Basin became effective on July 22, 1997. The Neese River Riparian Area Protection and Maintenance Rule (15A NCAC 2B.0233) applies to a 50 (horizontal) foot wide zone along all perennial and intermittent streams, lakes, ponds and estuaries in the Neese River basin. In riparian areas, the rule prohibits land disturbance, new development and fertilizer use in the first 30 (horizontal) feet directly adjacent to the stream and/or coastal wetland vegetation. Clearing, seeding and cone-time fertilizer use to establish the grass is allowed within the riparian area 20 feet landward of the first 30 feet of riparian area, but new development is prohibited. For more information about the riparian area rule, please contact the Division of Water Quality's Wetland/401 Unit at 919-733-1786. Please be advised that all land-disturbing activities affecting 1 or more acres are required to have a (Federal) NPDES permit. Enclosed is the Construction Activities General NPDES Permit - NCGO10000 for this project. The responsibility for understanding and complying with this permit rests with you, the financially responsible party. Be aware that failure to comply with this permit could result in both the State and Federal governments taking appropriate legal action. Contact the Division of Water Quality -Surface Water Section at (252) 946-b4$1 should you have any questions regarding monitoring and record keeping requirements of the permit. Sincerely, Patrick H. McClain. PE Regional Engineer :pm enclosures w/o enc. cc: Michael Rice, PE, Robert M. Chiles, PE Al Hodge, Division of Water Quality