HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140957 Ver 2_Attachment 5_Ohio EPA Order on Rover Violations_20170818Attachment 5 j2h■ 110 Ohic1 Envirclnmerltlal Prot ectie n Agency 7/ 7111/ 20117 J& r1 R. Kasicil, Gav arricm Mairy lay lan, Lt. Gavanr Icui Craig W. Sutler, []iuector. RovElr Piplelirla, LLC Attrl:. Ms. Buffy Thomasari, EirivinorlrriElrll al Mar ag(1r 1300 Malin StrElEll Hclu Ston, 11) 770021 La c iEls and GerltlemElri: RO: DirElator's Finial Findings 81 Clrc Elrs NRDE9 91aiik County 'IC 1-1000a71 Tiiansrriittec herewith is aria copy of thEi DirEictor's Final Hiridirigs & Orclurs iri thic refElnElricac matter. A ri aplplaal plana€lraplh is sal fartk ir11 l' El CIIIc Ellis. 9irlcElrcly, kElvir .I. Fowlen, 9u€IEIrvlisair RElnmit Hnciclessin8 Urid Div is ion of Surface Water KJ F/ d k s erIC1105u IIEI CSRTIFIEID MAIL cic: L. REIEIc an, D51W R. Demuth, 1151W B. Ralmer, DSW (lamplliarice Seatiari M. MaCannclrl, RIC H. C riElsmEnl, RIC .1. LEIa, RI(I 11. Roffar k anger, NV& DO/D9W .1. Wil 1 EI, SEI DO) 119W D.91all, NHDO/D9W B. Hischteiri, LaBal T. A r1C Ernson, Le€lal D. Berman, LE18al A. Risah k airs, Le€lal .tau rrial Room File M ichaEll S. MciMa[ ori McMahon DeGulis LLR The Claxlari Builc in€I 8112 Huron, Roac, Suite E130 Cllavelarid, C H 4411719 50 West pawn street 4 Suite 7aa 4 PA. Bax 10451 • ( alumbus, OF 4321E1-1(1419 epa.ahia.gav • (61�) (14141-3Cl2CI , (614) 614-31EI41 (fax) BERC RE THE CL Ll J N 0 H IC ENVIIRC N MEN IAL RROTEC niON AG ENCYI ' w In the Matter of: Ro%er Pipeline, LLC Directler's Hinail 3738 Oak Lawn Ave. Hindingls and Crcers Dallas, TX 752 25 Responcent I. JL RISDICTIC N 11 6se DirEdC r'S Final Rindings and Orders (" Ordeins"' are issued to RoVEIr Ripeline, LLC Q"ResponderiV ), PL rsuani io tl- a aulf• anity vE sted in the Cure cior of the Ohio Ern irc nmente I Prctecllion Agency ("Ohic ERA") c nc En Ohio ReviEieid Ccidei iI"C RC") §§ 6111.03, 3704.03 and 374 5.0'1. II. PARTIES BOL NEI 1IhE1W C rdE rs she II apply tci anc bind RespondE nt and SL ccEzscirs in into rest liable undeir C hio lav%. N o & ange in ownerst ip of ResrlondE nt sr all iri any way alteui Re spondeni's obligations L ndEn thesE1 CWEirs. III. DERIN ITIONSI Unless otherAiise stat6d, all terms used in these C rdE rs shall havE the samie mEianing as dEfined in CRC Chapiers 6111 and 3704 and thEi rulers piiomulgated &ereurider. IV. FINDINGS 11hEi Direcior of.Ohic ERA has c EtElrminEk 11he following findings: .1. Responde rit is a pensoin, as defined by C RC 31704.01 and C RC 6111.01 and oris and opleraies hcirizc me I c inecticina I drilling .ciperatic ns in numerc c s counties ihroughc ut C hio. Ccicyenaitive Redenalism: the Relaitiorship between Releivaint Fedenal and Stade Law 2. Clhio ERA, thrc ugh dEJEgaiien of U.S. BRA, implemEints thea federal N atic nal PcIluiant Discharge Elimination Syslem (NRDBS: penrnitting prcgrarri in the Stat6 of Cf iC. Rcver Pipelines, LL C Dinectcr's Ainal Bindings and CrdEIrs Rage 2 of 25 3. C hic BPA, purse amt tc coingrEissional rriandale, adepis watEin quality standards tcii lr e StatEi of C hio that are appro� ed by U.S. BRA purse aril) 110 3111 U.S.0 § 13'13. Chic EPA also issues w ater qualify certifications fc r fE deral PE rrriits tha11 prc poses a discharge info fedEirally regL laced waiers, prc%iding than the piioposed discharge will ciomply with the stalle's water qualify standards. 4. 11ha1 federal Waters Pclluiieri CcninolAct(ClEian"atEirAct; stateslrat"[i]l1 isthe policy of 1hE CongrEss to reicognizE, presErve, and prioiect RE primary respoinsibiliti6s and rights of StatEis tc plrevent, reduce, End eliminate pellutioin, to plan the devE4cpM6nt and L se Ilincluding restc raticin, preservation, anc E nhanceirrient; of land a nd waier resouncies * * *." 33 U.S.C. § 125'111b). 5. Thai Act preservES the stales' auihonilly by ccinfinrriing that "nothing * * * shall (11) prEiclude cui dEny the righl off any StatE en political SL bdivision thereof cir inierstale agency Ila adopt c r enforcE IIA) any standard or limilatic n respecting discr angEis of pc1101anis, cr (B; any reiquiremeinl reispecling cionirol on abalEMEM of pollLlliori 32 L .SI.C. §1370. 6. 11r is Act shall riot "be coristrued asi impairing or in any manneri affeiclling any nigrll or jurisdicticin of 11hE StatEs Wit respect to the waleirs (including bogy ndar)l waleirs,' of suer Sllates." 33 L .S.C. § '1370. 7. Ccnsisient wilt tr a feideral Act, Ohic has einacded laws and ac opted rL les io prcleict water qualily by pror it iting actions and rriandalling regL inemE nts R ait are abovE End bE)ond rEquirerrienisi fcunc in trei federal Act. FI. Tre federal Clean Air Act pnoivices thal "[a]it pollution ccnllrol a1 its sources is the primary responsibility fori StatE and local governments." 42 U.S.C. § 7401(la)(3;. The Lniteid StatEs Elrivironmenlal RrotEiclieri Agency ("LAS -1. EPA"; pnomclgates national arribient aiir qL ality slandands icer certain polIdanls, and each sllatEi mus11 deV61op a stale implemEintation plan, for U.S. ERA's approval, tr at provic els for the irripleirrieniailicn, meinienance and einforcemEint cif treise air quality siancards. 42 L .SI.C. §I§ 7409, 74101la, (11), Ilk). 10. Upon the approval of U.S. BPA, the state implE akintation plan bE cc mels federally E nfcuiaeable. 42 U.SI.C. §§ 74'13(a; Ill;. 11. The Clean Air Act also rEserves io the spates the aLthcirity la enforce statE air poillution slandands cir requirements in a stale irriplemE ntaiicn plan or standards en Iimitalicris a1 least as siringenll as the state irriplementalion plan. 42 U.S.C. §§ 7416, 7604(6:. Roy er Pipe line, LL C Dinecten's Rinal Flindings and Cncers Rage 31 cf 25 12. The Stale cf C hio has regulatEc with an approved silate imcllEirriEntation plan since at least 1c,176, and tl- a plan has been published in the fedE nal reigisler since at least 1978 (4 3 Red. Reg. 4 6'11 ilRebruary 31, 1 c 78)). 13. Chic's State Implementation Rlari inconponated C hio EPA's cape ri bL rning rules, including but not limited tc—Chios Adrri.CodEi QCAC) 3745-'19-01; CAC 3745-191-04; and OAC 3745-19-05—as Enfcrceiable conditions. 14. Reideiral law, specifically the feic Eiral Natural Gas Act (JNC A), regulates "the 11ransportation of nalt ral gas in interstate commerce." 19 L.S.C. § 717(b). Hcweveir, 11 he NGA does riot supersede fedEmal Erivinonmerclal laws and must yield tc any staile right neser-med under the ClEian Air Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7401, et seq, cr the FederE I Waller PClldion Contrcl Act, 33 L.,I.C. § 1251, ell seq, also known as the Clean WatErAat, lo ensures that the coristruction of an interstate natural gae pipeline ccrriplies with those fedeiial Environmental laws. 19 U.S.C. § 717b(d). Inadviertert Reitlurns Inadvertent Retluen 1704-7S1-0701 15. \A WIC cc nducting horizc ntal direcclicrial drilling activities cri April 8, 2017, Respondent discovered anc neporleid 110 Chio ERA an inadvertent return IJIR) cf a ippnoxirriatEly 1,000 gallc ns cf benilonite SIL rry in a wetland ar6a near th ei crc ssing cif Indian Rcirk River, near Dari and Millen Hill Roads, Warren Tcwriship, Tuscarawas Coiunty Flat. 40 31.06" Nd loing. 81 '17.173" W). 1E. The release was located approximately 100 yards west of an CIDEirating dirE otic nal bciring nig. The drilling flL ids accumulated within an estimated 2,500 squares foci area of the wetland. 17. C h io 9PA Emergency Response annivEic on si11e and observed drilling fluids that , inalucEc bentonite and cuttings frcrr the natural formailieri cciating the area with a layer cf mud that impacted Waller qualily. Respondent had installec silt fence and straw bales as containmeriil arOL nd It c: r6lease loaaticin. 18. Th E wetland area near it a crossing cf Indian Rc rk River is a water of the stale a s than tEirm is defined in ORC § 6111.01. Inadvertent Return 1704-07-0111 19. While ccinductirig hoirizontal directional drilling acclivities on April 10, 2(117, Respondent disU0lVEred and reported to Chid EPA an inadvertent reiturn cf approximately ECIO gallons cf bentonille slurry. llhe drilling fluids entered iriilo an Rover Pipeiline, LLC ❑irEic1lor's »inal Rindings and Crders Rage 4 cif 2 5 unnamed sinearri, Welland, and pond in Rict land Township, BE lmont CCL niy Illai. N/ Iorig.'80.5E.36.4 W;. 20. IIhE unnarried stream, wElland, anc pored are watE rs of the stale as Rat term is defined in C RC §16111.01. Inadvertent Reilurn 1704-716-0751 21. "hile conducling hcirizcintal directicinal drilling activities on Apnil 13, 2017, REisponcIErit disceiverEd and relaereed to Ctio EPA an inad%ertErit return that Chioi EPA laler dEitE rrriiriEid tci be sevE ral millic ri gallons of be ntciriitE slc rry. IIhE break cut point for 1 hEi drilling fluids was Ic catEid \A ithin a Category "I wEitland adjacent to the lluscaraiwas RIVE r in Navarre Township, Staii Ce L my Illai . 40.40 2 70 N jI long. 81.29 098 W)(thei "Stank Coy my Siie.",' 22. The drilling fluids accumulated within an ariea Eslimaled to be 6.5 acnes in size. Drilling fluic s ihal incl ded beinioniie and cultinga frc rri it a natural fonrriation ec atEic RE area with a layer of mid and affected waler quality. 23. ThEi wEitlanc ansa nEiar ilhe Tcscarawas River is a watEr of ihEi siaie as ttat term is dEifined in C RC § 6111.01. 24. Additicinal inad% ertEirit rE lL rns cc ntiriue to eicaur at this Slitei, asset fora t in a N citice of Violalion lElitE r c atE d May 25, 20'17 issued io RespandE nt. As cif the Maiy 18, 2CI17 inspectic n, Cir io BRA inspealors obseirued that the alEarn p of the initial rE lease that CCCL rred cri Apuil 13, 2017 was cngeiing and inaolilei. 25. In IhE ceLrse of irivEsiigailing These inadvEirleini neturn, CHci EPA neCElivEd twlo comiplainis cf diEiseil fuel bEing addEd to the drilling mLd a1 This SitE. CHo BRA conduciled tvulo sEiparate sampling initiatives on May 12, 2017 and May'l9, 2017. The May I 21 riesults inc icated It Ei presEince of "DiesE I Range C rganics" ("DRC ") in all 9 samples. Based cin the DRC data, supplemental sampling was iniliatEd oin May 191, to deteirirriine the presEi cif Fletreleurri hydrocarbons. Feitrcileurr hydrocarbons wene fciund in 6 cif 7 samples, with only the sarriplE cif nEw mud stewing no Traces of tydrocarbons. Ctio BPA ccinllinuEis to invESIligate ihEi allegaticins %ilhiri 1te Mlo aomplainis. 26. Spent drilling fluids cc nta ining nefineid c il-baseid SL balances, including diesE I fillEll, c r any cilher aoimrriercially piiodL CE ac ditives, are defiriec as "industrial wastEl" L ndEir ORC Chapter 6111 and muss bE disposE d of ail a liaeinsed me nicirlal sc lid waste laindtlill cn cihEir Iccallicin a0horizEid by Ohici BPA. Rc%er PipElirie, Dineictor's Rinal Rage 5 cf '25 LLC Findings anc C rdE rs Inaic ve He nt Reiturn 17104-70-0756 27. While ccindL cting horizontal directional drilling activifiEis cin April '14, 2017, RespendEnt disccvereid and reporleid fo Ohio BPA an inadvertent reiturn cf aipprcxirriatEily 50,000 gallons c f beinlcinile slunryl dL ring a pilot hckE drilling ciperaticn. The brEakciut pciinl fan thea drilling fluid ElntEred a weitland near Amciy Ravcnia Road, Mifflin-lcwnsF ill, Richland Cciunfy (lal. 40.49.759 N long 82.25.071 W ), and aiffeicded Waller qL ality. 28. The wEilland is ai watE r of Re stale as that tEmrri is dEifined in ORC § 6111.01 Inadvertent Return 1704-34-0777 219. While ccridLcting hcrizcintal directicinal diiilling activillies cin April '17, 2017, RespondEint discovened anc rEiporied to Ohiei BRA an inadvErleinl return cif approxirriatEly 200 gallons of benlonile sIL rry while drilling. llh EI t reakcL t pc int suriacEd on a pond IccatEt at Highway '15'1 anc CaldwEll Road, Moriree llo\Anship, Harrison County, and affEciled water quality. 310. ilhEi pcind is a wailer cf thEi slalle as that tE rm is defined in ORC § E 111.01. Inadvertent Return 1704-85-08127 3'1.. WNIC conducting he rizcintal c irectional drilling activities cin April 22, . 2017, RespondEint disccveired and rEiperied tci Chio BAA an inadvEirienf return of a rlpnoxirriatE ly 2 00 gaille ris of bentc nitE slurry whilE drilling. The t reaikeuf point fc n 1 h e drilling fluid Eintered an urinarriEc ditch IcciatEd at 4,489 RrairiEi Lane Roac , Woosileir ilcwnsh ip, Wayne Cciurilly, and affected wafer qualify. 32. ThE unnarried ditch is a wateii cif the stale as ft at term is defined in C RC § 6111.01. Inadvertent Reitunn '704-34-0972 31". While ccinducting hcirizc ntal drilling activities on May 8, 2017, RE spondeint disccivered anc rEipciried to Ohio BRA an inad%eirtErit netunn cif approxirriatEly 10,000 galleins of bente riitE sIL rryduring the insta llalicin of a nak ra l gas pipEiline. The breakc ut poir0 for the drilling fluids surfaced in a pond and a stream in Meirirce Township, Farmiscn CCII nty, and afllected watEir qualify. 34. TF e pond and stream area vwafeirs cf ilhE stale as than to rrri is defined in CRC § 6111.01. Rover Pipeline, LLC Dim cllor's Rinal Rindings and O rdE rs Rage 6 of 25 Inadvertent Return 1707 -EPA -04717 35. While conducting he rizcintal drilling activill ie s ori JL ly 2, 2417, Re spondent disccivered and rerlortEc tci C hie BPA an inadvertent rE1c rn of approximallely 5,000 gallc ris cif drill SIL rry wilt in 1t E alrEiady impacted area ei 1h6 Stark Counlly lite whErei r6miedialicin work is c ngoing. ilhE1 IR occurred in twlo t reakcIL t locations dL ring it E hcirizc ntal direction drilling cf a 60-inoh be reholei c nder 11he 1I1uscarawas Rivein for tt a installation of a 42-irich natural gas pipeline. Inadvertent Return ' 707 -EPA -0486 36. Wt He on SCE nEl fcm IncidE nt 17078PA0477, a new IR eiccL rred on July 31, 20'17, c utside of the ceniairimE nt area and within tE n fEieit cif the ri%eir bank of the Tuscarawas riper. The IR aicicuMLIaled in a treLgt than ran parallel 10 the niver. Initial volume was Eisiimialed bEitwleen 1500-2900 galleins cf bentonite slunryl was rEIIE asE d. A dditic nal pEmsennE I, materials and eiqL ipmieni tc expand the ccintainment and relcovE ry cipEmatic ns wEire broL gt t in and drilling was sL spent ec . C hio BRA rE cc mim end6d 10 Responc Ent that tt eiy preparC fc r and t avec eqL ipment on site fc r pateinil ial rE IEiase to 1 t e we i erwiay which we L Id E rilail using be ats cir other platforms lo both cibservei and respond ilo a rE IEiasE . Contlinaency Plain 37. In an effcri to betterresporid llo inadverieni returns, ReisporidentsL brriitiEd a rE\isEid Release Rreivention and Bmiergency RESpcinse CcintingEncy Plan ("Contingency Plan"; cin ApIril 29, 2017 that identified meaSL rES ilo pretEioi public health and the ErMiioinmieni irom theisEi events. Chio ERA prcivided reiccimimEindations is Respondent in a lEtiElr datEc Nay 3, 2017. On May 5; 2017, RespondE nt subm itted a revised Contingency Rlan inoorporaling sc mEi bL t not all of Ct io BRA's comim Enls and rEicomimieindallicns. 38. In a letten dailed July 7, 2017, Ctici ERA provided furlhEr ccimiments on 11he Cc ritingency Plan Wit t a speicific fc cus a ri addreissing polleintial inadvE HE nt rE 1 L rns tc larger watE r boc ies suah as the-luscarawas River. Storni W ate r Vlicilaitic ns 29. C n AF1ril 5, 2017 a nd again on April 10, 2017, whilE Resporident was constructing IhE RoVE r PipEilinE in Monrcie County, Ohio EPA staff observe storm watEir run-cff ccritaining seidimieni and turbid discharges relaleid ilo trench deiwallering entered un- namEid IribLtaries tci WocidsfiEId REservciir and impacts lo itei rEser-moil itself. Rover Ripeiline, LLC Direialor's Ririal Rindings and Orders Page 7 off 29 . 40. On April 11, 21017, whiles Respcinderill was consinc cting the Rover Ripeline in Wocd, Ricl• land and Crawic rd Counties, C hio BRA staff nosed elxcEssive %ehiC16 tracking of mud ontci public roads frcrri the aalive ccnstruciiein cif Roverl Pipeline. 41. On April 11, 2017, while ReispondEnt was conslnLcting the Rover Pipeline, Chio BRA staff cibservEc discharges off sedimE nt laden wafer from a filtE r bag designEd spEiuificallyto treatccrilamiriatEc stormswaier.11hE1ineatmEntsystem and asscciatec disci angels wEire noted in Wocc County near the into rsealion Of PEllon Rciad and Roirtage View Road, BloorridalE , Ohic . 42. On April 12, 2017, while Respondent aonducied treinch dewatering activities in Wocic Cep nty, southeasil cif tl-e Village of Cygnet Qlat. 41° 13'19" N/ Icing. 830 35'4 3" W;, Ohio ERA staff observeic 1L rbid dis& ancles tc BL II CrEiek at flank Rarm Road. 431. On May 2, 2017, while Respondeint was cc nstrucding thEi RovEir Pi PE IiriE, C hio BRA stafil cibserved dischargers of sediment laden water frcrri a filler bag designed speaifiU Ily tc trEiail ceiriiamiriated stenrri waler. -flhe lrieatmE nt systeim aind asseciaitEid discF argEis wEme noiled in Wooc County nEiar the into rsEciiicin of Reillon Road and Rortage View Road, Blocirridale, Ohio. 44. On May,", 21017, while Resporident was cc nstrual ing the Rover PipE IiriEi, C t io BRA stafil cbsERied Responc ent cc riducting trench d6-waleiririg acti%i1Jes w high neisulted in turbid disci argEa direcilly into Brust-y Rcirk Creek in the location cif 77960 Slaiter Road in..Cadiz, Ohic. 45. On May 4, 2017, while Respc rident was construal ing the Rover PipE linea, C hio BRA c bsew6c clEwatE ring I: ags with operating pumps discl• anging sediment tc waters off the sllate cn Cloverdale Road, north of Oil CentEm Road, Wcod County. 46. On May 4, 2017, while Reisl:Iondentwas ccristruoiing IhEi RoivEir Pipelirie in BEIImc nt County, OI- is BRA stafil c bseRied stc rrri watE r rL n -off containing SE dirriE nt ent6red an urinamed tributary is Rea Vine CreEik. Ohio BRA ncied impacts io 11hE sinearri botilom and slrearribanks of the unnamEid llributaryl. 47. On Nay 5, 2017, while RE spcmdeni was cc ristructing 1 F Ei Rcive n Ripeline, Resplorident cenduciled dewatering activities which rEisulied in turbid discharges tc wateins cif the state near i l• a Village of Ce diz, F ardson Cc uniy. 48. On May 5, 2017, while Resnandent was coristructing ihE Rover PipEilinei, Cl• io ERA c bsE rved SEK irrieni laden slorm waten discl• arges entering waters cif the statE sciuthwesi of the into rsealion cif Cc unit' Rc ad 2 and Cciunily Roiac F, Henry County. Rci� er Pipe line, LLC Dinecten's Rinal Findings and Ciic era Rage 8 cf 25 49. C n M ay 5, 2017, whiles REispondenl was cc nstrL cting the Rci er Ripeline, C hio BPA obsEr-vied sediment laden starm water discharges entEiring waters of the state ait Ccunly Road 11, scuff of Ccunly Road J, Harrison County. 50. C n May 5, 2017, w hile Respc ndenl was cc nstruciling the Ro%er Ripeiline, C hio BPA staff etseRieid silorm watEir run-off ccntaining sEdirrierI erillering an urmairriEd lnibc clary of Sandy C reEik and Welland W 31F -TU-223 ail Access 15- Sandyville Road in Sandy 1lownship, Tuaciarawas CCII nty. 51. Crn May 9, 2017, wh ile Reepcindeinl was ccinstructing thea Rever RipelinEi, C hio BPA slaff observEid storm watEir nL n -off cionlaining sedimeril entEring Haff Run anc Wetland "EIF-TU-229 at Access 1'e- Lindentriee Road in Sandy Township, TL scarawas County. 52. Cn May 5, 2017, w1- ile Respondent was cc nstrucling the Rover Ripeline, C hio BRA staff cit ser%ied cilorm water III, n-cif11 ciontaining sedimEint E ntering W etland"4 BcI.11U- 217, at Access 6- Dawn Road iri "amien Tcwriship, Tusaarawasi CCL nty. 52. C n May 5, 2017, w r ile Respondent was cc nstrucil ing the Rover RipelinE , C hio BRA stafil observEid the placE mEint of dewaclering bags and if a depcsiition cf sedimE nt from dewatering acclivities within W etlanc W4ES-11L -217, which was to be avcided. 54. On May 5, 2017, while Respc ri dent was cc nstrucil ing the Rover RipelinEi, Chio BRA stafil c bsEir\ied dewatEming t ags with c PE rating pIL mps c isaharging SE dirriE r0 tc the wetland and an unnarried lnibOary cif Conotten CrEiek all Access 6- Dawn Road in WarrE n Tcwnslr ip, Tuscarawas Cc uMy. 95. On May 5, 2017, while RespendEint was constructing the RovEir PipEdiriEi, C r is ERA staff oibservEd a dewatering bag placed near ain unnamed lnibLtary to Conctteri CreE k to dewailer gnoiuridwatEir. The discharge frc rri 1hE dewatE ring bag was rL St colc red, causing discioloralioin of &e receiving wa teirbody. 56. On May 8, 2017, while RespoincErit was ccnstrucling the Rciven PipEline in Tusaarawas Ccunty, stc:trr water runoff containing sedimEint E ntEreid an unnarried tributaryl tc Sandy CrEek. Cr is BRA nc.ted impacts to the strEiam botllom and strEambanks of 11hE L nnamed tributary. 57. Pursuant to 12.3 U.S.C. �1::142ijl]112) cf the Clean Waten Ad and 40 C.R.R. 122.'e16(c;(11)(iii',, REispondenl is required tci obtain a NRDB%I"-.I perrriitfcrstctm watEii ruricff from construcilieri activities, if tl-e stcuirri watEr nLnoff is aoinlaminaied by contact with any c verburderi, raw material, intermEidiatE pnodL Cts, flinisl• ed product, byprcic ucil, or waste pwcll, cts located on the site cf ciil and gas exploration, on cc ntributE a to a watE r quality standard vic latioin. Rower Pipeline, LLC Director's Rinal Aincings and Cheers Rlage 9 cf 25 58. CRC 6'I prcivides That if a Directcir may issue permits in cc rr pliance with all reigi. NemE nts cf it he Rec eiral Wailer Pc lluf icin Cc ntrod A ci and rriandafory negL lailions ado pied it ereaurider. That seciiion fL rl hem prc%idEis that penrriit terms anc cionditions set by the Director shall be designEid to act iEive and maintain full comrlIiancie with mandate ry require meinia of the Federal Wafeir Rc Ile lion Control Act that are imposed by neige laiicri cif ilhe Administratcir cf it 6 United Staies Bnviuonrrieriial Rnotection Agency. Pursuant tci 40 C.R.R. 122.26 anc Chio Ac minisirativE Code RL IE (CAC, 3745-319-04, dischargers cf sicirrri waterasscaiaitEc with ecinstructicn activity ilhaf disturbs mcirei than cin6 Q1) acre cif land filo obtain an indivic ual NPDB"I pEirrriit en ccvemage undEir a storm water geineiral permit. 59. BecausE RESponc eirit disturbed rricne than c nE 1i1; acrEi of land and because Respondent has r6pE atedly cat. sec water qc ality standards lot e violated based c ri its construciicin acti%iIJEis, ResponclE nt was neqL ired to cbilain a construction stcrrri water individual NRDES pEmrriit cr submit a Notice of Intent ("NCI") to obfairi ccivenage under Chia's NP❑ES Consiructioh Stcrrri Waier General PUmit and is devEilop and irriplemEnt a Eliorm Waier Rollution Preveriiion Rlan 1l"SWPI3"). Respondent's failL re to ctiain a permit is a violation cif CAC 41745-:19-04 and CRC 6111.07. 401 Viicilatiens 60. Ohic BPA received a comIZIlEfe 40'1 water qualify cErlification applicailicin fcr the RovEr Ripeline Prc,iect from Resperideni cin August 9,'10'16. 61. The 401 cEiri iflicaf ion was issued to RE spondeni cri Rebruary 24, 2 017. 62. RespoindE nt commencied ccinstruaf iein a cilivitieis negL fining the 40'l cerl iflcation onkir aiiourid Pebruary 24, 2017. 63. Chio Administrative Code 11"C AC") Rule 31745-312-02116) silate s than no perscn shall erigage in an acclivity requiring a 401 certification price to cibiairiirig it at certification from Ohio EFA,. 64. CAC Rule 31745-32-02 ilC', spates it at no 401 certification issued pursuant tc it is chaptEr shall be EffEctive until all applicable fees Lave been paid. 65. An irn oicie was Stint to RE spondE rit cn FE bre aryl 24, 2017, w iilh a duE dates of March 26, 21017. PaymEint was not rEcieived until May 15, 2017. RE spc rident's drE dge and fill a ci ivities accL rring before May 15, 21017 were in % icilation of CAC RL le 3745-32- 0211E) and (C; and CRC 6111.07. Rover Pipeline, LLC ClirEictcr's Rinal Rindings and CrclEro Rage 10 of 25 Industrial W asite Dispasiail Vlicilaticin 66. REspondenl has deposilled spent drilling mud ooniaining diesEJ fuel resi& ails ai It e Csier Sand and C ra%el Disposal Rif locatec nEiarthe Citycf Massilicin's pL blitwaten sy silem's drinking watEir intake and the BE act City Quarry Ic eated in proximity to ih e City of Canton's %SugancreEiN drinking water w ellfiEld (" SL garcrE ek W ellfie Id"; . 67. RursL aril to C RC § 6111.45, nc corporation, er oifficE r c r E rriplcyee lhE rec f cui other pemson shall Esilablish any inc usinial establishment, prcCEiss, trade, cirbusiness in the operation cif which an inc usinial waste is prcc used, or rriake a change in or einlange rrieini cif zany indL stria) E slablish rriE nt, Firoceiss, made, ar bL siriE ss wheirEiby an iricIL strial waste is proclL cEc or materially incrEiased or changec in chairacter, or install works fou the lrealrrienl c disposal cif any such wasile uriiil the plans icer the disposal of the waste have beein submitted to and appnoved by ilhE director of envirc rimE ntal prcitEicilic n. "InduslAal waste" mea ns sludge or sludge rrialerials or a watEir-camiied cin IigL id wa sie resulting frcirri any prcicess of inc usir)l, manufaaiL rE, tradE , or business c r &N eloprrienil c f any natunal reseurcE . 68. Speril drilling rriud cc ntaining diesel fL El rE siduals andilor peitrcileurri by dreiciarbonsi is an "industrial wastes". 6E. Reispandeni's disposal of industrial waste without a plan apprc\ed by ihE ❑irElciler via late E 0 RC § 6111.4 5. Unauthorize d Disc hang -es aind Waiter Quality Vliolatic ns 70. RL rsuani is C RC § 6111.04, ric pEirson shall place on discharges, cui caL set io be placed or disahargEid, in any wailers cif the stale any sEiwagEi, sludgE, slucge materials, industrial wastes, circ 1hEir wastE s withcui a vailid, uriExpineid penrnit. 71. PL rsuani tc ORC § 6111.07(A,, no persc n shall � is WE cir fail is PE rform E ny duty irriposEid by CRC §§ 6111.01 io 6111.08 cir violates any cndEm, rule, eui tEurri or condition of a pEirrriit issued or eidc pted by ih E Dinectcr of Chic BRA pursL anal io those i sectio ns. Each day of violaiiicin is a SCparatEi offense. 72. OAC Rule 1745-'1-04 prc�ideis, in part, that the following general wailer quality criteria shall apply io all surlacEi waiers of the statE inclLding mixing zones: To Everyeixteril practical and possible asdetenmiined bythEi Directcui, thesE %ailersshall be: IjA) RueiE fro rri sL spent ec solids or c lh em substaricE S that E ntEm the water -s as a rESUIt of hurrian activiily and that will settle ilo form putrescent cir otherwise objE chic nable sludge deposils, or it at will adversEily affect aquatic life; and (C; Rree Ro%er Pipeline, LL C Director's Binal Hindings and C nc E rs Ragei 11 of 215 fnam miateiJals sintering It 6 wafers as a resp It cif hurriari aclivity producing ccilcin, odor cn tither cont itions in such a degree as to creatEi a nuisanC6. 73. CAC Rule 3745-1-51 provicIES, in pari, that in addilicin to the criteria listed in CAC 3745-1-04, the fcllowing narrative critEria shaill apply 110 wEillarids: (A; Hydrelogy necessary to sLpporl the biological anc physical &aractenisilics naturally prEiseni in wEillainds shall be prciected to prE%en1 significant adveiiise imclacts cn: (11) wailer cumients, eresieri, cir sedimEntation pallerns; (3) ChEimicial, nutrient, and disscilved oxygen rEigimies cf the wetland; 114) The movemierill of aquatic fay na; and (6; wafer levels cr eilevalions, including 11hcse resulting frcm ground water recharges ainc discharge; 11B) waten qualily nEicessary to suppco existing habilals of wetland flcra and fauna, inCIL ding food SL pplies fon fist- and wildlife and reprciduclive and nursery arE as; anc (C) conditions shall not c ccun than will ha\ e a signiflcani adverse impact c n it Eat ility cf it a wetland lobe L sEcl for weitland-depend6nt rE creaticinal c prIcirlunities in cir on the wailer. 714. RESpcindent discharged pollutants, as detailE d in Bindings 15-36 frc m point saL rtes into watens of the slailei without oiblaining an C hio N PDEIIS penmiiil or Electicin 40'1 water qualilly cEiriificafion cin cbllainirig aufhcirizaiion to discharge under general NADES or Section 401 nalienwic a permit, in vicilation of ORC §§ISI 6111.04 and 6111.07, and CAC Riles 3745-3121-02ijA), 3745-38-02(A), and 1745-2121-02(6;. 75. REaponderil's disci• arcles vic lafed CAC Rule "1745-1-0411A) by depositing substances intci watEUS cif the stale and adjacent wEillarids as a resulll of hL man acti%ity that setillEc tc form objE c11c nable sludgE deposiis and that adversely affected aqL atic life. 76. ResporiclE nt's c iscr arges viclaleid CAC Rule 3745-1-0411C) by discharging subsis nC6S intci "alters of the sts ie and adjacE nt weitland as a rEisull of r umian aclivity that altered the natural color cui other ccridilicins of WetErs cif the state and adjacent weitland in SL ch a dEigree as tc cneiatC a nuisance. 77. Respondent's disci• anges violated OAC Rules 3745-1-5111A) by ciausing significant adversE1 impactls on the waters et the state and acjaceint wetland's sedimentation patterns, dissctVEcl cxygen rEigimies, mioverriEM of faL na, water Elevations, and advE rse irripacts to focc supplies for fish and wildlifE. 781. Compliance wilt ORC Chapieir 6111 is not contingent upcin the availability or receipt c f firiancial assists nce. 79. The DirEcdc r has gi%en cionsideiralicin to, and basEcl his delerminaliciri on, evidence relating is 11E technical feasitility and Eceriemiic rEascinableness cif complying with these Orders and to eividEince relating to cionditions cailCL tailed tc rEisult frcmi cc rripliance w ith thesE C rders, and its iiels ficin tc 1t a benEifils 10 the pec pie cf it E Rover Pipeline, LLC ❑irecioir's Rinal Rinc ings and C nc eirs Rage 12 of 25 States is to cErived frcirri such compliance in accomplisHrig the punpcses of ORC Cf apler 6111. Cpein Burning Miolation 80. CAC Rule 31745-19-04A) prctibits any person cii properly owner from allowing or cagy sing open burning, as defined in OAC Rule 3745-'19-01(K), in ars unresiricied area except as allowed by rule cr law. 81. CAC Rulei 3745-1 �l-•0411C)(4) allc ws, after writlE n permission fnom Ohio BPA, open burning cf land cleaming %aste disposal provided that certain conditions area cit served. ThE se condii loris include, tut are nc 1 limited to, a neqL inemE nt that thea Hire bei lociated at a pciini no less than one thousand feeil frc rr any inhabited building nc 1 IcicatE d on Itei premises where i the cperi burning is to occur. 82. CRC § 3104.051IC-; statEis, in part, than not pEnson shall viola9e any cnclEn, rule, cr c EIerminaiicri cif the Director issL ed, adopted, or madE unc er CRC Chapter1704. CAC Ch aplleir 3745-19 was ade plied by the Dineicten pc rsuani ilo CRC C hapten 13704. 83. Rursl arit OAC Flule 3745-19-0411C)(4), cn March '13, 2017, Ch io ERA rEICEWEd a written application fbr pE rmissicin tc c pE ri bunri frc rri B) cel Mulching. The application tegL esied permission tc use oF1en bunning as the method of disposing land cleaning waste gEnEiratEd by the installaiieri of 1hEi Elurgettsllown Lalleral pipelines which arEi pari of llhe Rciven RipelinEi Projekt. Specifically, Excel IVulahing neqLesied tc open bunn at 49 sites aleing ihEi rlipeline in JEfIlE rson Cc uniy, Chic. The 49 sites arEi Iecated in unrEstricted aneas as defined in CAC Rules 3745-1�1-01(N;. 84. Cn March 2E, 2017, Ch io EPA granted permission tc open bL rn lit Ei land clearing wastE material E the 49 sites provided it at ExcEI ML lahirig complied with the written penmissicin and OAC Rule 3745-19-0411C;. This included the reqs irE ment that all firE sines bei at IE ast a rie thousanc feel frc mi ainy int at ited building. 85. On April 11, 2017, Ct io BPA rECEiived a complaint rE garding open burning bE irig conductEid ori tt E pipeline's right of way, near - lownship Road 240, Tc rcnloi, Ohici. An inve sit iglatEid ccmducted t y C hio EPA c n April 121, 2017, rE vEialeid tha t the cipen burning fire site was located within tt ausand fleet ei an inhabited building, in viclalicn otthe March 2E, 210171 written pEirmission, CAC Rule 311411-1944(C)(4)(c,' and C RC § 3704.051G). 86. As pari of the cc nstruciicin project, REisponderit contracted with Bxcel Mulching to open burn it Ei land cleaning wasiie generailed as pari Of it Ei pipe line cerislructioin and therEfcire, caused cir allowed it a HIE gal Cpen burning incident w t ict ocoL rred cin on around April 11, 2017. Rover Pipeline, LLC ❑ireclor's Rinal Rinc ings and Cadens Rage 13 of 25 87. CAC Rule 31745-19-0511A)(5; slates that a %iclation cif a condillieri sell forth ty Chio EPA in granting clermiission to open burn may be grc unds for revocation cif such permission anc refusal tc giiant fuiLrEi permiissicn, as well as for the imposition of ether sanctions provided by law. This includes the assessmieril cf civil penalties. 88. Based on th ei abo� a Findings, the DirEctor of Chic ERA finds ifat ResporAent allcwec burning within a thcusand feet cif an inhabilled building, in %iclation of CAC RL 16 3745-19-0511A) aind ORC § 3704.051IG;. VI.'C RIDBRS Responceint shall imimiediately implErrieril the Release RrEveintioin and BmiEuigericy Response Cc ntingEincy Rlan II" ContingE ncy Rlan") lh at identifiers mEiasures 110 protect PL blic h ealth anc the erivinonmienl, that was submiltE d fc r rEN iEiw on May 5, 2017. "ithin seven days of It a EfIlEcllive datE cif thesEi Orders, Respon&nt shall sL bmiit a revisEc Cerilingency Rlan addressing comments prcvided in Ohic EPA'si IEtlEir0f JL ly 7, 2017 for Chioi EPA's review and appro%al. 2. "ithin severi (7) days call C hio EPA's approval of I a Contingency Rlari, Respondent shall discc ntiriue L sing RE initial plan sut miittec and imiplErrieni 11hE appnovEd Ccintingeinay Rlan. 31. "ithin sEven (7) days from the Eflkclive date of these Cadens, RespondEint shall submit a Fllan fcir appnoval to the Chio EPA pursuant tci the rEquirEimenla of ORC 6111.45 for the rEimicval of all spent drilling miud that was deposited info the Csler Sand and Gravel Disposal Pit and Re Beach City Quarryl anc dispose of it in acaoirdance with 11 he plan approvE d by thea Directc r of Chio BPA. 4. "ithin sE\en (7; days from the EiffeclivE date of these CrdElls, REspondEint shall submit a plan for appnoval to the Chic EPA pursuant to the requiremeinls of ORC 6'111.45 for the proper disposal of scleriil c rilling mud contaminated %ilh petrclec m hydrocarbons than was deplosiled info the CatEigcir)l 31 vuElland adjacenl lo the 11L scarawas RIVE r as described in Rindings 21 It rc L gh 2E abovE . 5. V& ithin fey rteE n 1114) days frc ai if a EffEclive datE of 1hEise C rders, REispondenl stall sut alit a samclling plan to C h io ERA fair apprcival, llo d6k rmiriE 11hE prEiseince of diesE I range cirganics anc pElnolEumi hydreicanbcris in drilling miuc utiliZ6d lhrciughcut HDD prc jEicils in Chic. If ilhe samplEi resp Its iridicat6 the presencie cif thesE constituents, REispclndenl shall manage the dnillincl fluid Inom these sitEE in accordance with the requirements cf ORC 6'11'1.45. 6. Within thirty 1130) days from the EffEclivEl dates of theiSC Orders, REispondErd shall submit to C hio EPA, 401/We111airid/Brivinonmieirilal A/illigaticin SEClicn, fcir review and Rc%er PipEilinei, LLC Dineicton's Rinal Rindinc s and C rdE rs Rage 14 of 25 appnoval, a Wetlanc Restoration Rlan Q"WRR", for the resteralicri cf it a implactCd acres of Categery 3 wetland aullined in ihEi abcve lisiled Fundings. In addilion is tl-e restoration, Respcindeinll shall include in it EI"RR, it a mitigation cif an additional '19.5 acres of Cailegory 3 wetland tci be presEIRieid, enhanoed, c r restored eiiher c nsilei cir cffsHe. 7. C hio BRA will rEMElw tt e W RR and rr ay Este blish additional rEiquiremEints tc the WRP if it a plan is deemeid deficie rel. Afiler review cf the plan, C hio BPA may approve the plan as submitiled, araippro%e 1tei plan wiih adc itional ccridillions. Upon the approval of the WRP by Ohic BPA, Respondent sr all irriplerrieni the plan anc complEitE all necessary rEirrieidialiori reigL NemE nts required by the plan within six (E; months friom ilhe dale C hie BRA appnovE s ihEi "RR or an alternate deac IinC approvEt by C hioi EPA. 8. VA ithin SEN en (7) c ay s frc rri it ei effective dates of it ese orders, REispondenll stall submit a NCI is c btain oovE rage c ndeui C hio's NRDES Construction Stotm Nutter General Rermiil and a Cc nstrucllicin EIlorm W ater P011l clic n Rreivention Plan it°SWRY) consistent with Ohio's General NP❑ES ConstrLcilicn %Ilorm Water Rerrriit No. CHC00004 feri Ohio BRA's apprc%al. Uperi appnoval, Reisporideni stall implemEnt i t e SWR3 and it stall beccme an eriforceable pari cf theiS6 Crdens. G rciund Water Mor itaring Prc gram — Stank Countv EIpill Site 9. REispondeiril shall implE rr Ein11 and cont ual a ground waters me niioring pnognam ioi delerminEi the impacil cf the inadvertEM return cf bentcnile drilling mud anc cionsililuEMs at itEi Stark CCLniy Site on ground water quality iri tte aneia cf the inadverteinil rEiL rns, residential wells, and ground water moniic ring wElls in acct rdance w i11 h the negL iremE nts and timeframes set forth in thesE C nc ers. The greLnd watEr monilcring program as ccnductEd per thesE Ordeiis shall bei in accordance with C hio BRA's Technical Guidance Mangy al fon Hydrogeologic Imestigatioin and Ground Water Monitoring anc shall produce analytical rEisulils that are rEipmesenialivE cif 11hE qL ality of ground watem in the area cf IhE mac vEirient retuiin. 10. Willhin fiftEen (115: days frcirri the effeicilive datE of thesE CrdEirs, REispondeint shall sc brriit a gnourid water sampling and analysis plan ("Stark County Rlan") fcir sampling ground water mcinitcning wells and r6sideniial wells. The Sta0 County Plain shall include a detail6d de scripil ion c f tett niqueis for well purging, extraction of the sample, sarriple preservation, chain of custcdy, samples transport and analysis. REsideinlial sarriplES shall be ccillected pricer to any hcrrie lrealrreni systEirri if rEiascnably accessible. The r. -Hark COL my Plan shall require that sarriples be arialyzec fcir 11hE fallowing ceristituents: volallile c rganic cc rripourids using USERA mEithod 8260, semi- volatilEi cirgania comrloc nds using L SEPIA method 8270 and dieseil fuel corripounds RCVEir Ripeline, LLC DirEclor'Ei Rinal Rindings and Cadens Page 15 of 25 f using USIEPA r'rlEithod 8015c. The Eli ark County Plan shall alsci include prcaedL rE s for dEilermining pH, tEirriperature, specific conductance and turbidity in the field during samipling. 11. Within 11hirly 1130) cays frcm the effective dates of these Orders, REspondeirill shall samiple three residential wells ai: 9980 RivEirlarid AVE.; 9834 Riverlarid AV6.; anc 9236 RivEHand Ave. Samples shall be collectek following the proicedL res includec in it Ei Stark Cc uniy Rlan submitted pursuant io C rdCr 10. 12. Within sixty X160) cat's frcimi the eiffecti%ei dale cf these Orders, REspcndenl shall install, and dENelop menitoning wElls located apprcArrialEily in 11hE four locations inc icated cn RigL rE 1. ThC Directcr may aipprc%e altennative local icris and regL ire additional monitoring well locations. llwc mcinitoring wells stall be insialled all eact Icaaticin. All monitoring wEdls shall be ccnsiructec with a scrEen IEingit cf 10 feet. alt E screen Of it a deE pest w6ll stall bei ai a dE pth conEJsteini with the deipth cif the pipEiine boring bEinEiath iIhE TusaarawE s RIVE r. The shallc w wE II shall have a scneEin intE rval aoinsist6nt with the water tat 11E. 13. Within sixty 1160) days from the effective c alE cf theses Orders, REispcindeni shall sample tt ei me niloring wells installed peen Order 12 L sing the Stark Couriily Rlari submiftd pursuant to C rder 10. 14. Respondent st all sut m it all analysis reisL Its io Ohio ERA within it irty II30) days from Jt a date any Weill was samrllEid PL rsuani to these Orders. 15. REsponderit shall submit wilt the first analytical results fcir ground waieir samples from the mionitcning wells sampled, a neport describing tt a cionsilruction of the mcnitciiing wells insiialled per C rdE r '12. phis rE porl shall include siratigraphic boring logsand constructic n logs fc r i hEi me niic ring wells. Tt e reportst all inciluc a Icicatic ne I information w iit accuracy of c rie mEItE r in _both IatitudE and Ic ngitude. The 116port shall include the EiEivatic n rEilati\ a to miean sE a IeVE I of the top of casing tc a SL rvEiyeid mark with an accuracy tc within orae hundreidih of a foot. All local icrial and elEivation data shall be certified by a Registered SL w6yor wilh 11hE Sliaile of Ohic. 16. The residE ntial wEills and mienitciring wells negL irEid tc be sampl6d L ndertheS6 Orders stall be samipled E veiryl ninety 1190; days afiler it ei first sampling events required pursuant to C ndEms 11 arid 131 fora dotal of fc ur samipling evEirits during tt a firstyear afiler it E Efi1ectiV6 datE of these Cadens. All nesideriilial anc micinitc ring wells maybe samplEd during ihE same samipling Event begirining ninety (910; days aftEir first sampling ilhE mciniiciririg wE IIs. Afiler the firsil yEiar of sarr#ing the residEintial wE II and monitoring wells rEiquirEid tc be sampled pErihEisei orders shall be sampled Every 180 days is r two yEiars. The Direcitc r may Eixiend it a mciniloiring period and the ncle the iirEqueincy ci sampling. Rciveir Pipeline, LLC Directc n's Rinal Findings anc C rders Rage. 16 of 29 17. All dcauments submittEic to Ohio EPA underthese carders shall conilain thea nciiarized signature of a qL alified ground wailer sciEintisi and shall cc ntain ilhe fcillcwirig staiemiEnt: "I certify that/ I ami a qualified grciLnc water scieniisi as dEiflined in rule 21745-400-01 cf the Admiinistralive Ccide, and that I have preparEd the infcrmaticin submiiied in ih is docurrkrit, and that io it -e best of may knowleidge the infoirmaiicin is true, accurate, and cc mplEite." 18. If there is any release of contarnination to grcL nd watEm dL a io activities perfcmmied by ReispondE nt, Respondent shall peirfoiim a groc nd water asseissmie rill. This assessmeriil shall includes deterimiining IhE acincEritration cif contaminants in grciund water, the extend cf ire ccr0aminants and tree rate cf mavemE nt cfihEi contamiinanis. 15 If sampling shaves that ground watEm quality has been impacted ty Respondeini, RespomEint shall perform gnoiund watEm ccirreclivei measureEi. Tt-e Director may sEdect frcmi ihE1 corrective mieasune rEicommieindailicris submillied by REispondeirill or IhEi DirEaior may reiquire tr at Respondeni cciridL ct an aliernativE ccirrecti%a measure remedy as sEled6d by the Director. 20. If sampling shows that RE spondEint is corilamiriating a water sL pply weill dove rigradient of 1hEi facility, Respondent shall prc%ide reliEif tc nearby residEints. The reilief to any aiffeatE d party stall include, as necessary: connection to a publia waltE r supply I1including running the watEm line and poiteriilial Eixpansie ri of the PL blic waier system), or drilling cif a new well, suct ilhail the affEiclled party is assured a sL stainable, adequate, anc uncorillaminaleid souraei of drinN ing waieir. Grciund Waters Monitcirina oilAgua Massilloml Ositer Slaine acne Gravel Area 21. REspcindenl will implement and cenducl a ground waier meniloring pregrarn tci c etermine the imflact of ihE disposal of bentciniie drilling MLCI and consiiic Erits, and waste soil frcimi drilling activilliEs ai 1he Osteii Sand and C ra%el Disposal Riten ground water CIL ality in accordance with it E se C ndEirs. The ground watE r me nitoning prc grami as conduaied PE these orders shall be in aacordance with Chio BMA's-lecrnical GL idance Manual for 1-ydiiogeclogic Investigation and C rcl nc Wateii Menitciring and shall pnodL CE analytical rE19L Its ilhai ane neipresentaiivei of ihE CIL ality of gree, nd water in the airEia cf the Rit. 221. Within fifteen 1115) days frcmi the effEiaiive datC of thesE CrdEirs, RespondEirit shall sL bmit a grc and watEm sampling acrid analysis plan ("Aqua Massillon Rlan") fc r sampling ground watE r monHoiring wE IIsi, residEintial wells, prct uction wEills, and watE r sL pply wElls. -nt a Aqua Massillon Plan shall include a dEiaileid descripticin cif tEiahniqL E s for wE II pL rging, exilraction c f thea saimiple, sample prE se Riation, chain c f RcvE r Ripeline, LLC ❑ire clor's Rinal Rinc Ings and C nc E rs Rage 17 c f 25 custody, sample transport and analysis. Municipal and prcidL clJon weill sarr ples shall be collected raw al the well t ead price to ireaimieni, and residential samiples shall be collEcied pnioii io any hcirrie ilreaimeinl system if reasonably assessable. The samiples shall be analyzed fcr the fellcwing aonaNUEints: volatiles organic compounds using USBRA meithod 8260, semi-%olatilei organic aoimrloc rids c sing USBPA method 8270 and diesel fuE] ccrripounds using USIBPA mEiltod 8015c. 11hE Aqua Massilloin Rlan shall also incluC16 procedL rES far dEilermining pl- , lempenaturE , specific ccinductance anc turbidity in the field during sampling. 23. W ithin it iriy 1130) days frc m the effectivEi date of tt ese Orders, RE spc ndeini shaill eample the well at :1241 Ri%erside Ave. and the fey r Oster Sand and Graved Inc. prcic uciicri %Ells anc Aqc a Ohic Wells #91 and # 14 (SEee aittaahed map;. SamplE s shall bei ccdlected foillcwing ihE procedures includec in the AqL a IVassillon Fllan submitted pursuant 110 C rder 212. 24. Within sixty (60; days from the effective c atEi cf thesE1 C rdeirs, Respc ndeni shall install, and devEicip mionitering "ells Icicated in at IEiast tMlo localioris betwlEen the OstElr Sanc and GtavEil Disposal Pit and the well located al 3241 Riverside Ave. and t etwleen it e C ster Sand and Gra\ el Disposal Flit and Aqua C hio Well #14 as shown cin the attached map. The Direaic r may apprci\ e a Iteinnati\ a locations and r6quirE additic nal monitoring "ell locatic ns. Two mc nitciring wells st all bE installed all Eiach local icri. All mciniioring wells sr all be construaled wilt screE n l6ngit of 10 fEet. The scneEin cif ite CIEeipest well at Each Iccatioin shall be ait a depth coinsisterit wiit 11 he depllh of the water supply well that the monilloring wEdl is assciaiatEc wi11h. The shallow well shalt t ave a scne6n iniervail cerisiste nt witt tt a waten tablE . 25. W i1 t in sixi y (60) days frcimi the E filective date of theses C nc E ns, Respc rident w ill samp16 the monitoring wells insllalled per Order 24 L sing IhE Aqua IVassilloin Plan submiitled pursuanil to Crden 22. 26. All analysis reisL Its shall be submitted lo Ohic BRA willhin thirty (130; days from 1t e date any well was sampled pt, rsuanl to thesE Orders. 21RespondEint stall submit with 11`Ei first analytical results fen grciund water samiples frcm the monitoring weills SamplE d per Order 25, a reportdescribing the oonsirL otic n of 11hEi monitoring wells insllalled pEir Order 24. This rE pc ri st all include straligrapt is boring Ings and construction Icigs fan the monilloring wEills. The re pc ri shall includes locational information with an accuracy of one mEler in bott latiiLde and longituc e. HhE rEipciri shall inch de the elevation r6latk a tci mEian sE a lEi%ell of the top of casing to a surveyed mark with an aacunacy to a turidnedth of a fool. All Iecalional and elevaliciri data shall bE certified by a REgislerEid Slurveycir with the States of CHO. 218. ThEi wEills requineid to be sampled under C rders 23 and 25 shall be sampled every Rcver Pipeline, LLC Director's Rinal Bindings and Crdeirs Ragei 18 of 25 nine iy (910) daiys aftE r the first sampling events reqs fined pc rsuani to Orders 231 and 25 for a tcillal cf fc ur samipling E %enis during tt ei firsil yE ar afiler the eiffecti%a date cf 1 hese Crders. Afton the first yeiar of sampling the mionitoring wells reiquirec to be samclled per 1 t e se Crders shall be sampled eve ryl180 days fc r twloi years. The Dire ctc r may extEind the monitoring period and ahange 11he frEiquency. 29. All dOCL mints submitted tc C hio E PA L ndE r thESEI ordens shall contain the nctarizEid signailLre of a qualified grcund watEir scierillist and scall conlain the foillewing silatEmenl: "I Uriify that I ami a qualified ground water scientist as definEid in rule 3745-400-CI1 of thEi Administrative Code, and ltait I have prepared thEi informaticin submiitec in this documienl, and that tc the bEsi cf my knowledge the infcirmaiien is inue, accurate, and complete." 30. If it ere is any release of contaminaticin tc ground wailer c ue to aci ivitiE s performed by RE sponderit, ReispondE nt shall pE rfcrm a grourid wailer asseissmienl. This assessment stall inch de determining RE concieninailicn cf ccintarniriarills in grciunc water, thee)leni cif the ceriiaminants and the naile of movemieril of it ei corilaminants. 31. If samipling shcws thal ground water quality tas beEin impaciled by Reispondeini, REispondE rill shall perfcmmi grc unc water corrective measures. The C ire clic r may sE leict from the corrEdive mieasune reaommendaiieris submitlEid ty RovEir or the Direcior may reqs irE tt at Responc E nt cionduci an ailiernative corrE ctivE mieasuiie remiedy as SElectEid by the Director. 32. If sampling stows 11 hal the Respondent is contaminating any Aqua IVassilleri waleir supply well dcwrigraidieni of the Rii, Reisponc Eint shall provic a r6lief to Aqua Massillon. The rE lief to Aqua Massillon shall include, as neCEissaryl: diiilling Of a new drinking water well, or the siting and develcipmeni cif a new drink incl waier well fielc including assuming the costs for dE sign, permitting and installation cif drinN ing waier supply wells in the riEiwwell field such it at Aqua Massillon is assn roc a sustainable or adeqL atC, and uncorilaminaled sciurce of ground water. Ground Water Monitoring cif City eiflCardon's Sugar Creek WeIHlieId /Bee ch City Quannv Area 33. Respc ndeni will imcllE rr ent and ccindc ct a ground water moniiciring program to detE rrr ine the impact of the disposal of bentcinite drilling mud and .cc ristituE nts, and wastE sciil from drilling activities at the Beach City CL arry ("Quarry'; on grcI nd watE r quality in accordance wilt it ese CrdErs. The grciurid water mcinHoring program as cc nductE d fleii thesE ordens shall bei in accordance with Ohic EPA's Technical Guidance Manual fcir Hydrogeclogic In%estigation and Ground Water Monilloiring and shall proc ucie analytical results that are reprEseniaIJVEi cif the quality of ground Rover PipEiline, LLC Director's Rinal Rinc ings and Cndens Rage 19 of 25 uAater in the area of the C anry. 34. Wish in fifileen (15) days frc rri the Effective date of theses Cnc Bins, REepcindeni st all submit a gnourid "ailer sampling anc analysis plan it"Quaniy Rlan"', for sampling gnourid water moriitouing wells, residential wells, and municipalwells. 11t is Quarry Plan st all iriclL de a detailed de sciripi ie ri cf tect piques fc r we II pungirig, eixinactic n cif the sample, sample prEiservatic n, chain of custc dy, sample lranspc ri and ainalysis: Municipal %E II samples shall be cc Ilecteid naw at lf• a well head prior to lreiatmieni, and rEisidenlial samples shall be collected pnicii to any tome treatment system if reascinably assessable. The samples shall be analyzed for the following cc nstituents: volatile omganic cc mpounds L sing L .":IEPA meilhccl 8260, semi-%olatile engariic cc m pciunds L sing US13RA mEIhac E1270 and diesel fuel compos nds using USIaPA method 80'l 5c. Tt a plan sheill alsci include procec ures for determining pH, iempenatur6, specific ccnductancEi and iL rbidilly in the field dL ririg sampling. 35. Within thirty il30) days from the effective dates oil itEse Cndems, REsponcent stall coridLct sampling ai: City oil Canton's Slugan Creek Waten TRE atment Pllariil 11WTP) WE IIs #2, #7 and #9; Ciiy of Canioin's Sc gar Creek W11R Eniryl Point; 5449 Sliaile Route 250 NW; 5378 EltatE Rc ute 212; 5342 State RoutC 212; 5510 Sllaile Reuie 212; 5364 Sllaile Rcute 212; 10335 Dolphin StrEieit SIW; 1031211 Dclpt in SlineEt SW; 102491 Dolphin Street SW; '10431 Dolphin Street SW; anc 10199 Dolphin Street SW. Samples shall be collected fellciwing the precede refs included in tt e C uarry Rlein submittec pIL rsuant to Order 34. 316. Within si)ly 1160) days frcmi the effective date Cf it else Cnc ens, Respondent stall install, anc develop mcinilciring wells Iccateid in al leash Mci lociations between the C uarryand ilhE nearE si prciducilic ri wells for City of Cantcin's SL gar Creek Wellfield. 11hE Diiiecton may appnoivE alternative loicaiicris and require additional micnitcring wEill Icications. Two monitoring wells shall bei insilallEd at Eiact Ieciaticin. All rnionitoring wells shall bei conslructEd with scrEien length of '10 feet. The screen of the clEiepest wE II stall be at a depth consistent with the dE pth cif the prc dL cticin well the micnitcring weill is asscciaied wish. 11he shaliew weill shall have a screen interval ceinsistEint with the wailer tat IEI. 37. Within sixty (60; days ircimi i1hE eiffectKe date oil thesEi Cnc Ens, Resperident will sample the mionitodng wells installed per Ordeii 36 L sing RE C uarry Rla n su t rr i itted PE r C nc E r 34. 318. All analysis rEsulls shall be submitted ilo Ohic BPA willhin thirty 1130) days from the dale any well was sampled pursuant tci these CME rs. 39. Respc ndeni shall submit with IhEi first analytical resp Its fc r gnound water samples fnom thEi rrionitcring weills sampled per C rder 317, a rE pc ri describing the Rover Picleline, LLC ❑irEicilor's Rinal. Rinc ings and Cnders Rage 20 of 25 coristruaiion of It Ei monilloririg wells installed per Crdeiii 36. This report shall iriclude siratigraphic boring Icigs and ecinstrucitien Icigs for 1hEi orionitoiing wells. 111•Ei report shall includes Icicational infonmiaticin with an acciuracy cif cine meter in b611h laiiiude and lorigiiLde. The report stall include 11hE eilevaiieri rEilati%e to meian sea IEiveil cf itEl lcip of cashing to a sur%ieyEid mark with an accuracy to a hundredth cf a fcct. All Ic cational and elevation data shall be cEiri ified by ai RE gislerEid Si, rvE y ar w ill h the dilate cf Ct ici. 40. The wells rEiquirEd tc be samipled L nder Orders 35 and " 7 shall bei sampled every ninety (1910; days afileii the first samipling Events rEqLirec Flursuant tc OrdErs 39 and 317 fon a dotal of fOL r sampling events duning the first y6ar aftEir thEi effectivei dale of tr ese CrdEirs. Aften 11he ilinsl year of sampling 11hE moniloring wells r6quirE d io be samplec per theses C 11 Ers shall bE samipled every 180 days fcir twie yeiars. The Directaii miay E)iend IhE moinitciiing pericid and chancle the frEiquenay. 41. All docurrienlls sl.bmiitlled to Chio BRA L nden thEisEi orclEns shall contain 11hE nctarizEc signature cf a qL alified grCL nc Waller scieirillist and shall eoniain the following slallement: "I certify that I ami a qualified gnourid watEnsciiEinllisi as defined in rule 1745- 400-01 cfllhe Admiinisilrative Code, and Thal I h avE1 prEipared 1f ei infermialion submitiEc in this docurreini, arid thall tc the bES11 cf my kncwledgei the infcirrrialien is true, accuratEi, and complete." 42. If there is any release of contamination ici grot. nd waterdue tci activitiE s perfc rmiEic by REspondeni; Respondent shall perfonmi a grot. nd waleir assessoreint. This assessment stall inaluc a ddE rmining the cc ncentre icri of aoniaminants in ground watEir, the extern of the ccintamiinants and the nate cf rriovE mient cf the contaminants. 4 31. If sampling shows Rat ground watEir quality r as beE n impactEic by RE spcindent, ResplonclEM shall peirfcrm grcic nd water ccrre dive mieasurEis. TI- e DirE c11or may select frc mi thEi connective measure rE cc mimieridaticins SL bmiitileid by RovEir or ihEi Director may require that Respondent cc ridgy ct an allernall ivEi ciorrE clive measure rE miEcly as selEicied by thEi Directcii. 44. If sampling shows that 1f a Resperident iEi contain inating any cf the Citi of Canton's SL gar CneO W ellfield wafer supply wEills dcwngradiE nt of the C uarry, REispondEirit sl- all prci ide neliei tc the C ity c f C antc n. The relief to C iiy of Canton sl- all include, as necE ssary: drilling cf a new drinking wa to n well, c r the siting and devE IopmE nt cif a new drinking walEir well field including assuming the ccsts for design, permitting and iristallalion of drink ing waler supply wells in the riElw well fiEild suah that the City of Caintcri is assured a sustainable or adecluailei, and unconiaminaleid scUcE cf gnourid watEui. . 45. If sampling sh ows that Respcindeni is cc ntaiminaiing a wateui supply well downgradieinl Rcver Pipeline, LLC ❑irEicilor.'s Rinal Rinc ings and OndErs Rage'21 of 25 of 11 he facility, Reispcndent shall prop ide reliEif tc nearby reside rats. The reliEif to any affEated parly shall include, as riEiaessary: ccrrnecticri tc a publia waler supply 1lincluding running the water line and poterillial Eixpe nsicn cif the PL blic wafer system), or drilling of a neiw well, suct 11hat thea affEcteid party is assn rEid a sL staiinable, adeiquate, and uriccnilaminateid sounce of drinking water. VII. lIERMINATIC N REispc ndeint's obligall ions L nde n 11 he stet C nde ns shall to rm inde whEin RespondEint certifies in writing and demcinstra leis to thea satisfacllicn of Ohic EPA thall RespondE nt t as perfonrried all c bligall ions L nc Eir these C rders and the Chiefs c f C hio BPA's Divisic ri cif EludaM \A ate r and Division of Drinking and Giiound WatEms acknowledge, in vmrilling, ttEi tErminatioin of these C riders. If C hio BPA c cels nc t agrEie that all obligations have beEin pE ri ormE d, tt e n O t io EAA w ill noel ify Respc rident of the obligail is ns that t ave not been perfo rm eid, in w hicr casE REispondEnt shall have an opportunity tc address any sucr deficieinciEs and seek tE rmination as describEic above. The certification stall ccintain the following atllestatioin: "I aertify that the information contained in c r accc rripany ing tt is cert ificatieri is 11rU6, accurate and aomplele." This certification sr all bE submitiled by RespoindE nt to Ohic EFTA and st all be signed by a responsible official of Respcnd6rit. Acer purFloseis of thesE1 Orders, a responsible official is defined in OAC Rule 31745-33-031ID). VIII. OTHER CL .4IMSI Nothing in these Orders shall cc nstitule cir be construed as a releaise from any claim, cause cf aan licor demand in law or Equity against any pEirscri, firm, partnership cr ccirporatioin, rid a pari y tc tt esei Orders, for any liability arising froim, or nelalled 1lo activities oacurring on c r ait It E silei. Mill. OTHER APFILJICABIJE LAWS All actions required is be lak6n pL rsuant 11ei t he SE11 C rdE rs shall be L ndEirle kEiri in acaordarice with the requiremeints of all applicable Icical, slate and federal laws and regulations. ThesE Orders dc not waive or compromise thea applicability and Einic rcement of any other statutES or rEigulations applicablE to REEipcindent. IX. N OTICE Rover Pipeline, LLC Dire cior's Pinal Rindings and C K Eers Rage 22 of 25 All dccurriEents neqL fined to be SL bmitileid by Respondent pur.iuzint to these Orders shall be addrE sseec 10: Ohio Environrrienlal Prcilection Agency Central Office Division of SuriacEI Water and/cir Division of Drinking and Ground Wateiris 5CI " flown Streel., Suites 700 COIL mbus, C hio 43215 Atiln: BnfcercErrieni K/anager, X. RE SIERVATIC N C F RIG h 11SI N o& ing contained f a nein shall be consllruE d tc prem eni Ohio BPA from see king legal c r eqL itable rEHEf to einforce the tEerrris c thesEi C 11 Ers or freirri taking cif• en administrative, legal cr EiquitablE acticin as deemeid apprcpriale and necessary, iriclLding seeking pEinallliEs against RespondEint for noncompliance with these Orders and/cr for the vieelations deiscnibed herEiin. IN cthing acinlained f euiein sir all be constrL ed tc prevent C f• io BRA frcirri exE rcising its lE wiul ad hority 10 require Respc rident to pe rfc rrri addill is nal activilieis pursuant tci C RC C haptE ns 6109 and E 111 cir any oil hE r applicable law in the full lrE. Neething herein shall restrict the right c REespcndeni tci raise eny administrative, legal or equitable alaim c dEfensei with respect filo such furl 1 en actions whiah Ohio BRA may seek to reiqu ire of Reispcirident. Nci1 r ing in 11 hEese C ndE ns shall be construed io limit the authority cif Ohic BRA 10 seek relief icer violations not addressEid in tr ese C rdEirs. XI. SHHSCTIVIE DAIS The effecti%ei c ale cf theses C rders is the dale these Orders arEe Eintened into the Cr ici ERA C irEicilor's .journal. 1(111. APPEAL) FIGHTS Resrlcrident is hE reit y notified that this actic n of the Directcui is final arid may be appEealed to thEi BnvircnrriEirital Review Appeals Ccimmission pc rsuanl .to.; R.C..§I 31745.04. 11hEe appeal mist be in writing and set font• the action complained of and the grceurids upon "high the appEal is be seed. The appEeal rriusl bEi filed willt the Ceirrirriissicin within thirty 11310; days after nolicEe c the Direcilor's aclion. llr a appeal mL st bee accomr1aniEed by a filing feE cif $70.00 made payable to "Ol io TneasurEr ost IVandEI", wfich 1hEe Ccrrirreissicn, in ills discrE licen, may rE d ce if by affidavit .yc u deemc nstraile 11ha1 payment c the fL II amc un1 of thEe fE a we uld aause eixtrEerriE hardship. NcelicEe of 1r E filing c the appeal shall bee MEC with the Dim icllorwitl- in threE (3; days c filing with 11 he Cemrreissioen. Ch is BRA neqL Es1S that a copy of the appeal be sEervied upon the Ct io Attonney General's Cfilice, Elnvironrreeerillal EnforcerreEnt Secticn. An appeal may bEe filed wi11h the BnvircinrriEental Revieew Appeals Rover Ripelinei, LLC Direlclolr's RineI Rindings and Cridersi Page 211 of 25 Cc rr mission at the following addre ss: Brivinonmenlal Review Appeials Ccrrimissicin 310 B. Brcad "Ilreet, 4th Rloicr Ccdurribus, Ohic 43215 IT ISI SIC ORDERED: Ohio Elnvirormer tal Pnotection Ageincy WZ4LOI? Craig uller, Directcir Date ROVElr Ripeline, LLCI Clirecior's Final Rindings and Orders Plage 24 c f 25 a Fi€lL re 1 i 5 a T 91]5' She pler,Chuoh RU ShaplM-Ct-cft %, A r O+ n plw Ohm di, Rd iSdepk+CmachRd 1 lulu a1TN^ �I � l 10297 51 splm Chad) Rrl /n � td 391 Shead Ctulah ROL 1 I1 sa � s (�- �• VIIIgge,o118llivall gjinkie laten 9gurce PIll tedif n aea Legenc A home Q PIIt as Nleta 37etm wv10� ® etnel Miregemel tZones fgrouadvlete l Sdu oll Wa:er fNdtedion /heel, (glourKM Merl VIAll TI pe Fry tr. atm Errtagrat Wr :land Fire tY ate. florestea Sttrrowetiam ,n,.." , Sir-: r Ir ® r i 1 i C. array, rry,1 � a rry Id _9 aa�,'�Irl _.aa... Arwr e.ra ya'b't fi a� W ' 4-1 Ploposec Residential Sampling e, Pac pgsec Munitaring Walls lamp,a t�nitronmlYrtal Protection Agency (N) Re 0 1,000 i1IX10 ,00 Mt;y]t,201a ROVE r Ripeline, ❑ire cior's Rinal Rage 25 of 25 LLC Rindings and Cudeas ROVER PIIIABLINS lempic CSTBF1 SAND & GRAIVBLI DL MR SITE Fleury'kiwnship, Slank County • A uojec Sample (Resident lal and PWS] A Osten Sand & Gravel and Shally M ai crials Wells (Locallcons Appno)iimaled) 10 Pnopgsed Well (Austen Lc cal ion jo Amea of Uumpinfl (Local Ion Appnoximialed)