HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140957 Ver 2_Attachment 14_Dodds Report_20170818Attachment 14 ASSESSMENT OF THE ADVERSE HYDROGEOLOGICAL IMPACTS RESULTING FROM CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE IN WEST VIRGINIA, VIRGINIA, AND NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for the Dominion Pipeline Monitoring Coalition By Pamela C. Dodds, Ph.D., Licensed Professional Geologist March 2017 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Since January, 2015, Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC (ACP) and Dominion Transmission, Inc. (DTI) have submitted documents to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) pertaining to the project description, location, and impacts for construction of a gas pipeline extending 603.8 miles through West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina. References to these previously submitted documents are included in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), Docket Numbers CP15-554-000, CP15-554- 001, CP 15-555-000, and CP15-556-000), incorporated and submitted by the FERC staff and made available to the public on December 31, 2016. In the "Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Supply Header Project, and Capacity Lease Proposal", dated December 30, 2016, the FERC staff stated the following: "The FERC staff concludes that approval of the projects would have some adverse and significant environmental impacts; however, the majority of impacts would be reduced to less -than - significant levels with the implementation of the Atlantic's and DTI's proposed mitigation and the additional measures recommended in the draft EIS." This statement does not recognize consideration of cumulative impacts, as required of all federal agencies by the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). The FERC staff opinion does not define the use of the word "significant" as meaning statistically significant or significant with respect to any particular parameter. Nor does the DEIS provide clarification of this terminology. There is ample opportunity to provide metrics in an opinion concerning impacts: 1) Calculations of discharge within first and second order stream watersheds, using the Rational Method or the TR -55 (developed by the Soil Conservation Service/Natural Resources Conservation Service) provide the amounts of increased stormwater discharge to streams resulting from deforestation and soil compaction in the pipeline construction areas; 2) Calculations of downstream stream bank erosion and stream bed scour provide quantities of sediment introduced to the streams as a result of increased stormwater discharge from the pipeline construction areas; 3) Review of the Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for the impacted streams provides a maximum measure of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and turbidity in streams resulting from increased sedimentation; 4) Calculations of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) provide a measure of expected increases in sedimentation in streams resulting from pipeline construction activities; 5) Measurements of embeddedness in the stream beds provide statistical evaluation of the aquatic environments, including high quality aquatic environments that would be adversely impacted by sediment from pipeline construction activities; 6) Bioassays of streams would provide statistical evaluation of stream quality; and 7) Percent effectiveness of the suggested best management practices used at the pipeline construction areas would provide an evaluation of the expected increased stormwater discharge and sedimentation. Qualitative opinions are appropriate with respect to scientific research and recommendations provided by government agencies. For example: 1) The West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey (WVGES) has determined that landslide -prone areas occur mostly on slopes of 15% to 45% on red shale bedrock. 2) The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) emphasizes that "Groundwater is not a renewable resource" and that groundwater and surface water are connected as one integral system. 3) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have embraced the River Continuum Concept as illustrating the strong connection between headwater areas on mountain ridges and various downstream areas. Larval insects, predominant in the forested headwaters, break down organic matter used downstream by aquatic species higher on the food chain. 4) The EPA has established TMDLs for sediment loads in streams. 5) The EPA has developed the Save Our Streams program to provide statistical analysis and evaluation of stream quality. The DEIS does not include a comprehensive list of specific soils series crossed by the proposed ACP route. This information is necessary for RUSLE calculations. The RUSLE calculations provided in the DEIS are inadequate and deficient because the discharge area is not delineated and the soils are grouped as a complex. The DEIS is deficient because Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 streams are not identified, even though this information is available on the West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina state environmental websites. The DEIS is deficient because there is no consideration of impacts to groundwater due to reduced recharge from increased stormwater runoff from the ACP construction areas. The DEIS is deficient because the selected Best Management Practices will not prevent sediment from accumulating in streams. The DEIS is deficient because there are no calculations provided to estimate increased stormwater discharge in watersheds of first order streams, second order streams, and/or third order streams, which are the most critical streams in the river continuum. The DEIS is deficient because there is no consideration of groundwater depletion with respect to seeps and springs in headwater areas, stream baseflow, or residential wells. The DEIS is deficient because there is no consideration of decreased groundwater hydraulic head, due to dewatering and reduced groundwater recharge along the ACP construction route, causing decreased baseflow to streams. The hydraulic head must also be maintained and to prevent saltwater intrusion in aquifers of the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province. The DEIS is deficient because the sediment from the construction site, along with sediment from downstream stream bank erosion and increased vertical scour, will increase stream bed embeddedness, causing degradation of aquatic habitats. The DEIS is deficient because the sediment introduced to the receiving streams due to the proposed ACP construction activities will cause elevated concentrations of water quality parameters, exceeding the Total Daily Maximum Levels established for these parameters. The DEIS is deficient because there is no consideration of the increased stream bed embeddedness downstream of proposed ACP stream and river crossings and there have been no bioassays conducted at these locations to establish the existing conditions. It can only be concluded that there will be significant, permanent damage to streams receiving stormwater discharge from the proposed ACP construction areas and to streams crossed by the proposed ACP route. 1.0 MEASUREABLY SIGNIFICANT CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS TO WATERSHEDS "Watershed" refers to all of the land that drains to a certain point on a river (Figure 1.0- 1). A watershed can refer to the overall system of streams that drain into a river, or can pertain to a smaller tributary. Stream order is a measure of the relative size of streams. The smallest tributary is a first order stream, which originates in the highest elevations. Figure 1.0-1 — Headwaters of first order high gradient streams are located at the highest elevations on the watershed divides. WATERSHED Headwa Watershed o-ibua�nes t1-dplaiv \ maucsreun Strahler (1952) defined a hierarchy of stream tributaries to depict the relationships of stream order. Where two first order streams connect, a second order stream is designated. Where two second order streams connect, a third order stream is designated (Figure 1.0-2). Figure 1.0-2 — Schematic diagram of the relationship of first order streams (designated 1", shown in blue), second order streams (designated "2", shown in green), and third order streams (designated "3", shown in orange). First order streams form in headwater areas at the highest elevations in watersheds. (Diagram based on Strahler, 1952). 1 1 2 1 2 1 Figure 1.0-2 — Schematic diagram of the relationship of first order streams (designated 1", shown in blue), second order streams (designated "2", shown in green), and third order streams (designated "3", shown in orange). First order streams form in headwater areas at the highest elevations in watersheds. (Diagram based on Strahler, 1952). 1.1 Watershed Sizes The Federal Government Agencies have established a hierarchical ordering of Hydrological Unit Codes (HUC), described as areas of land upstream from a specific point on the stream (generally the mouth or outlet) that contributes surface water runoff directly to this outlet point (Table 1.1-1). Table 1.1-1 — Descriptions of Hydrological Unit Codes (HUC). Code Official Name General Description HUC-2 REGION Major land areas. The lower 48 states have 18 total, 1 additional each for Alaska, Hawaii, and the Caribbean. (21 total in US), called 1 ItLevel — or Watershed 1St Level. HUC-4 SUBREGION Each Region has from 3 to 30 Subregions. The Missouri River Region has 30 Subregions. The lower 48 states have 204 (222 total in US), called 211 Level. HUC-6 BASIN Accounting Unit 352 total in US), called 3rd Level. HUC-8 SUBBASIN Cataloging Unit. The smallest is 448,000 acres (700 square miles). Most are much larger. National HQ compilations have this as the smallest size unit (2,149 total in US), called 4th Level. HUC-10 WATERSHED Typically from 40,000 to 25,000 acres (62 to 390 square miles). Work continues per new Interagency guidelines presented to Federal Geographic Data Committee on December 2000 (was formerly called HUC-11), called 5th Level or Watershed 5th Level. HUC-12 SUBWATERSHED Typically from 10,000 to 40,000 acres (15 to 62 square miles). Work continues per new Interagency guidelines presented to Federal Geographic Data Committee on December 2000 (was formerly called HUC-14), called 6th Level or Watershed 6th Level. HUC designations were developed by Seaber, Paul R., F. Paul Kapinos, and George L. Knapp ("Hydrologic Unit Maps", U.S. Geological Survey Water -Supply Paper 2294; 1987) as a "standardized base for use by water -resources organizations in locating, storing, retrieving, and exchanging hydrologic data, in indexing and inventorying hydrologic data and information, in cataloging water -data acquisition activities..." HUC- 8 Subbasin designations were based on a drainage area of greater than 700 square miles (448,000 acres). The smallest HUC is the HUC-12 Subwatershed, which typically encompasses an area from 10,000 acres to 40,000 acres. The HUC designations were not intended to determine specific details for smaller watersheds of tributaries which provide water quality and biotic functions of aquatic organisms for the overall watershed evaluations. 1.2 Watershed Delineation Sizes Providing Significantly Meaningful Metrics In 2007, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) prepared a document, "Functional Assessment Approach for High Gradient Streams", for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to use in assessing impacts and mitigation with respect to processing Clean Water Act 404 permit applications. High gradient headwater streams are characterized as first and second order ephemeral and intermittent streams with channel slopes ranging from 4% to greater than 10%, within watersheds of approximately 200 acres. The significance of this report relates to the proposed MVP gas pipeline construction with regard to how watersheds are evaluated. Because of the impacts of construction on the functions of headwater areas in the watersheds of first order high gradient streams, it is critical to evaluate these areas not simply as a small acreage within the area encompassing the construction project, but rather as functionally contributing areas which are the basis of water quality and aquatic habitat quality within the overall watershed. In order to evaluate the interactions of precipitation, stormwater discharge, groundwater recharge and retention, and stream baseflow, calculations must be performed at the headwater tributary level. Because first order high gradient streams are well defined (Rosgen, 1994) and are considered to provide the basis for watershed evaluation (USFWS, 2007), it is essential to select these smaller watersheds, typically 200 acres in size, to evaluate the impact of construction projects. It is critical to delineate the areas of different ground covers within a watershed in order to accurately calculate stormwater discharge. In the Watershed Protection Research Monograph No. 1, prepared by the Center for Watershed Protection (2003), it is emphasized that the relationship between impervious cover and stream quality applies to watersheds of first order streams, second order streams, and third order streams. It is therefore extremely important to evaluate watersheds of the first order streams, second order streams, and third order streams impacted by proposed ACP construction in order to adequately determine the impacts of increased stormwater discharge due to an increase in impervious surfaces. In the "Rapid Watershed Planning Handbook", prepared by the Center for Watershed Protection in 1998, it is emphasized that streams are impaired when impervious surfaces are just 10 percent of a watershed and that streams cannot support aquatic life when impervious surfaces cover 25 percent of the watershed area. At 12 percent imperviousness, trout and other sensitive species cannot survive. At 8 percent to 10 percent impervious cover, the streams double in the size of the bed due to increased volume, leading to increased stream bank erosion and loss of riparian buffers. The impervious surface amounts increase the stormwater discharge, which is responsible for the consequent erosion. It follows that where stormwater discharge is increased, due to an increase in less permeable surfaces, even without strictly impermeable surfaces, it is the increase of stormwater discharge to specific quantities that causes the damage to streams. Watersheds must be evaluated for stormwater discharge from all the ground covers within the watershed in order to determine if the stormwater discharge is equal to or greater than the stormwater discharge that would result from a 10 percent impervious area within the watershed. 1.3 Construction Impacts to Watershed Functions Forested ridges intercept rainfall so that it gently penetrates the ground as groundwater rather than flowing overland as runoff. This means that 1) the rain will gently fall to the ground and recharge groundwater and 2) the surface flow of rainwater on the ground will be slower than in cleared areas, thereby reducing the velocity and quantity of stormwater drainage. Conversely, deforestation removes the protective tree canopy, causing increased stormwater discharge and decreased groundwater recharge. It is stated in the DEIS that "Clearing and grading would remove trees, shrubs, brush, roots, and large rocks from the construction work area and would level the right-of-way surface to allow operation of construction equipment." The proposed ACP construction would thus result in deforestation and soil compaction, causing increased stormwater discharge and decreased groundwater recharge. Figure 1.3-1 provides an illustration of a typical pipeline installation work corridor. Leveling of the work corridor and access roads, along with trenching for pipe installation and for installation of cathodic protection systems (within a deforested 25 -foot wide corridor), will intercept groundwater, thereby reducing or eliminating the flow of water to rock fractures which serve as a conduit to provide water to seeps, springs, and wetlands, as well as to streams during times of drought. It is further stated that additional acreage is required for proposed additional temporary workspaces, pipe yards, staging areas, access roads, and construction associated with aboveground facilities. "The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality's Ground Water Characterization Program recognizes that springs are one of the most basic, important, and often times forgotten components of any hydrologic study" (http://www.deg.virginia.gov/Programs/Water/WaterSupplVWaterQuantitV/Groundwater Characterization/Spring Database.aspx.) Figure 1.3-1 — Leveled work corridor for pipeline installation, showing cut hillsides and dewatering. Heavy equipment and truck traffic, along with soil stockpiles, will compact soils. The WVDEP Erosion and Sediment Control Best Management Practices Manual (WVDEP, 2006, revised August 29, 2016) states that for access roads and work areas: "A 6 -inch course of crushed aggregate shall be applied immediately after grading. Geotextile fabric should be applied to the roadbed for additional stability. In heavy duty traffic situations, stone should be placed at an 8 to10 inch depth to avoid excessive maintenance." Compacted access roads and work areas with gravel surfaces are essentially impermeable. 1.4 Construction Impacts to Water Sources in Headwater Areas of Watersheds As depicted in Figure 1.4-1, when rainwater is intercepted by trees on forested ridges, the rainfall gently penetrates the ground surface and migrates downward through the soil to bedrock. The water then flows through bedrock fractures and along bedding planes to continue migrating downward or to form seeps and springs where the fractures or bedding planes intercept the ground surface. Seeps and springs can occur at various elevations on mountain slopes, depending on where the bedrock fractures or bedding planes intercept the ground surface, providing water to headwater areas and wetlands in headwater areas of first order high gradient streams. Seeps and springs can also occur along streams and rivers. As the quantity of groundwater accumulates beneath the ground surface, a hydraulic gradient forms, causing the groundwater to move downgradient to nearby streams and rivers or to lower areas where the water may reach streams and rivers that are farther away. The seeps and springs provide groundwater to the streams during times of dry weather or drought. Figure 1.4-1 — Forests on ridges facilitate groundwater recharge and reduced stormwater runoff. precipitation Mountain FORESTS Cdf r interception INTERCEPT RAINFALL antl evaporation Allowing Rainfall to GENTLY REACH THE GROUND •""�"••"•• lifter anf[OW interception and evaporation Thus Allowing #o fn LESS SURFACE RUNOFF and GREATER GROUNDWATER nel. rainfall entering RECHARGE mineral soil the foil 1.5 Construction Impacts to Soils and to the River Continuum Headwater areas of first order streams provide the essential aquatic habitats for aquatic species and associated terrestrial fauna and fowl within the entire length of the river continuum in the overall watershed. The soils which have formed in the headwater areas regulate the transport of surface water and also carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. The shade of the forest canopy provides the filtered light and lower temperatures critical to maintaining the headwater aquatic habitats. Specific soils series develop based on the following factors: parent material, topography, climate, living organisms, and time. Soils scientists estimate that a time period greater than 100 years is required for one inch of soil to form (http://www.nres.usda.gov/wps/portal/nres/detail/wa/soils/?cid=nresl44p2 036333). Soil is therefore considered to be a non-renewable resource. The River Continuum Concept was developed by Vannote, R.L., G. W. Minshall, K.W. Cummins, J.R. Sedell, and C.E. Cushing in 1980 and presented in the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 37: 130-137. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Agriculture have embraced the River Continuum Concept as illustrating the strong connection between headwater areas on mountain ridges and various downstream areas. The River Continuum Concept diagram (Figure 1.5-1) provides pie diagrams of predominant benthic aquatic organisms associated with various locations, starting at the headwaters, along the river continuum. Shredders, predominant in the forested headwaters, break down organic matter used downstream by collectors, predators, and filter -feeders. The filter -feeders are subsequently consumed by larger benthos and fish. hreddars �,, S f7l"'.�I dZ9r5 o�-�xx� predators trout collectors periphyton'coarse collectors inaul rticate bs tier ill—uth srn bass Y tis sl I lars 3Qir ate rtt9l�e hydsophytes graze u 'S 5a � � R perch e coarse partimlate rine matter particulate tier a hes collectors 9 �­,i. Predators ro -catfish n rz Relative channel Width Figure 1.5-1 — The River Continuum (Vannote, et al; 1980) illustrates the food chain connection between headwater areas of first order high gradient streams and the wider, larger downstream areas in the overall watershed. Trees not only intercept rainfall so that it falls gently to the ground surface and is thus able to penetrate the ground as groundwater recharge, but also store nutrients in their trunks, branches, and roots (West Virginia Department of Natural Resources: http://www.wvdnr.gov/Wildlife/Plants.shtm ). Fungi in the soil facilitate transport of nutrients between trees and the soil. The soil stores nutrients which are processed by soil microbes to regulate essential nutrient cycles involving oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen. Roots of the trees and of herbal vegetation help to stabilize the soil so that the soil nutrients are not washed away by stormwater runoff. The ecological communities in the headwater areas of first order high gradient streams consist not only of the vegetation, but also the aquatic benthic macro invertebrates, fungi, and soil microbes. Insect larvae, commonly grouped as shredders, constitute most of the aquatic benthic macroinvertebrates in the headwater areas because they shred organic material into components used by collectors and predators downstream. 2.0 GROUNDWATER Groundwater recharge occurs from precipitation flowing downward through the soil to weathered rock materials and to fractures, faults, bedding -plane separations, and joints in the underlying bedrock. Seeps and springs form on mountain slopes where the ground surface intercepts the bedrock fractures, faults, bedding -plane separations and joints in the Appalachian Plateau Physiographic Province and the Valley and Ridge Physiographic Province. The Valley and Ridge Physiographic Province herein incorporates the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province. In the Piedmont Physiographic Province, groundwater recharge from precipitation flows downward through the soil to weathered rock materials and then into bedrock fractures, faults, bedding -plane separations, and joints. However, in the Piedmont Physiographic Province, the flow of groundwater is primarily through the weathered rock materials which occur as a thick transition zone between soil and the underlying bedrock. Groundwater in the thick wedge of unconsolidated sediments underlying Coastal Plain Physiographic Province is recharged partially from precipitation, but mostly from groundwater flowing from the transition zone of the Piedmont Physiographic Province into confined aquifers within the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province. 2.1 Groundwater in the Appalachian Plateau Physiographic Province and the Valley and Ridge Physiographic Province In the Appalachian Plateau Physiographic Province, groundwater is recharged where precipitation flows downward through faults, joints, bedding -plane separations, and fractures in the underlying sedimentary rocks (Sheets and Kozar,2000). Although the bedrock is mostly flat -lying in the Appalachian Plateau Physiographic Province, steep, mountainous topography has developed due to erosion and downcutting through the bedrock, creating deep V-shaped valleys. This erosional relief ranges from 200 feet to 1300 feet. Bedrock underlying the Valley and Ridge Physiographic Province consists of interbedded limestone and dolostone (carbonate rock), shale, and sandstone which has been folded into anticlines and synclines and which has been highly faulted (Hollyday and Hileman,1996). Groundwater is recharged from precipitation, which moves downward through the soil and into the bedrock through joints, fractures, bedding -plane partings, and dissolution openings (voids formed in the carbonate rocks). Springs and seeps occur where the bedding planes, faults, and fracture sets intersect the ground surface along mountain ridges (Figure 2.1-1). Seeps and springs maintain the flow of water to headwater areas, where wetlands are located, and also to streams. During times of drought, groundwater maintains a flow of water to streams. Where there is deforestation and compaction of soil at the ground surface, there is a reduction of groundwater recharge and, consequently, a reduction of available water through fractures to maintain springs and seeps. Excavation and blasting intercepts groundwater and also changes the amount and direction of groundwater flow. Seeps and springs disappear where groundwater is no longer available. It is significant to note that blasting activities along the ridges can destroy the areas where the springs occur, changing the amount and direction of groundwater flow. Figure 2.1-1 — Fractures within any rock provide conduits through which groundwater may flow downward or at angles to the ground surface. Where bedding planes of the rock or where fractures in the rock intercept the ground surface, it is common for springs or seeps to occur. Seeps and springs also provide water directly to streams. Land surface Springs Bedrock F Fractures Carbonate rock (limestone and dolostone) is present as bedrock underlying areas within both the Appalachian Physiographic Province and the Valley and Ridge Province. A distinctive karst terrain develops where surficial carbonate bedrock is present (Figure 2.1-2), consisting of numerous caves, crevices, cavities (voids), fractured rock, disappearing streams, sinkholes, and springs. In areas where surficial sandstone or shale overlies carbonate rock, karst features are not as noticeable. However, the karst features (caves, crevices, cavities, disappearing streams, sinkholes, and springs) are present in the underlying carbonate bedrock. Figure 2.1-2 — Features typical of karst terrain. Karst valley formed from ccaleseing sinkholes Sinkhole - — Pond Disappearing i Ginn! spnng ` -- Solui3an sinkhole— Cave Collapse -- �, -- —_ entrance sinkhole River- _ Groundwater flow through carbonate bedrock in karst areas exhibits both diffuse flow and conduit flow. Conduit flow consists of "integrated systems of openings ranging from solutionally widened joints and bedding plane partings to pipelike passages many meters in diameter" (White, 1988). Pipelike passages and larger solutionally widened joints and bedding plane partings can be observed in the caves throughout the area, and are also present, although inaccessible for observation, in limestone and dolomite throughout the area. Dasher (2000) provides descriptions of groundwater in extensive karst sub -basins of caves within the Greenbrier Limestone, which underlies a portion of the proposed ACP construction route. Dye traces provide evidence of the groundwater flow directions within the limestone. Springs attest to the flow of groundwater through fractures and along bedding planes within the limestone, in addition to flow through interconnected voids in the limestone. Groundwater flow within carbonate rock extends far beyond the local area karst terrain. Where deforestation and compaction occurs in the proposed ACP work corridor and associated areas, groundwater recharge is reduced and has adverse impacts on groundwater within all bedrock, especially carbonate bedrock, underlying the Appalachian Plateau Physiographic Province and the Valley and Ridge Physiographic Province. Surface water and groundwater are components in one integral unit. In its document, "Sustainability of Ground -Water Resources", the USGS emphasizes that "Groundwater is not a renewable resource". To understand this statement requires an understanding of the global water budget and also an understanding that groundwater and surface water are connected as one integral system. The global water budget, or hydrological cycle, consists of precipitation, evaporation, and condensation. It is important to recognize, however, that the hydrological cycle over the ocean (covering approximately three-quarters of the earth) is essentially separate from the hydrological cycle over the continents. Dennis Hartmann, in his book "Global Physical Climatology", provides an excellent summary diagram (Figure 2.1-3) showing the pathways of the hydrological cycle in terms of centimeters per year for the exchange of water. Through time, there has been a delicate balance of the amount of precipitation transferred to the continents from the hydrological cycle over the oceans and the amount of surface water flowing into the ocean. In this slide, the arrow representing the amount of water from the ocean's hydrological cycle indicates that 11 centimeters per year transfers from the ocean to the continent. The arrow showing the runoff from the land surface indicates that 11 centimeters flows back to the ocean from the continent. It is obvious that when groundwater recharge is reduced and streamflow into the oceans is increased, a situation is created where there is no longer a balance: when streamflow to the oceans exceeds the amount of precipitation from the oceans back onto the continents, the water in the continental hydrological cycle is lost forever. GLOBAL WATER BALANCE 11(-27) 4R IL 118 75 7 14'7 27 (-11) LAN❑ 308 o£asa OCEAN 70%.f— Figure 2.1-3 — Our water resources are finite on our continents. Calculations of the global water balance indicate that water transferred to land from the oceans is balanced by water drainage from land to the oceans. If water drainage to the oceans exceeds the amount of water transferred to land from the oceans, our water resources on land are lost. (Units are in centimeters per year. Diagram by Dennis L. Hartmann, Global Physical Climatology, 1994.) 2.2 Groundwater in the Piedmont Physiographic Province In the Piedmont Physiographic Province, groundwater recharge from precipitation flows downward through the soil to weathered rock materials and then into bedrock fractures, faults, bedding -plane separations, and joints. However, in the Piedmont Physiographic Province, the flow of groundwater is primarily through the weathered rock materials which occur as a thick transition zone between soil and the underlying bedrock, as depicted in Figure 2.2-1. Groundwater flows from the transition zone into fractures and other openings in the bedrock. Figure 2.2-1 — Groundwater is stored mostly in the weathered rock, or transition zone, above bedrock. Groundwater flows through the transition zone and through fractures and other openings in the bedrock in the Piedmont Physiographic Province. (Figure excerpted from Groundwater in 4 _lull �j ON saturatetl zone 9i I_ll�'4�a.u�'C •Yr�low water table , Al �. relative ' u w orage. paces, volume Virginia, http://www.virginiaplaces.org/watersheds/groundwater.html) 2.3 Groundwater in the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province Groundwater in the thick wedge of unconsolidated sediments underlying Coastal Plain Physiographic Province is recharged partially from precipitation and partially from groundwater flowing from the transition zone of the Piedmont Physiographic Province into confined aquifers within the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province (McFarland and Bruce, 2006). Figure 2.3-1 depicts the groundwater flow in the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province. WEST EAST PIEDMONT PHYSIOGRAPHIC PROVINCE CCASTAL PLAIN PHYSICJGRAPHIC PROVINCE 500 J FaIIZane - 5100 Surfioialaquifer SUFFOLK SCARP CHESAPEAKE BAY I M PACT CRATER Yorktown confining zone 0 CJle's�,nenke Bm+ � r \ t! t f} .�gD+a __ Z12tonf�f� lbrist�y,YO.�Stavera9uifer ,fir � a c3 , _ + Nanlern Ne "I unR 4 ~j r t . `' ��ti - x—5aprolite iqn Y °r a,R�yer m %4)99 am t x Oe'------- — - OLU - 1 , 14 f , ► • —a --eF� Potomac } P ---t, confining p l I ckahpmury eaMi11ing WE zone Ex w {~Y! r� y+,`r' t. .err y rnDre MerixeonFvain unit z * t ; druck L � t ft • rf � � t ,ti,4� r1 x s y r s p t direction of y I,l�lll7 .• I r v , ; 1 '- r , : 1 r; . I ground -water ��`^� r Exmora I.000 r ! flow i clast Fractures! x —, �r! confining 'te a unit �� ���� i -1,500 1 I t��r r ! ' ;. ~ t ' \*til L t — t r �•ti. `� . ti t r \xti - — .—_.-- • -�.5 VERTICAL SCALE GREATLY E%AGGERME® 0 16 2D MILES I I L` 10 �a KILOMETERS Figure 2.3-1 — Relationships and directions of groundwater flow in the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province and the Piedmont Physiographic Province (McFarland and Bruce, 2006). An aquifer refers to a geological formation which is permeable enough to transport groundwater. The surficial aquifer in the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province is designated as an unconfined aquifer because there are no confining, relatively impermeable geological materials above the surficial aquifer. Groundwater recharge occurs when precipitation infiltrates the surficial soil and migrates downward to the water table. Aquifers which occur below the surficial aquifer are limited to specific permeable portions of the underlying geological formations. Relatively impermeable material, such as clay, confines the uppermost and lowermost limits of the aquifer. Such aquifers are considered to be confined aquifers. There are several aquifers in the coastal plain which occur below the surficial aquifer as a wedge which begins at the Piedmont Physiographic Province and increases with depth to the east under the entire coastal plain. Although the major source of recharge for the deeper aquifers is associated with the Piedmont Physiographic Province (Harned, 1989; Lautier, 1998) and, recharge also flows downward from the surficial aquifer and also from each aquifer to the next deeper aquifer. The lower aquifers occur in hydraulically connected sediments within various geologic formations at depth, such that the aquifers do not necessarily correlate with a specific geologic formation. Less permeable deposits, such as silty clay, form confining units between the lower aquifers. Groundwater from the higher aquifers flows downward to lower aquifers at a rate of approximately 1 inch per year (Lautier, 1998). Although this constitutes some recharge to successively lower aquifers, the overall groundwater movement is to the east within each aquifer. Sediment variations laterally within the geologic formations also result in variability with respect to groundwater availability at specific locations. Decreased groundwater recharge in the Piedmont Physiographic Province results in decreased hydraulic head within the aquifers to the east, within the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province. Additionally, it has been documented that long-term withdrawals near Suffolk, Virginia, have resulted in a groundwater table decrease of 200 feet (McFarland and Bruce, 2006). The decrease in hydraulic head in the Coastal Plain aquifers has already caused salt water intrusion from the ocean in aquifers in northeastern North Carolina and constitutes a threat to Virginia Coastal Plain aquifers (McFarland and Bruce, 2006). DWR dxes'� �a.Jl�'YriG�rk • i Nnrcavi ii y � 4;r.tank i i Ch.— 1 "i"a A�.?iu, i � a Fwr G Wiy..r 4 �� .yid .. _u.uLw • 6-mswLcY `Z A R' y}; A Yorktown Aquifer Saltwater Intrusion Freshwater Figure 2.3-2 — Saltwater intrusion into aquifers results when groundwater is over -used and when there is a decrease in the hydraulic gradient of the aquifer (North Carolina Division of Water Resources illustration from httD://aauiferstoraaeandrecovery.weeblv.com/saltwater-intrusion-nc.html). 3.0 CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS CAUSED BY DEWATERING ACTIVITIES It is stated in the DEIS that "when necessary, trench water would be removed and discharged into an energy dissipation/sediment filtration device, such as a geotextile filter bag and/or straw bale structure, to minimize the potential for erosion and sedimentation." Although the DEIS does not include construction details, the International Pipe Line & Offshore Contractors Association (www.iploca.com) provides safety guidelines pertaining to pipeline construction: "[D]ewatering is necessary to be able to excavate a flat, smooth, and stable bottom to lay the pipe... Groundwater movement can also cause material to run off from under the pipe, which could then bend under its own weight as could be unevenly supported. Groundwater removal is also necessary to allow safe and convenient access to the workers who will often perform various tasks in the trench such as inspecting, welding, coating, or repairing. Pipeline buoyancy can also be a problem if water accumulates at the bottom of the trench... Migration of fine materials ("fines") in or out of the pipe zone can result in loss of pipe support and must be prevented. This can be accomplished through the use of waterstops or geofabrics. Water should be removed from the trench before final grading of the bedding. The trench should be kept dry during all phases of pipe installation." Figure 3.0-1 — Examples of pipeline trench instability (www.iploca.com). 3.1 Consequences of Dewatering Dewatering of near -surface groundwater or a near -surface perched aquifer removes water from seeps and springs that support aquatic habitats in headwater areas of first order high gradient streams. Deforestation and soil compaction decrease infiltration of precipitation for groundwater recharge. Therefore, the combination of decreased groundwater recharge along with dewatering of near -surface groundwater will result in permanent depletion of water for seeps and springs in headwater areas of first order high gradient streams. It is stated in the DEIS that the mainline trenches for 42 -inch diameter pipeline and 36 -inch diameter pipeline will be 30 feet wide. This constitutes a substantial area to be dewatered. Groundwater in karst areas moves through carbonate rocks (limestone, dolostone) as conduit flow. There is no discussion offered by FERC or ACP concerning an evaluation of reduced groundwater recharge to karst aquifers. Ge[p In ppnk yj 1' Wet clays and loams "slab off" Firm dry clays and loamy crack Wet sands and gravel slide Sandy soil collapses straight down Figure 3.0-1 — Examples of pipeline trench instability (www.iploca.com). 3.1 Consequences of Dewatering Dewatering of near -surface groundwater or a near -surface perched aquifer removes water from seeps and springs that support aquatic habitats in headwater areas of first order high gradient streams. Deforestation and soil compaction decrease infiltration of precipitation for groundwater recharge. Therefore, the combination of decreased groundwater recharge along with dewatering of near -surface groundwater will result in permanent depletion of water for seeps and springs in headwater areas of first order high gradient streams. It is stated in the DEIS that the mainline trenches for 42 -inch diameter pipeline and 36 -inch diameter pipeline will be 30 feet wide. This constitutes a substantial area to be dewatered. Groundwater in karst areas moves through carbonate rocks (limestone, dolostone) as conduit flow. There is no discussion offered by FERC or ACP concerning an evaluation of reduced groundwater recharge to karst aquifers. 3.2 DEIS Deficiencies Concerning Groundwater Mitigation It is stated in the DEIS that there would only be localized, temporary alteration of groundwater levels due to deforestation, grading, soil compaction, trenching, and soil stockpiling. It is further stated that groundwater impacts would be minimized by using temporary and permanent trench plug and interceptor dike. These practices are designed to dewater the trench. These practices are inconsistent with preserving the downward migration of precipitation through the soil to bedrock fractures which supply water to seeps and springs in wetland and headwater areas of first order streams high gradient streams in the Appalachian Physiographic Province, the Valley and Ridge Physiographic Province and the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province. The proposed ACP construction is located on mountain ridges and steep slopes of mountain ridges. These areas are where the greatest amounts of precipitation provide the greatest recharge of groundwater for the river continuum and for conduit flow in karst terrain. As illustrated in Figure 3.2-1, when warm air masses encounter the mountains, the air masses rise and become cooler, resulting in precipitation. Precipitation is intercepted by the forest tree canopy so that the rain falls gently on the ground surface. This process reduces stormwater runoff and increases groundwater recharge by facilitating the penetration of water into the soil. Water migrates downward through the soil to recharge groundwater. The groundwater accumulation at higher elevations creates a hydraulic head which forces water downgradient to flow through bedrock fractures, bedding plane partings, and faults. The hydraulic head thereby causes water to replenish wetlands and headwater areas through seeps and springs where the ground surface intercepts bedrock fractures, bedding plane partings, and faults. The hydraulic head causes water to flow into residential wells. The hydraulic head causes water to flow through seeps and springs into streams during times of low stream water, providing a continued source of water to aquatic habitats. The hydraulic head provides water for conduit flow in karst terrains. The hydraulic head in Coastal Plain aquifers prevents saltwater intrusion. Where the hydraulic head is permanently reduced by construction activities because of deforestation, soil compaction, and dewatering for trenches, there will be a depletion of groundwater flow to seeps, springs, wetlands, streams, and residential wells. Temperature 3000 -4°C 2250 2"C V Prevailing wind 1500 19°C Evaporation k rid Figure 3.2-1 — When warmer air masses rise over mountainous areas, the air masses become cooler, causing precipitation. Precipitation on forested ridges provides groundwater recharge and sustained hydraulic head to provide water for seeps, springs, wetlands, streams, and residential wells. 3.3 Ground Surface Drainage and Original Contours Cannot Be Restored After Pipeline Construction It is stated in the DEIS that, "Atlantic and DTI would restore the ground surface to original contours as closely as practicable and restore vegetation on the right-of-way to establish surface drainage and recharge conditions as closely as possible to those prior to construction." Leveling of the rugged mountain terrain for the 125 -foot+ wide work corridor will require extensive excavation into hillsides and removal of bedrock outcrops. It is not reasonable to consider that original contours could be restored after construction. Additionally, there are no plans to restore a forested area within the work corridor. It is the forest canopy that intercepts rainfall so that it gently falls to the ground to penetrate the surficial soils and recharge groundwater. A grassed area cannot accomplish this function. 4.0 IMPERVIOUS AREAS RESULT IN INCREASED STORMWATER DISCHARGE AND INCREASED DOWNSTREAM STREAM BANK EROSION AND SEDIMENT DEPOSITION IN STREAMS 4.1 Greater Stormwater Discharge Results from Impervious Work Corridor Surfaces A surface runoff coefficient is used in stormwater discharge calculations to determine the peak stormwater runoff discharge for specific storms, such as a 24-hour 2 -year storm. A forested area differs from the work corridor ground surface because the tree canopy intercepts the rainfall, allowing the rainfall to gently reach the ground surface. The tree canopy thereby reduces the intensity of the precipitation. Without protection of the tree canopy, there will be greater intensity and, consequently, greater stormwater runoff amounts and velocities. It is stated in the DEIS that 12,030.7 acres of land would be disturbed and that "Following construction, 5,976.0 acres of new land would be permanently maintained for operation and maintenance of the project facilities. The remaining 6,054.7 acres... would be restored and allowed to revert to former use." This statement is inconsistent with land cover runoff designations used in standard engineering practices. The WV Department of Highways 2007 Drainage Manual (Holmes and Chintala, 2007) provides information for determining sheet flow, which is defined as "a shallow mass of runoff on a plane surface with the depth staying uniform across the sloping surface. Typically, flow depths will not exceed two inches." The sheet flow travel time is determined by an equation that uses a "roughness coefficient" (provided in McCuen, et al, "Hydraulic Design Series 2, Highway Hydrology, October 2002) which reflects the surface roughness over which the surface water is flowing. A gravel surface, which would be similar to the compacted construction work corridor, has a roughness coefficient of 0.024. A grassed surface has a roughness coefficient ranging from 0.15 to 0.24. A forested surface has a roughness coefficient ranging from 0.40 to 0.800. Pipeline construction in originally forested areas will result in measurably higher stormwater discharge rates. 4.2 Greater Stormwater Peak Discharge Results from Deforestation and Impermeable Work Corridor Surfaces Increased impervious areas not only increase the amount of stormwater discharge to receiving streams, but also increase the frequency of peak runoff rate because the increased amount of impervious areas results in less infiltration (VDCR, 1999). As a consequence, "it takes less rainfall to produce the same volume of runoff. Therefore, the peak rate of runoff that normally occurs on a 2 -year frequency before development, may occur several times a year following development." (VDCR, 1999). A study of natural channels is presented in Leopold, et al (1964), concluding that natural channels are shaped by the 1'/2- to 2 -year frequency storm event. However, with increased frequency of the 2 -year peak rate, increased stream bank erosion will result. The increased impervious areas resulting from the proposed ACP construction activities will therefore result in greater downstream stream bank erosion, which will continue after construction is completed. Both vertical scour of the stream bed and stream bank erosion release sediment to the streams, increasing embeddedness (Figure 4.0-1), which fills in the spaces between pebbles and cobbles in the stream bed. These spaces serve as aquatic habitats for insect larvae and minnows, which are necessary for the food chain within the river continuum (Vannote, et al, 1980). Heavily embedded Lightly embedded D water ® sand & silt 411M rocks Figure 4.0-1 — Cobbles and pebbles provide aquatic habitats and protection for aquatic organisms. Insect larvae, which constitute the base of the river continuum food chain, reside on the cobbles and pebbles. Minnows and juvenile fish hide in the spaces between cobbles and pebbles for protection. When sand and silt fill the spaces between the cobbles and pebbles, the aquatic habitats and protection areas are destroyed. When the aquatic habitats become heavily embedded or are removed for trenching and stream crossing work spaces, they cannot be restored. The consequences of embeddedness are provided by Jessup and Dressing (2015) as: 1) Displacement of interstitial habitat space; 2) Clogging of water movement under the channel bed (hyporheic zone); 3) Decreased or altered primary algal productivity; 4) Increased macroinvertebrate drift; 5) Abrasion or smothering of gills and other organs; 6) Uptake of sediment -bound toxicants that are increasingly associated with fine particles; and 7) Larger scale homogenization or disturbance of habitat types." The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (VDCR) states in its Stormwater Management Handbook (VDCR, 1999) that, "The cumulative effect of sedimentation, scouring, increased flooding, lower summer flows, higher water temperature, and pollution contribute to the overall degradation of the stream ecosystem. Many studies have documented the decline of fish diversity in urbanized watersheds. The aquatic insects which are a major food resource for fish are impacted by the increased sediment load, trace metals, nutrients, and flow velocities. Less noticeable impacts to the stream systems are changes in water temperature, oxygen levels, and substrate composition." Increased stormwater discharge will result from construction impacts to high gradient first order streams. Release of sediments from downstream stream bank erosion and stream bed scour will elevate sediment concentrations and turbidity in the stream water. The USGS (Krstolic and Chaplin, 2007; Lotspeich, 2009; Messinger, 2009) bankfull discharge classification system for streams in the Appalachian Physiographic Province, the Piedmont Physiographic Province, and the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province is based on streams with watersheds ranging from less than 200 acres to greater than 160,000 acres in order to show the relationship between peak flow and bankfull discharge. This relationship demonstrates the connectivity between first order high gradient streams and stream systems of higher stream order. Connectivity is related to the River Continuum Concept (Vannote, et al., 1980). "Connectivity" is defined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, 2015) as "the degree to which components of a watershed are joined and interact by transport mechanisms that function across multiple spatial and temporal scales." The connectivity descriptors include the following metrics: frequency, duration, magnitude, timing, and rate of change... of physical and chemical fluxes to and biological exchanges with downstream waters. 5.0 STREAM CROSSINGS RESULT IN SEDIMENT DEPOSITION IN STREAMS In the DEIS, it is stated that, "There are 1,989 waterbody crossings on ACP and SHP (some waterbodies are crossed more than once), a number which are classified as warmwater or coldwater fisheries. Several waterbodies that are considered sensitive due to the presence of sensitive aquatic species, such as trout, anadromous fish, or federal or state/commonwealth protected species, would also be crossed. In -stream pipeline construction across waterbodies could impact aquatic species and their habitats, increase sedimentation and turbidity, alter or remove aquatic habitat cover, cause stream bank erosion or scour, impinge or entrain fish and other biota during water withdrawals, and increase the potential for fuel and chemical spills." The increased sedimentation and turbidity ultimately increase embeddedness. The increased embeddedness constitutes a significant degradation for streams that are classified as warmwater or coldwater fisheries because the juvenile fish hide in the spaces between cobbles and pebbles for protection. Streams are categorizes as Tier 1 (impaired), Tier 2, and Tier 3 (high quality). It is stated in the DEIS that, "Streams cannot be categorized as Tier 1 or Tier 2 at this time, but would be assigned by the WVDEP on a case-by-case basis during permitting...". This statement is inconsistent with information provided on the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection's (WVDEP) website. Specifically, Tier 1 streams are impaired and designated as 303(d), listed on the DEP website at http://www.dep.wv.gov/WWE/watershed/IR/Documents/IR 2014 Documents/2014Finall RDocuments/EPAApprovedWebSupplementsOnly.pdf . In compliance with the federal Clean Water Act, Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) of various contaminants are developed for Tier 1 streams. It is further stated in the DEIS that it is not possible to identify Tier 3 streams and that WVDEP or VDEQ would need to identify these streams. This is inconsistent with information on the WVDEP website, which lists Tier 3 streams: http://www.dep.wv.gov/WWE/Programs/wqs/Documents/Tier%203%201nfo/WV Tier 3 Maps 20101006.pdf , http://www.dep.wv.govMWE/Programs/wqs/Pages/default.aspx. Tier 2 streams are all other streams not listed as Tier 1 or Tier 3. 6.0 STREAM WATER QUALITY 6.1 Water Quality Standards Water quality standards are specified by the Federal Clean Water Act. West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina have developed Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) of contaminants to comply with the Clean Water Act. Additionally, state standards require water quality protection. Water quality standards are specified in WV Code 47CSR2 (http://www.dep.wv.gov/WWE/Programs/wqs/Documents/47CSR2%20070816.pdf), which establishes water quality standards for specific water use categories under §47-2- 6. Category A pertains to water supplies for human consumption. Category C pertains to water contact for recreation. In this section, it is stated that "at a minimum all waters of the State are designated for the Propagation and Maintenance of Fish and Other Aquatic Life (Category B)... consistent with Federal Act goals." Category 131 pertains to warm water fishery streams. Category B2 pertains to trout waters. Category B4 pertains to wetlands. Virginia and North Carolina have developed similar TMDLs and have state laws pertaining to the protection of water quality. Using West Virginia as an example, the following water quality standards (as provided in WV Code 47CSR2) are pertinent for stormwater discharge from the proposed MVP gas pipeline construction. Explanations of the relevance of these parameters are provided along with the limits excerpted from WV Code 47CSR2: • Parameter 8.1 Dissolved Aluminum (all Aquatic Life): Aluminum is released to stream water with sediment from streambank erosion. • Parameter 8.13 Fecal Coliform (all Human Health) Fecal coliform is discharged to stream water with stormwater discharge. Sources of fecal coliform include wildlife in forested areas and meadows, livestock in pastures, and pets in urban areas. "Maximum allowable level of fecal coliform content for Water Contact Recreation (either MPN or MF) shall not exceed 200/100 ml as a monthly geometric mean based on not less than 5 samples per month; nor to exceed 400 /100 ml in more than ten percent of all samples taken during the month." • Parameter 8.15 Iron (all Aquatic Life and Water Supplies for Human Consumption): Iron is released to stream water with sediment from streambank erosion. "Iron concentration limits are 1.5 mg/L for Water Supplies for Human Consumption; 1.5 mg/L for 131 and B4 Aquatic Life; and 1.0 mg/L for B2 Aquatic Life." • Parameters 8.26 and 8.26.1 Radioactivity (all Aquatic Life, all Human Health, and all Other Uses): The intended gas to be transported in the proposed MVP gas pipeline is derived from hydrofracturing of Marcellus shale and associated rock units. Marcellus shale is contains naturally occurring radioactive elements which are transported in the gas. Radon is one of the elements, which breaks down into lead, considered a toxin. Where pig launchers are located, the gas escapes to the surrounding area. Cleaning operations at the pig launcher locations release radon and lead to the surrounding area. In reference to Parameter 8.26: "Gross Beta activity is not to exceed 1000 picocuries per liter (pCi/I), nor shall activity from dissolved strontium -90 exceed 10 pCi/I, nor shall activity from dissolved alpha emitters exceed 3 pCi/I." In reference to Parameter 8.26.1: "Gross total alpha particle activity (including radium -226 but excluding radon and uranium shall not exceed 15 pCi/I and combined radium -226 and radium -228 shall not exceed 5pCi/I; provided that the specific determination of radium -226 and radium -228 are not required if dissolved particle activity does not exceed 5pCi/I; the concentration of tritium shall not exceed 20,000 pCi/I; the concentration of total strontium -90 shall not exceed 8 pCi/I in the Ohio River main stem." • Parameter 8.29 Temperature (Aquatic Life 131): Increased turbidity from sediment discharged to streams results in increased temperatures. Deforestation also results in higher temperatures and can be detrimental to aquatic species in the headwater areas of first order high gradient streams. "Temperature rise shall be limited to no more than 5°F above natural temperature, not to exceed 87°F at any time during months of May through November and not to exceed 73°F at any time during the months of December through April. During any month of the year, heat should not be added to a stream in excess of the amount that will raise the temperature of the water more than 5°F above natural temperature. In lakes and reservoirs, the temperature of the epilimnion should not be raised more than 3°F by the addition of heat of artificial origin. The normal daily and seasonable temperature fluctuations that existed before the addition of heat due to other natural causes should be maintained." • Parameter 8.33 Turbidity (Aquatic Life B1, B2, 134; and Human Health A and C): Turbidity results from the introduction of sediment into stream water. Sediment is introduced to stream water from stormwater discharge and from streambank erosion. "No point or non -point source to West Virginia's waters shall contribute a net load of suspended matter such that the turbidity exceeds 10 NTU's over background turbidity when the background is 50 NTU or less, or have more than a 10% increase in turbidity (plus 10 NTU minimum) when the background turbidity is more than 50 NTUs. This limitation shall apply to all earth disturbance activities and shall be determined by measuring stream quality directly above and below the area where drainage from such activity enters the affected stream. Any earth disturbing activity continuously or intermittently carried on by the same or associated persons on the same stream or tributary segment shall be allowed a single net loading increase." The 2006 West Virginia Erosion Sediment Control BMP Manual, revised August 2016, (http://www.dep.wv.qov/WWE/Programs/stormwater/csw/Documents/E°/`20and%20S B MP 2006.pdf) further explains that, "The primary numeric water quality standard addressing earth disturbing activities is turbidity. Other criteria that could be violated by runoff from a construction project include pH and iron. Turbidity is defined as an expression of the optical property that causes light to be scattered and absorbed rather than transmitted in straight lines through the sample. It is an indirect measurement of how much suspended material is in a sample of water." The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the regulatory agency for the Clean Water Act Section 402 Stormwater Permit. It is specifically stated by EPA that, "The pollutant of concern during oil and gas -related construction is usually sediment (expressed as total suspended solids or turbidity). Regardless of the type of pollutant(s) in a discharge, all water quality standards of the receiving waterbody must be protected." (https://www.epa.gov/npdes/oil-and-gas-stormwater-permittinq#when). 6.2 Total Maximum Daily Loads The Erosion and Sediment Control Best Management Practices Manual (E&SC-BMP, WVDEP, 2006) explains: "If construction activities will contribute pollutants for which a specific receiving water is listed as impaired, permittees must comply with Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) set for the receiving stream. Construction sites may be designated as contributors to the impairment if a stream is listed as impaired because of sediment or iron." 7.0 AREAS MOST SUSCEPTIBLE TO EROSION 7.1 Documentation of Sediment Release During Construction Activities Using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE2) In 1978, Wischmeier and Smith published the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) to estimate the soil loss due to erosion, which occurs naturally and during changes in land use, such as construction. In 2013, the U.S. Department of Agriculture — Agricultural Research Service published the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation, Version 2 (RUSLE2) to estimate the amount of sediment transported to receiving streams, based on soil, slope, land cover, and land use information. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a study (USGS Study), described in USGS Fact Sheet FS -109-00 (Owens, et al, August 2000) to evaluate 1) the increase in sediment transported during construction; and 2) the predictability of the Universal Soil Loss Equation. During the study, the USGS monitored rainfall depth and intensity, water quality, water level, and water runoff volume (discharge) for a 1.72 -acre commercial site with a slope of 8 percent and a 0.34 -acre residential site with a slope of 4 percent. Pre -construction, during -construction, and post -construction results of the USGS Study included: 1) there was excellent agreement between the soil loss loads predicted by using the USLE calculations and the actual, measured sediment load; 2) the sediment load was 107 times greater during construction at the commercial site and 4 times greater at the residential site; and 3) rainfall intensity was responsible for the greatest concentrations of total and suspended solids. Where sediment is released to receiving streams during construction activities, the sediment accumulates in the stream beds, increasing embeddedness, which remains in the stream bed after construction has been completed. 7.2 Inadequate Information Provided in the DEIS Pertaining to the Use of RUSLE2 In the DEIS Supplements provided on January 10, 2017 by ACP to FERC, an example of RUSLE2 calculations is presented in Appendix P. The example consists of using overall soil complexes rather than individual soils series, so there is no specific information about the amount of silt, clay, or sand content. Additionally, RUSLE2 calculations use stormwater discharge as one of the variables. Discharge is calculated using the area of a specific drainage basin. In the ACP example, there is no description of the drainage basin area being used. Instead, two non-descript areas in Bath County, Virginia, are referenced by slope steepness. The information provided in Appendix P of the DEIS does not provide adequate information to determine soil loss amounts in specific areas. 7.3 Steep Slope Failure: Soil Landslides It is stated in the DEIS that a considerable extent of the proposed ACP construction area is susceptible to landslides: "In West Virginia, 73 percent of the AP -1 mainline route would cross areas with a high incidence of and high susceptibility to landslides. In Virginia, approximately 28 percent of the AP -1 mainline route would cross areas with a high incidence of and high susceptibility to landslides (Highland, Bath, Augusta, and Nelson Counties); 21 percent would cross areas with a moderate incidence of and high susceptibility to landslides (Augusta, Nelson, and Buckingham Counties); and 7 percent would cross areas with a moderate incidence of and moderate susceptibility to landslides (Augusta County)." It is further stated that colluvium was observed on most of the steep slopes. Colluvium consists of sediments, including clay -sized up to boulder -sized sediments, which is deposited downslope by mass -wasting or overland flow. It is further stated in the DEIS that "Signs of creep were often observed in the colluvium." Also, the creep in the colluvium "can be an indication that slope instability could be induced during pipeline construction activities." Creep is indicative of continued downslope movement of the observed colluvium. With continued creep during and after construction, sediment will continue to move downslope toward receiving streams and sinkholes. In the construction details provided in Appendix C of the supplementary DEIS documents provided on January 10, 2017 by ACP to FERC, a revised landslide mitigation design is provided for two steep slope areas, one of which is within the Monongahela National Forest and the second one of which is within the George Washington National Forest, along the proposed ACP construction area. The plan includes placement of rip -rap at the base of the slope. However, the plan does not include an area where the rip -rap would be "keyed" into stable underlying material. If the rip -rap is not properly keyed into stable material, it will fail during a landslide. Also, soil nails are shown to extend 8 feet to 15 feet through a surficial steel mesh blanket intended to stabilize the colluvium. The construction drawings and narrative do not provide information about the depth to bedrock or the use of soil nails where bedrock is encountered. The depth to bedrock is 20 inches to 40 inches at numerous locations where steep slopes occur along the proposed ACP construction area. Although the locations and results are not provided, it is stated in the DEIS that soil test pits were excavated to depths of 50 inches. If bedrock is deeper than 50 inches, even though the trench for the proposed ACP construction is approximately 10 feet deep in these locations, there appears to be no substantial data to ascertain the depth to bedrock for placement of soil nails. Specific soils information is provided by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). The specific soils information provides the depth to bedrock for each soils series. In the DEIS, a table is presented that provides the acreage of soils classified as shallow to bedrock. However, there is no comprehensive table providing the specific soils which are present between specific mile posts along the proposed ACP route. 7.4 Steep Slope Failure: Bedrock Landslides The DEIS does not present any measurements for bedrock orientation on the numerous steep slopes extending along the proposed ACP construction area. In the Appalachian Plateau Province, the bedrock is predominantly flat -lying. The bedrock consists mostly of interbedded shale, siltstone, and sandstone, which becomes unstable due to differential weathering. The shale and siltstone weather more quickly than the sandstone. The weaker shale and siltstone deteriorate such that the overlying sandstone moves downslope when it is no longer supported by the weathered shale and siltstone. In West Virginia, the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey (WVGES) has determined that landslide -prone areas occur mostly on slopes of 15% to 45% on red shale bedrock. Such slopes are pervasive throughout the areas in West Virginia where the ACP route is proposed. Therefore, there is potential for significant landslide occurrences that would result from construction of the proposed ACP in West Virginia. In the Valley and Ridge Physiographic Province and the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province, the bedrock has been tilted and deformed by tectonic processes in the geologic past. The bedrock consists of interbedded limestone, shale, siltstone, sandstone in these physiographic provinces. Where bedrock is tilted away from the work area, the limestone, shale, and siltstone deteriorate more quickly than the sandstone such that the sandstone moves downslope when no longer supported by the bedrock that weathers more quickly. Where the bedrock is oriented downslope, bedrock slabs move downslope as landslides. Soil nails and wire mesh netting are inconsequential in preventing the movement of bedrock slabs. At all steep slope locations, the bedrock is fractured and there are bedding plane partings and faults. The fractures and faults are usually at angles to the bedding plane partings, facilitating the movement of bedrock wedges downslope. Information is provided in the DEIS pertaining to the contours and the steep slopes; however, there is no information about the bedrock orientation or the orientation of fractures and faults. 8.0 DEIS DEFICIENCIES OF BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Best Management Practices (BMPs) provide the only methods of managing stormwater runoff in order to satisfy the requirements of the stormwater permits for which ACP has not yet received. Evaluations of BMPs indicate that there will always be a certain percentage of sediment in the stormwater discharge from a construction site that will discharge to receiving streams. Although ACP has not provided construction details or BMP typical drawings, the following BMPs are typically used in gas pipeline installation areas: • Temporary ROW Diversion Berm and Sediment Trap Outlet • Silt Fence, Super Silt Fence and Belted Silt Retention Fence • Compost Filter Sock • Waterbars • Trench Plugs • Erosion Control Blanket/Flexterra/or equivalent • Vegetative Stabilization There are numerous ratings for BMPs, providing a range of percent effectiveness values. However, there is agreement that none of the BMPs can provide 100 percent effectiveness. In the Universal Soil Loss Equation guidance document prepared by Wood (2015), the percent effectiveness is provided for the following: sediment trap, 80 percent; silt fence, 40 percent; vegetative buffer, 40 percent. 8.1 Temporary ROW Diversion Berm and Sediment Trap Outlet This BMP typically consists of a sediment berm and ditch. The sediment trap outlet is typically directed onto adjacent land. It is important to avoid concentrated flows where the water is directed from the sediment berm to the outflow area in order to avoid additional erosion hazards. The West Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control -BMP Manual (E&SC-BMP Manual) specifies that the drainage area for this type of BMP should not exceed 5 acres and that the minimum cross section should be adequate for the anticipated flows but at a minimum must handle the peak discharge from a 2- year/24-hour storm. ACP has not provided any drainage areas or peak discharge calculations. 8.2 Silt Fence, Super Silt Fence and Belted Silt Retention Fence The E&SC-BMP Manual states that, "Silt fence does not actually filter sediment from muddy water", and cautions that, "Intercepted sediment laden water must always be diverted to a sediment trap or sediment basin, never silt fence." Additionally, the ES&C- BMP Manual provides that silt fence is installed properly only when it is "placed on the contour", that is, perpendicular to the flow of the water. ACP has not provided any construction plan sheets to reference proper placement of silt fencing. 8.3 Compost Filter Socks, Pumped Water Filter Bags The E&SC-BMP Manual provides velocity maximums for various conveyances in accordance with slope and material. It is critical that the Compost Filter Socks and Pumped Water Filter Bags are in compliance with the velocity maximums. Delineations of drainage areas are a requirement for velocities to be calculated. ACP has not provided any drainage delineations, construction plan sheets, or calculations determining runoff velocities. 8.4 Erosion Control Blanket/Flexterra/or equivalent and Vegetative Stabilization The E&SC-BMP manual explains that "Erosion Control Blanket/Flexterra/or equivalent" consist of netting or blanket materials that are used to stabilize disturbed surfaces and promote the establishment of vegetation. They function by protecting the ground surface from the impact of raindrops and stabilize the surface until vegetation can be established. ACP has stated the use of steel mesh blankets at potential landslide locations. However, the steel mesh blankets will only serve to prevent smaller rocks from falling downslope, uncontrolled. Rock slabs and soil slumps will not be kept in place by the steel mesh blankets. 8.5 Sediment Basins One of the basic sediment control plan elements stated by the WVDEP (http://www.dep.wv.qov/WWE/Programs/stormwater/csw/Documents/E%20and%20S B MP 2006.pdf) is that "Prior to leaving a construction site, surface water runoff from disturbed areas shall pass through a sediment basin/trap or other appropriate and approved sediment removal BMP." The WVDEP Erosion Sediment Control BMP manual states as an element that "Points of discharge and receiving streams shall be protected from erosion due to increases in the volume, velocity, and peak flow rate of surface water runoff from the project site." The stormwater permit includes the definition of a "sediment basin" as "a temporary structure consisting of an earthen embankment, or embankment and excavated area, located in a suitable area to capture sediment -laden runoff from a construction site. A sediment basin reduces the energy of the water through extended detention (48 to 72 hours) to settle out the majority of the suspended solids and sediment and prevent sedimentation in waterways, culverts, streams and rivers. Sediment basins have both wet and dry storage space to enhance the trapping efficiency and are appropriate in drainage areas of five acres and greater." ACP has not provided any stormwater discharge calculations for sizing sediment basins. The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality's (DEQ) Stormwater Management Manual (1999), states that for high intensity rainfall events, a bypass or diversion structure is needed to allow large stormwater flows to bypass the BMP, thereby preserving its integrity and avoiding flushing of previously captured sediments. This results in sediment laden stormwater discharge to receiving streams. Additionally, the DEQ states that with greater stormwater runoff from deforested land surfaces, a greater volume of runoff will be stored in the sediment basin, with a consequent longer duration of storage. Because the deforested land surfaces increase the frequency of peak runoff, water in the sediment basin accumulates more frequently, in addition to being stored longer. The result is that the sediment basin can quickly degrade. 8.6 Trench Plugs Trench plugs consist of relatively impermeable material placed in the trench to capture water in the trench and direct the water downslope through a pipe toward a water bar. The water is then directed downslope in an adjacent area. Depending on the volume of water diverted by the water bar, the outflow may exhibit concentrated flow which will cause additional erosion. 9.0 CUMULATIVE IMPACTS Cumulative adverse impacts from construction of the proposed ACP result not only from the physical extent of the proposed construction, but also from the specific location of the proposed construction on mountain ridges and steep slopes. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, 2015) stresses that, "All tributary streams, including perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral streams, are physically, chemically, and biologically connected to downstream rivers via channels and associated alluvial deposits where water and other materials are concentrated, mixed, transformed, and transported. Streams are the dominant source of water in most rivers, and the majority of tributaries are perennial, intermittent, or ephemeral headwater streams. Headwater streams also convey water into local storage compartments such as ponds, shallow aquifers, or stream banks, and into regional and alluvial aquifers; these local storage compartments are important sources of water for maintaining baseflow in rivers." Rosgen (1994) developed a methodology for classifying stream types that provides criteria for determining the stream type's sensitivity to disturbance, the sediment supply, and the streambank erosion potential influence. Metrics for determining stream type sensitivity include measurements of stream slope, stream bed material, bankfull discharge, entrenchment (ratio of the width of the flood -prone area to the bankfull width of the channel), and sinuosity. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) used the Rosgen metrics to develop bankfull discharge curves in order to typify stable streams in different physiographic provinces (Krstolic and Chaplin, 2007; Lotspeich, 2009; Messinger, 2009). When the typical bankfull discharge for a stream changes, the stream is no longer stable. Bankfull discharge is exceeded due to higher peak flows of stormwater runoff. Use of these metrics, along with the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) or Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) and with determination of the increase in stormwater discharge due to the proposed ACP construction, provides the foundation for determining the significance of environmental damage to streams resulting from the proposed ACP construction. In order to evaluate the interactions of precipitation, stormwater discharge, groundwater recharge and retention, and stream baseflow, calculations must be performed at the headwater tributary level. Because first order high gradient streams are well defined and are considered to provide the basis for watershed evaluation (USFWS, 2007), it is essential to select these smaller watersheds, typically 200 acres in size, to evaluate the impact of construction projects. Cumulative impacts can be assessed by measurements and calculations. Cumulative impacts due to deforestation and soil compaction (creation of impervious surfaces) can be measured in watersheds of first order streams, second order streams, and third order streams. Increased stormwater discharge from construction activities can be calculated by use of standard engineering equations. Increased sediment discharge from construction activities can be predicted by the use of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation. Increased stream bank erosion due to increased stormwater discharge can be estimated from bankfull discharge curves. Cumulative adverse impacts to groundwater can be measured by stream baseflow calculations. However, in the DEIS, it is simply stated that the proposed ACP construction "would result in temporary to long-term impacts on aquatic resources. Long-term impacts related to slope instability adjacent to streams has the potential to adversely impact water quality and stream channel geometry, and therefore downstream aquatic biota. Atlantic and DTI would attempt to mitigate these impacts...". Increased sedimentation in streams causes permanent increased embeddedness. Colluvial creep on steep slopes is continuous and will provide a permanent supply of sediments to receiving streams. Deforestation, soil compaction, and dewatering will permanently deplete groundwater flow to seeps and springs that provide water to wetlands, headwater areas, stream baseflow, and residential wells, and will permanently reduce the groundwater hydraulic gradient. In the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province, the decreased hydraulic gradient will result in permanent saltwater intrusion. In karst terrain, decreased groundwater will permanently degrade cave environments and flow to springs. 10.0 CONCLUSIONS There will be permanent, significant adverse impacts to extensive areas where the ACP construction is proposed. These impacts include: 1) Permanent increased stormwater discharge to streams due to deforestation and soil compaction in the proposed pipeline construction areas; 2) Continual downstream stream bank erosion and stream bed due to increased stormwater discharge from the proposed pipeline construction areas; 3) Continual release of sediment to streams, causing continual turbidity and permanent embeddedness; 4) Continual degradation of the functions within first order high gradient streams, which will adversely impact the food chain in the River Continuum; 5) Increased threat of landslides where proposed construction disturbs steep slopes; 6) Depletion of groundwater resources due to impervious surfaces and dewatering; 7) Decrease of the groundwater hydraulic head which moves groundwater to streams and residential wells, and prevents saltwater intrusion into coastal plain aquifers. Best Management Practices simply do not prevent all sediment from a construction site from being transported by stormwater discharge to receiving streams. It is stated in the DEIS that these impacts would only be temporary and localized. However, the location of the proposed ACP construction within sensitive watersheds of first order high gradient streams will permanently impact the entire River Continuum. 11.0 REFERENCES Alley, W.M., T.E. Reilly, and O.L. Franke, 1999, Sustainability of Ground -Water Resources, USGS Circular 1186, https://pubs.usgs.gov/circ/circl 186/. Center for Watershed Protection, 1998, Rapid Watershed Planning Handbook. Center for Watershed Protection, 2003, Impacts of Impervious Cover on Aquatic Systems, Watershed Protection Research Monograph No.1. Dasher, George, Editor; "The Caves of East-Central West Virginia — The Guidebook of the National Speleological Society's 2000 Convention"; West Virginia Speleological Survey Bulletin #14. 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West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, 2006 (Revised August 29, 2016), Erosion and Sediment Control Best Management Practices Manual, http://www.dep.wv.gov/WWE/Programs/stormwater/csw/Documents/E%20and%20S BMP 200 6.pdf. West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Oil and Gas, 2012, Erosion and Sediment Control Field Manual, http://www.dep.wv.gov/oil-and- aas/Documents/Erosion%20Manual%2004.odf. White, William B., Geomorphology and Hydrology of Karst Terrains, 1988, Oxford University Press, Inc., New York, New York. Wischmeier, W.H., and Smith, D.D., 1978, Predicting Rainfall Erosion Losses — A Guide to Conservation Planning, USDA Wood, Peter, 2015, Construction Site Soil Loss and Sediment Discharge Calculation, Guidance Document and Calculation Tool, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Curriculum vitae for Pamela Crowson Dodds, Ph.D., L.P.G. P.O. Box 217 Montrose, WV 26283 pamelart(d)-hughes.net My education includes a bachelor's degree in Geology and a doctoral degree in Marine Science (specializing in Marine Geology), both from the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA. I have a Credential in Ground Water Science from Ohio State University and I am a Licensed Professional Geologist. I have held teaching positions at the high school level and at the college level, and have provided geology and hydrogeology presentations, workshops, and classes to state and federal environmental employees, to participants in the Regional Conference in Cumberland, MD for the American Planning Association, and to participants in the WV Master Naturalist classes. I have served as an expert witness in hydrogeology before West Virginia government agencies. As a Hydrogeological Consultant (2000 — Present), I have conducted hydrogeological investigations, provided hydrogeological assessment reports, served as an expert witness in hydrogeology before the West Virginia Public Service Commission in three cases and before the West Virginia Environmental Quality Board in one case, and provided numerous presentations and workshops in hydrogeology to state and federal environmental employees (including USFWS and WV FEMA Managers), participants in the Regional Conference in Cumberland, MD for the American Planning Association, participants at civic and landowner meetings, and participants in the WV Master Naturalist classes. As a Senior Geologist for the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (1997-1999), 1 determined direction of groundwater flow and the pollution impacts to surface water and groundwater at petroleum release sites and evaluated corrective actions conducted where petroleum releases occurred. At sites where the Commonwealth of Virginia assumed responsibility for the pollution release investigation and corrective action implementation, I managed the site investigations for the Southwest Regional Office of the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). This included project oversight from contract initiation through closure. As a Senior Geologist and Project Manager for the Environmental Department at S&ME, Inc. (Blountville, TN, 1992-1997), 1 conducted geology and groundwater investigations. I supervised technicians, drill crews, geologists, and subcontractors. The investigations were conducted in order to obtain permits for landfill sites and to satisfy regulatory requirements for corrective actions at petroleum release sites. My duties also included conducting geophysical investigations using seismic, electrical resistivity, and ground penetrating radar techniques. I conducted numerous environmental assessments for real estate transactions. I also conducted wetlands delineations and preparation of wetlands mitigation permits. As the District Geologist for the Virginia Department of Transportation (1985-1992), my job duties included obtaining and interpreting geologic data from fieldwork and review of drilling information in order to provide foundation recommendations for bridge and road construction. My duties included supervision of the drill crew and design of asphalt and concrete pavements for highway projects. Accomplishments included preliminary foundation investigations for interstate bridges and successful cleanup of leaking underground gasoline storage tanks and site closures at numerous VDOT facilities. While earning my doctoral degree at the College of William and Mary, I worked as a graduate assistant on several grant -funded projects. My work duties included measuring tidal current velocities and tidal fluctuations at tidal inlets; land surveying to determine the geometry and morphology of numerous tidal inlets; determining pollution susceptibilities of drainage basins using data from surface water flow parameters, hydrographs, and chemical analyses; developing a predictive model for shoreline erosion during hurricanes based on calculations of wave bottom orbital velocities resulting from various wind velocities and directions; performing sediment size and water quality analyses on samples from the Chesapeake Bay and James River; conducting multivariate statistical analyses for validation of sediment laboratory quality control measures; reconnaissance mapping of surficial geologic materials in Virginia, North Carolina, and Utah for publication of USGS Quaternary geologic maps; teaching Introductory Geology laboratory classes at the College of William and Mary; and serving as a Sea Grant intern in the Department of Commerce and Resources, Virginia. EDUCATION: College of William and Mary Williamsburg, VA 23185 Ph.D., 1984 Major: Marine Science (Marine Geology) Flint Hill Preparatory Fairfax, VA High School Diploma, 1968 JOB-RELATED TRAINING COURSES: College of William and Mary Williamsburg, VA 23185 B.A., 1972 Major: Geology 2007: Certified Volunteer Stream Monitor, West Virginia (Dept. of Environmental Protection) 2006: Certified Master Naturalist, West Virginia (Dept. of Natural Resources) 1996: Karst Hydrology, Western Kentucky University 1996: Global Positioning Systems (GPS) for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications, seminar conducted by Duncan-Parnell/Trimble 1995: Safe Drinking Water Teleconference, sponsored by the American Water Works Association 1992-1998: OSHA Hazardous Waste Site Supervisor training with annual updates 1990: Credential in Ground Water Science, Ohio State University JOB-RELATED LICENSE: PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Licensed Professional Geologist: TN #2529 Geological Society of America West Virginia Academy of Sciences National Speleological Society