HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140957 Ver 2_Attachment 1_CEA Report_20170818Attachment 1 Carpenter Environmental Associates, Inc. Report on the Revised Individual 401 Water Quality Certification and Riparian Buffer Authorization Application, Submitted by Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC, for the Proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline Project, Submitted to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality on May 8, 2017 August 2017 Introduction Carpenter Environmental Associates, Inc., (CEA) on behalf of Sierra Club (SC), reviewed and analyzed portions of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC, (ACP) Revised 401 Water Quality Certification and Riparian Buffer Authorization Application (Application), submitted by ACP, for the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline Project (ACPP), submitted to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality on May 8, 2017, to evaluate ACPs analysis and mitigation of potential impacts to aquatic life, water quality, and ecologically sensitive habitats due to pipeline crossings. CEA is a specialty consulting firm that provides environmental engineering, litigation support, and environmental science services to a diverse group of clients consisting of the legal community, advocacy groups, the insurance industry, other consultants and real estate development groups. CEA's staff consists of engineers, scientists, technicians, and support personnel that are well versed in environmental statutes and in implementing regulations including the Clean Water Act (CWA), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and their state counterparts, New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), New York State Environmental Conservation Law (ECL), Endangered Species Act (ESA) and many other state, and local laws and regulations. Scope of Our Review CEA's analysis focused on the potential environmental impacts to aquatic life, water quality, and ecologically sensitive habitats due to wetland and waterbody crossings for the North Carolina portion of the pipeline alignment, including the following: • The biological significance of the water quality, ecologically sensitive habitat, and freshwater/tidal wetland impacts in selected wetland/waterway crossings along the project alignment. • The potential impacts caused by waterbody/wetland pipeline crossing methods including: Dam, Pump, Flume, and Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) and the adequacy of impact mitigation and monitoring during such installation activities. • The adequacy of proposed pre- and post -installation studies and mitigation plans for the project. • Application deficiencies (data gaps) limiting the ability to fully evaluate relevant issues. Based on CEA's review of the Application and subsequent filings, it is our opinion that the evaluation of wetland/waterbody impacts and proposed mitigation plans, as supported by the FEIS, is inadequate and does not provide adequate protection of the wetlands/waterbodies along the intended route. In summary, the Applicant has failed to: • Adequately delineate the extent of wetlands that will be impacted within the project area. • Document the potential impacts for each specific crossing that may result from the proposed actions. • Adequately assess impacts to wetlands and identify adequate wetland mitigation to be undertaken for wetland areas significantly impacted by the proposed construction. 2 • Adequately assess impacts and include adequate mitigation for adjacent waterways to or from wetlands impacted by increased turbidity/total suspended solids due to construction activities; deforestation and habitat disruption; invasive species; the introduction of temporary and permanent access roads; stormwater erosion; and pollutant introduction. Background The ACP consists of the construction of 604.6 miles of main and lateral pipelines; 3 new compressor stations; valves, pig launchers, and receivers; and meter and regulating (M&R) stations in West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina, capable of delivering up to 1.5 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) of natural gas to customers in Virginia and North Carolina.' Approximately 14% of the pipeline alignment is located in waterbody/wetlands.2 Approximately 798 acres of existing wetlands and 40,744 linear feet of existing stream are located in North Carolina. The North Carolina alignment will consist of approximately 186 miles of mainline; 12.2 miles of laterals; 1 compressor station, 3 M&R stations, 11 valve sites; and 4 sets of pig launchers and receivers.3 Freshwater wetlands/waterbodies are present along and within the proposed pipeline alignment. All wetlands provide different functions and value to the surrounding community including but not limited to wildlife habitat, stormwater retention, groundwater recharge, and nutrient cycling. Virtually all (26 of 30) of the wetlands selected and reviewed by CEA were Riparian Forest Wetlands. These ecosystems are dominantly reliant on surface waters and ground waters associated with streams, rivers, and upland runoff and often are head waters for such systems. They are most commonly the wettest during the winter when evaporation and plant activity are low and during the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Supply Header Project, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1, Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC, Dominion Energy Transmission, Inc., Docket Nos. CP15-554-000, CP15-554-001, CP15-555-000, and CP15-556-000, FERC/EIS-0274F, July 2017. [FEIS Volume 1] FEIS Volume 1 FEIS Volume 1 wetter early growing seasons when flooding is most likely to occur. These system are unusually efficient in nutrient/pollutant removal associated with runoff from upland systems and, as such, are usually very productive systems that provide excellent water quality protection for their associated water bodies. They are often critical flood water storage and groundwater recharge areas. Wet forest provide unique deep habitat environments that numerous species prefer and many depend on. The wetlands and waterways being crossed by this project provide habitat for many aquatic species including, but not limited to, federally endangered Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrhynchus ), several North Carolina State Species of concern (Neuse River waterdog, Carolina madtom and the Chwanoke crayfish), as well as numerous species of freshwater mussels, and hundreds of fish and aquatic insect species. Tables 8 and 9 of the FEIS list the Federal and State endangered and species of concern by counties crossed. The FEIS acknowledges that the Biological Evaluation is currently under review by the Forest Service and that additional studies are required. Review Methodologv CEA reviewed documents provided by the Sierra Club and available on-line in support of the wetland/waterbody impact evaluation. !! Based on the information provided in the Application and the FEIS, CEA selected 30 wetland/waterbody crossings as representative based on state regulatory class, waterbody regime, and construction method as described in Appendix C-1, Wetland and Waterbody Crossings for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline within the US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District, to the Application. State Regulatory Class State Regulatory Class categories listed in Appendix C-1 include:',' • Anadromous Fish Spawning Area - Not defined in regulations or guidance • C - Freshwater Aquatic Life, Secondary Recreation and Human Health (Applies to all freshwater classifications) • WSIII, IV,V - Water Supply and all Class C uses • NSW - Nutrient Sensitive Water • Sw -Swamp • NA • Unclassified We retained crossings classified as NSW, WSI-V, SW, leaving forty crossings. Waterbody Regime Types of Waterbodies to be crossed by the ACP include: • Ditch • Ephemeral • Intermittent • NA • Open Water • Perennial • Pond • Blanks 4 NC Division of Water Resources, "Surface Water Quality Standards, Criteria and Protective Values," July 5, 2017. 5 15A NCAC 02B .0101 General Procedures, Amended October 1, 1996. 5 We retained waterbodies for ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial waterbodies for analysis, which narrowed the analysis to 30 crossings. Of these 30 crossings, 21 are perennial waterbodies, 6 are intermediate waterbodies, and 3 are ephemeral (Table 1). Perennial systems are wetlands or waterways that have saturated soils or flowing waters year round. Intermediate systems are saturated or flowing part of the year. Ephemeral systems contain water only temporally after or during rain events. The highest level of impacts due to the pipeline will be realized at the Perennial crossings. These impacts will include the generation and management of dredge spoils often within a wetland area; increased downstream sedimentation and turbidity; displacement and loss of aquatic organisms; loss of wetland, riparian upland, and aquatic habitats; compaction of soils with the possibility of changes in hydrology; and the potential for invasive species introduction. Intermediate and ephemeral crossing impacts will also include the generation and management of dredge spoils, wetland and riparian upland habitat loss, soil compaction with possible hydrology impacts, and the potential for invasive species introduction. The nature of saturation or flow typically associated with these systems lend them less to maintaining aquatic species populations. Sedimentation and turbidity impacts would only occur if crossing was performed during the wet seasons or during rain events. Construction Method Of the 30 crossings reviewed and analyzed 18 will be impacted by open cuts, 5 by HDD, 6 by Dam/Pump, and 1 by cofferdam (Table 1). The high number of open cuts were attributed to the applicant's claim that small transects being open for a smaller amount of time would be less harmful to the environment. 2 ANALYSIS/COMMENTS Issues identified as part of our review include: • Insufficient evaluation of specific site conditions and potential impacts due to crossing methods. • Insufficient evaluation of the potential for invasive plant and animal species in the Forest Mitigation Plan to repopulate cleared areas. • Insufficient restoration plans. • Incomplete surveys of site-specific site species and habitat throughout the study area. I. Proiect Activities Posing Potential Environmental Impacts The discussed crossing construction methods, open cut (mechanical dredging); dam, pump/or flume water redirection; cofferdam, conventional boring and HDD, all will result in some level of the following negative environmental impacts: • Generation of dredge spoils/drilling spoils or muds that will have to be stockpiled and managed are common to all crossings to varying degrees. • Increased sedimentation or turbidity impacts will be realized heaviest by open cut crossing, but will still be a potential source for all dry trench methods as well. Sedimentation and turbidity impacts would be greatly reduced with both boring methods. • Displacement and loss of aquatic organisms and habitat will occur with all trench methods but would be eliminated by boring methods. • Entrainment of aquatic species would be limited to pumping and drill methods if water is from natural source. • Disruption and loss of wetland habitat will occur with all methods. • Loss of riparian bank habitat and wet forest habitat fragmentation will occur with all methods. • Compaction of soils within the wetlands will occur with all methods because of equipment needs, staging areas and access road. 7 • Potential introduction of invasive species will occur with all methods. The open cut methods proposed by ACP consist of digging a trench using a track hoe, bulldozers, or draglines to dig a trench. The pipeline is placed in the trench and backfilled with the stockpiled dredge spoils. This method utilizes no stream flow control or diversion methods and is proposed for wetlands and areas of undefined streams where ACP claims that dry crossings are "infeasible." No comparative assessments of other methods of crossing are presented by ACP to support the necessity of using this method or to support the statement that dry crossing are infeasible. Assessments of site specific comparisons with dam and pump, cofferdam, flume or boring methodology and their site specific anticipated impacts on the environment should be provided and used as the basis to justify this approach, not convenience. While usually considered to cause less impact to the environment, the dry crossing methods have historically experienced significant problems leading to difficulties in meeting turbidity standards across the nation.' The lack of site specific details relative to corridor width, water depth, velocity, stream gradients, composition, size, and distribution of bed materials, stream sinuosity, and equipment to be used have historically contributed to sediment and turbidity releases and water quality violations making these methods more time consuming and less attractive to applicants. Successful utilization of these methods requires significant site specific detail and planning.' Flumes are installed and used to divert the highest anticipated flow during construction. Dam diversion structures are placed upstream and downstream of the trench area. Flumes are left in place during pipeline installation until final cleanup of the streambed is complete. Flumes may be used in conjunction with dam and pump methods. Golder Associates, River and Stream Crossings Study (Phase I) Executive Summary, 1998. Kreider, Tyler, PE, Pipeline Stability at Water Crossings, undated. Documented problem associated with the use of flume crossings include releases due to poorly sealed dams, short flumes limiting ditch widths, the ability to maintain sinuous channels, approach angle problems leading to an inability to thread the gas pipe under the flume, equipment selection and bank and substrate problems associated with a lack of understanding of on-site conditions.' Dams and pumps are used to divert flow around the construction work area. Sandbags and/or clean gravel and plastic liner are used to dam the waterbody upstream and downstream. Energy dissipation devices are used to protect the streambed from scouring at the discharge location. Upon completion of the pipe installation the trench is backfilled and the stream bed stabilized. Dam and pump systems, while fairly effective, again require significant effort and planning. Critical planning points to avoid failures and releases identified with these systems included the necessity of having adequate stream flow calculations, impermeable, high quality dams, onsite pumping capacity of at least 150% of calculated flow, on-site replacement equipment, extra fuel and a good contingency plan for unforeseen problems.' Some downstream sedimentation and turbidity will occur with the removal of the dams. Cofferdams, a temporary flow diversion structure, isolates stream segments and creates discrete dry sections. Upon completion of the pipe installation, the trench is backfilled and the flume removed. Again, significant site specific information about substrate composition, bank stability, flow, and significant diversion design is required. Some sediment and turbidity impact should be anticipated with the removal of the flume and diversion structure. HDD is accomplished by drilling a pilot hole, enlarging the pilot hole to accommodate a pipeline along a designed directional path and pulling back the pipeline through the Kreider, Tyler, PE, Pipeline Stability at Water Crossings, undated. Kreider, Tyler, PE, Pipeline Stability at Water Crossings, undated. 0 hole.10 This method uses drilling mud comprised of 65% water and 30% bentonite clay. Each of the stages results in drill spoils requiring disposal and proper on-site management using closed loop containment and containment pits. The Conventional Boring method requires the installation of angular pits dug on either side of the resource and the boring of a shaft like tunnel in which the pipeline is installed. A boring machine with an auger drill is then used to tunnel under the resource and a prefabricated pipe is installed. This method is most commonly used for short to middle range reaches of roads, wetlands and other sensitive resources. Potential Impacts to Wetlands The Applicant has identified over 1,000 wetland crossings associated with the project. CEA reviewed 30 proposed stream crossings representing 1,301 linear feet of center line crossings (cic). Forested wetland represented 27 of these crossing. The Little River Crossing at mile marker 82.5 represented a 57 cic with no linear feet of bank line work space required (lfbl). The Neuse River crossing at mile marker 98.5 represented 138 cic with an associated 113 IN work space all of which is locate in forested wetlands. The unnamed tributary to Cypress Creek located at AP3 mile marker 7.8 is a proposed 2 cic with 77 IN in an agricultural area. A total of 3,609 IN of work space in forest wetland was also evaluated. These crossings include waters and Palustrine Forest Wetlands, Palustrine Scrub Shrub Forest, and Palustrine Emergent wetlands. The impacts associated with these activities will differ to the degree of disruption and the type of system. Seven of these sites cross multiple tributaries leading one to question the wisdom of the use of the Open Cut method in these areas. In anticipation of increased impacts associated with multiple disruptions meeting a io Kruse, H.M.G., "The trenchless technique horizontal directional drilling, Soil related risks and risk mitigation," 0 Pipeline Technology Conference 2009. 10 short distance downstream, I would suggest a feasibility evaluation with HDD technology be explored. With the exception of HDD, all of the method of crossing being proposed will result in stream or wetland disturbance resulting in habitat loss ( permanent or temporary), changes in species diversity, the loss of aquatic organisms, varying levels of sedimentation and turbidity, the potential for the introduction of pollution and /or invasive species and riparian disruption. The conventional boring method mentioned and disregarded in the FEIS would seem a viable option for the single tributary crossings that we assessed. This option if viable would eliminate the requirements for removal of species, eliminate the loss of aquatic habitat and organisms and eliminate much of the sedimentation and turbidity impacts. Fifteen of these crossings were between 10 and 100 cic. Feasibility analysis for the conventional boring option should be provided for each of the open cut crossings proposed. Lack of Complete Delineation While the applicant delineated the specific areas where streams and wetlands would be physically altered by construction activities, a complete investigation of the potential for downstream and overall wetland system impacts was not provided. The applicant has yet to conduct an adequate delineation of wetlands that may be impacted by the project." Open Cut is the primary means proposed by ACP for crossing wetlands. Perennial wet woods wetland habitat are to be transversed at 22 of the evaluated sites. As has been previously discussed, these areas are saturated or flowing year round and are a major source of groundwater recharge. ACP has provided no analysis of groundwater flows through these critical wetland habitats. Wetlands by definition have high water tables. The proposed trenching and associated compaction of wetland soils associated with equipment activity, open cut, or 11 ACOE, Nationwide Permit 12. 11 dry trench methods; access road placement and removal; and the potential for fracture impacts associated with blasting can cause significant alterations in the water regime of the wetlands. These alteration can significantly change the viability and functions of the system by redistributing water redistributing or in the case of fracturing eliminate the available waters to other areas. Wetland confirmations in the field were limited to 300 feet from the pipeline. A review of the provided maps suggest the wetlands are often significantly different from the desk top assessments again suggesting that the true extent of the wetland situation within the designated pipeline pathway is not understood. The full extent of impacts to wetlands within these construction areas cannot be evaluated without a complete assessment of current surface and groundwater conditions, including the delineation of ecological features and their associated values throughout the complete area of potential impact. ACP should install piezometers as required to understand the hydrology of the system to a level that the potential for the proposed activities can be properly assessed. In order for the project review to be thorough and complete, the applicant must delineate/investigate the remaining portions of wetlands to be impacted by the project. Without the benefit of a full investigation and impact analysis, their conclusion that impacts to wetlands from the project will be minor remain as yet unjustified. Insufficient Impact Anal The Applicant generalizes impacts that may be realized as temporary. These impacts include riparian banks, aquatic habitat loss, wetland habitat disruption and loss, sedimentation and turbidity impacts, deforestation, and loss of wildlife and wildlife habitat. Based on our experience, we would expect that the aquatic habitat loss, riparian bank, and wetland habitat disruption if properly managed could meet restoration goals in 5 to 7 years. Some wildlife losses of near endangered species may never recover while the mature hardwood canopy could take up to as much as a century to recover. ACP 12 commonly turned to the method with the least cost and most potential for severe impacts (open cut). Open cut crossings divert no water during the stream crossing, utilizes equipment in direct contact with flowing or pooling water, and lacks the potential for species protection provided by the other available crossing techniques. Impacts associated with this method can range from minor and temporary to severe and permanent depending on the specific onsite conditions. Certain changes associated with the reduction of certain wildlife species may be severe and permanent. One of the most critical issues to avoid significant and permanent impacts in wetlands and stream crossing projects is site specific planning. 12 ACP's lack of consideration for the potential impact of transecting and fragmenting significant mature wet forest and proposing to trench significant wetlands without understanding the overall hydrology of the system show a lack of the level of planning required to truly predict their ability to protect the resources of the State. Open cuts in forested wetlands associated with this project will result in permanent habitat loss and fragmentation of the mature tree canopy and can result in several negative impacts associated with the edge effect. Much of the area designated for clearing for the proposed pipeline is mature wet forest. Examples of mature tree clearing is evident throughout the areas near Sapory Creek near mile marker 56.3 and Contentia Creek near mile marker 73.6. Significant impacts associated with these intrusions include species differentiation due to light penetration, habitat intrusion by predator species, habitat loss due to the edge effect, the disruption of reproductive populations and the introduction of invasive species. 13 Critical studies such as invasive plant, migrating birds, and depth of impacts of fragmentation are inadequately addressed. 12 MDE, Wetlands and Waterways Program, Recommended Best Management Practices For Restoration of Wetlands After Temporary Impacts, December 2013. 13 Haddad, Nick; Habitat Fragmentation and It's Lasting Impact on Earth's Ecosystem, Science Advance, March 2015. 13 The Cerulean Warbler (Septophaga cerulean) which is currently on the federal list for consideration as endangered was listed for 11 of the 30 sites we reviewed. Acknowledgement and assessment of the negative impact should be weighed in over review process. The swath that will be required to lay the pipeline (75 feet with a 125 foot construction corridor) will eliminate and fragment mature forest within this construction area for decades. The 10 -foot wide swath above and centering the pipe will remain forever treeless. This opening in the canopy will reduce habitat and animal population sizes and decrease habitat heterogeneity associated with fragmentation of populations, light penetration, and the disruption of primarily bird and amphibian breeding territories. Some of the avian species found along the proposed pipeline that will undoubtedly be affected include the Scarlet Tanager (Piranga olivacea), the Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina), and the Worm Eating Thrush (Helmitheros verminorom). All of these species are deep forest birds that are very sensitive to nest predation and to parasitic nesters such as the Brown Headed Cow Bird (Molothrus ater). The Brown Headed Cowbird is an invasive edge species that lays its eggs in other birds nest allowing the other species to raise its young. Females have been documented to invade 35 nests in a single breeding season. Other permanent impacts associated with the edge effect and habitat fragmentation include changes in site hydrology associated with earth compaction during construction, changes in plant diversity and in the introduction of diseases, and invasive species both plant and animal. 14 Predator species that commonly invade fragmented forest include but are not limited to crows, raccoons, coyotes and domestic cats. 14 Didham, Raphael K, Ecological Consequences of Habitat Fragmentation, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, November 2010. 14 The FEIS addresses soil compaction testing as part of the restoration program and refers to the FERC Upland Erosion Control, Revegetation, and Maintenance Plan (FERC Plan) for the details regarding monitoring methods and frequency. The FERC Plan does not provide details regarding methods or frequency.15Soil compaction from the transport and use of heavy equipment, as previously discussed, is a major concern in wetlands because of the potential to change and redistribute surface and groundwater pathways. Wetlands are extremely sensitive to alterations in water regimes. Minor changes can redistribute flow and alter species survival and diversity. Wetland and stream crossing will disrupt critical and sensitive aquatic and wetland habitats. These disruptions will result in various extents of species displacement and loss, decreases in prey availability, and possibly restrict fish and amphibian passage for foraging and breeding. Increases in sedimentation and turbidity associated with construction as per the crossing proposed for this effort, sediment stock piling efforts, long term episodic stormwater runoff from cleared right-of-way, and stream bank clearings are common occurrences with any activity involving equipment working in these systems and can cause severe impacts associated with biological oxygen demand, reductions in dissolved oxygen, covering and elimination of interspatial habitats for egg/larval development and aquatic insects, covering and suffocation of benthic organisms to include mussel beds, introduction of toxics from contaminated sediments or equipment contributions, and interference with fish visibility for feeding and breeding activities. Such impacts have the potential to drastically change the species diversity of a system by eliminating sensitive species and cover special habitats that are critical to aquatic insects and larva opening the door for less desirable species representative of the degraded habitat. 15 FERC, Office of Energy Projects, Upland Erosion Control, Revegetation, and Maintenance Plan, May 2013. 15 Protected Species The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) identified 32 Endangered Species Act (ESA) threatened or endangered species and additional proposed species, critical habitants, and species under review in the project area. 16 Surveys are still pending. At the time of the release of the FEIS and currently, ACP has not provided critical information on surveys of endangered, threatened and other plant and animal species of special concern. The applicants' claim that they will conduct or complete such surveys in 2017 confirms the inadequacy of the FEIS, and thus the Application, when released to the public. All potential impacts should be considered prior to DWR offering an opinion as to the overall impact of the project on the environment. A new or supplemental impact statement that contains this information and allows for a proper public review is warranted. Mitigation Wetland mitigation should be required to compensate for the permanent and temporary impacts the project will have on impacted wetlands (e.g. loss of functions and benefits). Wetland functions and benefits range from ecological associations (e.g. forested wetlands), special features (e.g. resident threatened or endangered species), hydrological and pollution control features, distribution, and location and cover types. As has been required for similar projects, the applicant should establish one acre of new wetlands in kind, and preservation and enhancement of 10 acres of wetlands within the watershed for each acre permanently impacted. 17 16 FEIS Volume 1. 17 USDOE. Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, Final Champlain Hudson Power Express Transmission Line Project Environmental Impact Assessment Volume I: Impact Analyses, Washington D.C. August 2014. 16 In order to ensure the survival of the designed mitigation schemes, a detailed maintenance program must be incorporated into the mitigation plan. The applicant should monitor the success of the wetland restoration for a period extensively longer than the two years proposed. Restoration sites are very susceptible to upsets associated with natural occurrences such as flood or drought events. Two years is too short of a period to monitor and assure success. The sensitivity of and possible significance of impacts within substantial forested and emergent wetlands warrant monitoring and guaranteed survival for a much longer (5 to 10 years) period considering some of the areas will take up to 100 years to reach their maximum. Stream crossings should be monitored 5 to 7 years to assure re-establishment of the native community. This extended period will provide more protection for drought or unusual weather conditions. Taking into consideration how fragile wetland systems are, monitoring and replanting should be required and undertaken by the applicant to attain initial planting density no matter how long is required for recovery. Failure to meet target densities will result in an invasion or change in habitat. Quarterly reports required by the Restoration and Rehabilitation plan should include documentation regarding the re-establishment of wetland functions and values and/or provide recommendations to achieve full compliance with mitigation and restoration requirements. In this case, the Applicant has limited their discussion to general methods and procedures using incomplete information for the specific crossings proposed. Therefore, it is not clear that mitigation for the loss of wetlands or overall impacts on the total wetland system or the impacts associated with the stream disruptions discussed above have been or could be addressed under the current application submittal. The appropriateness of any future planned mitigation cannot be fully assessed The Application addresses the potential environmental impacts related to construction by generally stating construction activities along aquatic portions of the proposed project route could result, mostly on a temporary basis, increased water turbidity, disturbance and resuspension of sediments, disturbances to aquatic species, localized degradation of 17 aquatic species habitat, increased vessel traffic, increased air emissions, and increased noise levels. The information provided simply does not support these claims.