HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140957 Ver 2_Public Notice Comments_20170817 Strickland, Bev From:Lynn Kohn <chloe11@frontier.com> Sent:Thursday, August 17, 2017 7:16 AM To:SVC_DENR.publiccomments Subject:ACP The Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) is currently making its way through a lengthy approval process involving many state and federal agencies.But none is more important than the 401 Water/Wetlands Permit, because there are so many ways the ACP could adversely impact the quality of North Carolina's water. Risks begin even before the line is operational during the disruptive, even violent installation process which includes trenching, clear cutting, horizontal drilling, and blasting. To cite a few examples--Creating an eight foot trench for the pipeline to pass through wetlands makes a flow path for contaminants to go downstream. The ACP would cut through forests and vegetation that serve as buffers to keep runoffs from streams. Horizontal drilling under waterways opens the possibility of contamination from drilling fluid. Blasting is not only noisy and disruptive for nearby residents but could damage the well water they depend on. Given the interconnected nature of our state's waterways, it is difficult if not impossible to contain damage to one area. I have described above a few ways the installation process could result in degradation of water quality with adverse consequences for such human activities as swimming, boating, and commercial fishing. Even more fundamental, the ACP would cross several watersheds, imperiling the safety of drinking water. It is not surprising that some of the strongest objections to the pipeline come from landowners concerned about the damage the project could do to their farms and other businesses. It has become commonplace to treat debates about the ACP and similar projects as a conflict between environment and economy, but where water is concerned, issues of environment, economy, and public health are inseparable. I ask you not to grant a 401 Water/Wetland Permit for the ACP. It is just not worth the risk.Thank you very much. 1