HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141169 All Versions_Handouts_20080715?2 - Page 1 of 2 Pierce, Mark S From Pierce, Mark S Sent Tuesday, July 15, 2008 11 52 AM To McLendon, Scott, Rawls, Paul, Thorpe, Gregory J, Coleman, Clarence, Wescott, William, Militscher, Christopher, Jordan, Gary, Wainwright, David, Sollod, Steve, Wilson, Travis, Compton, Karen, Gledhill-Earley, Renee, Murphey, Trish, Sechler, Ron, Van Liere, Daniel Cc Barbour, Deborah M, McMillan, Art, Hanson, Robert P, Yamamoto, Brian F, Dickens, Missy, Stafford, Wes Subject R-2514 7/30/08 MMT Elevation Mtg for Maysville Bypass Attachments R-2514-ElevationBnefs-7-14-08 pdf Dear Merger Management Team, I am writing to transmit six elevation briefs and to provide Merger Process history in preparation for your Merger Management Team Meeting regarding elevation of corridor selection for the Maysville Bypass for R-2514 (US 17 - Belgrade to New Bern, Onslow & Jones Counties) The MMT Meeting is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. on July 30, 2008 in the Board Room of the Transportation Building in Raleigh. Please note that this is a state project and that USACE is the lead federal agency Dear Merger Process Team, I am writing to transmit six elevation briefs that I have received from USEPA, USFWS, NCDWQ, NCDCM, NCWRC, and USACE since our June 19, 2008 CP3 Meeting regarding corridor selection for the Maysville Bypass I am also writing to notify you that the entire Merger Process Team is invited to the July 30, 2008 MMT Meeting, not only those who prepared elevation briefs, but also other interested team members Everyone, The Merger Process Team has discussed the Maysville Bypass (Alternate 2A versus Alternate 2C) in informational meetings, corridor selection meetings, and correspondence The resource agencies support Alternate 2C because it meets the purpose and need, generates fewer jurisdictional impacts, and costs less that Alternate 2A NCDOT supports Alternate 2A because it bypasses the community of Belgrade and is in accordance with the US 17 Strategic Highway Corridor I offer the following Merger Process chronology for your reference Section 404 / NEPA Merqer Process Team_ Meeting for CP3 (February 22, 2007) The Merger Process Team held the first corridor selection meeting for the Maysville Bypass on February 22, 2007 The team verbally concurred to eliminate Alternates 2 and 2B, but could not reach concurrence on Alternate 2A versus Alternate 2C The resource agencies supported Alternate 2C and NCDOT supported Alternate 2A The Elevation Process was formally initiated during this meeting 7/15/2008 Page 2 of 2 Request for Revenfication of Jurisdictional Areas (March 7, 2007) Mr William Wescott (USAGE) requested reverification of jurisdictional areas for the Maysville Bypass Alternates (2, 2A, 2B, & 2C), Alternate 3 (widen existing from Maysville to north of the community of Chadwick), and the Pollocksville Bypass Alternates (4D & 4E) on March 7, 2007 Therefore, corridor selection was placed on hold until an updated Jurisdictional Determination could be issued by USACE Mr Wescott and personnel from Environmental Services, Inc conducted the reverification during August 2007 Mr Wescott issued a Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination on February 11, 2008 and noted that the Final Jurisdictional Determination would be issued after preparation of the Rapanos Forms for the LEDPA Section 404 / NEPA Merger Process Team Meeting for CP2 Revisited (May 22, 2008) The Merger Process Team held a meeting on May 22, 2008 to revisit CP2 and to achieve written concurrence on reduction of alternates for the Pollocksville Bypass and the Maysville Bypass The team concurred to eliminate all alternates except for 2A and 2C for the Maysville Bypass and alternates 4D and 4E for the Pollocksville Bypass Section 404 / NEPA Merger Process Team Meeting for CP3 (June 19, 2008) The Merger Process Team held the first corridor selection meeting for the Pollocksville Bypass and the second corridor selection meeting for the Maysville Bypass on June 19, 2008 The team concurred on Alternate 4D for the Pollocksville Bypass, but could not reach concurrence on Alternate 2A versus Alternate 2C for the Maysville Bypass The team agreed that resolution of corridor selection for the Maysville Bypass should be elevated to the Merger Management Team and that elevation briefs would be prepared and submitted to NCDOT within three weeks of our meeting We appreciate the Merger Process Team's work on this project We also appreciate the Merger Management Team's time as it considers resolution of corridor selection for the Maysville Bypass Please let me know if you need additional information as you prepare for our July 30, 2008 meeting Thanks, Mark Mark Pierce, P E Project Planning Engineer NCDOT - Eastern Project Development Unit 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 (919) 733-7844 x214 7/15/2008 Page 1 of l Pierce, Mark S From: Mditscher Chns@epamad epa gov Sent: Monday, June 30, 20081 43 PM To: Pierce, Mark S Cc. wdliam g wescott@usace army mil, garyJordan@fws gov, travis wilson@ncwddlife org, renee gledhdl-eadey@ncmad net, david wainwright@ncmad net, steve soilod@ncmad net, ron sechler@noaa gov, kcompton@fs fed us, trash murphey@ncmad net Subject: R-2614B Revised Elevation Brief - CP 3 Maysville Bypass Attachments: NCDOT-Maysville Bypass-Mergerbnef--6-08 rtf Mark: Attached is EPA's elevation brief A signed copy will be placed in FHWA/NCDOT inter-office mail today. I'll be out of the office and will not be returning until 7/7. Thanks for your efforts and if you have any questions, please call me next week Thanks again Christopher A. Militscher, REM, CHMM USEPA Raleigh Office 919-856-4206 7/14/2008 SECTION 404/NEPA MERGER 01 ISSUE BRIEF: 6/30/08 Submitted by Christopher A Militscher, REM, CHMM Merger Team Representative USEPA Raleigh Office THRU Heinz J. Mueller, Chief NEPA Program Office USEPA Region 4 Thomas C Welborn, Chief Wetlands, Coastal Protection Branch USEPA Region 4 CC. Kathy Matthews, Life Scientist Wetlands Protection Section USEPA Region 4 - Durham Office TO. Mark S Pierce, P E , Project Manager Planning Development and Environmental Analysis Branch NCDOT 1 Protect Name and Brief Description R-2514 B Section, US 17 Improvements (Maysville Bypass), Onslow and Jones Counties, New location and widening sections south of Pollocksville (R-2514 C and D Sections) 2 Last Concurrence Point CP 3 LEDPA for R-2514C and D Sections r%t*eiigs 6/19/08 Date of Concurrence 3. Proposal and Position- EPA recommends that Alternative 2C be selected as the LEDPA for the R-2514B section NCDOT proposes to s4pct Alternative 2A for the LEDPA based almost entirely upon SHC vision goals Based on our review EPA believes that Alternative 2C is consistent with the overall US 17 improvements and has the least overall impacts to both the human and natural environment The Merger team agreed to `segment' the LEDPA decisions for the US 17 Pollocksville/Maysville Bypass into three sections: R-2514B/C/D so that NCDOT could proceed with additional design activities for the R-2514C and D sections 4. Reasons for Non-concurrence Based upon the information provided in the DEIS, the Concurrence Point 3 LEDPA meeting package dated 2/22/07, and the updated packages provided for the 6/19/08 meeting, EPA does not concur with NCDOT's proposed selection of Alternative 2A NCDOT is basing its choice of Alternative 2A primarily due to a stated desire to construct the new Maysville Bypass section using a Strategic Highway Corridor (SHC) design with two `freeway-type' interchanges both north and south of Maysville The sections of US 17 both north (R-2514C) and south (R-2514A) of Maysville have been or are being constructed to an expressway type design The 2004 SHC Vision plan was adopted after the purpose and need and the detailed study alternatives for the project were accepted by the Merger team Based upon traffic data there does not appear to be a need to provide two `free-flowing', high-speed interchanges both north and south of Maysville The traffic benefits for providing approximately 4 miles of `freeway' section between two expressway sections have not been documented by NCDOT The Merger team agreed to drop Alternative 2 (Improve existing through Maysville) and Alternative 2B (Bypass east of Maysville) due to human and natural resource impacts. Based upon updated CP 3 Merger handouts, EPA's comments on the impact differences for specific key indicators between Alternatives 2A and 2C are provided below Jurisdictional wetland impacts. Alternative 2A (39 8 acres) has more than double the wetland impacts as Alternative 2C (14 95 acres) Alternative 2A also has substantially greater impact to high quality wetland systems than Alternative 2C Stream impacts: Alternative 2A (3,117 linear feet) has substantially greater impacts to waters of the U S. than Alternative 2C (2,007 linear feet). These additional stream impacts include tributaries to the White Oak River watershed Relocation Impacts and other Human Resource Impacts Alternative 2A (23 residential and 2 businesses) has substantially higher relocation impacts to residences than Alternative 2C (12 residences and 15 businesses) Considering that there are approximately 70-80 total homes in the Belgrade area, 23 residential relocations may represent a substantial socio-economic burden for local families and citizens Alternative 2C impacts to businesses have not been fully identified in terms of `complete relocations' or simply reduced access or parking for the new expressway Potential Environmental Justice/Community Impacts- NCDOT has agreed to provide the USACE with a "Benefit/Burden" community impact analysis for the Belgrade community. The USACE as Lead Federal Agency has to agree that there is a disproportional adverse impact to minority and low-income persons or community cohesion issues in Belgrade from Alternatives 2A and 2C As per current relocations and other community housing statistics provided during the 6/19/08 meeting, Alternative 2A has substantially more residential relocations than Alternative 2C Considering the limited housing in and around Belgrade, EPA believes that there could be a potentially greater EJ impact to the community from Alternative 2A EPA requests a copy of any community impact analysis that is performed under E O 12989 for Environmental Justice. Other Impacts and Relevant Issues As discussed in EPA's 2007 Elevation brief, EPA supports a SHC design initiative when it can be supported by traffic data and when the project W tgd in an urbanized and congested areas It is difficult to justify the substantially greater environmental impacts and the socio-economic costs (e g, Alternative 2A is $35 million more Alternative 2A is $77 73 million and Alternative 2C is $42 5 million) associated with the need for potentially large interchanges, `free- flowing' and high-speed ramp designs both north and south of Maysville Alternative C with one large interchange north of Maysville offers a better `balance' between environmental impacts and transportation benefits while employing greatly improved traffic flow along US 17 Alternative 2C also offers a consistent expressway design between Pollocksville and Jacksonville 5 Potentially Violated Laws/Regulations. Section 404(b)(1) of the Clean Water Act NCDOT did not make an adequate justification for the substantially increased impacts to aquatic resources from Alternative 2A (compared to 2C) based upon `other significant adverse impacts' (LEDPA definition contained at NCDOT's Merger 01 Websrte). 6 Alternative Course of Action- EPA recommends that NCDOT should reconsider its position on Alternative 2A and concur with EPA, ACE, DWQ, FWS, WRC, DCM and other agencies on Alternative 2C as the LEDPA. Also, NCDOT should fully investigate additional avoidance and minimization efforts for stream and wetland impacts and begin specific coordination with local officials on minimizing potential impacts to Maysville and Belgrade residences and businesses with the expressway/'Superstreet' design. Pierce, Mark S From: Gary_Jordan@fws gov Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 10 40 AM To: Pierce, Mark S Cc* william g wescott@usace army mil, travis wdson@ncwidlde org, renee gledhill- earley@ncmad net, david wainwright@ncmad net, steve sollod@ncmad net, ron sechler@noaa gov, kcompton@fs fed us, tnsh murphey@ncmad net, Pete_Ben)amin@fws gov Subject. R-2514B revised elevation brief - CP 3 Maysville Bypass Attachments: R-2514 issuebrief pdf 12 R-2514 issuebrief p df (13 KS) Mark, . Attached is the USFWS revised elevation brief for Section B of R-2514 (See attached file R-2514.issuebrief.pdf) Gary Jordan US Fish and Wildlife Service PO Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Phone (919) 856-4520 ext 32 Fax (919) 856-4556 gary_7ordan@fws gov 1 Section 404/NEPA Merger 01 Issue Brief - July 1, 2008 1 Project Name and brief description: R-2514 B Section, US 17 Improvements (Maysville Bypass), Onslow and Jones Counties 2 Last Concurrence Point: CP 3 for R-2514 C and D Sections Date of Concurrence: June 19, 2008 3 Explain what is being proposed and your position including what you object to. NCDOT's preferred alternative is Alternative 2A NCDOT has based this preference on its goals under its Strategic Highway Corridors (SHC) initiative The USFWS objects to this alternative being selected as the LEDPA The USFWS proposes that Alternative 2C be selected as the LEDPA 4 Explain the reasons for your potential non-concurrence. Please include any data or information that would substantiate and support your position. Alternative 2A is clearly not the LEDPA 2A would have 39 80 acres of wetland impacts versus only 14 95 acres for 2C 2A would have 3117 feet of stream impacts versus 2007 feet for 2C 2A would have significantly higher impacts to wildlife resources to include direct mortality, direct habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, and cumulative impacts due to potential secondary development 2A would have significantly higher impacts to migratory birds Alternative 2A, being farther out from Maysville, would create the greatest amount of forest habitat fragmentation effects The effects of forest fragmentation usually extend well beyond the project footprint and can lead to local extirpation of forest interior species and wildlife species which require large home ranges Roads act as physical barriers to wildlife movement and/or cause significant wildlife mortality in the form of road-lulled anmmals Forest fragmentation can lead to increased predation of some species and increased brown- headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) parasitism of the nests of neotropmcal migrant birds Habitat fragmentation also often facilitates invasive and/or nonnative species colonization of fragmented lands Overall, the remaining, smaller, fragmented forest parcels are of less value to forest interior species While the USFWS understands NCDOT's preference to build the highest level facility possible, Alternative 2C would still provide a vast improvement over the existing condition and clearly meets the purpose and need of the project Given the much higher environmental impacts, and given the fact that 2A costs $35 2 million more (almost double the cost) than 2C, the USFWS does not see adequate justification to build 2A Since the roadway both south and north of Section B will not be freeway, the USFWS does not believe that it is justified to sacrifice an additional 24 85 acres of wetlands and 1110 feet of stream, and at nearly double the cost, to build a short segment of freeway We believe that the law of diminishing returns applies here NCDOT prefers Alternative 2A because it fits more into its SHC vision goals The SHC initiative was adopted after the purpose and need statement was developed and after the detailed study alternatives were agreed to by the Merger Team To date, traffic data has not demonstrated that there is a need for the higher level freeway facility of 2A versus 2C 5. List any relevant laws or regulations that you believe would be violated or jeopardized if the proposed action were implemented and explain the basis for violation. The USFWS believes that Section 404(b)(1) of the Clean Water Act would be violated if Alternative 2A is chosen as the LEDPA 2A has 166% higher wetland impacts and 55% higher stream impacts without adequate. justification The Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA) (16 U.S C 661-667d) provides the basic authority for the USFWS involvement in evaluating impacts to fish and wildlife from proposed water resource development projects It requires that fish and wildlife resources receive equal consideration to other project features It also requires Federal agencies that construct, license or permit (e g Section 404) water resource development projects to first consult with the Service and State fish and wildlife agencies regarding the impacts on fish and wildlife resources and measures to mitigate these impacts Specifically, the USFWS provides comments and recommendations to the U S Army Corps of Engineers for the issuance of Section 404 Clean Water Act permits With regard to a project with multiple alternatives, the USFWS provides recommendations to the USACE as to which alternatives best avoid and minimize impacts to fish and wildlife resources 6. What alternative course of action do you recommend? NCDOT should concur with the other agencies on the Merger Team that Alternative 2C is the LEDPA Pierce, Mark S From: David Wainwright [David Wainwright@ncmail net] Sent Tuesday, July 01, 200811 09 AM To- Pierce, Mark S Cc. Mditscher Chris@epamail epa gov, william g wescott@usace army mil, garyJordan@fws gov, travis wilson@ncwildlife org, renee gledhill-earley@ncmad net, steve sollod@ncmail net, ron sechler@noaa gov, kcompton@fs fed us, trish murphey@ncmail net, Brian Wrenn Subject: R-2514B Elevation Brief Attachments: R-25148 DWQ Elevation Brief pdf C R-25146 DWQ Elevation Brief pd Mark, Attached is the DWQ's elevation brief. I will send you a paper copy in the mail. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me Thank you David Wainwright NCDENR, Division of Water Quality Transportation Permitting Unit Raleigh, NC David.wainwright@ncmail.net 919-715-3415 Militscher.Chris@epamail.epa.gov wrote- > Mark. Attached is EPA's elevation brief A signed copy will be placed > in FHWA/NCDOT inter-office mail today I'll be out of the office and > will not be returning until 7/7. Thanks for your efforts and if you > have any questions, please call me next week. Thanks again > Christopher A. Militscher, REM, CHMM > USEPA Raleigh Office > 919-856-4206 1 W ?? Michael F Easley, Governor 9 OQG William G Ross Jr, Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources \ fib r Alan W Klimek, P E Director j Division of Water Quality o ? July 1, 2008 MEMORANDUM To. Mark Pierce, PE, Project Development and Environmental Analysts Section, NCDOT Through. Bnan Wrenn, Division of Water Quality ?v From David Wainwnght, Division of Water Quality Subject MERGER 01 PROCESS ISSUE BRIEF, TIP R-2514B, improvements to US 17 in Onslow and Jones Counties, from Belgrade to Chadwick I Project Name and Brief Description: TIP R-25146, improvements to US 17 to Onslow and Jones Counties, from Belgrade to Chadwick 2 Last Concurrence Point (signed): CP 3 for sections C and D Date of Concurrence. June 19, 2008 3 Explain what is being proposed and your position, including what you object to: There are two alternatives remaining for the project in the area of concern, Alterative 2A and Alternative 2C All other alternatives have been eliminated from further study The NCDOT prefers Alternative 2A while the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) prefers Alternative 2C 4 Explain the reasons for your potential non-concurrence. Please include any data or information that would substantiate and support your position: The DWQ prefers Alternative 2C primarily because it has significantly lower impacts to natural resources than Alternative 2A • According to the "Reveriftcation of Jurisdictional Areas (Wetlands) Comparison Table" in the revised (June 19, 2008) meeting packet, wetland impacts for Alternative 2C are anticipated to be 14 95 acres The anticipated impacts to wetlands for Alternative 2A are 39 80 acres (more than 2 5 times that of Alternative 2C) • According to the "Results of Revenftcation of Jurisdictional Areas (Streams) Comparison Table" in aforementioned document, Alternative 2C will have anticipated impacts to 2,007 7 feet of stream, Alternative 2A will potentially impact 3,117 0 feet (more than 50 percent greater than Alternative 2C) Thus far, modifications and re-evaluations made have affected impacts to streams and wetlands for both alternatives However, additional impacts associated with Alternative 2A have been much greater than those for Alternative 2C For example, based on the previously mentioned tables, the wetland re-evaluation added an additional 11.32 acres of impact to Alternative 2A's already 28 48 acres, for a total of 39 80 This amounts to a 40 percent increase When bridge lengths were modified, stream impacts increased 1,252 4 feet, from 1,864 6 feet to 3,117 0 feet, or 67 percent Impacts to wetlands from Alternative 2C increased 0 53 acres, while stream impacts decreased 308 58 feet Nrppl° Caro SSna Transportation Pemdtbng Unit hlClJ?l fJ 1650 Mad Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699.1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Ralegh, North Carolina 27604 Phone 919-733-17861 FAX 919-733-6893 / Internet htt2J/h2o enr,state naus/ncnretlands An Equal Opportunity/A(6rmatrve Action Employer - 50% Recyded/10% Post Consumer Paper The NCDOT is stating that impacting the community of Belgrade would constitute an environmental justice issue if Alternative 2C is selected as the LEDPA This project is not federally funded. Therefore, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is not represented in this project and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is the lead federal agency for this project Generally, the FHWA performs the analysis to determine if any environmental, justice issues exist within a project it appears that in FHWA's absence, the NCDOT determined that impacting Belgrade would constitute an environmental justice issue As the lead federal agency, it should be the USACE which ultimately makes this determination, not the NCDOT When this issue was discussed during the June 19, 2008 meeting, it quickly became apparent that there were several unanswered questions regarding the statement The DWQ believes that this issue should be further investigated to determine if a real environmental, justice issue would exist should Alternative 2C be selected as the LEDPA 5 List any relevant laws or regulations that you believe would be violated or jeopardized if the proposed action were implemented and explain the basis for violation. Please attach a copy of the relevant portion of the law or regulation or provide a web address where the document(s) may be located: The most relevant law is 15A NCAC 02H 0500 (htto•//h2o enr state nc us/admin/rules/2H 0500 pdf). The following attests to its relevance 15A NCAC 02H 0500 states that "in evaluating requests for certification the Director shall determine if the proposed activity has the potential to remove or degrade those significant uses which are present in the wetland or surface water" It goes on to state that "The Director shall issue a certification upon determining that existing uses are not removed or degraded by a discharge to classified surface waters for an activity which 1) has no practical alternative under the criteria outlined in Paragraph (f) of this Rule and 2) will minimize adverse impacts to the surface waters based on consideration of existing topography, vegetation, fish and wildlife resources, and hydrological conditions under the criteria outlined in Paragraph (g) of this Rule and 3) does not result in the degradation of groundwater or surface waters " Section (f) of I SA NCAC 02H 0500 (mentioned previously) states that "A lack of practical alternatives may be shown by demonstrating that, considering the potential for a reduction is size, configuration, or density, of the proposed activity and all alternative designs the basic purpose cannot be practically accomplished in a manner which would avoid or result in a less adverse impact to surface waters or wetlands " When reviewing applications for 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC), the DWQ is required per 15 NCAC 02H 0500 to see that impacts to surface waters and wetlands have been minimized to best extent practical Section (f) states that if a practical alternative exists that would minimize impacts to wetlands and surface waters, yet still meets the basic project purpose (as defined by NCDOT's Purpose and Need Statement), then it should be selected Since Alternatives 2A and 2C have been carried forward, it is assumed by the DWQ that both are practical and meet the purpose and need of the project 6 What alternative course(s) of action do you recommend: The impacts from Alternative 2A are significantly higher than for Alternative 2C The DWQ does not feel it can support Alternative 2A due to the difference in impacts If the NCDOT can reduce impacts for Alternative 2A such that they are similar to those of Alternative 2C, then the DWQ may reconsider supporting Alternative 2A Also, the DWQ would like to encourage the NCDOT and the USACE to further investigate the potential environmental justice issue in Belgrade, as agreed during the June 19, 2008 concurrence meeting Pierce, Mark S From- Steve Sollod [Steve Sollod@ncmail net] Sent- Tuesday, July 01, 2008 2 49 PM To Pierce, Mark S, Doug Huggett Cc: Chris Militscher, William Wescott, Gary Jordan, Travis Wilson, Renee Gledhill- Earley@ncma)I net, David Wainwright, Ron Sechler (E-mail), kcompton@fs fed us, Trish Murphey, stephen lane Subject: DCM's Issue Brief for R-2514 Attachments: R-2514 Issue Brief pdf FDf j? R-2514 Issue Brief pdf (90 KB) Mark, DCM's Issue Brief for R-2514 is attached. concerns Steve Let me know if you have any questions or Steve Sollod Transportation Project Coordinator NC Division of Coastal Management 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1638 (919) 733-2293 X230 phone (919) 733-1495 FAX 1 ALTE 19 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F Easley, Governor James H. Gregson, Director William G Ross Jr, Secretary Section 404/NEPA Merger 01 Issue Brief R-2514 NC Division of Coastal Management July 1, 2008 1. Proiect Name and Brief Descnption: R-2514 B, C, & D Sections, US 17 Improvements from SR 1330/SR 1439 South of Belgrade to the Jones - Craven County Line, Onslow and Jones Counties 2 Last Concurrence Point. CP 2A Bridging and Alignment Review 3. Date of Concurrence: On 2/22/07 concurrence was reached on the bridging decisions. It should be noted that on 6/19/08, CP 3 was reached on Alternative 3, the center section of the project, and Alternative 4D on the northern (Pollocksville) portion of the project CP 3 could not be reached on the southern (Maysville) portion of the project. 4. What is ProRosed and the A eg_nc„y Position? The remaining alternatives under consideration for the southern portion of the project are Alternative 2A and 2C. Alternative 2A is NCDOT's preferred alternative for the Maysville portion of the project. DCM and other resource agencies, which DCM relies on in making permit and consistency decisions, prefer the selection of Alternative 2C for the LEDPA. The crossing of the White Oak River, with the selection of either Alternative 2A or Alternative 2C, will require a CAMA Major Permit A CAMA permit for this project, if issued, will encompass only the portion of the project within the coastal zone, which includes the portion located in Onslow County and the crossing of the White Oak River 5. Reasons for Non-Concurrence: On 6119/08 DCM did not concur on Alternative 2A, NCDOT's preferred alternative, for selection as the LEDPA. The total wetland impacts for Alternative 2A (39.80 acres) far exceeded the wetland impacts of Alternative 2C (14 95 acres) The stream impacts were over 1000 linear feet greater for Alternative 2a (3117 ft ) compared to Alternative 2C (2007 ft.) In addition, the residential relocations for Alternative 2A (23) were almost double the number of relocations for Alternative 2C (12). Both Alternative 2A and Alternative 2C would meet the project's purpose and need. 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Phone: 252-808-28081 FAX: 252-247-3330 l Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity \ A(rirmabve Action Employer - 500/6 Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper Section 404/NEPA Merger 01 Issue Brief R-2514, NCDCM Page 2 6. Relevant Laws or Regulations COASTAL AREA MANAGEMENT ACT (CAMA) The goals of CAMA are to ensure development of the land and water resources of the coastal area proceeds in a manner consistent with the capability of the land and water for development based on ecological considerations and to ensure the orderly and balanced use and preservation of coastal resources on behalf of the people of North Carolina and the nation. § 113A-120(x)(9) GRANT OR DEMAL OF PERMITS DCM may deny an application for a permit upon finding that considering engineering requirements and all economic costs there is a practicable alternative that would accomplish the overall project purposes with less adverse impact on the public resources. 15A NCAC 07M.0801 DECLARATION OF GENERAL POLICIES The waters of the coastal area are a valuable natural and economic resource of statewide significance. Traditionally these waters have been used for such activities as commercial and recreational fishing, swimming, hunting, recreational boating, and commerce. These activities depend upon the quality of the waters Due to the importance of these activities to the quality of life and the economic well being of the coastal area, it is important to ensure a level of water quality, which will allow these activities to continue and prevent further deterioration of water quality. No land or water use shall cause the degradation of water quality so as to impair traditional uses of the coastal waters. The Coastal Resources Commission takes a lead role in coordinating these activities. 15A NCAC 07M.0802 POLICY STATEMENTS All of the waters of the state within the coastal area have a potential for uses that require optimal water quality. Therefore, at every possible opportunity, existing development adjacent to these waters shall be upgraded to reduce discharge of pollutants. Basin-wide management to control sources of pollution both within and outside of the coastal area, which will impact waters flowing into the rivers and sounds of the coastal area, is necessary to preserve the quality of coastal waters. 15A NCAC 07J.0207 AGENCY REVIEW/COM[MENTS: MAJOR DEVELOPMENT/DREDGE AND FILL In order to determine the impact of a proposed project, DCM circulates CAMA major development permit applications to the state review agencies having expertise in each of their respective disciplines. Each reviewing agency may make an independent analysis of the application and submit recommendations and comments. Such recommendations and comments are considered in taking action on a permit application. The NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ) requires applicants to consider alternatives to impacting waters of the state and wetlands dunng the design of their project. On 6/19/08, the DWQ and the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) did not concur with NCDOT's preferred alternative DCM must take this into consideration in the selection of the LEDPA for this project Section 404/NEPA Merger 01 Issue Brief R-2514, NCDCM Page 3 15A NCAC 07J 0209 ISSUANCE OF PERMITS The decision to issue or deny the permit is based, in part, by the comments of all interested state agencies. 7. Recommended alternative course of action: DCM recommends that the NEPA/404 project team concur with Alternative 2C as the LEDPA Page 1 of 1 Pierce, Mark S From. Travis Wilson [travis wilson@ncwildlife org] Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 2 59 PM TO. Pierce, Mark S Cc: Wescott, William G SAW', David Wainwright@ncmail net, 'Steve Sollod', Gary_Jordan@fws gov, Militscher Chris@epamail epa gov, kcompton@fs fed us Attachments: MaysvilleBypassElevationBrief doc Mark I have attached our revised elevation brief for CP 3 US 17 in Maysville Travis W. Wilson Eastern Region Highway Project Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program NC Wildlife Resources Commission 1142 I-85 Service Rd Creedmoor, NC 27522 Phone- 919-528-9886 ext 226 Fax: 919-528-9839 Travis.Wilson@ncwildlife org 7/14/2008 MEMORANDUM TO Mark Pierce, P E , Project Planning Engineer Project Development and Environmental Analysis, NCDOT FROM Travis Wilson, Highway Project Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program DATE June 30, 2008 SUBJECT Section 404/NEPA Merger 01 elevation issue brief for R-2514 1 Project Name and brief description: R-2514 B US 17 improvements from Belgrade to Chadwick (Maysville Bypass) Onslow and Jones Counties 2 Last Concurrence Point: 2A for Section B Date of Concurrence: May 22, 2008 3. Explain what is being proposed and your position including what you object to. NCDOT proposes the selection of Alternative 2A for the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA) in order to better met the Strategic Highway Corridor vision plan The NCWRC does not concur with Alternative 2A as the LEDPA The NCWRC supports Alternative 2C as the LEDPA 4. Explain the reasons for your potential non-concurrence. Please include any data or information that would substantiate and support your position. Alternative 2A impacts 39 80 acres of wetlands and 3117 linear feet of stream Alternative 2C unpacts 14 95 acres of wetlands and impacts 2007 linear feet of stream Alternative 2A has the greatest amount of new location facility resulting in a higher loss of natural habitat and increased habitat fragmentation compared to alternative 2C At tlus tune NCDOT has not presented any information to the merger team indicating either alternative is not practicable, therefore it is the NCWRC position that alternative 2C is the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative 5. List any relevant laws or regulations that you believe would be violated or jeopardized if the proposed action were implemented and explain the basis for violation. Please attach a copy of the relevant portion of the law or regulation or provide an email address where the documents may be located. The nussion of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission is to protect, preserve, and manage the fish and wildlife resources of the state The selection of Alternative 2C would be consistent with this nussion 6. What alternative course of action do you recommend? NCDOT should concur with the selection of alternative 2C as the LEDPA Page 1 of 1 Pierce, Mark S From- Wescott, William G SAW [William G Wescott@saw02 usace army mil] Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 4 06 PM To: Pierce, Mark S Cc garyjordan@fws gov, travis wdson@ncwddlife org, renee gledhdl-earley@ncmad net, david wainwnght@ncmad net, steve sollod@ncmad net, smtp-Sechler, Ron, kcompton@fs fed us, tnsh murphey@ncmad net, Mditscher Chns@epamad epa gov Subject: Elevation Brief - CP 3 Maysville Bypass Importance: High Attachments- Elevation Brief 2 doc pdf Mark, Attached is the USACE elevation brief for R-2514 section B William 7/14/2008 IN REPLY REFER TO DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS Washington Regulatory Field Office P O Box 1000 Washington, North Carolina 27889.1000 July 14, 2008 TO- Mark Pierce, P.E , Project Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis, NCDOT FROM William Wescott, P.W S., Pmject Manager F1 Regulatory Division, United States Corps of En eers ' 1. Project Name and Brief Description: TIP R-2514 section B, US Highway 17 in Onslow and Jones Counties, from Belgrade to Chadwick (Maysville Bypass). 2 Last Concurrence Point: CP3 signed for sections C and D Date of Concurrence: June 19, 2008 3. Explain what is being proposed and your position, including what you object to: Two corridors were considered for the Maysville Bypass during the CP3 meeting on June 19, 2008 These corridors are Alternatives 2A and 2C NCDOT proposes to select Alternative 2A for their preferred Based on our review USACE believes that Alternative 2C is consistent with the overall US 17 improvements and has the least overall impacts to both the human and natural environment; therefore, the USACE supports Alternative 2C as the LEDPA 4 Explain the reasons for your potential non-concurrence. Please include any data or information that would substantiate and support your position: With the exception of wetland quality, the following table of information is directly from NCDOT, June 19, 2008 revised packet of information Alternatives Total Length (miles) Total Wetland Impacts acres Quality of Wetlands (Field Observation Stream Impacts (feet) Length of Floodplain Crossing feet Total Cost (millions) Total relocations 2A (NCDOT 4 39 39 80 Very High 3,117 1,270 $7773 25 preferred) 2C (USACE 471 14 95 Highly 2,007 560 $4250 27 LEDPA) Impacted • USACE does not understand the utility of a 4 39 mile long full control-of-access freeway designed project that connects to a partial control-of-access highway 5. List any relevant laws or regulations that you believe would be violated or jeopardized if the proposed action were implemented and explain the basis for violation: Section 404(b)(1) of the Clean Water Act. Based on the information available, USACE believes Alternative 2C clearly represents the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA) that meets NCDOT's transportation needs. 6 What alternative course of action do you recommend: USACE encourages NCDOT to reconsider its position on Alternative 2A and concur with USACE, USEPA, USFWS, NCWRC, NCDWQ, NCDCM and other agencies on Alternative 2C as the LEDPA. USACE request NCDOT provide the Merger Team with a Benefit/Burden Analysis for potential environmental, justice issues in the community of Belgrade. 0 r = n CD Cn CD CD 7 ( O N _ (n ' 3 3 3 0 v v E !a o CD N CL O (n CS CS 7 _D Q CD O CD O ? O V O = ? CD CD N O N O 0 O Cn CD Cn CD Q ly /09 in 3 D D D D 0 ' . CA) n y >v CD N w a CD 3 w a) V w tD CD to ' S O O N) (71 NJ cn ? O O O C C (DD CL -how W O p; _ _ Cl) A O Ul II a C D r CD CD ?- c 3 N ? C t ) M M O ? C al G N w A W co 0 'o CD p A c0 Co a n U ? 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