HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081314 Ver 1_Mitigation Site Visit_20081010PCS Phosphate Mitigation Success Criteria Subject: PCS Phosphate Mitigation Success Criteria From: JFurness@Pcsphosphate.com Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 10:41:59 -0400 To: eric.kulz@ncmail.net ?. CC: tammy.l.hill@ncmail.net, john.dorney@ncmail.net, RSmith@Pcsphosphate.com 7 Eric: Col Per your request during our meeting in your offices last Friday, attached is a compilation of the success criteria that we will be applying to our wetland and stream mitigation projects. Let me know if you have any questions. Jeff (See attached file: PCS Success Criteria.doc) Jeff Furness Senior Scientist PCS Phosphate Co., Inc. 1530 NC Hwy 306 S Aurora, NC 27806 Ph: (252) 322-8249 Fax: (252) 322-4444 PCS Success Criteria.doc Content-Type: application/msword Content-Encoding: base64 11Ay cv rAJ1*V dy- 10 1 ti ?MA/b5 fig- VMOS OU 13 (3 61A4 /?I/,V oF? 13J? s?d? GvT a?- ?37? ?uT ?igv C?? p?_ 13 1 of 1 10/30/2008 1:28 PM SUCCESS CRITERIA FOR PCS PHOSPHATE WETLAND/STREAM MITIGATION October 9, 2008 RIPARIAN SUCCESS CRITERIA FROM MEETING WITH D. LEKSON 9/23/08 1) Headwater Stream and riparian wetland success criteria. We spent a lot of time on this, as David went through the Powerpoint presentation that he put together and gave to the NC IRT in a meeting last week in Raleigh. The simple one was credit for stream mitigation length in these headwater valleys - document flow twice per year for 3 years out of 5 during normal precipitation. Flow can be documented in several ways, which I believe each of the plans has discussed. David said that the flow documentation methods we have proposed match pretty well with what is discussed in RGL 05-05. It is suggested that every time you are on site and the stream system is flowing, GPS the uppermost point of observable flow. Wetland success in the riparian area is a little more complicated, but follows the direction that we have been heading as of late. Each project should divide stream length segments into headwater, bottomland hardwood and riverine swamp forest zones, based on stream order and geomorphic position in the landscape. For example, segments along 0 and Is` order streams would most likely be headwaters, segments along 2nd order streams may be bottomland hardwood, and segments along 3rd order or larger may be riverine swamp forest. Most of our projects will fall into the headwaters and BLH categories. The success criteria minimum for riparian wetlands in the geomorphic valley in the headwaters zone is 12.5%, in the BLH zone is 12.5% (this is correct), and in the riverine swamp forest zone is 75%. The target hydrology range for each zone is 12.5%-25% for headwaters, 25%-75% for BLH, and 75%-100% for riverine swamp forest. The width of the riparian wetland available for credit will be based on where the hydrology percentage drops below the minimum success criteria, as quantified by the use of perpendicular well arrays across the stream valleys, along with lidar signatures and as-built valley cross-sections (in other words, we are not going to get riparian credit for wetlands that are above 12.5% hydrology if those wetlands are out of the linear valley feature associated with the stream). If the hydrology percentage drops below the minimum for success, even though the location still may be within the "valley", it will be considered as being in the wetland "flats" and will count as non-riparian wetland credit. There are 4 dimensions to riparian success, according to Lekson. First, is linear flow, as shown by field indicators of flow. Second is riparian side to side width, which is determined by the well arrays discussed above. Third is the depth and connection of surface and groundwater, or the hyperheic zone. This is met by proposing and having an approved site and construction techniques. In other words, put back what the site supports, and don't dig a channel where one did not exist. The fourth dimension is temporal, the growth of vegetation through time. The difference in definition of riparian and riverine is governed by dominant water source. Riverine wetlands are dominated by overbank flooding, and riparian wetlands are dominated by groundwater. Generally, the riparian wetland zone will be wider than the riverine wetland zone. For PCS, we are only concerned with riparian wetlands. PCS has on-site well data from NCPC stream monitoring for Tooley and Jacks Creeks and Huddles Cut for 2000 (normal rainfall year) collected in the center of the stream valleys in riverine swamp forest and bottomland hardwood forest, which is in agreement with hydroperiods, stream order, and geomorphic position above. PCS also has well data collected from 1991-1993 (during original JD for NCPC tract), and five wells which were located in or near headwater riparian areas displayed hydroperiods also in agreement with the hydroperiods, stream order, and geomorphic position above. 1.1 Hydrology Monitoring [Note: These sections taken from the Sept. 2008 Upper Back Creek mitigation plan, but these pertain to all of the mitigation projects] Monitoring wells (semi-continuous Ecotones from Remote Data Systems, Inc.) are currently installed across the site, and distributed in all major mitigation areas of the site. One automated rain gauge was installed in conjunction with the wells and will be removed during construction activities and reinstalled after completion of restoration activities. The gauge is/will be installed in an open area, a minimum of 100 feet from any tall tree or buildings. On site rainfall data will be used in conjunction with data from the PCS Aurora weather station to determine rainfall during the monitoring period. Semi-continuous water level monitoring wells will be installed across the project site (approximately 1 well per 10 acres for restored wetlands) to document post-restoration water table conditions. Data from these wells will be downloaded monthly. These data will be used to assess whether the water table at the project site has been elevated sufficiently to restore wetland conditions. In the riparian headwater valleys, semi-continuous monitoring wells will also be installed in perpendicular arrays across the valley to assist in identification of riparian wetlands and to increase the density of data points for analysis of hydrographs up and across the valley. Arrays will be approximately 500 feet apart (along the long axis) for each valley. The center well in each array will be in the lowest part of the valley and the number of wells in the array will be dependent upon width and slope of each valley. Flow in the riparian headwater systems will be documented using a variety of parameters and simple techniques including photographic evidence of observed active flow conditions and evidence of past flow conditions including, but not limited to sediment deposits, debris flows, movement of wrack, sinuosity, braided flow features, and development of channel features. Flow events will be monitored during the growing and dormant seasons. 1.1.1 Hydrological Success Criteria For wetland hydroperiods, using the new regional guidance from the USACE, the growing season for Beaufort County is 28 February to 6 December (WETS table for Beaufort County first/last freeze date 28 degrees F 50 percent-282 days). Monitoring data from on-site and off-site reference wells, pre-disturbance well data from impact sites, and regulatory guidances and procedures were used to develop appropriate hydrologic success criteria for the riparian and non-riparian wetland areas to be restored. Past well data from non-riparian mineral flats on the PCS NCPC tract were used to develop the hydrologic success criteria for non-riparian wetland restoration areas. These data show that the non-riparian areas that have been or may be impacted as a result of mining activities (thereby requiring mitigation) exhibited hydroperiods of approximately 6 percent prior to mining disturbances. Therefore, non- riparian mineral wetland flats will be considered successful with 6 percent or greater hydroperiods, [Note: For non-riparian wetland flats for projects on organic soils, the hydrology success criteria will be 10 percent]. 1.2 Vegetation Monitoring Plots Vegetation monitoring plots will be established over approximately one to two percent of the planted restoration area. Individual plots will be 43 feet x 203 feet in size (0.2 acre). Plots will be located to represent a range of conditions within the planting zones across the restoration site and the corner of each plot will be anchored at a semi-continuous monitoring well. The plots will be oriented from the well corner using a random table of azimuths; however, azimuths may be slightly adjusted if necessary to avoid obstructions and/or remain within the parcel boundaries or within a specific zone, etc. Immediately after planting has occurred, planted stems within vegetation plots will be marked with poles and when leaf out has occurred, each tree/shrub will be tagged, identified, and counted. Each monitoring year prior to leaf fall in autumn, planted trees within the plots will be sampled for survival. At the fifth year, all living stems of woody vegetation within each plot will be identified and counted, including planted stems and colonized species. Colonized stems will be tracked separately from the planted trees. General observations will be made during sampling to describe the survivability of stems outside the vegetation monitoring plots, and other vegetation planted across the site (permanent seeding, etc.). 1.2.1 Vegetation Success Criteria Restoration of the vegetation will be deemed successful if at least 260 five-year old trees per acre (planted woody stems) are alive after 5 years (or the end of the required monitoring, whichever is later). Riparian buffer restoration will be deemed successful if at least 320 five-year old trees per acre (planted woody stems) are alive after 5 years (or the end of the required monitoring, whichever is later). In addition, the diversity of surviving trees will be representative of the targeted ecosystem types for riparian and non-riparian areas.