HomeMy WebLinkAbout20010830 Ver 1_Monitoring Report Review_20070124Monitoring Report Review - Notes (DRAFT - for review by Amanda) Site: Lee Street Mitigation Site DWO #: 20010830 Date of Report: 12/2006 Monitoring Year: 4 Reviewer: Tammy Hill Date of Review: 1/24/07 Background: - 401 requirements (all coastal marsh mitigation): o restoration 1.41 acres o enhancement 2.8 acres o preservation 2.55 acres Report does document wetland impact & mitigation types, and provides maps of location and sampling points. Gauge numbers should be specified on the map, so that we can match each gauge location with the data it yielded. Is elevation needed? Success Criteria: 1. Vegetation - Vegetation sampling conducted in August. - Issue to watch: site has not yet met vegetative cover requirement. Based on photos, the site appears to be filling in with Spartina, and it may meet 75% cover by the end of Year 5 monitoring. If not, monitoring will need to continue until this criterion is satisfied. Will site remediation be necessary? They may be able to plant or transfer plugs of a small amount of spartina to fill in major bare spots if the criteria are not met. I would wait and see though. In general the site seems pretty good to me. Page 2 (top): DCM approved change in mitigation plan from planting to just allowing natural recruitment. Should DWQ have approved this, too? In general, my understanding of the process is that if it is a DCM or CAMA permit, we are given the option to comment on the project and give comments to DCM We may have been a part of the decision or opted not to comment. - Pages 3 & 6: some interchanging of the terms density, frequency, and percent cover. What does the 75% criterion really mean - is it 75% of mitigation site covered by vegetation? How do we typically expect this to be measured? B-B was used - is this a common method for vegetation monitoring? I must admit I am not familiar with the B-B method (at least not as that name) Again, there is some room for interpretation with the success criteria I typically considered 75% as a percent cover of the individual plot data and the site as a whole but if some of the plots have less then 75% cover and the rest of the site looks successful with 75% cover or more then I may consider is all successful Unless of coarse there are some significant barren areas on the site that are raising concerns. 2. Hydrology - Gauges each had periods of malfunction, but were repaired. Overall data does not appear to have been skewed due to missing some timeframes. - Table 1: Is the average OK for determining success? Should months outside of reference +/- 25% be specifically noted in report? I would make a comment about noticing data from some months being outside of the accepted 25% difference. To me, the 25% difference would apply to the hydroperiod which would be monthly in this case not yearly. The monthly differences can effect the viability of a tidal marsh. These numbers are marginally and it may not negatively impact the site, but those are final decisions that can be made next year and/or with a site visit. - Issue to watch: increasing difference from reference in Gauge 1. Once we know which is Gauge 1, we can assess how much of an issue this may become. 3. Soils Not discussed. Not really relevant - site is a tidally-influenced coastal marsh. Additional Issues / Questions: