HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081352 Ver 1_More Info Received_20081028i ALMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP INC. 19W Environmental Consultants October 24, 2008 TO: Mr. Chad Coburn NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension 08-1352 OCT 2 B 2008 Wilmington, NC 28405 Uksjk. - VvATER QUAU'(Y WETLANDS AND STORMWATER BKWA RE: NWP 12 Application; Additional Information New Hanover County Northern Campus Regional Wastewater Collection System New Hanover County, NC Action ID# SAW-2008-02725 & DWQ# 08-1352 Dear Chad: Thank you for your letter dated October 17, 2008 in which you request additional information about the NWP 12 application we submitted for the New Hanover County Northern Campus Regional Wastewater Collection System. Below is a response to each of your comments. 1. Your application states that you are applying for a Nationwide 12; however, the US. Army Corps of Engineers stated in their letter from October 3, 2008 that this application does not meet the terms and conditions required for a Nationwide 12. Please clarify. We addressed the Corps' comments in a letter dated October 15, 2008 and believe that this project meets the terms and conditions of a NWT 12. In our response (enclosed), we discussed why directional drilling cannot occur and why a 50' wide construction corridor is needed for this project. 2. If you do wish to apply under a Nationwide 12 permit then you will need to modify the proposal to meet the requirements for the corresponding Section 401 Water Quality General Certification 3699 (GC3699). The following items have been identified in the application that do not meets those requirements: a. Condition #19 requires the construction corridor (including access roads and stockpiled materials) to be limited to 40 feet in width in wetlands. You have proposed a 50 foot construction corridor. The first page of GC3699 states that if the general conditions of this certification cannot be met, written approval from DWQ is required. We understand that the work corridor is wider than what the general conditions allow and submitted a check for $240 to DWQ with our original submittal in order to obtain written approval from DWQ. As we stated in our response to the Corps, a 50' corridor will be required to install this sewer line due to the difficult working conditions. Large equipment will be required to excavate the required trench, drive pilings, and move the large diameter metallic pipe into place. Additionally, in order to www.lmgroup.net • info@lmgroup.net • Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Ave., Suite 15, Wilmington, NC 28403 • P.O. Box 2522, Wilmington, NC 28402 install the pilings connect to the pipeline, the excavation will be required to be dried. As material is excavated, it will be placed around the excavation on all sides to provide a temporary dike around the working area. It is estimated the area required to construct temporary dikes and move the large equipment and materials through the area will require up to a 50' working corridor. It should be noted the temporary dikes will only be constructed around the immediate working area and no damming of the stream will take place. b. Condition #20 requires that permanent, maintained access corridors be restricted to 1 5 feet in width. You have proposed a 30 foot permanent easement with an additional 20 foot construction corridor. Condition #20 refers to maintained easements. As stated in the PCN form, the 30' permanent easement across Prince George Creek will not be maintained. 3. Please provide a wetland restoration plait as required by Condition #22 of GC3699. Enclosed is the restoration plan for this project. 4. Please re-submit your site plans on full plan sheets at a scale of no smaller than I"= 50 ' with topographic contours shown. Enclosed are plan sheets at a scale of I" = 50'. 5. Please submit a revised PCNfor this project. No revisions to the PCN have been made since our original submittal. Please contact me if you have any additional questions. Thank you for your assistance with this project. Sincerely, im Williams Wetland Scientist Encl. C: Mr. Frank Styers, Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Mr. Michael Johnson, McKim & Creed Ms. Kim Garvey, ACOE Mr. Ian McMillan, DWQ 2 October 15, 2008 TO: Ms. Kim Garvey U. S. Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 RE: NWP 12 Application; Additional Information New Hanover County Northern Campus Regional Wastewater Collection System New Hanover County, NC Action ID# SAW-2008-02725 Dear Kim: Thank you for your letter dated October 3, 2008 in which you request additional information about the NWP 12 application we submitted for the New Hanover County Northern Campus Regional Wastewater Collection System. Below is a response to each of your comments. 1. The plans and description submitted with your September 3, 2008 PCN does not illustrate avoidance and minimization to the maximum extent practicable because you did not adequately address Regional Condition 4. 1, Directional Drilling or Boring, requiring the use of directional drilling,boring to the maximum extent practicable. , Please provide evidence that it is not practicable to directional drill/bore this high quality resource or modify your PCN. As mentioned in the PCN form, the proposed wastewater collection system consists of a regional pumping station with gravity collection lines which collect flow from the surrounding area. The service area of the regional pump station encompasses areas to the north and south of Prince George Creek, subsequently a gravity sewer crossing of the creek will be required regardless of which side of the creek the pumping station is on. Gravity sewer mains must be laid to a consistent grade between manholes. Although directional drilling can install pipe below obstructions and water bodies, directional drilling can not achieve a consistent grade as is required for a gravity sewer pipeline. The other trench-less alternative considered was a bore & jack installation of steel casing which the 24" carrier pipe could be inserted through. Although bore & jack casing installation can be installed to grade with reasonable accuracy, it is not likely a bore of this size and length could be installed to the required accuracy. An additional concern with trench-less installation is flotation. Due to the standing water present during wet periods and likelihood of poor native soils above the pipe, the buoyant force of an empty pipe will be greater than the weight of the soil above the pipe. Note the proposed design utilizes driven timber piles with additional stone placed above the pipe to provide solid structural support and anchorage to resist flotation. www.lmgroup.net • info@lmgroup.net u Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Ave., Suite 15, Wilmington, NC 28403 • P.O. Sox 2522, Wilmington, NC 28402 2. You do not meet the terms of Regional Condition 4.3, Work Corridor Restrictions, and provided no explanation as to why a 50 foot construction corridor was requested. A 50' corridor will be required to install this sewer line due to the difficult working conditions. Large equipment will be required to excavate the required trench, drive pilings, and move the large diameter metallic pipe into place. Additionally, in order to install the pilings connect to the pipeline, the excavation will be required to be dried. As material is excavated, it will be placed around the excavation on all sides to provide a temporary dike around the working area. It is estimated the area required to construct temporary dikes and move the large equipment and materials through the area will require up to a 50' working corridor. It should be noted the temporary dikes will only be constructed around the immediate working area and no damming of the stream will take place. 3. You did not submit a restoration plan as required by Regional Condition 4.7, Restoration of Wetland Areas Using Native Vegetation. Enclosed is the restoration plan for this project. 4. The drawings that you submitted indicate that a 30 foot permanent easement will be maintained and an additional 20 foot construction corridor will be used. Asper Special Condition 20 (h) and Regional Condition 4.8, Compensatory Mitigation for Permanently Maintained Corridors, Compensatory Mitigation for all impacts to forested wetlands will be required including any temporary construction areas due to the high quality of this resource and the long term nature any impacts to forested wetlands. As stated in the PCN form, the 30' permanent easement across Prince George Creek will not be maintained. Both Special Condition 20 (h) and Regional Condition 4.8 state that mitigation is only required if these easements will be permanently maintained. Because this easement will be allowed to revegetate, we do not believe that mitigation should be required. 5. This office does not have information pertaining to the wetlands f lagged by ECS Carolinas, LLP as indicated in your August 18, 2008 submittal of additional information for the Jurisdictional Determination. Without this information, this office cannot verify the wetland delineation of those areas. According to the letter and map enclosed, Ms. Jennifer Frye met with staff of the Clark Group on May 15, 2007 to evaluate this area. Ms. Frye agreed with the wetland line as flagged and called these wetlands isolated. Please note that the northern part of the original project area that was delineated is no longer part of this project. The sewer line will tie into the cul-de-sac on the school property. 6 This impact area may be used by anadramous fish. As such, unless you provide evidence to the contrary, if any type of permit is issued in the future for this area, you will be subject to the date restrictions in Regional Condition 1. 1, Anadramous Fish Spawning Areas. The applicant agrees to the restrictions listed in Regional Condition 1. 1, specifically that work within Prince George Creek and its adjacent wetlands will be conducted outside of February 15 and June 30. Please contact me if you have any additional questions. Thank you for your assistance with this project. Sincerely, Kim Williams Wetland Scientist Encl. C: Mr. Frank Styers, Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Mr. Michael Johnson, McKim & Creed Mr. Chad Coburn, DWQ Mr. Ian McMillan, DWQ RESTORATION PLAN Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Northern Campus Regional Wastewater System New Hanover County, NC The Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) plans to install approximately 6,440 linear feet of 10- inch through 24-inch sewer main within existing and proposed utility easements and NC DOT R/W, as well as a wastewater pump station in New Hanover County, North Carolina. This project will provide wastewater service to the New Hanover County School Board of Education's Northern Campus Middle & Elementary Schools. Approximately eight total acres are estimated to be disturbed during construction. Disturbance will be limited to a 50' wide corridor along the pipeline route and limits as shown around the proposed pump station site. The project will be constructed along slopes ranging from 0% to 8.7%. Land use in adjacent areas is comprised primarily of light residential and industrial areas. CFPUA is applying for a Nationwide 12 permit to install a gravity sewer line that will temporarily impact 0.736 acre of 404 wetlands and 50 LF of stream as it crosses Prince George Creek. The proposed wastewater collection system consists of a regional pumping station with gravity collection lines that collect flow from the surrounding area. The service area of the regional pump station encompasses areas to the north and south of Prince George Creek, subsequently a gravity sewer crossing of the creek will be required regardless of which side of the creek the pumping station is on. Gravity sewer mains must be laid to a consistent grade between manholes. Although directional drilling can install pipe below obstructions and water bodies, directional drilling can not achieve a consistent grade as is required for a gravity sewer pipeline. The other trench-less alternative considered was a bore & jack installation of steel casing which the 24" carrier pipe could be inserted through. Although bore & jack casing installation can be installed to grade with reasonable accuracy, it is not likely a bore of this size and length could be installed to the required accuracy. An additional concern with trench-less installation is flotation. Due to the standing water present during wet periods and likelihood of poor native soils above the pipe, the buoyant force of an empty pipe will be greater than the weight of the soil above the pipe. Note the proposed design utilizes driven timber piles with additional stone placed above the pipe to provide solid structural support and anchorage to resist flotation. Silt fencing is shown on the drawings at numerous locations for sheet flow protection and is to be placed primarily down-slope of the proposed construction. Gravel filter inlet protection is to be provided at storm drain inlets. Details are shown on the construction plans for correct installation of all erosion control measures. A 50' corridor will be required to install this sewer line due to the difficult working conditions. Large equipment will be required to excavate the required trench, drive pilings, and move the large diameter metallic pipe into place. Additionally, in order to install the pilings, the excavation will be required to be dried. As material is excavated, it will be placed around the excavation on all sides to provide a temporary dike around the working area. It is estimated the area required to construct temporary dikes and move the large equipment and materials through the area will require up to a 50' working corridor. It should be noted the temporary dikes will only be constructed around the immediate working area and no damming of the stream will take place. The sewer line will be installed in increments across the creek and its adjacent wetlands. As each segment of the pipe is installed, the excavated area will be returned to grade and the contractors will move onto the next segment. It is anticipated that each segment will take one or two days and that all work in wetlands will be complete within 30 to 60 days. After this work is complete, the area will be seeded with a wetlands seed mixture. After construction, a 30' wide permanent easement will be maintained by periodic mowing where accessible. Please note that the easement across Prince George Creek and its adjacent wetlands will not be mowed due to the wet terrain. Manholes are located at the limits of the inaccessible area to allow pipeline maintenance from either side of the wetlands. 2