HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140957 Ver 2_Public Notice Comments_20170718 (263) Strickland, Bev From:Erin R. Eldridge <erineldridge@yahoo.com> Sent:Tuesday, July 18, 2017 4:10 PM To:SVC_DENR.publiccomments Subject:ACP Greetings, My name is Erin Eldridge and I am a resident and employee in Cumberland County, North Carolina. I am writing to voice my concern about the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and the potential threats that it poses to communities, including the Cumberland County community. Broadly speaking, the ACP, by equipping companies with eminent domain, will cut through land holdings and waterways from the Appalachian region through eastern North Carolina, causing localized problems all along the way – from breaking up family lands to destroying unique wetlands to polluting water sources for communities. Speaking more specifically about Cumberland County, the Cape Fear River is already struggling with a variety of contaminants, such as hog waste, industrial chemicals, and coal ash and the ACP would put greater stress on this drinking water source. The proclaimed benefits of this project are vague, but the risks are very clear. If the NCDEQ is truly concerned about North Carolina residents and the ecosystems that we rely upon, it will adopt the precautionary principle in its permitting process and consider the full environmental and social impacts, based on real empirical evidence, of proposed projects. For the reasons cited above, I do not support the ACP and I hope the NCDEQ will make the right choice for North Carolina citizens, waterways, and natural resources by blocking this pipeline. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Erin Eldridge Fayetteville, North Carolina 1