HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140957 Ver 2_I Oppose the ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE Comments_20170721 Strickland, Bev From:Anne Schrader <anneschrader1@gmail.com> Sent:Friday, July 21, 2017 6:28 PM To:SVC_DENR.publiccomments Subject:I Oppose the ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE: Comments July 18, 2017 DEQ Public Hearing: Against Duke Energy's Proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline specific to water quality Intro: My name is Anne Schrader. I'm a small business owner and resident of Fayetteville. I'm thankful for this opportunity to speak against Duke Energy's proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline and especially grateful to be surrounded by so many concerned citizens who oppose it as well. Despite this, the majority of citizens of our beautiful state are either not aware of this proposed pipeline or have not been given their right to full disclosure by being fully informed about the detrimental impact it will have on citizen and environmental health and well being. The Problem (s) as I see it are: First, At a time when we are collectively faced with the real facts of global warming and man-made environmental degradation caused in many ways by an aggressive and money driven fossil fuel industry, our beloved state of North Carolina does not need one of our nations's most expensive and longest piplelines to traverse and clear cut its way through 600 acreas of air purifying Blue Ridge forests; decimate our wildlife and their precious habitat ; dynamite and suffocate our 650 wetlands and streams; irrevocably poison our rivers and drinking water, and seismic blast, drill, and destroy our precious Atlantic Ocean already filled with plastic, garbage, and acidification caused by manmade global warming. Second, Duke has not demonstrated that its unnecessary toxic pipeline will not harm, pollute, and further destroy the water quality of 650 streams, rivers, and wetlands in our beloved state. Duke HAS NOT BECAUSE Duke CANNOT as the very nature of these pipelines leak toxic methane into the atmosphere, explode and damage lives and property; and leak toxic chemicals into waterways. However, Duke CAN and HAS ALREADY demonstrated that they HARM waterways used for public use and survival buy knowingly dumping coal ash (HEXA VALENT CHROMIUM known to cause cancer) into our beloved state's historical Cape Fear River. And a legal indication of a person or entity's future behavior is their past behavior. Third, North Carolina does NOT NEED MORE TOXIC FOSSIL FUEL pipelines to lock our state into global warming infrastructure for the next 30 years (if our planet survives that long) when we are already leaders in the nation, along side California, in renewable energy boasting over 200 solar energy businesses and growing. 1 The Solution: We are ALREADY proud leaders in renewable energy NOW. We are ALREADy blessed with free and abundant solar, wind, and tidal energy NOW. WE must move swiftly to renewable, healthy, sustainable resources NOW. WE HAVE THE MEANS. WE HAVE THE FACTS. WE HAVE THE TALENT. WE HAVE THE RESOURCES. WE HAVE THE JOBS. WHY WAIT UNTIL We've POLUTED OUR AIR, WATER, AND SOIL ALL USED FOR HUMAN SURVIVAL! IF NOT NOW, WHEN? IF NOT YOU, THE POLICY MAKERS, WHO? Request: The citizens of this state request and look to YOU, the Department of Environmental Quality, the policy makers, affecting our safe well being, to use the full extent of the law to protect North Carolina's life providing waterways AND to demonstrate: One: SOUND DECISION AND POLICY MAKING that is fully researched and fact based; Two: VISION for the long -term sustainability and survival of our state and future generations; and Three: COURAGE to go against the power and money hungry corporations and lobbyists to make HEALTHY, SUSTAINABLE, AND COMMON SENSE decisions for North Carolina so clearly right in front of you. FINALLY, I urge you, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, to keep the citizens and waterways of our precious state of North Carolina SAFE and to fully REJECT A KNOWN POLLUTER-DUKE ENERGY'S UNNECESSARY AND TOXIC ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE. Thank You. Anne Schrader Fayetteville, NC Anne M. Schrader (517) 420-0835 Anneschrader1@gmail.com 2