HomeMy WebLinkAbout20010016 Ver 2_More Info Received_20081023Environmental Consultants, PA Road • Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 • Phone: (919) 846-5900 • Fax: (919) 846-9467 www.SandEC.com 23 October 2008 S&EC Project # 3616 N.C. DWQ Attn: Mrs. Cyndi Karoly 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Ste. 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 D ? ? ? ?? Re: DWQ Project # 01-0016, Ver. 2 Riverwood Athletic Club, Phase 7 (Badger Pass, Phase 7a) 0 C T 2 3 2008 UT to Neuse River [030402, 27-(36), WSV, NSW], NC DENR - WATER QUAUTY Dear Mrs. Karoly: WETLANDS AND STQRMWATER BRANCH Thank you for your group's rapid review of the site plan and permit application (PCN) for the above-referenced project. The attached information should satisfy the request for additional information that we received from your office via email on September 23, 2008, and via U.S. mail shortly thereafter. The attached documentation includes the following items: 1. A phase site plan on 18" x 24" paper, to replace the 11" x 17" site plan (the "inset" referenced on the new, larger map is the same inset previously provided); 2. An overall map of the previously permitted phases; 3. A Level Spreader Worksheet. In addition, Town of Clayton Planning Director Skip Browder wrote a letter supporting their (the Town's) contention that the stub roads ("roads to nowhere" referenced in your September 23`d letter) are required by the Town because of the adjacency of adjacent landlocked parcels. Mr. Browder further extends the possibility of a meeting, perhaps including the applicant, if DWQ has any questions. Sincerely, Jat?t/s Dasher Wetland/Environmental Scientist II Charlotte Office: Greensboro Office: 236 LePhillip Court, Suite C 3817-E Lawndale Drive Concord, NC 28025 Greensboro, NC 27455 Phone: (704) 720-9405 Phone: (336) 540-8234 Fax: (704) 720-9406 Fax: (336) 540-8235 PLANNING AND INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT P.O BOX 879 • CLAYTON, NC 27528 Phone (919) 553-1545 Fax (919) 553-1720 Skip Browder, AIC.'P Planning Director • Bruce Naegelen Downtown Development Shannon Duncan . Coordinator Planner Cindy Batten Dede Bumgarner Administrative Support Specialist Zoning Administration Officer October 21, 2008 NCDNER Division of Water Quality Raleigh, NC RE: Riverwood Athletic Club Subdivision Phase 7A. To Whom It May Concern: The above referenced subdivision was approved as part of a larger development by the Clayton Town Council in July of 2006. Since that time, the owners of this tract have prepared and submitted construction drawings for approval by the town and in accordance with the approved preliminary plans. It is our understanding that the owners are trying to initiate the construction phase for a portion of the development which has resulted in concerns from your agency. Particularly, there is concern over the Town's requirement for two street stubs, Tinsley Trail and Kramer Path, to adjacent parcels. Roth of these street stubs were thought to be necessary since one would provide connectivity to a landlocked parcel and the other would facilitate a necessary outlet from this large development, needed for provision of public services and traffic circulation. In summary, the Town's requirement for these street stuns, intended for future extension, are consistent with basic principles of land use and transportation planning, as well as our Unified Development Ordinance. If required, we would be happy to discuss this matter further and participate in resolution of any problems. Please feel free to contact our office at (919)553-1545. Sincerely, r J. L. Skip Browder, AICP Planning Director CC: Mr. Jake Austin, Fred Smith Company File DMSION OF WATER WAUTY - LEVEL. SPREADER VMMfET (112(107) 1. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following in bmation): Project Name : IRivervwood AtPletic Club - Badcer Pass Phase 7A Contact Pe san: Kevin F. Crock. RE Phone Number: (919) g56 0966 Level Spreader ID W.1 Level Spreader Length 100 ft. (perpendicular to flaw) Dainage Area 4.18 ac. (on4te and off-site drainage to the level spreader) Impervious Area 0.64 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the level spreader) Rrebay Area 56 cu ft. (0.21/o of the contributing impervious surfaoe area) Namur mHiterStrip+Buffi -Slope 6 % (61/6 forforestedlieal' litter cover, 81/o forgrass/thidccover) Max Discharge from 1 "/i-t- Storm 1.5 cfs Max Discharge to Leal Spreader NSA cis Filter Strip/ Zone 1 Buffer Vegetation Forested Filter Strip/ Zone 1 Buffer Wdth 30 ft. Filter Strip/ Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation Forested Filter Strip/ Zone 2 Buffer Vudth 20 ft. (Discharge rate from extended detention wetland or pond) (GasOhidc ground cover or Forested) Bypass Nbthod L&A N/A Please include a wwricst>eet for this. II. REQLARED ITEMS CE EC WJST Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements (rave been met and supporting docurne Cation is attached. If a reVrwvt has not been nEt please e)#afn why. At a n irlmun, a corplete stommder nnanagement plan submittal includes a wzrWieet for each BW, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BIV and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a filly executed operation and maintenance agreeTat An irrcarrplete scbntta/ package will rat in a req R& fo aolitioral ir#&rtmbcn and writ aix tartally delay frna? review and ap -ad cf the prged. ica is initials _FC Project Ste was visited prior to designing level spreader system, KF6 Lute of the Ste visit Please attach tinedAed digital photos of edsdng buffer conditions, ff'F'C Led spreader length is at least 13 ft, per cis for thick ground cover / grass; CR 65 ft per ds for 50- foot canopied forest with leaf litter; 50 ft per ds far 100-foot forested buffer; 40 ft per cfs for 150-foot forested bt lie; CR a weighted average of the two vegetation types within the buffie /filter strip). rf C All ground cover types and their widths have been labeled on the construction plans. KFC AN contours have been depicted on the oahsinxtion plans. kFC W structures are located in protected buffers (must miget no practical alternatives criteria). K r Na draws are located in the buffer or filter strip in the vicinity of the proposed level spreader. KFC Construction details for the level spreader have been provided, KFC The operation and maintenance agreernent sided and notarized by the responsible party is provided K ?C lNb practical alternatives explanation + Variance request (LEI Spreaders in Series only). Bypass r nathod used: Bypass coraveyarroe method is specified and oorrshuction details and calculations are provided. Alternative design option is specified and plan details and calculations are provided. 10iscihage to level spreader and subsequent filter strip is hydraulically and spatially separate from the bypass discharge. Construction details for the bypass and outlets are provided. DMSICN OF VVATER QU41.1'f 1( - LEVEL SPRF_ADER VMO-EEi" (112007) I. PROJECTINFORmAno (plesseaorrF Project Dame : Rverwood Atlroefic Club - Cbntact Orson: Kevin F. Crock RE Level *eader ID: No. 2 Level Spreader Length 65 ft Drainage Arm 287 ac. Impervious Area 0.44 ac. Faebay Area 38 au ft KAmda m Filter StripU ffer Slope 6 % Max Dis NNW from 1-/t+ Storm 1.0 afs Max. Dsdmrge to Level Spreader MA cf's Filter Strip(Zone 1 Buffer Wgetation Forested Filter Slripr Zone 1 Buffer VWdth 30 ft Filter Strip/ Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation Forested Filter Strip/ Zone 2 Buffer Wdth 20 ft Bypass Method Used NA ll. REMARED n TM CHECKLIST fete the fdlowfng ir>tarrration): Badger Pass Phase 7A Phone N.arber: (919) 856-0966 (perpendicular to flow) (on-site and dfi-site drainage to the level spreader) (m-site and off-site drainage to the level spreader) (0.20/a of the contributing impervious surface area) (60/o for forested/leaf littler cover, 8% for grassNck cover) (Disdrarge rate from e)terxied detention wetland or pond) (Gmss Nck ground cover or Foresters) Please include a worksheet for tiros. Initial in the space provided to irdcate the following design requirernarts been met and supporting doa.rnentation is attadied. If a re irernaraf has not been met, ,lease e)#ain why. At a mnnu- , a complete storimiater m anagerrent plan submittal includes a vaorld-eet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and spedfications showing all BIVPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and miAntenarm agreer>rrt An ina #ete scat/ Mal Pads will resat in a req x& fcr addtiataf lrlfarrfran and will s bsfartally delay final review and gputd of fite prgect Applicants Initials XFC kfr Projed Site was visited prior to designing level spreader system Date of the Ste visit Please aftach tinged dgital photos of existing h9er oorxitiorm KFr Level spreader length is at least 13 ft per cis for tfidc ground cover / grass; OR 65 ft per dfs for 50 foot canopied forest with leaf litter, 50 ft per cis for 100-foot forested buffer; 40 ft per c is for 1504bot forested buffer; OR a weighted average of the tow vegetation types within the buffer/filter strip). Kfr All grourid cover types and their widths have been labeled on the construction plans. K AC Al contours have been depicted on the coristruction plans. KfC IVo structures are located in protected buffers (rust meet no practical alternatives criteria). kF? W draws are located in the buffer or filter strip in the vicinity of the proposed level spreader. kFC_ C xzbjdion details for the level spreader have been provided kF?_ The operation and meintannoe agreement sided and nabrized by the responsible party is provided. KEL No practical alternatives explanation + Variance request. (Level Spreaders in Series only). Bypass metiiod used: Bypass conveyance method is specified and o xfion details and calculations are provided. Alternative design option is specified and plan details and calculations are provided. Discliarge to level spreader- and subsequent filter strip is hydraulically and spatially separate from the bypass dsdrarge. Ox istruction details for the bypass and outlets are provided. ~ i ~ / ~ r 7 C ~ / i 1 / i ~ ~ ~ CD d i ~ alb ~ ~ - ;50 0) ~ r 4 ~ - L,fl ~ N 0 RIPP tP s 5 w ~ ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ CD C-) 0') ~ ~ p, ~ r > zL9 A ~ RIB ~ / P ~ . no/ ~ / / 0.000 ~ % ~ r-- o ~ ..i ~ / ; ~ o ~ ~ / i~~~ k~ A I ~ / ~ ail i'.(; ~ T. , ( 7001 I 3 ;14020 SF ~ ~ ~ I ~ 0.32 AC / i ~ ~ J,~~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~e ~~a' F 6~ ~F; , 0o r 700 A-. .17 AC~~! ~ / Rk ` f ~ ae ~ as, ~lOy5 ~ ~ / ~ 11 1~ SF 9 44 ~ F`~ ~ ~ ~ ` .25 AC ~I , ~ ~ 0.29 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"'r' M 0 Ci - / ti~b 1 ~ 418 ~SFi .M , 7 ~ 7,053 G ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ n 04.5 AC~~ ~ E3 i ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..060 ~ ~ ` 138 5F ~ ti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 51., S~ ~ ~ , t / ~ ; 0,21 AC I ~ 0,~ r i ~ r ~ ~ ~ i~ / .22 A~~i ~ ~ ~ .052 ~ ~ '7fl04 \ ° ~ o. ~ ~ ~ 59C,SP~ , , ~ 5D SF ~eC , Q - ~ 0.2 iA ~ ~ ~ 0..9 AC 3p.~ , ~ ~ ~ ~I . 5~ - ~ ~ / ;'`i', ~ I ~ ,i ! v ~ .7067 s 7,860 SF ~ ~ i ~ ~ 7 1 ' ~ x ~ 0.97 AC ~ ~ U 702 _ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ o t ~ ~ ~ ' ' o.~4~A~ Uti ;ti ~ o.t I ~ Z ~ 8265%SF I i ~ r 1 1 ~ ~ 94 S. 1~ U~ %59 ea ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M i ~T I ~ ~ 6 - ~ ' 1 ~ ~ 7 ~6 7068 ~ ] ~ ~ ~ r - ~ err ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9600 SF F- I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ TA; 17~+9019 706 \ 8 ~;SF ~ ~ A i 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 1. ~ ; ~ ~ X0514 5h ~ 0.20`a ti~ ~ 022 ~ ! ~ ~ / ~ ~ i ~ 6: 4 AC 9G45!Sn ~r' \ i'. ~ Z Or, ,,,_r 0 i O.2~i AV `Y i A. o~ r 700 I ; I ~ `Y / r ~ i r , mG / i ~ ~ \ ~ 70 6 I ; , xr ~ ~ ' I 1 8250 SF N ~ 20 49 F \ ~ ~ ~ NM cz 7 4 ~ oa ®a U 0. 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