HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081600 Ver 1_Site Plan_20081017 SHEET 1 aF 3 i ~ ~IBERTy CHURCH ~ ~~CATI~N 0 ROgD ~'0~ ~ ~ 0 O ~ i ~ ~~ti 4 o ~0 o i ~ R ~ ~ 2 Q~~P ; - ~ ~ n ~ Y C. ~ ~ H \ ~ b ~ l ~ - ~ ' r, 2~ TD o i = W EXIT z0'~~ASy~~ N I(~E o \ - - T - V i ;,4' ~ R v~ R - EC 7 ~ 1, ~ ~a,-~, a o, 708/841 p ; i i" / ~ i ~ , ~ / U ~ ~ i Z H i / ~ ~ - ~ i ~ ~ / ,A / ~ ~ _ W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I ~ ~ i I i i A ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~,P ~1RR~ SRC ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G (-ii_ UR~C~ J Q ~ N Z ~ NRI~I~P~H Dare crest El ~v X600 ~ W w o a ~ a Z z i, oNo i 578/450 ~ ~ ~ 2~~5 ~ 2~~5 W z ~ ~ v w -I P ~ ~ rt Q i _-----T W i Z ~ ~ , ~ I c= Rai ~ ~ ~ 6..60 ~ ~ 577 i e , ~WW WWWTWCI ~ ~ < y ~,u'` I ~ ~ ~ ~ 2595 2595 ~ ! H ~i \ \ ~ ~ o l ~ T ~ R~ U 25.G ~ - ~ 2590 W t ^ s-i ~ f I'.JI_ W 1 ' \ J ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l I ~ z - ~1 \ ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I00 20Q 20Q ~ i ~ % PaW PW~ICC ~ ~ i ~ \ \ ~ ~ \ \ U ~ ~ BSP~ESS ~ ~ \ . J - 54_ 3 5 ~ ~ WCIRWWW ~WCR ~ ~ a ` 2~c 205 ~ ° ~ 0 N ,o , ~ \ O~o~ % > v~ j 0.~ s _ ~ ~ b: ~ V 260 ~ A ~ ~ ~N ~ ~ 1 ~ 4 QJ a l T ~ s 25Q 2595 ~ z ~ S° E ' n O V 1 25. 2590 ~ o ~a~ 20~ ~ 2a ~o bo ~;,~.z ~ ,}t DRM CWSS CCCWOCI j3E~ ~ ~i'~ i~ 3d~E ~3 a~ ~ a L /i35 t ~Y~ ~ i~J~~l~VCWA~lD$*~ ~lU~l,lY ~tl~4;d~~.f'~ 1~•a ~Kt~Pi~dt~~a ~~~b ~Pi;' \ ~ ' i i ...V.... . w~..~.~.... u~..w,..:,_~ SHEET 2 ~F 3 u~ w,. DAM SPECjFGCATjONS , _,rv ~ _ . w ~ , EM6AN~ME~T E(d}Placement . w.~_... . ~ ~ ~ ° µ ~Pla fill shall bE placed on any part of the embankment foundation un#rt the (a} Requirements ,..w: _ ~ E • °coNTl~oi. AND [I11~1=RS~N 01= MATER r ~.~..,T_,..A.... ..~....n.. . ~...M..~~. Embankmen#s shall be cans#ructed to the hues and trades and,crass", , ~ {area to be cored has been mspected,and approved The die#nbut~an of ? . , (a}General ~ ~ _ ~ , sec#ions indicated vn the drawings, unless ather+~sE directed by the E `matenals shall be such that the embankment will be free fmm lenses ~ ,w,_b,.~ ',The contractor shall furnish or procure all materials and labor rewired ,.TM..,,.. aired _ w.,...,. ~....,.H .ea...aa. ,...m,Tm ,_r .w , f ~engrneer. The eantractor shall ma~ntarn and protect the embankmen# in ~ }pockets, s#reaks, and layers of matenal dfffenng_substan#~ally ~n textare ar _ ~ n9 p! P ~ rada'~n dam the surroundrn matenal Materials shaft be s read m 1a ers far cons#ructing and maintaining al{ necessary cofferdams, channels, _ _ _ nets, a sa#isfac#a condition at all tunes anti{ final com e#ian and acre #ance of , ,9 W,. W._. . w_ w_w . _ , , ti._ . .M , ~ , M- ; of umfrrm thickness. unless othEr~se directed, fihe thickness of la ers flunes, drains, sumps, andlor other temporary diversion and protective ,T _.,.,_ro ._...~.~,...._A..„„,. Mam..~. M~....._ , ,.._..w_ . ective ail work. ` ary _ . _ ~ before compac#ian shall be nit more than 8 aches. Campac#ion of each ;works and shall famish, install, maintain, and opera#e all necessary pumping and o#her egaipmen# far removal of wa#er from the vanous r#s of the work and for maintainin the founds#ians ahd other ~~arts of the _ t the ~ arts of the : ,All material placed in the embankment which fails to meeom acquirements layer shall be conduc#ed iri a sus#ema#rc and continuous manner so as to of the s ecifieatian M~ .m m r , v ensure the specified courage p s, orwhich may have been placed orc p ed a# , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _m.,._.. m,.,.,q...m. .,.,.,.u.,,~ ;work fee from water... ~.3n.~ ;jb}Plan p _ ~ _ ved and 3 dse seclafarme lacedt a erltatnacosttotheawnerallberemo__. Prior to beginning any wank on the diversion rand care of the s#ream and the p° , , . p. y h. F r, ~ . , . , . ~ :Rolling shall be_danE parallel #a the axis of the dam wherever poss~i#e. The_ ~ ~ ` " embankment shall be brae ht u m la ers such tha# the surface is am and the ' s ~_m..,~.p y,. ~ ._i ~ _ _ . ; essential) level at all times excE tAfor a sli ht slo for drains a kt era) removal of water tram foundations, the contractor shall submit for the __,_v.~. ~.,__..._w.. ,_~__,..m r the 4 , (b}Materials € p_ . g. . pe`...... „ g . , , n.., _ ~ the more fine im eruous materials shat) be laced toward the cen#er of the RESER~~IR WATER SURFACE °errgirteer's approval a watercantrol plan shaving his proposed method . ~ p . p _ _ , . s toed AT SPILCWAY CREST CTYPICAE) +forthe di~rsion and careo#the stream duringconskruction and removal of removal of .#romabarrow areas a~ afheor #uired excavations It s the~intention of #hese :Embankment, and the coarse mare ervraus ma#Enals toward the outer i eq " ...p........... . . -water tram foundations and other parts of the vork. ~Construc#ion of the CL n affhE~..~..._: E..~e_.,....._._~.~__..__,_~_,_.._....__,,...__....~_...__.,.m,.~...._..,.._.m...,_~_.,_._,..~_.._~_..._.~..W_.,..w ;portion ofthEembankmEn#. Pia#EOals aced ~n #hECU#off#rench and~n the ; specifics#ions #o use the mast suitable materials ob#ainable from #hese .,n._:.,. ....M.. . _...w._.M.M.m~.~....,..~........n.r,M... . , { _ _ _ _ . . . _ 3 central ortion of the dam shat! have at feast t5 Ercen# of the material b ;embankment and spillway must be cam leted b khe construc#ion due ko 1S 1 71 ..~.n.mx,w,r.~.,....,.,_ .,...,..m .w....._.._..... on duE to ,sources wnthaut special processing. Materials containing brush, root, _._..__.-..p.__..__..___..___.._______._..._._..__.__..______..~_.___p. , .w. M.,.,~...... 'ouertapping of the embankment from flood. . Elev. 2600 ' jsod, ar other perishable materials will not be considered suitable. The weight passing„the No. Z~0 sieve No material target #han 6-inch maximum , dimension gill be imdted en an 8-rnch fa er, and each tare iece shall Elev, 2599 , , ,~..m_...~. ,_.u, .T 3 _ _ _ 0,02 slope CI_I=ARiNG i Pe ,surtability o€matenals shall be subject to approval, and the disposition of _Y.. . p . . , ~ w. m...., ,w , ~ . , , _,..r,_ _ m.,.. ~materiats in the Embankment will be as directed by the en infer The _ be surrounded by finE matenal Several Large pieces in cantac# with Each _ - ~ ~ ~ ~ Areas to be cleared consist of the reservoir aces site of dam embankment _ ...,_,~~,.,.~...ux....~ u.... LL, u _ ibankment, y ngineer }other wall not be accep#ablE Embankment cons#ructran shaft be suspended . _ _ ,centric#or shall xcavate at the lacafians directed b the e u...~. 6 3 . _ ~ , a 25-foot strip adjoining the downstream toe of the dam embankment, -....,.,._~..._u ~ ~.,.._._..M..w.__..-_....,.,_._,.__._w._,....~.._..__._W..__~-__._w._~_.~_,...._~_u.,~_.._..,...~~......,_.._..,..__..._.,.__ merit, {whenever such control a necessary,.,#a ab#am the type of material rEquirEd when the amb~Ent temperature dropsmbelow 35 degrEES F mµ T wA.,._,.,~,~...~.,.m . ~ s dlwa area, andborrowandstock Teare~,. - f p .~_,mµ,~....,.._,,,,_.m..,,_._,,,,_.m,,,.µ._,.,_........_p! as Cleann shallcansis#of w M.,.,.~, µ insist of .i farihe embankment. B€endkrg afmaterials by'the excavation process in i . _F ; . _ _ i ,,..,..,.a.,.:µ.T.. ,r , µ,.,,M,.,,M,,..._.,,..._ ,..:,m , _ _ _ _ _ ~~.M,_- - S ;ti - - . _ _ .removal and disposal of all trees, brush, dawn tomber, rubb9sh and onyx ._,.n. arEa ma be r aired (E} Moisture Control E rd onyx. 1~E borrow y eq . _ :The fill material shall ham a moisture con#ent #hroughout_Each Payer a# time _ 1 w......._ _ _ existing fences 2 ;i I I...._ ~ ~ If i '~c } Faundafion Prepara#ian 'af compaction offrom "optimum minus one percent° to "aptrmum plus two _ , _ rcen#'° as determined b ASTM {9-698 Method A, unless athen~risE J -~~il_a.~. ;GRUBBING ~ v.. , ~ . i.... i.... ~ . :After cleann and stn rn has been com le ~ g f„~ pP . 9 , p :fed as specified, earth p? , _ _ _ y r ,A. . „ .M, - The enure foundation area for the dam embankment and other structures and: . ~ ~ directed The centric#or III be aired to add +~ater and man{ utate the ~ i Iructures and foundations shall bE gall potions afthe borrow areas shall be grabbed. Grubbing affoundtlon areas shalt consist of th rndtiari"areas ,The sides ofstum prepared as faltows ~ ,w, .w P „ , , p Notes, tes# pits, and other similar cavities ordepressions . :fill matEnals_by hanavaing or other approved methods so as to provide a . e removal of all stumps and roo#s -if2 inohes or more in SEEPAGE P G D W L_ Z N E S ~w w , w. ~ , w... w.. w. ~n.. w. _w . w.. w....... diameter ko a depth of 3 feet below nakurai ground surface. ~ . ~ , w . ,N Io ~ unrfi7rm dis#ribu#ion of moisture in the matenal wi#hin the limits specified w... _ ~ ~ as to flatten out the s pes; and f N. . _ ; or more in 3shall be broken down, where sa direc#ed, sa abo~ Tire a lice#ion of via#er to 811 matenal shall be dens at the si#e of the sides of the cut ar hale shat{ be scarified to provide bond be#ween the pp DETAIL ~founda6an ma#erial and the fill where directed t3nless athEn~rise directed Exscavahon ors#ackpile, and shah be supplemented, rf necessary, :....~....,._....a,._ww....._m..,.__,r..w.,..__w.,~.. . ~ .mq~. v_.a,,,,~ w~. ~~.__.~..._..m_ .,._...M.__, ..,._W.._~.. .,..w,..,._~,.. EXCAVATION ' _ r ~ ' ~ ,y M,..., on the Embankment ;Each depression shall be fitl~#~whth pia ri moa#ure-candi#ranEd by spnnkfrng {a}General 1im nrtaus matenals. The fill shall be ' pe placed m layers and compacted in ~ ..w ,M ~ _ All construction operations shall be so conducted as to avoidMsta~ammx ...w seam ~accardance wrath the applicable provisions of #his section Ma#enals which If, in the opinion of the engineer, the #op arcontact surfaces ofa fill section _ m m._w w....,~ ,sedimentation in accordance with the requirements of the Water . , , ' become too d or smoo#h to nnit suitable band between these surfaces ,cannot be compacted by roller equipment because of inadequate clearance ; ,,,J, a ...p y y , ~ , . .w... . Resources and the Deparkment of Fish and 1~rldhfe . . , T. . be placed #herean, it shall bE moistened andlar ; shall be s read m 4-inch thick to ers and Each la er shall be com acted wrath= :and the additional fill to ,w...r ,.M.. »,,...w . , _.....w...~,........ , . ....M..,, , w ..r,.. ~ ~ ~m .m,..~ ,r~,,,. .m: 'p tampers to the required density .of the configuous compacted ma#erials with a harrow, scanfter, or o#her suitablE Equipment in an approtiect ewer ~ manner to a suf6cien# depth #o mvide sa#isfacot ,bonding. before the next ? fAll excavation~shall be carried to lines, grades, and dimensions shown on .,~.v..._..~_..M...~,,...... ...,w.., .w, w,.,.~.,.w~,,,,.._.M.,M.. shown on After fitting of depressions, and immediately prior to placement of compacted ; p., ' . . ' succedm la er of earth fill matenal is laced the drawings or established by the engineer. During the progress of the s of the 'fill in the embankment, the embankment foundation shall be ~ ~ . ' , . y... . , , p, . „ _ . i ,work, it may be found necessary ar desirable #o ~ry the slopes ar the .,~,.w ,...M. ..,m...,,.. M,..,.. ..w.M. dimensions of the excavation from those specified herein or the ;scarified #a a depth of 3 inches. _ _ ~ _ _ , . _ . i p am ac#ian { ~ _ W. ~ m._ Afterremo _ . m.m.._ . . ._va1 of roots or ether debris turned up in the process of s _ 9l4'hen the moisture caneen# and condi#ions of the embankment material are canftcation,, .w.r ,.~r ~rv , w.,., w .....t, ..w,. w... I (b} Dam Embankment Poundakaon [ . i M .W..,., , m....~..,,~ k satisfacto fill matenal shall be laced as rEviausf s ecified and com act the entiresurface~~aftheEmbankmentfounda#ion materials shall be ~ ~Y~,.,., _,w ,_,.,,_P.Mw,..,_,...,_P:.._µ.. µY P .4.w.. p,_,., :The entire area to be accepted by the foundation ofthe dam shall be stripped; e . m.....,.....,..N._...,~.. K, ,,,d ,.._w , ~ . m , ~ ...r... !I be stn ed ~maisture conditioned and cam acted in accordance month the a hcable ~ ed bya minimum of eigh# passes of the specified sheepfimt #amper rafter to matenal hang strength parameters equal #a orgreater than those hose .'provisions of Embankment section a wand~µ _ ~ pP ' ~ or approved equivalen# Roller diems shall be no less than 6Q inches in m._, k _ .m,.. ~ n _ M_ _ . 'required of the embankment material. ' . . . .w . w......rw , ~ , , , h.. .w.µ_ , _ ._M. ' M ~ length. The weight afthe taller shall no# be tens than 4,(9da pounds per _ d . _..T~ _ _ . .._w. ~ m.,_ ,..m, , ~ linear foot of drum length. If, wiith the required water content, it is : i..,:, ..j (c}Spillway , ,found necessary to roll Each 8-inch layer marE #han S~times~ta obtain the ~ wriest com action the number of asses sha11 be than ed accardin I ;Excavation for s~ illwa includes ail excavation r aired for the a roach . Y ~ _.~p ~proach ~ .w.,.~ ~ .._p 9 ~ y,.,, s ,.m.~. ...m..,W , .w. , ~ as direr#ed by the engineer. However, the embankment flit shall be ;channel, spillway crest, and spillway discharge channel. compacted to an average density ofa# (East 97 percEn#, wlitth na test less i , .w_,_, ~ than 95 percen#, as determined by AST~i ~~98, Method A Campactron by flooding or)e#ting mil not be permitted , w,.., ,,,w,. a~.., m , Wr ; o..., .m_ , w. m {g} Finishing Enbankrnent ,,After completion of the embankment, the scopes shall be dressed and graded so as #o provide a uniform surface and slope The crest shalt be , o, ydressed and sloped for drainage as shawm on the drawnngs . i k 50 0 {h} Structure Sackfill , ` __M.~ . aBackfill vii#hin 2 fee# of stnrctures steal€~be placed in layErs not mare than 4 inches n'uncompacted thickness and n M _ .,v _ _ _ " a material larger than 3-inch SPILEWAY Elev. 2599 , M . u, imaximum dimension will be pemritted Compachan sha[I be performed with CL ;the,use,oftiand-held"power tampers as approved by the engineer ~,rv... _ w.. ,a r-3 3 __Eleu..,_ 260D _ . EARTH DAM NATURAL GRCIIJND 8.3 Elev. 2593 t i i t t':: i x ~::aJ_i „i.-_I, _ NATURAL GRC)UND 6" PERFC]RATED PVC DRAIN PIPE_ t~t`WeYlTUt~kt~ 1 _.,i f m m n j DAM EL_EVATI01~ VIEW ter, Imo i ,.in i art' { , kn n .n«... ~ Ciw•i # fry rata #a il~talt~a2 s.lt~l~t ~~°m; to~~ w!~~..~~rv,.,. ~ ..,.Wr.. .~,w. M~ ~.k Q.,~,,..~ ......,..,w.,....,..~ ;Ps n~ ar~;si+al use in t ~ti #~s; an~3 ~firatl~i~t~fwt~i~~,~, _ ~prr~s a~ ~ ~e i i?sl( r s~riw #~xtal, ~a t~ m ~ sut~ 3 R . .m ' . ,..v ~ t ..w , ~,wl w w. ~ Ttaaa~tEr~r ~ ~Fi~~~at r~-ts~r1 w , i:~ ~~oen#~Pass' E ` '"fit„~g~,~t~y; 4 ~7~a ! i~,, ~..f. X18` { 1 _ ~ ~ ; s _ , ~ t E , ,Wi_ .~,...w~, w~,....,~... ~..,.w.,...~...~.+~.~.,......~.,,., .w~.,~.~,_ , lrttr~¢~ ttrr~ S i _ ~Taerlr ~_f_Lr__ rue rata.,,.tt _ " ti~~~A~f~ _,.y„ tlt~filw~#trar~eatalet'a;tat8ra~irl#ot~YS~i'issrAS~ ~~i a Marla s3xer[ t~'r;t#r dir~ra i tae sir rr'i'ial rr fi t a~~ ~tia~t tit t y we# i ~ -f i 9 ~ ~ 'rat~.f~ ~stusttlekt~vftl~t~zs~atirdawn. #~et ,u~_. m M-, mt s till be sal rn ~y~ sit € limit tt~sr ofa tr ant~afi~p,~ w,...,.. w, I s #hr alt xr*, t~ e r€ratrs~ icy s ttm i t r~t~l rnr 1~~ stl er:~~t rb #t+~ ,.mow. dt~in rrrat~lat s~ tha# t u~~ Pia rr~st E ,#~tat 'l'aas8stsrth~ct~ffti~r , . ,N,.~ ,,,,.._.,,N. u SHEET 3 QF 3 DIVERSION RIDGE REQUIRED ATTACH FILTER FABRIC SLTFENCE WHERE GRADE EXCEEDS 2% SECURELY Ta UPSTREAM r_.,,. DR GREATER SIDE of P(JST C(?l`tSTRUCTI©t} SPEGIFtCATICNS: ~o~ ~ ~ - STEEL POST ~ T~ ; ~o~a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ EXTRA STRENGTH ~ IL ~ ~R FADPIC ooa v~A~~" °o ~0~~ ~~0`b0~ 0 WITH WIRE MESH SUPPC]RT ~ILTER FABRIC NEEDED *~o~assEtBenceshalkno~eeeedz4~rohes >UPPNRT 9tora~ ~ pondrnghei~htshaftnearerexceedtgmcfres he ht and., ~ `~o \Y ~ / / / / / / ROADWAY ii ii ii i ~ ~ i i~ i i ii i ii i i i i i iii ii ~ ~i "Tlre fence 6ne shah foliowthe cartauras closely as passifNe ~iiiii~rrir ~ iii iii i i ~ ~>~~`%i i i ii ii i iiiiii ~ ~~~'~`~i ri ~ iir ~"iiirii iiiiir i~ i ~ iir rr r `Ifpossibfe, fhe fiker #atxic shalt be cif from a contrr~us ro[! to awirE the use nfjoints, Whenjaints are necessary, (ctfer cloth shall 4e spliced anky at a suppast post, with a minimsrm 4 feet au~.dap RIOTER RRBRIC and both ends secureky €astened to the anetal past. ~ * 1'rtm the ends of the fence uph~l. CO * A t€errch shat# 6e exeeva4ed apprvx€tttately 4 inches wide ~ ; o o and Sinches deep aongthe tam o€p¢sts arsdupstope€rnmfhe ~ N fsarrier. • O * Provide a rip rap splash pad or other outlet profection dewiae fnr any point vatere flow s 'f'' may or~rtap the sediment fence, such a ~ Q. =natural depressions o€ swates Ensure that the maxirrxart height of ~ ~ Low ~e fence at a protected, rerntorced auHet does trot exceed 2 feet ! ~ ~ znd that support past spec€ng does not exceed 4 feet 8` MAX SPACING WITH WIRE i When standard strength fiker faEsric rs used, a ~+me mash sr~wrt SUPPORT FENCE fence steak be fastened saettfefy to the upslape side of hie posts ; 6` MAX SPACING WITHCJUT WIRE wire nr zop ties (mrn tensrle sttetrgth of 5t} krs } The wue shaft extend into the trench a rrarrimum of 2 inches and , , ~ c~ oa ° c~0~`b~ a4~°~0`b0`~o~C~~00~~~0~~ S lJ P P N R T F E N C E 0 0`~0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 3' MAX SPACING IN TREUT ~ ~ ~~o~~~o ~ro~~oc~ooeo o ono coo shah rtot extend more thar+ 38 inch s above ttre ongmaf gratuM surface ~ z ~o~o~o o~o~o o ~ ~ ro ~ ro ~ ro BUFFER zaNE ~ ~ ~o~o°~o~o~o ~ ~ ~ ~o ~o`~ o o ~ * The sEandatd-strengthfktet fabric shai# be zipfied or vaned to ° ro ro off' ro ro ono ~b~o~a `bo~a°~o~o o°~o ono o~ 0 , ~ fence, and 6 inches of the fabric steak extend into the o~o~o°~o~o° 1 M I N A ° A R Q CURSE AGGREGATE th€errch. The f~rac chaff not exfend mare than 3& rnehes ~ W ab¢r2 the anginal ground surface. Fkter fabric shalt not ba stapled W U ~ ROADWAY ~ °o ~ MIN 6" TH CK fn exs€sting [tees. r ^ ; ~ ~ ~ o`~oo~ao~ ~ ~ ° ~ ~~'0`~b~°0 0`~0 0 C~ ~a`~ 0°°0° 1.33 lb/linear ft STEEL PDST o`~o~a o ~o`~o~o o ono ro VJ ~ r Whea extra-stren~ttr h#tet fabric aox! efnser host spacsng ~0`~ °a0~'o°~0 0 4 N H MAX ~ °o ~ ~ ~O~o~o C?~~0°~ z I G oo~o o ~ ~o~o~~° ro rorororo ~o ro~ro~~ 'the wire mesh se tt fence m be eGrtbnated. ~ such' ere used G}o ? W ~ N ~ ~ ~ o~o°co o~o~ ro o`~o`~o`~o~o~0 0 0 0 0`~ PaNDING HEIGHT the €kter fabrc rs~zrp toed orvaned directky to the posts ' ~ til ~ ~ Q U p O~O~o PDNDING HEIGHT i , ¢ Z ~ Z ~ "The trench steal! he trackfkted and the sooE compacted os~r the foe i 0. h-+ ~ -.FL[JW LMW ofdte frEterfabnc Thorough compactron of the baafcfik es crdocal to ' ~ v 1 W 0 d p~ ~ '/a Miiv DRAIN RCJCK skt terrce performance a ~ W 2 ~ N ~ Z OJ 50' MIN 0 5tlt fend ° . _ . ep 00 ~ feet from the too tndordehe the of a slope shall be act at leas# 6 ~ Z ~ ~ rte rncrease pondsn~ wfuma W ~ o ~ ~ i i~ i~ / /24 MIN ~A~ ~ ~A es s~ra4l be r,~., . ; rerno~edwhenihayfoavesertedtherrusefui i 5 nsebut trot t7efore ttre upslope area has been pemraroently _ . , ~ X24 MIN stab~saed and arry sediment stored behind f fre sslE fence has _ W 4" X 8" TRENCH been rerrm+azd... WITH CCJMPACTED kVS!'ECTECINANDNIFIiNTENAf1CE: BACKFILL * Salt fences and filter framers steak be rnspectled weekly artd after' each signif~ar~ storm (4t2 inctr in 24 hauos}. Any required . teparrs steal[ be made immedrately.. . * 5edir~sent shnuld be retrrnved when k reaches 9!3 height of the i NOTES - - ferxe or 9 inches. FA,_. axirnum. 1. THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CCJNDITIGN THAT WILL PREVENT TRACKING ~R FLCJWiNG GF SEDIMENT GNT[] PUBLIC RIGHTS-CJF-WAY, TNiS MAY REQUIRE TCJP DRESSING, a. „ REPAIR AND/DR CLEANCIUT OF ANY MEASURES USED TD TRAP SEDIMENT, * Tire remoueri sedlraen# sEtaEt co~irm wilts the exssting grade ; beuegetated orathenvrsesfabikzed 2. WHEN NECESSARY, WHEELS SHALL BE CLEANED PRICJR TC ENTRANCE NNTCJ PUBLIC RIGHT-DF-WAY, 3. WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE D[JNE ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITH CRUSHED STCJNE THAT DRAINS TNTD AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAP DR SEDIMENT BASIN - ~ - L_ NC]TES 1, SILT FENCE SHALL BE PLACED ON SLOPE C~NTCIURS TD MAXIMIZE PDNDING EFFICENCY, 2, INSPECT AND REPAIR FENCE AFTER EACH STORM EVENT AND REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN NECESSARY, 9" MAX RECOMMENDED STORAGE HEIGHT, 3. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE DEPCJSITED TE AN AREA THAT WILL NDT CENTRIBUTE TO , SEDIMENT DFF-SITE AND CAN BE PERMANENTLY S1 ABILIZED. c ivT?~~I~ ~~.~.~~..,m. ~ ~ , H t~. ~ W...... Y , Q .....e,~ W r,.M w~...,,.,,, ~ .,M1 $ . r,, .w......~....., Q x _.P, W "Pf. t ~~5 ~ ~ba Qi a udf w:l;::~ , U m.w m~; H 'f~?' 3 d ~ 9 WW Q a ~ ~ I .N . ~ ' M~m m ~ m__~ ~ m U N o e , ,w~. , ~ ~ ' . _ ~~~~0 ~ z z ~3~6M t~~" a ~ ~ U H~.., . `mss 3 z M N f~ ~ .m w ,T ~,~,..d.,n. _ r., M M.,« x £ d,.. W ..rte...,. .,.M„r w.4„~.~.... ~a,w x a C ,a,~3"y: ~.y ~~pp~~. Y ~Ha5t5FNG ~ G[?M4'it ^+&1P~9 V1 u^,•.w• v. w~vn.~w~ w..n ~.w..,.v„ ..w~w.rvx.. r..'m.,µvinr..~.w,r~ :g ~ , w~.~.~w Mi. a r_. '~~.~~amt`a~'~"~G~;mss b .v i w