HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150610 Ver 3_More Info Received_20170810�= ;DUKE ENERGY Mr. David E. Bailey August 11, 2017 R-gaistury Project Manag-r U.S. A, my Carps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office -jaa-i Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forst, North Carolina 27587 RE: ResDonse to Reuuest for Additional Information Action J13: SAVV-L015-01Jul Dan Rl.0 Stam. Station Sturm....atzr Di.a,-.tun Prulact and Assaciat.-d Projects Rockingham County: North Carolina Dear Mr. Bailey: Doke Energy, in consultation with Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructare, Inc., submiuea a stannam permit application to the Raleigh Regulatory Field Office of the U.S. Army Corps of Enginzers (USACE) f, -,r isaaancz of Sartiun 404 Individual Permit fur the Dan River Sham Station Stormvvater Diversion Project and Associated Projects at the Dan River Steam Station in Eden, Rockingham County. The USACE advertised the project by public notice on May iz, c0 i i. Comments in response to the notice were received by three state agencies. The three agencies that provided ruapum,zz; to the PabGc Nutica are: North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Rasuurces (NCDNCR) - State Histoj]c PresGFvatiun Offcu (SHPO), North Caroli,.a Wildlife Resources Cummissiun (NCWRC), and North Caralina Division of Water Resources tMCDvvR). Responses to the requests ror autlitional iniormation antlror cummGnts from these thruz ag%n;.ias a lm- presented bale... Sobsegaent to yoor review of the application and sapporting ducaments, you presented two requests ror aatlitionai inrormation in correspontlence Cate -0 .July «, cu i r, to Dane Energy and the attention of Mr. Steve Cahoon. These requests were made to assure compliance with the February 6, 1980, memorandum of agraemant (MOA) between the Department of the Army (DA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Ageilay (EPA) (Determination of Mitigation ander the Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines). As enumerated herein for discussion purposes, these items and respective responses are przaantod balu...vith requested rnaturiala ancl;,aad fur the USACE to re.ie... A third item related to the DA - EPA MOA vvas also pruvidad by yuo, as regarding appropriate and practicable steps to minimize losses of waters of the U.S. This third item is included 1lerein as acRnowletlgement Dy Dane Energy. In addition to the above items in your RAI, you rogoestad information affecting the temporary stream crossings authorized ander SAW -2016-00331. A response to your request is inclutleo Herein. [NCDNCR - SAPO A rusp;,nsa to the Public Nutice, in conizspundance dated Junz 8, 2017, v.as pruvidad by Ms. Renee Gledhill -Earley (for Ms. Ramona Barton, Dirc-rtur of Division of Historical DUKE EIQERGY- Resources) to the 05HCE Raleigh Regulatory Fiela vmce ans the attention of RIr. Davis Bailey. The SHPO did 4nct have any zinuatiuna regarding th% pr:,tzued pru;uct as pre3ented in the Public Notice. A review of the project was conducted and SHPO wa3 aware of no hibtoric resou, cea which would be affected by the project. The SHPO had no comment on the project as propo5ea. NCWRC A reatzmae to the Public N-Wtice, in corre3pondamu.- dated Jane 12, 2017, ..ab provided by M5. Olivia Munzer, We5tarn Piedmont Coordinator, Habitat Conservation Program, to Mr. Richard Harmon, Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & lnfra5traotare, Inc. The NCWRC has no ohjection to the project, 15W oneres recommenaaduns to minimize impacts to aquatic and tarroutrial ..ildlifa re3uurcuu. A5 anarnarated humin fu. diacwaaivn parpu3e3, thc3a rucummendation5 and the respective reaponae5 are presented bola... Recommendation 1 Daz to the pre3anca of protected apeciaa in the Dan R;ver, en3are off -Site eurmwater does not contact other contaminated water or coal combastiun ,c5idoe from the site and is routed around the site. All discharges into the Dan River or its tributaries should comply with MPGEa permit requirements. Reammoo Ida contact water will he aischargea into waters of the O.S. iwedanas ane streams); therefore, the water quality of du..natf oam reccl.iny r.'atcnz, spucifically the Dani River, will nut be impaired. Spe4ifically, separation will be provided between wate, that has contacted coal combostion r~sidae material (contact water) and water that has not contacted coal comba5don re5iaue material anon -contact water), thereoy preventing opportunities for the degradation of the aquatic. V-Zuayutern, including protected species in the Dan River. Under the stormwater diversion pomp -around alternative, Pipe Line 1 will convey non - contact water to a proposes MPDES outfall. Specifically, Pipe line -i will consist of a pore y and papa 3yatum that ..III cunvay nun-cuntaut vvoter from the Upland Flo.. Area (UFA) to propu5ed Sturmwater NPDES Outfall SW 010. Prupo5ed Outfall SW 010 will be located alv„g the northern edge of the p,oputty. Please note that Outfall SW -010 is in 5vv Permit as a tatare oattall. Hll aischarges into the Gan River or its tributaries shall comply with NPDES m4mirarnanta. Rcw„imendaCun 2 Culverts should be designed to provide aquatic life passage. Culverts or pipes should be buried at Icast unc fuut or 20% of their al,.e bEluvv the natural streambad (measured from the natural thalweg depth). Aquatic life passage should be assored during low flow or drought conditions. mny riprap a5ed 5hoold not interfere with aquatic life movement during low flow. RCSpunsG 2 �> ENERGY.,� Culvert sizing and design fur the d:,.,nstnrarn cruising of the Dan River (DR) 131 Prujact have been r7ovi5ed tti, include an addition 48 -inch calvCrt and provide sabmargence of the culvert 12 -inches below the natural stream bed to allow for aquatic life passage. Riprap or stone use is dmites to ift roaa rill itself ant] is not anticipated to interfere with aquatic life movement. Recurnmendatilun 3 Dative vegetation and bioengineer, -,-.d structarua should bx aaed for stream stabilization where poasibla. Riprap used fur atr�=am bank stabilization shuald be limited to the at, earn bank below the high-water mark, and vegetation should be abed for stabilization above the high-water marK. Cong-term stalliiizadon can Me accomplished using native plants such as red maple, black willow, sycamuru, river birch, ailky dug..zod, and ether native wwdy species. Riprap should not be placEd in the stream bed. Response The DR 134 Project will entail stnrambank stabilization for a perennial stream located along the eastern boundary of the Dan River Steam Station near its confluence with the Dan River. H portion or the western streamManR is erasing with some undercutting occurring along the toe of the bank. Spucifivally, the arta of stivarnbsnk instability occurs batww-en two colverted road crossings. It is along this area of instability that rip - rap will be placed to armor the bank to prevent farther motion and stabilize the streambank. The DR 13z; Project wil, result in an impact or i oU linear reef to a perennial stream from the placement of riprap below the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM). No ripr ap ..ill be plauud in the stream bid. The permit applicant understands the NCWRC recommendation regart]ing the installation or native plant species and bioengineered structures for long-term stream stabil6atiun fur thv- prupused rrujact. V-getatiun orad for ground atabilizatiun fur the DR 134 Prujact shall be established above the OHWM. Recommendation z; RW—sead diatu,bed areas with sped mixta,'as that are benetiuial t�, wildlif6. Avoid fescue -basad mixtures because fescue is invasive and p, Ovide* little benefit to wildlife. Using native species instead of ornamentals shoals reaace the nee0 ror water, rertilizers, ant] pesticides. Further information and free technical guidance from NCWRC is available upon request. Rebpanbe Thu plant mixes and swecificatiuns for both tumpurary and permanent aaading for the project work areas are based On standard and appropriate horticultural guidelines fur seeding constraction sites. However, the recommendations provided by the NCWRC will De taRen into consitleration. r DUKE �►. ENERGY Recommendation 5 Sediment and erosion control measu,es shoold ase advanced methods and installed prior to any lana-aistarRing activity. i he use of biodegradable and wildlife -friendly sediment and eruzicn Central du.icus Is strongly reLommundud. Silt fan%ing, fiber moll and/or other prudacts should haves loose-vvaave nutting that is made of natural fiber materials with movable joints between the vertical and horizontal twines. Silt fencing that has been reinforced with plastic or metal mesR snoaid be avoided as it impedes Me movement of terrestrial ..ildlifu speLius. Ex=23ive silt and audirnurit I7,ad3 Lan havu datrimuntal uffa,-,t3 un aquatic re3aarce5 including destruutiun of spawning habitat, saffocatiun of Eggs, and clogging of gills. Response All davulupmunt pry-jects in North Carolina that disturb an acre or greater of land require an approved Ersiun & Sediment Control Plan. E&Si-, Plans most Be prddocen in accordance with the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Dealyn Manual, dated May 2013. Thio manual incladea beat management pract,cos (BMPs) fur mduc;ng urosion and sedimentation daring constraction. This requires proper site preparation techniques, sarface stabilization, runoff control measares, diffuse flow iRroagR the riparian aairer, inim ant] outlet protection, and stream protection. Rockingham C;,unry usua thi3 nmanaml v.hem directing developers daring nuv. development ur redevelopment that UACaads one acre. As Rockingham County ;s nut NPDES Phase II nor is the watershed in a regulated community, it has no post - construction sail ana erosion or stormwater control oQligations. RocRingham County relies upon the North Carolina Department of Envirunmuntal Qualiry (NCDEQ) Winatun- Salem Regional Office t -u aversue and unfarzx their federal so;l and urusian cuntrul requirements for new con5traction. Project activities for the Dan River Steam Station Stormwater Diversion Project and A330ciatud Prejuct3 will b -W ccndact-od in a manner tu minimize the putential far erasion and sedimentatio,,. Sediment and eros;un cont, al measores shall be installed prior to land-distarbing activities in accordance with an approved EBSC Plan. The EBSC Plan inclat]es re -seeding scReaales ana metRods to minimize sediment discharge from the site. The recommendatiuma provided by the NCWRC will bu taken ;ntu considertivn. NCDWR A response to the Public Notice, in correspondence dated June 1, 2017, was provided by Ms. Sae Homewood, Winston-Salem Regional Office, to Doke Energy and the attention of Mr. Steve Woon. As enumerated herein Tor discussion purposes, tRese items aind the m3p1-Uctivu reapun3es are prz3unt,-.d buluw (v.ith attachmenta). Item Number 1 This project includes a ruvisium to ;mF,aCts Proviuualy apr,ruved bre the Divi3ivn un May 12, 2016 (DWR#2016-0156v2). Thusu imparts were for an actress road for the Da„ River Scarp Repair and were app, oved as temporary impacts. The carrent application for an Individual Permit requests that tRese impacts Ve approvea as permanent impacts. 6uRE ENERGY The original i-wvlaw by the Divi5iun was based on temporary impaLts and therefore the Divisio„ rgaires a more detailed analysis of the purpose and need fur permanent impacts a5 well as a more detaiien anaiysis of avoitiance anti minimization measures. In aut1hion, this project will be placed on hold until a cumr,liamce in apectium of thlaZ uulv1rt3 has been Lcndocted. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(f) and (g)] Response The turnpurnry placement of a culvert at each of two road crossings of Strcam 3 (p7arannial stream) at the Dan River Steam Station was previoo,ly app, oved by the NCDWR (DWR#2016-0156v2) and the USACE (Action IC SHW-A i'o-Uti3o i). i Me calve"e roati crossings were created to facilitate vehicle and equipment access to the northern shuralin e of the Dan River. A=Ez3 to the Dan River shuraline 6 nacE3aary fur 37.arp repair, a5 needed, daring the clo5arC of the ash basins and the transport of coal ash from the station via a barge loadoat area. The pending Section 40z; Individual Permit application for tie Dan miver Steam station otormwater Diversion Project and associated Projucts (Artium ID: SAW -2015-01381) pmposod that buth colvert3 wwold not be r�movad and the strum would not be uesturcd (via contour reshaping, etc.) to pre= impact conditions. The impact to Stream 3 from the installation of the two culveRs cumpi iced 86 linear feet; i.e., zF3 linear reef of impact iar me northern roati crossing ana zF.3 linear feet of impact for the southern road croaJmg. After farther uvaluatiu� � of thu pruFuaed action, the parmit applicant and protGLt engineer have made adjustments to the project design that will mini,, it -e impacts to Stredm 3. Specifically, the culvert at the northern road uio55ing has been removed. i Me northern roati crossing, as a proposes permanent feature, will no longer exist. This action has resulted in a reduction in impacts to Stream 3 of 43 linear feet. Huvzvar, the impact (43 linear feat) to the auethern road crossing of Strum 3 will remain ander the pending Section 404 Individual Pei mit applicatiun; i.e., the southern road trussing will be a permanent feature. Table 1 below includes the afuJarnua tiuFzd Lhanye in pr;—,pm ud impacts to Strum 3. Specifically, the impacts to Strea,,, 3 from the placement of the two zulvert5 at the northern and southern road crsbingb have decreased from 86 linear feet to 43 linear feet with the removal of the culvert at the northern roasa crossing. Table 1. Prupoaad impacts to juriadiutional vvetlanda, atfcoma, and duedge basin fur the Sturmwater Diversion Project, DR 134 Project, DR 131 Projeut, 36 - Inch Pipe Closure Project_ and 48 -Inch Pipe Closure Project. Dan River steam ;*tatiun, Rucr<inallam Cuunty, rmorlil Carolina. Resource Type Proposed Impacts Project Component Wetlands Streams - (acres)linear feet Stormwater Diversion Project Wetland A WSA-3 0.19 - Wetland D CIFH 0.16 - Wetland F UFA 0.06 - DUKE �. ENERGY. Access via the suothern culveffe-d stream crossing isiream o roan crossings to Me northern shoreline of the Dan River is necessary for scarp repair. Purrnan unt uZzaaa ria the ouuthu,-n cruising is nacassary to facilitate fotarc maintEnanLe �f the Primary and Secondary Ash Basins embankme„ts along the Dan River. Such maintana„ce would inclade futu,e scarp repair. The southern road crossing will be maintained for future necessity anti emergency access to the shoreline areas along the Dan River. If the wether„ road trussing is net permanently established (i.e., if the culvert is removed and re-contoaring is completed), future scarp repairs, as they arise, would necessitate tie reinstallation of LI1e culvert- Such continued future impacts to the stream channel would be Carminative. The installation is to zopport minimization of erosion along the Dan River- Use of ruck instead or sail to improve installation and the improvement of the existing temporary crossing (via a change tv purmiament crusuimg) arc prupu3ed. Thuzu aitiuuria ..III faillltaate minimi=atiun of impacts, prescunt and future. S Proposed Impacm Resource type Project Component- - - Wetlands Screams acres linear feet Stream 1 UFA - _ 393 Dredge Basin WSA-1 1.89 - Total i.;9 393 DR 134 Project (includes prior work activities) Stream 3 Bank Stabilization - -1s0 Stream 3 ulvert Installation (March 2016) - 43 DR 131 Project Stream 3 Culvert Pipe Extension - 15 Total DR 134 and DR 131 (Stream 3) 188 36 -Inch Pipe Closure Project (previously permitted) T Pipe Closure with Wetland H Overflooding (includes fill for 0.098 - cofferdam Stream 4 Pipe Closure with - 65 Overfloodin 48 -Inch Pipe Closure Project (previously permitted) Wetlands Pipe Closure with 0.407 Overfloodin Streams Wipe [:losure with - 448 Overfloodin Access via the suothern culveffe-d stream crossing isiream o roan crossings to Me northern shoreline of the Dan River is necessary for scarp repair. Purrnan unt uZzaaa ria the ouuthu,-n cruising is nacassary to facilitate fotarc maintEnanLe �f the Primary and Secondary Ash Basins embankme„ts along the Dan River. Such maintana„ce would inclade futu,e scarp repair. The southern road crossing will be maintained for future necessity anti emergency access to the shoreline areas along the Dan River. If the wether„ road trussing is net permanently established (i.e., if the culvert is removed and re-contoaring is completed), future scarp repairs, as they arise, would necessitate tie reinstallation of LI1e culvert- Such continued future impacts to the stream channel would be Carminative. The installation is to zopport minimization of erosion along the Dan River- Use of ruck instead or sail to improve installation and the improvement of the existing temporary crossing (via a change tv purmiament crusuimg) arc prupu3ed. Thuzu aitiuuria ..III faillltaate minimi=atiun of impacts, prescunt and future. S ( DUKE k. ENERGY Item Number 2 Your application indicates drat 130 linear Teel of stream 5iaBilizadon will occur at location DR -134 however Plan Sheet DR -134 Section Detail, Figalu 02 ahu..s riprap ahadiong throughout the entire channel bad. Please clarify whether riprap will be extended throoghuot the channel bed. Response Riprap will be placed in the channel bed only as required to provide a working platform. Ideally, the riprap will be placed from the sop of the stream channel ana the only encroachment into the stream will be to extend the slope tie-in at the base of the channel. Item Number 3 As requaatzd in the p iapplication, plUaaa provide a detailed analysis of the volucity uApGc,ted at outfall SW -010, the riprap pad specifications and details, and an analysis of the impact this additional flow and velocity may have on wetlands that are present immediately downslope of this area. REauunsa Outfall SW -010 is in SW Permit (NCS0005rc) as a future outfail. l he pealt flow a -E Ounall 5vv-010 is anticipated to be about 0.9 cubic feet per second (ds) with a velocity of abuut 4.5 fact per secund (fps). The anticipated flu.v rate and velocity is nominal az evidenced by the fart that the calculated values (0.9 cfs and 4.5 fps) are less than the minimum values shown on the riprap apron sizing nomograph. A riprap apron will be area to Tanner dissipaie Bows prior to discharge to the receiving land area. i fie selected ripraw apru n dirnanoiun9 uxuacd the minim.am rruquuirud du9lgn dim7.n9iun9. BaScd un these uunsiderations, there are no anticipated negative impacts to the receiving drainage pathway, including wetlands that are located downgradient of the riprap apron. Note: the nearest wetland area to the proposed riprap apron is locates more than 50-reet Trom toe proposed structure. The attached document Riprap Area Calculatiot, provides details on the analysis, including objective, method, calculations, discussion, and references. DA - EPA MOA Item a. Parmits for work within wutlanda -Wr wither special aquatic aitea are available only if the proposed work is the least environmentally damaging, p, acticable alternative. Please fornish information regarding other alternatives, inulading uplana alternatives, to the worn for which you have applied ant] proviae ja5tificativn that y.,ur iGIGctud plan 1;2 thu last damaging to .Yater or w-Vtland amus. f DuKt �. EMERGY 1) Your permit application includes three alternatives fog the Stormwater Diverslun Project, including using a 400 gallon per minute (gpm) Pump around, a zi:9,000 gpm High -volumetric Flow Rate Pump-arouna, ant] Gravity flovv. Huvvcvur, during our February 17, 2017, pre-applicaticn meeting rvv discussed including a fourth alternative using a reasunable "in-between" flow rate pomp -grand alternative. The goal of this alternative would be to evaluate any reauctions in over -noosing impacts to wetlanas ana streams proposes a3auciatad with the upland flu., arca (UFA). Please iriuludu this altumat;vu as di3co3aed, specifically with regard to practicability per 40 CFR § 230.10a. Response The altcrnativa3 analyzea wcrc p;rfu-rm=d based on the valcalated runoff from the 25 - year, 24 -hoar design storm event. The pumping rate for the High -Volumetric Flow Rat= (49,000 gallons per minute [gpm]) Fump-around Hlternative was obtained by convening the peak runoff flow rate during the 25 -year, 24-hour storm from cubic feet per second (cfs) t� gpm to prevent mandation of the stream and wctl-and complex vvithin the Upland Flow Area (UFA). The impacts for the Pomp -around Alternative (preferred alternative) were conservatively obtained by calculating the total runoff volume from the 25 -year, 2Zr- nour storm event ana comparing to the stage -storage curve for the UFA to develop an estimated water aurFce elevation (inundation alevat;on), and then comparing the langth of stream and area of wetland within the UFA lower than the inundation elevation. The calculated impacts for the Pomp -around Alternative are conservative because the effects or pumping were not consiserea; Mereiore, the stream ana wetlant] impacts for the Pump -around Alternative are i-aumJtivc to pumping rte. We prupusa oainy the zunsenrative estimata of potential impacts in the event that human arror or unachanical failure pieventb pumping daring the design storm. The preferred pump rate was listed as zF00 gpm in the Individual Permit applicaticn pacKage eases on conceptual design. i he actual pump rate will be determined during final design to dewater the UFA without causing instability to the pruposcd divider berm embankment. DA - EPA MOA Item "b" b. It is nccZ-ssary for you to have taken all appropriate and prnctivablu ateps to minimize losaea of waters of the U.S., including wetlands. Please indicate all that you have done, especially regarding development and modification of plana and proposes construction tecnniques, to minimize adverse impacts. specifically: 1) Your permit application includes avoidance and minimization information and is generally sufficient for continued evaluation. RE3wunse The permit applicant acknowledges the above comment regarding appropriate and practicasle steps taken to minimize losses of waters of the U.S. for the proposed project. DA - EPA MOA Item "c" � auRE �.. ENERGY The MOA requires that appropriate and practicable mitigation will be requ;red for all unavoidable adverse impacts remaining after Me applicant has employed all appropriate and practicable minimization. Please indicate your plan to mitigate for the projcctud, anavoidabl-0 1033 of watcr3 or vvetlandz or provide i„ furmatiun as to the absence of any such appropriate a„d practicable measures. i y Please provide the mitigation acceptance letter from the NC Division of Mitigation SErviuu& (NCDMS). Plaas-= note that W=tland3 A and the Drudge Ba3in wretland would both classify as Headwater Forest wetlands per the NC Wetland Assessment Method (NCWAM) Dichotemoos Key, despite the downslope fills oevelopet] as part or earlier aevelopment operations at the Dan River steam Station. This determination wva3 made givEm that both of those .,etland 3ystEmaa ocLur within natural topographic cranulations without stream3. The Ccrps considers Headwate, Forst wetlands to fit the wetland mitigation credit classification or Riparian, Ron-Riverine wedanas raver than Ikon-miparian YYGtlpnd3. Plca3a clarity your ~wetland mitigation propo3al beaud on the above Response The permit applicant acknowledges the above comment regarding the classification of Wetland A and the Drudge Bazin vvEtland a3 Headwater Foreat vvatland3 per the NCWAM. The permit applicant also acknowledges the above recommendation by the USACE to include these two Headwater Forest wetlands ander the wetland mitigation credit classification of Riparian, Non-Riverine wetlands rather than Non -Riparian vvatland3. The permit applicant ;s in the press of obtaining the mitigation acceptance letter from the MCDIOIzi. Hs soon as tie acceptance letter is receivet], it will Be rorwamet] to tMe USACE. Pleaze note that the mitigation credit parcha3a vvill ruflert tho change to the mitigation requirement3 for Stream 3 based an the reduction in impact3 to this feature with the removal of the culvert at the northern road crossing (i.e., a decrease in Stream 3 impacts from els linear feet to zi3 linear feet. i aGle /_ presents the updated summary of the anticipated mitigation costs for impacts to waters of the U.S. for the Dan River Steam Station Stormwvatur Divcmion Project and a33ociated Prujact3. Table 2. Mitigation costs for Impacts to waters of the U.S.. Stormwater Diversion rroject, DR IszF Project, Dec 1,3_1 Project, s6 -Inch ripe Closure Project; and 48 -Inch Pipe Claunru Pro'e:.t, Dan River Steam Station, Rockiu,gham County, North Carolina. NCDMS Fee Category Riparian Wetland Riparian Wetland (Non-Riverine) Features Stormwater Diversion Project Wetland D - NC WAM Medium Rating Wetland F - NC WAM Low Rating Weiland A - NC WAM Medium Rating 0.16 acre 0.06 acre 0.19 acre DUKE ti. ENERGY. NCDMS Fee Category Featurn rroposed Im aC1I� Riparian Wedand Dredge Basin - NC WAM Low Rating 1.89 acre (Non-Riverine) Perennial Stream Stream 1 - NC SAM High Rating 393 linear feet DR 134 Project (includes prior work activities) Perennial Stream Stream 3 - Bank Stabilization 130 linear feet Perennial Stream Stream 3 - Culvert Installation (March 2016) 43 linear feet Southern Road Crossing DR 131 Project Perennial Stream Stream 3 - Culvert Pipe Extension i 5 linear feet 36 -Inch Pipe Closure Project Riparian Wetland Wetland H - Pipe Closure with Overflooding 0.098 acre Perennial Stream Stream 4 - Pipe Closure with Overflooding 65 linear feet 48 -Inch Pipe Closure Project Non -riparian Wetland Pipe Closure will vveMooaing 0.407 acre 448 linear feet Pertnniol Steam Pipe Closure with Overflooding All Projects Combined Ree Category i opal Impa= iNU1113Rla Caicumilonsj Cosi Riparian Wetland 0.508 acre 0.75 acre inc. X 2 mit. ratio X $40,580 unit cost $60,870 Nan -riparian Wetland 0.407 acre 0.50 acre inc. X 2 mit. ratio X $26,631 unit cost $26,631 Perennial Stream 1084 11 near feet $656,400 g 1094 linear feet. X 2 mit. ratio X $300 unit cost $825,061 Sum of All Costs ' Tvlol coat net ppb -ua lct By tFi� 05ACE Tem ora Stream Cru3ain SAW -2016-00331 1) GivEn that une ur buth of the temporary stream crossings aathorit-ed ondvr ShW-/_0 i'o-00,0j 1 Have experienced recent carnage noe to fligll TTow events, and at least one of these crossings will be removed pending authorization of a parman�nt cruo3ing, p6asa pruvid-V culvert pipe plan3/d;-=tail5 for these crossings described as part of the DR 134 project. Note that, onless utherwise justified, these permanent crossings mast abide by Nationwide Permit Regional Condition 3.6 issued March 16, 2017. Further, it appears that Figure 02 "Dan River Steam Station DR -131 PrujaLt Impact Area" due3 not comply vv;th Regional Condition 3.6.1 as the pipe is pc, ched above the WAisting stream bed. 10 I- DUKE v4, EAERGY Lastly, given recent Might now events, please evaluate up-sizing the propose0 culvert pipe diamutur ur imcruaainy thu numb%r of cohort }yip -W3 placed at eaLh crus3ing. Response Culvert aiming and dE3ign for the downsti earn creasing (soothGrn read cruasing) of the DR 134 Project have been revised to include an addition 48 -inch culvert and provide submergence of the culver-L c -inches 13elaw the natural stream DO to allow ror aquatic Iffe passage. Riprap or stone use is limited to the road fill itself and is not anticipated to inturf,ure with aquatic life movement. The r.vised dravving3 of the colvErt pips plansldetalls are attached herein. Please note that the revised drawings are inzloded in the engineering sheets for the DR 131 Project. The DR 131 Project entails work associated with the southernmost road crossing. Specifically, the proposed action will entail thU axtansiun of thU 3oothlrn culvert pipe downatraam to raise thi Glevatiun of the crest of the southern road crossing (to provide a more purmaneilt and stable approach for vehicles and equipment thiough the crossing). The existing calveR at d1e noRnern road crossing nas Been removed. i Ile northern roa0 crossing, as a proposed wcrmanant fcaturc, will mo lunger a.i3t and is nut shu.,n un the DR 131 Project ravi5ed drawings. Thank you in advance ror your assistance with this project. If you Mave any questions or need additional information, please contact me at telephone number (919) 546-7457 or cmall addre33 atava.cohuumOdukE-an�rny.cum. Sincen=l 0101, Steve Cahoon Enclosures Cc: Soa Humewood (WCDEQ DWR) Cedric Rohl (Amec Foster Wheeler) Josh Bell (Amec Foster Wheeler) Richard Harmon (Amec Foster Wheeler) � DUKE r►, ENERGY ATTACHMENTS 12 RIPRAP APRON CACCOQCTION hiprap Apron Calculaiion Duke Energy - Dan River Steam Station Dan River stormwater Diversion Calculation Tule: Riprap Apron Calculation summary: t Re peaR flow at OUtTah zm-D t u is anticipatet) to Ce a5out u.ii cis will a velocity of anout ZF.a Leet per second kips). The anticipated glow rate anO velocity is nominal as evidenced by the fact that the calculated values (0.9 cfs and 4.5 fps) are less than the minimum values shown on the riprap apron sizing nomograph. A riprap apron will be used to further dissipate flows prior to discharge to the receiving land area. The selected riprap apron dimensions exceed the minimum required design dimensions. Based on these considerations, there are no anticipated meg.tiva immpart. to ille receiving arainage pathway, including weilanas ilia[ are locatela Downgratlient or the riprap apron. l9oles: Revision Cog: No. Description Originator Verifier Technical Reviewer 00 Initial Submittal /r+ �� " U,-,{, �' ly+N k ►� (t'� F-eoric Hunt ;joMn carona Mfg aoroan Rmec Poster vvIleeier Project Mo. 7810-17-0895 1 0 3 1-7 6715117 (IniCul 505mitt-1) eme[ 1. tost�. wheeler Riprap Hpron Caiculation Dan river wormwater Diversion Duke Energy - Dan River Steam Station The ob;aut4v of this calc.6tiun is to dlsiyn thl riprap apru , fur aturmwater diyursiun mumu l,tact water pumped ilow to Outfall Svv-010. IZE i HUD: Thu riprap apr +n was daaign�d in azuurdam;u with the North Carling Erosion and Sudir..unt Control Planning ana Design Manual. VAEVuEA i WAS: 1.0 [. OIC0letE Ttvvv %vnditiouiz Noncontaut aturmyvaW will be pumped to Ontf all SW -010 at an apprUAimats rata of 400 gpm througfl a 6 -inch diameter pipe. The peak flow rate and velocity are shown in tfle following tal5le: z.0 Ualculaie minimum requires riprap apron aimensions The minimum required riprap apron dima..slono and riprap median partiuh dialloctar (d�.)) ..as designed in accordance with Me NolIM Caroiina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual [Ref. 11. The maAmum particle diameter (d....7) is 1.5 times the median particle diameter (dso). The riprap aprun thicknass is 1.5 timas tho maximum parti%lo diamv-tar (d..--). The minimum required riprap apron dimensions are shown in the following table: Table 2: Min]; --urn Design Riprap Apron Size Table 1: C..le=lzt.d Flu- C.wditiun= Downstream Pumped Pumped Pipe Pipe Discharge Velociry FIs -Rate FIs -Rate Pipe Df■mcz-r Bio-ete.- Area at Pipe O.tlet Igpmr ids, tin f Iftr (fe, lift/sl 400 0.89 6 0.5 0.196 4.54 z.0 Ualculaie minimum requires riprap apron aimensions The minimum required riprap apron dima..slono and riprap median partiuh dialloctar (d�.)) ..as designed in accordance with Me NolIM Caroiina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual [Ref. 11. The maAmum particle diameter (d....7) is 1.5 times the median particle diameter (dso). The riprap aprun thicknass is 1.5 timas tho maximum parti%lo diamv-tar (d..--). The minimum required riprap apron dimensions are shown in the following table: Table 2: Min]; --urn Design Riprap Apron Size Pomp=d Downstream Minim=-..MINIMEwr 0= Riprap Miwi-am Riprap Ap =w Minimum Minimum W Idth .f Apr. Pipe size sire Thl■kw.ee Minimum d- Minimum d- d.. Flow t7ia- LengtR or epsream rlewnstre.m. Riprap Size Riprap Size Riprap Riprap Rat■ v Apra Width .f Apr.: Wldth _f Apruw Sl;. Thi=kw=ss {cps) tinj IT.} (W-0 (rt) In) (Iw} in) {ft) a v Z... 0.5 e.2 2.4 3.6 0.5 3.0 Duthie selected riprap aptun dimensions The riprap apron dimensions were selected to be greater than the minimum design riprap apron sizing criteria as shown in the following table: -blc a: ulucrud Riprop -pron Size Length of Upstream Downstream NCDOTRiprap 0= Riprap o,, . 1prap Riprap Ap =w Width .f Apimn W Idth .f Apr. Cl-=- size sire Thl■kw.ee (ft/ Ift, (ft) IRer. 111 in in 01) io :e v OZ Rmec Foster vvneeler Project Mo. 1010-17-x895 2 of 3 N 611511 I (I.A1.1 Ssornittul) amec z fvet.r m ieeter Rip.ap Kp. r; Calculation Dan River Stormwater Diversion Duke Energy — Dan River Steam Station DISU05SIUM: The peak flow at Outfall SW -010 is anticipated to be about 0.9 of5 with a velocity of about 4.5 feet per 5ecund (fps). The anticipated flaw rate and velocity is nominal as evidenced by the face that the calculated values jO.y cis and zr.o tpst are less man ine minimum values shown on the riprap apron sizing nomograph. A riprap apron will ba used to further diasipate flo..s prior to di3oharge t -U the receiving land area. The ,elacted r;prap apron dimensions eAoeed the minimum regoird design dimensions. Based on these considerations- there are iia anticipated negative impacts to the receiving drainage pathway, including wedantls Mat are lacatet7 aawngraOient or tOe riprap apron. REFERENCES: I , Mortll Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, "Erosion and Sediment Cuntrol Planning and Design Manual", Revised May 2013. 2. "Standard Specification for Ruads and Stroctores", North Carolina Department of TranspaRation, maleigM, January z'v i e. Rmec Foster wheeler Project No. MU-17.08tin a 013 17 6715117 (I .i W 5a6mittal) am2C j vamr wneeler REFEREWX 1 Borth Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resourcus, "Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Mammal", RG,Alsad May 2013. 8.06 Appendices Riprap (large stones of various sizes) is oven uses to prevent erosion at [rte ends OI Vol -orb aRa etne.- pipe contIM. ,. It won-ertz; I�ls6-:elee:[�, eeRveR[ratca pipe ny- rata Ie--:vlvelty, vyem .Ran. -.el no—... biome AwJa ow z;<<eR aRa Inc to rmicat leee::iRb anum-el., ffflM crezi:v.. vae.,va n7 FR=HM pipe c -it Riyrup voile[ 3Rv43 rnc.t all rc;n`1Fvmcrft h-. t-,-1.* . .51—a— m ... U.a1, 11.11r1Jl..b.I:3.<1:..,.31,-1... be:c -1 ctnvaa u.e atlet 3t .etore3. In. Ctnv11 yre5c7f.d I.-. tn13 3CctiuM 13..a..ptc11 r.vrn yiveeaoac,, 09.11 D, tn. 17b1JA bo;I CvnacR..tio . berTlee. Vetlet ylbleetivn ;3 pro;:11.11 6, a Ic:cl ..prep of 30tT1WicRt I,;.btn .aMa Ill -C tv rvilfl v tiv- rC10vltlC3 [v Ra7.,.v317, 1CTc13. ❑e5iyjn t-,roceiJhre Tor i ne tollowin, proccusiv uses t -v sets ornesi,n cnrr,s: rig»re z 0iia is uses Rira Outlet Ior minimum tail -acct Cv-.tiitiams, anti Figure a.uBD R,»�ilR»m t..ilwatrr Riprap conditions. Protection _ b[vt, 1. Uele.—:Re Inc i..1l-ale. aeyTR 11FUM CH -M..01 viI«r0e[e.-i3Ge3 Belo-- the pipv volicl tv-. me nv..i5R e.-.p.city vI ine pipe, it IRe L.Il-tiler aey[n i3 Iv;3 in... n..li iRe amid pip, a:..rmeier, it :.. ck--ined rninl 0- [.,Il :..ler ev;alidvm. I1 it !3 src.aer TR..R nuirine piyv 11:11 -el,.-, it :z eI..3 :nod vv;-..Z14ivm. ripc3 in -t v-.tici am[v --al. n"t ..res3 ::TR ny aenmen A -Tinel ..z ;---0mnen to n -Tv a :IRI -O- Ia;l -.,ts eom11ltle:. nRlesa FllaDle nova ,tine creation-. ane - vtnei , i.,c. Step L. tsased on dte tailwater conditions tietermineti in step I, enter rigure a.05a or rigure MIN, anti determine d, � riprap size anti minimum apron lengtn (Co). i Re d,,, size is ine median stone size in a well -graded riprap apron. Step 3. Vetermine apron width at the pipe outlet, the apron shape, and the apron width at the outlet end from the same figure used in Step .L. Step 4. Determine the maximum stone diameter: dm_ = 1.5 x d50 Stcp S. im.rmiRv tn. apron trii.Kntas: Aprflrl MLKRe.3 = l .b n 13max btep U. Fit Inc .-ipr..p to tnc 3itc B, M-K:n, it 67.1 ter In. mtia.-" neem lo. -.stn, C., from. rii;e.-c 5.0- or 5.055. C.,tena Inc prem r..rtnc: ay -n,tre..rn Zna alvmb cnanu'ul DenR3 until 3t-SiEt., ;3 u„ere11. &ccp Inc ..p. -.R w 3t -mibnt .z, pv99:blc ..nb ..11sn It : !In tn. n--;; of tn. MNK. N. -.J nCCC,9u:.7.1LSrlMcRt Dcna9 -•c..r Inc y;}.c vi3let ,a Mat tnc cRt u. -.cc iiaty tn, i,C,Ivirlb 3tTC7.m !� ataawlbrlt. Rc-. 12193 19.05.1 REFERENCE 2 "Standard Spaaifiaatlano for Roads and Stractore3", North Carul;na Dat,artmar d of Transportation, Ralaigh, January 2012. Section 1043 1 All sone shall meet the approval of the Engineer. While no specific gradation is required, 2 there shall be equal distribution of the various sizes of the stone within the required size s range. ine size of an stone r.�rt;elc 77;11 ne tlatvlMiriva ny nRv,-ll.�.,b 4. Iaelb 4 dimension. 5 Stone or broken concrete for rip rap shall meet Table 1042-1 for the class and size 5 distri0ution. TABLE 1042-1 ACCr r 1 AtrCL' iCmi l LK1A r VK Kir KAr Al\u S i Uri r, r VK EKV51Vii CUr4 i KVL Class Minimum _ Required Stone Sizes, inches Midrange Maximum A L "� 4 6 B — 5 _ 8 12 I 3 10 I / 2 9 _ 14 23 I4o more man :).0% or ine material 5c ICziJ mm.-. inG �;zo 3t,=t;i%63 „vr 8 no more than 10.0% of the material can exceed the maximum size specified. 9 SEC.I IVIN 1643 10 AULYKEhA 1 E V KV1V1 %-KUSIIEli %-tJI'NL KE 1 E I 1 10$J-1 GENE' KAL 12 Aggregate from crushed concrete is a recycled product made by crushing concrete obtained 13 from concrete truck clean out, demolition of existing concrete structures or pavement, or IZF similar sources and transporlea from a crusning facility. it noes not incwae concrete ID t,u:ciacntZ''nut..,t aanni�l:z�d, 6roKun or otherwise crushed in ,lace on the roadway. 16 The crushed material must meet all sources approval requirements described in Sections 1005 t r and iEft with the exception of the sodium sulfate test requirement. ueteterious materials t5 snau not oe mo. a man.5,/a. 19 Sampling and acceptance for the determination of gradaction, LL and PI will be performed as 20 described in the Aggregate QC 'QA Program Manual and the ftggregaie Sampling Manual. l i 194J -z AGG1cr:GA 1 E nASE COURSE 22 The material shall meet the ABC gradation. The LL of the material shall be raised 5 points to L.] no more than .». 24 1043-3 AGGREGATE SHOULDER BORROW 25 The material shall meet Section 1019. L6 104.3-4 CLLAIN COAKSL ACGiKLGArE FOR ASPHALT 27 The material shall meet the gradation of a standard size in Table 1005-1. Use of the material 28 shall be approved by the Engineer, and the mix shall meet all requirementu. 29 1043-5 CLEAN COARSE AGGREGATE FOR CONCRETE 30 The material shall meet the gradation of a standard size in Table 1005-1. Use of the material j I is resirictea to fuss 6 concrete mixes omy. use of tele material snau Be approved Dy me 31- and the concrete shall meet all requirements. 33 5EC.IIVIN 1U44 34 5UUSUKVACE I)KAJIINAC.E IVLAIEMAL5 X) 1lJ$4-1 NU1suKAlix ritvr, AC:%Kt,i,A1 it 36 Subdrain fine aggregate shall meet No. 2S or 2MS in Table 1005-2. 10-62 NC:110T 2012 5ta.-Add speatm-tions DR 131 PROJECT ENGINEERING DRAWINGS ORR C90i.001.001 �e F" yyv r� Nww� _© 11 Z a O � smdd3 �i4 IA Iwo A < _aAAAAAA 88 � cogx Lu o g y s UF= i J Q ii R Li Q O ( ) Z W t QaLU�= W U) O 3: J '41 Li V 11.1 d 111 7 L 7 r D— m L 1!l O w Y p 4 e_ 4 u50`- u)CE2 A a �• °, V a z - o G mW3 _© 11 a 3 � smdd3 �i4 r e a A �qns _aAAAAAA 88 � Lu o g y s 1 i _© 11 smdd3 i r e a �qns 88 � Lu o g y s 1 i J ii _© 11 EJRR_cqui.a07.Wz �� U b cn �� E9 Cf Q ! �V -'€€ x & a 06 �� � C $i ��� �•.�� �'��� � Via• � IIS $a� � � 1 �e. ��° �i��} ����� q�e � C�� Z-�g Q G�$ � �� �a�olii x$ �� � Fy • �£i�a:. ��21 'lY� w • _ !i � Et ;all -1 qi =� i ;!15- 3a3 e= a:� ygrg aF Ba�i11 11 Mill 11 E 3 • R i i y agarg a gpq PHI V.�V aid R Gg $ 4848 $b•gCZ aqY @ 3 1 ■ jig off HUM fi pR 9 �_ s � $e �� �d � 12�j a E� a Z t l HI 10P lop � m � aes Q�a =1 as �� � s�� � ��a1��1 $1a I 3�!a1H IV! P ZjH1 j! ' r RHO Qg q g 14 Mix ja eha ° 1 1.11 If a�� •� -�3 � -�� .�: iq �� fie. [� @@ s@ VIM,E RE '! a� �� ��� Baa ����� e� p ��; � � ���� i. � � 9� � ■ y 1 142 JITi1 88 s - q7 P t. FB g a if .. - ... x, i o u y a p T7 �1 1.00 I.um 1 0 OMR -jCO i UU i Min Fj oil I 5A We I awl ■ HE [ w k ; / k | § . . B |�7 ! 22| § �w , � � | - ■ |� �° � • � §�§ [ w , �,�■�| � k | B |�7 ! 22| § �w ,