HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171000 Ver 1_Historic/Prehistoric Information_20170810 (2)Project Tracking No.: 16-�%-��2611 ����J�; NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FORM t;�$��">>, �`� ��a��° �' Thisrfonmm�lyrpertains�tor�1RCHAEOLOG1CALrIZESOURCESrfonthisrproject.t�trismotn � 1 � �� ,�,� ����r,:? validrforrHistoricriArchitecturerandrL,andscapes.mYourmustrconsultrseparatelyrwithrthen � T e 'E�� 6. �=>>CS�'� Historicrr�rchitecturerandrI,andscapesrGroup.n �J�? �s�� PROJECT INFORMATION Project No. WBS No: m F.A. No: B-5617 45572.1.1 na Federal Permit Required? County: m Craven Document: Funding Minimum Criteria �r�tatenmm�r�]ir�'ederaln �mYesin�rxlVon Permit Type: NWP 3 Project Description: The project calls for the replacement of Bridge No. 41 on SR 1464 (Pughtown Road) over Swift Creek in Craven County. The archaeological Area of �Potential Effecis (APE) for the project is defined as a 600- foot (182.88 m) long corridor running 300 feet (91.44 m) east and 300 feet west along Pughtown Road from the center of the bridge. The corridor is approximately I50 feet (45. 72 m) wide extending 75 feet (22.86 m) on either side of the road from its present center. SUMMARY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES REVIEW n BYief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: Bridger3�To.r� 1 risrlocatedrsoutheastmfrY�yden,reastrofrGrifton,randmorthwestr�frUanceboro,rinrCravenn County,rNorthr�arolina,ratritsri�orderrwithrPitttCounty.mTherproj ectrarearisrplottedrinrthemortheastt�cornern ofriher�ort�$arnwellriJSGSn7.5'rtopographicr�uadrangler(Figurenl ).n n Armaprreviewtandrsiterfilersearchrwasr3conductedratrtherOfficer�fr5tater�lrchaeologyr jOSA)mnr�lugustnl,n 2016.rrNorpreviouslyrrecordedrarchaeologicalrsites�ave�eenridentifiednvithinr�her�APEmrn�ithinrannilen ofriheri�ridge.m�ccordingrtorther3�lorth�arolinar8tater�-Iistoricr�reservationrDfficemnliner�latari�asen (HPOWEBr�iOl 6),rthereraremorknownrhistoricrarchitectural�resourcesrLvithinrtherY�PErthattmaynyieldn intactrarchaeologicalr�leposits.mTopographicrmaps,rIJSDAxsoilrsurveyrmaps,rnerialrphotographs�NCrDnen Map),�istoricxrriapsr�Northr�arolinarmapsnvebsite),randrrioogleifitreetnV iewrapplicationrwere�xaminedn forrinformati onronr�nvironmentalrandr�ulturaln�ari ablesrthatrmayrhavercontributedrtorprehistoricmrn historicrsettlementn�vithinr�herproject�iimitsrandrtorassess�therievelmfiground�listurbance.�tn n Bridger�41 randr�ughtownr�2oadr�rossr8wiftrCreekreastrton�vest.mTher�reekrdrainsrtor�hereastrandrsouthrinton therNeuserRiver.mTherproj ectra rear3consistsmfrfloodplaimm�reitherrsider�frther�reekrwithrarman-maden pondrtor�hemortheastr�Figurer� ). rrfiroundr�listurbancerisrminimalrinrthemorthwest,rsoutheast,randn southwest�uadrantsnvith�hesemreas�itherrforestedmrr�ultivated.rrfiroundr�listurbancerisrilighrin�hen northeastrquadrantrfromr�onstructionrofrtherpond.rr�lrsecondrpondnvasroncerpresentrtorthersoutheastn quadrant,rbutritriocationrfallsr�utsidemfrther�lPE.rrltrismowr�overedrinrfill.rrLastly,rtherroadrisrelevatedmnn an�arthenrEmbankmenttasritr�raversesrtherfloodplain.ml n Thet�TSDArsoilrsurveyrforrCravenrandrPittrCountiesridentifyrthreersoilrtypesnvithinrther�lPE,rbutronlyrtwon areractuallyipresentr�seerFigurer� ).mTherfloodplainrtor�henvestrinr�raven�ountyris�omposedmfn Masontownrmucky�nersandy�ioamrandr�Vluckaleersandyrioamr(Mm).mThisrsoilrismearlyrievel,ra�eryn poorlyrdrainedrtorpoorlyndrained,�ndrsubject�torfrequenhflooding.mThersoilralongrtherfloodplainttorthen eastrwithinrPitt�ountyrisrmaderupmfi�her�ibbr�omplex� jBb).mThisrseriesrisrsimilarrtorlVlmrinrthatritrisn "No ARCHAEOLOGYSURVEYREQUJRED "form for the Amended Minor Tr�ansportarion Projects as QuaLified in the 20/5 Programmatie Ae �eement. 1 rofrfin Project Tracking No.: 16-�%-��2611 nearly�ievel,r}�oorlynlrained,randrfrequentlyrflooded,ri�utritrisrarrecently�lepositedralluvium�oil.r�Veithern ofrthesersoilsri�avertherpotentialrofryieldingrsignifcantrarchaeologicalrsitesr�luertori�eingrpersistentlyru�etn ormewlyrrieposited. mTherthirdrseriesrthatrisrreportedrisrtherExumrfinersandyrioamr(ExA)ratrthereasternrendn ofi�herY�PE.rr�llthoughn�ellr�lrained,�hisrseriesrshouldri�etsituatedmlongntplands.rr�lccording�o�hen contourrimage,rtheruplandsrstartr�ustr�utsiderther�APE. mTherefore,rthersoi lrimagershouldrbershi ftedrslightlyn torther3east.rm Arreviewmfi�hersitetfilesrshowsrfewrinvestigations�and/orrreviewsrin�herregion,rbutritr�loesrappeartthatn OSArreviewedr$ridgeri�To.41 ratrsomerpoint.rr�lnr�Rmumberrcouldmotr�erfoundrtordeterminerOSA'sn recommendation.rr�trseemsr�hatrtherbridgerwasrsubmittedrforrreviewrwithrseveralmtherr��ridgesrandn associatedr�iocumentationn�vasmotrrecardedrintthetfiles.rnThe�ite� lesralsorshow�hatmoricnownrsitestarerinn ther�icinity.n Lastly,rarilistoricrmaprreviewn�vasr�onducted.rrTherEarliestrinrLvhichranraccurateriocationr�ouldrben determinedrforrtherbridgerisrflnrthen1863rGi1mer,r�oerner,randrlVliller's�ield Map of Lieut. Koerner's Military Survey Between Neuse and Tar Riversr(Figurer8).mThistCivilrPVarnnaprshows�thatrtherprojectn arean�vasrforestedrwithmorcrossing�verr8wiftr�reekratrthis�iocation.r�yrtheistart�frther� Othrcentury,n however,rar�rossingriiadri�eenrEstablishedratrthersite.mThisrisrseemm��thenl 902r�JSGSrr�ydenrtopographicn mapr(Figurer�4).rr�llthougbranrearlyrf,�ersionmfr�ughtownr�2oadrisrdepicted,morstructuresraretpl ottedrinrthen vicinity.rr8ubsequentrmapr�ontinuertor�iisplaymorhistoricrfeatures. rr�lsrarresultmfrthisrmaprreview,ritn appearsnmlikely�hatmnyrremainsmfrsignificantrilistoricistructuresnvill�er�ncounteredn�vithin�her�PE.n Brief Explanation of why the available infornzation pNovides a reliable basis for reasonably predicting that there are no unidentified historic properties in the APE: The�lefinedtarchaeological�PErforrthetproposedireplacementmfi�ridger�io.r� 1 rinr�raven�ountyrisn unlikelyriorimpactrintactrandrsignificantrarchaeologicalr�deposits.mThisrisrduertotpoorrsoilsrandrpersistentn wetness,rnvhichrisnxnsuitablerforr�arlyt�ettlementractivities.rrIniaddition,rsoilsr�astmfrthercreektarerrecentlyn deposited,randr�hose�or�hemortheastrarer�listurbedxfromr�onstructionmf�herpond.rrY�sriongra srimpactsrton thersubsurfaceroccurnvithinrtherdefinedr�PE,morfurtherrarchaeologicalru�orkri strecommendedrforrthen proposedrreplacementmfr$ridgerNo.r� 1.rrIfnvorkrshouldraffectrsubsurfacerareasri�eyondrtherdefinedr�PE,n furtherrarchaeological�onsultationrmightri�emecessary.n SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION Seerattached:m �riVlap(s)n ❑r�reviousr8urveyr�nfon n ❑rPhotocopymfi�ountyr$urveyrNotesn n FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST NO ARCHAEOLOGY SUR VEY REQ UIRED � C.r�amonnTonesn n NCDOTr�ARCHAEOLOGIST ❑r�hotosn ❑Correspondence Other:rimages of historic maps 8/4/16 Daten "No ARCHAEOLOGYSURVEYREQUIRED " form for the Amended Minor Trar2sportaaon Pr�ojects as QuaLified if2 the 20/5 Programmntic Agr�eernent. 2rofrfin Project Traching No.: 16-�%-��2611 Figurenl .mTopographicr8ettingmfitherProj ectr�lrea,rFortrBarnwellr� 1983),rNCr�TSGSn7.5'nTopographicn Quadrangle.n "No ARCHAEOLOGYSURVEYREQUIRED " form for the Amended Minor Trar2sportaaon Pr�ojects as QuaLified if2 the 20/5 Programmntic Agr�eernent. 3rofrfin n n Project Trachzng No.: 16-�%-��2611 r �'� '�''+� ��` "k. �'� , �'�,�'.� 4 a +� u� �' � �. 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