HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170999 Ver 1_Historic/Prehistoric Information_20170809 (2)Project Tracking No.: 14-06-0029 NO NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES o��� ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES �� a� > °i� :. ,� ,�. .�� PRESENT FORM � � � Fp�;�,� :�?:: : Y "¢_o.�° '�' This form onl ertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this ro'ect. It is not `�. �� YP P J '�;. •..:.....:� 0 ��-,�`.�"`-¢-� valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the ��..,�a� Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: �; � F.A. No [`.'�.�► I� 45334.1.5 HSIP-1524(6) Federal Permit Required? Project Description: County: Document: Johnston PCE Funding: ❑ State ❑ Yes � No Permit Type: N/A � Federal The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to realign the intersection of SR 1524, Old Drug Store Road, and SR 1525, Cornwallis Road. This would include rerouting the centerline of Cornwallis Road where it meets Old Drug Store Road approximately 180 feet (55 meters) northeast from its current position. The area of potential effects (APE) for the proposed project would include an approximate 564-foot long by 80-foot wide (172-meter by 24- meter) corridor along the existing portions of Cornwallis Road and its future realignment as well as an approximate 1,180-foot long by 90-foot wide (360-meter by 27-meter) corridor along Old Drug Store Road. The proposed APE encompasses an approximate 3.41 acre (1.38 hectare) area. SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDINGS Prior to commencement of the field survey, Environmental Corporation of America (ECA) conducted a background literature review to identify previously recorded cultural resources, including archaeological sites, features, or historic structures within the APE of the proposed SR 1524, Old Drug Store Road, and SR 1525, Cornwallis Road realignment. Sources reviewed included the files at the North Carolina Office of State Archaeology (OSA), the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), the North Carolina Historic Preservation Office (NC SHPO) GIS service, the 1993 Edmondson, NC topographic map, and aerial photographs. No previously identified archaeological sites, features, or historic structures were identified within the APE of the proposed undertaking. However, a review of previously recorded archaeological sites within a 1-mile research radius identified site 31JT132 which is located in a similar geographic setting as the current APE. Geologically, the project area is located within the Piedmont physiographic region of North Carolina. The APE is characterized by maintained grass-covered ROW, wooded areas, gravel drive ways, and pasture land. According to the USDA Web Soil Survey, soils located within the APE consist of State sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes, occasionally flooded (StA), Dorian fine "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualifed in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 1 of 21 Project Tracking No.: 14-06-0029 sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, rarely flooded (DoA), and Roanoke loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, occasionally flooded (Ro). On November 17th and 18th, 2016, ECA completed an intensive archaeological survey within the APE, located at the intersection of SR 1524, Old Drug Store Road, and SR 1525, Cornwallis Road. A pedestrian survey was conducted by visual inspection of exposed ground surfaces throughout the project APE in conjunction with systematic shovel testing. Ground surface visibility was less than 10% throughout the majority of the project area. Shovel testing was completed at 100-foot (30-meter) intervals to survey for potential archaeological resources within the project APE. The proposed project area is oriented in a general northeast/southwest orientation. A total of three transects were surveyed. All shovel tests measured approximately 16 inches by 16 inches (41 cm by 41 cm) and were excavated into known sterile subsoils for the project area. All soils were screened through a six- millimeter wire mesh archaeology screen to isolate any cultural artifacts. All shovel tests were backfilled. Transect A: Transect A is approximately 565 feet (172 meters) long and traverses along the southern side of Cornwallis Road before curving towards the northwest along the proposed centerline of the realigned road (see Figure 1). ECA notes the presence of ditches on either side of Cornwallis Road as well as underground utilities marked along the northern edge of the Cornwallis Road (see Figure 2). A total of 5 shovel tests (A1-AS) were excavated along the transect. Three shovel tests were placed along the southern ROW of Cornwallis Road and two shovel tests were placed in a pasture to the north of Cornwallis Road. Shovel test AS was identified as positive for prehistoric cultural materials and is attributed to the newly identified archaeological site 31JT490. The remaining shovel tests were negative for cultural materials. Transect B Transect B is approximately 1,180 feet (360 meters) long and traverses in a southwesterly direction along the western side of Old Drug Store Road (see Figures 3, 4, and 5). A total of 11 shovel tests (B 1-B 11) were excavated along the transect and all shovel tests were negative for cultural materials. Transect C Transect C is approximately 1,180 feet (360 meters) long and traverses in a southwesterly direction along the eastern side of Old Drug Store Road (see Figures 6, 7, and 8). Initially ECA intended to excavate 11 shovel tests within Transect C; however, due to the roadway, ditch, and marked buried utilities near the current intersection of Cornwallis Road and Old Drugstore Road, one shovel test was omitted (C8). The remaining 10 planned shovel tests were conducted (C1- C7, C8-C11). A total of three shovel tests (CS-C7) were identified as positive for prehistoric cultural materials and are attributed to the newly identified archaeological site 31JT490. The remaining shovel tests were negative for cultural materials. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualifed in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 2 of 21 Project Tracking No.: 14-06-0029 Site 31JT490 During the course of investigations throughout the APE, four shovel test pits (A5, C5, C6, and C7) were positive for prehistoric artifacts during subsurface testing along Transect A and C(see Figures 9 and 10). Ground surface visibility was approximately 10 percent throughout the site and no additional artifacts were identified through a surface pedestrian survey. A total of 21 artifacts were recovered including nine Woodland Period pottery sherds, eight quartz flakes, two rhyolite flakes, one silicified slate flake, and one sandstone hammer stone (see Table 2: Artifact Inventory). All artifacts were recovered from a soil horizons characterized as a lOYR 4/3 brown silt loam and lOYR 6/6 loam with artifacts encountered at a depth ranging from 0 to 10 inches (0-25cm). No features were encountered. 31 JT490 is located in an active pasture situated on a terrace overlooking the Buffalo Creek floodplain and associated wetlands. The site is bounded to the west by Old Drug Store Road and to the south by Cornwallis Road. The nearest source of water is an unnamed tributary of Buffalo Creek located approximately 450 feet (137 meters) east of the site at its closest point While Buffalo Creek is located approximately 750 feet (229 meters) to the southwest. Due to the presence of alluvial soils (Roanoke loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, occasionally flooded) located along the southwestern portion of the APE and approximately 50 feet south of 31JT490, the possibility of deeply buried cultural deposits exists in that area. Therefore, ECA conducted limited probing utilizing a hand auger in an effort to view the composition of the soils at a depth greater than three feet. As a result, the bottom of three 3-foot deep shovel test pits (C9, C10, and C 11) were probed an additional two feet by hand auger. The results of the hand auguring identified a light brownish gray silty clay with yellowish brown and yellowish red mottles of varying concentrations throughout the additional two foot probing depth. No soils typical of a buried A-horizon were identified during the deep soil auger tests. During ECA's investigation of 31JT490, the property's landowner informed ECA that he did not approve of any further archaeological investigations on his property. ECA halted excavations and left the property. Therefore, the site has not been fully delineated and the northeasterly portion of the site boundary remains undefined. The portion of the site identified by ECA measures approximately 55,000 square-feet (5,109 square-meters); however, since the site boundary is unknown to the northeast, the site size may be larger. See Figure 13 and 14 for shovel test pit locations and approximate archaeological site boundary. The portion of the site investigated yielded a low to moderate artifact density with the majority of artifacts being Woodland Period, coarse grained quartz pottery and flaked lithics derived of parent materials that are commonly found throughout the region (see Figures 11 and 12). Though several pottery sherds show evidence of exterior surface treatment, given the small size, highly eroded, and/or damaged surfaces of the sherds, a definitive statement on surface treatment could not be made; however, most appear to be either cordmarked or fabric impressed (see Table 2: Artifact Inventory). In addition, given the size, preservation quality, and the absence of any rim sherds, the ceramics could not be designated to a sub-period or phase of the Woodland Period. Since all nine pottery sherds recovered from three shovel tests were uniformly diminutive and highly eroded, it is unlikely that further testing would identify larger or better preserved specimen which could be placed in a specific ceramic type. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 3 of 21 Project Tracking No.: 14-06-0029 Given the low to moderate artifact density and the types of artifacts encountered, no discernable site function could be determined. However, the site likely represents a single Woodland Period occupation, and no artifacts currently identiiied would indicate a separate component outside of the Woodland Period. A lack of artifact density also indicates that activities at the site were likely ephemeral and the artifact assemblage does not indicate a prolonged occupation at the site. Potential past impacts to the site include the historic use of the area for agricultural activities which most likely included plowing events. Plowing and other intensive agricultural activities are also evidenced by a shallow A-horizon throughout most of the site area tested by ECA. Additionally, the site is bounded to the west by Old Drug Store Road and to the south by Cornwallis Road indicating that the construction of these roads and the placement of underground utilities in associated right-of-ways have likely impacted the integrity of the site. No subsurface features were encountered during ECA's investigation of the site. In addition, given the degree of vertical disturbance and the ephemeral occupation of the site as indicated by a low to moderate artifact density, it is unlikely that an intact subsurface feature is present in the portion of the site located within the APE. Therefore, further testing would likely not identify any intact subsurface features. Additionally, no buried A-horizon was encountered during our investigations and there is no indication that a buried soil horizon would exist. In summary, the portion of the site located within the APE appears to reflect a single Woodland Period occupation that currently cannot be attributed to any defined cultural phase or site function and exhibits a low to moderate artifact density with artifacts being recovered from a relatively shallow A-horizon. In addition, portions of the site located in the APE have potentially been impacted by the construction of Old Drug Store Road and Cornwallis Road and past plowing events. Since further testing within portions of the site located within the APE would likely not change our interpretation of the site and would likely not contribute additional knowledge of the Woodland Period in the region, no further testing is recommended for the portion of the site located within the APE. In addition, ECA believes that the portion of the site located within the APE does not retain the ability to convey significance and is not eligible for inclusion in the NRHP. Therefore, no NRHP-eligible resources would be impacted by the proposed realignment. Portions of the site located to the northeast of the proposed realignment have not been tested and may convey a higher degree of archaeological significance than portions tested within the APE. Should the proposed undertaking be changed to include areas of 31JT490 outside the currently defined APE, further testing would be recommended. Recommendations: ECA believes that, though the site could not be fully delineated and investigated, the portions of the site located within the APE have been adequately sampled and the site is not eligible for inclusion in the NRHP. Autumn DuBois, MA, RPA Principal Investigator with ECA, recommends that no additional tested is needed to determine if the proposed improvements will impact any significant archaeological resources. However, should the undertaking be changed to include areas outside the currently defined APE, further testing would be recommended. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 4 of 21 Project Tracking No.: 14-06-0029 The North Carolina DepaYtment of TranspoYtation (NCDOT) Archaeology Group reviewed the subject project and determined: � There are no National Register listed or eligible ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES present within the project's area of potential effects. (Attach any notes ar documents as needed) ❑ No subsurface archaeological investigations were required for this project. ❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. � Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible for the National Register. ❑ All identified archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a) has been completed for this project. Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: � Map(s) ❑ Previous Survey Info Signed: � } NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST � Photos ❑Correspondence March 7, 2017 Date "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualifed in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 5 of 21 Proj2ct Tracking No.: 14-06-0029 Table 1. Shovel Test Pit Results Sl�ovel Average Depths Between Test Pit STP Width/Length Mimsell Color/Texture (STP) Inches cm A1 1 G'x 16" I OYR 4/2 (dark �-ayisl� brown) silt loam 0-5 0- I 3 (41cn7 x 41cm) 7.SYR 4/6 (strong brown) loam 5-13 13-33 A2 16"x16" lOYR 4/2 (dark grayish brown) silt loam 0-5 0-13 (41cm x 41cin) lOYR 5/8 (yellowisl� brown) sandy clay loain 5-15 13-38 16"x16" lOYR 4/2 (c�ark grayish brown) silt loam 0-14 0-36 A3 �41cm x 41cm) lOYR 5/8 (yellowish brown) sandy clay loam with 14-16 36-41 dense man-made gravel A4 16"x16" lOYR 4/3 (brown) silt loam 0-4 0-10 (41cm x 41cin) 2.5YR 4/8 (red) clay loam 4-13 10-33 lOYR 4/3 (brown) silt loam AS 16°x16" '�3 tertiary quartz flakes recovered at --0-8 inch (0- 0-8 0-20 (41cm x 41cm) 20cm) de th 2.SYR 4/8 (red) clay loam 8-16 20-41 B� 16"xl6° lOYR 4/2 (dark grayish brown) silt loarn 0-4 0-10 (41 cm x 41 cm) lOYR 5/8 (yellowish brown) cla 4-12 10-31 BZ 16"x]G' lOYR 4/2 (clark a ish bro�m) silt loam 0-5 0-13 (41cm x 41cm) lOYR 5/8 (yellowish brown) clay 5-14 13-36 B3 16"x I G' lOYR 4/2 (dark grayish brown) silt loam 0-8 0-20 (41cm x 41cm) lOYR 5/6 (yellowish brown) cLay 8-15 20-38 B4 1 G'x 16" lOYR 4/2 (dark arayish brown) silt loam 0-5 0-13 (41cm x 41cm) 7.SYR 4/6 (st�-on brown) silt � cla 5-14 13-36 BS 16"x16" l OYR �l/2 (dark grayish brown) silt loain 0-1 I 0-28 (41cm x 41cin) lOYR 5/l (�ray) clay Ioam with lOYR 6/8 inotfles 1 1-20 28-51 B6 1 G'x 16" l 0YR 4/2 (dark grayish brown) silt loa�n 0-2 0-5 (41 cm x 41 cin) 7.SYR 4/6 (str-on brown) sil cla 2-10 5-25 B� 16°xl6" lOYR 5/3 (brown) silt loam 0-5 0-13 (41cm x 41cm) 7.SYR 4/6 (strong brown) silry clay 5-12 13-31 16°xl6" lOYR 513 (brown) silt loam 0-5 0-13 Bg (41cm x 41cm) lOYR 5/1 ( a) silt cla loam 5-10 13-25 Buried cable 10 25 Mottled lOYR 7/1 (light gray), lOYR 5/1 (gray), and 16°x1G' lOYR 7/8 (yellow) clay 0-20 0-51 B9 (41cm x 41cin) lOYR 5/1 (gray) clay 20-34 51-86 Water table 34 86 lOYR 4/2 (dark gra ish brown) silt loam 0-7 0-18 B10 16°x16" lOYR 6/8 (brownish ellow) cla 7-16 18-41 (41cm x 41cm) lOYR 6/1 (gray) clay with lOYR 4/1 (dark gray) 16-36 41-9 ] mottles l 0YR 4/2 (dark grayish brown) silt loam 0-10 0-25 BI1 16°x16" lOYR 6/1 ( ay) clay 10-17 25-43 (41cm x 41cm) lOYR 6/1 (gray) clay with lOYR 6/8 (brownish 17-36 �}3-91 yellow) ulottles 16"x16" lOYR 4/3 (brown) silt loam 0-5 0-13 C1 7.SYR 5/8 (strong brown) clay loam 5-15 13-38 (41 cm x 41 ciu) lOYR 5/1 ( ra ) cla 15-16 3R-41 I OYR 4/3 (brown) silt loain 0-6 0-15 CZ 16"x16° '7.SYR 5/8 (strang brown) clay loam 6-14 15-36 (41cm x 41cm) ]OYR 5/1 (gray) clay 14-16 36-41 C3 16"x16" lOYR 4/2 (dark ara ish brown) silt loam 0-6 0-15 (41 cm x 41 cm) 7.SYR 5/8 (stron brown) cla loam 6-15 15-38 16"x16" lOYR 4/2 (dark grayish brown) silt loam 0-4 0-10 C4 (41 cm x 41 cm) lOYR 6/6 (brownish yellow) silt loam 4-8 10-20 2.SYR 4/8 (red) clay 8-12 20-31 "NO NATIONAL RF.GISTER ELLGIBLF. OR LISTFD ARCHAEOLOGICAL, SITES PRESF,NT" /orvn for 11ze A»��eradec/ hlinor Tr•an.rportatioi2 Projec[s as Oualified in d/ve 1007 Progrm�a»�atic rlgreen�en�. 60f21 Proj2ct Tracking No.: 14-06-0029 Shovel Average Depths Between Test Pit STP Width/Length Mimsell Color/Texture (STP) Inches cm lOYR 4/3 (bro�m) silt loa��i *2 Woodland Period pottery sherds and 1 rhyolite 0-5 0-13 CS 16"xl6" tertiary flake recovered at --0-10 inch (0-25cm) (41 cm x 41 cm) de th I OYR 6/6 (brownish yeltow) silt loam 5-1 I 13-28 2.SYR4/S (red) clay 11-25 28-64 lOYR 4/3 (brown) silt loam *5 Woodland Period pottery sherds, three quartz 0-2 0-5 Ch 16"x16" tlakes, 1 silicified slate flake, and 1 rhyolite flake (41 cm x 41 cm) recovered at ---0-9 inch (0-23cm) de th lOYR 6/6 (brownisl� yellow) silt loam 2-9 5-23 2.SYR 4/8 (red) clay 9-17 23-43 1 OYR 4/3 (brown) silt loam *2 Woodland Period pottery sherds, two quartz c� 1G'x1G' flakes, and 1 sandstone hammer stone recovered at 0-4 0-10 (41 cm x 41 cm) ---0_4 inch (0-1 Ocm) de th 2.SYR 4/8 (red) clay 4-12 10-31 C,8 Omitted due to presence of roadway, ditch, and marked buried tttilities I OYR 5/3 (brown) silt loam with I OYR 6/8 (brownish 0-13 0-33 16"x16" ellow) mottles (41 cm x 41 cm) 2.SY 6/2 (light brownisl� gray) clay with ] OYR Sl8 � 3-36 33-91 C9 (yellowish brown) mottles 2.5Y 6/2 (light brownisl� gray) silty clay with lOYR Auger Test 5/8 (yellowish brown) and SYR 5/6 (yellowish red) 36-60 91-152 mottles lOYR 5/3 (brown) silt loam with lOYR 6/8 (brownish 0-6 0-15 yellow) inottles 16°xl6" lOYR 6/6 (brownish yellow) clay wit117.5YR 5/8 6-17 15-43 (41cm x 41cin) (strong brown) inottles C10 lOYR 5/1 (gray) clay wit1� lOYR 6/6 (brownisl� � �_34 43-86 ellow) mottles Water table 34 86 2.SY 6/2 (light brownish gray) silty clay with lOYR Auger Test 5/8 (yellowish brown) aild SYR 5/6 (yellowish red) 36-60 91-152 mottles lOYR 5/3 (browil) silt loa�i� 0-8 0-20 16°xl6" lOYR 6/6 (brownish yellow) clay with 7.SYR 5/8 8_25 20-64 (41cin x 41cm) (stron brown) mottles C11 Water table 25-36 64-91 2.5Y 6/2 (light brownisli �ray) silty clay with lOYR Auger Test 5/8 (yellowish brown) and SYR 5/6 (yellowish red) 36-60 91-152 mottles "NO NATIONAL RF.GISTER ELLGIBLF. OR LISTFD ARCHAEOLOGICAL, SITES PRESF,NT" /orvn for 11ze A»��eradec/ hlinor Tr•an.rportatioi2 Projec[s as Oualified in d/ve 1007 Progrm�a»�atic rlgreen�en�. 7of21 Proj2ct Tracki�ag No.: 14-06-0029 Table 2: Artifact Inventory Artifact Artifact Type Artifact Date Range Depth of Location I Amount Recovery Quartz tlalce Undiagnostic 0-8 inohes AS (tertiary flake) � Prehistoric (0-20cm) CS Woodland Period pottery sherd 1 �1000 BC — AD 1600 0-10 inches (Plain Exterior / Plain Interior / coarse quartz temper) (0-25ctt1) Woodland Period pottery sherd CS (Cordmarked or fabic-impressed exterior / Plain 1 �1000 BC — ElD 1600 0-10 lnches Interior / coarse quartz temper) (0-25em) Rhyolite flake Undiagnostic 0-10 inches CS (tertiary flake) 1 Prehistoric (0-25cm) Woodland Period �ottery sherd 0-9 inches C6 (Cordmarked or fabic-impressed exterior/ Plain L�terior 1 �1000 BC — AD 1600 �0-23cm) / coarse quartz temper) Woodland Perioc{ pottery sherd 0-9 incl�es C6 (Cordmarked or fabic-impressed exterior / Burnished 1 �1000 BC — AD 1600 (0-23cm) Interior / coarse uartz temper) C6 Woodland Period pottery sl�erd 3 �1000 BC — AD 1600 0-9 inches (Plain Exterior / Plain Interior / eoarse quarfz femper) (0-23Ctt1) Silicified slate flake Undiagnostic 0-9 inches C6 (tertiary flake) 1 Prehistoric (0-23cm) Rhyolite flake Undia�mostic 0-9 inclies C6 (secondary flake) 1 Prehistoric (0-23cm) C6 Qitartz flake 2 Undiagnostic 0-9 inches (terCiary flake) Prehistoric (0-23em) C6 Q�iartz flake 1 Undiagnostic 0-9 incl�es (secondary flake) Prehistoric (0-23cin) Woodland Perioc{ pottery sherd 0-4 incl�es C7 (Cordui�uked or fabic-impressed exterior / Burnished 1 --1000 BC — AD 1600 �0-lOcnl) Interior / coarse quartz temper) C� Woodland Period pottery sherd 1 �1000 BC — AD 1600 0-4 inches (Plain Exterior / Plain Interior / coarse quartz temper) (0-1 Ocm) C7 Sandstone hainmer stone 1 Undiagnostic 0-4 incl�es Prehistoric (0-lOcm) Quartz flake Undiagnostic 0-4 inches C� (tertiaiyflake) � Prehistoric (0-lOcm) "NO NATIONAL RF.GISTER ELLGIBLF. OR LISTFD ARCHAEOLOGICAL, SITES PRESF.NT" /orvn for 11ze A»��eradec/ hlinor Tr•an.rportatioi2 Projec[s as Oualified in d/ve 1007 Progrm�a»�atic rlgreen�en�. 8 of 2l Project Tracl�ing No.: 14-06-0029 Figz.rre 1: Southwesterly View of �Transect A from the So��athern ROW of �Cornwallis Road. "NO NATfON,9L. RF.G/STF.R EI.IGIBLF. OR LlSTF.D ARCHAF.OLOGICAL, Sl1'ES PRFSF.NT" /orm for tl�ie.4n��ereded hlireor Trunspa�tatioii Projec[a� as Oiialified i�i lhe?007 Progran�n�a[ic.9greenien�. 9 of2L Project Tracl�ing No.: 14-06-0029 _` � , �,w �� , � } . *n.Y ltpl . . , � � 1a`y F ` 7l �� p ..i� �:'� . � � ' �'a.� "` .. '�'� �� , '' - :ti ` .� 4 ��✓ '.I�s � i> /�y �.. i ��.; � �(� `� ,�� � �J � '�`� . �= �. %y .� ,� `Kp �` �.w _ �`�� f � i�'� � j � A r � .I H ��� F ; �? �. � �,_��� � ,� ,,: � R' , j'. „ i� f� y �.. � 4�r . _ �, � ._.: �1 . '+�i I � . � d �, � _ "�v I l �. "n.� : k '._ �„ :;�. F_ 4 '=� � i ii � p�q ,�, � : l i � r � f � d -+�� } - * ..� � ��`-� : +�.� , ��' 5 . 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OR LlSTF.D ARCHAF.OLOGICAL, Sl1'ES PRFSF.NT" /orm for tl�ie.4n��ereded hlireor Trunspa�tatioii Projec[a� as Oiialified i�i lhe?007 Progran�n�a[ic.9greenien�. 10 of 21 Project Tracl�ing No.: 14-06-0029 Figz.rre 3: Southwesterly View of �Transect B f�om the Westef•n ROW of �Olcl Drug Store Road. "NO NATfON,9L. RF.G/STF.R EI.IGIBLF. OR LlSTF.D ARCHAF.OLOGICAL, Sl1'ES PRFSF.NT" /orm for tl�ie.4n��ereded hlireor Trunspa�tatioii Projec[a� as Oiialified i�i lhe?007 Progran�n�a[ic.9greenien�. 11 of21 Project Tracl�ing No.: 14-06-0029 � . � � � �' ;;� � . 5 y }" � � � f� Y�� . k� � �� �£k 3.s� �r3� �J ��.r( a+[���'� �� ��. r_ '� ~"l ±� F . •�,, - �,. a ° �a`� �;�. �����',�'�;.3 � �i �� �, � J .k , .rO� ' ;� 'L �� �k �f � i' s`, r -��' .� -1e"�. � �` � r1 � �r '' 'S� _: � . . . y � � `r � . . �L ; . t ,F �.{F� � . 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"NO NATfON,9L. RF.G/STF.R EI.IGIBLF. OR LlSTF.D ARCHAF.OLOGICAL, Sl1'ES PRFSF.NT" /orm for tl�ie.4n��ereded hlireor Trunspa�tatioii Projec[a� as Oiialified i�i lhe?007 Progran�n�a[ic.9greenien�. 12 of 21 �r �+ t,�, a� 4 #�; ^"• �,�ux� �� �' � a . u . f t * � f ", `��:i° ,� � �_ . Y �>y �'•i i ' .-�. ��'���' '� S�°h�".�' - 7�y �.- r ^i �.1" � � �' � a ! � s Fi-. �� . w L , . * . �''� � ��� � yh �, r "=_ r � � 'z � r 'S �, �7� e �� . �� w 4 �i ��� '.��*�.�. f y Project Tracl�ing No.: 14-06-0029 b !r'!.*R } � M1u'��.N ���r $S,� . �, M'V(i,�: �� .. . . . y.� �'�q�p��,��� f ��- � r� ��'F .��� �fi.i � Pq��"l� �r�� �� "I���, �y�L������,�. ����=� �1�._ + �� F k�. �� �� : _: a a ,�' � "sL k' r � �.' / +-. P,.. — - _ _ _ _ — .� `'aJ ��- �-'Y"` � _ ����� ' � � ��Yy ' . — _ q.fry_.. `�:,V }*' a � .pl �� � A4 4 ! .� �. _ � { � "� � , t � { t 13;n� < - _- — � t � < --»�—..r � „ � , �f �.: ;� �, , � ' � 'r . �` {' � „r"",�, __ G. x r$ f; ��,' 4 `�F . ,,-, s � t � �, ,'�' - ' - r�M�� r t � .t,�. n, :� -� �; w. - l - _'c_�,�' j " _ • ��„ ��.�.`�Y' l d . �'�� �:i - F � . _ -4Y � � F�. .� f �� ., ' . .` . . _ , y'` � 1G /�C� S 1 �r l ' ..._ .ui hr- —0 �1 � ° ti' i'� ���. -r i n � F } � ��� 5t j� �i 4+i_ � �_ � �,� � r a}� B' . � _ �� i T " � � 3 j �.. r� t � � � � V �� '�� , ` ' : �^.�T, 3 � ��J It� � � � `,. .,„ . * . �,.�; rt"n Q� �`� ; pp .�� �;,. C 9a,`. e� 1 � �. y � ��x iF � .r ; 14Y }` - �! i�'%` i j Y �. T = t y � � � � �' i _ • � �i �� � � ,.�' � t t � % ! f:� I �`� 'ti" � �i 1 a �'; %� f � ..�r.�. m 3c+ •k � �' ' `.H ^ x'tj� ,,� t . + .. � �'\ .,�.. . . �1 .< n i _ .. �� r s a a�. rr My ` p T ' � �t � � 1 �+' � Y1P � t '�� r 4 k � v� 'r ? M. .,l, ' ��iw �:ta e 'f �P }K�,� .jF'• r- ,} ,rf.A� � _ . C � t.: r � .�,� -_ ...% �r. - -a:,c �r, f' r. �� w�',r ;ry . �,F: .,w'� ,,.r. ,'��' F. - Figure 5: Northeasterly View of Transect B fro�n the Weste�n ROW of �Old Drug Stor•e Road. "NO NATfON,9L. RF.G/STF.R EI.IGIBLF. OR LlSTF.D ARCHAF.OLOGICAL, Sl1'ES PRFSF.NT" /orm for tl�ie.4n��ereded hlireor Trunspa�tatioii Projec[a� as Oiialified i�i lhe?007 Progran�n�a[ic.9greenien�. 13 of21 Project Tracl�ing No.: 14-06-0029 �;; - j ,r tt . ; ;% I' _ � � �. � � � � ,.,�:. �l,- r R�� ��r - � � _ �, ��� ��.� �.�• �.T��a� . �-� LL.�: ,,.'�f � �''� ��� ��` . , � ; �. �^�'. � . H y +� �`i /� �U I � � � �' � �+��'� � # '`L wr � � �a� " � � � - e - i ��r>�`'F �'� , �. i - : t .�v - j -� � c '�•.'�w �}�: `i � '.... ��q� . ~a �.. �. 'I .N 1�.. _ ���g'� -=G � , . 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'h. � tY y .��a� � h �k�' l r# ..' +r '� t �'+, � °�% �� � ��� t �� �fi �'j . � � ` __, � `. ., ,��g t 1 � r :r .s �4'. . `� 'rW� : � k ! �.2f � . � _ f I��r�d [ � e-r ���„-r �N �e� L k � W-�`�i �i. ,Q � mti. �' l� 1W�y,,.r.� i. . ^ � ��.��e.1.,�A 1 .1. . �,. -.,. t � u�Y r .. 9 .a�"f's4 ii a � t�i R�' � .v. .., � �.� `� f �y �� �'���.�4.� r�z`.. N * ,� 4 `y T � �y ��� A�m Y�� , a � , y .R�p'�+a+ � R R��C -;�i y i k �'�',� _ .�, � �y-.�,..t,� �, J1 ,� 'i vc\� d'>.'HM"� ,. ♦ y.l F �.:�1 u ." o � . ���Y� �t���N.�.�� iS.� � �J s �{�� �-Yb ��-.�A&� �� � � � J.. / 1`� �1�'}� x �.Yi "P .V71. �''d'i?j�,�, # K � ,;�. � Y' � � �`X �� -�-•y,/ � �. �e d „�n < x "� �rr ,y <4 4' i+ _. t �� , +��� � �. �i��3 � r-J f's: �` � �i+ ~ "'°! p 4 .� a g,�. i�i 7 i l. i p µ+,. .. ,� y�+,' �, , w. �.� ,r' ,..:" /.� f �; � ! ..r `, � � Mtm f': iM -�''� ` 6` .. �F y:."' �jk ' . •� �" � . � I r � , s�� � i�, t �� � � h Mi �,r 0 i rT r• �, w . �+ �t�t. r , -.- , . ,,_ . ' � � � ,, ,,`�`' .�_ _ -.,. f .r,� �• , �"` �, �"y �1 , '�i . ° k/i'� €�,.*�.�F ��. .. . . �y . . _. ' �=��•.1 Fi�z.rre 6: Northeastef•ly View of�Transect Cfrom the Ec�sterfa ROW of�Olcl Drug Store Road. "NO NATfON,9L. RF.G/STF.R EI.IGIBLF. OR LlSTF.D ARCHAF.OLOGICAL, Sl1'ES PRFSF.NT" /orm for tl�ie.4n��ereded hlireor Trunspa�tatioii Projec[a� as Oiialified i�i lhe?007 Progran�n�a[ic.9greenien�. 14 of 21 Project Tr�acicirigNo.: 14-06-0029 Figure 7.• Southwestei�ly View of T�ansect C fi�om the Western ROW of Old Drug Stoi�e Road. "NO NATlON,9L. RFGISTF.R El IGIBC.F OR LlSTF.D ARCHAF.OLOGICAL, SlTES PRFSF.NT" forni for d�ie.4m�ereder� hlireor Tr•unspa��atioii Projec(s ces Oualified i�i (he ?007 Progran�rna�ic Agreernen�. 15 of21 Project Tracl�ing No.: 14-06-0029 Figz.rre 8: Southwesterly View of �Transect C fi�om the Eastern ROW of �Old Df�ug Store Road. "NO NATfON,9L. RF.G/STF.R EI.IGIBLF. OR LlSTF.D ARCHAF.OLOGICAL, Sl1'ES PRFSF.NT" /orm for tl�ie.4n��ereded hlireor Trunspa�tatioii Projec[a� as Oiialified i�i lhe?007 Progran�n�a[ic.9greenien�. 16 of21 Project Tracking No.: 14-06-0029 Figz.rre 9: Northwesterly View of�31JT490. "NO NATfON,9L. RF.G/STF.R EI.IGIBLF. OR LlSTF.D ARCHAF.OLOGICAL, Sl1'ES PRFSF.NT" /orm for tl�ie.4n��ereded hlireor Trunspa�tatioii Projec[a� as Oiialified i�i lhe?007 Progran�n�a[ic.9greenien�. 17 of21 Project Tracl�ing No.: 14-06-0029 Fi�z.rre 10: Soutlzwesterly View of �31.IT490. "NO NATfON,9L. RF.G/STF.R EI.IGIBLF. OR LlSTF.D ARCHAF.OLOGICAL, Sl1'ES PRFSF.NT" /orm for tl�ie.4n��ereded hlireor Trunspa�tatioii Projec[a� as Oiialified i�i lhe?007 Progran�n�a[ic.9greenien�. ix ofzl �:. Fig�are 11: Viel-v of Pr�el�istoric Potter�.� fi�or�� 31.IT�90. � • � • � Project Tracl�ing No.: 14-06-0029 Fiaure 12: View of Prel�isto��ic Lithics fi�om 31JT490. "NO NATfON,9L. RF.G/STF.R EI.IGIBLF. OR LlSTF.D ARCHAF.OLOGICAL, Sl1'ES PRFSF.NT" /orm for tl�ie.4n��ereded hlireor Trunspa�tatioii Projec[a� as Oiialified i�i lhe?007 Progran�n�a[ic.9greenien�. 19 of21 �... �^ ��L �r - ,��j� Y.�, ,y: � �� . sR'-� - r - � . . f. / , . .� � �� � ` �`� �. : - . , `` �t R . - � _ . ' 'jl. �: .T , • ' 1 _ . . . `� � . . _ ' ■ - '1 ! ' � 1 j ' r S �a • i�� � N��' �- .. l `' " '�� � �'a .�;' �! � _'p- ` .3- • '�'t i . f � � �` .. [ Y � �T 4i a ��y �-�` � + " a ''� �Nti� � ' . -� �. L r � . F - ��A I�•�# 'i� r ' . � ''� � i �� � a.� �� � } ,�r� '� �. � �� y�,} ���. fi � .y : ��� pr�,• fi' � , � . � �`� - ; '��� �$,� . }^_ � �� ���.'� - `� M • � � �a.�. r � �r i� •. . i V r ; �' 9 � T-LI� - �4-� � 7 � _ _ � � � . - � ;,r � � f � , �� .� _ . � ? ;��' . . - _. . 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