HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071823 Ver 1_Email_20080214Action ID# 1993-01941 -- Request for Public Hearing Regarding NCDOT TIP R-2502 From Marsh Smith [marsh@marshsmithlaw com] Date Feb 14, 2008 16 38 To <emily r burton@usace army and>, <nchard k spencer@usace army mil> "Sally Jones"<sallyjones@tnad rr com>, "Joe Cc McDonald"<joemc@mindspring com>, "Jean Gleason"<jean@marshsmithlaw com>, <hzerof@carolina rr com> Subject Action ID# 1998-01941 -- Request for Public Hearing Regarding NCDOT TIP R-2502 Attachments NLetter #1, Comment Letter to USACE pdf (117 KB) Ms Burton and Mr Spencer Page 1 of 1 Please accept the attach comment letter and request for a public hearing regarding the above project (Action ID# 1998-01941) Thank you Marsh Smith https //webmail ncmail net/cp/ps/MailNiewMsgController?d=ncmail net&contentSeed=3 10/14/2008 Comments on NCDOT TIP Project R-2502 in Richmond County From Marsh Smith [marsh@marshsmithlaw com] Date Feb 14, 2008 16 51 To <Ian McMillan@ncmail net>, <Cyndi Karoly@ncmad net> "Jean Gleason"<jean@marshsmithlaw com>, "Jean Cc Gleason"yean@marshsmithlaw com>, "Sally Jones"<sallyjones@trnad rr com>, <hzerof@carolina rr com> Subject Comments on NCDOT TIP Project R-2502 in Richmond County Attachments ElAction ID# 1998-01941 -- Request for Public Hearing Regarding NCDOT TIP R-2502 Ms Karoly and Mr McMillan Page 1 of 1 ¦ Add Contacts ¦ Create Group ¦ Filter Junk Mail ¦ Show All Headers ¦ Print View Please accept the attached comments that I sent to USACE as comments on the 401 Water Quality Certificate application for the above project Close Window https //webmail ncmail net/cp/ps/MailNiewMsgController?d=ncmail net&bid=null_0&u 10/14/2008 z-? ?/ / E3,2 3 Law Office of Marsh Smith, P.A. Physical Address 255 West New York Avenue, Southern Pines, NC 28387 Mailing Address: PO Box 1075, Southern Pines, NC 28388-1075 Phone (910) 695-0800 / Fax (910) 695-0903 E-mail marsh@marshsmithlaw coin 14 February 2008 Via Facsimile (910-251- 4025) and First Class Mail Mr Richard K Spencer Wilmington Regulatory Field Office P O Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 Re TIP Project No R-2502, Section 404 Permit Application Action 1D# 1998-01941, Construction of US1 in Richmond Co from SR 1001 (Marston Road) to Mooie Co Dear Mr. Spencer On behalf on the North Caiolina Alliance for Transportation Reform, Inc , Dr Herbert Zerof and myself, I request that a public hearing occur with regard to the above referenced permit application In support of this request, I offer the following particulars • R-2502 has been improperly segmented from NCDOT's long-standing plans to enlarge US 1 to a 4-lane facility across the breadth of Richmond County, from Drowning Creek in the north end of Richmond County to the South Carolina line (see attached letter from NCDOT Secretary Garland Garrett before the segmentation occurred), • The federal environmental impact statement for the southern segment of the US 1 4-laning (TIP # R-2501) across the breadth of Richmond County remains incomplete (the last document offered for public comment was the supplemental DEIS, • NCDOT's state EA for the segment presently requiring a permit (R-2502) was published for comment solicitation in the year 2000 and, since that time, the principal peak load traffic generator - the Rockingham Speedway - has closed, calling into question the need for the pioj ect at all, • NCDOT's state EA for R-2502 offeied no analysis of the secondary impacts to wetlands from the "sprawl" that the presence of a 4-lane highway induces, and sprawl typically has impacts on wetlands ranging from direct destruction to non-point source pollution and reductions in groundwater inflow to wetlands due to loss of recharge caused by impervious surfaces, groundwater wrthdiawals, compression of upgradient soils, etc, • R-2502's direct impacts to public recreation land comprising Sandhills Gameland, including high quality wetlands associated with Drowning Creek, and other conservation holdings, including over 50 acres of wetlands held by the Sandhills Area Land Trust, Inc adjacent to Drowning Creek, and • Since global warming has significant impacts on wetlands and since well documented research shows that increases in highway lane-miles inevitably leads to additional vehicle miles traveled, the iecent U S Supreme Court opinion in Massachusetts v. EPA requires USACE to consider the additional greenhouse gas releases caused by R-2502 in deciding whether to issue a section 404 permit Foi all of these reasons, T strongly urge USACE to hold a public hearing on the Section 404 Perintt tcqucst from NCDOT Thank you Sincerely, j Marsh Smith Enclosure 6 27 1996 letter MI Maisti Smith June 27, 1996 Page 2 J I ank you arain nor your mteiest in this important highway project Siacer?ly, t- Gnrland R Garrett Jr __- GBG1hfv cc Mary Hayes Ho ' Isabello Thomas b , r Ted Bisterfeld, I Don Voelker, F SIAII a NORiii CAROIINA RodneyE Slate David Cox, N ( DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORrArioN John Doiney,N Jn.tl b llt,Ni 11, VO ROX )s>or 1-11 R.11 N, i .)01 Gu.r,tnr> 13 (.Altfti l I )I, H FianhlmViel c„\ nN,n ))kIIIki+ June 27, 1996 Mr Marsh Smith Cunningham Desmond, Petersen and Smith, 1 L P Attorneys and Counselors at Law Post Office Bo- 1468 Southern Pines, North Carolina 28388 Dear M- Smith Thank you foi your recent letter regal ding improvements to US i in Moore and Lee Counties (FJ.P Project No R-210) , The Department of Transportation followed all requited procedures in tl,e formulation of the Draft Lnvironmentai Impact Statement (DEIS), the Final Envy onmental Impact Statement (FE113), and the Record of Decision (ROD) for the R-210 project We have coordinated every stage of this project with the Federal Highway Administration using their guidelines for the p,eparat,on of envnonmental documents As I have stated in earliet conespondence, the Department is mandated by the Highway Frust Fund Act of 1989 to four-lane existing US 1 from the Virginia state line to the Soutn Carolina state line Mrs entire section of US 1 currently has multi-lanes of is under constniet,on except for two piojects the 11-210 project and the R-2501 project in Richmond County As far as the logical ter mint for this project is concerned an EIS foi the entire US I corridor is not required We stand by our decision to proceed with this project and believe that it will improve the transoortation needs of Moore and Lee Counties in the ftifUle P1I0?,L t91037„ W0 rV\ ,,,,.0;„91;0