HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170986 Ver 1_Historic/Prehistoric Information_20170808Pr•oject Tracking No.: 14-11-0016 NO NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES �Y��" ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES , +, c �<l � ti�i..k�,. e�j..,,� � � �� � � ''; u � �G,�; � �r ,� �� PRESENT OR AFFECTED FORM �-� �� :a, .� ��" �'' This form onl ertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this ro'ect. It is not `� �°� �% 6�; Q=�j, valid for Hi toric Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult sepa ately with the ���J ''. ��' Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No. WBS No Str# 790236 17BP.9.R.61 County: Document: Rowan Minimum Criteria Sheet or PCE F.A. No: N/A Funding: � State ❑ Federal Federal Permit Required? � Yes ❑ No Permit Type: NWP 3 or NWP 14 Pvoject Description: This project is an intensive archaeological survey and evaluation for the replacement of Bridge No. 236 on SR 1221 (Bostian Road) over an unnamed tributary of Cold Water Creek in Rowan County. As defined by the NCDOT, the Area of Potential Effects (APE) for archaeology measures approximately 300 feet (91.44 in) from either end of Bridge No. 236. The corridor is approxiinately 1 SO feet (45. 72 m) wide, extending 75 feet (22.86 m) on each side of�SR 1221 frorn its present centerline. SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDINGS The North Carolina Department of Tr�ansportation (NCDOT) Archaeology Group reviewed the subject project and determined: � There are no National Register listed ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES within the project's area of potential effects. ❑ No subsurface archaeological investigations are required for this project. � Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. ❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible for the National Register. ❑ All identified archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a) has been completed for this project. � There are no National Register Eligible or Listed ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES present or affected by this project. (Attach any notes or documents as needec� NO NATIONAL RF,GISTF,R ELIG[BLF. OR L]STFD ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITF,S PRF.SF.NT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Traraspor�takion Projects as Quulifred iiz the 2007 Programmafic Agreement. i of ] 3 Pr•oject Traching No.: 14-11-0016 RECOMMENDATION An archaeological survey and evaluation of the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 236 on SR 1221 (Bostian Road) over an unnamed tributary of Cold Water Creek in Rowan County was conducted on February 6, 20] 5, by Terri Russ and Laurie Griesmer of Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI). As a result of the investigations, no archaeological sites were located within the project's APE. No further archaeological investigations are needed for this project. I concur with this recommendation as the proposed bridge replacement project will not impact significant archaeological resources. If the project expands and impacts subsurface areas beyond the defined APE, further archaeological consultations will be necessary. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: � Map(s) Other: Signed: ❑ Previous Survey Info � Photos ����� C. Damon Jones NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST ❑Correspondence 2/23/15 Date NO NAT[ONAL RF,GISTF,R F,LICIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITF,S PRESFNT OR AFFECTF,D" form Jor� Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the �007 Progr�ammatic Agreement. 2of13 Pr•oject Traching No.: 14-11-0016 Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: ESI conducted an intensive archaeological survey for the replacement of Bridge No. 236 over an unnamed tributary of Cold Water Creek on SR 1221 (Bostian Road) in China Grove, Rowan County, North Carolina (Figures 1 and 2). As defined by the NCDOT, the survey area (Area of Potential Effects [APE]) for archaeology measures approximately 300 feet (91.44 m) from either end of Bridge No. 236. The corridor is approximately 150 feet (45.72 m) wide, extending 75 feet (22.86 m) on each side of SR 1221 from its present centerline. A map review and site file search conducted by NCDOT on 1 December 2014 revealed that no previously recarded archaeological sites have been identified within the APE. Four previously recorded archaeological sites (31 RW253-31 RW256) are recorded within one mile of the APE. These sites were recorded in 2014 by Coastal Carolina Research for the proposed relocation of Old Beatty Ford Road. None of the evaluated portions of the sites (within the project's APE) were recommended eligible for the National Register. A search of the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office online database (HPOWEB GIS Service) revealed no previously recorded historic architectural resources within the APE that have the potential to yield intact archaeological deposits. Topographic maps, aerial photography, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) soil survey maps, and historic maps were examined for information on natural or cultural factors that might have affected site location or preservation. The 1893 USGS topographic map for Statesville shows a road crossing near the current bridge. The c. 1910 Rural Delivery Routes map shows what appears to be the current road alignment and crossing. The 1914 Soil Survey map for Rowan County also shows a road or crossing in the vicinity of the current bridge. Later maps, including the 1938 and 1953 Rowan County Highway maps, show no apparent changes to the road alignment or bridge. The APE largely consists of wooded areas with some recent disturbance from residential construction. Oriented roughly North-South, Bridge No. 236 and Bostian Road cross the unnamed stream, which drains southeast into Cold Water Creek within the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin. Map units (soil series) are named for the major soil or soils within the unit, but may have minor inclusions of other soils (NRCS 2013). The soil units mapped within the APE are listed in Table 1. The majority of the APE is composed of Wynott-Enon complex soils (WtB and WtC), with Enon fine sandy loam (EnB) present in a small portion of the northwestern quadrant of the APE. The Wynott-Enon complex consists of soils with a well drained sandy loam A and E horizon over clay subsoil. These soils are typically encountered along interfluves (WtB; 2-8% slopes) and hillslopes on ridges (WtC; 8—1 5% slopes). Enon fine sandy loam (EnB; 8-15% slopes) is also a well drained soil series encountered on interfluves. Table 1: Project Area Soils Soil Name Code Slope Drainage Landform Enon fine sandy loam EnB 2-8% Well Interfluves Wynott-Enon complex WtB 2-8% Well Interfluves Wynott-Enon complex WtC 8-15% Well Hillslopes on Ridges The current archaeological investigation included pedestrian (visual) inspection and shovel testing within the APE. Photographs of the project area are shown as Figures 3-13. A systematic visual inspection of the APE was undertaken to search for surface artifacts, above-ground structural remnants, or other signs of cultural activity. Surface visibility was generally poor due to ground cover and existing vegetation. The northwestern quadrant and southwestern quadrants of the APE are NO NAT[ONAL RF,GISTF,X F,LICIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITF,S PRESFNT OR AFFF,CTF,D " form Jor� Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the �007 Progr�ammatic Agreement. 3of13 Pr•oject Traching No.: 14-11-0016 wooded. The remnants of an old roadbed running roughly parallel to Bostian Road are located adjaceni to ar just inside the APE. Near the stream crossing, the old road bed is slightly elevated; and treated wooden support timbers, concrete beam fragments, and gavel were noted in the southwestern quadrant of the APE. Aerial phoiographs (Figures 11 and 12) show the location of the old road, which likely represents a former alignment of Bostian Road. The bridge was likely demolished and the road re-aligned in ] 963 when the current bridge was constructed. The northeastern quadrant of the APE was largely disturbed by grading and residential construction. Red clay was visible through grass cover. The southeastern quadrant of the APE consists of an overgrown area. Large pushpiles of soil were noted in this portion of the APE. Aerial photographs from 2008 and 2010 indicate that this area was used as a borrow pit and/or fill dump. A total of 10 shovel tests were excavated within the APE (see Figure 2 for shovel test locations). Three shovel tests (Shovel Tests [STs] 134-136) were excavated within the northwestern quadrant of the APE. All three shovel tests encountered evidence of disturbance, likely related to the old road bed. Soils in this portion of the APE consisted of 30 to 35 centimeters of olive brown loamy sand and gravel over olive yellow sandy clay or strong brown sandy clay. One shovel test was excavated in the northeastern quadrant of the APE (ST 137). This shovel test encountered disturbed compact red clay and gravel. The remainder of this portion of the APE consisted of a landscaped residential yard; no shovel tests were excavated in this area. STs 138-140 were excavated within the southeastern quadrant of the APE. Red clay was encountered at around 15 centimeters below surface in STs 138 and 139. ST 140 encoimtered a compact bed of gravel (possibly a former driveway or parking area), later revealed to be located just outside of the APE boundaries. Large pushpiles of soil confrmed the former borrow pit activities suggested by the aerial photographs. STs 141-143 were excavated in the southwestern quadrant of the APE. All three shovel tests encountered disturbed soils and/or gravel, likely related to the old road bed. Concrete structural remnants and large treated wood posts were noted in this portion of the project area (see Figure 13). The wooden posts were nearly identical to those observed at other bridge sites visited during the investigations, and likely represent the structural remnants of the former bridge, replaced in 1963 by the current bridge. Shovel tests measured 30 centimeters in diameter and were excavated to sterile subsoil or the water table. All soils were excavated by natural levels (soil strata) and screened through a 0.25-inch hardware mesh. No artifacts were recovered from any of the shovel tests. Based on the results of the background research and field investigations, no NRHP eligible archaeological resources are located within the APE for Bridge No. 236 in Rowan County. It is recommended that this project be allowed to proceed without concern for impacts to significant cultural resources. Should the boundary of the proposed APE be expanded or moved, additional archaeological investigations may be necessary, as determined in consultation with the NCDOT and/or SHPO per the Programmatic Agreement. .ii�Gy�'��l�u�� Terri Russ Senior Archaeology Manager Environmental Services, Inc. NO NAT[ONAL RF,GISTF,R F,LICIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITF,S PRESFNT OR AFFECTF,D" form Jor� Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the �007 Progr�ammatic Agreement. 4of13 Pr•oject Traching No.: 14-11-0016 REFERENCES CITED National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) 2013 Rowan County Soil Survey. Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture Web Soil Survey. Tabular Data (2014); Spatial Data (2013). http://websoilsurve_y.nres.usda.�ov/ accessed January 26, 2015. North Carolina State Highway Commission 1938 North Carolina County Road Survey of Rowan County. On file, North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh. http://dc.lib.unc.edu/cdm/singleitem/collection/ncmaps/id/1699/rec/21 accessed 29 January 2015. 1953 North Carolina County Road Survey of Rowan County. On file, North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh. http://dc.lib.unc.edu/cdm/compoundobject/collecrion/ncmaps/id/8023/rec/24 accessed 29 January 2015. U.S. Bureau of Soils: North Carolina Department of Agriculture 1914 Soil Map, North Carolina, Rowan County Sheet. On file, North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh. http://dclib.unc.edu/cdm/singleitem/collection/ncmaps/id/284/rec/16 accessed 29 January 2015. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 1970 China Grove, N.C., 7.5-minute topographic map, photorevised 1987 (1:24,000). U.S. Post Office Department 1910 Rural Delivery Routes, Rowan County, North Carolina (c.1910). On file, Nortb Carolina State Archives, Raleigh. htt�p://dc.lib.unc.edu/cdm/sin�leitem/collection/ncma�s/id/938/rec/13 accessed 29 January 2015. 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ST1b40 � i i � � ' r,` �p �,t �. '�. � , t �i; � �tr � �� �� #' � .r i'� � �' � a'�R � � j,r• - � 's$- �, yt�• �-� 3; �'%'�k ".��:.y +L.w'� -.. 4 ' � . t._ - ) 1, F �r�,�, ��I Project �oundary (APE) a � � ,,! « � � Shovel Test �.E 1�� ` ''� �,� � " : Positive Shovel Test (Subsurface} � `� � � � Positive Shovel Test (Surface) ..��' � ,�I��^'� � 6 5a 100 �A��• � � I I 1 � . � � j, �,�--� � . I'eeC . � i � Snurce: Nigh ResaluUon fWC StalewiUe Or�hoimagery, � � C'CIA 2q1p Projert Bountl�ry p o ided by NCDOL - � � _ � �� �'��!.I� �� � � � Fieltlwonk 6y ESI. . . ! � n' I e Th �' 7 F tl p [ 0 �h fg �' E �d' „ j� y�'+� _ . a��onalp p- lya tl �ip p tll r,analsnd •j�'� '" {� �uta6le Irn Icyzl n nqnccrng p p� � . \ � ET��;:� �;� � - - Figure 2. Bridge No. 236 showing APE and Shovel Test Locations. NO NAT[ONAL RF,GISTF,R F,LICIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITF,S PRESFNT OR AFFECTF,D" form Jor� Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the �007 Progr�ammatic Agreement. 7of13 Pr•oject Traching No.: 14-11-0016 Figure 3. View of Northwestern Quadrant of APE, facing South. �F , �� � � $°� � � _ ,�.� . - ���� �`' �� � ��� _�- � �� �: r��'� _ '�."'" --,.. .. .~ ' � ,...Q:.w �.... y-.�: ,� _ _ ' . � 3 ��.n K��� . � � '���a � 7 `ti.`' ��� . ' ' . � � ��ti '- + � � � ..�g�, . . y : i� '4, y� � � .' � �- a s �, wy ''�s �'+, _t.. i',� a��i . ;� r � ���.�, '/} o =}y� z _ � hF ._'�w � . ..1 • � � � '�.�-F �b.. �ti'k ' .. � ._ � . . ,�'��' �'��',� � g ,, x , � .� ,� ,,,, .F v.'r.�! t ... 'bay � , t 4 �a ' w R s�� 'a 2+ z _.r .. t =.i" � �, ," ' � �* rn M �'. .1't^. ^ � ." t ' 3 i � �:� '` ' t + ; *,, � � � tx i x � ,�+ Y�. ..'�' a > .' 4 .7a'��'6..��4,� . �- +. s �. �:� � � ��, ;, .� �ti 7 al' .� LA �„ �,�.Y� � tf„ r • iW :. w �"" -�� i � � � _ � :{ ,� . � �r � ��-, 4 ar :�j,a ,� ' �� �- a- � �,�' �l" f �/,� �X a`i. iz�,.'.i�^4F'V1''"^ ��y' � t; �`l.ats.l4€ �M1.`�.� , r y '�' �3� �£�su�,.� u�+ ; qa"''�.-te �7+Lm �� M e. T :7 �' � ��.�'�$'ar;`_'.�'[S ...�.�}`�� Figure 4. View of Northeastern Quadrant of APE, facing North. NO NAT[ONAL RF,GISTF,R F,LICIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITF,S PRESFNT OR AFFECTF,D" form Jor� Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the �007 Progr�ammatic Agreement. 8of13 Pr•oject Traching No.: 14-11-0016 Figure 5. View of Southeastern quadrant of APE, facing South. Figure 6. View of Southwestern quadrant of APE, facing North. NO NAT[ONAL RF,GISTF,R F,LICIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITF,S PRESFNT OR AFFECTF,D" form Jor� Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the �007 Progr�ammatic Agreement. 9of13 Pr•oject Traching No.: 14-11-0016 � - r�lf§-. .. �" � '�r ��. � 1 � � d i 7 y ' .. i i � �� � `iY: '� c �rn�: r i�� 9r� � i `� � � I,j �������i� 1 �� � '�'� � . � 3 ��Al%, C � �� � . � ��; e.� � _ � a.w.�r -� ,� • � �� `�'� Icy'iie� � � �..� � � � � ( . � �r .�� �` � k�'� t 3 � � �if I s J �1��� ",�, ii � F rr�¢ � a :l� �, �i "�_rtr�'� ! `�'"�,'^' y�^����`�� ��` � � i � � � p_ 9 �'�a � l�.� � 7, • r :-�, � tr � �- "� t� �� • @ 71�"n '\ � �;f � , �� -� � oi � f �.� � � �1. : y � I 1 ' � � �� �' e ^ ...�j�i �� � P��, .1�� � '`''�'.1�"�+G, i�'����� i It ������T,�� ,.'&�. . � n 1 F �' S � ' 3".�it.� �s .� I, `.3 ! ...,1:�1 � ,. ��� � t�*{�I 1 � �F I � ; � � ��^ , � ��� ! � 4 i0 � t .. �d� w i ,. �n� ,.,E. �� 10 . 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View of Bridge No. 236, facing Southwest. � � =�` �s� � _ �,,� ,�_� , �, '' '' r }� r 1� a� ��� i.. ��,�� �, . ` �� '.:t `� ` t/ �'�"`�S ,r� � y��,�i � �.Y � ' � � �� -� � , � � ��, � ,�` ,a,u�-� � � t t,� � x��'i'.�e r, �3�` "�� µ�,��+ � � � i�� � �� � � � � a j j � ° 4fi ;�^�� �p �"�'�I �' �` 1' � � � r � �,'�a� ' , � #' . 4k 1 I �I� . r 4 �.g , . � ��+�t� V � �,. ,��� ,, 't .. L� I ��n �tl' � i +a - i [f ii : : 1 ����� �'�,�,��y �m.a v � -s 33i )l ea. 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N'� �i. �4`�' .Y . �:rr. �'.�' � ''�w "�' Figure 8. View of Pushpile of Soil in Southeastern Quadrant of APE, facing North. NO NAT[ONAL RF,GISTF,R F,LICIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITF,S PRESFNT OR AFFECTF,D" form Jor� Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the �007 Progr�ammatic Agreement. 10 of 13 Pr•oject Traching No.: 14-11-0016 Figure 9. View of Old Roadbed adjacent to the Northwestern Quadrant of APE, facing South. � � , �; „ � Q � � '" � � , ,r� � ' 4 . � f ��� d e 4.,:��� ��.. i f � —€: --P ti ° r �'� "r y�i; ,%.���i�u� ° � 'ttr �s � ;�� �� ��} .�,� � � . ' �. � b f'� �`. ,T _ �,.� ' �� k ✓ � } ' i � F'. .t y� b � Y �-e'"a`r` 4, � a't�� � �.� ��" r�43°� 7� i ,���"".�:�5: y�, � , �� n 7 � � �h,' $� �a,+ I t I �' % i - d,,.� �� 7 � .� � r •�4:� E ' ,�� � ' ��,�'� � �'���'� �k �' � ��: r '� � , ,,;f �, � _ �z�� � nh�:��� � ,^` fl ;��� r� �+����� a. � �� ''� � "" `" �i' + � r �`� �� '� ��;� � , r �� . r N � �� � -z �,.� , � � ,y, r� s'� ' e .ac � �a - .� . • � � K �� � �;f P�� �' � ���.� �' �` ( . �,y r M � ��' t u .�t �� � � � .' � r � � .-, � � t yr .:.r ,�`� ". �f n �Y`^b�' ' � ra R :.y�, ,�i� � .. �r - � 1. R `�l�'' � A' `„ c � � ��" i�" o � _ .i �y � �z° r ,1�A e � �� ' �s z � � ` 4R �r�.`���y { �> ��`�, �" v � ' ' ,�' ` ; u �� �, ,� � ; , � r-' , �� . a 't: . NF-{+ fr�t�" � g�4"k'+.y?..ttl R 4 Wu�i.l ;. �.~ �y' �' �:'� .�r�Tl�t� �� tx} 5 ��f. � � 4s �� � �� . ` � �`��a �0ei' , °p+� �''�}' ��,�; r�; - '� �'; ""* { { � , � e d � �^. � � �� k. � � � � � 4 0 �' � :` �S'i`.° � a.x r. `-�,�t�°����,�,� � ��.k'�Ri,��°�'( "�.1�1. ��,�?,`� r 4 :Ik , � i.�' t �p�' Y t � r.. J ! .. ," �,y� �S RRS '•r x .f�� ��� ., �Xt s �„F .. f`�.yw, � 4 - �:� �.�;-� �,- � . � „�, *;§, 1� � �k,� 4. � *s � �. ,� � ' .. i �a }+ y� 16#�; 4 " i'.. ',4 .. + + y�y P l `'� ri • : � � 'G. -'�rFr �,t �; � � "�'Y �� � `"1 'w� hh��"�*� � ��f �� � � � � � � � ,� re' � .� y � "�e� ',� t `B . � ir� � " p. �'. , _, �s h r� �`4� �" � 'W '^ � � +c Y "Ts . . �^ Y": , � � ..+i� �' � �'i��'� ;• � `� w �. a� �. �e �4%,� �.�yt ��, .�,ry _ ., a�.`�.,Y:�h�'�'":�1+►: �' h � �- "��- � �r. �-;��� . � . Figure 10. View of Old Roadbed/Creek Crossing adjacent to the Northwestern Quadrant of APE, facing North. NO NAT[ONAL RF,GISTF,R F,LICIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITF,S PRESFNT OR AFFECTF,D" form Jor� Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the �007 Progr�ammatic Agreement. l] of13 Pr•oject Traching No.: 14-11-0016 �� - - � � � �-� '�r� s �-. �,� • � , , � ��'' �' ; � i� •���,� . � . _ � .. �: � , ,- � ' . � �, � •�. ���� �' f � '! ' � ' ' : ���� �'"-t t i � f `� �+ • , r � � '1 .+I� � �. '7�'�� !� �'. , !�y� p� '� - � � �7 � � J� �'� . .�� - �.� 1 � ��` � ��,��� ,� : -, �. . , : � .. ��,�. �.�_'� �'��;'�. , ���, x:�. - - ' �:�,, ,�� '; r� : � ,���-�.� . , ��,.� � � , f : � �� - �- a� ;�., � � -� � . � � � l ! � � �'�4, ,••' � ' r li � � r'' � - � J�: i�' }� `` * d 4 ♦. 4 _fe - ' ' + 'f � 1i . .r, r : �.r � - Y f , .�/.: ' r � —_ ' .« • . , i.� t � �� �-'-" � ' �'' �' � s �� �,i, � �� '�.r � v r 1 r�� ;� ���. • �, � � , � � �. �1�. � � , . � � �' � � � f � �`� +� ti ��• � , '�'�=,'+�. i. �s � ' ' " '` � � r�,?-� '� •' l�j; � , ` f; :,�`�*�•., �: �1 ��• r /, , �.'� � :� �, # ; �+'� ? 'h► - . ryta,an.w . Ax�,�ln � � :��►'� •i -� r�:.�±'�`'�"'� , � r � , � Figure 11. 1998 Aerial Photograph Showing Old Roadbed in Western Portion of' APE. S' �� . ` a� _ � � I ������ � I Y�' ,. ` _;.i. � +� . x . y. ,YS' s : - �. - . r - � ` ''` 4 . t �a �' �,�-.\� _,�� �~"'T.'M.. , - ' <d��'" � f'f � �'-. :..�-,�: � y � �'l�u-''#� "�'� w..4rz` '�� . x ,. � � � w � ,` v �+c l� :� � '.�-�I k ;, 'x� t L �� ~ �� ,.,,,� r�*+ �;.�,� r� � p� Rs'- y =" r.�y,ykt �C. ' v�� �' f�a. .. � S. '�. � -Y, : ' " �?.(�' :t.E(`��C . � � ' i` . � � � ��. ��t0 . _ S., `; �' - .<.µ.. y ��� - -J• �.�'.'t-�. .'`�''�'s-�'V9��:' _< � x�3� - yr'.r, �"^ � '�. .�'y Y 4 f p ���'�1'',�-�. ,. •'' :: �.�, til -� � � 4 ;: � F ' a �� '":f "� � `7` ��. . �,, - � � � , _ � �' � . �. '�Y _ �. {�� !!d i . � A . �.... - _. ' � ��F.` �r��,. � � �"• � ' � r , a�'+�L_. ,X.,� � - '" ' �'f*r.�, � b.:` .+. f t f � ��- � ' � � ,�; ' � � .Y,t� �A �� i '�-, �� ii. � � �. ' ,VI �'� l� S * Figure 12. 2013 Aerial Photograph Showing Old Roadbed in Western Portion of APE. NO NATIONAL RF,GISTF,R ELIG[BLF. OR L]STFD ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITF,S PRF.SF.NT OR AFFECTED" form for Minor Traraspor�takion Projects as Qualifred iiz the 2007 Programmafic Agreement. l2 of 13 Pr•oject Traching No.: 14-11-0016 �- — i �� � �� � � -� y � �� �_ � ` �"`� � � � i P �� r� '� �r� � � i ; � � �f z � i`��? � FlcvatcdRoadbed �"� ���`` `�'�-� � `� � Treated Wood Timbers �r, �� rt (at sh�eam crossing) �� � 1 _ and concretc r � � � � � , , _ �� (from formcr bridge) � t ` � �,r� �q"�-. �1�� � � � � � r" � �'^`� �� � '�s. ..� �!��� . x,..� . . �� �i A&;�:� � �y t � �..izi '�� �: � Ni � t � � � , �� 1 �; �� � k , l 3 j �� N4( { �u�i�'�`'�� �� .. f ~ i"�y"'.'' A3' P` � � .. �� 1 a =,. � �Q f� f }I�"� �_��+" .aT' :"y +�'ii� � 4� . � � � ��� � _ y� J ,,, y ♦ . �;� . , _ � -�-� �� .- �fS� f& �f � � �p.f' � , fxv►.. �� �k . . '' g Y k �r'� ` �1� : � � .*J a � 3 q R���: ` S�"y � -: s�''Ik r�+�ss r i� t t.� sz � , _``� � � ��, a' �`� � �� �� ` . l ,. �+Fix.. r �y � � ' "'r `�s �� !i -y� G `� `� •�y �'� � ,_y- �> r ��s .. � , 4t . ., . 1 S i t � ��, � � � w ,� "► , r a �,, - „, r� ,; � . �. � .y. � a., ,r W � �4 .:� 1 a"t'§ n i� � � �� � � � f � �r, :A . � s �° � �r s:� �`*rss- � .,i ,s,y � . , � �'-�� � � ,.s- '� �'. � � `'# �+-- `''� j,�°�' �af� a�g. ,`, �vka d�.6`�"�'.�3,+.e�r a �,�a� �`�y�`` , ..' ..�� � �-, t-4 1/ `J'FT ", .P � M j u�i' 1' ;,'S J�� £' �'Ml I��T b }� ;' F �� .:� f � N . "R �' '_ ''?" �3 , '� S'. . * , = i � r i� ,� µ4 � tr ei yz„ +rF G4" R. R 1�,� �* � �'� i� *�'��.. n,�, ��� Yu{�+.L�+� ,�� ..�v � � �:?�w F��'`-��ka�k�+'�.q h `.�+� �. Y"� �� • '�, f 1� y j-Y � �_��, : i f ��P� ' 3 d'.'J N,, � t � �- .j'`�" ..r '� � � `� 1 S V' � � $ R ; Fn'ti `e :R � 'Y ,,� S3• �S ;`. `�.'►s�� i y:� r � .� 4r a�': rl T` -,t� +# -i.. �.t y sf �� ��R� fi,.'�Y�..���•�'"`�� ��� 4'J�}�"✓'� � IF?b � A?'� .4 � r Y4 �I�P�' I�M9 � t �� ��`� ,_._ � �e , i ,�,. t .. � �'' .� �ra�t +i+,J�.w,, � �� y �^ � �k � '.�,a. `'�.•-i .r t,'.�t[+ ��.a1. .,:d i,��; ,.o.j, r � ,F- , a 1 i, s s`.y. �:.y � ; {"/�� .13'� �k�`` '`. _ ..a,v'. �r ,� �"✓.i � � •- /'4�`� $ } '�;, <' �,r`� . � �� °L�" =. . '�,� 4�;, � �� , yt i, rL ^".�F �,� , ti�,�� � "A-��Y4 �A6!.?., r„a,ai' .�r-d .� � <.�'�.`y. � � '+ Figure 13. View of Old Roadbed/Creek Crossing in Southwestern Quadrant of APE, facing North. NO NAT[ONAL RF,GISTF,R F,LICIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITF,S PRESFNT OR AFFECTF,D" form Jor� Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the �007 Progr�ammatic Agreement. l3 of 13