HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140277 Ver 2_02_U-4726DD_NWP_Cover_NCDWR 170804_20170807i .__ __ 14 � %I ,r / � � Axiom Environmenlal, Ync. August 4, 2017 Ms. April Norton N.C. Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Axiom Environmental, Inc. 218 Snow Avenue, Raleigh, North Caroliyia 27603 919-696-3045 RE: Application for Section 404 Nationwide Permit 14 and Section 401 Water Quality Certification 4088 for TIP Project# U-4726DD, Rogers Road Sidewalk Project, SR 1729 (Rogers Road) Sidewalk from SR 1172 (Homestead Road) to Meadow Run Court, Carrboro, Orange County, NC, Federal Aid Project No. STPDA-0702(22). NCDWR Project No. 20140277 Dear April, The Town of Carrboro, Public Works Department proposes to construct a 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along SR 1729 (Rogers Road) in the Town of Carrboro from SR 1777 (Homestead Road) to Meadow Run CoLtrt (Figure 1). Information within this package has been prepared to support the application for authorization of impacts by Nationwide Permit (NWP) 14 (Linear Transportation Projects), along with the associated N.C. Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) Water Quality General Certification 4088 and a Riparian Buffer Authorization. Approval for the proposed project was iiutially requested under a NWP 14 and tbe associated Water Quality Certification (WQC) 3886 on March 20, 2014. An approved NWP 14 was received on April 15, 2014 from David Bailey of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and an approved WQC was received from Dave Wanucha (for Tom Reeder) on April 24, 2014. The approved NWP 14 and WQC 3886 expired on March 18, 2017 with the issuance of the updated 2017 NWPs. An approved Jurisdictional Deter�nination was requested at the time of permit application and was also approved on April 15, 2014. This JD has an expiration date of April 15, 2019. The approved WQC, dated April 24, 2014, is attached. Subsequent to tl�e receipt of the approved NWP 14, no revisions have been applied to the proposed project plans that affect jurisdictional streams or wetlands. Addition of rip rap protection to the toe of the proposed fill slope was determined to be necessary at Site 2(Riparian Buffer Permit drawings, sheet 4). This toe-of-slope protection has been added entirely within the previously proposed cut-fill footprint, and does not affect the area of impacts to protected riparian buffers. Ms. April Norton Axiom Environmental, Inc. August 3, 2017 page 2 Project Purpose and Need The purpose of this project is to provide an alternate mode of transportation (pedestrian). The project will provide a pedestrian circulation network to improve mobility and expand access to downtown Carrboro, schools, parks, bus stops, businesses, residential areas, Town buildings, and other facilities. This project is a part of the Town of Carrboro's sidewalk construction plan that was approved in November 2003. Project Description A 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk, to be used as a pedestrian path, will be constructed along SR 1729 (Rogers Road) in the Town of Carrboro from SR 1777 (Homestead Road) to Meadow Run Court (Figure 1). The length of the project will be approximately 5700 feet. The project will provide sidewalk connectivity along Rogers Road to Homestead Road and Meadow Run Court. The study area associated with this project encompasses approximately 3.3 acres. Water resources in the project area are located within U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit (HLJ) 03030002 (NCDWQ sub-basin 03-06-06 of the Cape Fear River basin). Jurisdictional surface waters, wetlands, and riparian buffers are anticipated to be impacted by project activities. Surface waters impacted by the U-4726DD project drain to Bolin Creek. Bolin Creek is listed by the NCDWR as a Watershed-V (WS-V) Water with the supplemental Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) classification. No surface waters within the study area are listed as impaired by the final 2014 Category 5 Water Quality Assessments-303(d) List. A Stormwater Management Plan is included in this package. Attached to this letter are the following items. • A Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Form • Figure 1. U-4726DD Project Location Map • U-4726DD Stormwater Management Plan, Wetland and Surface Water Impacts Permit Drawings, and summary sheet dated August 2, 2017 • U-4726DD Buffer Permit Impacts Permit Drawings and summary sheet dated August 2, 2017 • U-4726DD Design Plans dated May 17, 2017 • U-4726DD Categorical Exclusion Action Classification Form dated September 19, 2014 and 2017 T&E species update memo dated August 3, 2017 • The previously approved NWP14 for this project, dated April 15, 2014 and the previously approved General Water Quality Certification 3886 for this project dated Apri124, 2014. • A signed Agent Authorization form • A check for the minor water quality application fee of $240 Ms. April Norton Axio�n Eiivironmental, Inc. August 3, 2017 page 3 Based upon Preliminary Design Plans, consti-uction of the Rogers Road sidewalk is anticipated to permanently iinpact a total of 17.3 linear feet of stream and less than 0.01 acre of jurisdictional wetland in each of two locations. Table 1 and the attached Wetland Permit Impact Suminary summarize the total impacts to surface waters and jurisdictional wetland areas. Table 2 and the attached Buffer Impacts Suinmary swnmarize the total iinpacts to riparian buffer areas. Irnpact sites are described below and depicted on the attached permit drawings. Table 3 lists the geographic coordinates of the project impact sites. Table 1. Project Impacts to Surface Waters and Wetlands Perinanent Teinporary Total Permanent Temporary Total Stream Stream Stream Wetland Wetland Wetland Impacted Impacts Impacts Impacts Impacts Impacts Impacts Site Waterbod (feet (feet) (feet (acres acres (acres) 1 UT to Bolin Creek 9 � 3 22 >0.01 -- >0.01 (Streain S1) 2 UT to Bolin Creek 9 l l 20 >0.01 -- >0.01 (Stream S2 Total 18 24 42 >0.01 -- 0.02 Table 2. Project Impacts to Riparian Buffer Areas Buffer Im acts (s uare feet Iinpact Buffered Allowable Site Waterbod Zone 1 Zone 2 Total 1 UT to Bolin Creel< (Stream S1) 1270 811 2081 2 UT to Bolin Creek (Stream S2) 977 567 1544 Total 2247 1378 3625 Table 3. Project Impact Locations NC State Plane, feet (NAD 83) WGS 84, decimal degrees Im act Site EastinQ Northin Latitude Lon itude 1 1,974,581.661 804,503.282 35.960425 -79.085888 2 1,976,170.313 801,251.598 35.951496 -79.080512 Impact Site 1 Impact Site 1 involves the extension of the culvert conveying an uni�amed tributary (UT) to Bolin Creek under Rogers Road in order to construct a 5-foot wide, concrete sidewalk along the west side of the roadway. The existing 48-inch con�,igated metal pipe (CMP) will be extended by 9 feet with a 48-ulch corrugated steel pipe (CSP) extension that incorporates a gasket sleeve connection Ms. April Norton Axiom Environmental, Inc. August 3, 2017 page 4 and an endwall. Temporary impacts due to stream dewatering during construction total 13 feet. Grading of the roadway slope to widen the roadside area appropriately for the five-foot sidewalk is anticipated to permanently impact less than 0.01 acre of jurisdictional wetland (Wetland W1), and mechanized clearing for grading preparation will also impact less than 0.01 acre of Wetland W 1. Due to the minimal width of the proposed fill slope, total permanent impacts to Wetland W 1 are less than 0.01 acre. This wetland area is a North Carolina Wetland Assessment Method (NC WAM) Headwater Forest wetland with an overall functional rating of Low. Construction at this site will result in impacts to 1270 square feet of Zone 1 buffer and 811 square feet of Zone 2 buffer for a total of 2081 square feet of impacts to the riparian buffer. Included within this impact area is a drainage feature that discharges stormwater directly into the riparian buffer. Multiple stormwater discharge options at this site were evaluated in an attempt to avoid buffer impacts, including the location of a drainage structure in a sag over the existing 48" CMP and utilizing the existing outlet, relocating the 2-grated inlet (2-GI) and outlet outside the buffer, and trying to route the drainage pipe from the proposed 2-GI through a Junction Box to an outlet outside the buffer limits. The proposed 2-GI location was the only option deemed feasible with the project elevation constraints. In order to minimize impacts to the riparian buffer and associated surface water, stormwater treatment has been maximized prior to entering the buffer. The proposed location of the 2-GI provides stormwater treatment with approximately 220 linear feet of proposed grass swales to treat stormwater generated within the 0.19 acre drainage area of the 2- GI. The necessary length of grass swales for a drainage area of this size is 19 linear feet (100 linear feet per acre) for effective treatment. The discharge velocity at the end of the rip rap dissipator is calculated at 0.8 feet per second for a 10 year storm event. Impacts to riparian buffers as a result of road crossings are listed as "Allowable." Impact Site 2 Impact Site 2 involves the extension of the culvert conveying an unnamed tributary (UT) to Bolin Creek under Rogers Road in order to construct a 5-foot wide, concrete sidewalk along the west side of the roadway. The existing 48-inch CMP will be extended by 9 feet with two 54-inch CSP extensions that incorporates gasket sleeve connections and endwalls. Temporary impacts due to stream dewatering during construction total 11 feet. Grading of the roadway slope to widen the roadside area appropriately for the five-foot sidewalk is anticipated to permanently impact less than 0.01 acre of jurisdictional wetland (Wetland W 1), and mechanized clearing for grading preparation will also impact less than 0.01 acre of Wetland W 1. Due to the minimal width of the proposed fill slope, total permanent impacts to Wetland W 1 are less than 0.01 acre. This wetland area is a North Carolina Wetland Assessment Method (NC WAM) Headwater Forest wetland with an overall functional rating of Low. Ms. April Norton Axiom Environmental, Inc. August 3, 2017 page 5 Construction at this site will result in impacts to 977 square feet of Zone 1 buffer and 567 square feet of Zone 2 buffer for a total of 1544 square feet of impacts to the riparian buffer. Impacts to riparian buffers as a result of road crossings are listed as "Allowable." Since project impacts do not exceed mitigation thresholds for the requested permits, no mitigation is proposed for this project. Again, the Town of Carrboro is requesting authorization for Section 404 jurisdictional area impacts associated with the construction of a sidewalk adjacent to Rogers Road under NWP 14 (Linear Transportation Projects), along with the associated NCDWR Water Quality General Certification Number 4088 and Buffer Authorization. Thank you for your time and consideration of this important project. If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact Scott Davis (Axiom Environmental, Inc.) at 919-270-9316, or sdavis@axiomenvironmental.org; Josh Dalton (Sungate Design Group) at (919) 859-2243 ext. 201, or jdalton@sungatedesign.com; or the Town of Carrboro point-of-contact, Nate Broman-Fulks, at 919-918-7427, or nbroman- fulks @townofcarrboro. org. Sincerely, Scott G. Davis Axiom Environmental, Inc. Cc. Samantha Dailey, US Army Corps of Engineers Nate Broman-Fulks, Town of Carrboro Josh Dalton, Sungate Design Group