HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170796 Ver 1_Email_20170804Strickland, Bev From: William Wescott <wescottenvironmentalservices@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 3:53 PM To: Pullinger, Robert C Cc: William Wescott Subject: Fwd: Review of PCN for Lot 13 in Dowry Creek, Beaufort County, NC Attachments: Cross section for house and driveway.docx; Measurements for permit areas.docx; Size of adjacent houses.docx Chris, Additional drawings. William ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: William Wescott <wescottenvironmentalservicesggmail.com> Date: Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 8:04 PM �� Subject: Re: Review of PCN for Lot 13 in Dowry Creek, Beaufort County, NC To: "Beecher, Gary H CIV USARMY CESAW (US)" <Gary.H.Beecher(c�r�,usace.army. mil> Cc: "ralan29kymail.com" <ralan29kymaitcom>, William Wescott <wescottenvironmentalservicesggmail.com> Gary, I have reviewed your comments and will address each one. 1) You indicated that the project has not been designed to minimize adverse effects to the Waters of the US. The proposed project has gone through appropriate 'avoidance and minimization' considerations and design. The applicant initially wanted to fill the entire lot to have the house design flexibility and yard utilization that his neighbors currently have. The applicant was informed that such an approach would not qualify for a nationwide permit and that an individual permit would be required. The nationwide permit process and authorization limitation were explained to the applicant. The project was redesigned to fit the terms and conditions of nationwide permits 14 and 18 and will impact a total of 0.19 acres of highly impacted and severely degraded wetlands that are part of a maintained residential yard. In addition to reducing the amount of fill, the applicant also elected to locate the proposed house closer to the road and minimize filling wetlands closer to the Pungo River. The remaining wetlands (0.20 acres) will received runoff from the house and yard, allowing the wetlands to remove nutrients and pollutants; thereby reducing the discharge of pollutants into the Pungo River. As you can see, avoidance, minimization and mitigative measures have been thoroughly examined and incorporated into this project proposal prior to submitting the PCN to you for nationwide permits 14 and 18. The adverse environmental effects of the proposed project are no more than minimal and due to the mitigative measures already incorporated into the project design then compensatory mitigation was not proposed. According to the Federal Register for the 2017 Nationwide Permits, the district engineer may require compensatory mitigation or other forms of mitigation to ensure no more than minimal adverse environmental effects. A decision regarding compensatory mitigation is made after considering the all factors associated with the project as well as any comments from resource agencies. A proposal for compensatory mitigation is not a requirement for a complete application. 2) Additional drawings showing specific measurements have been submitted. Specific engineering drawings showing the exact details of the house are not required. According to Nationwide Permit General Conditions "Sketches should be provided when necessary to show that the activity complies with the terms of the NWP. (Sketches usually clarify the activity and when provided results in a quicker decision. Sketches should contain sufficient detail to provide an illustrative description of the proposed activity (e.g., a conceptual plan), but do not need to be detailed engineering plans)" 3) Information has been provided to show the size of the houses on adjacent lots. Due to the limitations imposed by wetlands and the terms and conditions of the nationwide permits, the size of the proposed house is smaller than the houses on adjacent lots. 4) The footprint of the proposed driveway looks wider than other driveways because the footprint of the proposed road crossing has to take into account not only the travel surface but also the side slopes. The cross section of the road has been provided. 5) The nationwide 14 road crossing is the minimal needed to safely provide a single lane vehicle access from the road to the shoreline. This access will be used by contractors to replace the deteriorated bulkhead and to construct a pier and boat slips. The single lane vehicle access will be vegetated and will continue to be used by the applicant to transport and launch smaller watercraft from the shoreline. I will see you at 1000 at the site. Thanks, William On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 4:15 PM, Beecher, Gary H CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Gary.H.Beecher@usace.army.mil> wrote: William, I've had a chance to review the PCN application for Lot 13 Dowry Creek, Beaufort County, NC. Based on information provided or absent in the submitted PCN I have determined that the application for the NWP 14 and NWP 18 request is not complete. The following information is requested to aid in the completion of the application(s); 1. On page 6 Section 2a of the PCN you have not proposed any mitigation for the wetland impact. The project has not been designed to minimize adverse effects to the Waters of the US on the .58 acre property. Compensatory mitigation is required for all wetland losses that exceed 1/10 of an acre. 2. There is no scale on the proposed house and driveway location. How big is the house footprint? How wide and long is the proposed driveway? What is the proposed final house layout going to look like? 3. Based on HOA / POA rules, what is the minimum house size per lot? 4. Why does it appear that the proposed driveway is twice as wide as the surrounding driveways? (this is why a project scale on the plans would be Helpful) 5. If the bulkhead is already constructed, why does the proposed driveway need to be so long? It appears that bulkhead maintenance can be performed by temporarily crossing through the wetlands via matting or possibly by access via the River. I've got us down for a site visit to verify the wetland line on July 5, 2017 @ 10:00 Please contact me if you have any questions about this e-mail, Respectfully, Gary Cross-section for house and adjacent driveway. 2 feet of fill Set Back = 14 feet Lot Width = 93 feet Set Back = 12 feet Cross-section for portion of driveway from house to bulkhead. Fill for driveway 24 feet wide 2 feet 12 feet * 6 feet 6 feet of fill Lot Width = 93 feet Set Back = 12 feet Roger Peck Lot 13 Dowry Creek Subdivision Red Outlined Area is Lot 13 = 0.58 acres The shaded areas represent wetlands = 0.39 acres Green Area is a driveway (NWP 14 = 0.09 acres) Yellow Area is the house site (NWP 18 = 0.10 acres) Blue Area is to remain wetlands = 0.20 acres 7j,61 4 zo r IL' 14' 43' 24' M lG Size of adjacent houses Subdivision ordnances require the minimum setbacks: a 30 -foot setback from the road; 75 -foot setback from the shoreline; and 10 -foot setback from property lines. Subdivision ordnances require that driveways be designed to accommodate the parking of two vehicles. Subdivision ordnances require walkways to extend from the driveway to the front of the house.